starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
Hey Iā€™ve not been active at all lately for lots of reasons (mostly one) which are under the cut. If you want to stay in contact while Iā€™m gone, hit my Skype (coraciiformes) up or scream at me on my personal blog (itā€™s semi-hidden under the cut)
**animal death and illness under the cut, hey **
Okay so for the closest pals Iā€™ve got, youā€™ll know Iā€™m working at Hell Incarnate with rescuue. For those who donā€™t know that, thatā€™s where I work and spend most of my time and itā€™s why I have an obnoxious amount of free time. As with any place that has a tonne of ill animals, I get to experience them slowly dying of illness or promptly dropping at the most unexpected times. Usually Iā€™m desensitised to that! this has been part of my life for going on six years now (and almost all of my life for for as of two months ago) and Iā€™ve lost everything from budgies to chickens to hawks. Thatā€™s just how my work works and Iā€™ve learnt not to blame myself. I save a lot of birds and improve the lives of at least a few of them, after all!
Enter baby Barnes.Ā 
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Sheā€™s a mystery bantam chick I purchased (out of impulse, due to the loss of a previous bird) and she is possibly the sweetest thing to exist. Seriously, you look at her for too long and you get cavities. Exposure to her for over an hour will seal your arteries. Were she a faction to side with in FNV, sheā€™d be the hands down perfect one.Ā  I got her with the full awareness that she was genetically deformed. She was, technically, aĀ ā€œfreebieā€ from purchasing Noble, e.g. that little chipmunk-lookinā€™ fella in the top of the left image. I raised them together and they bonded instantly. Noble took care of barnes in ways I could never properly do-- he would scratch the ground for her to pick at afterwards (scratching being something her deformed feet cannot do) and he led her to water, let her sleep under his wing, etc. etc. etc. This is the epitome of poultry romance here, guys. Iā€™m expecting fanart by the end of the day and you should submit it to my personal blog, securiitron (this is a joke).Ā 
I donā€™t want to anthropomorphise by saying theyā€™re in love, but theyā€™re definitely bonded. While this is normally super good, Barnesā€™ health is very rapidly declining and Iā€™m starting to wonder if sheā€™ll make it. If she doesnā€™t, I know from experience that being without Barnes will make Noble refuse food, water, and just constantly scream for Barnes to come back.
So yeah know what to do and Iā€™m a crying mess while I type this but sheā€™s been getting gradually worse for a while and I lost a few other birds today and while that upsets me I really just canā€™t imagine losing Barnes. I canā€™t let it happen. I raised her and she bounced back so well and did beautifully and Iā€™d feel like a total faliure if she didnā€™t make it to adulthood because this happened once before with little Nougat, an eerily similar case. Barnes is so small and so sweet and perfect and she loves snuggles and makes little soft peeps and a lot of people at work call herĀ ā€œSpƤtzchenā€ which means ā€œlittle songbirdā€ because sheā€™s small and doesnā€™t look all that chicken-y I donā€™t know.
In other news Iā€™ve been in and out of a hospital for my own illnesses and Iā€™ve been obnoxiously lethargic. Also running nasty low on funds for things but still scraping by. Barnes matters more than these things and has been affecting me though because Iā€™m more durable than a baby bird and ARCS has offered to help me out as of 12 hours ago.
Kind words and bird stories/photos are always appreciated but send them to securiitron so I can see them. Not going to be on this blog for a while longer at least until most everything clears up.
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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happy mUNDAY hereā€™s a photo of my roo
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
this is a starter call for if we have not interacted beforeĀ 
iā€™ve got drafts iā€™ll get to hopefully soon but --!Ā 
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
Your character has just discovered my character's journal/diary.
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
They squinted. And grimaced. And made a noise that sounded partially enraged and partially confused.
ā€œYou stole several bottles, several books, the chess set-ā€ there had been a game going on, did this man have noĀ manners,Ā ā€œand now you expect me to pay for those and other items? Items that are rightfully mine?ā€
Aleid laughed.
ā€œNo. Give them back now.ā€
Ā Ā ā€˜The way of the Wasteland is that if you walk away from it, itā€™s free for the taking,ā€™ he would have said were he actually prepared and/or with a death wish. Ā  Unfortunately, he was not ready to die just yet, and so he instead just gave up, placed on the floor what he had rightfullyĀ stolen, then grabbed his bag and backed up, hands raising once more.
Ā Ā ā€œYou good, now, Stiff? We good? ā€˜Cause thatā€™s all Iā€™m giving up.ā€Ā 
Ā  He had kept a single bottle-- one with a sizable chip on the bottom edge. If this stranger was going to get bent out of shape over just that -- hell, if they were to even noticeĀ its absence -- then Stacey could only conclude that they were even pettier than expected.
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
(ā—”ā€æā—”āœæ)Ā for queen-of-the-needle
Ā  He knew he had been bugging this stranger; following her for a good distance, bragging about (ā€this cool fork-spoon I found,ā€ ā€œa pretty nice set of porcelain dishes,ā€ ā€œlotsā€™a Nuka Quantum for cheap-- itā€™s not my favourite thingā€), and generally just soliciting her. It went without saying that he was also very aware that this was nine kinds of annoying, aggravating, and generally just unwanted. Why did he continue? Ā  Well, he needed a fix, and the sketchier the character walking around, the more likely that they had chems, it seemed.Ā  Ā  It was, of course, a rather giant leap he took not only by assuming she was an addict, but also that she had the specific chem he needed. Ā  Nonetheless, the risks of being wrong and of being punched in the face were both ones he was willing to take--Ā  Ā  --right until she raised a fist. Then he hunkered back, hands raised, starting an unusually well put-together (though babbled nonetheless) string ofĀ ā€œhey, hey, palā€s andĀ ā€œeasy thereā€s. While most of his words had no meaning beyond ā€œdonā€™t punch me Iā€™m an innocent and important soul,ā€ he did eventually cut to the chase with a rather grand sweeping motion of his hands and the most casual of un-casual steps back.Ā  Ā Ā ā€œ--ā€™cause sharing means caring, slick, yanno?ā€Ā  Ā  A raise of his brows and the slightest of grins that his face would allow (which was to say it wasnā€™t very slight, being that his expressions were more exaggerated than the Ultra Luxeā€™s advertised quality) marked the approaching conclusion to his one-sided conversation.Ā  Ā Ā ā€œSo whaddā€™ya say? Any Mentats you can spare? Iā€™ll make it worth your time, for sure.ā€ He paused when her expression didnā€™t immediately change, brows raising even more, ā€œGot a bunch of those Legioner-ry coins I found, too. Pretty neat things.ā€
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
send in aĀ (ā—”ā€æā—”āœæ)
ā€¦and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
Keep reading
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
walking into the lucky 38 like
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
cool new game: googleĀ ā€œ[your characterā€™s first name] glamor shotā€ and post the first result
hereā€™s mine:
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
i want to draw people dancing so hEY send me a symbol and iā€™ll draw something dorky that has to do with dancing re: your museĀ 
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
Ya keep reblogging NSFL memes and then deleting them and I want to KNOW things Im....
okay well iā€™m assuming nsfl is the same as nsfw since googling ā€œnsflā€ just brings up football memes so uh
yeah here is some nasty stuff you goddang sinner aight itā€™s general and all but
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Physically, heā€™s not overly impressive. Heā€™s about 8 cm (3-ish inches?) flaccid and 11.5 cm (4.5-ish inches??) erect. Not overly girthy, either, but heā€™s got the aesthetics going for him pretty well-- itā€™s soft in shape, not too veiny, and has a decent flush at the head. On the side of his dick is a freckle, kind of light as far as freckles go so it blends in well, but if your face is down there, itā€™s not too difficult to notice. Foreskin-wise, heā€™s average.Stace doesnā€™t have an extremely notable ass, either, but itā€™s not flat as much as it is sort of muscular. His thighs are a lot more squeezable.
onto hAIR. Heā€™s not very hairy, really. As a matter of fact, heā€™s actually rather lacking, but more on that later. Going totally unshaved and untrimmed, heā€™s got the most hair on his lower legs and pubes, but itā€™s not really much of a forest-- his leg hair is average and his pubic hair, while it does oh so faintly reach his upper inner thighs, doesnā€™t grow upwards much at all. Heā€™s close to bare on his chest and his arm hair is also rather faint, and the most facial hair he can consistently grow is the faintest pair of muttonchops to ever exist. Usually, though, he shaves nearly everything (legs, arms, chest) but leaves his pubes be (hell no is he holding a knife to them, ech) and usually neglects his face in hopes that eventually his patchy stubble will be able to grow into something beard-or-ā€™stache-like.
Uhh.Kinks? I donā€™t even know here look take this F-list for him I just made. Be careful though, because there are some sensistive subjects in it (regarding nonsexual torture, normal torture etc.) and words that arenā€™t all too uh, politically correct. Basically contact me if you want to turn Stace into a bloody smear, okay?For those who want a, uh, Ā condensed version of the list. Heā€™s basically up for anything that isnā€™t ridiculously extreme, and really likes degradation to an extent? Either if itā€™s been prediscussed or if heā€™s just really into the moment. Seriously, call him a slut or something. Go for it. Heā€™s got an ego that's impossible to break down tbh. More important, though, is teasing. Heā€™s got an issue with, uh, getting too excited and finishing up early, so usually he drags things out with teasing. Let him get the upper hand and heā€™ll be a horrible tease and take his sweet time. Honestly, unless you want an embarrassingly quick fuck, then thereā€™s got to be a bit of teasing/holding back.
I think thatā€™s it I really do.
There you go, you sinner
EDIT: oh yeah! Stace is a bit lacking, hormone-wise. He has below-average levels of testosterone in his system. And he really isnā€™t as sexually charged as he plays up to be. Most of that is just ridiculously overt flirtation and heā€™s 100% definitely not up for sex 24/7. Attention? Yes, heā€™s an attention hoarder. Touch his face and tell him heā€™s pretty. Do it now.
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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:ā€™^) happy belated birthday you piece of garbage
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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in this time of kink memes and sin i present to you a whiny old man yes thank you youā€™re welcome
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starcapped-blog Ā· 9 years
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