strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
I never realized how slow time goes when you give up most social media. I kept this app because none of friends know my account on here, so i can post whatever without fear of judgment because no hate but people who have tumblr are a little mental鉂わ笍
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strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
I wish my mom paid more attention to me. Every time i want to talk to her,i feel like I'm going to get yelled at or ignored. She talks all about her job and all her friends but she never asks me about my day or what i did. She always calls me names because of the things i like. Its like i can never be myself around her, i have to be just this person who "listens" to her drone on and on about the same thing everyday.
Sorry for the rant I'm just in that mood today.
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strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
Sometime i just want to hide away from everything and everyone. Nobody would really notice but if for one day i could just be fully and completely alone, with just my thoughts.
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strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
So I was taking a nap right and i had this nightmare/flashback of when my moms boyfriend was trying to kill us. It was actually really scary, and now I'm too scared to even think about wanting to sleep.
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strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
Tumblr media
Her arms are goals, i wish mine could look like that and not all flabby
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strang3-and-unusua1 3 years
My mother made me relapse back into my ED, she stopped buying food because she's always working. And she never buys me any snacks or even fast food.
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