ssagiso · 1 year
h-hello i’ve been dead for a year and my name’s sleepy and i wanna come back to writing.. ;w; if anyone is still alive and would still want to write with me
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ssagiso · 3 years
anyone want a starter? 
just like this and tell me which character, i might dm you or not if no ideas
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ssagiso · 3 years
@historias-multorum​ / starter call
the arcade was noisy as ever, filled with people who had nothing better to do in this shithole, the economy of the country was particularly in shambles anyway. filled with corruption, filled with lies, an honest living a joke. he couldn’t relate to having a ‘normal’ life anymore, attending school, making memories with his friends,  like many his age would typically do.  narancia has a hand on the joystick of the crane game, there’s a cool dragon plushie he’s been attempting to grab but he swears the crane is rigged that’s eaten up half of the coins in his pouch.  
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there’s a lady at the other crane machine beside him and he couldn’t help to notice that she’s been having way better results, enough curiosity and envy built up in his chest to prompt the teen to approach her, ‘ hey, lady, what kind of tricks ya using to win this game? ‘ 
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ssagiso · 3 years
@despairfiles​ / starter call
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a few thoughtless steps forward, she has her arms stretched upwards to relax her muscles, several seconds of inaudible noises produced in the process. mordred wasn’t one to stick to a single spot long, akin to an outdoors feline, otherwise boredom would eat her patience and make it snap. though the swordsman notices someone along the way that she feels like she’s met before, her expression painted with obvious disbelief as she casually approaches them and briefly taps them on the shoulder for their attention. ‘ yo, have we meet before? ‘  
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ssagiso · 3 years
anyone want a starter? 
just like this and tell me which character, i might dm you or not if no ideas
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ssagiso · 3 years
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ㅤ ㅤ Reimi did not expect that her naturally astonished reaction would make the girl so disconcerted. It seemed like it was some kind of an obligation for her to know who she was dealing with, as if some sort of prior explanation was practically mandatory. Faced with that sudden heroic pose, she couldn’t help but feel even more surprised, truly feeling as if she had been left in the dark here. At least now the stranger had a name, even though it had not rung any bell. ❝ Huh, nice to meet you… My name is Reimi Sugimoto. ❞ The hope of having her name recognized was minimal at that point, she seemed too young to remember, or even to have heard of the cruel murders that took place in Morioh fifteen years ago. Knowing that the Sugimoto’s story was forgotten was very painful — but other things required her full attention right now.
ㅤ ㅤ First of all, discover how Ereshkigal (what an unusual name, weird even) was able to see her. Unfortunately her knowledge of the supernatural world was scarce, yet there were some guesses available. ❝ Are you a medium? ❞ Inevitable to feel a little silly when asking this, but if Reimi could be a ghost, why couldn’t other people have that kind of wonderful power? Nothing else explained that unexpected encounter, after all. She remained silent while the girl provided some brief elucidations — but truth be told, it just made her thoughts even more confused. It seemed that the other had her head head in the clouds… Beggars can’t be choosers, though. ❝ Oh, it’s a long story… I can tell you, if you enter the alley. People may find strange that you are talking to yourself. ❞ It just seemed decent to care about the passersby’s reaction anyway.
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she would have replied with a greeting of her own but to maintain the look of a goddess, her pride wouldn’t allow it. instead her expression falls to disappointment when compared to a medium, she never was a human. at most perhaps a half-human currently, she was merged with the host of this body since divine spirits like her couldn’t be summoned normally. had her explanation been too unconvincing for reimi?  regardless she feels her breath wasted, instead stepping over to the alley without protest upon realisation of bystander gazes.
‘ i’m not a human. ‘ she reiterates again, but never mind her disbelief, being able to converse with a spirit was quite exciting. all the souls that ended up in Kur couldn’t speak, most she could ever do was keep them in bird cages to have as comfortable as an eternal rest that could be granted in a cold void underworld. the blonde would briefly study her mundane surroundings than back to the other with a hand on her hip and the other on her lance, ‘ so? ‘      
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ssagiso · 3 years
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hiiiiiiii hope u have a good day so far sorry for being gone(school and got a bacteria infection)
please write with my rabbit oc ;w;
also i decided i want to be a vtuber(virtual youtuber) and commissioned someone for art, can someone give me their opinion what they think of my avatar looks? 
my discord is trash#9545 if u wan someone to talk to
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ssagiso · 3 years
nonverbal starters prompts featuring nonverbal scenarios.
guide take them by the hand, arm, or shoulder to guide them.
shelter protect them.
shove push them.
loop drape an arm around their shoulders.
touch a gentle touch like rubbing their back, hugging them, holding their hand. 
kiss a kiss on the cheek, knuckles, forehead, in their hair.
palm smack them upside the head.
bed rest gently push them back down when they try getting out of bed.
aid help them with a task.
note pass a note to them.
cry wipe away their tears.
wash wipe something off their forehead, cheek, so on.
bandage patch them up when they get hurt.
heal take care of them when they get sick.
book silently read a story with them. 
carry pick them up. 
scrap punch them.
cherry find blood on them.
sit help them sit down.  
medical wake up in the hospital and find them holding their hand.
steer place a hand under their chin to make them look up. 
beat dance with them.
stare stare them down. 
off track get lost with them.
no shaking their head in disagreement. 
yes nodding their head in agreement.
rush tackle them to the ground.
open hold the door open for them.
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ssagiso · 3 years
hey if anyone would be willing to write with me at all, could you like this?
its not a starter call but more of a gauge because most in my followers are inactive or i think i likely dont exist to them, theres not much point to have a blog with no one to write with, and i just feel more sad and lonely today than the norm i usually feel
thats about it, thank you
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ssagiso · 3 years
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原画 of 手描き冥界の花へ (Part 2) by SIYA
(Part 1) (Part 3)
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ssagiso · 3 years
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ssagiso · 3 years
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ㅤ ㅤ Although unable to interact with anyone, Reimi loved having people around. Being a sociable girl, always surrounded by a lot of friends at high school, it was only natural for her to miss someone to talk to. Arnold was there, of course, but it was not the same thing. The guard dog saved her from a nervous breakdown, but he couldn’t provide the same kind of entertainment — just as she knew pretty well that he missed walking in the park and playing with other dogs. So, when they felt especially lonely, they engaged in their favorite activity: people watching. It was really fortunate that the alley was surrounded by well-frequented stores. After so many years Reimi even knew the target audiences, the regular customers’ faces, sometimes their names. Arisugawa Soba Shop for example, she always saw whole families going to eat there, especially on holidays. Kisara Drugstore had been visited by the same elderly people for years, usually at the beginning of the month, and she was always sad when one of them died. Owson Convenience Store was where groups of teenagers tried to buy alcohol illegally, it was fun to observe their stupid plans.
ㅤ ㅤ But that girl was not part of the landscape at all. A new face was always a world of exciting possibilities, and one of Reimi’s amusements was trying to guess things about them. Standing at the entrance to the alley, without her dog this time, she watched the other with great interest. The first thing that caught her eye was the very sharp weapon in her hands, of course. How could anyone walk around carrying this and not be questioned by others? On the other hand, her clothes were also unusual, a Gothic style that the Morioh’s girls did not usually wear, except on occasions such as cosplay meetings and costume parties. The weapon could be fake, just an accessory to match the character… But then the stranger spoke. Unable to believe it, the ghost looked around, making sure they were alone. Even so, a hesitant index finger pointed to her own chest — a silent confirmation that yes, she was the target of the question. ❝ What do you mean? ❞ Oh, what a stupid thing to say! In her defense, the weird approach was so sudden. Her astonishment was real, intensified when she noticed that the other one seemed completely calm.
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an idle finger leisurely twirls blonde hair from one of her two pigtails, head tilted ever so slightly, a blank expression dresses her face, cue a long pause that drags on as the poor stranger’s confused response helped nothing in formulating a reply. ereshkigal hadn’t thought about it actually, it was more of a natural instinct to speak to souls, now the reality of the situation dawns and the goddess is frankly none the wiser. she feels her mind overheating in a valiant attempt to think of how to salvage her diminishing impression on the other, she wanted to seem confident and calm not a blundering mess!! the blonde gives a few forced coughs to shrug off her nervousness, crimson hues gazing to the sides, taking a deep breath while giving a few nods to herself as she gathers her bearings and makes a empowered figure with head held high, feet apart, one hand onto her hip and the other to the cage lance. 
‘ ahem! you may refer to me as ereshkigal! ‘ she proudly proclaims, not loud enough to disturb the crowd passing by the streets but still sufficient to display her authority to the stranger. her free hand is now pressed against her chest in an attempt to seem as legit as possible since most would think her mind had screws loose, but decided to void out or simplify most of what she was since it’d do no good for people to know a servant was summoned here. ‘ i am one simply in charge of those who guide souls, whether their sins be heavy or light matters not for i give no judgement myself, merely offering a peaceful rest. ‘ she explains in detail, ‘ it puzzles me why you are here. ‘  
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ssagiso · 3 years
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ㅤ ㅤ The signs of the nightmare were still there, in his agitated body, in the way the sweat covered his face and his breathing seemed to be faster than normal. A little time was what Rohan needed now, to calm his mind and put himself back in reality little by little — where he was safe and sound in his house, at the present time. Reimi remained silent during that time, pink-colored gaze wandering over some insignificant detail of the furniture, as a way of granting him the necessary privacy. Leaving the room would be more appropriate, no doubt, but she found herself unable to do so. It would be like leaving him in a moment of fragility and that was unacceptable. He might not explicitly ask for her company, but his willingness to talk about the disturbing dream was an obvious sign that her presence was required up to that point. That said, she just sat on the edge of his bed, one hand caressing her skirt carelessly, eyes focused on the delicate fabric as his speech extended a little further. ❝ So, you didn’t do this to me… ❞ The corners of her lips curved up so subtly, allowing herself to be a little relieved at that clarification. He was not the killer, just an unsolicited spectator. It made sense, especially when the events of that night were remembered.
ㅤ ㅤ Something that would have consequences even after so many years, of course. A crime like that was already capable of shocking people, but when it happened in a place as peaceful as Morioh, it just brought more appeal to the whole issue. While the residents seemed to have forgotten this already, considering just one more cold case among so many others that followed in the next years, it seemed natural that everyone connected with Kira’s capture would be tormented by their sins from time to time. Furthermore, Rohan was a victim of him twice, as a helpless child and then as an adult capable of fully understanding what had happened — it would be a miracle if he never had a nightmare. ❝ Dreams don’t have to make sense, sometimes they are just a tangle of memories. ❞ Not in that specific case, however. What he narrated was Reimi’s murder, not very accurate, but detailed enough to make it impossible to confuse things. ❝ Or, in this case, an attempt to bring something you heard to life, since you didn’t see me die. ❞ She made sure of it. The first stab only hit her in the back after the boy was thrown out the window, while she was looking for another way to escape the house. Her last gesture was to protect him, as if by instinct.
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rohan wasn’t one to let his emotions get the better of him, having spent the bulk of his life as an independent individual who relied only on himself instead of others, it was a natural reflex to maintain a strong composure in front of others regardless of whether he needed to or not. as far as his memories went, her murder and existence was brushed up and forgotten within a year, turned into brief and fuzzy clips that lie at the tip of his tongue he could never clearly recall, memories that he didn’t felt like he was the one who had experienced. reimi while not a stranger, the mangaka failed to treat her like he used to since he wasn’t the same little boy she used to babysit. 
he thought about it objectively, ignoring the brutal gore in the dream, ‘ i’d give a guess that i was reliving it through the eyes of kira. ‘ rohan deduces while emerald hues glanced at reimi. ‘ what an awful dream to have. ‘ he mutters under his breath, a click of the tongue in annoyance with arms crossed against his chest in defiance. what a waste of time the nightmare had caused, why did his mind decide to re-enact an event that his young mind buried? the past could not be changed and rohan had coped with it by throwing it away previously, now he had properly faced and accepted what has happened was done. instead of moping, it would be much better to move on towards the future, remembering the victims and ensuring the past does not repeat again. a murderer didn’t deserve to be remembered, rather to be forgotten into obscurity and rot. 
‘ never mind about that, either way, i don’t intend to live in the past. ‘ he firmly announces, shoving off his bedsheets and standing up. ‘ i recommend that you don’t either. ‘ rohan plainly states before opening his bedroom door and stepping out. on another note, he was wondering if she had gone to other people’s places or had she just been wandering around his home, mundane as it was save for the shelves of comics, but he refrained from it.  
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ssagiso · 3 years
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made a compilation of those prior asks (thank you for the requests, and I am so sorry about your dashboards.)
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ssagiso · 3 years
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with a spear-like cage befitting her lancer class, ruby hues would grow wide with awe at the place she finds herself summoned to, it’s a rather quaint and small town wasn’t it? (how homely!) she thought with a bubbly feeling in her chest, having the freedom to explore the modern world was a rare opportunity despite the fact there was no master in sight, no clue as to which human had summoned her. it didn’t help that ereshkigal stuck out like a sore thumb with her goth-like attire that could make anyone mistake her for a cosplayer, but brushing aside the curious glances she got, no one seemed to mind.
one step, two steps, three on the pavement by the roadside, her line of sight darting everywhere to take in the colorful scenery. the era that she had came from had humans make houses from mud and sticks, weapons from bronze and wood, yet now humans had evolved to make such intricate architecture and societies had left her amazed. 
though there’s a feeling of uneasiness tugging her chest as she passes by an ordinary corner from first sight, the next minute would be spent blankly staring at a dead girl’s soul, a phenomena she has seen millions of times for centuries managing Kur. the thought had saddened her, humans live short lives with most of it being in suffering, so she had always done her duty to make their afterlife as comfortable and peaceful as could be. 
‘ hey there, why might you be here? ‘ she questions the other, placing a good distance between them just to not seem intimidating, she did hold an obvious sharp weapon after all.      
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ssagiso · 3 years
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  blood,  death  and  physical  violence  mention.
‘  is  it  complete?  ’
‘  who  are  you?  ’
‘  who  is  this?  ’
‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
‘  what  would  i  do  without  you?  ’
‘  do  you  feel  alright?  ’
‘  what’s  your  name?  ’
‘  why  do  you  hate  me?  ’
‘  do  you  want  something  to  eat?  ’
‘  aren’t  you  supposed  to  be  someone  important?  ’
‘  did  you  read  it  yet?  ’
‘  can  you  help  me?  ’
‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’
‘  what  do  i  do  with  someone  like  you?  ’
‘  you  awake?  ’
‘  can’t  you  tell  left  from  right?  ’
‘  how  dare  you?  ’
‘  can  i  have  a  word?  ’
‘  why  didn’t  you  fight  back?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  interupting  me?  ’
‘  why  are  you  here?  ’
‘  what  happened?  ’
‘  haven’t  you  said  enough?  ’
‘  why  are  you  still  ___?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  shut  up  and  be  quiet?  ’
‘  what  did  you  dream  of?  ’
‘  why  are  you  yelling?  ’
‘  how  could  you  say  that?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  why  did  you  turn  out  this  way?  ’
‘  are  you  talking  to  me?  ’
‘  why  won’t  he  date  me?  ’
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
‘  why  are  you  crying  yourself  to  sleep?  ’ 
‘  are  you  serious?  ’
‘  who  did  this?  ’
‘  will  i  regret  this?  ’
‘  do  you  promise?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  am  i  dead?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  moving?  ’
‘  is  he  looking  at  me?  ’
‘  does  it  hurt?  ’
‘  how  did  that  happen?  ’
‘  what’s  the  weather  for  tomorrow?  ’
‘  are  you  in  love  with  me  yet?  ’
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
‘  want  some?  ’
‘  was  that  an  accident?  ’
‘  what’s  the  deal  with  you?  ’
‘  who  do  you  think  you  are?  ’
‘  can  i  ask  you  something?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  leave  then?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
‘  is  this  all  you  can  do?  ’
‘  why  is  this  here?  ’
‘  how  did  you  get  in  here?  ’
‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’
‘  what  are  you  making  tdday?  ’
‘  are  you  lost?  ’
‘  has  it  been  that  long?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
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ssagiso · 3 years
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ㅤ ㅤ The harsh tone of his response caught Reimi off guard, since she didn’t even think that anything that was said could incite that kind of hostile reaction. Her eyes lifted from her plate to look for his, without bothering to hide an expression of genuine surprise, her lips parting but without making a sound for a while. ❝ No, on the contrary. It surprises me how seriously you say that. ❞ She clarified as soon as she managed to find her own voice, which sounded pleasantly stable despite the initial shock. Narancia soon turned to his pizza and she just observed his manners (or the lack of them, to be more precise). It seemed that he was not paying enough attention, perhaps because the subject was more delicate than it seemed at first. ❝ It’s easier said than done. I still haven’t gotten used to treating these things so naturally, I guess. ❞ It was even ironic, the only dead person in the group to be worrying about that complicated issue. Forgetting that seemed like the best option for the sake of their conversation — and what he said next helped to make her mind focus on a new, unexpected detail.
ㅤ ㅤ After observing the dynamics of that small group and especially the way they dealt with the dirty work, knowing that Narancia saw it only as an order to be obeyed was somewhat surprising. Not that he was a sadist or anything — in fact his posture was more professional than his childish mannerisms suggested. However, she always thought that he had no value judgment about his role in the organization. It seemed easier that way, to move away emotionally and ensure that their goals were achieved no matter what. ❝ Really? And what would you do, if Bucciarati let you choose? ❞ Her hand reached for her glass while speaking, but stopping halfway when she heard the strange answer to her unsolicited advice. Was he actually playing dumb, or did Reimi not express herself correctly? No, she was pretty sure it was clear enough. ❝ I suppose the best thing to do is to stay optimistic, hm? ❞ But that was not optimism, it was a lame attempt to avoid reality. After that rude outburst, it was better not to dwell on it, though.
well it was to be expected, citizens didn’t have to live the dirty life while they had to, it’d be stranger if reimi said it was the norm for her. she seemed the innocent and genuine type to narancia, clearly someone who didn’t live in the underground world, he felt they had nothing to relate to each other. he was still weary of her, but it turned to mostly neutrality when bruno said she was trustable, who was he to speak his opinion and cause trouble for him? he even reasons with himself that some conversations might help him to like her more.
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‘ if bruno let me choose? ‘ he lifts a curious brow, a valid question she raised, and he ponders in his mind for an answer absentmindedly for a couple of seconds. ‘ well even if i didn’t gotta do it myself, i’d still help him if he’s got stuff to do. it’s not fair if i’m the only one slacking, plus bruno works the hardest out of us, ya know? ‘ it was a no brainer reply for him, it wouldn’t sit right with the teen to relax while bruno was out working himself to the bone while keeping them all safe under his instructions. he owed the man his life, he’d follow him till the end if bruno let him.
it was true that they could die any day in their line of work even with bruno around, it was also true that it would’ve been wiser for the teen if he’d stay in school instead of following him, but nonetheless to narancia, what would be his life without them? he didn’t like to think much about it, the past is over, the present was now. why was she trying to pry out of him with these questions? ‘ enough about me, what’s a foreigner like you doing here in italy? how’d you get to know bruno? ‘ 
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