swiper-is-swiping 3 months
Vital Mothman lore update on my blusky feed.
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swiper-is-swiping 4 months
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sorry your kid wouldnt stop naming pokemon in order so we had to flatten em into a sheet of lasagna
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swiper-is-swiping 4 months
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early 2000s gothic circus fairy cabaret steampunk fashion>>>
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swiper-is-swiping 5 months
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Your son melted but he's doing his best 馃槍 @scootbloop
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my son, cruddy the dough man. he has a tiny head growing out of the top of his regular head.
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swiper-is-swiping 5 months
Our mother has been absent @scootbloop
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swiper-is-swiping 6 months
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Love when the Spotify wrapped calls you out for being a depressed bitch this year
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swiper-is-swiping 8 months
so ahaha i made a mh character quiz u should take it and reblog this post with your results ahahahha
and for shoots and googles. heres my result! (i promise this was not planned i just fuckksadjska i love this boy)
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swiper-is-swiping 8 months
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this is how the cold war ended
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swiper-is-swiping 9 months
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
reblog to keep your mutual refreshed with a nice squirt of the saw the ride dead body fountain
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
@scootbloop @honeybakedgrahames
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
You mentioned a story for another time in the tags on that exotic animal post: the story of your dad鈥檚 ex trying to kill you?? Please share, I wasn鈥檛 even following you and that hook alone has me curious
yeah! so my dad's ex wasn't trying to kill me (unlike my mom's ex that time with the low brass instrument - another story for another time). this woman was an interesting character. i won't use her real name, but it was an Extremely Dated name spelled in a "unique" way. to preserve the vibe i'll call her Krystal.
krystal was in her early 30s. she had two children from a previous relationship who she wasn't allowed to see, for reasons never explained to me. she quit her job not long after she got together with my dad, and spent most of her days sitting on his front porch smoking weed and reading sketchy amazon-published werewolf erotica. (no offense to stoners or monsterfuckers - just trying to paint an accurate picture here.) she was often uncomfortably sexual with my 14-year-old self and my 11-year-old brother. i won't go into detail on that stuff, but rest assured i have many very good reasons for Not Being A Fan beyond the whole almost dying thing.
krystal was obsessed with animals. not in a healthy appreciating-wildlife kind of way, but in the way that makes you keep buying fish and lizards and small rodents and then neglect to take care of them. (luckily, my dad did his best to keep up with caring for and rehoming the critters she brought in, so it could have been much worse.) every time she saw an animal outside, she would try to chase it down and catch it/pet it/tame it/etc. this included stray dogs, cats, a chipmunk (which got into the house one day while she was sitting on the porch with the door open and scratched and bit her when she tried to catch it), and our neighbors' horse (which she hopped a fence to get closer to despite its notoriously bad temper, only for it to step on her foot and break a couple of her toes). this is where her dream came in - she started taking nursing classes at a community college a couple of towns over, but eventually dropped out to pursue her dream of raising and breeding arctic foxes in captivity (which thankfully never came to fruition). as i mentioned in the tags, we live in the american south. so this is. not feasible.
anyway, back to the story. i have moderate-to-severe asthma and reactive airway disease, among other health conditions. i am allergic to a lot of things, to the point where if i breathe anything other than clean, room-temperature air, my lungs will start to swell. we have known this since i was a little kid. we had to tear the '70s shag carpeting out of our house several years earlier, even, because it collected too much dust. a lot of the animals she brought in gave me trouble, but because we lived with our mom and only visited on weekends, i had been mostly fine, so long as i had access to my inhalers and nebulizer.
the other thing about krystal was that she was a heavy tobacco smoker. cigarette smoke is one of my biggest reactive airway triggers. my mom often jokes that i am a "human smoke detector," because i usually start coughing before anyone else smells anything. before smoking in restaurants became illegal here when i was a kid, i couldn't go to restaurants with smoking sections because i would have an asthma attack if someone lit a cigarette on the other side of the room.
my dad attempted to mitigate this by only allowing her to smoke outside. of course, this doesn't help much when your definition of "outside" is "right outside the door with the door wide open" or "sitting in the car with the window rolled down," but hey. there was one rule: no smoking in the house.
so one thanksgiving, my dad, brother, and i went to my uncle's house for dinner. krystal did not come with us. when we got home and went inside, i immediately started wheezing and coughing. i could tell she had been smoking in the house while we were gone. i told my dad. he asked krystal and she said she didn't do it. she obviously had, but his response was largely along the lines of "well, she said she didn't, so..."
i used my inhalers, but the problem is that i was still in the environment with the trigger, so that just enabled me to breathe more of it. my nebulizer was at my mom's house a couple of hours away, so the situation snowballed until i finally had to literally beg my dad to take me to the emergency room. that was, if i recall correctly, the fourth time i'd had to be hospitalized for an asthma attack. i got to go home a few hours later, after a breathing treatment, a steroid shot, and being monitored to make sure my oxygen saturation went back up. this gave her enough time to open the windows and air the house out so it didn't smell like smoke anymore by the time we got back. it's been more than a decade and my dad still doesn't believe that she ever smoked in the house.
the cherry on top of all this is that we were on his health insurance, which was garbage, and the closest emergency room to his extremely rural house was out of network. this resulted in a ridiculously high emergency room bill, over which he held a grudge long enough to refuse to take me to the ER for another worse asthma attack a few years later
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
reblog to give a trans man a sword
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swiper-is-swiping 1 year
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