skystark · 10 years
Awesome. So skip class with me. We have to catch up on everythingggg and talk. We can head to my room or some shit. Where'd you wanna go?
*first bell rings for class*
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skystark · 10 years
Skip it! You have to fill me in. How is everyone? How's your dad? How's my dad? Is captain America still mr perfect?
*first bell rings for class*
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skystark · 10 years
Don't you dare *jumps onto his back and clings* you just fucking got here I demand bro bonding or else.
*first bell rings for class*
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skystark · 10 years
Hell yeah! This is where I was sent after the incident! How's my favorite friend doing? *noogie*
*first bell rings for class*
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skystark · 10 years
Bro! *le run up and hug attack*
*first bell rings for class*
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skystark · 10 years
"Nice pajamas, " sky teased, trying not to laugh at her wearing their dad's face on her pants. "Where'd you get them, the kid section?" He nodded along as she spoke, "yeah, keep your image about being bad to the bone." He almost laughed when she commented on her personality. "Yeah. You are a bit of a bitch to me, yknow? And why should you even care? Why should I care if you forget anyways? He was my friend then shit went down. You always act like you don't care, so don't pretend that you do."
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skystark · 10 years
Yes. A thousands time yes. Cupcakes!
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skystark · 10 years
"Iron man my dad. But being the assassin's kid would be cool," sky said, laughing when he felt his ear be flicked. "And you're the kid, look you even pouted! What are you, five?" This guy was absolutely a weird guy, but he was pretty chill. At least he could take a joke, unlike some people. "So how are you enjoying the school?"
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skystark · 10 years
.....no fucking way.
*first bell rings for class*
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keep it together
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skystark · 10 years
"ow ow ow!" He smacked Casper's hand away and rubbed his cheek. "You should be a Shakespeare character. You definitely can pull off the language. Maybe Juliet would suit you." Sky smirked and stuck his tongue out at Casper. "Yeah superpowers. Well, mainly a god, a super soilder, two assassins and an iron man. Whack-ass group." Sky didn't know what to do when he felt an arm around his waist, and simply patted the guy's back. Usually he was all touchy touchy and would throw in a dirty joke, but today was a crap day for him. "Yeah, but enemies are the shit! It's not love until you can punch a person in the face and not feel bad." Sky laughed at his own comment. "You don't at all. You seem like a confused kid, and I'm probably fucking younger than you. You need to learn the world."
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper leaned over and tugged on Sky’s cheek. “I wonderth if thou likes his cheeks being pitchitched?” Casper laughed, attempting his best at a Shakespearean tone. “Superpowers?” Casper gave Sky a look of disbelief. But as Sky began talking about finding real friends, Casper’s expression changed again. He grinned hugging Sky’s waist as tightly as he could. “Is that so Sky? Wouldn’t that mean that soon I’ll find real enemies as well?” Casper asked as he moved his head back slightly looking up at Sky. “Do I really seem like the type of person who demands to be bowed to?” 
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skystark · 10 years
Out of everyone he would want to come onto the roof, Audrey was probably the least favorable. She probably didn't even remember the importance of this date, but at least she didn't sass him like usual. It was well into the night, and pretty chilly out. While usually he would push his sister away, she was actually being -dare he say- considerate by asking whether or not he wanted her to stay. "Nah, you can chill with me. I could use a friendly face right now." Sky patted the area next to him and sat up. "What brings my darling sister up here? Came to your usual perch for surprise strifes? Or just came to bug me?" He couldn't help being a bit mean, he was just in a very pissy mood.
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
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skystark · 10 years
Sky laughed at the fact he only just got a cellphone. "Are you serious? God, you're like something straight out of a Shakespeare book. Does thou speakest like this?" Being raised by technology, the thought of writing letters and living without a cellphone for a day was enough to make him break out laughing. However, when Casper asked about why it wasn't safe his laughter died on his lips. "Well, anyone really working with my family isn't safe, especially not his family. Superpowers and all that nonsense." He shrugged off the thoughts of home. "Oh? A prince? Well don't expect any bowing or that kind of crap. I don't roll like that. Everyone may like you back home just because of your wealth and power, believe me I know. But here no one really gives a flying fuck. Here, you'll find your real friends bruh."
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
"I write letters all the time before I got my first cellphone this year for my birthday. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with sending letters to people. They’re a lot more valuable than a text message to me." Casper explained feeling a bit offended. Maybe he was just too old fashioned. "Why wouldn’t you be safe around his family?" Casper now leaned all the way back no matter how cold the surface beneath him was. "Well, I’m a prince back home. I’m used to being I don’t know proper and having everyone like me? Here I don’t think everyone does and I’m starting to wonder if I was the same person I was back home without any money or social status if I’d be treated the same way." 
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skystark · 10 years
"You don't have to help me you know. I'll be fine. And I wish. My mom doesn't think I'm safe around his family, so my phone cant contact him and who writes letter?" Sky scoffed at the idea of actually sitting down and writing a letter. Do they sell stamps anymore? He didn't know, but he'd be surprised as fuck if the answer was yes. "Nah, stereotypes are interesting. Where were you from that made coming here such a reality shift?" Sky grew up in a rich home, yet he always tried to behave like he wasn't so that he wouldn't end up like a snot-nosed rich kid. Was that what this guy was?
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper raised an eyebrow and nodded. A best friend. That made a bit more sense, sort of. He gave Sky a sympathetic sad smile. “Can’t you call him? I’m sorry I don’t know what else I can say to help Sky. You could also try writing to him?” Casper suggested. He leaned up so he could cross his legs. “Shouldn’t I? I’m really not all that interesting Sky. I think I’m a stereotype.” Casper nodded. “Yeah, definitely a stereotype. I don’t want to be one. Maybe I’m a bit too oblivious as to what the real world is like so me coming here is like a push into reality.”
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skystark · 10 years
"It is a compliment. It means you're interesting," Sky elaborated and laughed at the birthday comment. "It's for my best friend back home. I got sent here because I did some stupid stuff and had to learn to 'be less reckless' yadda yadda. We've been glued together since we were kids, and it's like the first birthday ever we've been apart. Whose going to give him birthday punches if I'm not there?" The more he talked, the worse Sky's mood was getting. He really missed everyone back home, including fucking Fred. "And don't worry what other people say, what matters is what you say and think right? No one should change you," he said honestly. People here said a lot of whack stuff, and he hoped it wasn't messing with Casper's head.
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper started laughing again, a rebel? He couldn’t even think of connecting himself and a rebel together. “Thank you, if that counts as a compliment.” At the mention of a birthday Casper looked around. Americans were certainly odd, did they really celebrate birthdays without anything set up at all? “Where is the birthday person or did they not show up yet? Is the celebration over?” Casper asked a confused expression had stricken his face as he looked back at Sky as he sat up. “I was just wondering about certain things people have said to me on my first day is all.”
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skystark · 10 years
"Statement? Ah, you're a rebel. But a considerate rebel." He listened to the boy ramble on, enjoying the fact that this kid was different. A lot of people could die from second hand smoke, but to most it didn't matter. "I'm just up here celebrating a birthday. Rosemary? Well let me tell ya that you can tell me whatever is going on in your mind because mine is pretty messed up. You have to let some people in to find the people worth caring about, y'know?" He sat up and looked at Casper. "What are you wondering about?
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper put his hand back into place. “I’m making a statement to my parents. It’s just a bunch of bullshit, not really that much of a big deal.” Casper waved it off. “People should have manners, and think about others surrounding them before they endanger them right? A lot of people can die from second hand smoke even though..” Casper laughed, as he started to ramble. “I’m talking a lot. So why are you up here Sky? What’s bugging you? Princess Rosemary White says that if you’re a smart stranger then you shouldn’t tell what goes on in your head. But then, how do people make friends with others if they don’t let another person into their head?” Casper asked looking up at the stars in the sky. “I wonder…” Casper bit the inside of his cheek. 
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skystark · 10 years
Sky barely heard the mumble, and he wasn't sure whether or not to pry. But, him being him, he chose to be a bit nosy. "Why you trying to destroy your body? And thanks for not smoking in my face." He shook Casper's hand and smiled wide. "I'm Sky Stark. Nice to meet you," he said. This guy wasn't a douchebag, so Sky did not mind his company on the roof. He hoped that the guy would elaborate his previous statement, but he would only push a lot to get an answer. Sky could smell some of the cigarette smoke on Casper, and he crinkled his nose a little.
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper shuffled awkwardly toward the other boy, sitting down with his legs extended using his arms for support. “That’s the point.” Casper mumbled before speaking louder, “and I’m not going to smoke in your face that’s rude.” Casper stated, turning to look at the other boy. He offered him a smile, and extended one of his arms over himself for Sky to shake. “I’m Casper Rose, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
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skystark · 10 years
"Fucking peachy," Sky grumbled out. Today was getting worse and worse, but no point in taking his anger out on this guy. "You can smoke here. It's not my roof." He went back to looking up at the night sky, shifting over slightly so that there was more room. "Smoke to your hearts content, but that shit'll kill you." He said, turning his head to look at the guy. He got a weird vibe from him, and he had no idea why. "Who are you new kid?" Maybe talking would help him forget, hell it would make the night pass easier.
Unhappy Birthdays /// Open Para
Casper was on his last four cigarettes, and he really wanted to smoke them all tonight. It was too late to go to the park again, and the entryway to the school he didn’t want a random person coming past and inhaling his smoke. So he went exploring around the school looking for vacant places, and within time he found the roof of the building. The prince inwardly cheered proud of his victory no matter how small it actually was. Pulling out his pack and looking back up grinning he noticed someone was laying down in the area that he was going to sit. The figure turned it’s head to look at him, “What?” Was the question that he asked, and Casper felt as though he was bothering the stranger while he was having a moment. “I wanted to smoke, but you’re here.” Casper frowned, putting the pack of Marlbaro cigarettes away. “Are you alright?” 
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