There was a frantic knock on the door. Ellie checked the peep-hole, expecting to see her step brother, Richie. Instead, it was her friend, Sofia. She'd barely unlocked it, and Sofia came bursting in.
"Jeez, what's got into you? I thought it was Richie, tryna make it back before he pees his pants again!" She smirked to herself. "Of course... if it was... I wouldn't have opened it so quick!" She giggled a little.
Both her and Sofia delighted in tormenting her step brother. After Ellie had discovered that Richie had had some trouble in the past with bed wetting, and briefly some daytime accidents too, she'd begun teasing him about it. Not long after that, the problem began resurfacing.
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"Ellie! Drop whatever you're doin'. We've gotta get over to Jessica's!" Sofia blurted out excitedly.
"Wha...? Who...? Who's... Jessica...?" Ellie muttered in confusion. Most of their friends were mutual, and she didn't recall Sofia ever mentioning a Jessica.
"Alex's girlfriend."
"Alex...?" Ellie paused, somehow now even more confused. "Wait, your boyfriend, Alex...? His... girlfriend?"
There was another frantic banging on the door. This time, it was Richie. He had a key, but Ellie's key was already in, so it couldn't be unlocked from outside.
"Ellie...! Please...! I gotta peeee...!" he whined.
Ellie rolled her eyes. While she'd wanted to keep him locked out there until he pissed himself anyway, she was now far more interested in her friends apparent love triangle. "In a minute, don't get your panties in a bunch!" she yelled out.
"Least of his worries!" Sofia giggled, always happy to see Richie lose it in his pants. She called out to him, "Yeah, sorry... just having a little girl talk in here. Be a big boy for me and hold it...!" she teased. She knew the poor boy had a crush on her, which only made it funnier for her.
"Yeah... anyway..." she turned back to Ellie, "so... I got talking to this girl in line for Starbucks, and she gets talking about her boyfriend, and everything she says about him I'm like... oh, mine too! And when she mentions his actual name I'm like... that cannot be a coincidence. Turns out it wasn't!"
"The son of a bitch!" Ellie exclaimed. But while she would've expected outrage, her friend looked positively giddy with excitement. "Uhh... and... are you... OK...?" she asked.
"Oh! Better than OK!" Sofia grinned. "We were both pissed but, hey, neither of us knew about the other so, we figured he was cheating on both of us. And girls gotta stick together, so it's time for a little payback!'"
"Ohhh... Okayyy..." Ellie smirked. "What'd you have in mind?"
Sofia giggled. "Well... we were at Starbucks anyway..."
Ellie burst out laughing. Knowing exactly what that meant. "Ohh... Ordered off the menu, did ya?" she grinned wickedly.
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"That, is exactly what we did..." Sofia confirmed. "So... when he get's over to her house, my new bestie, Jess, is gonna have a fresh, fountainoluccino ready and waiting for him. So he's gonna have an unexpected need to pee about 5 minutes later. And what he's really not gonna be expecting, is to find both of his girlfriends there!"
"Ha ha! You Bitch! I love you!" Ellie cackled. "Almost enough to forgive you calling this girl your bestie!" she pouted, but with a hint of a smirk.
"Aww... sorry, babe!" Sofia cooed. "You know you're my real bestie. Hey, that's why I'm telling you to come over. You're not gonna wanna miss this!"
"Mmm... you're right about that..." Ellie purred. "Can't wait to see the look on his face when you bust him. He's gonna piss himself for real!"
The pair of them burst out laughing.
"I'd bet a lot of boys would wet themselves just knowing they'd been caught!" Sofia giggled. "Buuuut, we wanted to make doubly sure!"
It was just then, Richie tried once again, rapping on the door to get his Step Sister's attention. "Nnnnggghhh... Come ooonnn! Pleeeaasssee... open the door...!"
"Oh yeah... speaking of boys pissing their pants..." she chuckled. She turned to Sofia. "Should I let him in...? I mean... If we let him in now, he could still make it to the bathroom in time..." she teased her friend, "but I know you're in a big rush to go see your new bestie..."
Sofia grinned mischievously. "Hmm... yeeeaahhhh... buuut... I'm sure we have a few minutes to spare..." the pair of them started giggling at the thought of once again forcing Richie to piss himself. And they didn't expect it to take long.
"Come oooonnn... this isn't fair!" he begged. "I made it home, you're just not letting me iiinnnn!"
On the other side of the door, Sofia giddily watched him clutching himself through the peep-hole and giggled. "Hey..." she whispered, giving Ellie a sly wink, "I've got an idea!"
Sofia opened the door and pulled Richie inside. "Oh heeeyy... c'mere, youuu" she giggled, hugging his face into her considerable chest.
Ellie covered her face as her friend teased her helpless brother.
"Thanks for waiting. Such a sweetie, letting me hog your big sis like that. And did you keep your pants dry all day for us, like a big boy...?"
With his face buried in her cleavage, he completely forgot about his desperation for a few, brief moments... but that lapse in concentration proved a fatal mistake. A hot geyser of pee erupted from his suddenly hard cock to remind him.
"Oops!" Sofia giggled, releasing him from her embrace. "Well... almost managed it anyway. Better luck next time!" She beamed. "Oh... we still on for Saturday?" She smirked, lauding that while his parents were away, she'd be over to see Ellie and to "Babysit" Richie, as they put it.
"Oh... he can't wait... just look how excited he is!" Ellie giggled at his misfortune, pointing to his soaking wet pants, and obvious erection. "Aww... poor lil' thing. Just couldn't hold all that pee in!" she taunted him.
"Heyyy... don't you listen to mean ol' big sis!" Sofia mockingly reassured him.
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"Besides... being a big boy down there, doesn't mean you can't have accidents. As my soon-to-be-ex is about to find out!"
"Ooohhh... Sof... you little slut, you never mentioned that..." Ellie grinned wickedly. "Now I really want to see this!"
They both giggled excitedly.
"Then we'd better get goin'," Sofia smirked. "Seeya Saturday, Richie!" she kissed him on the cheek with an audible smack, causing Ellie to shake her head. That was a bit much, even by her standards.
"Yeesh..." she muttered. "Yeah, later, bro..." she waved as they made their way out. "Oh... and... clean that up before Mom gets home. I'm not gonna tell her but... you know... she can figure that out!" she pointed to the puddle.
"Byesies!" Sofia waved, this time blowing a kiss. As the walked down the driveway she teased Ellie. "Bet the puddle won't be the only mess he needs to clean up while we're gone!"
"Ewwww...." Ellie giggled... "Bet he won't even take his pants off first. Ha ha ... well... he'll be thinking about you so... enjoy that image."
Sofia grinned widely. "Hmmm... I dunno... He is kinda cute!" She giggled at Ellie's reaction. "And I am about to be single again... does he have a girlfriend...?"
Ellie raised an eyebrow and just stared at her. A few seconds later Sofia cracked up laughing, and Ellie shook her head.
"Totally had you going..." she cackled. "But hey, at least I wouldn't have to worry about other women!" Her eyes narrowed. "Alex, on the other hand... he'd better be worried about other women!"
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"Hey..." Skylar beamed. " Cheating boyfriend special for... Alex?"
Jess smiled wickedly back. "Oh yes, that's for me!"
"Popular choice," Skylar giggled, "especially considering it's not officially on the menu."
Jessica sighed, "at least I'm not the only one..."
Sky shrugged, "sadly not. Lot of creeps out there. Buuuut I like to think our little off the books service oughta give a few of them the attitude adjustment they so desperately need. Emphasis on the desperately..." she winked.
Jess cackled gleefully. "HA! Can't wait to see the look on his face when it hits. I've got it all planned out too. He is never gonna live this down..." She saw an eager grin on Skylar's face. "I'll come back and show you the video sometime. Thanks again."
"Oh yes, please!" Sky nodded enthusiastically.
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"Oh... and... take extra care not to spill that, by the way..." she smirked as she handed over Alex's drink.
Jess cocked an eyebrow. As if she planned on wasting it.
"Um... yeah... so... Sof's a friend of mine and, well aside from having the secret ingredient in there, me and a couple of other girls took the liberty of... um... how do I say... sprinkling in a little... personal touch..."
Jess's eyes lit up. Envisioning her new friend and several others passing the cup around...
"Not enough that he should really taste it but... you'll know..." Sky blushed a little.
"Oh ho ho...!" Jess chuckled. "Well... um... that is going above and beyond. Ha ha... uhh... I don't normally tip for coffee but... I think you've earned this..." she reached into her purse.
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"On the house..." Skylar waved her off. "But if you can leave a review..."
"5 Stars... easy!" Jess sniggered.
"Thanks. Come back any time..." She chirped. "Oh... and if you can show me the video... you'll be drinking here for free!"
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"Tu es pressé, bébé ? Je t’ai jamais vu sortir d'un magasin aussi rapidement..." 😅
- Euh…oui... urgh... veux-tu, s'il te plaît, dépêche-toi ! 😣
"Ouh la ! Détends-toi chéri ! Moi j’ai le temps, et en plus, je porte des talons donc, je ne peux pas marcher aussi vite que toi..." 👠
"Argh ! Dépêche-toi quand même ! Je dois aller aux toilettes !" 😩
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"Oh arrête un peu de jaspiner, tu n’as bu qu’une tasse de café, pas cinquante ! Ton envie ne doit pas être aussi avancée que ça ! 😌
"Ouais... c'est facile à dire pour toi. T’as été pisser avant de partir… 🙄
"Je t’avais pourtant dit d’y aller ! Mais non, monsieur sait se retenir" 😌
"Peu importe, s'il te plaît, ouvre la portière, j’en peu plus…" 😬
"Bien sûr... donne-moi les clés..." 😏
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"Oh non... ça ne s'ouvre pas..." 🔒
"Ce n'est pas drôle ! Allez !" 🫨
"Sérieusement, pffft ! La clé marche pas ! 🔑Regarde ! J'essaye vraiment... he he he..."
"Appuies sur le de bouton du haut !" 🥴
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"Ha ha... de toutes façons, tu es plié en 4 au milieu du parking, tu n’arriveras jamais à temps aux toilettes... Donc tu devrais lâcher prise, et te pisser dessus maintenant, plutôt que de faire pipi sur mon siège …" ☺️
"Tu rigoles, j’ai une réputation à tenir… Je vais pas me faire dessus pour te faire plaisir… 😠
"T’es sur ? 😏, 😙 PSssssSsssSsss
AAAH ! Fais pas ça ! *PsssSsssSssssss* 💦💦💦
*Bip* 🔓 Oh regarde ! Ça remarche maintenant..."
"C’est pas vrai ?!!! 😣 T’es sérieuse là ? 😨
Moi... ? C'était un accident, bébé. Les accidents ça arrive, tu sais... 😉
Par contre, c’est hors de question que tu montes avec ton pantalon mouillé, on va devoir y retourner pour t’acheter un paquet de couches… 😅
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"Sorry for hogging the bathroom, bro, and right before your big date! I know you're really nervous about it... he he... the wet pants are a bit of a giveaway. But I get it, she is sooo hot. Lemme just grab a quick pic to remember the evening..."
*Knock Knock*
"Ooh! That'll be her now! What...? You want me to let her in...? Kinda rude, bro. You should do that yourself..."
"Urgh... fine... I guess I'll let you get changed. But if she asks... I'm not gonna lie for you. That's not cool. Total violation of the baby bro code!"
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"Oops! Guess I spoke too soon on that one!"
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"Looks like you enjoyed that more than I did! Good job no one's around to see the mess we've made! Guess we'd better wash ourselves off before some comes. He he... someone else I mean... Ha ha ha ha!"
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"Whew... made it! Close call too. I've really gotta pee, that was a long ride. You OK, hon...?"
"He he... I'll take your little pee dance there as a, No!"
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"Arrgh! Come on Lisa, open up! I'm burstin' here. Ha ha... Ohh... this is just like that time we were in college. Were you there? Lisa locked all these Frat boys out of their house when they were having a party and they couldn't get back in. Oh, god, that was so funny. All these guys dancing around because they didn't what to whip it out in front of all the sorority girls..."
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"Although I guess peeing their pants was probably worse in the end. Still we all thought it was hilarious. All these guys hitting on us, but then wouldn't dare get it out with us watching. Definitely the funniest prank we ever pulled.... Oh... you don't think she's doing it again, do ya?"
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"Oh! Shit! Babe! You're... Oh my god, your pants... they're soaked! Ha ha ha! Oh... I'm sorry! He he.... really, not funny. He he... seriously, I shouldn't laugh. I'll end up like you!"
"You two having fun out here...?"
"Lisa! Hey, girl! Long time. He he... Oh, were we supposed to use the other door?"
"He he... sorry, babe. My bad. Shoulda tried the other one."
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"He he... bring back old memories, Lis?
"He he... Rings a bell. Umm... when you said it'd be fun to drop by and re-live our college days... I wasn't thinking that part in particular. Still... appreciate the effort."
"Ha ha! Thought you would! Just like old times!"
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Gabby would never settle for just standing in her little brother's way when he needed the bathroom. She always made as big a show as possible out of it.
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"Oops. Ha ha... guess you were right, the place is closed after all. Ohhh... and you really have to pee...? Oh, no, that's gonna be a problem. He he... if only I'd known..."
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"What was that about a long walk in the country...? He he... I told you there were no bathrooms out here, and they don't take kindly to strangers peeing on their bushes. Good news is they're totally fine with them pissing their pants, but you're gonna find the rest of the walk pretty uncomfortable!"
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"I told you coffee's a drink for big boys who can keep their pants dry. You insisted sweetie, so you've got no one to blame but yourself there."
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"I admire your confidence... the videos I've seen of the Starbucks challenge... doesn't seem to send so well for the guy. Maybe they just don't post the ones where he wins."
He he... can't believe these guys haven't figured it out. Did they really think all these girls suddenly thought it'd be a fun idea to start playing "hold it" against boys? Like we'd just play it totally fair, no worries, risk having to piss our panties in front of them for no reason. So stupid.
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"Mmm... creamy... he he he... look at you... squirming away. So cute. Think you've got a chance...? Ha! I don't think so. I'm gonna kick your ass, and you're gonna piss your pants!"
I'm not lying at least. That stuff's pretty god damn powerful. Seriously though, these guys in the videos all end up totally pissing themselves in like, 5 minutes and that didn't strike anyone as unusual. Like they can't normally hold on any longer than that? Didn't set off any alarms?
Oh... and these girls always have their friends over when they make the challenge? Totally not suspect...? Oh yeah... not only am I ready to piss myself for no reason, I thought I'd want my friends to watch too?
Ha ha... well... sucks for them but hey, I'm loving the trend. All my socials are flooded with these videos. Ha ha. Geddit? Flooded...? Yeah, you get it. Ooh... this guy's gonna crack any second...
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"You doin' OK there, baby? I could do this all day..."
Ha ha... he's getting hard too! I hope what they say is true. Like when you drink this, it's even harder for them to hold it when they're horny. He he... Too bad he's watching your truly suck every last drop of this up...
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"Oopsie! Looks like we can chalk up another win for the girls. And another pair of wet pants for the boys!"
Now... which of my friends I should challenge next...?
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“If there’s one thing I enjoy above all else about being a cheerleader, it’s watching the guys who are watching me. Not the players, those meatheads are really dull, I like to see the pervs on the side watching me.”
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“Once I catch one of them, I keep making eye contact, as long as they think I’m interested, they don’t dare to move, even if they’ve had a few too many beers. If you keep them distracted, they just forget about their needs, until it’s too late!”
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“Oh! There goes another one! Three so far today, and it’s only the first quarter. This is going to be a great game!”
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“You… come here… Now what do we have here? Another little boy who can’t keep his pants dry…”
Lisa was one of the cruellest girls in school, She knew her smile alone would leave any of the boys drenching themselves as soon as they came close. She always made sure to do it when her friends were around, just to make sure everyone knew who was the alpha.
As a dark stain spread down the front of the boys pants, she leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Good boy, now you run home to mommy, try not to wet the bed tonight when you’re dreaming about me. Bet you do though.”
Sadly for him, she was right as usual.
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“Oh sweetheart, you know you always lose this battle of wills of ours. I tell you to wet, you say no, and I stare at you until you give in and piss your pants. It would be one thing if you ever held on for more than a minute, but we know that’s never going to happen, and… oh… there we go… Mmmm, does that feel nice? I bet it does, naughty boy. Someone’s earned themselves a treat tonight.”
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"Are you OK, honey? I know you were worried to come out somewhere a little more classy. I bet you like seeing me in this dress though... is it feeling a little tight in your pants right now...? Mmm... I bet it is..."
"Don't look so worried... it's not gonna show... He he... well... I guess everyone seeing you've got a boner in your pants is the least of your worries. He he... and of course... if you get really excited... that shouldn't show either."
"You do look good in that suit, you know. But the thing I like most is knowing what you've got under it. I can't wait to see your face when you start peeing your diaper. He he... I hope you don't leak... ha ha... well... I sort of do but... I know you don't want it to go that far..."
"OH! It's happening, isn't it! Oh my god, that's so hot. He he he... was it a lot...? It's OK, I don't see a wet spot... yet... ha ha ha ha ha! Oh you look so cute, all red in the face. OK, let's go. I wanted to see you wet in public, but I'm gonna need to get you alone to finish what I really want to do to you!"
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"Oh my god, I cannot believe you've just pissed yourself! Oh...? It's because those girls were teasing you for being a sissy? Well... you sure showed them, didn't you? Good lord, I've half a mind to put you in this dress and leave you with them!"
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