#*looks longingly at Dial Tone* I have not forgotten you
sofiiel · 10 months
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↑ me reviewing my plot notes and story boards ↑
I'm digging my teeth into the childhood I'm trying to write for Eddie in 'For A Lifetime'. Adding relatives into his life, backstory to his birth, backstory to his parents & Wayne, and a backstory to their parent's.
Adding Eddie in new friends & connecting him to the Byers, Hop, Bob Newby, & Officer Powell.
Going into Steve's family as well, working out his parents, cousins, and so on.
Digging into Chrissy's family, The Creels, Brenner and Owens as well as El's mother and Kali's background. Everyone's connected, right down to Billy, in this "No Upside Down" version of the story.
How Eddie, Steve, Henry, Chrissy and Kitty are all connected.
....and I'm sat here looking at my notes like: you are going to fuck this up royally, and it's going to be awful. But if you can pay attention and keep your head on straight, you might pull it off. Though I wouldn't bet on it 😅
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Living Room - Jake Miller x Reader
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Requested: No Warnings: None A/N: Hi ;) This is my first fanfiction ever, so please be nice. Also english is not my first language, so it would be nice if you could excuse any mistakes too. I hope you enjoy reading it and please let me know what you think. Maybe I’ll write a part 2.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket for the seventh time that evening. You were so nervous since your childhood friend and first love Jake Miller released his new song ‘Living Room’ along with a video in which he explains the reason of this song and his search for a particular girl: You. That was now two days ago. Of course you were surprised, but you were mostly happy. After all you thought he had long forgotten about you. You grew up as best friends since you could talk basically and your friendship only grew until it changed when you were 12. He was your first crush and soon became your first boyfriend. But when you turned 15, your family moved to Germany, because your grandma there was sick and needed help. You tried to stay in touch as best as you could, but eventually the calls started to slowly become lesser and lesser. Mainly because of two reasons. One reason was of course the different time zones. The other reason was, that you were both busy with school and working on your careers. You always dreamed to be an actress and he wanted to be a singer. So you decided to call it an end one year after you moved to Germany. You both couldn’t manage the distance between each other. And now he was trying to find you. He posted a number under his video and asked you or anyone who knew you to call. You wanted to call right after you saw his video, but you were afraid that you wouldn’t know what to say, and your heart was beating faster than a shooting star when you thought about calling him. 'Shit, after all this damn years, I still love him and act like a little school girl.’ You thought to yourself. 'Pull it together y/n, you’re 24 years old.’ You took a deep breath and dialed the number. After a few seconds there was a tired sounding male voice.
“Jake? Is that really you? Uhm… it’s me y/n…”
The man on the phone (Jake, you supposed, sighed deeply). “Mmm… ok. I hope you understand, that I have to ask you a few questions to be sure. I feel like I already spoke with a million girls who pretended to be y/n.”
“Yeah, sure, I understand. Ask away.” You hoped you wouldn’t screw up. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even remember your own name.
“Okay, can you tell me something only y/n would know about me?”
That was almost to easy. You thought about the question for a moment, before you said: “We had our first kiss together when we were like seven. Then with 12 we had our first 'real’ kiss. And when we were 14 we had our first time with each other… Oh and your special nickname for me was muffin, because you thought I was just as cute as one.”
“Holy shit… uhm sorry for swearing, fuck, I can’t believe I’ve actually found you. I almost gave up.”
'He has such  a beautiful voice.’ You thought. You instantly felt his calm voice and his happiness giving you more confidence, as you admitted:
“I meant to call earlier, but I was nervous as hell.”
He chuckled slightly. “Wow, I’m so happy to hear your voice again, after all these years. I missed you like crazy. God my heart is beating so fast right now. I think I might have a heart attack.”
“I hope not.. I missed you too, but I can’t actually say that I can hear your voice. It sounds strange but familiar at the same time.”
“Yeah I guess puberty hit me there.” He said in a playful tone.
You giggled. He always managed to make you laugh. Even now, when you were just speaking since only a few minutes, after almost 8 years.
“Well, tell me about you, are you still dancing?” He asked curiously.
“No, i stopped 6 years ago.”
“What, why? You were so good.”
Your heart practically melted at his compliment. It was so long since you heard something like that, that was actually meant. “Thanks. It was just a bit to much with school and stuff you know? But I started to teach myself the piano instead.”
“Thats cool. We could do a duet, I mean I play guitar and sing and you play the piano and sing too. Well at least if you didn’t forgot how to sing.” He laughed.
Your best friend and roommate y/bf came in your room and opened her/his mouth to ask you something. You pointed at your phone and waved her/him off.
“y/n? Sorry if it was to early for this kind of jokes. I didn’t meant to be rude. I know that you can probably sing better than me. It just… talking to you after this long time just comes so naturally, like we were never seperated.”
“No, no it’s alright.” You hurried to say. “My friend just came in to ask me something. I told her/him I was busy. I totally understand what you mean, I feel the same way actually.”
He let out his breath. “I’m so relieved to hear this. Honestly, I’m really glad that I finally found you.”
“Well you could have found me easier though. I mean I’m not unknown here in Germany.” You said a bit amused.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m an actress. Nothing big though, but enough that I can live quit good from it.”
“Oh my goodness, so you made it. I’ve always known you would make it some day.” You felt proud welling up at his trust in your talent.
“Yeah, well you made it too, like I was always saying.”
“I guess so. ”
“I mean, I was always your biggest fan. Right from the beginning, when you started playing the guitar with 7.”
“God no, that was horrible. Do you remember my first song? The neighbour came to knock at our door to tell my mum she should take the guitar away from her son.”
You laghed as you remembered the little boys beautiful brown eyes welling up with tears as he threw himself in your tiny arms. “Of course I remember this. You looked like a sad puppy, when you heard that. I had to tell you at least hundred times that your song was incredible and that your stupid neighbour had the baddest music taste ever, until you stopped crying.”
“That was so embarrassing.” You could practicaly see his facepalm.
“No I think it was cute. And your neighbour was really the cruelest person I’ve met my entire life. He hated kids.”
“C'mon you only liked that song, because it was about you.” He said mockingly.
“Of course… Every woman would love a song about her, no matter if it’s good or bad.”
“Uhm.. Did… did you hear the last song I uploaded?” He asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, I did.”
There was a small pause, before he added almost shyly now: “W-what do you… uhm think?”
“I think it is the most beautiful song ever. Really. I actually cried  for one hour straight, when I realized that it’s about us.”
“I cried three times. The first time when I wrote it, because I had to think about you and how easy things were back than. The second time, when I finished it. And the third time, when it was recorded. I couldn’t imagine, that I would manage to find you with this song.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“But you did.” You simply stated the obvious.
“Yes, I did. And I’m so fucking happy about that. I never stopped thinking about you, y/n.”
“I remembered you two. I mean after all you are still my first love. And I never actually found someone as good as you.” You sighed sadly, until you admitted: “Since we broke up I had two other relationships, but they didn’t last very long, because I always compared them to you and, yeah I mean, as if anyone could ever win this competition.”
He chuckeld sheepishly. “I understand how you feel. I had one girlfriend and it lasted for a year or so, but apart from that, I just had a few dates and some sexy time but I never wanted more, because compared to you, they were all nothing.”
“Some sexy time, eh?” You said, teasing him a bit.
“Oh sure, that is the only thing you got from my confession?” He asked, playing upset.
“Haha, no it’s not… I guess distance doesn’t matter after all.”
“Yeah, I think so… I wish we could turn back the time. I mean, how the hell did we grow up so fast? Or if I can’t turn back the time, I at least want to see your face and just hold you in my arms forever.” He sounded longingly.
You said nothing. You were trying to hold back tears of joy.
“Hey, you still there, muffin?” Now he sounded concerned.
You let out a quiet sob, hearing his old nickname for you again. “…Y-yeah sorry, I … I just –”
He interrupted you. “Are you crying? Shit, I made you cry. I didn’t mean to, god honestly I can’t even make a phonecall without making a fool out of myself. I’m so sorry, really, I…”
Now it was your turn to stop his worried ramblings. “Hey, no it’s okay. Really. These are happy tears. I just really missed you and I never thought I would hear from you again, and to hear that you felt the same way all this time… that just makes me so fucking happy.”
“Aww. You still say the cutest things, muffin. I really wish I could wipe your tears away now.”
“Always the gentleman.” You let out a laugh.
“Yeah, my mom teached me how to treat girls right. You know what?”
“I’m sure you tell me right away. Because you never could hold an idea back. I doubt that this has changed over the past years.”
“You’re definetly right. I wanted to say that my europe tour starts in two month. I mean I could fly maybe two weeks earlier and we could spend some time together. You know, like back in the old days.” He said expectantly.
“Like back in the old days? That sounds like we’re 90 and just about to die.”
“Wow, your still your sarcastic, sassy self.” He chuckled lovingly. “C'mon, muffin, you know what I mean.”
“I would love to spend time with you again. I really missed our late night conversations… I missed you and me together.”
“Okay, screw it. I have a last interview in four days, but I’m just gonna cancel it and take the next flight I can get on… if that’s okay with you?”
You were jumping happily up and down on the inside, but you tried to keep it cool. “You don’t have to cancel your interview just for me, Jake. I know that you don’t have much time in your job. I know this problem from my own.”
“I know that I don’t have to do it, but I want to, y/n. I waited long enough to hear your voice. I feel like three more days until I see you would kill me. If it’s okay with you, then I’m on the plane tomorrow evening.”
“That is more than fine by me. I can’t wait to speak to you in person.” You said, happy that he wanted to see you just as bad as you wanted to see him.
You talked for hours, until it was long after midnight in Germany. It felt like you never broke the contact and your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, so much love for Jake came up in you. You fell asleep with your phone still in your hand and the last thing you heard before drifting away was Jakes beautiful voice, whispering a soft:
“Good night and sweet dreams y/n, my little muffin.”
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It's me again :D 1. How seriously amazing is your header? I'm so very in love with it, I've been staring at your tumblr page for 5 minutes :DDD 2. I've started to read your number prompts and they are all so cute
And for the anon who asked: Can I have 17 written?Hi sweetie!
First of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH! Seriously, I tend to go back to this message and just get this incredibly goofy smile on my face. You’re seriously so damn sweet, thank you so much for, well for liking the things I write basically. It seriously means the world.
Second of all: This one got really long and since my day fucked up entirely and I won’t have time to write the last 1000 words right now, I thought I’d post it in chapters (hopefully I’ll be able to post chapter two tomorrow - since it’s almost finished - so you won’t have to wait long at all, please forgive me!)
Anyway, here’s chapter one! I hope it was at least somewhat along the lines of what you wanted (It takes place in the shadow-world still, but in this story Magnus and Alec didn’t meet because of Clary…):
You can read it on AO3 HERE if you’d like to!
17. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
Isabelle frowned when she walked into the dark loft. Magnus and her had decided to meet up for lunch two hours prior and when the warlock hadn’t shown up, Isabelle had assumed he’d gotten caught up in work and forgotten about the time again. So she’d gone to his apartment to find him, but seeing the empty space had her instantly worried. It wasn’t all that unusual for Magnus to forget about the time whenever he was caught up in some spell, but he was a gentleman and if he would be out of his apartment for work and risked being late, then he’d always make sure to tell whoever he was meeting up with as much.
She’d met the High Warlock of Brooklyn at a downworlder party she’d gone to for her previous boyfriend, Meliorn, a few months back and their mutual interests in both fashion and science (as Magnus had explained - mixing potions wasn’t all that different from what she was doing in her lab) had the two of them instantly clicking. Despite the night having ended with a breakup for her, after she found Meliorn in bed with two vampires, she’d still considered it a success after Magnus had invited her over to his loft for drinks to “celebrate her getting rid of the trash”, as he’d called it. Although they both knew that the Seelie had never made any promises of exclusivity to the Shadowhunter, Isabelle had still found herself appreciating the supportive sentiment. They’d been best friends ever since.
Which was why she knew something most definitely wasn’t right with the picture before her.
Picking up her phone from her pocket, Isabelle dialed Magnus’ number and waited for the dial-tone, praying to the Angel that he’d pick up - Only to have the call cut off almost immediately. Her heart beating slightly in panic, she started looking around the loft for any indication to where her friend might be. After looking through the entire apartment without any results, she picked up a shirt to try tracking him. The light flared around her hands and an image of Magnus flashed before her eyes. He was in what looked to be a cage, shouting something she couldn’t hear. She tried to focus on getting a location, but before she could get so much as a hint, something slammed into the vision and it blinked out. With a curse, she stuffed the shirt into her bag and ran towards the institute.
She needed a stronger tracking.
“Alec, I need your help!”
Alec looked up from where he’d been planning out next week’s patrol-schedule and raised his eyebrows in question to his sister’s abrupt entrance.
“I thought you were having lunch with your friend?” he said, straightening up and looking his sister over. “What’s wrong?”
“I was, but something is wrong. He didn’t show up and he wasn’t at his apartment. I tried tracking him, but I got cut off by something. I need you and Jace to use your parabatai bond to track him”, Izzy explained and Alec knew better than to question his sister’s instincts. So he simply pushed off the table and started walking towards the training-room, where he knew Jace would be - especially since Raj had walked by earlier with a put-upon sigh that told the oldest Lightwood-sibling that his brother had roped the poor guy into training with him again.
“Sorry to interrupt guys”, he announced their presence when they walked in and almost smiled at the sight of Raj throwing Jace down on his back and pinning him with a knife to his throat before they both looked up at them.
“That”, Jace panted, his eyes on Raj’s smug face, “Does not count. Alec distracted me!”
The other man just huffed a laugh, helped him to his feet with a roll of his eyes and turned to Alec with a rise of his eyebrows.
“What’s up?” Jace voiced Raj’s unvoiced question.
“Izzy needs our help to track her friend, she thinks he might be in trouble”, Alec explained and Jace nodded as he started to remove his training-gloves and walked towards them.
“I could use a small break anyway, you want us to go out with you to find him too?” he said and Alec shook his head.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll go with Izzy to check it out, call you if we need backup. You should probably go make sure Clary’s doing okay with her rune-studies anyway, leave Raj alone for once?” He gave Jace a pointed look and Raj mouthed a ‘thank you’ to him from where he was packing away the knives they’d been using.
“I have some work I need to get done anyway. You can try to beat me some other time, Blondie”, he said as he walked past them out of the room, patting Jace on the shoulder. Alec shook his head at Jace’s frown as he watched his retreating form.
“Still beating you, huh?” Alec asked and Jace returned his eyes to his parabatai with an exasperated look that made the corner Alec’s mouth lift, amused.
“I don’t know how he does it, the man is a freaking ninja! I figure out how to block one move and he’s already on to the next. It’s insane!” he answered and Alec just shrugged at him in a ‘what can you do’-manner.
“As much as I enjoy this little fanboy-moment of yours, Jace, we need to hurry up. Magnus is in trouble and I need to get to him”, Izzy spoke up, thrusting the shirt she’d brought towards them and Alec went into mission-mode as he grabbed the shirt along with Jace’s hand and started focusing on tracking the warlock.
The familiar feeling of Jace’s energy surged through him as the light swirled around their joined hands and a blurry picture opened up in his mind. He could make out the siluett of a man sitting cross-legged in a leaf-filled cell, light coming from somewhere above him. Magnus, Alec assumed as there didn’t seem to be anyone else around. He redirected his focus from the image to get a feel of where this cell was when a force slammed into him and both him and Jace grabbed the other tighter as they fought it to stay on the track. A symbol on the side of the cell caught Alec’s eye and as Jace gave his hand a small tug, he knew his parabatai had seen it to. Breathing out slowly, he felt Jace’s energy leave and slowly opened his eyes as he let go of the other’s hand.
“He’s in the Seelie-realm, in a cell of some kind. Doesn’t seem hurt though, but you’re right - we should hurry to get him out”, he answered his sister’s questioning look before walking away to get changed.
Magnus Bane was bored out of his freaking mind. Bored and irritated. He’d been stuck in this cage for hours, unable to do anything but wait for someone to notice his absence and come save him. He really hoped Isabelle hadn’t left him a message to cancel their lunch, because unless she noticed that he was gone no one would come for him in the next 24 hours. The prospect of sitting in this muddy room, with his magic drained enough to keep him from breaking out, for an entire day had him letting out another groan and letting his head fall back against the wall.
“If someone could send me a knight in shining armor to save me, that’d be great”, he grumbled towards the man-sized hole in the roof where the light was being let in. It was too high up for him to reach and possibly escape from and Magnus wasn’t too keen on risking a broken ankle in trying either, so he simply stared longingly at it and wished for a grand rescue of some kind.
“We should split up, we’ll cover more ground that way”, Alec suggested and with a confirming nod from his sister he broke away to search for her friend. He wished he could say that it was a surprise to hear that the Seelies had thrown the High Warlock of Brooklyn into a cage for some reason, but considering that during Alec’s last meeting with the Seelie Queen, she’d been just about ready to do the same to him for not wanting to sleep with her, he really and truly wasn’t. Honestly, what was a surprise to him was how the rest of the faerie-folk were still accepting her as their leader. If Valentine and his people were what gave the Shadowhunters a bad reputation, then people like the Seelie Queen most definitely was what gave downworlders theirs. He’d discussed the matter of damaging downworlder-leaders with Luke and Raphael a few days prior, and the two of them had suggested they’d bring in the High Warlock to their monthly meetings, since he apparently had the most sway over the downworld as a whole.
Alec had never met Magnus Bane, but from what he’d heard about the man he seemed like a good person with a rather wild reputation. The latter was just from what he’d been told by his parents though. Izzy had protested wildly as they’d argued that her new best friend was, in their father’s words: ‘Somewhat of a lothario who is nowhere near fitting for a young shadowhunter woman to be socializing with’, and Alec couldn’t blame her. Especially since his father, who followed Valentine blindly for years, most certainly wasn’t in any position to judge anyone else. Alec sometimes thought back to how he’d viewed downworlders only two years earlier, before befriending Luke and Raphael after Clary had stumbled into their lives and turned it upside down, and felt ashamed of his past self. He hadn’t known better at that time, of course, but that didn’t change the fact that he’d thought of himself as above so many people when he’d had no right to.
Stepping over a few fallen branches, Alec surveyed the area around him, trying to see if anything looked even the slightest familiar to what he’d seen in his tracking-vision. It was no use though, they’d been forced to leave the vision too soon and hadn’t had a chance to see anything above ground from where the warlock was held. Alec heaved a frustrated sigh and continued moving forward at a swift speed.
He didn’t even make it another two yards before something sounded behind him and Alec whirled around, bow drawn and at the ready, only to be immediately blinded by a flash of light so bright he had to shield his eyes. In the shock he took a step backwards, and where he was certain there had been solid ground just a second before, were now nothing but air. With a surprised scream, Alec fell through the gaping hole in the ground.
Magnus looked up with a frown at the bright flash above him, just a second before something - or rather someone- fell through the hole in the roof of his cell with a scream and landed right in the middle of the little room. The man looked up towards the hole with a frown, obviously cursing its existence, before rubbing slightly at where he’d landed on his hip, grimacing slightly.
“I’m not at my full power because of the stupid wards on this place, but I’m pretty sure I could heal that for you if you want?”, Magnus spoke, rising and walking towards the man, surveying him calmly as he did so.
He seemed to finally notice that he hadn’t fallen into an empty cell and snapped his eyes up towards Magnus’ voice. The warlock felt his breath catch as the light from the roof-opening hit them, making them appear almost golden, but gathered himself quickly and reached out his hand with a gesture towards the man’s hip.
“So? You want some help with that, then?” he prompted, with a rise of his brows. That appeared to be enough to shake him out of where he’d been outright staring blatantly at Magnus - obviously still surprised that there was someone else in this stupid cell, not that Magnus could blame him all that much for that - and he started rummaging through his pockets until he finally drew a stele from one of them.
Ah, a shadowhunter then, Magnus thought and finally noticed the rune running up the man’s neck as he bent over to activate his Iratze.
“Or you can do that, I guess” he mumbled and dropped his hand before returning to sit against the wall. When the man had finished healing his hip, he returned his gaze to Magnus, cocking his head slightly to the side, and the warlock was once again struck how gorgeous this man truly was. In the shadows, his eyes appeared almost green and Magnus reached his hand out again:
“Well, if we’re going to be stuck down here together, I feel like we should at the very least know each other’s name. I’m..”
The man rose slightly from his seat to grab Magnus’ hand this time as he interrupted.
“Magnus Bane, yeah I know. I’m actually…” he started, before looking around, a frown etched on his face once again.
“Uhm… Well, I’m here to… To rescue you, actually. I came with my sister, she was worried when you didn’t show up for lunch and…” he looked at Magnus again and, to the warlock’s delight, seemed to forget what he was talking about the second their eyes met. Magnus raised his eyebrows in question at the statement and hummed in acknowledgement before he spoke:
“As much as I appreciate the whole ‘handsome knight in a not-so-very-white and shining armor coming to my rescue’, they usually tend to avoid falling into the cage with the princess. Well, prince in this case”, he teased and smiled as a blush rose on the other’s cheeks.
“Yeah, that’s… That wasn’t exactly part of the plan”, the man admitted and Magnus squeezed his hand where he was still holding on to it, dragging him slightly towards him to lean against the wall instead of sitting in the middle of the room. The shadowhunter followed without complaint and Magnus smiled to himself at that.
“Well, since it looks like we’ll be trapped here for a while why don’t you…” he started and then the man’s words from earlier registered with him and he looked up at him with a huge smile blooming freely on his lips.
“Wait, did you say sister? Isabelle sent you? She’s here?” he asked, more than excited about the prospect of the man not being all alone on this rescue-mission.
“Yeah, we split up and she went the other way. I… I’m not entirely sure when she’ll be here though”, the man confirmed and then muttered something about hoping she was smarter than him and didn’t accidentally fall in here with them too. Magnus cocked his head as he regarded this new information. Isabelle had told him she had three brothers and looking at the man before him he registered the physical attributes his friend had used to describe them all with. He hummed slightly to himself before saying:
“Tall, dark hair, gorgeous hazel-eyes and a preference for the bow… You must be Alexander then?” he purred and the blush on the man’s cheeks deepened furiously.
“Alec”, the man - Alec Lightwood apparently - corrected him with a nod.
***A/N: I hope you like it thus far and I’ll try to hurry up and get chapter two up for you by tomorrow! Also: I’m writing some other fluffy malec-things that were supposed to be posted during the day, but since my day just got completely fucked up they might have to wait until the weekend… ugh, life! Sorry!If you have any prompt you’d like to send me (or simply share your thoughts on some matter), my ask-box is always open! If you’d like to give me one of the number-prompts, then you can find the different numbers HERE!
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