#馃挘馃拲: unlawfully wedded
cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
Aaaagh sorry I got distracted but I wanted to make one last post about Jamie to round of the night before I go to bed 馃ズ馃挅馃挅 I just have a whole lot of love for him, and no matter how many other f/os I add and fall for, deep down before anyone else, I think I'll always first and foremost be Ruby Fawkes 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅 Being able to fully belong to Jamie and for him to belong to me is something really special to me, and even though I have other f/os where I can see marriage as an endgame, my marriage to Jamie is the only one I've ever actually celebrated and had a set date for and everything, because it just felt that important. It still does feel that important.
Gosh idk I'm sleepy since I'm about to go to bed but he's really just my one and only sunshine, and I think that nothing's ever gonna change that. I love you so much, Jamison Fawkes 馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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So sorry this is late, but happy anniversary to you and Junkrat!!!!馃挄馃挄馃挄
Admittedly I鈥檓 not too familiar with his source material other then the name and genre, but i know how important he is to you, So I hope you have a great night together!!! 馃槉馃挅馃挅馃挅
Omg this is so sweet of you to say, but I've got good news! You're not too late, cuz our anniversary isn't until the 22nd this month! But I'm looking forward to it so much that I can't stop thinking about him 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ But this is such a sweet ask so thank you for taking the time to send it anyway! 馃ズ馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
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Oh my gosh y'all please just LOOK at this amazingly beautiful art my wonderful gf Jane ( @captainscyarika ) made for me and Jamie's wedding anniversary!!!! I'm so grateful to her for this, its absolutely adorable!! 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅
[Reblogs are all seen and appreciated!!]
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
WOO. I am officially awake, today on the 22nd of September, the second anniversary of when I got married to Junkrat 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ I dont really have any big plans for this blog today, but I'm sure I'll be back throughout the day to post some gushes and thoughts about my dearest sunshine 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
Oh lordy so I should definitely be asleep by now but, technically since it's after midnight, today is me and Jamie's 2nd wedding anniversary!! 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ I just wanted to throw a post out acknowledging it in case I wake up after my first queue post (which very well might happen), but wow it has really been not just one, but TWO years being married to this mayhem-loving ball of sunshine!! 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
I dont have too many coherent thoughts atm cuz I am dead tired but I will definitely try to post all day tomorrow and spew out some thoughts then. Of course I may be neck deep in my hyperfixation on the Crash franchise, but I will always, I repeat, ALWAYS have the energy and love in my heart to talk about Jamie. 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
Whoo ok anyway! My wedding anniversary with Jamie is just ten days away, I gotta shift into Rat Mode 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
I know you love voicelines, so what are some of your favorites of Jamie's, if you wanna share? :3 (alternatively just for funsies, how do you think he and Cortex would react to each other??)
AAAAAH WHAT A GOOD QUESTION THANK YOU JANE 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅 But to be honest, it's hard to nail down specific favorite voicelines of his when I adore literally EVERYTHING he says 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅 On my old blog I made quite a few audio posts compiling some of my favorite lines of his with a common theme (like this one here!) but even with those compilations I've made, I can still hardly choose! I love how many of his lines are him making amazing(ly cheesy) puns, I love the fact that he uses quite a few large words (even ones that I didn't know like "ostentatious") to show that he's not as dumb as he seems, I love how he's just genuinely nice and silly to everyone he meets and somehow people are STILL MEAN TO HIM, I love how in Overwatch 2 he tends to sing really often and considering thats something I love doing, I like to think in the year that's passed he picked that trait up because of me 馃ズ馃挅 And oh my god his VOICE, his ACCENT. LORD IN HEAVEN 馃槶馃挅馃槶馃挅馃槶馃挅馃槶馃挅 I love when his voice dips down a bit when he's getting serious or very rarely talking quietly, I love how high his voice can get, I love his voice cracks and oh my god when he justs SHOUTS EVERYTHING CUZ HE CAN (and he shouts a LOT in his Heroes of the Storm voiceliens pfffff). But ohhh my gosh okay. If I had to pick, just one line as a kinda "favorite" of mine, it would be the line found about 22 seconds into this video, where he says "I've been all around the world, and there's nowhere that compares to home", and like 馃ズ馃挅馃槶馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃槶馃挅 FIRST OF ALL the gentle sweeter tone of his voice just makes my heart burst, and second, the concept of "home" is a very important theme in my ship with him, so to hear him say that is definitely some sweet inspiration 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅
AND OMG AS FOR YOUR OTHER QUESTION <0< 馃挅馃挅 You know how much I love crossover type things!! 馃挅 And oml I guarantee that any interaction between Jamie and Cortex would most likely be very chaotic 馃槄馃挅馃挅 Jamie of course tries to be friendly to everyone he meets, and I guarantee he would try to relate to Cortex cuz of them both being "genius inventors" hsbxbf 馃挅 But well, Cortex of course being his typical bitch self would probably go on about how superior his creations are, BUT I like to think that maybe he would want to know how Jamie made his gun out of literal trash, in a way where he's fascinated that a scrapheap of a weapon like that is even staying together 馃槄 Who knows, if Cortex doesn't end up getting too annoyed with Jamie (or even the other way around), then the two might even get up to some mayhem together 馃槼
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
Does Jamie have any baby photos he shares with you?
Speaking of which, does he ever talk about his past with you?
Thank you for the question! I'm glad I get to talk about my sunshine a bit on our special day together 馃ズ馃挅馃挅 To answer that first question, to be honest I don't think he would have anything like that, sadly ;0; If his home wasn't downright destroyed along with the destruction of the omnium (which honestly I feel like it was), then I doubt he would have lastingly saved anything like that over the years he had to grow up and struggle to survive in the Outback. At some point it comes down to just the essentials, ya know?
But! Moving on to your second question, that doesn't mean we dont talk about his past! His memory may be pretty shoddy because of both his trauma burying it and the radiation affecting his mind, but that doesn't mean he's forgotten everything, and things definitely come back to him! Unfortunately, those things tend to come back in nightmares ;-; It can be really hard for him to want to talk about his past with how tragic and difficult it was and how he tends to stay on the jovial side, but no matter what he tells me, I always reassure him that he'll never have to go through the pain he suffered there as long as he's mine. I would protect him no matter what 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ
But angst aside, not everything he tells me about his past and life in the Outback is sad! Sometimes I do get to hear a wild story about the crazy people or radioactive creatures he's encountered. I guarantee most of them were trying to kill him tho 馃槄
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cherry-bomb-ships 2 years
Ohh happy 2nd year wedding anniversary to you and Jaime 馃挅馃挅馃挄
Thank you so much Planky!! I really appreciate it! 馃ズ馃挐馃ズ馃挐馃ズ馃挐
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cherry-bomb-ships 9 months
Aaaaaah its the day!! Today marks three years since I got married to Jamie 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅 It'll be a chill casual celebration, but I will be doing my tradition of making a red velvet cake to commemorate the day! 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ
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cherry-bomb-ships 9 months
Hoiiiii 馃ズ馃挅馃挅
So I didn't quite do everything I wanted to get done today to celebrate, but I still had a really lovely evening!! And of course I was able to have my red velvet cake! :3 Besides, it's not like I cant do the things I wanted to tomorrow. Being in love with Jamison is a full time affair after all 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
I'm a bit tired so I won't get too sentimental, I'll just end off saying that it was a very nice day, and I'm very thankful I had time to celebrate love today. 100/10 very good day 馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 9 months
WAIT OH MAH GAWD it's my wedding anniversary with Jamie tomorrow!! We'll have been married for 3 whole years! 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 3 years
馃А Junkrat + Ruby Wedding Masterpost! 馃挏
If anyone would like to go back thru all 3 parts of my wedding with Jamie, feel free to check out these links! 馃А馃挅馃挏馃挅馃А
馃АPreparations馃А | 馃挅Ceremony馃挅 | 馃挏After-Party馃挏
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cherry-bomb-ships 3 years
Anniversary Cake is done!! 馃ズ馃挅馃挅馃挅
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This is the first time I've ever baked and decorated a cake, but it was absolutely worth it since it's dedicated to my sunshine Jamie, on the first anniversary of the day we were married 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ I didn't realize how long this was gonna take but I had a lot of fun! I know Jamie would love it too 馃ズ馃挅馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 3 years
I literally just woke up so my eyes are delirious with sleep, but as of today it has been one full year since I got married to Jamison 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ I've definitely got a few things planned today (after I wake up more hehe) but I just wanna say how happy I am that after all this time, my feelings have not faded at all for him. You could say, the fire of our love is still burning as bright as the sun 馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅馃ズ馃挅
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cherry-bomb-ships 3 years
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