#“Yes beta we live like me after the portal incident”
giuliafc · 3 years
Betrayal Chapter 17: Nathalie's Secret
<< 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 -- 9 -- 10 -- 11 -- 12 -- 13 -- 14 -- 15 -- 16 -- 17: Ao3 || FFN -- 18 >>
Written by: JuliaFC
Beta: MyImaginationFlows and Agrestebug
Summary: Nathalie provides some important evidence to the police that gives great comfort to Adrien. In the meantime, Volpina is up to no good... (997 words)
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Written for the "Snippet July" challenge of the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server @miraculousfanworks AND for LadyNoir July @ladynoirjuly Day 28 — Solace/kwami swap. Let me know what you think!
It didn't take long for the officers and the heroes to reach the entrance of the mansion. Raincomprix rang the bell and, almost immediately, the camera showed up. Which was followed by the low grunt of the Gorilla.
"It's the gendarmes. We need to talk to Adrien Agreste," said the Lieutenant, but the grunt that came out from the camera sounded of a negative meaning. So the Lieutenant took a strong hold of Gabriel and moved him in full view. "Will you obey your boss?"
"Open the gate, Gérard," said Gabriel, and the gate opened immediately, allowing them in.
"Now that this incident is resolved, I demand to talk to Adrien Agreste."
The Gorilla shook his head decisively. He then widened his eyes because he noticed that Nathalie was also tied up, so he stepped in between the officer who held her and Gabriel's assistant.
"Are you assaulting a gendarme?" shrieked Raincomprix, as the Gorilla started getting enraged. Adrien's bodyguard stomped his feet towards Gabriel's atelier, emerging after a few seconds with a tablet in his hands, which he then gave to the officer.
Raincomprix blinked. "Why did you give me this?" The Gorilla pointed at the screen, but the officer didn't understand.
"Adrien has a Chinese lesson now, Officer. That's what Gérard was trying to tell you. He'll be busy for a while," said Nathalie eventually. The Gorilla shot her a grateful glance.
"I see… We'll wait then. Let's all take a seat. How long is the lesson going to last?"
Nathalie smirked. "Three hours."
"WHAT?" erupted the officer. "Who gets a child to take a three hour lesson at seven o'clock in the evening?"
"Adrien had other commitments today. This was the only suitable time."
What followed was a long argument between Roger and Nathalie, which left the Lieutenant even more frustrated. "I don't care about his lesson. We can't wait that long. We're going to talk to him, now."
Nathalie sighed. "If you give me my tablet, Monsieur Raincomprix, I can show you something that may satisfy you even without talking to Adrien."
After Raincomprix agreed, Nathalie got her tablet back. She went into her email, opening two hidden threads. Then, she gave a decisive look to Gabriel, and a very quick one to Chat Noir, before locking her gaze with Gabriel's grey eyes.
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't want you to find out like this but… you have already discovered that I've been double agenting. What you don't know is that I've done even worse." Gabriel's gasp covered Chat Noir's own sound of surprise. Nathalie readjusted her glasses. "When I contacted Ladybug and Chat Noir, I also spoke to my attorney about your and Emilie's joint will. I inquired about the fact that Adrien still has a living relative, technically his biological mother, and how and if it could affect it."
A moment of silence passed as Gabriel weighed Nathalie's words. "The part of the will where we made you Adrien's Legal Guardian?"
Chat Noir's heart went into overdrive and had to bite his tongue to muffle another gasp, his eyes as wide as saucers and wet with tears. He couldn't believe it. Would… Nathalie really...
"Yes. I wanted to make sure that it still stood its legal ground even if Mme. Graham De Vanily requested her son back after you will be arrested." She looked Chat Noir in the eye as she continued, "The attorney said that the will would stand, because you and Emilie have legally adopted Adrien. You may be in trouble with the law, but Emilie wasn't. Also..." She looked down. "Adrien is nearly fifteen. The judge would ask him if he wants to go to England with his biological mother or stay in Paris. With me." She showed the emails to Lieutenant Raincomprix, who read the correspondence carefully.
"You wanted to adopt Adrien?" he asked in a whisper.
Nathalie nodded. "Adrien's a good kid. He deserves all the love in the world and a parent who can give it to him." Her voice cracked, as she put the tablet down to remove her glasses and wipe her eyes clean. "It was Emilie's wish. His mother. I promised her that I would look after Adrien and make him happy."
Ladybug wrapped Chat Noir into a hug when she saw the tears flowing freely down his cheeks.
"Can you pinch me? I can't believe this; it's too good to be true…" He whispered into her ear, finally able to voice his fears. "I won't need to leave you."
But as he said that, they heard the sound of an explosion from outside.
"An akuma by the look of it," hissed Ladybug.
Nathalie checked on her tablet and indeed, Volpina was still on the loose and she had what looked like a whole army of illusions. They had to deal with it! So they left the officers with Gabriel and Nathalie at the Manor to wait for them to be back or for Adrien's lesson to end and they all followed Pégase Marron into a voyage portal.
When they were finally out of prying eyes, Ladybug fought her instinct to hug and cuddle the boy in front of her. As much as she wanted to, the situation looked serious and she knew they couldn't afford to wait.
"Okay. We're currently down some members of the team. Vesperia, Ryuuko, and Viperion are out of the country at the moment so... It's time for some kwami-swaps, guys." She looked at Alya. "As much as Pégase Marron was useful up to now, we need more relevant help. While SentiAdrien is still needed, Carapace will detransform and take Duusu and Sass so he can watch the fight from a distance and send the assistance of a sentimonster if needed, or call for 'second chance'. Chat Noir will unify Plagg and Wayzz. You, Alya, will have Pollen and Longg."
She waited for everyone to nod decisively.
"Let's go…" she muttered under her breath before yoyo-ing away.
Author's Note
Whoop whoop! 3 prompts left. I was so happy that 'solace' was the prompt for today: it fit so well with Nathalie's secret. And yes guys, that was the email she had opened when Chat Noir had gotten suspicious at the beginning. The confirmation from her attorney that Amélie couldn't have legal grounds to take Adrien away from her. Hope it makes sense!
Also, I hope you liked the chapter and will leave me a comment. I love your comments! :)
Until (hopefully) tomorrow, bug out!
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brooktrout96 · 3 years
The World is Waiting for you, The Warrior of Light Who Will Light up The Dark Night! Part 2
Chapter 5 of The Deeper The Darkness The More Dazzling The Light Shines! 
AO3 is Here
Monslive: Darklops Zero!
Shit!” Zero mumbled as he dodged the Nomu’s attack as far away there stood a black and  version of Zero’s Ultra form stood where Mari once was. “Izuku!”
Yeah!” Izuku appeared as Zero turned to look at him.
Let first take care of this monster first.” Zero gestured to the Nomu as he dodged another one of it’s attack.
Right.” Izuku and Zero turned to the Nomu and they began to run at it with One For All’s green sparking around them
Detroit Smash!”
The duo each sent a downward punch with enough force that the wind pressure sends the Nomu flying far away from the USJ and those on the outside watched as the monster went flying. Zero had a smile on his face as he turned Izuku. “Are you ready to transform?”
Zero returned to Izuku as pulled out the Ultra Zero Eyes NEOS from a hidden pocket of his utility belt. “Yeah, let’s do this.” He put it to his face as he clicked a button as he spreads his arms outwards as Zero's body forms via incoming ribbons of light.
Zero landed as Darklops Zero went to attack the students with a beam attack as he created a emerald green colored shield to protect the student using Ultra Zero Defensor. The two tumbled around as Darklops Zero was getting the upper hand as Zero’s Color Time turned from blue to red
Shit! Izuku, there should be something in your pockets that should be able to help us.”
Izuku was searching in his many pockets of his belt as he found two weird device and four weird capsules. “What is this?”
It the Zero Riser, the Knuckle Loader, and the New Generation Capsules. First load the Ginga and Orb Capsules and then scanned them using the Zero Riser. Ginga is the one with the crystal on his head and Orb is the one with a ring shape Color Timer.”
Right. Ginga!” He then slotted it into the Knuckle Loader. “Orb!” He slotted in the Orb capsule and then he scanned it with the Zero Riser
Ultraman Ginga!
Ultraman Orb: Orb Origin!
New Generation Capsule Alpha!
Now the other two.”
Right, Victory!” He slotted in the Victory Capsule into the Knuckle Loader. “X” He then slotted in the X Capsule into the Knuckle Loader and scanned them.
Ultraman Victory!
Ultraman X!
New Generation Capsule Beta
Now put the other two capsules into the Zero Riser and then attached the Ultra Zero Eye NEO to the Zero Riser and then scanned the capsules again.”
“Right.” Izuku did what Zero told him to do as he attached the Ultra Zero Eye NEO to the Riser. “Ginga! Orb!” He slotted the first capsule into the Knuckle Loader and then he slotted the other capsule. “Victory! X!” He then scanned them with the Zero Riser
Neo Fusion Rise!
I have no limits!” He put the Riser up to his face and click the trigger.
New Generation Capsule Alpha, Beta!
Ultraman Zero Beyond!
In a flash of light, there stood a pure silver being with blue crystal on it as the students and heroes all looked on in shock. The two began to fight, and now the match was even as Zero and Darklops Zero tumbled on the ground and fought. Zero finally got clearance and a moment to breath. He releases eight energy cores from the crystals on his arms, then he stretches his arms to the side and proceeds to fire beams from those energy cores destroying Darklops Zero and sending Mari flying away. Zero took off to the sky and into space to recharged before detransformed back to Izuku
Zero and Izuku detransformed as Zero as Shin reappeared and pocketed the Spark Doll for safekeeping and then disappeared back to Izuku (Support groups really don’t need to figure out that Spark Doll are living creatures) as Izuku slipped the Ultra Zero Eye NEO into a pocket of his utility belt .
Izuku, where are you? Kero!” Tsuyu was yelling for him, Zero disappeared and reappeared in his spirit form as the frog woman hopped over to the clearing
Over here, Tsuyu!”
Are you alright? Kero.”
Yep as far as I can tell but I’ll probably have Recovery Girl check me over before I leave today.”
Okay, kero. Let’s get back to the others, Aizawa-sensei and Uraraka are worried about you.”
“Ow.” Mister Hands groan as he pulled himself threw the portal. “I can’t believe that the vigilante got both of my arm and legs. We were completely defeated and not by All Might. Our underlings were routed instantly even the kids were strong. You were totally wrong, Sensei.”
“No, I wasn’t, I was just simply overly optimistic. Hmm but you know, it seems that they underestimated us. I’m glad that the League of Villains’ name is so cheap. Incidentally where is Mari and the Nomu’s body, did it not get retrieved.”
“Mari was dealing with remaining heroes using Osamu’s gift and I don’t know about the Nomu.”
The door to the bar slammed as Mari entered all disheveled looked and covered in slowly repairing injuries. “The Nomu was sent flying away by Zero and then I was bodied by him when I was using the Spark Doll, it seemed that he has a Gigantification Quirk. I don’t know what happened to the Nomu though” Mari shrugged her shoulders.
Even though I loaded the Nomu with Quirks to rival All Might. Oh, well, can’t be helped, what a shame.”
Power like All Might’s… that reminds me. Mari that one kid.”
Boss, are you talking about the greenette that was fighting off the small-fries as I and the Nomu delt with Zero?”
Yeah, his speed was comparable to All Might’s.”
There’s no use crying over the failure of this mission! After all, it’s not as though today was entirely in vain. Let’s gather a new group, handpicked for efficacy, and let’s take all the time we need. Remember, we can’t move freely and that why a symbol like you and Mari are necessary. Shigaraki Tomua, next time you must show the true world the true horror of your existence!”
Fatgum was wrapping up Aizawa’s injuries. He was talking to Aizawa as he was doing it. “Wow, that villain and the vigilante did a number on the USJ.” Fatgum said as he looked around the destroyed courtyard as the students trickled back to the courtyard as the police arrived to arrest the small fries as Iida and the rest of the teachers made their way in.
The students recounted what happened to the police officers as Tsukauchi walked up to the two pro heroes.
This was a daring attack, wasn’t it?”
It was and if I hadn’t been tipped off it possible could’ve been worst if it was only me, Thirteen and the students.”
Tsukauchi turned to look at the underground hero with a confused look on his. “What? You knew about the attack?”
Yeah, I was given information from an informant and then I relied it back to Nedzu, hence why Fatgum was here today as he is one of the best heroes when it’s comes to multiply same time villain capture. We’re expecting the small fries but we were attacked by a villain-for-hire named Mari. Zero made an appearance and fought her and then she transformed into a giant orange and black version of Zero and then the giant from three month ago appeared.”
I have business to attend to. Sana, you see to the rest!”
Nedzu was pondering to himself, “So the information that Zero gave Aizawa was true then but my only question is how did he get here to help out.”
So, what are we going to do, Nedzu?” Midnight asked the principal
Well we’ll have to focus on fortifying our security across the board.”
Tsukauchi hadn’t even left when a officer came in. “Detective Tsukauchi! Word has came in, sir! We’ve apprehended the suspect thought to be the monster that attacked Eraserhead.”
What’s his condition?”
No external injuries, sir! He’s not showing any signs of resistance, either. Moreover, he’s unresponsive to stimuli and he’s not uttered a single word.”
Tsukauchi turned to Nedzu. “Nedzu, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to investigate  every nook and cranny of this campus. “
Oh yes, yes, of course! I realize the police are often buffeted by less than civil remarks these days, but we recognize their jurisdiction over these matters is higher than ours! When it comes to investigations that is your gentlemen’s field of expertise! Please, by all means conduct yourselves as usual!”
It had been a long day for Aizawa, dealing with the villain attack, the appearance of Zero at the USJ and then the villain and Zero no Shin turned into a giant proving that Shin and the Zero from three month ago were the same person.
Aizawa, good you’re here. We need to talk.” Aizawa set down as Nedzu poured tea for the two of them as he picked up a tablet in his paws.
What’s up Nedzu?”
I found out more on our mysterious vigilante. You said our villain-for-hire called him a Ultraman?”
Yes, she called him Ultraman Zero and according to Mt. Lady the giant she corner three month ago said that it’s name was Ultraman Zero.”
What do you know of the Pacific Records?”
The Pacific Records are supposedly ancient texts from the time before Quirks that holds information about ancient kaiju and some prophecies pertaining to them.”
Well the prophecies part is true. There is evidence that eight prophecies in the Pacific Records have came true in the past.”
Nedzu pulled up a website called SSP. “This is a website that has been active since the mid twenty-tens and in 2016, it posted these video.”  Aizawa watched each video in shock.
Are we sure these videos aren’t doctored?”
We’re sure, I even talked to the owner of the website.”
That would be me. Ello’ there.” A voice said as Aizawa turned around and saw a short black-haired woman standing at the door. She was wearing a brown trench coat with blue and red band with the word SSP and below it was Something Search People. “My name is Nadia Yumeno, my 10-times great-grandmother, Naomi and her friend posted those video.”
I called her here as her family has been studying the Pacific Records since those video were posted.”
My family also have studied the incidents in Ishtal Civilization and Rusalka since they are tied to one of the prophecies in the Pacific Record.”
Which one?” Nedzu asked as he love trying to put together a puzzle
Maga-Orochi and the Lord Monsters of Elements. Grandmother Naomi theorized that the myth of Yamato-no-Orochi and Susanoo stem from Maga-Orochi and the Ultra that fought it but enough of that, that’s not why I’m here. You said your mysterious giant and our mysterious vigilante were called Ultraman Zero?”
Yes, even the villainess call him that when she saw him.” Nadia pulled out a large binder out of her bag and began to search threw it but not before she looked at the two who had a confused look on their face.
What, oh the bag. My best friend and I work support and right now they’re focusing on making it easier for both normal people like the police and pro-heroes to keep their equipment handy without taking up space and I’m their beta tester.” She then flipped it to a page, it was a photo of a black, silver blue and red giant
This is the Ultra that my grandmother Naomi saw, she called him Ultraman Orb and he’s in one of his form changes that she called Emerium Slugger. It’s said that this form was granted by a father and son duo of Ultras.”
Aizawa stared at the Ultra. “Aizawa are you alright?” Nadia asked him in confusion.
Yeah but Zero looks a lot like this but not this Ultra.”
So, it seems that the Ultra you’ve met isn’t the one that my family knows of but it one of the Ultras that make up one of his form. I’m going to have research this but for sure I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”
The three lights have bonded, now, stand up! The three lights have bonded, now, stand up!"
Nadia frowned as she pulled out a phone out of the pocket of her jacket. “Ello’ hey Jet what’s up?”
What? Send me the design, I think the people that I’m talking to might find this information useful.” She ended the call as she turned back to Nedzu and Aizawa. “That was the person who created and designed my bag. You see, Jet and I are the owner of the SSP Support Company and the main Support Company that designs most of the heroes uniform for the Heroes Schools like Yūei.” She pulled out a tablet.
“Well a week or two ago, I talked to a Heroic student and his original costume was destroyed in a training exercise, he had a new idea for his costume and we’ve been very quite swamped with repairs and redesigns since the hero school just got back in session. So, Jet just got to the design the student sent just a moment ago and well I think the design says it all.”
She showed the three the design. Aizawa noticed that it was similar to Iida’s uniform except it was sleeker and more armor like but Aizawa froze since the design looked like Zero’s giant form except as armor
So, who commissioned this hero uniform?” Aizawa asked as Nadia type into her tablet.
Let’s see.” She typed a few more thing into her tablet. “A Yūei student by the name of Izuku Midoriya.”
Aizawa let out a sigh. “It just had to be my Problem Child.”
So, you think Midoriya is our mysterious Vigilante then Aizawa.” Nedzu asked the 1-A’s homeroom teacher.
No, I don’t because I saw both Midoriya and Zero at the same time during the attack on the USJ. I also got to see Zero with his hood down and the face staring at me could’ve been Midoriya but there was small differences like for instance the color of his eyes weren’t the emerald green of Midoriya’s but they this orangeish yellow that seemed to glow and that seem to be hiding something.” Aizawa paused and looked at Nedzu.
He gave me his age and name, he said that he was eighteen and his name was Shin Moroboshi and  I looked to see what his Quirk is and to see if he was using a fake name. There is no one at all with that name.”
Nedzu then piped in. “Well, we shall confront Midoriya after the Sport Festival and see what he has to say.” He turned to Nadia. “Make him that uniform and well see what happens from here.”
Right!” Nadia said with a smile as she began to type away on her tablet. “It will happen right away, Nedzu.”
Aizawa let out a sigh, every class that he had that was never fully expelled only partially always had that one student that was his Problem Child and it seems that Midoriya was this years Problem Child alongside this Morobosh
0 notes
Say What Now?!(Sam Wilson x Female!Reader)
Fandom: Marvel, MCU, Characters: Sam Wilson, You/Reader, Clint Barton, Faery Queen(OC) Relationships: Sam Wilson x Female!Reader, M/F, Summary: For Caplan’s Disney Challenge, “True love’s kiss!” @caplansteverogers Word Count: 951 Warnings: Swearing, any others that I don’t know is possible, possible typos A/N: There might be typos, I just wrote it. Un-beta-ed.
Why did we end up here? Y/N cursed, glaring at Sam Wilson as the vines curled around him and Clint Barton. The vines soon would start to strangle and kill them if the Queen’s orders weren’t followed through.
“What is it?” Y/N asked, forcing her face blank. This was her goddamn fault, if she had just come here and visited her mother on her own this wouldn’t have happened. The Faery Queen smirked in her childish, immortal beauty.
“True love’s kiss!” Her mother said causing Y/N pale considerably. “The cure to all. You kiss who you truly and wholeheartedly love and your friends will be free, daughter.”
“Why is the game always on me?” Y/N asked, thinking as quickly as possible. This is going to be painful, but it had to be done. Her mother could not be reasoned with.
“True…love’s kiss?!” Clint laughed half-heartedly before making a strangled sound, Y/N looked to see the cause and saw that the vines were starting to strangle her friends.
Y/N glared at her mother, sneering at the Fae. “Fine!” Y/N spat out before spinning around and stalking towards the man that she loved so dearly, the very person that would probably hate her after this. What she was…it was supposed to stay a secret, but secrets never stay that way. Y/N swallowed, looking Sam in the eyes, she whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Y/N wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck, pressing their lips together and ignoring the stabbing feeling from the vines. Closing her eyes, Y/N pretended that this kiss was happening somewhere more pleasant and under better circumstances.
As the vines pulled away from Sam, he leaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her. They held each other close, not daring to pull away and break the illusion. All too soon there was a cough.
“Well –“ the Faery Queen started.
“Mother, that is enough don’t you think. You’ve had your fun with the mortals. Now, may we leave your Court,” Y/N interrupted, trying to leave quickly as possible so the reality of what had just happened wouldn’t rain down on her.
“Yes, I think so, daughter,” the Faery Queen agreed. “Bye bye bye~”
Y/N hurried out of the Court as fast as she could without running, looking everywhere, but at Sam, not even at Clint. Even so, she held herself as the faery part of her would. As if she was better than those following her and nodded at a few of that she knew well. Y/N could feel the faery grace in her posture and gait, she wanted out of there.
Even in the forest, she did not dare to slow that is what happened before that got them into that mess.
“Hey, Y/N, do you think that you could slow up?” Clint asked.
“No, our leisure walking earlier is what caused us such trouble. We should leave as soon as we can, before other incidents arise.” Y/N could feel how the land was sinking into her, she shuddered. This is why she tried to stay away from it, she passed it every time she was on a run though she tried to plan not to come by the portals.
Once passing through the portal, Y/N following the others through, she tried to continue, but Sam grabbed her arm stopping her.
“Are you not going to –“
“No,” Y/N stated firmly. “You weren’t even supposed to find out that I’m part faery.”
“That’s not the problem!”
Y/N scoffed jerking her head. “Not the problem! I’m part faery, that isn’t even the worst part! I’m the blood daughter to the Faery Queen. The faery that just about killed you!”
“Because I killed some bugs on a tree, that was my fault!”
“I know I shouldn’t get between you two, but you are in love with Sam, Y/N, and Sam is in love with you,” Clint said. “And you’re a faery, so what, you’re still Y/N. Probably more powerful then you let on, but you are you, nothing’s changing that.”
“Clint is right, Y/N, I’m in love with you and you being a faery and the daughter of a dangerous and terrifying faery, who happens to rule the Fae Land, doesn’t change that.” Sam looked deeply into her eyes, Y/N tried to swallow. He loved her! She could barely believe it, even though he knew her parentage.
“I never wanted to know about my faery part. Faeries are tricksters, part demon part angel being that live for a long time and I don’t know what that means for me. I try to avoid that part of me as much as possible. I –“
“I love you, Y/N L/N. I have for a long time, don’t try to tell me that your mother’s deal with the ‘True love’s kiss’ thing was all a houxe.” Sam’s eyes seemed to beg her to say something. Y/N slumped.
“You can’t trick magic, not magic like that at least,” Y/N said quietly. “I’m in love with you, Samuel Thomas Wilson. I’ve been completely head over heels for you.”
Sam was smiling like he almost couldn’t believe it either. “Can I kiss you?”
Y/N smiled. “Hell yes.”
Sam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest, now grinning. Both leaned in, kissing with their whole being. So wrapped up in the moment that they had not only forgot that Clint – who was smiling the whole time – was still there and was now taking pictures with his phone.
When they finally pulled back for air, Sam and Y/N were panting and grinning at one another. Clint snorted, but was glad they finally got their shit together.
Y/N tapped Sam’s chest. “That…was something, Wilson.”
“Indeed it was.”
 Permanent Taglist:  @iwillbeinmynest @hymnofthevalkyrie @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics
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