sknerd101 · 5 months
Actually I expected you people to be more welcoming of the non-book readers that are just watching the show. Like. We’re supposed to accept them into the fandom family. We’re supposed to welcome them and teach them the fandom jokes and lie about the spoilers so that they don’t actually get the story spoiled. We are supposed to be a good fandom guys. Did y’all not learn good manners from mama Sally? Do better. Embrace the new fans. Don’t be gatekeepers, you idiots.
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sknerd101 · 5 months
what if blackjack in the pjo show was voiced by Ryan Reynolds
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sknerd101 · 5 months
why do i imagine the batfam finally meeting the league and then one of them going 'how the fuck do you have so many kids?' and little shit Jason goes 'well, when two people love each other very much...' and because Bruce doesn't wanna listen to this, he tiredly reminds Jason: 'you're adopted' which naturally means that Jason is going to dramatically pretend that this is the first time he's heard that and how could Bruce keep this from him, much to the horror of the league and the exasperation of Bruce
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sknerd101 · 7 months
Who at Disney do I have to slip my non-existent money to to get a comic covering the time gap between Rebels and Ahsoka?
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sknerd101 · 7 months
Jesus loved you so much he died for you. His love for you is never ending, no matter what you have done. You cannot change His mind. He loves you forever. You are not too far gone. It's never too late to turn to Him ♡
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sknerd101 · 7 months
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well,it's Saturday here, so I decided to upload it.
Still an adaptation of my favorite novel:
The Author:@justrandomfanfictionskh
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sknerd101 · 7 months
I finally finished! ! ! Look at this.
Adapted from my favorite Damintte novel!!! Spoiler Alert, please note that this is the original AO3 web site:
The author is@justrandomfanfictionskh,Thank you for your excellent work
【Actually,The bats' masks can't see eye color... But I want to draw the beautiful green eyes..】
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sknerd101 · 8 months
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sknerd101 · 8 months
Highlights from the WoT finale off the top of my head:
SPOILERS obviously.
* Lanfear yeeting Lan and Moiraine out the waygate. ‘Walk, bitches’. L O L Forever
* Rand cutting to the chase with the whole Turak scene. I kind of don’t think he entirely meant to do that, but I enjoyed it anyway.
* Uno being a Hero of the Horn. I got misty, okay? I don’t think the timing’s right for him to be Gaidal Cain, but I’m not dug in over it or anything.
* I see you Birgitte. Vaguely because they haven’t properly cast you yet, but I SEE YOU!
* Mat being a clever boy with the dagger.
* Mat saying he remembered once he blew the Horn. Very good. That got me a little misty, too. That was a nice moment to give to Mat. He goes through quite a lot and he can be a Hero of the Horn as a little treat.
* And on that subject: “Dovie’andi se tovya sagain!” (I might’ve punched the air a bit)
* Elayne reminding Nynaeve that, whatever else, she’s still a Wisdom. Elayne’s so great, I’m so pleased with the casting.
* Egwene’s whole thing on the tower with Renna. Get fucked, Renna.
* Egwene standing between Rand (and Mat) and Ishamael.
* Perrin showing up with the shield to stand with Egwene against Ishamael.
* The way they all ended up on the tower. Ta’veren *nods*
* Moiraine telling Lan she always saw him as the better of the two of them. Bless. I mean, we all knew what she meant, but it made him so angsty. We don’t need so much angsty Lan, much as I do adore the man.
* Moiraine raising the banner. Yes.
* Heron brand. Yes. “Twice and twice shall he be marked … Once the heron to set his path.” Watching the show is kind of like seeing prophecy unfold. I keep looking for the Signs of Things Foretold and am so thrilled when they appear.
* Lanfear looking so proud of herself for fucking with Ishamael’s plans until she realized he fucked with her’s first. Oh lol. Forsaken gonna forsake.
* Moghedien being an absolute fucking weirdo creeper. Perfection. Loved it.
* We have to wait how long for season 3? Nonsense.
* Not nearly enough of you are watching this. Tumblr, I swear it’s made for you.
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sknerd101 · 8 months
Please and Thank you!!
Just wanna say this for all of you:
Sabezra can be romantic or it can be space siblings. Both is okay. Both would work.
If they end up going the romantic route, you can still not ship them.
If they end up going the space siblings route, you can still ship them.
Shin x Sabine is not queer bait if it doesn't happen
Id also like to remind everyone that Ahsoka is 47. And Sabine is 30.
And please for the love of god, don't attack anyone or Dave or anything. This show was actually really good and I'd like them to keep making stuff like this.
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sknerd101 · 8 months
I couldn't find a good picture of it but I noticed in the last episode that Liandrin's braid is VERY similar to the Domani's braid. Three braids across the scalp joining into one braid....😮
I think those implications are pretty obvious! So shout out to the costume department for A++++ visual story telling!!! Just 👏👏😍😭
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sknerd101 · 8 months
For Marinette and anyone who identifies with her.
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sknerd101 · 8 months
Sabine: Take the sword
Ezra: No you take the sword!
S: It's your sword.
E: I gave it to you.
S: You need it!
E: No I don't!
This is my new favorite Star Wars interaction! Peek Ghost kids! I love them so much!!! This whole episode was amazing!!! I loved it!!
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sknerd101 · 8 months
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He had always said he was wedded with death. Now a new bride had captured his eyes, though he was blind to it. He thought he still stood strong behind his walls, but Nynaeve had laced bridal flowers in his hair.
THE WHEEL OF TIME Episode 7 | The Dark Along the Ways
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sknerd101 · 9 months
babes. darlings. wot series readers.
I get it. I've read the books more than twenty times through. I was on theoryland. I was on dragonmount. I was am on tarvalon.net. I was on the grey-tower rp site. I was on irc with multiple registered wot usernames. I've gone to RL wot parties to meet wot fans I'd only hung out with online. I'm such a fucking wot nerd that I've visited wot fans on three continents to hang out with them in person. I have a Badali officially licensed Aes Sedai ring I wear most days, and I have had multiple Aes Sedai shawls. I've written wiki pages and articles for online WoT newspapers. I've literally taught WoT classes. I put the fanatic back in fan!
The show is different. the show has problems. the show has idiosyncracies and fuck-ups.
just. like. THE BOOKS!
fuck, I love it. I'm having such a good time loving it. I can love it and have criticisms. All I've done for over 15 yrs is lovingly critique the books! Why would the show be any different!
We are so lucky. Our showrunners love the source material! We don't see headlines like the Witcher, where the writers and directors literally hated the source material. We have real, handmade costumes and handmade sets like the much-lauded LotR movies, and unlike the much-maligned Rings of Power.
It's so much fun loving WoT. It's so delightful having theorizing back!! I get to make crackpot theories about the Wheel of Time again! how cool is that?! is the show perfect? Certainly not! but we're WoT fans! Since when have we needed perfection??
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sknerd101 · 9 months
I decided it's more funny that Ezra not only escaped Thrawn when they got there but Thrawn has also failed to capture him in 10+ years so he's fucking done.
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sknerd101 · 9 months
Ahsoka Spoilers
Ok I have thoughts...
2. The reunion was a little underwhelming, but I'll forgive it if we get quality ghost kid shenanigans next episode.
3. "I can't wait to go home" AAAHHHH!!!! This is so sad!!! How is he going to react when he hears the truth? What now? GAHHH!! SABINE!!! TELL YOUR BROTHER THE TRUTH!!!
4. Five minutes in and Thrawn is already screaming and showing off his intelligence. I LOVE IT! But I'm low-key terrified!!!
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