#(spoilers for the au's endgame) despite all this the happy ending fixes most things that got messed up in the timeline one way or another.
starflungwaddledee · 6 months
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it isn't there anymore.
the mainline game events from rtdl onwards tend to form the foundations for significant turning points in the whole awtdy timeline. galacta knight made his wish during robobot, but was actually placed into the timeline much earlier. as a result he already has clear knowledge of how these events played out for meta knight, and can therefore adjust them to his liking
for the most part, he's interested in dealing with threats as quickly and efficiently as possible, and keeping total control of the people in his orbit. his overall goals are to destroy the life he stole from meta knight, and to corrupt his loved ones in whichever way will hurt him the most
in the case of triple deluxe, galacta knight goes to floralia in kirby's stead to "rescue dedede" and "prevent the spread of dark matter" caused by Sectonia's parasitic rule. kirby slept through the event and blames himself for not waking up in time to help rescue the people of the sky from their queen's corruption
at this point he still believes you can sometimes purify those who have come into contact with dark matter, and feels that if he'd been there, he could have at least tried.
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rockinlibrarian · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
@pixiedane tagged everyone on this, and considering I've been wallowing in my sudden Being Into Fanfic lately (though to be honest I've been READING a lot lately more than writing), see this link, I figured I'd take her up on the challenge. You, too, may take ME up on the challenge if YOU have been writing fic!
how many works do you have on AO3? 19. That's much less than @pixiedane! I'm a baby fic writer!
what’s your total AO3 word count? 66,239
how many fandoms have you written for and what are they? There are technically seven listed, but "Marvel Cinematic Universe," "The Avengers (Marvel Movies)," "Captain America (Movies)," and "Agent Carter (TV)" all apply to the same fic, so really just 4. But that doesn't count fandoms I've written but not completed (and therefore posted) for. So there are more to come. Maybe. Sometime.
what are your top 5 fics by kudos? *
"On the End of Endgame," 51 kudos, because I'm right and Marvel doesn't understand their own time travel rules and 51 people KNOW it!
"The Puppy-Fly Effect," 39 kudos, because it's Back to the Future, the most mainstream property I've written for! So people see it and say, "oh, I've actually seen that one" and they're more likely to read it!
"The Invitation: an Epilogue," 22 kudos, which is pretty good since this is my newest fic on there. It's a Howl's Moving Castle (BOOK, PLEASE, OBVIOUSLY) epilogue, so considering it's not a RECENT thing it just keeps getting slow and steady readership. I myself have been reading a lot of Howl fic lately, and people are getting comments on their decade-old stories from me now, so I imagine this one also will slow and steadily keep accumulating hits and kudos.
"Kerry and the Meaning of Life," 20 kudos. I'm honestly not sure why this is, by far, my most kudoed Legion FX fic. It's the first one I ever wrote, and got me started on the whole writing-the-entire-Loudermilk-coming-of-age rabbit hole I fell into to begin with, but I've only improved over time, I think, but even after I'd posted other Loudermilk backstory I think is objectively better, this one still gets the most!
"Syd's (Third) Childhood Begins," 15 kudos, because when people finish watching Legion FX the NATURAL move is to seek out fix-it fic. I wouldn't say this is fix-it really as much as ensure-the-ending-is-actually-happy-it, but I did use the "fix-it" tag, and at least one of the commenters DID say they immediately came on AO3 "looking for pretty much exactly this"...
do you respond to comments, why or why not? Absolutely, because I know what it feels like NOT to get comments, and also what it feels like to-- I don't know, I just get paranoid, if people don't respond to me, I think stuff like "Did I say something wrong? Do they not care about my opinion? Am I invisible?" so I'm Do Unto Others-y about it, even if all I can think of to say is "Thank you!"
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Well, I haven't actually posted (read: finished) the ending yet, but it's definitely "Exploration of the Astral Plane," because that's just Legion FX canon. No spoilers, Oliver Bird starts out the show having gotten lost decades ago, and this is the story of HOW he got lost, and his friends didn't KNOW if they'd ever see him again, so the paragraphs I've written of the end do make me quite teary! The fic's really fun despite the canonically sad ending, though, honest!
do you write crossovers? if so what is the craziest one you’ve written? I have not written one YET, if I recall, unless you count the several mildly interconnected IPs involved in the Pipeweed Mafia Stories, which isn't even posted because I feel uncomfortable posting Real People fic online, but crossovers are fun and I really enjoy reading them, especially when the writer successfully blends things together while being true to the characters. Just today I read a hilarious one blending The Good Place and Harry Potter!
have you ever received hate on a fic? Gosh, this is such an ironic question. I wouldn't say that I WISH I received hate on a fic, but my fics aren't even NOTICED enough to receive hate! I already feel paranoid-- Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, you know how it is-- when I don't receive LIKE on a fic! It's LIKE receiving hate for me, because my brain goes into "Does nobody like it? Does nobody care? Are they all too nice to say it's terrible?" mode, so, yeah.
do you write smut? if so what kind? Absolutely not. My demisexual self hates reading it, definitely not writing it. I struggled enough writing just a taste of what a horny, slutty teenager who-talks-too-much Oliver Bird would have been in this AU, and that's mild!
have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. That would really suck, wouldn't it, if someone stole my work and ended up getting MORE LIKES AND COMMENTS THAN ME on it.
have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I'm aware of, and if I'm not aware of it but it happened I guess that would answer the "stolen" question, too.
have you ever co-written a fic before? Ever in my entire life, I feel like I must have, but not anything I've posted online then
what’s your all time favorite ship? Hmm. Honestly, there are ships I defend passionately if the topic comes up, but I'm not sure I have a favorite just on my own. Especially as I hate smut, so I avoid seeking out specifically shipping stories. But, since I have been reading a lot of HMC fic lately, I should mention that Howl and Sophie ARE one of my absolute favorite fictional couples, but that's just how DWJ wrote them, and I can tell you unfortunately that not all fanfic writers QUITE nail that chemistry...
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Speaking of The Good Place, I really do wish I could write the novelization, and maybe I'd write some pieces of it longer than the few paragraphs I have written? But I doubt I ever will, let alone to the point of FINISHING...
what are your writing strengths? Fanfic wise, I like to THINK I understand the characters very well, at least! Writing in general? I think it's just my quirky voice? I'm the only me.
what are your writing weaknesses? Oh, very much FINISHING. But beyond that, it's pulling teeth to get me to fill out the story sometimes. I tend to draft with dialogue, and then I have to go back and fill in what's actually happening AROUND the dialogue, and sometimes I'd rather not.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? At first I was like, I don't KNOW any other languages well enough to do this! And then I remembered the Firefly fic I have mostly written but not completed yet, and you know how in the show their speech is peppered with random Mandarin phrases? My husband has the Firefly RPG book and there's an appendix of Mandarin phrases you might hear in the Firefly universe, and I DID incorporate a few of those phrases into my dialogue, just from that appendix and it's probably horrible, but it fit the universe...
what was the first fandom you wrote for? EVER? The earliest I'm sure about is the Ducktales fic I found in an old Girl Scout manual that I must have written when I was 11 or 12. The first fandom I ever posted on AO3, in response to an exchange, was Legion FX of course, but that wasn't until the ripe old age of 40.
what’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to give this one to "Two (or Three) Mutant Freaks Against the Fourth Grade" just because it has gotten the least number of hits of ANY of my posts, INCLUDING THE PLACEHOLDER WITH NO WORDS IN IT, so it needs more love. And it really is one of my favorites, because it's just a sweet little story about nerds making friends, and I love rereading it.
*This made me curious which fics got the most kudos comparative to their HITS, because the Endgame one has WHOA more hits than any other fic, but it's over a thousand, which doesn't make 51 kudos look so good anymore. Percentage-wise, it's less than 5%, which seems to be where most of my fics hit when you do the math-- between 4% and 8% kudos-to-hits. The exceptions, jumping up to about 18% each, are the BttF and HMC fics, and, curiously, my beloved childhood friend AU mentioned in the last question-- it may have the least number of HITS (22), but that helps the math when you consider it's got 4 kudos. The HIGHEST percentage kudos-to-hits is its sequel, the childhood-friends-as-teenagers-AU fic mentioned in question 5**-- it's got 6 kudos and only 29 hits, so that's about 20%! Apparently people LIKE when I have to write a sex-crazed adolescent boy. COME ON, people! (The story is actually about Asexuality so I guess it really isn't people just wishing I'd write smut).
**Oh, I just noticed the numbers renumbered themselves when I put bullet points in the middle of the original question 3 there, so this is actually the answer to question 8? But it SAYS FIVE.
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: Iterate (1/1)
Title: Iterate By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Spoilers: Up through Endgame. Disclaimer: They're not mine. Word Count: 2953 Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :)
Summary: Steve lived through the 21st century twice, the second time hurt much more than the first.
A/N: I literally made myself cry today on the way to work while I was working this out in my head. It was SUPPOSED to be FLUFFY. I’m not exactly why I decided on this format, all I know is that it felt right. I hope you enjoy. Steggy is just mentioned, more Steve-centric. 
It was supposed to be a stupid, fluffy story about Old Steve living with his granddaughter and being a LITTLE SHIT to her all the time because he’s 100% comfortable with modern things and it drives her nuts. I’m sorry.
Also, please pay attention to vague time stamps. Certain details are changed for impact. Hence, AU (Even though I FULLY BELIEVE that once the stones are placed back there is only ONE main timeline where Steve lived, was Peggy’s husband, and that’s how he showed up at the end of Endgame. Fight me.)
~*~ October 2023
He supposed he’d always been waiting for this day. Steve knew he’d be around for it, one way or another. At least, he’d always assumed that, though he’d thought he’d experience it in a very, very different way.
He didn’t know the exact time, just a vague recollection that it was early afternoon, that there had been sunlight they’d blocked out with the blast shields, that they’d tried to eat lunch but they were all too nervous.
Funny. Same thing happened to him today. He couldn’t manage to get anything to slide down past the lump in his throat, couldn’t fill his stomach to calm the butterflies. He tried coffee first. It was warm and robust but had no effect.
He pulled out the tin from the back of the cabinet and made a cup of tea from one of the few remaining bags there. He sipped it and imagined Peggy sitting across from him, telling him off for using old tea that would be bitter and teasing him for how much sugar he put in it.
He drank a beer and wished to god that he had just one flask of whatever it was Thor used to carry around. He needed something to calm his nerves.
He caught his reflection in the window over the sink. For just the briefest second he saw his young self, so broken by so much, not knowing that today would be the day he’d be put to his greatest test. But the sun shifted and he could see every wrinkle in the refection, every grey hair, the haziness to his eyes that the doctor said was the beginning of cataracts.
A lifetime ago this day had changed everything for him without him knowing. Today, he was just as eager for the moment when Banner would put on that glove, this time for very different reasons.
In the end, Steve Rogers managed to live a fairly normal life.
Once back with Peggy, he kept away from the spotlight. Unsure if he’d created a parallel timeline or if he was living in his own, he did his best to avoid changing things.
Because even when he wanted to change things, he realized very quickly, he couldn’t.
He became enamored with sci-fi and fantasy that included time travel, with physicists who wrote books on the subject. He wanted to understand it, to know the unknowable.
He eventually decided that he was prescribing to the Doctor Who Theory of time travel: that it was all very, very complicated but that some things, no matter what, had to just happen in their own time and some things were simply fixed and would always happen the way they were supposed to. He’d seen this first with Zola- as he’d tried to get the man and his influence away from SHIELD they only dug their heels in deeper and kept him. It was later reaffirmed when, despite every effort, The Winter Soldier escaped him and Howard and Maria were left for dead in their car, young Tony devistated.
After that day, he stopped trying so hard to avoid squishing butterflies and focused instead on enjoying what he had.
What he had was, after all, quite a lot: A wife, two young boys, and a second chance at the life he’d missed while fighting other men’s wars.
Despite knowing all that laid ahead for him and his friends in the future that was now his past and yet somehow once again his future, Steve eventually started longing for the new millennium as decades past him by. He missed the technology, the ability to have whatever kind of entertainment he waited at the tips of his fingers. Though he’d known a good portion of what would happen from history books, once he’d gone back, he’d lived an entire lifetime full of surprises, experiencing things like the moon landing and the Vietnam war first hand. But now, as he grew older and he knew his days with Peggy were numbered, he longed for the small comforts of familiarity, for e-mails and smartphones and heated steering wheels on cars that parked themselves.
As the 2000’s arrived, he felt himself get more and more comfortable with the things around him: the news, the events he’d already experienced once and would again in a different way. It felt good to feel at least on solid ground with the world around him, knowing what was to come for him.
His home was lonely after Peggy was gone, and he made his only granddaughter an offer she couldn’t refuse: free room and board if she helped him keep up the house. An elementary school art teacher, Maggie was happy to step in for a little financial relief as she tried to navigate the churlish economy.
If he never told her that he was perfectly capable of taking care of the house by himself, it didn’t quite matter. The company was more than enough. And if when she smiled she looked just a little like her namesake and it warmed his heart… well, that wasn’t a bad thing, either.
The best part, he’d found though, was that it was hilariously funny to drive his granddaughter crazy. He’d lived through the early decades of the 21st century as a young man. He’d learned how to navigate the internet, interface with the most complicated technology there was to offer, and listened to music that wouldn’t be written for years to come. He loved watching her face as he sang along to Billie Eilish on the radio or realize that she didn’t have to explain to him how to use an iPad or Facetime.
She yelled at him the first snowfall. Skidded her car (all-wheel drive, thank goodness he’d convinced her to get the newest model) into the freshly shoveled driveway and tore out of the driver’s seat, yelling at him a mile a minute.
They’ll think I’m some kind of self-centered princess letting a centenarian shovel this and try to kill himself!  She’d yelled, trying to take the shovel from his hands.
He was still stronger than he should be, and held his ground. I don’t want you hurting yourself on this stuff.
Me? She’s screeched, and he’d laughed. He couldn’t help but smile and find her concern at least a little comical. Deep down he understood, knew that he should be trying to sell his age a little more, be trying to hide that he was still strong and fast and in better shape than some of his middle-aged neighbors.
As much as he’d like to push her off, tell her to go inside, he couldn’t. She wasn’t a self-centered princess, but she was his princess, and he bent to her whim like a branch in the wind. He’d kissed her on the head and finally handed her the shovel, leaving her the last bit of the path to her to clean up, and promised to take better care of himself.
She didn’t know that when she left for work, he still went down the basement and bench pressed 225 on an easy day.
She teased him about his record collection. Even though records had come back in style, she still thought it was silly to have a whole wall dedicated to them when she could access nearly all of musical history on her cell phone. He showed her his own digital playlists and popped in his airpods when he was reading sometimes, but he loved the sound the needle made when it hit the wax.
One night, when he couldn’t listen to her teasing anymore, no matter how good natured it was, he played dirty.
You know, there’s a new song coming out by one of those artists you like. WAP? Heard it’s a cover of a song your Nana and I used to dance to all the time.
Two weeks later, he heard the familiar opening bass to the song Barton had played incessantly in the gym while he was working out and had quoted for months, the song that he hadn’t been able to get away from even in the past with random phrases like macaroni in a pot popping into his head at the most inconvenient times.
Barely half a verse in she’d either shut it off or turned the music way lower. At dinner she couldn’t look at him.
That was not at cover, Pop Pop. And I don’t want to think about you and Nana like that… ever.
She cried when she came home, a year after Peggy’s death, to see Peggy’s beautiful vanity had been moved into her room, Peggy’s jewelry box on it front and center.
What did you do? She’d kept asking him, tears in her eyes.
She’d want you to have it. He knew it was the truth. He hugged her tight as she sniffed and knew he’d made the right decision. He remembered Peggy sitting with Maggie on her knee on the small stool, letting the girl paw through her necklaces and play with her big fluffy make-up brushes. Maggie reaching for her eyeshadow and Peggy deftly pulling it away. Peggy being just a little too slow with the lipstick and the toddler bouncing around the house, proudly showing off the circle on the bottom half of her face to anyone who would look at her.
They’d loved their boys, but Maggie had both of their hearts in a way they hadn’t been prepared for.
Steve had to make up and excuse to leave the house the next morning when Maggie came down to breakfast, wearing the single pearl drop necklace he’d gotten for Peggy on their 25th wedding anniversary and her signature red lipstick. It was a good pain, but the first time he saw her in her grandmother’s necklaces, it was pain none the less.
~*~ Spring 2018
He knew the date it was supposed to happen. He’d kept up enough to know that it would, too. His other self was out there, somewhere, fighting what would become the biggest battle of his life.
Steve decided to focus on the small things. He kept the house stocked up with food and drinks, nonperishables that would last months and even years, toilet paper and paper towels. He ordered big metal shelves for the basement and made sure there was enough for multiple people for the long haul.
He didn’t know what would happen to his family in the snap- who would make it and who wouldn’t, but he was going to be sure whoever survived would be set for the following months where there was chaos, food and water shortages, and fear.
It would be a long five years for anyone that was left.
Even though she was home most nights, he asked Maggie for a standing Thursday night date. Some nights he showed her how to keep the house up: where the water main was, how to shut it on and off, where the gas line was, what to do if the roof started leaking. He made notebooks full of lists of things to do, how-to’s for the house and for life, and even, when he was awake in the middle of the night, wrote her letters so she wouldn’t be lonely.
Somehow, he just knew it would be him this time. He had survived the first snap, but if there were two of him and one survived, the other, statistically, did not. Thanos was very clear on how half worked.
Maggie, at first, had been scared. His family knew he had a knack for predicting the future, but didn’t know quite why.
Are you dying? Maggie had asked, fearing the worst when she started to realize that their Thursday night take-out and movie date was about more than just spending time together.
No, he’d said so very often, I just want you to be ready for anything.
Despite all of her questions, she went along with it.
When the day came, he couldn’t quite keep the sadness out of his eyes. Couldn’t quite smile at her. They ate pizza in front of the TV, watching a comedy Maggie had picked. He kept his eyes on his watch. It was coming.
His fingers itched. Like he could already feel his cells pulling apart.
He reached out, taking her hand in his and covering it with is other hand. “Maggie, you know I love you, right?”
She smiled at him, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She’d sensed his anxiety all day. “Of course, I do. And I love you, Pop Pop.”
He looked away and then back at her. “I promise you, whatever happens, I’m alright, and I’ll be back.”
“Pop Pop,” her eyes filled with tears, “What are you talking about?”
He shook his head, “I’ve left you everything you’ll need, and I promise I’ll be back.”
A tear fell from her eye as she squeezed his hand tighter. “But where…”
It was as if the world went silent as it started to happen. Though the television droned on in the background, he could swear the air was stiller. He started to see the dust fill the air and tried not to breathe.
But it was wrong.
It wasn’t him.
Her hand was falling to nothing in his, the fear in her eyes haunting as the skin of her cheeks flecked into the air, swirling before falling along with the rest of her into a pile on the couch.
It was so fast. So fast.
And it wasn’t him.
“No…” The word fell from his lips as a whisper, sobs starting to form in his throat.
He wondered, nearly every night for five years, if Thanos knew. If it had somehow been a conscious choice to keep him alive, to make him suffer just a little more. To make him watch his other self on television trying to promote healing.
Sometimes, he realized that this was a blessing. His sons and granddaughter were safe while they were snapped, protected by the fabric of the universe. Bucky had told him that he didn’t remember anything from being snapped, didn’t feel any different when he woke up than if he’d taken a long, heavy nap.
Somewhere, his family was taking the universe’s longest nap without him.
But they’d be spared these memories. They’d be spared lonely nights of missing loved ones and too little to eat while the world sorted out the jobs that were suddenly empty to keep things running for those that were left behind.
They’d be spared the fear of the gangs that started roaming the streets of half abandoned cities, looting for food and clothes in stores that had never officially closed but also couldn’t open with their owners simply gone.
They’d be spared the rolling blackouts and the contaminated water scares.
They’d be spared the fear of the country as the government suddenly found itself missing elected officials and the infighting and the rhetoric that came with martial law and hasty elections.  
They’d be spared so, so much pain and loss.
Every day, he relived it all, twice over.
He counted every day for five years, making his way through each week and month motivated by only one thought: they were coming back. He needed to be ready for them, for her.
He helped his daughter in law keep their house, managed his other son’s apartment in DC and kept his things ready and waiting, made sure Maggie’s things were safe and in working order, made sure her bank account stayed open and her phone bill was paid. He’d never, not once, considered he’d be the one left behind, and the logistics of all there was to do left him busy for the first few weeks.
Everyone told him his hope that the dusted would return was infectious, but after the first year, people stopped listening. He knew, for a fact, they’d come back, but everyone else didn’t. Even the past him was operating on the idea that they’d never be back.
Some days he didn’t make it out of bed. He laid there, talking to the ceiling, whispering to Peggy, wishing she could talk back, wishing she could be one of the ones brought back. He missed her with a ferocity that hadn’t changed since the first time he’d been in this time, but had only been tempered and strengthened by a lifetime together.
As the days drew closer to the five-year mark, he began to make arrangements.
~*~ October 2023
He cleaned the living room and set it to the way it had been that night. He pulled out every note and letter he’d written Maggie and his children and put them in the kitchen, ready and waiting.
He sat on the couch, facing the blank television, a new, piping hot, pepperoni pizza sitting in front of him, untouched.
He still couldn’t eat.
He still didn’t know if this was the right timeline. As he’d gotten closer to this day his faith had wavered. What if all he’d come to believe wasn’t true? What if this wasn’t the one fourteen million? He wanted to believe, but he didn’t know for sure.
He looked at his watch, watching as the seconds ticked by. What were a few seconds to him? He’d lived more than one lifetime, and that had been enough. He had barely made it through these five years the first time. The second time had almost truly broken him. He was ready for this to be over. He was ready to stop having to deal with loss and to be able to live whatever time he had left with the family he loved.
He held out his hand, and waited.
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prismatic-cannon · 4 years
uhm sis (or bro or whatever u prefer i just call everyone sis) pls reblog more fics like i need some good ones and pieces was hella good
Ahhh i’m really glad you like Pieces!!! It deserves more love for sure and the feels are only going to get better I can promise you that hoho \o/ (and I’m good with both sis/bro, I don’t mind either or it’s cool)
So far I’ve been blindly going through the AO3 tags for jojo fics so I’m not sure if my fic recs would entirely appeal to you … but if you’re interested you could definitely take a look at some of these faves! (Do mind the fics’ tags if you’re sensitive to certain tropes) Most of these are going to be heavily skewed towards part 4 and 7 (absolutely no one is surprised), but there’s other parts under the cut too!
Part 2
see you again by efthemia (6k oneshot with background Part 7 ship) - A Caejose reincarnation fic! This is set in a modern day au where Joseph and Caesar meet in another life … by crashing vehicles into each other lol
Can You Ever Go Home Again? by alexclusive (4k oneshot, contains Part 4 spoilers but is mostly centred around Part 2 and 3 characters) - I don’t want to spoil too much for this fic so I’m just going to copy paste the fic’s original summary here: “A few months after his adventure in Morioh, Jotaro goes on another personal errand at the request of his grandfather, and ends up discovering yet another lingering ghost.” A lowkey fix-it with feels!
Part 3
Torture Me by Xyloto (nsfw 2k oneshot) - The SDC gang walks in on jotakak inappropriately using their stands lmaooo enough said
Young Flame by greenteafiend (nsfw 7k multichaptered) - More Jotakak! Takes place during the Devil-Yellow Temperance part of SDC where Jotaro and Kak share that hotel room in Singapore lol
Kiss With A Fist by nevermordor (nsfw 6k oneshot) - Tempers and egos flare between Jotaro and Kakyoin as they make the long tenuous journey to Egypt – Fistfights inevitably happen. I really like how much of a cold hardass bastard Kakyoin gets in this lol
time after time by dimolto (11k oneshot) - TIME LOOP TIME LOOP TIME LOOP!!!! God time loops are one of my favourite tropes of all time, I don’t think I could get sick of it. SDC canon compliant (kinda) – Jotaro is the only person that’s aware of the loop and has to work his way out of it somehow. It’s jotakak too!! Highly rec this fic
Part 4
No place where we can’t go by tjesje (4k oneshot) - Josuyasu! Two dudes slowly fall in love over the course of their summer break. OP really nails the friendship between Josuke and Okuyasu – the banter flows so easily you can’t help but get caught up in how close and in sync they are with each other. Also, the summer vibes are super strong in this fic! Always a big plus with duwang content lmao
electric word life by Fluffifullness (8k oneshot) - More Josuyasu mutual pining + confessions, suuuuper sappy and sweet with some light post DiU angst.
Just Let Me Know, How Do You Feel? by hushroom (6k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Set during their college years, Okuyasu meets up with Josuke for the first time in a while, and they work towards overcoming emotional distance caused by the strain of long distance relationships and misunderstandings. Aged up Josuyasu content is always such a treat and this one doesn’t let down!
Bosozoku Boys by VulpesVulpes (nsfw 4k oneshot) - Takes place a few years after DiU. One night during a sleepover Josuke accidentally stumbles upon a porn mag under Oku’s bed – midnight confessions and feels ensue. This fic always has a soft spot in my heart just because of how vulnerable Josuke gets, argh my heart it aches
Crashing Waves by chamomilekai (7k multichaptered) - Post DiU – Josuke and Okuyasu deal with the lingering effects from the final Kira fight. It’s a slow burn romance with heavy feels where both bros find comfort and support in each other, very delicious part 4 h/c sob x10000
Part 5
the passenger by havisham (nsfw 5k oneshot, contains Part 6 endgame spoilers) - A Brugio fix-it …. of sorts. Ten years after Vento Aureo ends, mob boss Giorno somehow finds himself sent back in time with the opportunity to save Bruno and the others. I really like how desperate and jaded Giorno is in trying to save everyone, and how despite everything things still don’t go entirely the way he wants them to …
DIOmestic by writers_haven (4k oneshot) - Yep, it’s modern au mudad lmao. Some JonaDio here and there but the focus is mostly on Dio+Gio father-son fluff. It’s stupidly cute and there are little nods to canon material that I love to bits, like Hamon being reimagined as a fancy form of new age yoga ahahaha
Part 7
Riches and Wonders by etymology playground (8k oneshot) - A lighthearted gyjo fic that takes place during canon events – Two weeks after Sugar Mountain, Johnny and Gyro spend some R&R at a stand-powered onsen lmao. This was one of the first few fics I read right after finishing part 7, and it really helped to soothe the post SBR pain … not that I’m completely over it yet but then again would anyone ever be lol
Laundry by Petronia (2k oneshot) - Another lighthearted canon gyjo fic with lowkey ust lol – Johnny and Gyro take time between travels to do laundry. Idk, there’s something about gyjo domestic downtime that’s so comforting sob
i’ll see your face again by queenieofaces (2k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Oh boy this one … It’s a reincarnation au where Gyro experiences deja vu and misplaced memories from Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency during the events of SBR. 10/10 lots of feels bc reincarnation aus pair so incredibly well with gyjo gosh
nowhere to go; I’m already inside by librisdedita (31k multichaptered, major Part 7 spoilers all around) - A canon compliant gyjo fic – Johnny’s perspective on life is especially bleak in this one. OP tore my heart asunder by the end of this fic but oh man I wouldn’t have it any other way lmao
Cowboys Ain’t Easy To Love by jotarosgirl17 (36k multichaptered, Part 7 spoilers) - A series of interconnected slowburn gyjo canon compliant fics, suuuper heavy on angst and period-typical homophobia and internalised homophobia. Very good for a cry … or ten lmao
see you when the sun sets east by mourn (nsfw 2k oneshot) - Two cowboys sit five feet apart from each other not talking about their repressed feelings yeehaw. Jokes aside this is a quick but intimately tender glimpse into the beginning of Johnny and Gyro’s relationship
Spin This! by polyphenols (17k multichaptered) - A modern day office au where Diego works at a new tech startup named Steel Ball Run. Honestly, I don’t think I could ever properly articulate how much I love this fic – It’s full of sooo many nods and easter eggs to all the bizarre eccentricities that happen in part 7′s canon, and I think nearly every major/minor character gets featured one way or another, if not all (everyone works in the same horrifyingly open air office space after all). The witty banter and dialogue between characters are so snappy and succinct you can’t help but smile or laugh while reading along. Diego in particular stars as the long suffering Straight Man and audience surrogate into the madness that is SBR, with a lowkey crush on HP that slowly builds as the fic progresses (there’s background gyjo too!). While there’s more of a central focus on Part 7 at first, characters from other parts also make an appearance and gradually become more involved as well. I can’t rec this fic enough!!!
Diamond Ball Run by polyphenols (15k multichaptered, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - A gyjo fix-it of sorts … Johnny takes up Funny Valentine’s offer and asks for an Alternate Universe Gyro. The fic is mostly told from Alt Gyro’s perspective in the later half, and argh this makes my heart ache in so many ways I didn’t know were possible god help me –
happy new year, johnny by 3kanite (7k oneshot, Part 7 endgame spoilers) - Aaaah I just read this one today lmao – The fic is written from Johnny’s POV over the course of several new year celebrations – pre-race and during SBR canon. It really nails Johnny’s characterisations and personality shifts down nicely and makes the last year spent with Gyro that much more bittersweet and heartbreaking oh why won’t these part 7 feels stop coming for me
desperado by 3kanite (35k multichaptered) - Features missing scenes that take place during the events of SBR – Admittedly I’ve only read the first two chapters so far and haven’t fully processed things yet but I’m already so caught up in these pre-slash gyjo feels that I can’t help but rec this one catch me crying behind Owson’s @ 3am bc it’s just that good urgh I need an adult Could possibly be nsfw but I haven’t gotten that far in yet obvs
Aaaand that’s about it for now! Hopefully some of these interested you haha. Go show these wonderful OPs some love because they deserve it!!!
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Some thoughts on Spider-man: Far from Home
In no particular order. Some significant spoilers below.
1. I love the face that the events of Infinity War/Endgame are referenced multiple times. I thought it was going to be a bit of hand-waving at the start and then ignored, but no, it kept coming up. May was running a charity for people left homeless after they came back, the kids discuss how weird it was that a guy who used to be five years younger than them was now in the same class, the teacher talking about his wife, MJ tattling on Flash when he was being served alcohol (“He’s actually sixteen, not twenty-one”). Given the comment about how they were forced to restart the school year and that it’s now summer vacation, this film presumably takes place a good nine or ten months after the events of Endgame. People have settled into a new normal, but everyone’s still feeling the impact of what happened and it’s nice that that got acknowledged.
2. The Getty Images watermark in the stock footage during the memorial video. :)
3. “You speak really good English.” “Welcome to the Netherlands.”
4. Peter and Happy’s relationship was awesome. The change from Homecoming is noticeable, but it makes so much sense. And the hug in the tulip field! Amazing.
5. That said, I really wish Happy’s speech about how Tony wasn’t perfect included the words “Remember Ultron?” Peter was fretting about how he’d screwed up in a major way and wasn’t a worthy successor, etc. Happy should have said something along the lines of, “Yeah, you screwed up, kid, but you’re a kid. Tony build a robot that tried to drop a city from orbit to wipe out humanity and he didn’t have that excuse and people still thought he was a hero. You’ll be fine.”
6. On the subject of still thinking Tony was a hero, the EDITH acronym!
7. MJ hitting the drone with the mace. I liked MJ in general in this. She’s intelligent, she acts independently, she was responsible for Peter figuring out what was really going on. She felt like a person and not just a designated love interest.
8. On the other hand, I wish Betty had gotten more character development. She and Ned were adorable together, but I didn’t really feel like I knew her at the end of the film. Ned made a comment about how they had a lot in common. Like what? Other than a propensity for cutesy nicknames and matching hats?
9. Mysterio to Peter: Never apologise for being the smartest person in the room. *Hill gives him a dirty look*
10. That little moment with Mysterio felt genuine. He seemed to actually like Peter, which gave his character some depth. I couldn’t help thinking of the parallels to Thanos and Gamora and Mysterio’s “He was a nice kid, I didn’t want to kill him,” felt more real than Thanos crying about killing Gamora. Maybe it was because the way it was framed made it clear we weren’t meant to sympathise with Mysterio.
11. Mysterio was just a good villain in general and I liked his interactions with his crew.
12. I kinda love that Mysterio’s villain origin story was basically, “Tony gave my tech a stupid name.”
13. The Iron Man zombie was seriously creepy. That thing was in shot for, what, about ten seconds? But those ten seconds were seriously disturbing, especially with the spiders crawling all over it.
14. I was a bit annoyed while watching this by Fury’s characterisation. He was very hard on Peter, pushing him to save the world when he’s just a kid, putting so much pressure on him, snapping at him, etc. Then you have things like Hill saying Fury wasn’t at all suspicious of Mysterio, despite Fury being one of the most suspicious people in existence. Then the post credits scene! Suddenly all that made sense. He wasn’t really Fury, he was a Skrull shapeshifter who was only supposed to hand over the glasses to Peter and then found himself caught up in all of this mess. He clearly didn’t have any clue what to do and was just winging it, and so putting pressure on Peter makes sense because he’s there going, “Fury didn’t tell me how to deal with this and I’ve no idea where the other Avengers are, you’re the only one I can find, please fix this for me.” He was completely out of his depth the whole time and that explains everything. It also retrospectively makes the line about Captain Marvel all the more meaningful. (I now want an AU where Peter figure out that Fury is acting out of character, thinks he’s another illusion, and then the Skrull guy is forced to come clean).
15. Mysterio’s first fight against Peter was really cool, with Mysterio messing with Peter’s head in so many ways and using their surroundings to mess with him physically.
16. Happy’s little smile when he sees Peter using Tony’s tech.
17. Happy announcing he’s in love with Spiderman’s aunt when they all think they’re going to die (made even better by the fact that only two of the people present know exactly who that is).
18. Happy: “I work with Spiderman not for him.”
19. Happy in general.
20. Flash getting so excited when he finds out that Spiderman watched his live stream.
21. Flash getting London Bridge and Tower Bridge mixed up.
22. I really want to see how Flash reacts now that he knows who Spiderman is. It’ll probably never be shown in the films because presumably there will be another large time skip between the end of this one and the next one, so I guess fanfic will have to fill the gap, but I would love to see who Flash takes the news and what he does with the information. “This is clearly an effort to discredit the greatest hero there is by comparing him to a puny wimp like Parker. It’s obviously a lie. He’s a hundred reasons why you can tell the video is faked.”
23. The constant interruptions when “Fury” was trying to talk to Peter in the hotel room.
On the whole, I very much enjoyed it. It’s not up there with Thor Ragnarok or Black Panther, but it’s a solid, enjoyable superhero movie and certainly better than Endgame. There were a couple of moments that had me cringing (the drone strike on the bus) rather than enjoying it, but overall it was good and there were a lot of great moments both in terms of humour and drama.
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smokedstorybara · 5 years
I’m compiling a list of all my wips w/ summaries here to remind myself what all I should be working on and keep myself accountable - and if y’all wanna yell at me about them please do
(Also be warned there will be some spoilers in here cause I suck at non spoiler-y summaries)
Dear Evan Hansen:
(Apprentice) Park Ranger Handsome part 16 (doesn’t even have a name yet I’m so sorry)
Evan and Connor’s first date!! They go to the orchard of course, and have more relationship conversation... and a picnic.
Fae Court AU
Prince Connor of the Winter Court falls in love with a human boy and acts on it, despite his parents having Rules against relationships with humans. The consequences are big but Connor and Evan weather them well.
Soulmate AU (I’m thinking ‘Dream A Little Dream Of Me’ for series title)
A series of one-shots following the Arrowverse characters - with a bit of a focus on Team Flash and the Legends - as they find love and happiness , with some bumps along the way, in a world where you share dreams with your soulmate. Timeline is spread out from Stein and Clarissa’s first meeting to some point around mid canon.
endgame ships include Barry/Len, Hartley/Cisco, Wally/Jax, Sara/Ava, Nate/Ollie/Felicity/Lisa(it’ll make sense I promise), Iris/Caitlin/Shawna, and more
Role-reversal AU
In a world where Barry was kept strictly away from the file on his mother’s murder after he becomes a CSI he grows resentful and distrusting of law-enforcement and a little quicker to recognize that he can’t entirely fix the issues with the police from the inside. So when he wakes from a nine month coma with super speed his first thought is how much he can shove the police’s faces in the fact that the system isn’t perfect and needs to change... he becomes the world’s fastest thief - unbeatable. At least until he goes after a certain diamond at the same time as one Leonard Snart, who walks away from the encounter looking to the world like a hero and gets a sweet taste of positive press that he’s not all that eager to give up.
Harry Potter crossover
Snart and Rory go “backpacking across Europe” on a ridiculous challenge to steal one thing in each country. Their last stop is in England and they’ve set their sights on a suburb in Surrey... which leads them to noticing the treatment of the young nephew of their potential target. Being survivors of abuse themselves they decide to remove him from that environment... along with all of Vernon Dursley’s valuables. Raising a kid is hard, raising a magical kid while maintaining positions as master thieves? ...piece of cake...
Check Please:
Moving On
When Jack and Bitty go through a messy breakup their friends are torn and Bitty is uncertain about what to do, especially when he has to go back to Georgia - where he’s firmly in the closet - for summer break. He can’t talk to his family or his friends about all his conflicting feelings about what happened, so he somehow finds himself corresponding with the one person who he knows would understand - Jack’s other ex, Kent Parson. He also finds himself growing closer to the previous year’s freshmen on his college hockey team and the team’s new manager - especially when summer ends and they’re all handling the situation better than the rest of his friends - ie: behaving like nothing happened except that they’re immediately down to fight Jack at a moment’s notice.
The Umbrella Academy:
Ghost Dave (that’s what it’s called in my google docs but it’s definitely not gonna be the title of the final product)
Dave Katz has been haunting the surviving members of his unit for a couple decades when the story about the 43 women comes on the news; a story Dave had heard plenty about before he died from his lover, Klaus Hargreeves. In whose tellings of it he was one of the children born that day. He also had claimed a few times to be from the future so Dave was fairly willing to take this as proof he was telling the truth. Immediately Dave seeks out Reginald Hargreeves and the 7 of the children he adopted. Over the next 29 years Dave follows the young Klaus around, giving him advice and unconditional friendship and protection from the other ghosts the poor kid could see.
Circle Of Magic crossover
When Tris finds herself dropping out of some kind of portal in a strange land it doesn’t take her long to figure out that some mage had decided to get rid of her - and possibly her siblings - by banishing her to another world, one with advanced technology but not much by way of magic - if one didn’t count the six super-powered siblings she appeared in the middle of. At the same time, but also not, Tris’s adopted sister Sandry wound up smack dab in the center of a group calling themself The Commission who’re very interested in adding her to their ranks, she joins up but maintains suspicion. Daja, the third sister, follows a pair of assassins. And their one brother, Briar, falls into the Vietnam War alongside one freshly tortured Klaus Hargreeves. They all find their way back together eventually - with much fewer casualties than if they hadn’t been there
Harry Potter crossover 1
When an eighteen-year-old Klaus Hargreeves gets bored of being lookout on a mission in London and wanders into the bar across the street he isn’t expecting to find a best friend, but that’s exactly what happens. Lily Evans is a couple months into a break-up and still tired of her ex and his idiocy, especially after his most recent letter - a pile of stupid big enough to send her straight to her local bar. The two hit it off instantly via complaining about anything and everything and egging each other into doing the most ridiculous but fun things. Their night of fun turns sour when Klaus finds out his brother Ben died during the mission and at least one of his siblings blame him. Lily takes the broken boy back to her flat and let’s him stay with her until his visa to stay in England runs out. Thirteen years later the apocalypse is interrupted by a tired ex-professor bringing life changing news - Lily was pregnant when Klaus left England(they’d slept together a handful of times but were never more than friends with benefits), also Lily and her husband(the idiot ex who apologized and changed his behavior, Klaus was at their wedding) are dead and Klaus and Lily’s son was placed with his aunt Petunia(who Klaus has met and knows the boy never should’ve been put with) because only five people besides Lily and James knew who Harry’s father really was and the only one capable of doing anything about it had to find the wandering junkie first. Klaus handles all this about as well as a powerful veteran with a traumatic childhood can - fighting tooth and nail for custody and then raising the boy the best he can with help from his siblings and robot mom and shoving his son’s happiness and safety in the faces of everyone who did the boy wrong
Harry Potter crossover 2
Not long after the war ends Harry finds that he can’t stand staying in magical Britain any longer, so he takes his godson and moves to America. Six years later one of the kids who live across the street sneaks out his window, wearing only pjs despite the heavy snow. Harry finds himself staying up waiting for the boy to return to their street and making some hot cocoa - which he offers to the boy as soon as he sees him. It quickly becomes a Thing(tm); Klaus will sneak out his window in the middle of the night, go for a walk, and eventually wind up having hot cocoa in Harry’s kitchen. They form a strange friendship, one where Klaus has someone he knows he can go to when everything becomes too much - even if that means crawling through Harry’s window, collapsing on his floor in tears, and falling asleep on his couch, waking up just in time to get home before his absence is noticed. Three more years have passed when Harry and Teddy are idly watching tv and Harry sees a very familiar face as Reginald Hargreeves introduces ‘the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy.’ When Klaus comes over that night Harry asks how much choice Hargreeves gave him and his siblings in their ‘heroics’. After some thought Klaus remembers how his brother Ben hadn’t wanted anything to do with what happened at the bank but was made to participate anyway. He answers honestly: they weren’t really given any. Thus begins Harry’s campaign to get custody for the kids from Hargreeves.
Original Works:
Four Elements Universe(a collection of stories set along one timeline - very far apart and with no overarching plot, just a shared world):
A secluded young king sneaks out of his castle and gets a job under a false identity in hope for friendship, then gives everything up to help his new friends and the rest of his people when he realizes the extent of his adviser’s corruption. Around the same time, a teenage master thief is hired to steal a specific box from the castle - and then to help another thief break her friend out of the castle dungeon - and uncovers several major secrets that might just change the fate of the kingdom.
Bandit King Vakhtang’s life is irrevocably changed when he agrees to lend his men to a rebellion for a hefty amount of gold. Over time he finds himself growing fond of the boy prophesied to be the next king and learning just as much from his new employer about letting himself care and open up as he’s teaching the boy how to protect himself. (His best friend and lover is very proud of this growth and kinda wants to adopt the kid)
The Completely Unrelated Adventures Of Four People Who Had Nothing To Do With Each Other Beforehand:
Four teenagers in rural Texas follow a cipher they found in an old tome and discover that all four of them have magical abilities, and that their town may not be as average as they’d believed. As they delve deeper in this new world they uncover two different secret organizations and find themselves caught in the middle of a dangerous conflict over a powerful artifact - that may or may not be the kid sister of one of them.
Six kids around the world each find objects - artifacts - that grant them magical transformations and abilities. Seven years later all six of them end up at the same prestigious performing arts school in New York. When they discover that they all have these artifacts and powers - and that New York and possibly the world is in danger - they team up to protect everyone else, and quickly become close friends. Though one of them has a secret that could drastically change how the others view them... and possibly risk the fate of the human race.
Eternity And Forever(this one does have an overarching plot):
Eternity Of Forever:
Back in the early years of humanity a young man goes up a mountain for his Trials of Adulthood - a series of three trials set to test a person on the traits of whichever three gods they’ve been assigned to serve - unfortunately for this boy he’s been chosen for the gods of empathy, loyalty, and love... three traits that do not come easily to him. In his desperation to pass his trials he cheats the system and gets caught. As punishment he’s cursed to live forever just on the cusp of adulthood but never reaching it, the only way to break his curse is to prove - with no possibility of dishonesty - that he’s capable of the three traits. Over the next few millennia he gets caught up in a war for the fate of all life on earth, and also somewhat adopts a maybe-alien and falls in love with a time traveler.
Throughout Eternity:
At some unknown point in the future all that’s left of the human race is a refugee colony on an island floating above the desolate remains of our planet. It’s into this that Quinton is born. But when it’s discovered that he can travel through time with just a thought he’s trained for a very important mission: to go back in time and stop the apocalypse. Shortly into his mission he meets an immortal teenager who claims to have met Quinton’s future self and who offers to help, telling him that first thing he should do is gather a team to help him - he even provides names and years. This little team becomes like a second family to Quinton, especially the pretend-aloof immortal.
Forever And After:
After the death of the closest thing he ever had to a father, Slythus finds himself applying to the superhero school the immortal had founded - despite knowing that even if he were accepted into the student body he’d never be accepted by the student body. Somehow he manages to get in... and even more impossible; manages to make friends. But even as he learns how to be good, his past is lurking on the edges of his new life and quickly becoming impossible to ignore - figuratively and literally.
Shadow Warriors:
After the dragon Svartr gets cursed protecting a village from invaders they offer their children to be trained by him - to take care of him as his condition worsens. Those selected and taught by him become known as the Shadow Warriors. Alexir was born several generations after the tradition began of sending every twelve-year-old up Svartr’s mountain for the selection and she never expected to be chosen, being much more focused on intellectual growth than physical, so when it happens it comes as a bit of a shock. She struggles to keep up with her peers in most of the lessons but refuses to give in, pushing herself to reach their level while also learning the complexities of friendship from them all.
Consequences(originally titled ‘Consequences of War’ until I realized it’s more about just consequences for actions in general - like: don’t piss off the powerful magical Being hiding out in the abandoned building):
After deliberately pissing off what they believed to be a ghost - or a false rumor more likely - a college aged idiot ends up being banished into a strange world... with a distinct change in biology(mostly in the area of hormones and primary sex characteristics). As they travel this new world in search of a way home - and back into their original form - they learn new things about themself and make interesting new friends. They find themself questioning whether they actually want their ‘old body’ back and then, when they begin to fall in love, whether they really want to return to their old world.
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
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Week 22 Roundup!
Title: spit your tongue out Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - mission sex Ship: IronFalcon Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, breaking up and making up, Team Iron Man Summary: Sam is the last to come out of the Quinjet when it lands, and he looks just as handsome as he was the last time Tony saw him, a little thinner, a little wearier, more lines in his face that comes from exile. His lungs are in his throat the entire time, and when Sam finally looks at him, his face hollowed out, he’s absolutely terrified of what he might say. Sam doesn’t say anything. Word Count: 5054
Title: There is Hope After All Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R3 - shared trauma Ship: Natasha/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: angst, mentions of being physically abused by your father Summary: Natasha is familiar with abuse, so she can relate to how you are feeling when you arrive at the compound. Word Count: 1156
Title: some absolute end Collaborator: deathsweetqueen Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Tony's poor life Choices Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: Bucky recovering, sexual content, domestic violence, abuse, bodyguard Bucky Summary: Tony is 21 when he meets Bucky Barnes in the flesh for the first time. He’s taller than Tony thought he would be, than Tony imagined he would be from the comics, but he’s shyer as well, with his hands shoved in his pockets, staring down at his feet, entire body curled inward, as if protecting himself from a blow that would always come. Tony’s stomach twists at that. “Tony Stark,” he introduces, thrusting out a hand.Bucky is alarmed, blinking wide. The way he gazes at him reminds Tony of a dark tulip newly blooming, and in a solemn, grave voice, he replies, “Bucky, Bucky Barnes.” Tony rounds on his father. “I’m keeping him. You can leave now.” Word Count: 5019
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 1: Reunion (R1) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: R1 - reunion Ship: Stony, Pepperony, Stuckony, Iron Threesome Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 688
Title: iron patriot is superior, end of discussion Collaborator: cvdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: S4 - picture: rhodey in iron patriot suit Ship: MIT Bros Rating: Gen Major Tags: Tony & Rhodey friendship, BAMF Pepper, JARVIS lives Summary: Tony really likes it when Rhodey’s in Iron Patriot suit. He’s his best friend, after all. He’d of course would look good in it. Word Count: 1507
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 2: It wasn't worth it (K3) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - It wasn't worth it Ship: Stony, Pepperony, Stuckony, Iron Threesome Rating: Gen Major Tags: post-Endgame, polyamory, fix-it, everybody lives Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 2072
Title: Storming the Witch's Castle Collaborator: JacarandaBanyan Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: fantasy AU, character death, violence, angst with a happy ending, evil Wanda Summary: The Scarlet Witch rains terror down upon the land. All who stand in her way suffer her wrath. After his husband is captured and presumably killed by the Scarlet Witch, Steve leads a small group of fighters for one last Hail Mary shot at taking her down, once and for all. Word Count: 2306
Title: “You still owe me a rematch, Blue.” Collaborator: hereandnowwearealive Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T3 - Nebula Ship: Tony and Nebula Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of Tony and Nebula 
Title: Art for Arms Deal Collaborator: monobuu Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Doppelganger/Evil Twins Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: art Summary: art of merman Tony and octo Bucky, merman Tony and human Bucky
Title: Arms Deal Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: A1 - Tony and Tentacles image Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: mermaid AU, implied/referenced torture, shapeshifting, temporary amnesia, doppelganger Summary: When the Hydra finds a fish-tailed man in their trawling nets and makes plans to sell the creature to the highest bidder, Bucky Barnes' lifelong love of the sea sharpens into sympathy -- and something more. Freeing the merman is a risky undertaking, doubly so given the Captain's unforgiving nature, but the pull of Bucky's heart gives him no choice in the matter. Will Bucky's act of kindness ever be rewarded, or will it become an obsession leading him into a deadly trap? Word Count: 2268
Title: I Love You 3000 Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S4 - Bed sharing Ship: Tony/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: Endgame spoilers, fluff Summary: Tony and his daughter have a long talk in the middle the night Word Count: 688
Title: Cheesy One Liners Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: WinterIron Rating: Mature Major Tags: no powers AU, meet cute, flirting Summary: For the ITAB prompt Imagine Tony walking up to Bucky in a bar and saying the most cheesy pick-up line ever in a jokingly flirty way, and Bucky likes it (and him) and flirts back seriously. (no powers au) Word Count: 1650
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 3: Laughter (K4) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: K4 - laughter Ship: Stony, Pepperony, Stuckony, Iron Threesome Rating: Gen Major Tags: post-Endgame, polyamory, fix-it, everybody lives Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 2072
Title: Avalanche Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: R2 - Sharing body heat Ship: Steve & Tony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Steve needs a hug, Tony has a heart, touch-starved, nightmares, anger management, PTSD Summary: Sometimes, all it takes is little things. A minor annoyance that leads to another and another and another. Until it all comes crashing down and you are helpless to stop it or escape. Waking up in a new century was hard, but Steve thought he was coping. (He wasn’t.) Word Count: 1626
Title: I fall in love (everyday with someone new) - Chapter 4: Tony/ Rhodey/ Pepper (R4) Collaborator: scriptatur Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Tony / Rhodey / Pepper Ship: Stony, Pepperony, Stuckony, Iron Threesome Rating: Gen Major Tags: polyamory, Endgame fix-it Summary: "Waking was- surprising. He woke up slowly, like drifting through mist or sirup or- something. He was kind of confused, if he is being perfectly honest. Confused about his own metaphor, a bit, but mainly confused by the fact that he was, well, waking up. That was not something he’d expected to do, after all." When Tony Stark wakes up after the final battle against Thanos, he decides that there will be nothing more that stands between himself and happiness. He goes home with Pepper and Morgan and it doesn't take long for Steve and Bucky (and other (ex-)avengers) to follow. Basically, this is the fix-it that I needed. It's very self indulgent and mostly fluff. Word Count: 2806
Title: Loneliness Can’t Touch Me (When You Are) Collaborator: eirlyssa Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R4 - sharing a bed Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard, emotional hurt/comfort Summary: A moodboard and short story
Title: Five Times Tony Stark Nearly Died (And One Time He Did) Collaborator: StrangeMischief Link: AO3 Square Filled: S3 - Picture of Tony v Steve Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: Endgame, canon compliant Summary: A face, dirty and adorned with smudged glasses, appeared in Tony’s line of sight. “You’ll live,” he assured, his voice echoing and distant despite being inches from his face. “You’ll make it.” Tony hoped he died. Word Count: 850
Title: The Three Stages of You Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: A3 - free space Ship: Tony/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: fluff Summary: It’s girls night, and there is a lot of alcohol involved. Word Count: 1104
Title: Noak Tryst, Better Known as Tony Stark Collaborator: Cipher_Stars Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Band Ship: Stony Rating: Teen Major Tags: 5 times, Tony sings Summary: 5 times members of the avengers find out that Tony can sing. Word Count: 2092
Title: Baffle Them Collaborator: Magi Silverwolf (Magi_Silverwolf) Link: AO3 Square Filled: Chapter 1: Fault - K2: Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier Chapter 2: Flight - K4: past tense Ship: WinterFrostIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: deaging, implied child abuse, implied torture, trickster Loki, Autistic Tony, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting, Odin’s A+ Parenting, Autistic Loki Summary: If you cannot blind them with brilliance, then baffle them with bullshtick. (Canned Meat. Do not read.) Word Count: 1345
Title: Justia's Sword Collaborator: Magi Silverwolf (Magi_Silverwolf) Link: AO3 Square Filled: T2 - Tony's Poor Life Choices Ship: none Rating: Teen Major Tags: pre-canon, Tony Stark Defense Squad, Happy Hogan Summary: Happy didn't trust the strange woman exactly, but he did know Captain Rhodes from his stint in the Air Force. Word Count: 2857
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Verses for Lillian
**Possibly to be altered again**
Iron Man I: She’s living with their cousin Morgan (from the comics) after having been thawed out as a baby - she doesn’t know much about Tony, and only really knows what the TV tells her. She’s living with Morgan to be safe, she knows that much.. but is really wanting a relationship with her older brother, so has been trying to contact him in order to get to know him better. **Ties in with her verse for Iron Man 2.**
Iron Man II: After the events of Iron Man I, Lillian has moved in with Tony. She thinks his tower is amazing, and is always getting in his hair. Inspired by the fact that he has become a superhero, this is around when she first starts coming up with designs for her own suit...as well as many, many ideas on how Tony can improve his own, because she worries about him so much. In her spare time, she spends a lot of time tinkering and talking to JARVIS. Or..being babysit by Pepper or Happy, in the event that Tony has to ‘go out.’ 
Avengers I: She is around when the whole ‘Avengers’ idea is brought up. Listening in, when she’s thought to be tinkering with things or to be asleep. Growing restless with having to stay inside all the time, she is determined to help in any way she can. Although most don’t think that this is such a great idea. (By this time, she’s began work on a robotic guard dog for the tower, as well as her own AI.) 
Iron Man III: Growing apart from her brother (but keeping an ever-watchful eye on him) Lillian is having as much trouble sleeping as he is. There are many times when she sneaks down into his lab - much more than she was - and uses it to build her own things. Aside from continuously hacking the safety features put up to keep her from getting out of the tower or into the lab, she’s began taking in animals after going outside when she knows that she’s not supposed to on her own. 
Much of which is lost, when their home is blown to bits. She falls quiet during the time that Tony is believed to be dead, and nearly gives up on ever seeing him again when her attempts to hack SHIELD and make them help her look for him all seem to fail. Having tried harder than before to make her own weapons to keep them all safe, she is injured while trying to help keep Aldrich from taking her, thus landing her in the hospital. 
She has yet to move in with Tony and Pepper in their house. She’s been staying in the tower still, mainly to keep her safe. When her brother goes missing after his house is blown up, she finally finishes her own set of armor - after being told repeatedly that she didn’t need to make any - and sets out to find her brother. From there on, she is relentlessly tagging around with Tony despite that she shouldn’t even be there. 
**Whichever you prefer, we can work with either!**
Avengers II: Now living in a secure compound, Lillian is watches over things more carefully. She is helping Tony as much as she can, mostly to keep herself from always thinking that he’s going to die. She’s grown closer to the other Avengers, taking them on as her honorary family members; all of them addressed as her ‘uncles,’ save for Natasha, whom she calls ‘Auntie Nat.’ Insisting that she’s old enough, she accompanies Tony whenever he allows her to, although their views on things don’t always coincide. (She still thinks that the invasion of New York was fishy, and thinks there’s more to it than everyone else does.) 
Lillian spends some time staring at the scepter brought back after their mission, but is, of course, as left out of Ultron’s creation as everyone else is. (Although because she’s been nosy before when she was bored, has some idea that he exists.) 
Determined to be involved, she is in and out of the events to follow. **This can vary, I’m leaving it open on purpose.** 
Captain America: Civil War - Lillian takes the side of her uncle Steve, and has a lot of conflict with her brother over it. She believes that people have a right to their privacy, although she does still feel bad for those caught in the cross-fire. In the end, she thinks that having people who are heroes have to register their true identities will cause more harm than good, and sticks to this. Thus why she is heartbroken over the fact that her honorary family is split up, as well as entirely lost on how to feel about learning who killed her and Tony’s parents. 
This is also when she first catches sight of a much younger hero around her own age, and begins to take interest in watching him show up in various news media. 
Spider-Man: Homecoming - **I still need to see this movie! I am going off of what Wikipedia says that the plot is!** After the events of the Civil War between heroes, Lillian takes notice that her older brother is acting oddly. Someone new has been over, and she’s determined to find out who. But not expecting to develop a huge crush on. 
It is around this time that she begins to develop the idea that if she can’t make a suit of her own, if someone else her age has powers and Tony seems to be (reasonably) alright with it.. then maybe she can too. She begins work on trying to understand how Peter’s powers work, and ends up creating something that she never meant to. **If you want more information on this, just ask me! I have a whole idea for it and would love to tell!** 
Infinity War **Depending on plot, this can very.**
Infinity War 1 - Lillian is left behind on earth, much to her frustration. She helps in whatever ways that she can, though she still has to deal with people doubting her because she’s a teenager. Things become scary when people start vanishing, and she knows that she has to do something. 
Infinity War 2: Lillian is counted among the vanished. She was held in the same soul-realm as Peter and the others, where she gets caught up on  what all has happened. Even from here, she is trying to figure out how to help or how to get everyone out. 
Endgame 1:
Before Morgan is born - In the aftermath of the Infinity War, Lillian has taken it upon herself to protect New York (or what’s left of it.) She has her own suit, and in between patrolling the city and keeping who’s still there safe, she has been trying to figure out what happened to her brother and Peter. Any ways to get them both back to Earth. This is before he comes back finally, and she finally learns: Peter isn’t coming back - which hurts, really badly. 
After Morgan is born - Lillian is living with her brother, Pepper, and Morgan in their home. She still misses Peter, and won’t really talk about him. A lot of her time is spent with Morgan or in making things with Tony in her tiny make-shift lab, which is why she is more than ready to take the other Avengers up on their offer to try and fix things after what Thanos did. 
While they are getting back the stones: Lillian refuses to stay at the house, but at the compound she elects to stay behind to help stabilize things. She is extremely anxious, But does what she can to help sort things out. Each time they do anything, she warns them not to do anything that gets them killed. Losing Nat, she falls silent - slowly losing hope that it’s going to work. 
The fight - She is a part of the fight, doing whatever she can to help. She has less real training or battle experience than the others, but manages to hold her own - and mostly sticks by Peter when he shows up, in her old suit that she made. With a few upgrades, of course. 
Endgame 2: 
Lillian does not show up until during the fight. She ends up doing a lot of dodging and trying not to die while trying to take stock of everything - this is before she sheds her symbiote, so she uses it to fight. Still mostly sticking by Peter, as she doesn’t have much experience fighting things like this, and is most comfortable sticking with him since everyone else seems to know what they’re doing. 
AFTER Endgame 
1: After everything is over, Lillian is having a hard time coping with a world where her brother is everywhere, but nowhere at the same time.She spends more time with Morgan than ever before, telling her stories about her brother whenever she has the chance - and when she doesn’t end up breaking down over it. Any time that she’s not spending it with Morgan or Pepper, is spent either going on patrols as Iron Born (which is what she calls herself, in tribute to her brother, as if to say that she’s been ‘born from the iron left behind’) she is desperately trying to figure out how to resurrect her brother. 
And although she doesn’t tell anyone what she’s up to until she absolutely has to, She finally does tell Peter how she feels about him. 
2: **An Alternative** Tony is alive, and Lillian is keeping a close eye on him. She’s doing all she can to help him recover, as well as watch over Morgan with Pepper. She’s torn on if to remain a hero so Tony doesn’t have to, but keeps herself as busy as ever with her inventing. While trying to decide what she’s going to do with herself, Lillian makes new tech as presents for her super family who are still out fighting to keep people safe. 
In coming so close to losing them all, Lillian finally tells Peter how she feels about him. 
- She doesn’t really have a main verse so far..This is just as an idea of where she is during the events of these movies. Aside from that, I am more than open to AU’s. I LOVE AU’s!! We can make our own verse. If that’s what you want, then tell me! -
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xswestallen · 7 years
Iris Remembers: Chapter 6
Summary: Iris deals with Eddie's reaction to The Flash's true identity.
A/N: This chapter goes with 1x18 All Star Team Up
Ok, I don't know many chapter this is going to be. I severely underestimated how much I wanted to write lol. I initially planned on ending the AU once Barry and Iris get together (because spoiler alter: westallen is endgame here and westallen is always endgame) but I don't think I want to stop there anymore. I really enjoy writing this and you guys seem to like reading it, so I'm going to continue it indefinitely. I think I'll finish off season 1 and maybe even go into season 2. I don't know. If I learned anything from my first multi-chapter fic, it's that I suck at planning how many chapters a work will be lol.
Central City was better than ever. Each night, the citizens would awake to the news that criminals were arrested at the scene of their crimes. Felons were being taken off the streets in record time. Catching the perps in the act made for easy convictions on the DA's part. As the days passed, there were fewer and fewer criminals daring to try anything with the CCPD and The Flash running such a tight ship. Respect for the officers and the superhero vigilante were at an all time high. The sense of safety had everyone in a good mood, except for Iris.
Over the past few weeks, Iris and Eddie spent most night at home in relative silence, only speaking when necessary and showing no affection. Now that Eddie was the one acting aloof, Iris supposed he needed time to cope with the recent revelations. She gave him his space, even though she wished he'd talk to her. She felt guilty now that she was in the position Eddie was in not long ago. He handled it with more grace than she was. She knew that this tactic wasn't working but was nervous that trying something different would only make things worse. Despite her efforts to pretend everything was going to be ok in the hopes that it would, Iris constantly felt like something bad was going to happen. A looming sense of danger did nothing to help her growing feelings of isolation and fear.
Iris sat in her car outside the precinct. She took a deep breath and got out of the car before she could overthink things again. She went into the building and found Eddie's desk. He was doing some paperwork and didn't notice her approach. Once she was next to him, he looked up.
"Iris, what you doing here?" he asked. He seemed a little annoyed.
Iris was still deciding what to say. Should she bring up Barry's secret? Should she tell him about Harrison Wells possibly being a murderer? She dismissed those thoughts and chose to keep it casual. Perhaps pretending to be normal would allow her to feel normal.
"I am following up on my story about crime in Central City. Or, lack thereof. Teaming up with The Flash has made justice a little more swift." Iris cocked her head and smiled. She regretted her words once she saw Eddie's face drop. Maybe he was still a little jealous of The Flash and having Barry helping out so much made Eddie feel insecure. "You caught a flash, armed robber, and two jewelry thieves last night. You're pretty good."
A tiny smile crossed Eddie's face but vanished in the blink of an eye. He went back to looking at his paperwork. Iris was frustrated and threw caution to the wind. They couldn't keep living like this.
"What is going on with you lately? You've been acting really weird and withdrawn." She hoped she didn't sound accusatory. She leaned down to him and whispered, "Are you mad that Barry told you?"
"No," he said plainly. "I'm mad that you didn't."
"Eddie, it wasn't my secret to tell. And I only for a little while before you found out."
"You were going to S.T.A.R. Labs all the time. All those lies you told me to cover for what you were really doing, helping The Flash."
Eddie was gripping his pencil so hard Iris was surprised it hadn't snapped in two. She could tell he'd been waiting for the chance to say this. Maybe things had to get worse before they could get better.
"He's my best friend. Of course I'm going to help him in any way I can."
Eddie rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Barry's your best friend. You assured me that I had nothing to worry about when it came to you and Barry. You assured me I had nothing to worry about when it came to those meetups with The Flash you hid from me for weeks. I'm not sure if you were just lying to me, or if you're lying to yourself too. But Iris, you were lying."
Iris blinked. She wasn't expecting him to say that.
"Why'd you stop going there everyday? Huh? Did you finally feel bad about lying to me?" Eddie's voice got louder. Their relationship drama had caught the attention of a few onlookers.
"Tell me!" Eddie almost shouted.
Iris turned and left. She didn't look back at Eddie but heard a loud thud and knew he must've slammed something on his desk. The onlookers quickly pretended to be busy with simple tasks as Iris passed them by. Thankfully, the tears didn't start falling till she was out of sight in her car. The truth was, Iris only stopped going to S.T.A.R. Labs because asked her to. He was concerned for her safety if she spent too much time around Dr. Wells. Iris didn't want to damage her relationship with Eddie further by lying *again* but she couldn't tell him the truth and expect him to understand. Iris slapped her steering wheel in frustration. She reclined her seat and closed her eyes. Why was real life so fucking complicated? On TV, drama made things funs and more interesting. Why couldn't this be Dawson's Creek? After a few moments of rest, Iris wiped away her tears, fixed her makeup, and drove to work.
At lunch, Iris went to Jitters. She was hoping Barry would be there and she was not disappointed. He was sitting at a table with Felicity Smoak.
"Barry!" she whined as she came up to their table. Without asking or caring about being rude, Iris pulled up a chair to sit with them. They didn't seem to mind.
"Hi Iris!" Felicity greeted.
"Are you ok?" Barry put a hand on Iris' arm and looked her over. Barry could always tell when something was bothering Iris no matter how hard she tried not to let it show.
Iris noticed that Barry also looked frazzled. These past few weeks couldn't have been easy on him either. At least he had his work as The Flash to keep his mind occupied. Without a crime to report on, Iris' job consisted of eight torturous hours trying to think about but her life.
"What is wrong with you. Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood? I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one!" Felicity said.
Iris shuffled her hands nervously.
"It's ok. Felicity knows about everything." Barry said. His eyes suddenly widened and he added, "Well, not EVERYTHING."
Iris smiled to show her understanding. Felicity looked interested but didn't ask. Iris was relieved to know the full story what happened at the waterfront was a secret to more than just Eddie.
"The guilt of lying to Eddie so many times is eating away at me." Iris admitted. She looked at Barry. "I'm not mad, I just want to know how you lied to me for so long?"
Some guilt must still be plaguing Barry because her question made him uncomfortable.
Felicity spoke and spared Barry from answering. "For starters," she said "don't think of it as lying. Think of it as protecting him from getting hurt with a fib."
Iris shook her head. She was grateful that Felicity wanted to help but Iris knew that truth was that she lied because she didn't want Eddie to know about Barry changing the timeline. She was mortified at the idea of Eddie finding out that she proclaimed her love for Barry and kissed him before a he traveled through time. She was still kicking herself for letting her emotions take over in that moment of adrenaline surging weakness. Iris also didn't want Eddie to know how much she liked working with The Flash. She hoped that since Eddie was working with him now he'd understand the appeal of being part of a superhero's team. But, Iris didn't get that lucky.
"There has been so much distance between us ever since..." Iris looked Barr in the eye, "EVERYTHING."  
Barry nodded. He's cheeks flushed pink.
"I was feeling weird and now then when I start feeling better, he starts feeling weird." Iris told Barry and Felicity as they were her therapists. "He's losing faith in our relationship."
Iris pretended not to see the glimmer of hope that appeared in Barry's eyes.
"I have an idea!" Felicity chimed in. Her perkiness making Iris simultaneously happier and a little irritated. "Why don't we all go to dinner tonight? A little wine and dine is sure to bridge the gap."
Neither Barry or Iris responded. Iris thought it could be a good idea.
"Come on! We all had fun last time." Felicity insisted.
That was true. Obviously, Felicity and Barry didn't work out but Iris was pretty sure they were both into each other for awhile. A happy second of curiosity pushed her guilt about Eddie to the back of Iris' mind as she wondered how far Barry and Felicity had gotten.
"I think it sounds like a good idea." Iris said. "It will be nice to do a regular couple activity."
"Barry Allen, fifth wheel." Barry lifted up his mug of coffee and took a sip after saying it.
Iris and Felicity giggled.
"Now for the hard part," Iris realized out loud, "convincing Eddie to go."
It wasn't as hard as Iris feared. Eddie's agreeing to go gave Iris a more optimistic outlook on their future together. She put on a tight, white dress that she knew he loved. They were the first ones to arrive at the restaurant. They waited for the other at the bar by the entrance. Iris was shocked at how empty the place was. She didn't see a single costumer come in or walk by the entire time they waited.
"They're a little bit late." Eddie said, checking his phone for the time.
Iris opened her mouth, about to say 'Probably because Barry is with them.' but thought better of it. She drummed her fingers on the bar. Eddie noticed and took her hand. They lock eyes and all of a sudden the moment felt extremely intimate.
"I love you." Eddie said.
"I love you too." Iris replied.
Eddie smiled. He placed a tender kiss on her cheek. Iris wanted to cry.
"I'm worried about us." she chocked out.
A crease formed between Eddie's brows. "Why?"
Iris snorted. Wasn't it obvious? "We aren't communicating. I kept secrets from you and I'm sorry. But you've been keeping things from me too."
Eddie looked confused.
"Your feelings. You've been threatened by Barry since day 1 of our relationship. You felt threatened by The Flash when I told you about my blog. I did feel bad about keeping things from you. I was happy when my dad and Barry said they were going to tell you. But ever since that night, you've been holding in all of your emotions, building up resentment towards me and Barry. Everyone feels insecure sometimes. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you would've told me that night that you were mad about me going to S.T.A.R. Labs. I wish we had this fight weeks ago so we could've been over it by now." Iris explained.
Eddie's face was screwed up in deep concentration. After a moment of consideration, he sighed. "You're right. We need to talk about the stuff that's bothering us, even if it's hard."
Iris was debating wether or not to tell Eddie about... EVERYTHING. She was aware that telling him could start a whole new fight, but not telling him was wrong. If they were going to piece their relationship back together, they had to be honest with each other.
"Babe, I gotta tell you something and I don't know to explain it but just know that I'm really sorry."
Eddie was about to speak but Iris didn't give him the chance. She needed to get this out before she lost her nerve.
"Do you remember when Mark Mardon killed a coroner and was going after my dad?"
Eddied nodded.
"Well, on that day, and I know this is hard to believe-"
"Nothing is hard to believe anymore." Eddie interjected.
"Barry traveled through time."
Eddie's face was blank. Apparently, he lied when he said nothing was hard to believe. Iris could tell he didn't her. She laid her head down on the bar.
"OK," she said, exasperated. She picked up her head and flung back her hair. "You know that The Flash can run faster than the speed of sounds. Well, is he runs fast enough, he can actually travel back in time. He went from the evening of that day to the night before, when he was called to the crime scene of the coroner's murder. He changed things because what originally happened that day was just too awful.
Mardon attacked CCPD. Captain Singh was almost killed. Mardon kidnapped my dad and told me I had to meet him at the waterfront, without the police. Barry went with me. Before we found Mardon and my dad, we saw the tsunami forming. It was horrifying. It could've leveled Central City. Barry told me to get as far away from the waterfront as I could, but I wasn't going to just leave him, or my dad."
Iris got emotional thinking about her bizarre "memory" of the incident. She wiped her eyes, not wanting to mess up the makeup she'd spent 30 minutes on. Eddie held her hands. He looked concerned and Iris knew that he believed her now. She couldn't make all this up if she tried.
"The next thing I'm going to tell you is going to make you hate me. I'm sorry in advance. I kind of hate myself for doing it. I umm- I told- told Barry that I had been thinking about him. A lot. And not just as a friend anymore." Iris couldn't meet Eddie's eyes as she said it.
Eddie's hands went limp, but he didn't let go.
"We were- It was the same? Same day? We were still together." Eddie stuttered.
"Yes." Iris breathed. "But that's not even the worst part."
Eddie looked wary. There was no turning back now, Iris had to tell him.
"I told him that I'd been thinking about him and he said that he's been thinking about me too." Iris gulped. "He has for a long time, actually."
There was silence. Eddie was staring out the window. Both of his hand dropped hers and clenched into fists.
"And, we were scared. The wave was going to kill us and we weren't thinking. He umm, he kissed me. And, I kissed him back."
It should've felt like a wight being lifted off her shoulder, but Iris felt more guilty than ever. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." she said through her tears. She saw one gliding down Eddie's cheek too.
"What happened after that." Eddie asked through gritted teeth.
Iris tried to remember. She hadn't expected Eddie to care about anything else after she admitted that. "Barry was going to try and stop the tsunami from hitting the city. He put on his Flash suit and told me to run away. And that's all I can remember about that, other version of that day."
Again, silence. Iris was desperate for Eddie to say something, anything. She'd happily take yelling over tears and this soul crushing silence. She had to break the silence before it killed her.
"It technically never happened." Iris said with the vain hope of making him feel better. "But, I still regret it. You're a great person and I don't want to hurt you. I'm mad at myself for kissing somebody else while we're together and it will never happen again!"
"It wasn't just somebody else," Eddie said in a faint voice. "It was Barry."
Iris put her head back down on the bar. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Eddie turn to face her again. He looked down at her with eyes full of hurt and realization.
"Do you regret what you said?" Eddie asked.
Iris didn't answer. She wasn't sure what the true answer was. She spent so much time forcing herself not to think about it.
"Iris," Eddie was more insistent now. He put a hand on her shoulder and gently lifted her off the bar. "Do you love him?"
"I love you." she whispered.
"That may be true. But it doesn't answer my question."
Iris couldn't answer the question. In years to come, Iris would reflect on this moment and realize that because she didn't immediately deny her feelings for Barry only made things worse. But, Iris couldn't travel though time. So here current self just sat there, looking at Eddie with remorse.
Eddie cried out and more tears came flooding out of his eyes. Just then, the door opened and Felicity, Barry, and a man Iris assumed to be Felicity's boyfriend, Ray Palmer, entered.
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