#[ ☯ about&headcanons「 ETERNAL DREAM 」☯ ]
rcimu · 23 days
[ btw Reimu, as greedy and as much as she loves more pricey stuff? is actually very frugal, and had to deal with poverty, especially as a kid
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i do believe that she used to barely use magic before HRtP, and couldn't fly before EoSD; for that, she wasn't exactly the famous youkai exterminator the poeple at human village known her as, right now which means she had even less people passing by the shrine and giving donations. of course Yukari ( read: mostly Ran ) occasionally remembered to bring her some goodies, be it food or money or clothes, but a lot of times she had problems having a full meal everyday ]
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borderxflife · 1 year
[ i said i was going to sleep but no im not yet apparently so here’s one (1) small hc foooor reimu!!! since she’s my strongest muse here + my fave so i think about her the most
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but like. she was shit at magic until she was like 12-13ish? around the time i hc the mystic square incident happened, anyway.
i like to think that her inability to use magic properly was also due her not really having someone teaching her properly. she never met her dad, her mom died when she was very young and for the most part she was looked over by genji (a turtle with little to no magic, as far as she knows), shingyoku (who was mostly checking the makai and jigoku gates) and yukari (who is yukari)
she could barely shoots a few danmaku during the hrtp incident, and until the makai “invasion” in mystic square she couldn’t fly either ]
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
Let me continue from this #Analysis ARIA by Kalafina then...(That make #This is an important characteristic that means “free like wind”. Because Aria also means "air" or Sound of the Song as well. Aria also means "Lioness" in Greek.)
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Sonic: These fragments of a dream. That you have given me. Remains dormant in this unending night.
Punch: The clustered stars have lost one of their companions. Daybreak's ARIA is crying out. (One vanished, the other half of me….his voice still rings out to me in the night sky)
Gilgamesh: There is already nothing left in the midst of this unending rain. That fears the past. Right now, the future that you have lost has once again just begun.
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Sonic: In this unending darkness, The bonfire that u gave me. Still lies in the haven within my chest. This newly birthed life is shining brilliantly(in this empty heart).
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Punch: The things that were lost and the things that never changed are glittering in this cruel sky.
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Sonic: While informing of our separation, let us exchange faint smiles, as the lonely ARIA accumulates.(When we say goodbye we exchange faint smiles)
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Punch: Hey, humans are always alone moving on in search for a companion your beautiful future has yet to start(I am alone but still I can't be alone.)
Tsubasa: The dream still live on but you...............
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Sonic: the kindness that you know naught of and yet imparted to me resides within the haven of my chest.
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Gilgamesh & Sonic: A nameless light is being lit, is lighting up the nameless(nothingness) light.
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Gilgamesh: Rowing this lonely boat, along the bonfire that assembles grief. In this little haven of a world. Multitudes of ARIAs are resounding.
That's why ARIA by Kalafina is another song that fits three of them.(Again)
Also this too. And these
But "With your every smile, hiding something more Dark mysteries, lurking beneath. But I was consumed, with this emptiness This selfishness, this void to fill" (Source Lyrics: FFVII REMAKE: Hollow)
Ashes of Dreams Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells - Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves? Stories of danger, fearless attack, Spectres of plague and pain. All of these ghosts of our own delusions are back; Have we been fighting in vain? Fighting in vain? These lyrics are the meaning of this picture art that I paint. Fighting in vain? <;== This is the hint of how the story will go so far. This is the story of Punch. Punch appearance as half to show why she changes her appearance. It shows that Sonic and Gilgamesh are part of her personality. (But Punch's personality is based on me more. I will explain later at the end of the blog) Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are the same. Because they are Punch.
And that's why
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undercat-overdog · 3 years
Tyelpe, all of them. You know you want to :D
Lol let's do this. Most will be short; I will be making some up as they go.
☾ - sleep headcanon
Elves do some weird lucid dreaming-slash-sleepwalking thing, and Celebrimbor has intentionally fallen asleep while working on some project and continued to work on it, asleep, to see if it leads to anything interesting. Has only set fire to his workspace once while doing that.
★ - sad headcanon
Well that’s canon, isn’t it?
☆ - happy headcanon
Has a close and loving relationship with his maternal family and he spent a lot of time with them as a kid. They are a significant source of support when he returns from Mandos.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Has an impulse to be cruel when he's angry or feels attacked (though he’s good at keeping it in check), and smiles when he attacks people back.
This is getting long, rest under the cut.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Appreciates a good tentacle. One of the things that he finds attractive about Sauron (and vice versa) is how Sauron is alien.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Exchanges a futon for a bed with posts after he return from Avathar.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Giving/receiving pretty jewelry is a common Elven love language and one of Celebrimbor’s. A somewhat less common love language is enjoying your partner compliment you on how pretty the electrical impulses of your sinoatrial node are.
♥ - family headcanon
His attachment to the Star of Feanor is more philosophic and not much rooted in family sentiment. He absolutely considers himself a Feanorian during the Eregion era (though not at all after Curufin left Nargothrond), but it’s more a symbol of healing the marring of the world, turning what was once associated with ill things to good. It’s not so much family. (The only Feanorians he considers actual family in the emotional sense (as opposed to the genealogical sense) are his father and Celegorm, and he would laugh in someone's face if they suggested that he obey any of the other Feanorians or treat them as elder relatives to whom he owes respect or to whose advice he should listen. Maedhros in particular he is not fond of, part personality conflict, part seeing the aftermath of Sirion.)
Why yes, this headcanon is driven in large part by contrarianism as well as what seems to me the fairly self-evident fact that Celebrimbor is a better person than the rest of the Feanorians and also an adult so why in a rebirth situation should he be deferring to them as if they're his betters? No, seriously, he’s an adult, not a child, and he can make his own damn decisions without asking permission of anyone - frankly, the sons of Feanor should be asking him what to do. I am not a fan of advice uncle Maedhros or overprotective dad Curufin - Celebrimbor’s not only an adult who may actually have been alive more years than the Sons but he also managed to avoid slaughtering people in Menegroth or sacking a refugee camp. The idea of him (or anyone else) obeying or asking the Sons of Feanor for advice on anything other than how to conduct a retreat is laughable and also what’s with the idea that the younger generation of Finweans are eternally seated at the kids’ table? As a lot, they seem not just on average smarter and wiser than the Finweans born earlier but also have longer life expectancies. 
☮ - friendship headcanon
Actually very good at remembering birthdays and anniversaries and the like! His default gift is pretty jewelry or some cool mechanical device or similar things, so when he has a friend who’s not into that he blanks on what to give as gifts. 
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Dabbles in perfumery. More generally, I see Ost-in-Edhil as the center of a chemical revolution, and like the one in our world led to perfumery as an art with the invention of synthetic fragrance. 
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
Celebrimbor’s maternal grandfather was a fisherman/marine biologist, and when Celebrimbor lived with him as a kid, he created a little aquarium so child Tyelpe could observe and play with marine fauna, particularly cephalopods. 
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
Never grows a beard. There’s some NoME stuff too, but my books are currently packed away.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Made moonshine in Balar with scraps of potatoes.
☼ - appearance headcanon
He had a few moments before facing Sauron in the fall of Ost-in-Edhil and used them to clean up a bit, take his hair down and brush it out, throw on a cloak and some jewelry, ensure there was an artfully placed stripe of blood on his face that highlighted his cheekbones, etc. A scion of the House of Finwe facing the Dark Enemy at his door? Of course he’s going to make sure he looks suitably heroic and dramatic! 
ൠ - random headcanon
Not Celebrimbor so much, but Ost-in-Edhil was the most fantasy illustration-like Eldarin city. 
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
I have decided recently that my particular version is not named Curufinwe. Not out of contrariness this time; I like that headcanon! But more thinking about how his parents raised him and what they wanted for him. I think Curufin, in particular, was concerned about how being in Feanor’s shadow would affect his son. If he is named Curufinwe, I think it’s his mother-name. 
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rcimu · 10 months
she's very dear and very sweet. and also has a license to kill.
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her kindness and her bloodthirst can coexist.
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rcimu · 9 months
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[ btw main antagonists tier list but specifically based on how much reimu forgave them for fucking up gensokyo ]
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rcimu · 10 months
[ by the way Reimu lives with Genji (who more often than not is chilling at the hot springs behind the shrine), Ruukoto, Suika and Aunn. And occasionally Yukari, Ran and Chen when they come to visit.
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she'd rather not have to deal with them, but she gave up on trying to kick Yukari out long ago. ]
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rcimu · 1 year
[ reimu is the woman here tbh
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she’s violent. she’s chill. she wants to punch someone every 2 seconds. she’s happy with sitting down and take her sweet time having some sake with other girls. she knows the burden of being the hakurei shrine maiden and the fact that she’s bound to be hated by many because of that and hurts her deeply. she’s just a certified silly woman ]
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borderxflife · 1 year
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[ also joon totally tried to sell the pretroleum she found in former hell just to be told to bring her smelly black water somewhere else several times ]
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borderxflife · 1 year
[ ACTUALLY MORE SAD MOMS MOMENCES i 100% agree with the “Alice is Shiki’s daughter” headcanon that circulated some years ago
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not much to say about it. my girl watched her mom getting angry because someone told her that her vacation plans could’ve brought to the destruction of the barrier & then destroyed half of makai and just went
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and dipped bc she really didn’t need that kind of drama in her life ]
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rcimu · 13 hours
“Rules”: repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. If you fail to achieve some of the facts, feel free to add some other of your own! When you’re done, tag 15 other people to do the same!
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tagged by: nu tagging: tag ur it!!!!!!!!!
Name: Reimu Hakurei Age: 25 years old Species: Human Gender: Female ( she/her ) Orientation: Lesbian, grey-ace leaning Profession: Shrine Maiden at the Hakurei Shrine, Youkai Exterminator
Hair: Long, brown; naturally wavy Eyes: dark red Skin: light, practically pale Height: 170cm Weight: it's rude to ask!! ( slightly underweight )
Siblings: none; considers Marisa as one Parents: a mystery; her mother died when she was just a toddler, her father is nowhere to be seen Grandparents: once again, a mystery. As far as she knows, another Hakurei Shrine Maiden? Other Relatives: meh Any Pets? does Aunn count? She doesn't really consider her a pet, but--
other than flying and use danmakus like most magic users in Gensokyo, she can conjure Spellcards and use the Hakurei Yin-Yang Orb. Furthermore, her speciality is sealing evil spirits: any evil ghost better be ready to run! Or, er. Fly.
she also has surprisingly a lot of luck when it comes to gambling!
—— Positive ——
Gentle, overall friendly and positive, tends to turn the other cheek to most people; when she actually does her job as a Shrine Maiden she's actually quite good at it, and made sure that she didn't have to really exterminate people, knowing how to contain her powers and avoid unnecessary bloodshed
—— Negative ——
completely blind ot her own faults; lazy, greedy, a little paranoid and overly aggressive
Colors: red Smells: cut grass and fresh fruits Drinks: sake and wine
Smokes?: no Drugs: no Driver License: noooo Been Arrested?: technically no
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rcimu · 10 days
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^ girl who needs therapy and doesn't go not because she doesn't believe in it, but because she genuinely doesn't know what a therapist even is. And would infodump right away.
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rcimu · 9 months
[ not to go osana reimu on everyone but reimu's mom totally died when reimu was a wee baby. i like to think yukari, but mostly ran, took care of her up until HRtP, when she was like, 10-11 or so
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also mima totally killed her mom. cmon. imagine the drama of it all. ]
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rcimu · 1 year
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borderxflife · 1 year
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[ ☯ crack sign「 REIMU KILLS YOU FOREVER SIGN 」☯ ]
[ ☯ ooc sign「 OUT OF BOMBS 」☯ ]
[ ☯ about&headcanons「 ETERNAL DREAM 」☯ ]
[ ☯ musing&aesthetic「 THE WORLD GOD LOVED 」☯ ]
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