electricea-archive · 2 years
Skull has stolen @despairfiles​’ heart!
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“Oi, do those glasses that you have actually do anything...? Like let you see Shadows hidden behind corners or maybe find secret treasures...?”
He supposed that very same question could be turned back around on him - as his mask didn’t grant him any special vision, either - but still, though! This guy looked like any other Japanese high school student - except with glasses!
Surely, that had to mean something, didn’t it...?!
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We don't have a ship we have an armada
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Ar-ma-da: noun. What happens when a single muse + multimuse or multimuse + multimuse has two very compatible writers who enjoy one or more of the following: romance, angst, the Y E A R N I N G, day-to-day couple humor, sexytimes, and many romantic tropes shared on tumblr to the point that they write more than one ship. Ships can be any type of relationship, but it is most often romance when one refers to shipping and the entire goddamn armada.
Most commonly seen on this blog with multis who are enthusiastic to ship more than one of their muses with Sonia. The mun enjoys this immensely, as every ship is different.
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
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Sweet dreams is an Archer theme song. Prove me wrong.
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adachiame · 2 years
@despairfiles  Yeah, I’m just going to leave this here as something that exists, :V. 
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madamhatter · 2 years
If they had a kid meme : give me these angralings~
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child. / not accepting
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Name: Sepehr Mainyu Yamada Gender: Cis male (he/him/his) General Appearance:
Towering at an astonishing 183 cm, Sepehr is the tallest member of his family. His height was inherited from his mother’s side of the family. Specifically, on the paternal end, his aunt Martha and grandfather Sebastian are 172 cm and 182 cm, respectively. Of all his siblings, he is the slimmer/lankier and has muscle definition (nothing too extraordinary) despite his lack of exercise regimen. His figure may be imposing, almost intimidating, but he has a habit of ‘shrinking’ himself, like slouching a bit and bowing his head. This is mainly done unintentionally and out of habit, especially around younger children and his youngest sister, Mehry.
Sepher has golden-brown eyes, a strange hazel combination where his iris is mainly yellow-orange, but it transitions to a bright brown at the pupil. However, this is upon getting closer to him and seeing. His eyes are seen as mainly yellow from a distance, a trait that all his other siblings possess. It isn’t as uncanny as his father’s eyes, but like his father’s eyes, his eyes tend to ‘glow’ in the dark but not at the same intensity. Most would second-guess that unusual nature of his (and his siblings’) eyes, saying that they were ‘seeing things.’ The wide eye shape is reminiscent of his mother’s.
His unruly hair is a deep orange - in the same hue as his mother’s but muddier in its color, making it a twinge darker. The best way to describe the color is being like clay. The wild way it goes around is definitely from his father, but the volume is from his mother. He doesn’t really brush his hair getting up in the morning, and despite that, his hair actually is quite lovely! Some of his siblings are envious. Especially his twin sister, Narina, who has her father’s hair color and density combined with long hair.  
The specific colors for Sepehr’s wardrobe are light blue, light green, and white. His preferred attire is relaxed. He wears graphic t-shirts with blue jeans and white sneakers and throws a plain-colored open and unzipped jacket. He tends to wear beanies to help keep his bangs back (he won’t consider growing them out). Tends to carry some pieces of candy and rubber bands in his pockets. Always has his phone and gaming device on him somewhere. Often, the 16-year-old can be seen in his school uniform, and, even then, it is worn rather lazily that his younger brother, Tahir, scolds him about when they cross paths in the hallway. 
Second-born Sepehr is no exception to the family tradition of “don’t judge a book by its cover.” Despite his appearance and first glance, all the intimidation in his eyes melts away with a clueless head tilt and disarming smile. He is considerably laidback for a 16-year-old who absorbs a lot of what he hears and lets it pass by without trying to take anything close to his heart. At least what anyone can see on the surface.
Most would take him as the gentle giant that doesn’t step too much out of line. He is pretty introverted and prefers himself not in so much attention, but he wouldn’t step away from greeting someone and acknowledging them. 
His consideration of others can be stretched by how much of a pushover he can be. For example, Tahir, his younger brother, does not enjoy cursing and will curb any foul language. He is adamant about not doing so and has tried convincing his younger brother, Rameen, and older sister, Narina, not to do so, and he is met with excellent resistance. The only sibling to be pulled and accept Tahir’s concerns is Sepehr. So, Sepehr actively avoids cursing and tries to substitute words (i.e., Holy shii-take..) because of the substantial pressure and headlock Tahir put him under. A glare from Tahir would be all it takes for Sepehr to hold his tongue if he’s about to slip up again and drop an array of cusses. 
With his great heart, he happens to be amongst the densest persons to be around. He is one to not assume unless otherwise told something, and even though it may be glaringly obvious, not having one vital piece of information would not lead him to suspect something. For example, some time-traveling shenanigans happen, and he gets up thrust into the past in Chaldea. If he meets his father, Angra, he knows that he is undeniably him because of his entire appearance (tattoos) and morphing. On the other hand, he won’t be able to correctly label Sophie as his mother. Why? Because he hasn’t ever seen photos of his mother when younger and used to see her with exclusively white-silver hair. There are many coincidences to be had, but he isn’t going to assume; he may say, “’ Phie, really remind me of my Ma’ sometimes,” but it is a compliment and him being homesick.  
Sepehr is attuned to his instincts, and that instinct is the first to tell him to run when there is danger. He is not one to reconsider and reevaluate a situation that can be scary because he is already out of the door and not taking any chances. This is the kinder way of saying that the clay-haired teenager is a scaredy-cat. No opportunity is taken to be scared. Anything supernatural (body horror, ghosts) or threatening (serial killer) is not something he will take; he is the first out of the door, and he will take others with him if they’re en route to the escape. If someone (read: Sophie) charges the other way to face the problem, he will stop and follow behind them. Still, he is terrified and maybe still yelling, but at least there is someone else handling the situation, and he should support them (or help them run the other way if it gets too much).
He is someone that enjoys the peace and the concept of keeping together. Like anyone in his family, he puts on a brave face and keeps living life as usual.
But he has his own upsets and fears. For example, his mother does not allow Sepehr to work in the family business. At his insistence, he wants to help, but his mother limits it (as she does with all the siblings who voiced interest). He is confused and hurt by the refusal; it makes him question whether he’s even capable or trusted to be hold responsibility. The situation runs much more profound as generational trauma impacted his mother two generations ago. Another issue is that he faces loneliness poorly and enjoys the idea of being surrounded by loved ones.
Most of his positive emotions are on his sleeve, but he tends to keep the dark side of his heart hidden. He puts on a grin and laughs, but he is more vulnerable than he appears. 
Special Talents:
Sepehr’s main talent happens to something eerily fitting for one whose father and his father before him went to the woods. He happens to be quite good at whittling and he discovered his skill into his early teens when wanting to find a hobby for himself outside of playing video games and attempting to improve his photography. He discovered this alongside his younger brother, Rameen, who was also looking for something else to do. The two of them were most likely scolded by Tahir to get their shit stuff together. 
Rameen took on needle felting, something his seamstress mother had a keen eye for. Sepehr, meanwhile, had some interest in sculpting but had no interest in making pottery, which had his mother helping his explore his options until he came across a wooden dog on a store window. So invested in how smoothly it was carved and its finish, Sepehr dragged his mom to the shop window and told her he wanted to learn how to do that.  From there, Sepehr has actually been crafting a lot more and several of his works can be seen in his parent’s coffee-flower shop. He is trying to get woodshop classes in his downtime since his school doesn’t provide the elective, but he is definitely trying to make something for himself in that field. He isn’t quite good with painting, so either his mother or, more often, Meenah, his older sister, helps him paint and retouch the whittled pieces he’s made. 
Who they like better:
“Making me choose? Why would I do somethin’ like that? Can’t have Pa’ without Ma’.” 
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Genuinely speaking, he definitely prefers his parents for different things. Angra would be the parent that is mostly known to him and his siblings for having fun and being the easier-going parent. Sophie, meanwhile, is the stern and perceptive parent that will sit down with her children to help them out, but would be the main discipliner.  Sepehr would be more compelled to hang out with his mother during their downtime. He, like most of his siblings, would probably lounge around in his parent’s room while their mother is busy with the sewing machine or running reports. Sometimes, he would fall asleep on his parents’ bed while scrolling on his phone and talking to his mom. At the same time, he would do the same with his dad and, still, fall asleep as quickly as they’re conversing. 
If made to choose, Sepehr would not be able to. Though, he does idolize his father a bit.
Who they take after more:
Sepehr embodies a lot of both of his parents, and like all the siblings, they have a certain mix or aspect to that that are shared by their parent but are expressed quite differently. His goofiness and laidback approach is what many would consider reminiscent of his father, same for his eyes, eyebrows, skin color. His approachability can be attributed to his father as well since while both parents can be quite hard to find/reclusive, his father is at least easier to find/much more blunt and easygoing.  But traces of his mother are visible in his features like his eye shape and, more obviously, the hair color. When it comes to personality, he can be much like his mother in like stability and keeping things in flow, even if there is get stress. On the outside, it may seem that he is adapting well, but the inside shows how poorly he is adjusting to sudden changes.  From both of them, he is best representative of their “guardian” role they play for others. He isn’t the leading man of the show, but he has bouts of encouragement to give and emphasizes togetherness. It is not to say he is the glue that keeps everyone stuck together, but he is one to help guide people along. He’s thankfully not wisdom dumping like his father and not spouting old woman wisdom like his mother. He just tends to ground people when they need it.  At the same time, he is deceptive. Not in a malevolent way but in a way where he doesn’t reveal his true emotions right away.  I’d say, if made to choose, he’s like his mother. 
Personal Head canon:
All children, including Sepehr, are capable of going into a canid and demonic form, which they inherited from the demonic father. Most of them aren’t capable of complete transformations (yet). Certain appendages may be able to, under different circumstances, like what emotions they are feeling or if they have gained control of it. Narina’s the only exception as her demonic state can be exponentially and immediately activated based on her emotional reactivity. All children do have their mental state intact for the most part As for Sepehr, he has some control of it but rarely goes into it - usually, it is his arms that can morph. Under duress, his control and human appearance may change; he still has a great understanding of who he is and what he is doing. However, he will become panicked because of the change because ‘Oh God, my arm is a dang paw. Despite being the tallest sibling, he isn’t the tallest in his canid form. His siblings will reach about 180cm maximum in this form upon being fully grown. This means that Angra finally is taller than all of his kids. (This last paragraph of details may change; it’s just the imagery that makes me laugh)
If you notice the little lines of Sepehr speaking throughout here, you will notice that he actually has an accent! All the siblings were raised by calling their parents “Mama/Mum” and “Papa/Pops.” Most of them actually grew out of it and ended up referring to their folks by the latter (Mum/Pops). Sepehr is an exception and often calls them Ma’ and Pa’ with a slur at the end of his words! He actually has a bit of his mother’s original accent in him and has a much more “northern” pronunciation in the way he speaks. All of the siblings have that enunciation, but Sepehr’s is the most notable. Meanwhile, Rameen’s accent and his enunciation sound the most like his father’s (and his speech pattern and Meesha’s, the eldest daughter, are the most reminiscent of their father’s). Sepehr also has a habit of giving nicknames to others - usually by shortening their names! The best examples would be: Sophie being Phie, Narina being Nana, Meenah being Mimi, and Rameen being Ram (or ‘meanie/weenie’ just to bug his younger brother). He resorts to full names when embarrassed or under some distress (i.e., when crying, he may say “Mama” and “Papa” rather than the usual Ma’ and Pa.’). 
He used poor Avesta Jr. for teething as a baby and so did his twin sister. That poor plushie is still around but Sophie had to fix it several times. Mehry currently has it and protects Jr from the twins, saying “You can’t bite his head again! Papa told me everything!” 
Face Claim: Yatora Yaguchi from Blue Period 
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maledicti-oculi · 2 years
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🐍— ❝James Bond was always an appealing character....❞
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lunaetis · 2 years
@despairfiles​ asked :
He’d been keenly aware of the barmaid’s birthday, despite the pang of guilt – Rufus found out thanks to the dossier on those from AVALANCHE. Still, if she doesn’t inquire he wouldn’t have to elaborate. Instead, he had Tseng leaving a bottle of the finest wine and flowers on the counter, along with a card: an invitation for her to be present at the entrance of Sector 7 at a certain time – enough time for her friends to celebrate with her and the young girl having to go to bed – so they could have their private birthday celebration.
happy ( belated ) birthday tifa ( 03.05 ) || accepting
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─「ティファ」─  the day had started with MARLENE being the first to wake her up in bed with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that the little one told her she had picked herself. a bright smile grazed her lips, wondering who was it that told the little sunshine about her birthday. she had suspected BARRET to be the culprit in this case, but then again, any AVALANCHE members could’ve told her.
                birthday wishes were scattered about as she came down, greeting those within SECTOR 7 where she was immediately dragged out by jessie to celebrate the day. what she didn’t expect was when they returned to the bar just to get ready for the little PARTY they had prepared for her and found a bottle of wine and elegant flowers placed upon the counter.
                partially gloved digits picked up the gifts, realizing the flowers presented to be the ones she used to comment to a certain someone that they were her FAVORITE. the card attached to the bouquet itself with familiar handwriting and initials brought a sense of warmth into her quickened heart. ah, knowing this was from HIM somehow made her heart race so easily. she wondered if he knew the effect he had upon her. ( or rather, it’d be wise for him not to know. )
                after the WHOLE DAY of celebration, and tucking marlene in for the night, the barmaid found herself at the entrance of sector 7 as indicated, and, sure enough, there was a silhouette of someone already waiting there. even seeing his back from behind, she had already burned it enough into memory to recognize who it was.
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                “ the flowers were beautiful, thank you. ” there was a part of her that wondered if she should’ve DRESSED UP a little for the occasion, but she didn’t want to draw too much attention on her way here. so she hoped he wouldn’t mind that. approaching him, her head tilted in an almost playful notion. “ i’d ask how you know it’s my birthday but — ” it probably wouldn’t have mattered, would it ?
                “ — the fact that you went out of your way to come see me is more than enough. i hope i haven’t kept you waiting long ? ”
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subserviiient · 2 years
despairfiles replied to your post:
Both? Both. Both is good.
( Big agree there. Angsty ships are some of the most fun, in my opinion- given how much can be done with them. )
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tricksheart · 2 years
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@cantillat​​ said: It was a little unusual that the Lord of Darkness himself would celebrate Christmas, someone so hell-bent on being confrontational about the faith at any turn – but it was a good occasion to indulge the boy he took under his wing as a son. “ Merry Christmas, Akira. “ Dracula could certainly give the human almost anything – a very fine dagger, one of the Ţepeş family heirlooms. The other gift was a small remote controlled drone that Akira could link to his phone.
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While Akira could understand why Dracula would dislike celebrating the holiday because it around the time that the boy himself saved humanity on Christmas Eve back in 2016 and he knew the Lord of Darkness didn’t care too much about humanity even if his second wife was human as well, didn’t mean that there wasn’t a good enough reason to celebrate. Oh well. They were there giving out presents and having good food so perhaps that counted for something. At least they were not fighting for the balance of the world or something like that.
He unironically likes the knife better than the drone. The mechanics on those reminded him of the technical palaces and jails, with all of the security measures to ensure humans like him were caught and dealt with promptly. Not something Akira wants to remember. The less he thought about the distortion and other world, the better. Anyways, he scoops up the knife gently and then spins the weapon in his hand as Akira ponders on who could get some use out of the drone in question, not really realizing that he hadn’t thanked Dracula for the gifts in the first place until a clearing of a throat was sounded off during his little spin parade.
The blade is almost dropped carelessly but is up-righted, balancing on Akira’s finger as the boy looked up and realized that he hadn’t actually thanked the Lord of Darkness for the two gifts for this day.
“What I mean in non-verbal communication is that I like the gifts, but just was lost in thought in who would really love to have this drone. It’s not like I am going to spy on anyone with it. That is something that a certain Therapist does on monitors in the Lab of Sorrow. Now the knife, the weapon is great. I love it a lot. Not as great as Paradise Lost mind you, but still cool. Awesome design”. He then mumbles a small thank you before returning back to his discarded meal to poke at some peas still on the plate, thinking the conversation is over at the moment.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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Rebranding!!! despairfiles is now cantillat
I’m still changing the links and all that. I decided to go with a new url because I no longer vibe with the older one and I wanted a small overhaul. 
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electricea-archive · 2 years
omg mouse ryuji and snoopy would be so cute!
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@despairfiles​ asked:  ❝ Yup, hot dogs are made from legit dogs to avoid overpopulation. The same way that baby food is made of babies. ❞ Angra (mis)informs the princess with an overly serious tone in his voice.
Unprompted IC asks done to mess with Sonia - Accepting from mutuals!
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“N-no! Oh, how horrible!” Sonia wails, tears welling up in her eyes. “I...I understand, to a degree, population control but it simply seems too cruel! That would mean cat food is made from cats and dog food is made from the similar meat that is utilized in hot dogs! Oh Mr. Angra, this is truly awful!”
And now she can’t help herself: The princess needs a good cry, now that her friend(?) Mr. Angra has informed her of some of the true evils of the world. He would know, wouldn’t he?
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“I...I must let Tanaka-san know...” She mumbles through her tears, “If...if the food he feeds his beasts...are actually made of beasts! It is like Soylent Green!”
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
SLAPS THIS POST! look at this commission I had made of Saber Emiya and Yuuki’s first meeting! CRIES I LOVE IT @pulchramusae​ made it! Go commission them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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asagamifujiino · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
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Deep staining red
Ripped out confessions, warm velvety whispers and a heart like an open wound. Your love flows out like dripping blood, beautiful, flawed and twisted. It's gut wrenching, the type of painfully dramatic feeling that makes you clutch your chest, picturing dramatic monologues about love and loving and big screen over the top scenes of sobbing into your pillow until you fall asleep. It rips out of you, clawing it's way up your throat more so than tumbling out. Sticky words that just need to be let out, feelings so big they don't fit inside you. Your love isn't easy, it's a true bloody mess, dripping and staining everything it touches in a desperate attempt to be seen, to be felt, to be loved back. And you, you love so hard, so deeply, so much for someone who carries all that pain. Atlas holding up the world, how are you? Is your love still flowing? Is your heart still open? Still pumping and bleeding and dripping with blood and tears? Still painting your beautiful pictures and writing your love letters in deeply personal red ink? Because I see them, I read them, I love them and you, you, you, you. Clench your chest, scream your love, cry it out. Spill your words of loving, keep your heart beating, keep your love coming and paint the entire world red with it. Make it in your image, keep going, it's okay. Maybe one day the whole world can be red and loved and beautiful just like you.
Tagged by: @captastrophe​
Tagging: @tieflingmagic​, @despairfiles​ (for whoever on both of you), and anyone who wants to steal it.
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noircisaint · 2 years
bold any fears which apply to your muse / italicize which makes them uncomfortable.
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dark // fire // open water // deep water // being alone // crowded spaces // confined spaces // open spaces // change // failure // war // loss of control // powerlessness // prison // blood // drowning // suffocation // public speaking // natural animals // the supernatural // heights // death // intimacy // rejection // abandonment // loss // the unknown // the future // not being good enough // scary stories // speaking to new people // poverty // loud noises // lack of noise // being touched ( without permission ) // forgetting // insects // disease // falling // being forgotten
tagged: @artificile​ tagging: @cursedcrest​, @despairfiles​, @destructivour​, @cosplaydarling​, @mitsurie​, @siamxshade​, @foxpriestss​, @kunokata​, @nvrcmplt​, @viivyre​
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grandchaos · 2 years
Damn it, losing their helmet was an annoying discomfort for the Berserker. They’d have to wait some time before they could get it replaced, if they even could in a place like this... Still, there was no point crying over spilt milk. They had to focus on the task at hand.  Finding anyone in this damn place was certainly a nuisance, given the shadow Servants heckling anyone they spot and then even the actual Servants going buckwild.
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But it felt like someone was watching them. They slowed, hand drifting toward the hilt of Excalibur as they tried to figure out if what they were sensing was merely the run-of-the-mill rogue Servant or something more.
“Oi, you one of the Chaldeans? If y’ are, come out already. I’m gettin’ pissed off and having to hold back isn’t my style.”
Was it an Archer? They didn’t see anyone immediately within their immediate vicinity... They hoped not, closing the distance would be a chore.
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