#**** you just read fluff chaos and little amount of angst and here BUM
tapakah0 · 6 months
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#I've read it.#**** you just read fluff chaos and little amount of angst and here BUM#It took me almost 2 hours to read just one chapter I don't know why but no regrets at all#With all these emotional ups and downs#I have one novel that I hold on the very top of the angst stories (I haven't read that many books#stories and fics and can judge only withing that little I have)#but if mnmc keep going like this this I need to widen my place on top...#I've cried over Mojo again#The same scene and here we go again. how.#And then this one SORRY I CAN'T PUT IT INTO WORDS#The way they triet each other#they both go through hell#All little details about their emotions#Their differences yet so many similarities#I don't like the angst is placed out of nowhere but this fic was BORN IN ANGST#I WANNA BITE BIG MAMA'S HEAD OFF#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE LEON KILL HER FRIEND#YOU WANTED LEO JUST TO BE SAFE BUT WHAT'S THE MEANING IF HE'S NOT#AND IT'S SO DARK IN THEIR CEILING THAT LEON COULDN'T EVEN SEE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH LEO#SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AT ONE TIME#I DID COUNT WITHOUT JOKES HOW MANY TIMES I DID CRY DON'T JUDGE (I AM HARD TO CRY ON SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T CATCH MY ATTENTION I GUESS MY AT#ENTION IS CAUGHT WELL ENOUGH) 4 TIMES. 4 F***ING TIMES#FOR THE GOD'S SAKE I WANNA SEE CLICHE WHEN THEIR BROTHERS JUST BOOOM CRUSH EVERYTHING AROUND ON THIS AIRPLANE AND SAVE THEIR BROTHERS I WAN#A A CLICHE#I DON'T WANT IT TO BE THE END OF THE STORY WHEN LEON DIES HOW HE WANTED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING#I AM NOT OKAY OVER THE WAY HE TREATS THESE KIDS#OR LEO SUDDENLY A BOOST OF POWERS AND TELEPORTS THEM#ANYTHING#JUST NOT DEATH#AT LEAST NOT LIKE THIS
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tarithenurse · 5 years
I see you - chapter 14
Pairing: Heimdal x fem!reader.Contents: angst, pining, fluff, innuendo en masse, some swearing, the end.A/N: Yes, you read that right. This is the end of “I see you”, and I hope you’ve liked it so far. It’s been a lot of fun to write, and I’ve loved every single bit of feedback. In fact, without the comments and re-blogs I probably wouldn’t have gotten it done, so thank you! If you want something else or have ideas you think I’d enjoy, feel free to use my ask-box.
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Ch. 14 – Rather be
Absentmindedly, your fingertips trace the edge of paper-thin, indigo petals, making the tiny lights in the heart of the flower tremble. Next to the vase is the untouched dinner and the medication for the night which you still need (though a smaller dosage) to be guaranteed a proper sleep, both important for anyone recovering from being crushed by an alien monster…and both the last thing on your mind right now as you contemplate your future.
Every situation in life grants you choices. Sometimes the options presenting themselves are all bad, but they’re still there and in the end, they might lead to something better…or so you’re trying to convince the inner voice that’s ranting about how everything can go wrong. The first issue had been choosing where to live, or rather: where not to live, which honestly didn’t really prove that difficult. Also New Zealand, Australia or even Canada were much more sensible option than “home” could ever be if it included your ex.
Being a day labourer at some farm can work especially with your (although limited) knowledge from the job at the veterinarian, because cattle is cattle and you know how to deal with them and spot their health issues, and maybe the owner will let you camp out in the barn at first. Alternatively, a big city will offer support for homeless people and there’ll be a plethora of menial jobs that no one else wants. With enough hard work and smart living, you’ll be able to regain the kind of life you want. A lot of hard work. City-folks are rarely forgiving or kind, as far as you’ve seen, and there’ll be no connections to draw on or friends who can vouch for you when trying to crawl up the proverbial ladder. I’ll rather live as a bum for years than go back to him.
Still, no amount of imagination or will is going to help you get past the first challenge. You’re going to have to convince the Asgardians to drop you off far from where they found you. Heimdal knows where I live. The facial muscles constrict tiredly to create an expression of nervous curiosity, distorted in the reflection on the vase. How did he know? You haven’t told him how to navigate through the streets and the park in New York, but somehow…he’d followed the path you took each day, leading the magic sight of his to the ruins of the apartment building. And, now you were thinking, why the hell had he suddenly showed you what he could see? Just like that, out of the blue! The Asgardian has avoided you for a week, but suddenly sees it fit to drop that bomb on you! Who does he think he is?! Stubbornness turns into roaring flames as you decide that this game he’s playing has to end, because damnit, you deserve better than being left in the dark with no clue as to what’s going on.
“Heimdal.” The words hang sharp in the air, and you hope he can hear it from wherever he’s hiding.
Softly, the answer reaches you. “Lady [Y/N].”
That was not in my head. Whipping your head around, you see him standing in the door. The sparingly lit hallway behind him is not enough to reduce him to a silhouette, but you’d have recognized him anyways even with the heavy golden cuirass covering his chest and the impressive (yet impractical looking) helmet under the arm. Trying to stop yourself from gawking at him, you press your lips together.
“I apologize for not knocking…” A large hand reaches for the back of his neck, rubbing awkwardly before falling back to the side. “May I enter?”
Staying silent, you nod, suddenly the determination and frustration leaking from you like hot air from a balloon. His is not the voice of a man oblivious to the feelings of those around him.
As he closes the door gently, you become aware of the darkness of the room and scramble to find matches to light the candles that are placed on tables, shelves and the dresser. While busy, you’re painfully aware of how the tall man strips himself of every piece of armour, depositing it carefully in a heap on the floor. The tiny flame of the match nearly reaches your fingertips as you linger by the last light, turning your brain over for a different way to go about this. Something less aggressive or demanding.
“Please forgive me, [Y/N], for not visiting you the last many days…” the deep purr begins before you can, “it must have seemed as though I abandoned you.”
A pause stretches, allowing you to breathe deeply and gain control of your own voice. “Where…where were you?” The candle flame flickers on your breath but regains steadiness quickly.
“The All-Father reinstated me and tasked me with an additional duty.” This time Heimdal speaks from somewhere closer to where you’re standing and the butterflies in your stomach begin to stir. “My days have been long, keeping me from you against my will until you already had found rest.” The scents of warm sand and cinnamon surround you now. “Each night I’d come by, wishing you would be awake…” The deep inhalation is shuddering, the exhalation tickles you neck and jaw. “We have so little time together unle–“
You know exactly how he must have nearly bitten his own tongue to stop the rest of the sentence from spilling out, but rather than serving its purpose in keeping the peace, it pisses you off. Why can’t he just say what he wants? Why all the sneaking and holding back and damnit!
“Unless?” You groan in exasperation. “Unless what exactly?”
Turning around sharply, you come face to face with him and almost lose the sense of balance thanks to the amber eyes that nearly glow with…with what? To avoid this smoldering unknown you lower your gaze, only for it to land on his mouth, lips parted slightly. Hot damn. Your breath hitches ever so discreetly whereas his is heavy.
“[Y/N]…” When you don’t respond or move, Heimdal simply cups your face in his strong hands, tilting it upwards gently but insistently. “Please believe me when I say…there’s no place I rather want to be, than with you.”
Deep shadows created by the candles are dancing around and on both off you, still they are unable to dim the burning intensity you’re facing. Surely, your heart must have skipped several beats and it’s only as you remind yourself to breath that you know you’re still here. Standing with Heimdal in a small room in the palace known in myths as Valhalla on Asgard. Heimdal, who has just said something that sounds frightfully similar to a love confession.
As times like these would have it, articulation and poetry comes to your aid: “Whaa…?” The blood rises to your face the moment you utter the less than inspired word. “I’m s-sorry, I thought you…? Are you saying…? But how could we…?” Breathing in deeply and closing your eyes stops you from rambling on. “Won’t I have to leave, regardless of what I want?”
“Maybe not. Odin has been considering having you stay as an…ambassador.” The words are testing, fishing for a response as carefully as possible.
Ambassador? Hell, I’d have accepted being a stable-worker or cleaner. “So…I could stay...”
Silence envelops you like velvet. Not in the absence of sound, but the chaos that has been raging inside you, the roar of worried thoughts trying to drown each other out are gone, leaving a soothing peace as each half-hearted plan and shattered solution to dissolve into nothingness.
Finally, you can meet the warm gold of Heimdal’s eyes. “With you?”
“If you will have me.” The smile is carefully optimistic. “I do not wish to imagine a life without you, my lady. Not since the day I first laid eyes on you by mere chance.”
Oh. “Before the…’fore New York.”
“Aye.” He actually has the audacity to bite his bottom lip in shame. “I tried to avert my gaze. I’d been smitten by your mesmerizing nature, but who was I to spy on you? A few glances as you walked through the city was all I had, and I cherished them, knowing it would never be more.” The Bridge-Keeper’s sigh makes your hair float for a heartbeat. “Then came the day of Loki’s attack. You showed strength and courage beyond measure…I could not let you die. Not you.”
A tear has formed and now it spills onto his cheek. Gently, cupping his jaw in your palm not unlike the way he still holds you, you wipe it away.
“You didn’t tell me…because you didn’t want to force my feelings?” His soft nod prompts you to slip your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. “But I’ve come to love you anyways.”
Words aren’t needed anymore. Time doesn’t matter. Only Heimdal’s burning lips as they meet and languidly explore yours while his hands travel, one to your neck and the other to the middle of your back, pushing you flush against his strong body. Your own grip adjusts as you nearly cling on to him, fingertips digging into his shoulder and grazing his scalp.
Lips part.
Tongues dance.
Teeth nibble gently as new areas are explored, heated skin showered in kisses while fingers and hands roam freely in a fevered yet leisured devotion to the other person. At the first moan Heimdal coax from you, he freezes, worried that he may have hurt you. It’s a whimper from the loss of his action that spurs him on in an effort to pull more sounds from you.
As the woman stretches in her sleep beside Heimdal in the bed, he can’t help but thank the All-Fathers of old. Pulling [Y/N] closer, he knows that he now will have an unparalleled reason to revert his gaze to home.
“I love you too, my lady [Y/N].” The whisper only stirs the lose strands of hair of the woman, but as he looks upon her, he sees a smile grace her face.
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