#< tag makes it sound less dire than it seems PLEASE reblog
marshiestars · 11 months
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this is a very very long shot, but I’m desperate. basically doxxing myself to make this.
5 days ago, one of my cats accidentally got out while it was raining. she still hasn’t returned. we’ve alerted the neighbours, friends, and the local facebook group, but so far nothing.
if you by some miracle live in whitecourt alberta or the surrounding area and you see this cat, PLEASE reply to this post or dm me!! I miss her so so much and I’m so worried about her
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We’ll Go Down in History - Alistair x Me
A/N: Been feeling really sad and stressed today because of some big news, so what did I do? Ignored all of my responsibilities and wrote 2000 words of Alistair x Me fanfiction in one sitting! Figure some of y’all might enjoy seeing it as well, so here you go! This is a continuation of a little later after that piece I wrote last week :) Also this concept is HEAVILY inspired by an imagine I saw that I reblogged a little while ago!
Word Count: 1926
Warnings: Light, light, light allusions to violence and character death
Tagging: (Some who asked to be tagged, and others I thought might be interested! Anyone else lmk if you’d like to be tagged in future works!)
I always hated being around for royal business, but as long as Alistair had to attend to it, I would be there to support him. I could hate having to stand there and watch him dealing with rude people who felt entitled to his time and energy, but of course he had it worse in that situation, and I would do just about anything to help ease his discomfort over it; even if it meant just standing to the side and watching.
On any normal day, I would be out around Denerim on my own, finding jobs to do, helping people, keeping myself occupied. It's not as if I technically needed the work anymore, I lived in the palace now, officially an advisor to the king. I did advise him from time to time, but it was far less professional than most thought. While most assumed that the king had taken on his old friend and war time companion to advise him in a time of dire need, the truth was that we had finally been reunited after nearly a decade, when we went on an epic quest to find the truth about Alistair's long lost father, and had finally admitted that we loved each other along the way. He had asked me to come live with him in Denerim so that we could be together, and despite the stresses, of course I agreed. I tried to retain some of my old adventuring life, where I traveled all across Thedas, with the daily outings, and Alistair encouraged it, but of course I had to forgo that sometimes to keep up the front we had invented for ourselves in the effort to keep our relationship a secret. Which led to days like this one.
The king was due for a royal outing, to check on the well being of his subjects. He tended to enjoy this responsibility more than most of his other ones, although it still made me nervous. Who knew what random person would be horribly rude to Alistair in some way, shape, or form, leaving me to watch his discomfort helplessly? Or worse, what if someone attempted to harm him? He could defend himself, and had an insane amount of guards ready at every turn, I knew this, but still, the thought of someone trying to hurt him made me sick. Still, whatever my worries, I would stand there, and observe, so that every few minutes, Alistair could look over at me, see me smile, and strengthen his resolve to continue with his responsibilities.
So there I was, watching him talk to some of his subjects in the street. He glanced over at me and I did my best to smile lightly, as I was finally beginning to accept that nothing horrible would happen. He smiled in return, and if his smile didn't set my stomach to fluttering and make my heart squeeze almost painfully, I would almost have to scold him for his lack of subtlety. I was sure any person paying enough attention would be able to tell that the exchange wasn't a platonic one.
"Are you the king's advisor Ser Wallace?"
I was shaken from my thoughts when one of the ladies that had been talking with Alistair addressed me, "Oh, yes, that's me."
Immediately, much of the crowd turned to look at me. Well that was just fantastic.
One of the younger adults in the area stared at me in awe, "It's so incredible that you've returned to Ferelden to advise the king! Given your history, you must make such a fantastic duo!"
"Our history?" I panicked for a brief moment.
"You two do seem to be the best of friends, and what with your shared history of fighting the Blight and all! We've all heard the stories of the part you played as a team to help bring down the Archdemon!"
It was Alistair's turn to speak up in confusion now, "Stories? I wasn't aware of the tales of Ser Wallace and I still get told so frequently.”
Many in the crowd nodded eagerly. The young individual who had spoken up spoke again, "Of course they do! Even if you weren't king, Your Majesty, the two of you were an epic duo during the Blight! National heroes, you are! All the children that have been born since the Battle of Denerim have been told the tale of how Ser Wallace pledged allegiance to the Grey Wardens after they saved her from some nasty hurlocks in the woods, and spent the next year fighting with you to eradicate the evil from this land! Or how the two of you defended the gates of Denerim in the final battle, leading the troops in battle! You two are like heroes of legend!" Many of the children around had worked their way to the front of the crowd now.
I remembered both those days so clearly. The day my life had changed forever, when I'd been gathering some herbs in the forest near Gwaren for the apothecary, and had been attacked by darkspawn. They'd been so terrifying, such monstrous creatures, and even as I wielded my daggers, trying my best to force them off, I had been certain I was going to die. Brosca and her team, including Alistair, had burst forth from the woods, then, and had surely saved my life. It wasn't hard to see that they were Grey Wardens, but even with all the nasty rumors Loghain had spread about their involvement in the death of King Cailan, I didn't really care. I knew then and there that if the Blight truly meant an army of those monsters were coming, I had to do what I could to stop them. I wouldn't say I pledged my allegiance to them so much, but I vowed to help them from there on out until the Blight was over, and I changed my life forever in doing so.
And the Battle of Denerim. Oh, how could I forget it.
"Your Majesty, Ser Wallace, will you tell us about the Battle of Denerim please?" One of the children spoke up, once again shaking me from my reflection. I turned to Alistair, waiting for his response.
He raised an eyebrow teasingly, "What do you say, Ser Wallace? Up to tell some old war tales?"
I had to refrain from rolling my eyes at him and smiling, "At your discretion, my King."
He grinned and immediately turned back to his audience, beckoning me closer at the same time, which I complied with, "The sky was red as blood that day-"
I thought that I was surely going to die, along with everyone I loved, as I looked up at that sky. Murky, cloudy, blood red, it signaled my doom, along with all of Thedas. As much as I hated to say it, I was angry at Brosca for leaving me at the gate. The darkspawn only came in waves here, and at least if I was inside, constantly fighting, I wouldn't have the time to contemplate the sky. But instead, she had taken Morrigan, Leliana and Zevran, and I was left behind to hear the Archdemon die from afar.
I didn't know at the time that I would never see Brosca again.
"Next wave!" I heard Alistair yell, and I readied my position. When I saw the darkspawn coming, all I felt was anger. What a difference from one year ago, when just seeing a darkspawn had scared me enough to make me change the course of my whole life.
When that wave was over, Alistair approached me. "Is everything alright on this side?"
I grimaced, "We're hurting, but it could be worse. Just need Brosca to hurry up and kill that overgrown lizard."
Even with all the destruction around him, Alistair smiled at my ill-timed joke. Oh, how I had wanted to kiss him then.
"With any luck, it will be over soon. For good."
"And then you'll be king."
He frowned. "And then I'll be king."
"Does it scare you? I thought you said once that you preferred to follow. As compared to leading."
"It does. I do."
"You'll be good at it anyway, you know. Just look at what you've helped make happen here to day! All these soldiers trust you."
"That doesn't mean I won't still need help. Support, that is. Wallace, when this is over, woul-"
"Your majesty! Another wave incoming!" One of the generals shouted from the walls.
I smiled at Alistair, "Ask me later, yeah? When everything is good."
"When everything is good."
"-and then we saw a big explosion coming from the top of Fort Drakon, a light that blinded us all, and as it cleared, and the remaining darkspawn began to flee, it became clear that we had succeeded, and the Archdemon was dead!"
All the kids in the crowd echoed little sounds of awe, while most of the adults shuddered, remembering the day.
I chuckled lightly at Alistair's dramatized telling, the details of which varied slightly from mine, "As exciting as it was, it's getting late, my King. We should probably be headed back to the palace." All of his guards and other members of his entourage sighed in relief.
Alistair pouted slightly, and all the kids made sounds of disappointment, but he still straightened himself and began to bid his farewells to the crowd anyway.
Later that evening, we sat in Alistair’s study, as we do every evening, and he went over his papers that needed to be reviewed and signed, while I read on the couch, in front of the fire. I had recently picked up a history book from the library. As I read about all the epic feats these people had accomplished, I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened earlier in the day.
Soon, I heard Alistair’s quill get set down on his desk.
“So I suppose we’re a duo worthy of legend to the people, then?” I turned to him to find him grinning mischievously. I rolled my eyes at him and smiled, freely this time.
“Who would’ve thought, huh?”
He laughed a little, “Is it so hard to believe? We do make a pretty awesome pair.”
I found myself laughing now, "We do, honestly. Still, I never saw myself as the legendary type."
"Neither did I, to be fair."
I scoffed dramatically, "You're the King of Ferelden!"
"And you left behind everything you knew of a basic village life to fight in a war and protect your people. That's pretty epic all on it's own, wouldn't you think?"
"I think being a king and Grey Warden is more cause for stories and celebration than some 19-year-old who decided it would be beneficial to me to fight monsters I was scared shitless of."
"If I was to go down in history for anything, I'd much rather it be because I was fighting beside you than anything else."
Once I had registered his words, I had to fight to hold back my tears, "Alright, you big sap, you can reign it in. Since we're legends and all, how about we head to bed early tonight? I think we deserve that much."
Alistair smiled softly at my deflection, "You're right. We deserve the rest." He moved to put away his things and stand.
"Hey Al?"
"Yes, love?"
"The day of the Battle of Denerim, you were going to ask me something, when we were at the gate, but you got interrupted. Do you remember what you were going to ask me?"
I found him biting his lip, thinking about it. Soon enough, his eyes found mine, "I was going to ask you to stay with me. In Denerim. Like you are now, I suppose."
I was a bit shocked, "Even then?"
"I always knew you were the only support I wanted or needed."
I found myself fighting back tears once again, "I'm glad I can be around to help. I'm sorry it took so long."
"I'm just happy you're here now."
"So if you've finally asked, I guess that means everything is good now?"
"Everything is good now."
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Shadows Dance - Part 4 (Final)
Word Count: 3,676
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Death, Mentions of torture, Blood, Swearing, One mention of drug use
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3
Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from the MCU.
Tags: @beccaanne814   @winterbvrnes
Author’s Note: This is it! It feels almost surreal? Idk, this was a WIP for so long and now it’s out there and it’s complete and it’s a definately a feeling I’ll have to get used to. Thank you all so much for the likes and reblogs and the support! It means so much to me! A special note for this last chapter - even though I based this series off a Linkin Park song, I may or may not have also taken a little inspiration for this last part from Javert’s song Stars and Javert’s Suicide (don’t worry, I don’t include any form of suicidal thoughts or actions in this fic, it’s just the song’s title) from Les Misérables. I hope you all enjoy this last part!
Previously: “Yes, a thousand times yes. I understand what I’m doing. I want this. I want… us. We need to be whole to do this.” The glass seemed to disappear as she said, “Then bring it here, sister.” You both walked the couple steps to each other as you met her in an embrace. You could feel her becoming one with you as a dark glow enveloped you both. And you knew that there was no coming back from this. You just hoped it worked…
         The whole thing felt like a few minutes to you, but in truth it was only a few moments. And when you opened your eyes, they were pitch black. You summoned all of what little energy you had left to turn around and knock Major’s gun away before you slammed your hand into his head and held it there, your palm in contact with the center. You concentrated on the bright energy at his center, making it flow out of him and into you, your darkness consuming it. After a second, it was over and his body fell to the floor, his skin a deathly grey as you took a deep breath, reveling in the energy you had consumed, now hungry for more. The agents who had simply stood there in shock now seemed to be coming back to their senses. A devilish smirk grew on your face. ‘Oh, this is going to be… fun,’ you thought. 
        Black energy swirled around your hands as you let your anger and rage at what they had put you and your Bucky through consume you, summoning forth the shadows and bidding them to do your will. Shadowy hands that resembled wisps of smoke emerged from the walls, pulling the soldiers into the blackness you had summoned, giving you their energy which you used to create shadow warriors all around you to fight the agents you could not. You began cutting down their ranks, each time consuming their energy. Some of them you simply shot, you had no need for their life force. But with others you indulged yourself, feeding the hunger which, in the furthest recess of your mind, you knew would become a constant companion in the times to come. But the hunger was all-consuming and you didn’t even register that fact. You just continued to feed and feed and feed. Any bullets that were fired at you were swallowed up by their own shadows. You and your warriors worked in sync. They held off the Hydra agents that attempted to get to you until you got around to killing them. And if they did happen to kill an agent, no matter! Their energy was simply transferred to you. And you couldn’t be bothered to see it, but all Bucky could do was watch you fight in both awe and horror. For you were truly a force to be reckoned with as you cut down every last Hydra operative.
        A few minutes later, all that was left of the masses of agents were their grey bodies strewn about on the floor. You looked around and marveled at your work, basking in the glory, your hunger finally sated… for now. You were so caught up in your reverie that you had completely forgotten about Bucky’s presence, until he shifted as he tried to stand up. Your head whipped to the side, your eyes still pitch black. All you could see was how bright his energy was, how it throbbed, beckoning to you as you slowly stalked over towards him. Panicking, he put his hands in front of him, pleading,
        “(Y/N), please, no. You know me! Bucky!” But his pleas fell deaf ears and you didn’t stop until your hand was just about to touch his forehead. Because just as you were about to drain him of his life, you looked into his eyes. Those eyes… you knew them… They would look at you warily from across the room when you first became a part of the Avengers. They would shine with laughter after you and him pranked Sam or Steve. They would always seem to sparkle whenever you two were just hanging out, watching a movie, reading books, or even just in each other’s presence. And they looked up at you now with unfathomable sadness and yet, somehow, understanding.
        “Bucky?” You muttered, falling to your knees in front of him, your hands going to cradle his face as the shadowy mists surrounding them dissipated and your eyes returned to their normal color. “Oh God! Bucky!” You quickly wrapped him in a hug, clinging on to him as if your life depended on it. Both your bodies shook with silent sobs of relief. Pulling back, your hands went back to his face as you apologized profusely, “I’m so so so so sorry! I could’ve killed you! I would’ve killed you!” You were on standing on the precipice of hysteria, in danger of falling off, until he raised his hands to stroke your cheeks as he wiped away your tears.
        “But you didn’t. We’re both still here. That’s all that matters.”
        “Please, forgive me.”
        “There’s nothing to forgive. Now what do you say we get the fuck out of here?” A small smile slowly spread across his face.
        “That sounds like a great idea. I don’t want to spend another minute here. Are you good?”
        “Yeah, I’m good to go.” However, as you both made to stand, Bucky faltered, falling back down to a knee. “Sorry, guess I’m not as good as I thought I was.” In his condition, he wouldn’t even make it outside the base much less back to civilization. Luckily, you’d just had an idea.
        “Do you trust me?” you asked, biting your lip.
        “‘Course I trust ya,” Bucky replied, sounding a little out of breath.
        “Just relax,” you said in a soothing tone as you slowly raised your hand to his head, eyes never leaving his, looking for a sign to stop. Once your palm was on his forehead, you closed your eyes and focused inwards, this time looking for a little bit of the excess energy you’d consumed, hoping you’d be able to find it. You thought you felt it mostly dissipate once you came back to yourself. After a little bit of searching, you finally found a wisp of it. Pulling on it as much as you could without losing it, you focused on drawing it out of yourself and easing it into Bucky. Starting to feel the transfer of energy, you continued pulling more and more energy from yourself until you ran out of surplus. Opening your eyes, you were met with those steely-blues looking intently at your face. You felt yourself blush before you pulled away, asking,
        “That feel any better?” He gave a slight hum in response as he closed his eyes for a moment and as he smiled a little. Opening his eyes, he said,
        “That’s much better, thanks.” Looking up as he rose to his feet, he continued, “But how are we gonna get out of here? The top is closed and I don’t really think wandering through this whole goddamned base until we find the exit is a very good idea.” You smirked as you simply held out your hand, saying,
        “Leave that to me. You just gotta trust me a little more.” He takes your hand, simply responding,
        “Always.” You walked with him in tow towards the wall, reaching out towards a shadow cast by the ramp as a shadowy hand also reached out towards you. As it pulled you and Bucky into darkness, you could see… well… everything. Or almost everything. It was as if you could see anything anywhere there was a shadow, as if you were standing in it, but more than that. It was as if you were the shadow. But you weren’t. And you knew you couldn’t lose sight of that fact or the consequences would be dire. You could feel Bucky holding onto your hand. You focused on that, using it as an anchor as you quickly sifted through everything. You could feel your grip on reality slipping a little as you continued to search for your desired location, you were having a hard time trying to focus on a single location, finally getting a glimpse of your room in the Avenger’s Compound. Grabbing onto that fleeting image, you pulled yourself towards it, almost as if you were flinging yourself down a hole into that shadow.
        You and Bucky both stumbled forward as you took in your surroundings. You were in your room!
        “Huzzah!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms in the air. Bucky only chuckled at your antics as he stepped forward and brought your hands down in his own. His laughter faded after a few moments as he became very serious, asking,
        “Are you alright, (Y/N)? And please be honest with me.” You sighed.
        “Can’t I at least take a shower first before you get all Mr. Serious-Business on me?” He failed to fight back a small smile as he huffed,
        “I suppose. How about you meet me up on the roof in two hours and then we’ll talk?”
        “Sounds great!” you responded. “Now get out of here, I can hear the shower calling my name!” He put his hands up in surrender, turning to leave as you landed a shove to his shoulder. You bit your lip as you watched him walk out because you had to admit it, that man had one fine ass. You heard him call from the end of the hallway,
        “And don’t worry about telling the others! I’ll take care of that!” Damn! You’d completely forgotten about the others… they were probably worried sick. That mission should have been a simple one, short and sweet, no more that a few days, tops. Instead you’d been missing for weeks. And now you’ll have to tell them about what happened… that shower was beginning to sound better and better. You gathered up some clothes to change into and a towel and trudged into your bathroom. Quickly stripping down, you turned on the hot water, mixing it ever so slightly with the cold until the temperature was just right. You stepped in and almost moaned at how good the hot water felt. You began scrubbing down your body, washing off all the dirt and blood, most of it your own. Looking down, you realized that all the wounds had closed up, leaving only slightly raised, light pink scars in their wake, probably side effect of all the energy you absorbed. Following that train of thought, you became still, just standing in the spray as the full magnitude of what you had done caught up with you.
        Oh God. You had killed all those people. Every. Last. One. Not that they weren’t all a little guilty since Hydra was not known for having stand-up people as its members, but still. They were people. They had had lives. Maybe families. And you had killed them in cold blood, without remorse. You let yourself cry. Not really mourning them, but rather mourning what you’d lost. Who you’d lost. You’d lost yourself, both metaphorically and physically. Before this, you had always avoided killing people. You’d hurt them to incapacitate them, sure, but you didn’t kill them unless there was absolutely no other option. You didn’t enjoy it. But this time, oh this time there was room to have avoided it. You could have made your shadow warriors simply chase the agents away, force them into other parts of the base. You could have killed enough to make the others run away in fear. Instead, you had slaughtered them one by one until there were none left. And the worst part? You’d enjoyed every minute of it. You had relished in their screams of terror and loved the rush of power that came every time you sucked the life out of them. 
         Your other half was right… you’d have to accept that that’s how using your powers made you feel. You hadn’t been yourself. Or maybe you just weren’t who you thought you were. The only thing that you knew for sure was that you weren’t who you used to be. You were different now. You had to live with the darkness… no, your darkness now. The water was growing cold so you quickly finished washing your hair and hopped out, drying yourself off with the towel and throwing on the clothes you had set aside.
        Casting a quick glance to the clock as you trudged into the, thankfully, people-free kitchen, you saw you still had about forty-five minutes before your rooftop rendezvous with a certain supersoldier. You walked through to the other side until you came to what appeared to a small pantry. But it was bigger on the inside than what you might expect and housed the entirety of the team’s *cough* Tony’s*cough* liquor supply. You walked to the back and grabbed a few twelve-packs of vodka-filled juice boxes. After carefully finding a way to balance them without dropping any, you began to make your way to the elevator. But as you passed once more through the kitchen, you noticed that the Sun had set and an idea began to take shape. ‘Can’t hurt to try, I suppose,’ you thought. 
         Bending the shadows outwards, you enveloped yourself in a blanket of darkness and envisioned yourself taking it’s hand, gently this time, walking slowly into the void. And this time the bombardment of images didn’t overwhelm you as much. Summoning all your willpower, you focused yourself entirely on where you wanted to be, the rooftop of the Avenger’s Compound. An image began to form in front of you and all you had to do was a take a step forward, gently pulling it around you until you felt the bite of a cool breeze on your face.
        You stepped forward, out of the shadow cast by the L-shaped protrusion of the compound’s ventilation system. You went around to the other side of the roof and sat down with your legs dangling off the edge. Pulling out one of the vodka boxes, you began draining them one after the other, knowing that no matter how many of them you drank you probably wouldn’t regret it in the morning, your tolerance was too high for that. But after you had downed somewhere in the neighborhood of ten, you slowed down, figuring that Bucky would probably appreciate being able to have some when he joined you. You thought back to what your double had said to you, and you were suddenly filled with a sense of panic. 
         Reaching inside yourself, you tried to draw out your light. And when you looked down at your hands, you were crestfallen. No light emanated from them. Looking inside yourself, you tried finding it again. Turning to your age old trick, you imagined a Sun within you and envisioned its light pouring out of you. But as you opened your eyes once more, you were again met with only darkness and disappointment. You had lost your light. You had killed it with your darkness. You knew you were reaching when you had tried to find your Sun, but instead you fell. You tripped and stumbled into darkness. 
         A few tears slowly ran down your face as you looked up to the sky. The stars seemed black and cold, offering you no comfort. And the pale moonlight gave no warmth as your Sun’s beautiful rays once had. And the final startling realization was thrust upon you, the Sun had set for you. The shadow of what had been your day embraced your world in gray. The world you had known was lost in shadow.
        A loud banging swiftly pulled you out of your thoughts. Twisting around, you felt a small smile pull on your face as you saw Bucky unceremoniously flop out of the vent, lacking his usual grace. You even giggled a little as he quickly rose to his feet and dusted himself off. You offered him a vodka box as he sat to your right which he gladly accepted. You slowly leaned over so your head was resting on his shoulder as you both sipped your vodka. His response was to wrap his arm around you so your head was lying closer to his chest as he ran his hand up and down your left arm in a soothing manner. You closed your eyes and reveled in his warmth as you felt him place a kiss on top of your head and then linger there, stealthily using the moment to inhale the scent of your shampoo that he secretly adored, resting his cheek on your head. No words were needed as you two sat there in a comfortable silence.
        However, after a few minutes of this, you broke the silence.
        “I’m scared.” You felt him place another kiss on your head and suddenly it was like you couldn’t stop all your thoughts from spilling out, “It’s just that simple. I’m scared shitless. I’m scared of myself. I’m scared of my powers, of how they make me feel. I’m scared that I’ll lose myself again, that I’ll hurt someone I care about. I’m scared of telling the team, of them seeing me differently and treating me differently. I’m scared that you’ll see me differently, that you’ll treat me differently.” After a moment of silence, you quietly added, “I’m not just scared… I’m terrified.” You felt him slowly tilt your chin up so you had no choice but to look into his eyes.
        “Doll,” he started and you didn’t know that that one word could possibly be said with as much emotion and affection as he put into it, “nothing will ever change how the team treats you, how I treat you. You’ve changed and we’d be blind fools not to see that, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be any less like family to them, any less of a… friend to me.” He took a deep breath and seemed to steel himself as he continued, “And these past few weeks have made me realize something. Each mission could be our last. And I know that we all knew that when we joined the Avengers, but this is different. I’ve been stabbed, punched until I was black and blue, hell, I’ve been shot for chrissake! And yet I have never been as goddamn afraid as I was when that man was threatening you with that gun. I was petrified with absolute terror. Because some asshat was threatening you. You who has been there for me. You who never treated me any differently from anyone else, who knows when I just need a little space, who knows when I just need to be held. You who has seen me through my nightmares despite the physical danger it puts you in. Oh God, this is getting long winded. What I’m trying to say is that… well… I think — No! I know… I love you, (Y/N). And I know this is probably the worst time I could have chosen to tell you this because you know with your whole just accepted my dark side thing being pretty fresh, but you have the right to know.”
        And placing a gentle kiss on your lips, he said, “And you don’t have to say anything back. Not right now, not ever. But just know that I love you with all my heart. I always will. And I’ll still be here for you. I’ll still be here for you if you need someone to cuddle with. I’ll still be here when you need someone to hug you after your nightmares. I’ll do whatever you want me to, be whatever you need me to be. I’ll be just your friend if that’s what you want, I’ll be your lover, and if you need space and time, I’ll gladly give you those as well.” Gazing into your eyes, he stroked your cheek as he murmured, almost as if it was a thought that wasn’t supposed to be said aloud, “You look so beautiful in the moonlight.”
         And as you looked into his eyes, you thought that surely if this wonderful human being, who knew all about demons within, who continued to fight his every day, could still love you after witnessing the destruction and horrors you had caused firsthand, then maybe, just maybe you could learn how to love yourself again too. You would learn to fight your demons just as he had learned to fight his. Placing your hand on his cheek, you pulled him back as you eagerly kissed him again with all the love and admiration and affection you had held for him for the past couple years. After a millisecond of hesitation, he kissed back with a fervor that conveyed just how long he had wanted this. 
         And, oh God, you must have died because Bucky was kissing you back and it was heaven. His lips were softer than you had ever imagined and you couldn’t get enough of it. And when you combined that with the slight scratch of his stubble, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make your head swim. When the need for oxygen overcame you both, you reluctantly pulled away, resting your forehead against his.
        “I love you too,” you said quietly, placing a slow, but brief kiss on his pink, slightly swollen lips. “And I want this.” Another languid kiss. “I want you.” One more in case you forget what his lips feel like within the next second. “I want us.”
        “Then you’re my girl, doll,” Bucky said with a smile, kissing your forehead as he pulled away. “And I’ll be yours,” he added with a contented sigh. And with that, a comfortable silence fell over you both as you turn back to watching the stars, your hands resting together between the two of you. You once again turned to the multitudes of countless stars in the sky, they seemed almost… different. Yes, different was the word. They’re weren’t brighter, no, not by any means, and they still seemed cold. And the Moon’s pale light didn’t offer any more warmth than it ever had. It was still just an echo of the light that only a few hours ago had filled the sky. But as you looked up at them, you saw, for the first time, the fantastic and wondrous beauty that lay within the darkness that was only possible during their reign over the night.
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