thegayestofartists · 4 months
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Art I did for my friend @nanitheboi of their character Ulas Eisen !! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
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Grumpkin and his skins from the game OBAKEIDORO! / Bail or Jail
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demonworldwritings · 2 months
Growing Serenity🌷
C/W: None💖
Characters: Gardener|Alisa Woods, Night Watch|Brutus, Enchantress|Mary Dorval (Entomologist|Grace Ruiz, Postman|Andrew Valentine mentioned)
A/N: First fic here and it’s gonna be a wholesome one (⌒‿⌒)! Consider this my "Brutus gets therapy" fic
(; ̄ー ̄川. Anyway, enjoy! (Also Brutus has a humanoid design/figure in this au as a heads up, kind of a gijinka for him) also I’ll explain the Obake V au at some point, there’s just a lot to it
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'Meet me in the greenhouse as soon as you can! I have something I’d like to show you! Also there will be another person there, hope you don’t mind! See you soon! ~Alisa Woods' That was the letter Brutus just received from Andrew. It was strange to him. He never figured he would get any type of invitation from anyone. Who would want to be around him? He figured it would be rude to not accept the offer though. He was admittedly curious as to what the gardener could’ve wanted to show him. But who was this other person? These were the thoughts he was having while walking down to the greenhouse, waving to some of the other hunters that were in the living room. After getting to the greenhouse, he was about to open the door when-
"Oh, Brutus! Hi!” Mary exclaimed. She looked somewhat in a hurry, but not in a bad way, more so in an excited way. Was this the other person Alisa was talking about?
"Hello Mary. Did you get a letter from Alisa too?" Brutus asked, walking slightly away from the door while Mary walked over to it.
"Yeah I did. She said she wanted to show me something." Mary replied. 'Did she just send the same letter to both of us? What could she want?' Brutus thought before Mary opened the door to the greenhouse. The sun was very bright today, so the two had to shield their eyes a little to be able to see properly.
"Hey you two! Over here!" Alisa shouted. She was pushing a tote with what seemed to be bags of flower seeds inside.
"Hey Alisa, what did you want to show us?" Mary asked, walking down the steps into the greenhouse proper. Brutus was still standing at the top of the steps and gave a small wave to Alisa.
"Well I did some digging around the manor with Grace…" Alisa rummaged through the tote before holding out a bag of bellflower seeds with both of her hands "and it turns out there’s a bunch of different types of flower seeds around here!". She looked very proud of herself by making this discovery.
"And these are just one of many!" She put the seeds back into the tote before pushing it closer to where Mary was standing "how about you both come and take a look? I have all of the other supplies for you two!". Mary walked over to the tote with Brutus following shortly afterwards, finally going down the steps.
"Was this all you wanted to show us?" Brutus asked. He quickly realized how this may have sounded rude so he backed up and put his hands up, as if he was surrendering "not trying to be rude! I just wanted to know…".
"Well this wasn’t all I wanted…" Alisa said before walking back towards the empty flowerbeds and picking up a gardening towel "I wanted for you guys to try gardening! Alongside finding those seed packets…" She turned around and made a small hole in the soil "Grace and I found that the soil was perfect for growing anything seemingly year round! Guess it’s just another strange magical element this place has."
"Out of curiosity, why did Grace even care for any of this?" Mary asked, she had also picked out a bag of scabiosa seeds.
"Well she wanted to know if she could possibly plant anything to attract insects to answer your question." Alisa responded. She gestured Mary over to the flowerbeds and showed her where the other tools were so she could get them.
"Oh Brutus, did you find anything you liked?" Alisa asked while walking over to Brutus who was still rummaging through the tote.
"These look nice…" Brutus said, holding up a bag of cosmos seeds "but are you sure you want for me to do this? I don’t want to ruin anything…" Brutus said, looking slightly down and concerned
"Of course I want for you to do it! I think it’d be a nice thing for you to try!" Alisa exclaimed, looking very hopeful "now come on! I’ll show you where you can start." Alisa said while guiding Brutus over to the flowerbed next to Mary’s. The three spent most of the rest of the day gardening. With Brutus finding a new hobby, and group of friends that he could spend his time with.
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pokamocha · 1 year
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Hans crying sticker (come join the fan server!)
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mechafactory · 4 years
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mo7ka · 4 years
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kattba524 · 3 years
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RTAinJapan どれもこれもめちゃくちゃ楽しかった、良かった、面白かった。 ゲームってすごいなあ。 ギャラクティックストームとリングフィットアドベンチャーが感動しました。 アーカイブちゃんとあるよ。 https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan/videos?filter=highlights&sort=time
ファンアートもめっちゃ描いてしまった https://mechafactory.tumblr.com/post/659462471650820096/rtainjapan-fanart-%C2%BD https://mechafactory.tumblr.com/post/659589605738299392/rta-in-japan-fanart-22
オバケイドロ 2周年!たまにするけどやっぱり楽しいです。 今イベント中ですって。 けど新キャラクターのルカくん入手方法が難しい。諦めるかあ?
大会 今年も来たけり例の違法球技の大会(LLB) 我輩も参加します。いつの間にか大会まで1週間切ってて非常に不安です。 また何事もなく無事に楽しめると良いなあ。
気になってるゲームが日本発売確定 海外の作品、気になってるものに限って日本に来てくれる希望が薄い印象があるものなので、来ると知って驚いた。 めちゃくちゃ嬉しい〜〜!!!!! ショベルナイトやメタルスラッグ、そしてジェットセットラジオがリスペクトされたレプタイルのbomb Rush cyberfunk!!!! ジェットセットラジオがめちゃくちゃ楽しかったので、ボムラッシュサイバーファンクが日本に来てくれるのめっちゃ嬉しい。 操作性や翻訳やバグなど不安なところはあるっちゃあるけど今は喜んどけ〜!
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himanji · 5 years
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kei139-line · 2 years
さあ、オバケとケイドロしよう!非対称型対戦アクションゲーム『オバケイドロ!』Steam®向けに2022年に発売決定! 2022年5月11日から無料体験版を配信予定!
株式会社コナミデジタルエンタテインメントは、非対称型対戦アクションゲーム『オバケイドロ!』をSteam®向けに2022年に発売することをお知らせします。また5月11日(水)に無料体験版を配信しますので、あわせてお知らせします。 本作は、株式会社フリースタイルがNintendo…
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thegayestofartists · 9 months
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Thief Sharlie !! With 4th Anniversary been announced, he seems fitting for it X)
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vtuber-log · 4 years
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demonworldwritings · 2 months
Welcome to the Demon Worrld
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Hello everyone! I’m here to spread some more knowledge about Obakeidoro! And what better way to do that than to make HCs, AUs and Fanfics!
This blog will solely be dedicated to Obakeidoro writings and nothing more. I’m still learning how to write well so any and all feedback will be appreciated!
DISCLAIMER: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS WILL BE USED IN WRITINGS. This is unfortunately because there are still not many characters within Obakeidoro, thusly I have to improvise with the usage of original characters. Every original character being used in a piece will be stated at the heading.
DISCLAIMER 2: SHARLIE AND GOOGLY ARE HAVING THEIR IN GAME NAMES BE TREATED AS NICKNAMES. This is just cause a human being named Googly would be weird, and all characters are being treated as people and would be written as if they had human designs. Googly’s proper name will be Grant, and Sharlie’s proper name will be Salem (these were randomly chosen btw).
DISCLAIMER 3: ALUCARD AND LEON BELMONT WILL BE TREATED AS ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. This is because I really don’t want to do their Castlevania versions an injustice by writing them incorrectly so they will be gifted new identities, characterizations, and personalities. I sincerely apologize for this but I would rather have them be their own individuals than mess up how they’re written in Castlevania. Alucard’s new identity will be Ai (yes I stole this from Identity V's Antiquarian, apologies), and Leon Belmont’s new identity will be Alexus (this was a random idea). Once again, I sincerely apologize for having to do this but I don’t want to make mistakes with their Castlevania characters, sorry!
Below there will be a list of the original characters that will potentially be used in writings (list will be updated as more original characters are created)
List of original characters: Ulas, Grace, Locke, Lydia, Aldea, Kester, Ashley, Andrew, Sophia, August, Belle, Violet, Henry, Nikola, Marshall, and Eve
(Note: Belle belongs to @thegayestofartists)
I won’t be taking requests for the foreseeable future, but if I decide to take them, I’ll make an announcement!
Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy what I have to share from the Demon World!
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pokamocha · 1 year
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Mel celebrating (digital sticker available on the Discord fan server)
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mechafactory · 4 years
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coolpan967 · 4 years
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【オバケイドロ】復刻フェスSTART!色んなキャラをGETチャンス!? Read the full article
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kattba524 · 3 years
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Switch版のインディーゲームあれやこれがセール中。 https://store-jp.nintendo.com/feature_indieworldsale.html ずっと前に勧められずっと気になってはいたゲーム買いました。 なんと半額で。
My Friendo Pedro https://store-jp.nintendo.com/list/software/70010000012125.html スタイリッシュガンアクション。しかし難しくてなかなかかっこいいことできナい。逆にいうと、慣れると絶対めちゃくちゃ楽しい。あと死んでしまっても中間点がこまめだしリトライも早くて助かる。スクロール面の演出めっちゃ良い、楽しいナ。 1ステージがこまめ、区切りが分かりやすいのでまたプレイ動画としてとってます動画サイトに限定公開予定です。サムネイル何を描こうかナ。
ホロウナイト https://store-jp.nintendo.com/list/software/70010000003209.html 2Dアクションアドベンチャー。キャラクター1匹1匹の動きが可愛い。声も可愛い。ジャンプ攻撃操作が難しい。お金が大事。死んでしまった時にめんどくさくならないかちょっと不安。
オバケイドロもセールになってるね。お勧めですよ。 3vs1のケイドロゲームです。 捕まえる側と逃げる側どちらにもちゃんとしたメリットデメリットがあってゲームバランスがとても良いし、ルールも分かりやすく、子供から大人まで楽しめます。あとキャラクター可愛い。我輩はメルちゃんが特に好き。 https://store-jp.nintendo.com/list/software/70010000015697.html
Dead CellsやCelesteもセールになってますね。いっせいトライアルでしたっきりですが、とても良いゲームなのは確か。やり込もうとするとめっちゃくちゃ難しそう。 BABAisYOUもしてみたい気もするがパズルめちゃくちゃ超難しそうなので手が出ない。
ところでまだクリアしてないゲームあるのではないかな。 あります。バグフェイブルでまだやってないことあります。 逆転裁判は2の4章最初の裁判するところ。 まだまだすることあるぞ。 あとマッドラットデッドもやっとしたい気になったが手に入らない。 イラストがとても良いのでパッケージ版が欲しいとこなんだ・・・。
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー スーパードンキーコング3もSwitchオンラインでできるよ���なったんだってね。ついにスーパードンキーコングシリーズ3作品が揃いましたね。
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 例のお絵描き 今年は描き始めが遅かったからなあ。 間に合うかなあ。
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