stagmalinay · 7 days
Hey! So, I know it seems like I've just suddenly disappeared, and I have! Just like Deshi, I got whisked away to another world. This world is so crazy, and it seriously bugs me that everyone here is magical except me. You'd think if I was brought to this world that I could have magical powers too. 😒
Yeah, well, whatever.
So now I'm a beast tamer! Which would be cool, if the weasel wasn't such a dick.
Anyway, there's this festival happening now and I was forced into wearing this weird getup, but after wearing it a while now, I guess it's not so bad. What do you think?
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I'll try to keep you updated on more strange things I experience here, but later. There are these guys trying to swindle free shit from my friend's mom's stall and now I gotta go beat 'em in a race. Shame I wasn't picked to run or we would've had an easier time winning. Oh well. At least the weasel doesn't get to run either. Chat with you later!
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stagmalinay · 6 months
I randomly decided to make a Stag gif!
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What are your thoughts?
Inspiration: during my last DnD session, Stag kept rolling a bunch of natural 20s and partied hard and got laid lots, so I decided to encompass this in a gif. XD And I wanted to bring my baby to life.
Reblogs and comments appreciated!
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Doing another art challenge but with Stag! Here's what I have so far.
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What's your favorite style? Which one are you looking forward to seeing?
I really enjoyed drawing the Panty and Stocking one. XD
And remember, I'm open for commissions! Info on my pinned post.
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Session 02 part 2
Didn't mean to leave you guys hanging, but Author sort of got married a few days ago, so yeah. Congrats! And moving on.
Alright, so Dirt Guy finally stops and tiefling lady talks to him for a bit. Mugen catches up to me and I just sort of wait until everything's okay and the two start to return. We all took a long walk out of town for nothing. Sort of disappointed about that, but it's okay.
So we get back to the tavern and the tiefling takes us up to her private room overlooking the rest of the bar and asks what's been going on. Dirt Guy and Mugen are just so chatty, 😒, so I jump right into how we're supposed to go and catch this guy except no one knows what we're doing. We've no weapons and no one seems to know where to go to get them, nor do they know how to get to where we're going. I can't even read, I have an excuse, but what's up with these guys?
Curious, the tiefling asks if I can't even read dragon-something. I told her to just assume I can't read anything, I skipped school. Technically true regardless of which realm we're talking about, but I didn't feel like explaining the whole bit about how I'm from another world to her and we apparently write differently there.
Upon hearing this, she offers us drinks. I turn it down initially because I don't really care for alcohol, but she ushers us on and I finally drink it.
It tastes nasty as fuck!
But, you know, after a while she motions out to the bottles of drink behind her and asks me if I can read them. I laugh, knowing that I can't, but take a look anyway. And I did not expect what I saw. It was like I was reading Theran, but it didn't look like Theran. I just instinctively knew what it said when I tried to read it.
I immediately pulled out the wanted poster and the note she left me earlier and read them, fascinated. Not entirely sure how a drink can do that, but that is seriously cool.
She tries to get Dirt Guy to drink his, which is a different color, and he does, and then it looks like Mugen has the same drink as mine, but he refuses.
She gets a little more information out of us and in the midst of it all, I bring up all the shenanigans Mugen was up to earlier with making the drunks more drunk. She got pissed! But I tried to remedy the situation by telling her about my weird bottomless pit purse. She was confused and asked to inspect the purse asking what else I'd put in there. (I wasn't going to tell her what I wanted to put in there.) Afterwards, she came to the conclusion that anything I put in wasn't coming back.
"That's the solution I'm offering you. Dump the bad water in the coin purse and replace it."
She didn't buy it and handed the purse back to me.
At this point, she started to realize what I'd started to realize, we were screwed. I am an idiot because I don't know anything about this world and the other two aren't much better and they're from this world. Which is fine, I guess, because my ultimate goal is really just to keep busy. You know, keep my mind off of things, so this is what I'm doing: walking around picking up odd jobs that clearly none of us are skilled enough for. But to be honest, at least this one gets me out of town too. It's kinda small.
Probably taking pity on us, Adelaide, the red tiefling, sets us up. She has Dirt Guy hole up in the kitchen learning how to cook and allows me to help out at the bar.
Over the next three days, I get real popular and breathe a lot of life into the place. Everyone likes me and offers up information, happy to talk about whatever their livelihood is. I learn all about "domesticated" animals and crops. I don't really care much about the plants, but they seem really proud of their stuff and often bring me free food. The others tells me all about their animals and other kinds that aren't in the village and I even get to meet some of them.
I gotta say, horses are really interesting. An animal that lets you ride them. Amazing.
I will say that I learned what sort of red berries they threw at that one drunk guy back in the oasis. It's called a tomato. Such a weird word.
At the end of the three days, a lot of the townspeople show their obvious bias against me leaving, but I've already gotten kind of tired of this place. Adelaide hooked us up though. She got us two horses, one for me and one for Dirt Guy, and some supplies to last a few days. Also got a couple of tailor made outfits for me so now I'm not wearing those tattered and oversized clothes from before. These are actually flattering. And after all that, we head off.
All I gotta say is that riding a horse is like flying through the air. My horse and I were completely in tune with each other. Dirt Guy seemed to be having issues though. It kept wanting to graze instead of run. Not like we weren't feeding it. And Mugen kept up by running. He's pretty fast for his size, but then again so's the horse.
The second day of our journey wasn't as fun. For whatever reason, a bunch of watch dumped out of the sky. My horse really wasn't liking it and I don't blame. The fuck was up with the sky? And what was dumping water on us? None of it made sense.
But then the third day... I don't know what the fuck is up with this realm but my face hurt and I couldn't breathe. Dirt Guy was fine, but Mugen and I couldn't stop coughing and sneezing and no matter how much shit I got out of my nose, it just wouldn't stop! I don't know what's wrong with me, but clearly anything coming from the sky is bad! Super fucking bad!! Mugen kept trying to explain that we were sick, but that just don't make any sense. I didn't eat anything that would upset my stomach and this is my face we're talking about here. My face! At one point, I gave up and cried because I've never felt so horrible in my life.
Thank god it got better the next day.
I really wasn't riding all that quickly that day and kept my eye on the sky for any more water dumping. I do not want to go through that again. And I felt better, but Mugen was starting to look a little less green and didn't talk as much. He always talks, but I didn't question it because I wasn't exactly in the best mood either. This trip sucks!
But anyway, the fifth day is mostly uneventful, but we manage to reach the town later in the afternoon. And that is what I'll be talking about next time. Don't worry, I won't make you wait too long for another update. Don't trust the sky, people! Especially if it's gonna dump water on you!
Context: Thera doesn't have weather, so the sky being anything but clear is a huge abnormality to me. Also, people don't get sick on Thera. Disease has been eradicated for years. You just don't get sick, okay?
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Session 02 part 1
There's a lot to unpack here, but I'm finally starting to feel a little more comfortable in this new realm.
So, I do not wake up in the tavern like I expected to. Instead, I wake up just before the suns have come over the horizon in a bed and room I've never seen before. I've no idea how the tiefling lady managed to move me without waking me up, but I find I'm uncomfortably warm under this blanket. I tear it off and find breakfast on the side table with a note. I grab the note, remember "oh yeah, I'm not in Thera anymore" and write "thanks" back in Theran.
Maybe she'll get that I couldn't read it.
I head out and do my morning routine, like usual. It's nice to do my own thing without anyone stopping me and asking questions while also getting a good layout of the village. I mean, I don't know what anything is, and it's definitely not Solara, but it's not bad.
I come back to the room and eat breakfast, which is also interesting. It consists of a white, grainy soup, some bread covered in sauce, and some berries. I explore the room a bit more, but there's really nothing here. Except the blanket. It's still warm, and not just been slept in warm, but like it's producing its own heat. Super nifty!
After I mess with that a bit, I go through my things and sort them out. I drop all the shiny gems into the coin purse thing but as I drop the last one, I realize it doesn't make any noise. I peek inside and find it completely empty. I turn it upside down, but nothing comes out. I've no idea how much I lost, but I hate the idea that I have to pay for things anyway so... I decide it's a bad item to have and bury the coin purse somewhere deep in my bag and head out.
I make my way to the old guy's house and place the lantern on the porch before inspecting the fence. Seems like Mugen and Dirt Guy finished it without me. How in pitch black darkness, I've no idea, but whatever, it's done. Looks fine to me. Then I forget where the guard guy said he'd be. Figure it's a good time to check out Mugen's home and see if they can show me where the guard's place is.
I run into Mugen on the way and ask him where the guard's place is and he shows me. He tries to hide from anyone that passes by, so I pretend he doesn't exist when that happens, entertained that he's trying so hard to hide. He takes me to the guard place where the guard hands me some shiny grey stones for the fence job. I pocket the stones and ask what else he has for odd jobs. He motions towards a wall covered in papers that I, no surprise, can't read, and tells me to pick something. So I just kinda look around and pick a random one and slap it down on the table.
"How about this? What is it anyway?"
He kinda stares me down for a while, confused, and says that it's some sort of wanted poster. So I clarify that I don't have to kill the guy to get the reward, which is the plan. I don't kill people. I'll fight with them, but I won't kill them. Unfortunately this means I need a sword. Generally people don't like to get taken in so easily.
The guard explains that the guy should be in the next closest town and I'll want to travel there. I remember the tiefling saying that people don't really travel around here, so I figure I'll want to talk to Mugen and Dirt Guy about it to see if they know how we should get to the next town over to catch this guy.
I take the wanted poster, a map, and leave.
Since we're missing a party member, Mugen and I return to his house to go and collect Dirt Guy. We get there and Mugen claims that Dirt Guy isn't there, without ever checking the house. I don't really believe he can just know that and barge in searching for him. I check all the rooms and find a few secret passage ways that lead to darkness, but no Dirt Guy. I get confused and check all the rooms with closed doors because I distinctly remember keeping them open after checking them. I find out the problem a while later after I must've circled the house a few times. Mugen's been closing them behind me! So I finally give it to him. Fine, Dirt Guy left and he just sort of "magically" knew that.
We head back to the front door and find Dirt Guy pathetically banging against the door. Apparently Mugen locked him out even knowing Dirt Guy wasn't home. These guys are gonna give me a headache.
Dirt Guy asks for food and checks out the kitchen, where he finds nothing. I take this opportunity to make my way back to the tavern where tiefling lady said she always works. We make our way there and the two sit down at a random table. I check the bar for her, but she's not there. The only people seem to be two passed out drunk guys in the corner.
I head towards the back area and call out for someone. A woman answers, clearly half asleep, and I ask her for a couple plates of food. Mugen yells for it to be four, so she gets up and starts making food. I ask her where the tiefling lady is and she informs me that she's out at her other job. Of course she is. I'm a little disappointed, wishing she meant that she was always working here, but that's fine. She'll come in eventually.
I tell the boys that food'll be out soon and return to the room I'd stayed in to fetch the note. I come back and ask the cook what it says. She seems pleasantly surprised that the tiefling left me a note and then uses a notebook to read it. I guess I'm not the only one that can't read in this realm. 😅 It says that I fell asleep and that the room is free of charge. Also that the breakfast was for me. I mean, I'd assumed that, but I'm glad it didn't say something like "I'll be right back, don't eat my breakfast".
The food comes out and I pour myself a glass of water from the pitcher on the table while Mugen and Dirt Guy eat. Apparently all the tables have pitchers of water. I don't remember them being there last night, and it tastes a little different what I drank before. Mugen helps himself to three of the plates once I let him know I already ate and once they're done, I pull out the wanted poster.
"So this is our next job. Any ideas on how to go about this?"
Neither of them answer. Dirt Guy doesn't surprise me, but even the monologuer is quiet. I show them the map too and ask them how we travel, if we need weapons, and just nothing. It's then I realize that I'm the leader of this group and I don't like it. I don't know shit about this realm. This is not what I signed up for.
At this point, I really want to talk to the tiefling because she's clearly the only one that knows anything around here. I head back to the cook and ask her how long it'll be until the tiefling returns. About a couple hours. Great. So I head back to the table and ask them if they'd like to go and do another job before we meet my friend, because it'll be a while. Dirt Guy decides to join me and over to the guard's place we go!
I ask him for another job that'll only be a couple hours and he brings up mucking the horse stalls. I have so many questions... But I take it. Did you know you could ride animals here? I'd never heard of that, but I was excited to meet the horses.
We go to the horse stalls run by a guy named Steve and he explains what we need to do. It smells pretty bad in there, but it's fine. It's decent work. The horses are amazing! They even let me pet them without running away or trying to attack me. I'd never been able to freely pet something before.
At one point, I get a huge whiff of the shit I'm dealing with and shake my head to get rid of the smell. But then I remember the coin purse. Out of curiosity, I pull it out and dump a bit of crap into it. It disappears like the shiny rocks did and reluctantly, I go to smell it.
I literally have a magical bag of disappearing! I drop a little more in there and sniff it again, smelling nothing, and offhandedly wonder what would happen if I pissed inside of it, but then Dirt Guy comes back with an empty wheel-barrel so I put it away and get back to work.
Dirt Guy and I are sufficiently mucked up when we're done, but the good news is the tiefling should be back by now. Dirt Guy heads into the tavern and I go back to the room to change my pants so I don't stink when I see her again. I get another idea with the coin purse and see if I can stuff the pants into it so my bag doesn't smell like shit. Like everything else, they go in, and disappear. I decide it's best to not stick my penis in there when I go to pee in it. I'd hate to lose it and I just might. Who knows how this magic works.
I make a mental note to not stick my fingers in there either.
I return to the tavern and spot a spotless Dirt Guy sitting at the table. I look him up and down and ask "how the fuck did you do that?" He looks at me confused and I wave it off. I didn't think they had similar magic to Thera, but maybe they do. Wish I'd have known before I stuffed the pants into the coin purse. Now I don't have a backup pair.
Mugen seems entertained by the drunk guys who've made their way halfway across the bar, but are still passed out drunk. I get up and smell one of the water jugs, but it smells different, like alcohol. I get yet another brilliant idea and grab the coin purse so I can see if it holds liquids. I'd hate to find out it doesn't with pee.
I pour it in and the whole jug's worth of tampered water just disappears inside. I shake the coin purse upside down again and smell the opening.
I literally have a magical, bottomless, disappearing coin purse. I grab yet another jug and dump that in there too. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice screaming in the back. I quickly glance around and notice Dirt Guy isn't in sight, but he shortly storms out from the back followed by the tiefling. She does not look happy. However, she's the reason I'm here and she's currently chasing after a very determined Dirt Guy out the tavern. Confused, and slightly worried, I follow them out. And thru the village. And then past the edge of town, growing more and more hesitant the further we get. It doesn't seem like a good idea to travel out of a village, unprepared, from a village people generally don't travel out of.
I'll tell you more tomorrow, but don't worry, the story gets infinitely better.
Author note: Stag does not know that there's only one sun and one moon on this planet. It doesn't have multiple suns and it wasn't a typo, he just doesn't know any better.
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stagmalinay · 7 months
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Finally finished the art challenge! And because my own style is currently in limbo and in a state of change, I redid it. Whatcha think? What's your favorite style of Deshi? Should I do another challenge like this with another character? Or same character but different styles? This really boosted my confidence in my own abilities, it really did. ^^
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Session 01 part 2
So, Dirt Guy and I are now in Mugen's home town which looks quite a bit different from the Silver Axe Oasis and it was suddenly late afternoon now. Mugen asked if we'd like to see his home and to be honest, I really wanted to wander around and do my own thing, but seeing as these two weirdos were the only beings I was even slightly familiar with now, I just went and followed him.
Place was creepy.
People were bowing towards the place as we entered it and it was filled with a whole bunch of bones formed into the shapes of people. I'd never seen my own bones before, seeing as bodies are generally burned on Thera, but is seemed odd that everything was perched up and posed like dolls all along the place. A whole bunch of them. And then after showing us the whole place and greeting the poised bones, Mugen looks to us and Dirt Guy finally speaks.
Well, sorta.
He says "what happened" and then Mugen went into this whole background of stuff. Now, I gathered that wasn't what Dirt Guy was asking, but Mugen's backstory... Whew! I, uh... those piles of bones were apparently his friends, and apparently he plans to reincarnate them somehow?? As if that were possible. The dead don't come back, even with the god relic, but I wasn't about to ruin that for him. He was clearly having a moment.
Dirt Guy gets frustrated though and sort of fumbles his way into trying to figure out how we got here from the desert, which I really didn't have an explanation for either so Dirt Guy got frustrated and left.
Figured I'd try to get more information about this world from Mugen, but then he started monologuing and I couldn't get a word in. After a while, I left too and found Dirt Guy sitting out in front of Mugen's house. Well, it was bigger and more ornate than a house, but it was still a house, I think...
Anyway, this new guy comes up in a set of armor which automatically makes me think he's from Hummes, but then I remember I'm not on Thera anymore and don't say anything about it. Then the guard asks me if I can speak because "my friend" doesn't seem to be able to.
It makes sense now why he was so quiet.
So I start talking to the guard dude and tell him about my experiences up to this point and he starts taking notes. I don't think much of it, but I'm waiting for the opportunity to ask him some questions of my own. I finally get a moment and then Mugen comes out and the two start getting snippy with each other.
So after a while of not being able to get a word in, I try to leave again and the guard asks what I'd like to do here and I just randomly say "anything, I'll take odd jobs, whatever" because I really want to try to not think of home and Mugen just sort of keeps stealing the conversation away. It works out though because the guard then tells me where to fix this old guy's fence and where the tavern is and where he's stationed. I thank him and leave him to keep fighting/flirting with Mugen, honestly being more thankful about having something to do.
Dirt Guy just sort of follows along and I go over to this old guy's house and he needs us to fix a fence. He shows me what to do and then Dirt Guy and I work on it a bit. Old Guy comes out an hour or so later and offers me dinner. I follow him inside, but Dirt Guy just goes and continues working. Works for me.
I talk to Old Guy a bit, but he doesn't talk much either. Has a daughter that's old enough to be my mother and doesn't even remember if she has kids. And then he just stays quiet.
Dirt Guy still hasn't come in, so I go and take out some food for him. Funny enough, Mugen's there working too, so I go back in and grab some food for him too. It was really hard to see though. On my way back inside, I look up wondering where all the moons are. There's no forest cover and the stars are out, but in the realm is there not a single moon out? It was so dark, I could barely see my hand in front of my own face. How are Mugen and Dirt Guy able to work without seeing?
Anyway, find myself back in old guy's home, get a little bored and needing a distraction, and he gives me a lantern so I can see at night.
Those lanterns are nifty!
I find my way to the tavern, avoiding the fights going on, and pause at the bartender. Lady is red, like her skin is the color of my hair. I shake it off and approach her, learning a bit more about the world I'm in. She claims that "humans" hate her, but I personally get the feeling it's her that hates humans. She's apparently what they call a "tiefling".
We flirted a little bit and she said she hates men because they always seem to fuck things up. I tell her "I haven't fucked anything up yet. In fact, I helped fix a guy's fence today." She smirked and said "that's why you're a boy, because you haven't fucked anything up yet."
I asked her if she'd like to hang out later, maybe when she gets off and she said "maybe" and then offers me a drink, which I make water as my usual. I'd hate to have the same reaction to other world alcohol that Deshi had. He still has no idea what really happened that night, I'm sure. 😆 I catch a glimpse of the end of a tail behind her and raise an eyebrow. It made me wonder if this was a normal thing for Earth too and it's just something Thera doesn't have. Green skin, red skin, tails, horns, pointed ears? It's all so weird and different, not that I have a problem with it.
If anything, it makes me more curious.
I settle in the corner of the tavern with my water and watch the others fighting. It's clear that the tiefling is in charge. The guys are careful not to touch any of the furniture despite their noise and after a while, I catch on that they're actually trying to get her attention. I find this wildly entertaining and understand why she lets it go on.
But eventually, the day catches up to me and I just sort of fall asleep in my seat. I sure hope I don't piss off the bartender. Hate to mess up my chances. 😉
And that was my day. I've no idea what to expect tomorrow, but at least I managed to avoid thinking about home most of the day. I'm sure it'll get easier...
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Dude! It’s bisexual day!
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Heheh, I totally missed this. My bad. Maybe next year.
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stagmalinay · 7 months
Session 01 part 1
Alright, I have had the strangest day.
First, I wake up in a void and talk to some guy. Well, he sounded like a guy, and he said he wanted to use me as some errand boy, which was fine, I guess, Deshi was leaving for another time anyway, so I said why not, and then got randomly transported to another world. Like Deshi did. It wasn't Earth though.
So anyway, I wake up naked save for this weird belt holding a tiny pouch. Didn't do much to cover anything and the guy never told me what I would be fetching, so I just sort of looked around where I was and tried to find something to wear. I was in some old decrepit buildings and wondered for a second if I'd been transported to the future or something, I remember Deshi saying the future looked something like that, and found a bunch of stuff. It was dimly lit there, so it was kind of hard to see anything, but I found some shiny red, green and clear rocks, some plain clothes which I promptly put on, a second outfit that I stashed away just in case, some cloth, some bone jewelry, thin wooden sticks, and some dirty rocks that I think was food at some point, but it tasted like dirt so I'm not sure.
Anyway, in the midst of my search, I run into a guy with pointy ears and he throws dirt at me. I think I feel it crawling over me at some point, but it goes away and doesn't do me any harm, so I just kind of go the other direction. But then I run into this giant green thing, and it's breathing. He's a little shorter than Lord Carroll, but I decide it's best to leave him alone for the time being.
I search the rest of the cave and end up running into the dirt guy again huddled up into a corner facing away. He really wasn't paying me any attention, so I decided to say hi and scared the crap out of him. He was apparently already scared because of some creatures hanging out on the ceiling of the space in this area. I didn't know what they were, so I left those alone too.
I kept searching around for some stuff and realized that dirt guy was following me. He wasn't doing anything, so I just left him to his business and kept investigating.
Eventually, I came back to the giant green thing and searched the rooms around there. Well, the green thing woke up and decided to make a fire. I chose to stay out of sight but Dirt Guy just went right up and sat next to him. I'd never seen someone with green skin before, but I didn't think it was a good thing. Even so, they didn't do anything violent or dangerous, so I more or less just observed them freely. The green guy got up and left and then Dirt Guy left afterwards. I decided I might as well leave because there really wasn't much left in this building, if you can call it that, and went outside.
It looked like morning and I didn't see the green guy anymore, but Dirt Guy and I saw this small town in the distance and headed there together. Dirt Guy really doesn't talk much.
Here, I learned a lot. The town was called Silver Axe Oasis and this goblin guy who ran a bank helped fill in a lot of information for me. Dirt Guy was a half elf, which was why his ears were pointed, and the giant green guy was a half orc, which was why he was green. I thought that was really weird that they were basically people, but not people. I'd never even heard of orcs and goblins and elves before.
Anyway, this was apparently a tourist spot and the goblin showed me over to this area so I could watch the show. This small hairy guy came out, clearly drunk, and proclaimed himself king where he was pelted by a bunch of red berries until everything was bathed in red, except the small outlined area where Dirt Guy and I were standing. Then he just sort of returned to this room and the goblin went and changed his clothes. Gotta admit, it was a really nice looking outfit before, but the one after was nice too.
After the spectacle, Dirt Guy decided to go and fuss with the chair the king had sat on before, mocking and miming him in silence. I couldn't help but smirk and before I went back into the bank, the half orc must've fully woken up by now and was charging straight into town towards Dirt Guy. For a second, Dirt Guy looked terrified and then just... disappeared. He held up the chair for protection though and I could tell where he was because he never put the chair down. I really had to laugh at this point and soon, the half orc and inviso-Dirt Guy were fighting over the chair until the chair got destroyed.
At this point, I had no idea what was going on, but I was thoroughly entertained. I don't understand anything that's going on in this world, but whatever.
I head back into the bank, the goblin referring to Dirt Guy and half orc as my friends and then fed me and gave me water, which I very much needed. It wasn't too bad. Then the goblin admitted that he liked me, or at least I was easier to interact with than the other two, which I agree, and gave me an explanation on their money system. To be honest, I prefer the favor system of Thera.
Then I had to pay a platinum coin to Pouro who apparently teleported us to Mugen's, the half orc's, home town, so I did. And that's only the half of it.
I'll tell you more tomorrow, but I gotta say, totally understand Deshi's confusion with things on Thera now. As normal as it may seem in some ways, absolutely nothing is normal in a world different from your own.
CONTEXT: Author started a DnD campaign playing as me. Sessions are on Tuesdays and I'll be posting about my experiences after each session. I'll split them up so they aren't too long. Enjoy! And it turns out, I don't care if you're "human" or not, I'll still flirt with ya. 😘
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stagmalinay · 8 months
if i was famous id make it my hobby to search for every celebrity x reader about me just so i could comment “i wouldnt do that.”
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stagmalinay · 8 months
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stagmalinay · 8 months
Hey look, a tournament I can win! *checks the character list* Uhh, actually... I’m suddenly conflicted about this, there are people I like on here.
I was going to wait to announce it, but whatever. Now I'm hyperfixated on it instead. 😅 So I'm gonna host my own tournament. I'm not making another blog for it and no submissions are accepted. Why's that?
Because it's a tournament of my Krystar OCs.
I decided that I really should sit down and design all my characters so I'm going to draw a headshot of everyone and then post a little information about them. If you like them and want to learn more about them, vote for them and I'll do an additional picture with even more information on their background. They're all characters in the Krystar series but could probably all use a little more fleshing out, so this is what I'm doing! (Because I don't have enough stuff I'm behind on already. What? No, my list isn't reaching the 700's. Psshhh!) So anyway, it'll obviously take a while since I have to draw everyone and write something up for them, but I'm hoping it also gets more people interested in all the characters I have for the story. (And pushes me to actually continue working on it.) Without further ado, here's the bracket I plan on doing.
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[King Solara v. Meck, Master Key v. Panko, Meela v. Trance, Lannamay v. Celeste, Xacks v. Stag, unnamed pet v. Alara, Izzy v. Lord Carroll, Rick v. Varmik, Rozemery v. Nanyt, Astor v. Taki, Master Diette v. Axle, Mave v. Mynti, Sasaki v. Mythren, Deshi v. Sera, Rom v. Gerit, Lady Lambeth v. Roxin]
No idea when I'll be able to start doing it, but I'll be posting one poll every day lasting a single day until we get through all of them. (Doing this so in case I get most of them done in a speedy enough time, I can start posting polls even if not all the pictures are done yet.) Looking forward to sharing all my characters with you, big and small! Oh, also, the information that will automatically be included this first round will be approximate age in Earth years, approximate height in imperial, and the book they first appear in (avoiding spoilers). Let me know if you want other basic info added. Not including birthdays except for the main three as those are the only ones I've picked them for.
Random easter egg: Rom v. Gerit actually happened in ASR Round 1! This was totally randomized. And, uh, Gerit totally wiped the floor with Rom.... 😅 We'll see how he fares this time. Hope to have this up soon!
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stagmalinay · 8 months
Author was supposed to draw this, but she was apparently "working all weekend". 😒 But anyway, vote for Granger! That's what I did!
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But only because she promised to avenge me.
Granger: I what?
Otherwise I'm going to start promoting NSH!
Granger: … Well played.
I'll attempt to make Author draw a picture of us together, but I'm sure she's still "busy".
Yeah, "sure".
But let's face it, if Granger's gonna beat me, then she'd better beat NSH. No way I'm gonna accept losing to a loser. You hear me Granger? YOU BETTER FUCKING WIN!!
Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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136 notes · View notes
stagmalinay · 9 months
I had a coworker. He was one of the first people I met at my new dishwashing job back in March. He was always nice and thoughtful and talked about how well I was doing and always encouraged me to continue. He also grabbed some of the heavier dishes for me to put away when he had the time.
He loves music and enjoys the new Trigun remake and always asked for other anime suggestions. He was just a really good guy, but one day, he stopped showing up to work. I thought it was weird because he wasn't the no call/no show type of person and no one said anything about it. It was eerie not having him there, even though there were so many of us in the kitchen. He left his mark.
Well, it turns out... he was in remission. His cancer came back, and this time, it's not going away. I found this out a little under a week ago. I hadn't seen him since June.
If any of you have anything to give, I'd appreciate you sending him some financial help. All he's looking for is to pay for his end of life care. That's it. He deserves so much more. We can't do much else but... we can do this.
And if you don't have the extra finances to give, then please take the time to share this link and his story.
You never know how precious little of it you have.
Thank you for your time. https://gofund.me/cd74228d
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stagmalinay · 9 months
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*pulls in Deshi*
This idiot "accidentally" selected Granger when he meant to vote for me. So that "one vote" was actually mine.
Deshi: But I like the game...
*glares at him*
Deshi: Okay, okay, fine! *muttering* I accidentally voted for the wrong person... 😒
Good. So now that we've got that established, we'll just correct it so I'm in the finals, yeah?
Deshi, whispering to the reader: Don't actually fix it. It's a good game, okay?
Deshi: Look, I'll at least read all the propaganda now that it's all over, okay? I know you put a lot of work into it.
*tears phone out of his hands*
No! It's, uh, it's not safe for work...
Deshi: 🤨
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[image ID: the first image is of Stag Malinay, a young man with auburn hair and yellow-orange eyes. he's wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black, lace up knee high boots with belt straps. he's sitting on a red and gold throne. beside him is written his name, "Stag Malinay." the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
Stag Malinay
Very self confident, bisexual manwhore with a troubled background he doesn't like to talk about. Said past is the cause of all his anger issues which he regularly takes out on the MC, initially. They become friends later, so it's okay. Also, he has a Tumblr account! @stagmalinay, run by me, the author. Can't really get more obscure than only selling a few copies of my entire book so far. [additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2] [additional propaganda 3] [additional propaganda 4] [additional propaganda 5] [additional propaganda 6] [additional propaganda 7] [additional propaganda 8] [additional propaganda 9][additional propaganda 10] [additional propaganda 11] [additional propaganda 12]
so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda!]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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100 notes · View notes
stagmalinay · 9 months
Alright, here's some random stuff for you. Something I absolutely can't stand, it's super gross and makes my skin crawl: anything that comes out of a person's mouth. Slobber, vomit, anything. That is an intake orifice only and anything that comes out of it other than words is gross. And Author thought it's be cute if I drooled in my sleep, so I do. I find this utterly disgusting. 🤮
Another random thing is: I like fun words. Like, words that are fun to say. Nifty, noogie, dude. It makes your mouth do weird things and it's just fun. And they sound weird too, so it automatically makes your ears perk up, you know? This is actually why I love getting to learn Deshi's "Earth jargon", I'm secretly hoping I'll find more interesting words.
And then I once got asked what my magical girl name and power would be. I'm just going to go ahead and copy and paste that below. 😏
[Um, excuse me???
Okay, serious. *clears out throat and diverts to Author's knowledge* (She's probably gonna have to draw this now.) Obviously, I'll need a sword. I'd love to have speed as a power. That's it. And what's wrong with Stag? Oh, I can't use Stag? Um... Maybe Razor Blade? That sounds kinda cool, right? As for the outfit, something slick and form fitting? Maybe showing off my shoulders or something? *flexes* Yeah. And unlike Magic Shuu, I'm totally down to show off my belly button. Oh, and make sure I have boots! Main colors red and black with brown accents! Oh and-
Oh, you didn't need the design?
Well okay then. I guess that's it.]
She really should draw it though. I'd make a kickass magical girl! Vote for me! And send in a wish that Author gets enough time to draw all this pictures of me. 😆 Including that one I'm supposed to get if I move on to the next round. Vote for Stag! Manwhore Malinay!!
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[image ID: the first image is of Stag Malinay, a young man with auburn hair and yellow-orange eyes. he's wearing a black shirt, black pants, and black, lace up knee high boots with belt straps. he's sitting on a red and gold throne. beside him is written his name, "Stag Malinay." the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
Stag Malinay
Very self confident, bisexual manwhore with a troubled background he doesn't like to talk about. Said past is the cause of all his anger issues which he regularly takes out on the MC, initially. They become friends later, so it's okay. Also, he has a Tumblr account! @stagmalinay, run by me, the author. Can't really get more obscure than only selling a few copies of my entire book so far. [additional propaganda 1] [additional propaganda 2] [additional propaganda 3] [additional propaganda 4] [additional propaganda 5] [additional propaganda 6] [additional propaganda 7] [additional propaganda 8] [additional propaganda 9][additional propaganda 10] [additional propaganda 11] [additional propaganda 12]
so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda!]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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stagmalinay · 9 months
Hi Stag! What’s your reaction to being called a certified cutie?
Well of course I'm a cutie. Have you seen this face? I'm fucking adorable! And honestly I'm just curious... who did the certifications for that? 😏 I mean, feel free to certify me as many times as you want for yourself. 😉 No matter what angle you check, I'm still gonna be cute. 😁
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