zincbot · 5 months
the portraits changing in act 3.
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drunkjaked · 2 years
COLOGNE ft park jongseong (teaser)
e2l + college / summer au + 1199 words
“Please, please, please come tonight.” Sumin pleads, getting down on her knees at YN’s feet. “It’s an open bar for girls on the netball team.”
“Wow, sounds like the netball girls are gonna have a good night.” She rolls her eyes, grabbing Sumin by the arm to try and pull her off the ground.
To no avail.
She huffs, shaking her arm free of YN’s hold. “Yes, and I’m a netball girl so it sounds like my friends are gonna have a good night too.”
“You’ll be the only person I know there.”
“False, you know Isa, you’re friends with Isa.”
And while Isa is a (genuinely) sweet girl, to say she and YN are friends seems like a stretch. All things consi-“Besides having the same taste in guys, I’m not sure what you have to talk with her about.” Jake (very unhelpfully) offers.
At this, Sumin jumps to her feet. “Speak of the Devil, Heeseung’ll be there too! There, now you have three friends at the mixer.”
YN hates the frown that forms on her face at the mention of his name. Heeseung didn’t tell her he was going. “Heeseung didn’t tell me he was going.”
“Well, that’s because Isa hasn’t actually asked him yet, but he won’t say no when he finds out his best friend in the whole world’s gonna be there!”
“Do you mean Jay or YN?” Jake asks, and it’s a good question because she hadn’t even considered that Sumin might have been referring to P*rk J*ngseong.
“Park Jongseong’s gonna be there and you thought that would be a selling point for me?” YN scrunches up her nose as she says his name.
“It’s literally a party for the girls netball team, of course Park Jongseong’s gonna be there.” Sumin scoffs. “And would you just call him Jay already? You’re being obnoxious.”
And it’s not as if she doesn’t know she’s being obnoxious but it’s been years now, so at this point it’s merely a matter of principle.
With a roll of her eyes, Sumin begins her (usual) rant about how: by not calling him Jay you’re on-She stops short when YN’s phone goes off in her back pocket. “That’s him isn’t it? I recognise the text tone.”
Recognise the text tone, what are you talking about? YN mumbles.
“Every time your phone goes off like that you groan when you check it.”
“You change your text tones?” Jake asks, a wide grin spreading on his face. “What’s mine? Wait, don't tell me-” He digs in his pockets looking for his phone. “-I’ll text you right now.”
There’s a part of YN that’s not entirely sure she’ll be able to handle the disappo- “Oh.” The smile falls from his face at the sound of the default text tone.
“His is the only one I changed.”
Sumin hums at this, crossing her arms over her chest and shooting a suspicious glance in YN’s direction. “Sounds romantic.” She concludes.
YN decides to ignore her in the hopes that this new train of thought might distract her from the netball mixer later on. Pulling her phone from her pocket she (and Sumin - who peers from over her shoulder) sees that Sumin was right (not that they had any doubts).
Park Jongseong: i got a 95 wbu loser?
A 95 is a little higher than what makes her comfortable, and she feels her heart rate pick up a little as she logs onto the student portal to check what grade she got.
A sigh of relief.
YN: sry to hear abt the low grade jongseongie :((((
YN: i got a 97
Park Jongseong: enjoy ur victory while it lasts.
“Aww.” Sumin starts - collapsing onto the couch to curl up next to Jake. “Another day of Jay and YN pretending to hate each other.”
“It’s not pretend.” YN huffs, putting her phone back in her pocket.
“Consider tonight a congrats party.” Jake starts. “Wooo! Go, YN! You scored higher than Ja-” He’s cut off by a swift nudge to the stomach from Sumin. “Higher than Jongseong.” He groans, keeling over.
Despite her reluctance, attending Sumin’s netball mixer isn’t a mistake and they’ve been passing her team jacket back and forth between the two of them to get as many free drinks as they can.
Which, to their credit, is working very well.
And a somewhat familiar 808 beat rattles through tinny speakers in the student union as YN tries to spot where she’d left Sumin with some members of the team, doing her best not to spill any of the three drinks she’s holding.
In all of the 7 (she’s counting) steps she’s taken so far she hasn’t spil-“Hey, lose- what is this?” Jongseong greets, cutting himself off at the sight of YN in the team jacket, holding onto its sleeve and craning his neck to read the back of it. “I never pegged you as a baller, maybe you’re more my type than I thought.”
YN scoffs. “Don’t insult me, Park.” And it takes everything in her not to react to the way some of her drink spills on her leg when she nudges out of his hold - though he’s quick to let go, holding both of his hands up in surrender.
He blows some hair from his forehead. “Is this a bad time to tell you I think it’s hot when you say my surname like that?” And it takes every ounce of willpower YN possesses not to slap the smirk from his stupid face when he speaks.
“Fuck you.”
His stupid smirk stays for a moment before he pulls air through his teeth, tilting his head at her. "I'm guessing it was a bad time?"
"How do you have the top grade in any class?" The irritation is evident in her voice as she speaks, pushing onto her tiptoes trying (and failing) to see over his shoulders.
Jongseong ‘thinks’ about it for a moment, giving a thoughtful hum as he clutches his chin between his pointer finger and thumb. "Hard work and determination." He answers, moving to lead the way, facing her as he walks backwards.
She snorts at this. "I don't believe that you've done any hard work in your life."
The smirk returns and he lifts the hem of his shirt up a bit, the tiniest peek of his toned stomach staring her dead in the eye. "Well, I can show you hard work if you want."
"You are disgusting."
He stops walking and it’s so abrupt that YN almost spills (more of) the drinks. Jongseong’s hand is big on her cheek when he holds it. And this definitely is might be the most repulsive interaction they’ve ever had.
“I could tea-”And thankfully before he can finish his sentence, someone calls out his name. His hand stays on YN’s face when he looks over his shoulder, head nodding at whoever shouted for him - greeting them with an On the way, bro.
There’s a smile on his face when he looks back at her and with two soft pats to her cheek and the words: Later, loser, Park Jongseong is gone.
And somehow he’s taken one of her drinks with him.
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okay. this is the teaser.. duh.. please lmk ur thoughts i really would appreciate it also if u perhaps want to be in a taglist for it then lmk abt that too :D
©drunkjaked (2022) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED,
masterlist | other jay fics
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xsilver-wings · 5 years
goodbye, push, or gone, for xia from alexandros! man i'm really tooting the angsty train aren't i whoops
One Word Prompts — accepting
alskdjalksdjalshd oh my goood. this is. perfection. i love me some angst! so, here’s all the angst! also inserting a read more because like i wrote a lot hahahaha
my muse kissing and/or hugging your muse goodbye.
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✦   Aloisa hadn’t wanted the visit to end, but as her mother always said, all good things must. That hadn’t stopped her from pouting the entire morning, however. Even through breakfast, which she could barely even eat. Mostly, she had just pushed her food around. Alexandros hadn’t been much different. 
      Part of Lex had wanted to complain about the abrupt end. They had been meant to stay for another week! But the look he saw in his mother’s eyes made him keep his mouth shut. Some things, it would seem, were unavoidable. 
      As the royals from both reigns exchanged their pleasantries and goodbyes, Alexandros and Aloisa were left facing one another. Isa’s lower lip was still jutted out — small, pink, and plump. Her mother had gently told her after breakfast that she needed to not pout, but she couldn’t help it. One of her best friends was leaving and she wasn’t sure when they’d see each other again. She was sad. 
      “Maybe next time, you’ll come and visit me?” Lex said, his inflection rising at the end of the sentence to pose as a hopeful question. Aloisa’s big green eyes looked up at him. Her pout receded only to reveal a small, somewhat sad smile. She nodded at him. 
      “I would like that very much. I hope it happens,” she told him. She wasn’t sure when that could possibly happen, but she would probably pester her parents until it happened. 
      Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted her mother taking Olympias’ hands into her own. The formalities dropped only slightly as the two exchanged a more personal goodbye. Watching it only made it feel more real that they were leaving. 
      Before she could turn back to Lex, Aloisa found herself being engulfed in a tight hug. Lex’s arms were skinny — something she had teased him about along with his height — but he was strong. For a moment, Isa wrapped her arms back around him. She bit back any tears that threatened to fall. 
      When Lex let go, Isa found herself feeling cold. She already missed him. “I guess this is goodbye,” he said to her. Finding courage she hadn’t realized had been hidden deep inside of her, Isa rushed forward to give Alexandros a peck on the cheek. 
      “No,” she said to him, her small smile returning as she shook her head. “Let’s not say goodbye. Instead, until next time.” Neither child realized that until next time wouldn’t be for many, many years. Not until they would have faced the many hardships that life had to throw at them. Even then, they wouldn’t say goodbye. Instead: Until Next Time. 
my muse pushing your muse out of the way of danger.
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✦   Traveling the roads of Skyrim often had their dangers but for Alexandros and Xia most of those dangers were mundane. They could handle nearly everything. Together, they were almost unstoppable. 
      Alexandros hummed lightly as the two walked down the road. They were camped about half a mile back and were doing some scouting. With the sun setting, it was important to do this now so as not to be taken by surprise if there were any other campers — namely bandits — around. 
      “What are you humming?” Xia questioned, eyes narrowing as she looked at her companion. He turned to her, the biggest grin he could possibly have on his face. 
      “Our hero, our hero claims a warrior’s heart!” 
      “No, stop that!” Xia exclaimed, gently pushing him away from her. That didn’t stop him, however, as he continued. 
      “I tell you, I tell you the Dragonborn comes!” He knew she hated those songs, which amused him. He only ever sang them to get a reaction out of her, which she so gladly provided. And yet, as annoyed as she was, she was laughing. 
      “You are so annoying, you know that right?” Xia questioned him, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as she did so. Lex just continued to grin. 
      “That’s why you love me so much,” he told her with a laugh. 
      “Yeah, whatever you say,” Xia muttered, smiling. 
      The cool night air was settling in now, but both were adequately dressed that they could really only feel it on their faces. Xia found it refreshing. She found herself looking up towards the sky, watching as the stars became visible. She loved this time of day. 
      “Watch out!” Xia was taken by surprise as she was suddenly pushed away. She stumbled, losing her footing, and fell to the ground. She wasted no time in turning around to see Lex with his sword against a bandit’s. What was more distressing, however, was the arrow sticking out of his right shoulder. 
      Xia was on her feet in seconds. She scanned the area for the source of the arrow. Not too far down the road was another bandit, bow in hand. They were already notching another arrow, aiming now towards Lex. She wasn’t about to let that happen again. 
      “Yol Toor Shul,” she shouted. Flames billowed from her mouth towards the bandit. He screamed as he was engulfed in the flames. She paid him no more mind before turning back to Lex and the bandit he was fighting. 
      Alexandros was a skilled warrior, there was no doubt about it, but he was currently injured. She could see his face wince every time that his blade collided with the bandit’s blade. She knew he could handle his own, even injured, but she wasn’t going to wait around and do nothing. 
      Xia quickly pulled out her blades and lunged towards the bandit. He stood absolutely no chance fighting off two skilled warriors. In a matter of seconds, the man was on the ground, dead. 
      “You idiot!” Xia exclaimed, “What were you thinking?” She turned to face Lex, who was kneeling on one knee on the ground, his left hand grasped around the arrow. He looked up at her, an infuriating smile on his face. 
      “You weren’t paying attention,” he teased her and then shrugged with his good shoulder. Xia was kneeling down next to him, examining the arrow in his shoulder. She frowned at his response. He was teasing her, but she still knew it was true. She hadn’t been paying attention. And Lex got shot because of it. That arrow had been meant for her. 
      “This is going to hurt,” she told him as she grabbed the arrow. 
      “It already hurts,” Lex laughed. She glared at him. She knew he was trying to lighten the mood, but it didn’t make her feel any better. 
      “On the count of three,” she told him. She started counting, but when she got to two, she pulled it out. It hadn’t been in deep enough and pulling it out in one fell swoop was the best way to go about it. Lex let out a small yelp, but Xia remained focused on examining the injury. She didn’t have any healing abilities magic wise, but she always had some potions on her just in case. 
      Grabbing a bottle out of her satchel, she uncorked it and forced it into Lex’s hand. “Drink,” she ordered him. He did so, his face screwing up at the taste of it. While he did that, she wrapped his shoulder with a piece of cotton that she had torn off from her undershirt. Once everything was calmed and settled, the two sat there on the road, just catching their breath. 
      “You should have just let me get shot,” Xia told him. 
      “And what kind of friend would I be if I did that?” 
      “The kind that teaches their friends a lesson in paying attention?” Xia questioned, one of her eyebrows raised. Lex let out a bark of laughter. 
      “I think you’re learning that lesson just fine right now,” he told her then with a sincere smile. He then looked further down the road to the smoldering corpse. “Hmn. Would you look at that? With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art.”
      “By the Eight!” Xia cried out, falling backward to lay in the road. She covered her face with her hands, trying to tune her best friend out. 
      “Believe, believe the Dragonborn comes!” He sang even louder. 
my muse stays by your muses side while they take their last breath.
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✦   The desert was hot during the day, but freezing at night. Xia was having a hard time adjusting to the changes, but she sucked it up and dealt with it because of the letter she had received. Alexandros had been on his own and people were worried about him. 
      By the time that Xia managed to find him, he had already started to have his fever. He was delirious when she arrived, not even being able to recognize her when he saw her. She tried to treat him as best she could with what she had, but nothing seemed to work. She was getting more and more frustrating. She had tried to leave to get more ingredients, but she had feared leaving him alone. 
      Days had gone by and Xia was dabbing at his forehead with a damp cloth. He was sweating profusely, his body trying to fight off whatever infection that he had. Despite the sweating, he shivered. Xia pulled another blanket on top of him, trying to keep him comfortable. She tried to give him some water to drink, but he refused. His breathing was shallow and Xia was beginning to worry more than she had been before. 
      “Isa,” his voice was hoarse when he spoke. She looked at him, his different colored eyes open and glossy, but staring back at her. She gave him a small smile. 
      “Hey there, Lex,” she replied softly. It was the first time he had recognized her since she had come. And yes, he may have been using her old nickname, but it was the one he had always used for her. It was the one he knew so well. 
      “I missed you,” he told her. She let out a soft laugh and nodded. 
      “I missed you too. You’re out here being all crazy and mystic and haven’t bothered to write to me. You’re gonna have to make that up to me, you know,” Xia told him with a smile still on her face. He smiled as she brushed some of his blonde hair out of his face, it had stuck to his wet forehead. 
      “I’ll buy you a new horse,” he told her, “a silver one to match your hair.” He reached up slowly to brush at her hair in return. 
      “A new horse? I don’t think Shadowmere would like that very much,” Xia told him, laughing once more. 
      “Shadowmere? That demon still alive?” He laughed in return, but it soon turned into a cough. Xia once more brought water to his lips and this time he allowed himself to drink it. When he saw the crease between her eyebrows, furrowed and worried, he mentioned it. “You’re worried.” 
      “You’ve been sick for days, Lex. Nothing I’ve done is helping. I am very worried.” Xia sighed, placing the water down beside his bedroll. Lex nodded, closing his eyes once more. The longer he kept quiet and kept his eyes closed, the more Xia worried. She chewed on the inside of her cheek, studying his face. After about fifteen minutes, she tried to get his attention. 
      “Lex?” His mouth moved when she said his name. It took him a minute, but his eyes opened. 
      “Isa? I’ve missed you.” At his response, Xia couldn’t help but feel tears well up in her eyes. Still, she smiled in return. 
      “I’ve missed you too, dummy,” she told him. He smiled and nodded. 
      “Hey, Isa?” He questioned, reaching out to grab her hand. 
      “Yes, Lex?” She gave his hand a little squeeze. It felt so weak in her hands. 
      “This isn’t goodbye.” 
      “W-what do you mean?” She questioned him. It was such a strange thing to say, going on par with his mystic routine, but it worried her. 
      “This isn’t goodbye,” he reiterated. “I’m slipping… I can almost see Aetherius.” 
      “No. No, Lex. It’s not time. You’re still so young. You’ve got so much left to do,” she argued, but he was shaking his head at her. Her grip tightened still on his hand. She didn’t want him to go. He was one of her oldest friends. One of her best friends. He couldn’t leave her. 
      “It’s time,” he told her softly. He gave her a small smile, as reassuring as he could make it. His breath was getting more and more labored by the second. “I’ll see you again. Until next time.” 
      Lex said no more. He continued breathing for a couple of minutes, labored breathing still, and then there was nothing. Xia looked down at him, his face had relaxed, his eyes closed. His hand no longer held hers back. Xia found herself crying, sobbing. She reached out to put her hand against his cheek. 
      “Lex? Lex. Please. Please wake up.” But there was no response from him. It took a long time for her to calm herself enough to press a kiss to Lex’s forehead. 
      “Until next time.”
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