#hypermobile joints
crippledpunks · 7 months
cane users don't have to use their cane for every single step in order to be valid in their need for a cane. cane users can suddenly stop using their cane while moving around and not invalidate their need for it next time they use it. some cane users may only use their canes during flare ups. some only need their cane every few steps for short bursts. everyone's needs are different.
every cane user deserves respect.
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chaos-and-ink · 1 month
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Nothing About Me Is Straight
I'm making stickers based on my chronic illnesses for my final project in my art class. This is the first one! If people like them I'm thinking about adding them to my shop in the summer when I have more time.
Funny enough I killed my wrist and fingers trying to draw this. ouchie i need to buy some splints soon
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
the desire to stim by moving your joints in ways they shouldn't move vs the looming threat of injury from doing so
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gracethyomen · 11 days
Happy First of May!!
Hello! May is EDS (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) awareness month! As a person with suspected EDS and with chronic symptoms, this is a very important topic to me. EDS is hard to diagnose, and many patients fly under the radar of healthcare professionals which can cause them to suffer lack of treatment and forces them to live with their painful symptoms.
More Information about EDS and associated variations has been attached below and the infographs were originally found on an instagram account that I follow at the username the_chronic_chronicles
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neilgayman69 · 3 months
Casually daydreaming about the mobility aids I think would help me, ya know, like every able bodied person does.
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Dear (physically) abled people: the accessible bathroom stall is NOT for you.
And no, I don’t care if you’re neurodivergent.
Acceptable reasons to use the accessible bathroom stall:
You have mobility issues (visible or invisible) and need the support of handles/grab bars
You have disability aids, such as a cane or a service dog, that require extra space
You need space to catheterize, change a stoma bag, or perform another disability-related procedure
Your disability involves incontinence or inability to hold waste and therefore you need fast access
Unacceptable reasons to use the accessible bathroom stall:
You want privacy during a panic attack and therefore think that it’s ok to use up resources that aren’t for you (idc if you’re neurodivergent)
You want privacy during a meltdown and therefore think that it’s ok to use up resources that aren’t for you (idc if you’re neurodivergent)
You want to eat your lunch in the bathroom (idc if you’re self conscious about eating)
You don’t have actual digestive/gastrointestinal disabilities, but you just want to take a nice long shit
You want to take a break from socializing (idc if you’re autistic)
You want to have sex/make a phone call/get drunk/etc
Let me emphasize: your panic attack, eating habits, social anxiety, or whatever, is not a justification for using up a limited resource that isn’t for you.
I do not care if you’re neurodivergent or mentally ill or whatever. You’re occupying a space that isn’t meant for you. You’re appropriating a finite resource that some people have no choice to need.
Physically disabled people, such as myself, are not just annoyed, but materially harmed by neurodivergent people who think they have the right to occupy the accessible stall for their panic attacks or what have you. We can get UTIs, other infections, rashes, and pain from not having access to a useable bathroom… waiting 20 minutes for you to eat your fucking salad in the accessible stall while we are in wet underwear/diapers is not ok.
Don’t use the accessible toilet if it’s not for you. End of story.
Edit because y’all are putting words into my mouth: this isn’t about invisibly disabled people. This isn’t about me standing outside every accessible toilet trying to judge whether or not each individual is disabled enough. This is about a broader trend of abled neurodivergent people speaking over physically disabled people.
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Moves joints: ow
Doesn’t move joints: ow
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enjolrashisace · 8 days
Most times I hate being chronically ill and disabled. I hate needing more rest. I hate needing mobility aids. I hate needing special treatment
But then Loena, my queer platonic girlfriend, and I are doing groceries and she's pushing my chair with her motor on and it's like "cho cho we're a train"
It comes with so much grief but also silly little joyful moments we create ourselves
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referencebaseforme · 10 months
Yes doctor, I have an unexplainable cause of the ouchies. As you can see I am in pain, no I am not a hypochondriac.
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ok yeah i have a debilitating medical condition that causes chronic & generalized pain, mobility issues, autonomic nervous system dysfunction and frequent subluxations BUT. i can touch my thumb to my forearm so. a win is a win
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astersghost · 4 months
Having chronic conditions is so stupid like what do you mean I currently have debilitating pain in my toes. Granted my hip, fingers, lower back, knees, shoulder, and elbow also hurt a ridiculous amount too atm but my fucking toes ??? What did they do???
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crippledpunks · 7 days
actually- my chronic & mental illness does define me- it's a very huge part of my life. it can't be ignored. it can't be placed on the back burner. it cannot be "powered through". it is there 24/7 whether or not i want it to be. i have to constantly explain to people why i do things is because of my schizophrenic and autistic neurotypes, or that im in severe pain from one of my various problems that cause pain
trying to mock certain disabled people who have to talk about and seek care for their disabilities on a daily basis is unnecessary and violent. it's oppressive. my disorders literally define me, my schizophrenia and autism dictate most of my behaviors. my body is constantly in pain, my guts are constantly affected by my IBS. i am constantly anxious from my PTSD and constantly dissociating from my DID.
if you personally feel as though your illnesses don't define you, that is great for you. i'm not saying chronically ill folks can't feel that way, but what i am saying is stop punching down on those of us who have a lot of their lived experience rooted in their disorders, diseases and neurotypes.
things go into remission or make progress with healing, but most chronic illnesses never fully go away and it's just bullshit to make chronically ill people feel like they can never complain about their issues. it's not an inconvenience to you, it's us expressing what we're going through. stop acting like us talking about our lived experience is an attack on your person. i'm sorry hearing that someone else is in pain sucks to hear but it sucks FAR more to BE IN PAIN
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chaos-and-ink · 12 days
I always feel like my pain isn't valid or it's not enough because I still have a job and I still work and do my classes and such. But then I realize when I read the pain scale descriptions, my baseline is at a 4-5. Flare up's can ramp up to 7-9. The normal amount of pain is 0. That's completely impossible for me to imagine.
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
to my fellow hypermobile ppl, if you are turning while standing... do not simply rotate at the hips. it can fuck up your knees and hips.
instead... lift up the foot on the side you are turning towards. rotate that leg AND your torso towards the direction you want to go in. put foot down. bring your other foot in line with the first foot. make sure your feet point straight when you do this.
tada. you have turned more safely. if anyone knows a better way to turn please add on. may your joints not crumble.
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tumble-tv · 2 months
why must my hip dislocate when i stand up to get cheetos
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neilgayman69 · 2 months
Sometimes I almost want myself to get worse because at least then I won't be constantly wondering if I'm overreacting or overplaying the problems/pain my physical issues cause me.
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