#“The reliable doctor”/the avaricious meddler
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Is there truly an absence of a real face?
Or have you simply forgotten it?
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voidilite-singulartis · 11 months
Take my cringe meme
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green grove and passive aggressive for any oc, from the palette ask 🎨
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Sometimes a city is also a person. Don't worry about it
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the-avaricious-meddler · 10 months
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"Alizaben Thomas", The Avaricious Meddler
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the-avaricious-meddler · 10 months
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Alizaben experiences The Horrors
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the-avaricious-meddler · 11 months
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So I completed the ballad of Johnny croak and here's Alizaben's takeaway
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Chapter one is live! (Heed the warnings)
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Something wrong with this Beast
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Something I forgot to post when I first drew it. Enjoy
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You can be friends with Alizaben, but Watch Out
Alana is the most sociable, but she privately prefers more revolutionary types
Villanelle is more reclusive, but will open up given enough time
Rowan... Rowan is a Cranky Old Feral Cat.
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the-avaricious-meddler · 11 months
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Full ref of "Alizaben"! Both normal and in Parabola.
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the-avaricious-meddler · 10 months
Name: "Alizaben Thomas" Moniker: The Avaricious Meddler Age: A lot older than they look (several cities) Species: An insult to the great chain (but they typically look human) Gender/Pronouns: They/it Ambition: Light fingers Profession: Conjurer (Goal: Crooked-Cross) Closest To: Urchins Most Valued Primary Stat: Persuasive Most Valued Advanced Stat(s): Mithridacy, Artisan of The Red Science
Personality: Seldom seen without a smile, but there's a hidden mess of emotions beneath it. Anger at having to conform to humanity, even now; resignation that every city is doomed to the same end, a desire to have and know as much as possible before their own end, and somewhere, deep down, a shred of compassion, loneliness, the desire for a better way forward. 
Not that you'll ever see far beneath that grin.
History: One of the seven fragmented aspects of The ________ Meddler, who came to be due to a Red Science accident. When the other aspects left to make new fates for themselves, they remained.
While their siblings made themselves into something new, they shaped themself into a humanlike mold. They felt the need to blend in, yet resented having to do so.
They watched cities fall, be used up, decline, then be replaced. They watched as architecture shifted, and the faces around them changed (and yet blended together). Floods of sorrow, the shifting of stone. Death. Bargain. Purchase. Fall.
They grew resigned. They grew... Bored.
London fell.
London itself was nothing special. It was a city like any of the others. But with it came a special opportunity: word from a contact of a massive Diamond. Most likely exaggerated, of course. But they didn't care.
It was something to do. 
And oh what a time they've had. Oh what a time they've had.
Drama, danger, unethical experimentation, mysterious (and charmingly pathetic) masked goons, being buried alive, the roof, the false-stars themselves- they've had more fun in a few months than they've had in centuries!
And they have a feeling it's only going to get better from here.
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1, 14, and 19 for whichever ocs you’d like to talk about!
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Rowan wants to forget the conflict that pretty much ruined his life, destroyed his found family, sent his lover to their death at zee, set his his brother on a path to eventually end up in the tomb-colonies, and forced his closest friend into a life of crime.
Villanelle wants to forget the day the message about her daughter's death reached her. She was inconsolable, barely able to do anything, for weeks afterwards, and ended up spending quite a bit of time in the Royal Beth so that she didn't grieve herself to death. It was a rough time.
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Liz has kind of a mixed bag of desires for how they want to be perceived- trustworthy to targets of their cons, a threat to targets of their violence. A strong, competent leader to those who work for them. A loyal subject to their king.
Rowan doesn't want to be seen by anyone. He just wants the world to fuck off.
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
Liz? Violently. Viciously. But not impulsively. They make detailed, precise plans. Set up the perfect situation for them to get their revenge. And when they finally strike? The results are not pretty.
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Alizaben: Accidentally gets too genuinely attached to someone for their own comfort
Alizaben: Well time to betray them! This is definitely a healthy way of dealing with unwanted emotions
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the-avaricious-meddler · 11 months
Alizaben: Is a genuinely frightening, immoral person and a villain
How I draw them:
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