studyblr-support · 3 years
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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Here’s a short post that I made while procrastinating studying for my quantum mechanics class that is very heavy on the math :)
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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✨ how to deal with failure: a brief guide for the completely done and utterly fed up student ✨
first of all, recognise - and i don’t mean just read, internalise it - that failing is okay. you’re not dumb, you’re not unworthy of taking the class, you might’ve not even necessarily had the wrong approach; you did, however, in any case, have bad luck. and that can be changed. it absolutely can be changed and you do have the time to adjust your studying so you can make up for the misstep. it’s gon be okay buttercup <3
1. vent to a friend/sb you’re close with
i personally attacked my bestie, talked to a few other ppl, and it helped get some of the frustration out. it’s also important you learn to speak to yourself how you would to a friend - you certainly wouldn’t tell them they’re a failure and won’t come back from this, would you? what you actively tell yourself shapes your subconscious thoughts.
2. catch up on the self care you’ve neglected when studying
get a long shower to wash the exam off, eat your meals slowly, get enough sleep (!), clean your room (unburden The Chair™ - srsly, do your laundry - and vacuum, change your bedsheets perhaps?)
3. make a study plan for the retake
be sure to make it realistic and flexible so you don’t end up inducing more stress (helpful posts: 1 2 3 4 (not mine)), try to finish all the topics at least 3 days before the exam so you can spend the last days refreshing your knowledge and preparing mentally instead of cramming.
4. reflect (critically) on your studying so far
is there anything you can do to get more out of your time? quality over quantity is super important when it comes to revision; try implementing more active recall into your study sessions (some posts you can consult on this topic: 1 2 3 (not mine), what is active recall?) and spacing them out more; try to avoid cramming as it increases your stress levels and isn’t as affective with committing information to memory. also, if you asses you could use some help, reach out! ask a friend, get in touch with your professor, seek advice online… getting help = showing readiness for improvement = mature and very welcome!
5. schedule self-care time
when you’re making your study plan, remember to also think of your mental and physical health ● you can space out little acts of self care throughout the week (i.e. take a bubble bath every sunday, schedule a weekly video call with your best friend, allot time to spend with your s/o, do a quick workout every day,…) ● or have a ‘mental health day’ for a whole day each week (i.e. on saturdays, only do things you enjoy - spend the day reading/drawing/binging netflix/baking/…); i personally like to space my self care throughout the week and go for a walk with my best friend every two weeks or so. i’m not kidding, schedule your ‘me’ time into your planner. write. it. down.
6. sleep
i’ve mentioned it already but it’s so important it deserves it’s own bullet point - remember to also take good care of your brain. it is, after all, the organ working the hardest here. a whole day of studying, doing chores, talking to people, etc. has your synapses firing away like crazy, so sleeping is vital for them to recover and come back stronger the next day. give them time to cool down, process the information you’ve gathered throughout the day and store it somewhere you can access it later. seriously. an important note here: there isn’t a single amount of sleep that is optimal for everyone - some people work best on 6 hours of sleep, some can’t go on less than 9. dedicate yourself to figuring out what works best for you and learn to plan your wake up time. ● option no. 1: get into the habit of going to sleep and waking up every. day. at. the. same. time. - a good routine is even more vital in these times when time doesn’t even matter bc we literally don’t go anywhere ever. ● option no. 2: if your uni/work schedule doesn’t allow you to establish a daily routine, try using sleepyti.me to calculate when you should wake up to feel most refreshed :)
hopefully these points can serve as a base/reference for your academic rebound <3 i wrote them up after straight up skipping the grieving-this-is-unfair phase of failure and just being left with a slightly-pissed-but-definitely-fed-up-with-this-class feeling. it dawned on me that i surely can’t be the only one facing this, so i decided to share this and hopefully help you guys out as well:) keep in mind: your worth has zero correlation with your grades, you’re a bad bitch and will not stop bc life tried to knock u down - here’s a quote i like: when life knocks you down, calmly get back up and very politely say, “you hit like a bitch”. after that, u can follow these steps and flourish x
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studyblr-support · 3 years
Here's the ADHD Checklist! I finally made it, it's originally from this post. But I've put it in a more easy to read manner.
Requested by: @partykeet I hope this helps!
If you don't know if you have ADHD or not but have an inkling you might, these are important questions to consider when self diagnosing and researching into the disorder!
Executive Dysfunction
Do you struggle with getting things done?
Do you mean to do it and you don’t?
Do you feel overwhelmed by trying to do it?
Do you forget to do it?
Do you feel like you can’t for whatever reason?
Emotional Dysregulation
Are you often told you’re overemotional?
Are you told you overreact?
Do you feel like you can’t control your emotions?
Do you often go from one emotion to the next?
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Do you react strongly without meaning to?
Do you get really depressed after wearing yourself out?
Do you feel awful after someone’s criticized you?
Do you often spiral when something goes wrong?
Do you feel like you can perk back up when that person asks you what’s wrong?
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
Do you have a hard time waking up?
Do you have a hard time going to bed?
Do you have very vivid dreams?
Are you aggressive and irritable when someone wakes you up (for like, school)?
Do you struggle keeping a consistent sleep schedule over vacation or summer break, even on the weekends?
Inattention(Dissociation) and Hyperfocus
Do you often zone out?
Do you daydream?
Do you get disinterested often?
Do you feel like you can multitask (listen to music and read at the same time)?
Do you get so absorbed in something that when you return to reality, hours have passed by?
Hyperfixation and Emotional Hyperarousal
Do you have “obsessions” or things that feel incredibly pleasurable/taste good when you interact with them?
Do you have a loud mind that runs a thousand miles a minute?
Do you feel overwhelmed or stressed out by your mind?
Do you overthink or overanalyze things?
Is your head really foggy or thoughts blurry?
Working Memory, Inattention and Object Permanence
Do you seem to have memory problems?
Like you cant remember something someone told you to do (homework, chores)?
Or you easily lose things, having it just been there?
Do you forget that things exist after having them put away?
Do you forget important things like birthdays, dates and numbers, but remember other “trivial” things?
Do you have a hard time remembering the past or your childhood?
Stimulation and Stimming
Does listening to music help you get things done?
Do you need to watch something while you’re eating and get distracted if you don’t?
Do you feel dissociated or distracted when you can’t listen to music or have your phone out?
Do you constantly fidget, shake your legs, play with parts of things?
Do you feel like if you try to stop fidgeting, you’ll feel an urge to do it more?
Do you have a million phone games?
Do you feel like some games aren’t enough to play on their own but some are too much that you can’t focus on anything else?
"Money Blindness" and Impulsivity
Do you have trouble with money when given control over it?
Do you spend money on things other people find pointless or useless?
Do you have trouble with microtransactions?
Do you feel like when you buy something that you’ll have enough money left for things you need?
Are you often broke? Especially if you claimed that you would save money?
Do you often feel like the consequences of buying something aren't that serious?
Time Blindness
Do you have a hard time keeping track of time?
Do you feel like you’re often late to things?
If not, do you have anxiety, and often panic about the time?
Do you often have a hard time keeping a schedule?
Do people say you have poor time management skills, but no matter what you do, you can’t fix it?
Habits, Executive Dysfunction and Disorganization
Do you have poor hygiene?
Do you struggle to remember to brush your teeth?
Is it hard taking a bath/shower? If so, does it take a long time to get into the bath or shower?
If left to your own devices do you wear the same outfit for days?
Do you often look disheveled despite trying to be organized and clean?
Do you often rub off makeup or have messy hair?
Do you try to be organized but no matter what, you can’t?
Boundaries, RSD, and Volume Control
Do you struggle with boundaries?
Do you have a hard time controlling your volume (either too loud or too quiet)?
Do you feel like you’ve ruined everything when someone tells you that you did something wrong?
Do you think you’ve offended people when you haven't?
Do you have a hard time judging reality correctly (like you think you’ve offended or hurt someone and you feel awful but it didn’t bother them that much)?
Disclaimer: Don't say someone who self diagnoses is faking. If you relate to these questions and symptoms, you definitely are not faking. ADHD is a disability that is incredibly hard to manage. People who have it don't like it as they have likely struggled all their life. Being undiagnosed and unmedicated is damaging and traumatizing. Be kind to people, especially if they don't have access to medical help.
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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Quote by F. E. Marie
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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watch this if you’ve been feeling lonely, if you want to see the positive aspects of spending more time alone, or just if you want to get to know yourself a little better. in this video, i’m talking about my experience of intentionally spending more time alone — and how it changed me. i really hope you enjoy it!
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studyblr-support · 3 years
this is not a call out post and i’m not targeting specific blogs but i’d like to just say this because i’ve noticed this happening more in the studyblr community:
weheartit, pinterest, etc. are not sources. these are search engines for photos. and while linking these sites under a post can help locate the original photo, this is still not permission to repost a photo. it is still not respecting the original creator. linking does not absolve you of stealing if you didn’t directly ask the original artist/creator. 
please always ask for permission first and respect the decision of the original poster. please also avoid sharing reposted content. it may be hard to spot but let’s have each others’ backs if we see a repost getting reblogged. if you see me reblogging reposted content, please let me know!
i understand a lot of people aren’t reposting out of malicious intent. i understand that some people are just unaware of the damage reposting could inflict. the studyblr community is generally a young community so these things happen, we all make mistakes. but now that you know better, please do better.
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studyblr-support · 3 years
getting things done method
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Hi, it’s werelivingarts again! One another method beside Pomodoro and Eat the Frog that you can use to organize your time is Getting Things Done. 
When there are so many tasks bouncing around mind, it’s difficult to focus and complete them. Therefore, to do this, the first step is to write down all the tasks you need to do. Then, divide the tasks in smaller actions and organize them on your timetable! Hope that you find this useful! 💙💜❤️💻🥛🍫
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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studyblr-support · 3 years
Notes from a poll worker
Hey Tumbls, are you voting in person? Here’s some info for you
1) If you are in line before the polls close, even if it’s 6:59 and polls close at 7:00, you have the right to vote. Don’t let them turn you away.
2) Electioneering within 25 feet of your polling place isn’t permitted. Don’t wear candidate or party merch. It is considered electioneering and you may be asked to leave and come back in a different change of clothes.
3) If someone is pressuring you to vote a certain way within 25 feet of a polling place, tell the poll workers. THAT’S ILLEGAL.
3) If someone is intimidating you or trying to drive you away from the polls, tell the poll workers. THAT’S ILLEGAL.
4) If you forgot your ID and you’re in a state that requires it, ask for a provisional ballot. You can still vote, even without the ID. Once your provisional ballot is cast, you can go home and grab your ID to show them, bypassing the line and going straight to the managing table.
(Disclaimer: I am a poll worker in MO, which has some of the stricter election laws in the country. Some laws may vary depending on region.)
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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studyblr-support · 3 years
go vote already.
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studyblr-support · 3 years
I love how easy access to academic articles is. you just:
happen to stumble upon an interesting article on jstor via google
turn on and log into your uni’s vpn client
click through 5 pages on the library’s website to go to jstor through the secured university-paid access line
find out for some reason said article isn’t included in the university-paid jstor access
copy the article’s name in your library’s search engine
come up with no results
copy the author’s name into your library’s search engine
find the article!
click on “full text access” 
have to log in to another university online system
find out it cancelled your search when logging in
start the search again
click on “full text access” again
cry in relief when the article actually opens and is downloadable
(optional) find out that the article wasn’t even all that helpful
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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“A Thread of Tips” by Shelby
• #16 is missing but to find out more tips, follow her on twitter; be sure to thank her! 😁
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studyblr-support · 3 years
sorry for replying so late and so glad to find out this blog is helpful! I would like to point out, most of the posts are reblogs and almost all resources are credited to those I reblogged them from (just trying to make sure I don’t take credit for someone else’s hardwork). all I am doing is making it more convenient for people to access their resources by compiling into one blog and occasionally also spreading some love :) 
The Studyblr Community Challenge 2020
created by @myhoneststudyblr
25 October 2020 - 19:03
(Sunday: I watched Damien’s livestream for a couple hours and now I’m struggling to finish this paper so I can start the next one… it’s gonna be a long night folks.)
Heyyyy long time no see hehehe
It’s been an interesting week. My brain hasn’t been in the best state and life has gotten busy. But I’m on the mend, feeling better and more hopeful for the future. So I figured I would hop on here while I’m doing good.
As for days 15-25 of this challenge… I don’t really have many people I know very well on studyblr? I’ve only had a handful of conversations with people. So @imperfect-productivity I’m tagging you for someone I think is really kind and I’m grateful to have met (days 17 and 19)!
As for the rest of these, I’m just gonna tag a bunch of people that I follow here. You should check out their blogs because I really enjoy seeing them in my feed!
@odd-socks-in-space (cozy vibes I live for it)
@herbivore-studies (hi I like your pfp and banner it’s v cute you have a nice aesthetic and your blog makes me feel calm)
@astudyingbird (again, nice aesthetic. They’ve reblogged a lot of helpful infographics and lists that make me feel like I can actually do hard things so thanks for the extra motivation!)
@studyblr-support (again v helpful posts and infographics, great resources there!!)
@clabujo (your notes are so nice and it makes me want to try harder with my own ahh)
I’ll try to do some more the next time I post but like I said, life is v crazy right now. I’m using my break from writing two essays to make this posts and I start orientation for a new job tomorrow evening so I’m gonna be a busy bee for a while! This part of the semester is always a challenge for me, but I’ve always managed to make it through before. Just because it’s 2020 doesn’t mean it gets to defeat me this time. I will survive and things will get done one way or another.
I hope you all have a wonderful week, friends!
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studyblr-support · 3 years
do u have any advice for ppl who want to study linguistics and languages but couldnt afford to study it at school?? thanks if you answer this, have a great day
yeah! you can easily download textbooks online and study from them AND I do have a dropbox full of linguistics textbooks!
it includes phonetics/phonology, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, psycholinguistics, morphology, and etymology. 
I also have another dropbox folder full of language textbooks:
As of Sep 20: Includes 76 textbooks including Arabic, ASL, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Welsh :)
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studyblr-support · 3 years
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(cr: selfcare4yu)
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