sp4c3b0yw0rld · 5 days
I went to a second-hand dvd store today, look what I found
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WHY WOULD YOU EVEN WANT THAT (I'm talking about the mysterious skin dvd)
Don't get me wrong, the movie is great but I don't think there's anyone who would want to see it again after the first time. Anyone.
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 11 days
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Me when I'm old
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 13 days
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my honest reaction
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 18 days
Just watched Smile, honestly wtf
I mean, I get the message of it, the movie is fine and everything (not my favorite kind of horror movie but it's good) but what is this thing
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And why is there a sequel that's supposed to be released this year?
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I really think there's no need for this movie to have a sequel, the ending was fine and, yes, we "don't know" what's going to happen after Joel has seen Rose set herself on fire but we actually know (the curse it's just going to keep spreading to other people, maybe someone notices and tries to stop it, maybe not).
So this either becomes a mid sequel or maybe completes the story and gives us a whole different point of view (I don't think so, but there's a possibility).
Anyway, my rating for this movie is a 7 out of 10; let me know your opinion on it.
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 22 days
Just watched (500) Days of Summer
What did we learn?
- love isn't real
- girls that like the same crap as you aren't real
- if she likes the smiths she's an emotionless human being or a robot
- if they gift you a Valentine's Day card, you eat it
- she's not the one (she is)
- there are plenty more fish in the sea (there are not)
- after Summer, comes Autumn (it's going to be even worse this time, prepare for it)
- expectations are never going to equal reality (reality is never going to be that good)
Being serious now, I loved this movie. I know some people may find it boring but I think it depends on how you see it, the circumstances you're in and basically how you perceive love.
It's just one of those movies you see once and stays in your brain forever, at least for me.
In conclusion,
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 25 days
Yesterday I saw Abigail (2024)
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And I actually didn't like it (I know a lot of people did, but honestly I was just waiting for it to end).
I'm too tired now to write a proper review, but here are some things I wrote yesterday after watching the movie (there may be some mistakes btw):
I have so much to say, I'm not sure if I'll get to say anything at all.
The idea was good, the characters were good, but the movie wasn't that good.
I don't know if it's the script, the act or what is it but something just feels wrong.
Talking about feeling, I didn't feel anything with this movie, so I'll consider that a bad point
I mean, whenever you watch a movie you're supposed to feel something, not just to stare at the screen and keep asking yourself over and over what's happening and why are you watching it.
Seriously, I felt nothing at all
Like the act, some of them were good, of course, but sometimes it didn't feel real (I obviously know nothing's real, but everything just felt so fake) and the characters seemed to only interact with each other like they were following a script, I didn't felt there was a true bond between any of them.
I didn't find it funny nor scaring nor entertaining
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Forget it guys, the almost two hours of suffering were worth it 😻
Final rating: 4/10
In the end this is only my opinion, so bye n see you soon!
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
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Real ones print Pinterest watchlists and hang them on their walls.
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
Today I watched...
The Strangers (2008)
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And I was a bit disappointed
knock knock
Why do they keep opening the door to strangers in the middle of the night? 😭
Haven't you seen a horror movie in your life?
"But it was late and maybe they thought the woman needed help" Okay, then why do you answer when you're alone (I'm talking about her) after hearing the same woman asking the same question for the second time?
If that happens, you run! (or pretend you're not there). But you do not answer the door.
"Will you just stay on the phone with me?" Proceeds to hang up the phone.
JAMES IS NOT HOME GIRL (She hears a noise and, knowing James is not home, still asks "James??" WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT?)
I love when non-creepy music plays in the background when smth is happening.
She's panicking, and what does the guy do? He leaves her alone. 😐
Don't scream at people wearing weird masks in the middle of the night, do you want them to kill you or something? (They did btw)
THE SHINING REFERENCE!!! (when the guy with a mask breaks the door with an axe and the girl starts screaming).
We're not even going to talk about the friend that got killed accidentally because that was stupid.
If you're escaping from 3 killers, you may be a little careful and try not to hurt yourself, just saying.
I wrote all of that while watching the movie sorry hahshhs
I mean, it was fine, but it's just like another generic horror movie, idk.
The characters try their best, they make stupid choices and they end up being killed.
Meh, it's fine if you're bored but nothing special. There's a moment where everything feels repetitive.
The ending was my favorite part, though.
It's weird because normally the characters die/get killed at night
And they left the woman alive... 🤔
I heard that there's a sequel, so I'll probably watch it (they don't tell us anything about the killers, I'm curious).
Final rating: 5.7/10 (I would not rewatch it, but it isn't bad)
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In the end, this is just my opinion, if you've liked this movie that's fine; so bye n see you soon!
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
How I look after saying that I can't go out because I have a lot of work to do:
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(I haven't got any work I'm just going to watch the same movie for thirteenth time)
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
The urge to ask for movie recommendations/search for recommendations online when you have more than 150 in your watchlist.
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
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Do I really need to say something?
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
add reanimator to the list
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10/10 rom-coms, would recommend to a romcom nerd. Totally no blood or murder or anything. Just pure love, romance and, comedy!
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
I just finished watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and I have to say I prefer the movie.
I mean I liked the series, it was fun to watch, and it added more depth to some characters than the movie did (Matthew Patel was my favorite, they should've added the "Slick" song), but idk, the movie was goofy and I loved it; in the end, these two are just alternative versions of the same story (I like to believe the movie is what happened if Scott won the fight with Matthew).
Also, I haven't read the comic (not yet).
Some pics bcs why not:
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He's just like me fr
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Realest scene ever (JUST NOTICED THE "NO FEAR" SHIRT)
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My room
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Sex Bob-Omb (I even made a bracelet what is wrong with me)
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Me n the gang
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When I said I made a bracelet I really meant it
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
Same scene, different font
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
Today I watched...
Re-Animator (1985)
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And it was far more entertaining than I expected.
I heard some things about this movie, and honestly I didn't think I would like it, but I was wrong.
My eyes were glued to the screen, it's not like this is the best movie I've ever seen, but it's definitely more entertaining and sometimes even funny than I originally thought.
I know it's not even supposed to be funny, but some scenes made me laugh, idk.
I have to say I wasn't expecting the gory parts either, I thought this was going to be a typical Frankenstein/mad scientist kind of thing more than a Night of the Living Dead thing.
I mean, at first there are only 2, but then a lot of dead bodies come back to life and start attacking them like they were zombies.
I don't know what else to say, I'm bad at reviewing movies I like (I don't even know if what I write can be called a "movie review"; they're usually just complaints or compliments).
Final rating: 8.5/10 (I enjoyed watching it and would rewatch it)
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In the end, this is only my opinion; bye n see you soon!
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
"Sequels suck"
Well you haven't seen Scream 2; just finished watching it, in my opinion this was better than the original and far more entertaining.
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They should've kept Randy alive though.
RIP Randy, you would've loved letterboxd and criticizing horror movies 😔
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sp4c3b0yw0rld · 1 month
Today I watched...
[REC]² (2009)
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And I have mixed feelings about it.
I know how this is going to sound, but the first one was definitely better.
If you've watched this movie, I think we can agree that the first part is boring and predictable. And repetitive as well.
It's like: "They enter the building without knowing what's going on and one of them gets infected, wow! And they get chased by the zombies on the building, where have I seen that before?" *cough, the first movie, cough*
And then there's this guy who is supposed to be a medical officer, but it's actually a priest, and he's there to get blood from the originally infected girl?
Idk, it starts to get interesting when those teenagers sneak into the building.
That reminded me of the first movie, you can see that they're confused, it feels real, while the first scenes felt like they were acting.
There's not much left to say, from that point the movie gets more interesting, and it ends up like the first one: with every one of them being dead (I think).
The appearance of the television reporter was unexpected (to me at least) but I liked it.
There's this last thing, the cameraman. Like, he's just there, recording, but he doesn't intervene too much until the end (in the first movie Pablo, the guy who was recording, sometimes talks, you notice that he wasn't expecting that, that he's scared, but in this one, it all seems more planned and more acted, ik that his job was to document everything, and he knew something strange was going on inside that building before entering, but any normal person would've freaked out and so should he).
It was fine, but it does not compare to the first one.
Final rating: 6.5/10 (Meh, I wouldn't rewatch it)
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In the end, this is only my opinion, so bye n see you soon!
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