Wait it’s taken me this long to realize you’re also aspiring-Dana-cardinal 💀 silly goofy moment
Also what kind of science do you like tell me some facts :))
yeah im @aromantic-dana-cardinal (the blog not the actual character lol though i wish)
i like astronomy!! i also like forensic science but i don't know much about it yet. anyway space facts as requested :D
okay so i'm obsessed with the Witch Head Nebula (the discord already knows this lol) which is a reflection nebula in the Eridanus constellation in the southern hemisphere. it reflects the star Rigel in the nearby constellation Orion (which is the seventh brightest star in the sky and brightest star in Orion btw). its blue color is due to the fine dust in the nebula in a process kinda similar to what makes our own sky blue!
here is a picture:
Tumblr media
its just <33333
also fun fact i recently learned: due to the earth axis spinning like a cone in a process called precession (that takes over 25,000 years to complete) Vega will (eventually) replace Polaris as our North star!
um i read this article recently about how scientists found evidence of rna in an asteroid (uracil and nianin specifically) that could point to how life began on Earth it's a fascinating article i'll link it in case you want to read
okay final addition bc this is getting long but! though it hasn't been found yet, there is evidence of a ninth planet beyond neptune! so far it's just based on mathematical observations that could possibly explain the path of some objects in the kuiper belt!
OKAY last fun fact neptune was also found through mathematical observation before we could see it as well :)
i remember you like bugs, do you have any fun facts about the?? (or any other thing you like)
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puphoods · 11 months
hi I saw you recently made some posts about mother mother, showing you have good music tastes and probably are at least a little bit into music. I really want to hear more about your music tastes and what other artists you listen to and stuff because I love music and I am always interested to discover new artists and learn about other people's music tastes.
ps. I like your blog :3
mother mother has been a fave of mine for a long time smiles... i havent listened to them much in a good long while but i have been again recently haha
i am so bad at like explaining my music tastes but ill list some of my faves and link a song or two for each ill do that under a readmore though
my fave artist atm is typhoon :~) i first started listening to them bc of their album offerings which is a concept album about a man losing his memory. a lot of their stuff is concept albums but it doesnt necessarily have to be listened to all together yk. some of my fave songs are claws pt 1, never be your lover, the honest truth, new wife, and hunger and thirst
im also a glass animals head forever... have been for years. HTBAHB is my favourite album of all time and i mean that genuinely but i like their older stuff to its very unique and is a sound ive never seen anyone else come close to replicating. my faves from them... its always hard to choose because i do genuinely love almost all of their stuff haha. right now though probably pork soda, take a slice, toes, and woozy
i really like of montreal atm... i havent gotten SUPER deep into their discography but the songs i know i love. faves probably its different for girls, the past is a grotesque animal, wrath pinned to the mist, and the you i created
black dresses is also another all time fave... ive enjoyed all the stuff ive heard from their different projects outside the band as well. faves rn are cartoon network, earth worm, nausea 2019, theres nothing here worth dying for
what else do i like... radiohead mitski oingo boingo umm been listening to a lot of megan thee stallion lately.. lady lamb... ive honestly been more on a "individual songs" kick than specific artists lately so im gonna link you my spotify on repeat. all really good songs and a good chunk of them by artists that i listen to more of their stuff as well so i can recommend most of them. of the ones on here that i havent already mentioned ive been listening to a lot of post malone and saweetie but again more just the songs i know already yk... etc. hope these are good enough answers haha
ALSO if u look through my music tag on my blog everything in there i still stand by i think
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craanbery · 3 years
ty for tag @blue-diner 🥺
answer 30 questions & tag 10 people
1. Name/nickname: mia/maya
2. Gender: who knows tbh
3. Star sign: cancer
4. Height: last time i measured was a while ago but 165cm ish
5. Time: abt 3
6. Birthday: july sometime ofc
7. Favorite bands: i dont have fav bands/artists bc i listen to 1 song from a ton of different ones but im listening to big time rush rn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also mustard service is great
8. Favorite solo artists: once again. but idk. lady lamb maybe? charlie burg? kishi bashi idk
9. Song stuck in my head: like 5 abba songs are playing simultaneously in my brain atm
10. Last movie: i. watched catws twice in a row when i was sick a few days ago
11. Last show: future man
12. When did I make this blog: at least a few years ago i dont remember
13. What I post: bullshit!! nothing !! niche memes for obscure book series'
14. Last thing googled: masayoshi takanaka (hes got a song called mambo no.5 did you know that)
15. Other blogs: none active
16. Do I get asks: not much :'(
17. Why I chose my url: i live at ikea and sleep in the display beds and eat the meatballs but the staff havent found me yet
18. Following: 370ish i bet half are deactivated :(
19. Followers: 200ish
20. Average hours of sleep: 9~
21. Lucky number: same as everyone else tbh 7
22. Instruments: none alas
23. What I’m wearing: snoop dogg shirt that says 'the doggfather'
24. Dream trip: tbh i wanna go to spain or greece ;_;
25. Favorite food: chocolate mousse.. cookies n creme ice cream..... tuna casserole.. take ur pick
26. Nationality: australian/canadian
27. Favorite song: FAVOURITE favourite song? the shaman and the thief - moddi or everytime we touch
28. Last book read: finished the great hunt recently!!!
29. Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: god all the series i like have awful universes. id really like allomancy/feruchemy so scadrial, rain world is so pretty but so dangerous..., and pikuniku i think bc its nice :)
30. Favorite color: ornge babey
@ratatouiile @proud-member-of-hermits-united @notyourusualblog @g1rlcore @gudriin if u want <3
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tapedeck-archive · 4 years
20 questions tag
tagged by @lovely-tea-petals thank you! ily <3
- what do you prefer to be called name wise? just my name, Emma lol! tho i’m not super comfy with how fem it is
- when’s your birthday? july 10 :)
- where do you live? indiana, US
- three things you are doing right now? procrastinating my hw! thinking about hannibal, eating a bao bun :)
- four fandoms that have piqued your interest? i’m not sure if this is asking what i’m interested in getting into, or which fandoms im in right now! but rn i’m super into hannibal, killing eve, community, and psych. from the outside looking in, i’m interested in the owl house, gentleman jack, the magicians, and gotham ig
- how has the pandemic been treating you? ok ish, i mean i’m not very social anyway so it hasn’t affected me too much. i’m back at uni, too! the hardest parts of quarantine had nothing to do with the pandemic, more about some Tough Shit happening in my life
- a song you can’t stop listening to right now? You Are the Apple, by Lady Lamb! hm also though, billie eilish’s more recent songs (bc of h*nnibal)
- recommend a movie? The Old Guard (netflix), and Hustlers !!!
- school, university, occupation, other? I go to DePauw University. i have a job too, i work for the university as a sewist. right now we’re just making masks for the singers
- do you prefer heat or cold? cold!! i love layering, and the weather is just a lot nicer to me
- name one fact others may not know about you? my friends know everything about me lmao! but for my followers who don’t know me as well, the fun fact I always tell people is that i was a baby model in Japan lol
- are you shy? i used to think i was, but i’m just introverted. if i don’t need to talk to someone, i won’t. if i have to talk to someone out of necessity, i will! but if i want to talk to someone, it’s harder to get there because i have anxiety lmao
- biggest pet peeve? not really sure. right now, since i’m frustrated with my homework, i’m most peeved by academic gate-keeping. i hate that academics use such big words and complex sentences to sound smarter. just say what u need to say pls lol i can’t read
- rate your life 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be: weird question! idk, 5 i guess
- what’s your main blog? this one~
- list your side blogs and what they’re used for: 👀 the one i’m most active on right now is @shawnisbi and it’s multifandom but mostly hannibal. i also have @uglybrother for random stuff. i have other sideblogs that are just for personal organization so u don’t need to know lol. i have another account tho! @willowcreme for dark academia and cottagecore, and @packhunters is another sideblog for quotes n shit
- is there anything people need to know about you before becoming friends? just a disclaimer: i am mentally ill lol. SO i get anxious replying to the simplest texts, it takes ages. and i struggle with expressing emotions and just communicating in general. 
I'll tag @magdalenas, @purdymow44, anyone else who wants to do this! i’d love to read your responses if you do
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icaroid · 4 years
q&a tag meme
tagged sort of by @lissar !
Name: grendel or cap
Star sign: taurus babey
Gender: a tree that eats people
Current song stuck in my head: “Motion Sickness” by Phoebe Bridgers bc ive been listening to an aelwyn abernant playlist like nonstop for three days
Favorite artist: im gonna go w music artist so Lady Lamb!
Last movie I saw: ladyhawke!
Last thing I googled: fantasy high dunking on elves
Following: 387
Average sleep: around 5-6 hours
Dream Job: poet/author/reader of faerie tales
Dream trip: there’s a waterfall upstate that i love so so very much. I also want to visit montreal again i had a lovely time last year
Currently wearing: custom designed t-shirt from a birthday party and fluffy pajama pants
Favorite food: i love a lot of food so much but i would. really like some sushi rn
Instruments: i used to play piano also!
Favorite song: not a question i can answer but a lot of my songs have the energy of “songs to be ritually sacrificed to” bc im valid
whoever wants to do this can!
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messr-kwbekjskej · 5 years
 。・゚゚・ about me ・゚゚・。
Tagged by @aaeschylus 💕
name: elijah
nicknames: goblin, elk, dad
gender/pronouns: nonbinary; they/them
zodiac: leo sun, taurus moon, scorpio rising
height: 5′4″
birthday: 08.01.2002
age: 17
sexuality: bisexual
other blogs: @samael-s​, @kyareth​
do i play an instrument? i play trumpet, piano & a tiny bit of uke
languages spoken: i speak english natively, but i’ve been taking chinese for 5 years and im learning korean on and off
nationality: american
pets? 2 dogs named chewy and gibbs, a guinea pig named pandora and a chinchilla named eevee
– season: autumn
– flower: sunflowers, marigolds & peonies
– shows: good omens, atla, i remember you, death note, queer eye + the magnus archives, rabbits, tanis & the black tapes (im including podcasts here bc i listen to those more than i watch shows)
– movies: 80s horror movies, heathers, bright young things, v for vendetta, harry potter, american psycho, saw, the sixth sense, silence of the lambs
– books: harry potter, ziggy stardust & me, 1984, the picture of dorian gray, a tale for the time being, the divine comedy, it’s kind of a funny story, the wind up bird chronicle, shadows cast by stars, the watchers
– bands: the beatles, the front bottoms, the frights, hozier, rainbow kitten surprise, todrick hall, radical face, delta rae, the avett brothers, girl in red, three days grace, my chemical romance, frank iero, the hu
– kpop artists/groups: exo, chen, stray kids, seventeen, dreamcatcher, shinee, jonghyun, taemin
– fruits/vegitables: watermelon, cantaloupe, broccoli, pears, corn
– holiday: halloween/samhain (also some of the holidays for my pantheon but those aren’t fully formed yet lmao)
– sport: soccer & running
– tea, coffee, or hot chocolate? all of them, but mainly hot chocolate and cofee
– dogs or cats? both but im more of a dog person
about my blog:
– followers: like i think only like 40 or 50 ??? i lost all my followers when i switched blogs lmao
– following: 229
– created: this blog was made on June 15, 2019 but i’ve been here since 2014/2015ish
– purpose: collecting all my hyperfixation stuff that doesn’t have to do w/ my aesthetics
– why did i choose my url? bc i’m hyperfixating on the beatles rn and lady madonna is one of those songs i listen to for 3 hours straight bc it gets stuck in my head
– did i ever think of deactivating? i mean yeah ??? like i /technically/ deactivated from my old acc. but i haven’t deleted it just in case i wanna move back
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trans-axolotl · 5 years
@rosetower tagged me!
name / alias: Elliott...i don’t really think there’s anything else
birthday: im pisces. thats all u get to know
height: Just got measured last week and im now 5′7″ which is Quite nice
hobbies: ballet, embroidery, screamin about being intersex, hyperfocusing on fandoms for two weeks and then never engaging with them again, studying languages and history
favorite colors: i really love red and purple! they look nice together.
favorite books: when the moon was ours by anna marie mclemore! i can’t think of any more but theres prob some more books!
last song i listened to: crane your neck by lady lamb
last film i watched:...i think it was avengers endgame? idk i was pirating films the other day when i was sick.
inspiration for muse: these sure are some words in an order. i dont know what this even means
dream job: history professor!!!! i love history and i love learning about history and about all the history they didn’t teach me in school!!! i want to teach history in a way that’s not promoting a prejudiced narrative and actually explores!!!!!!! all the parts of history people don’t talk about!!!!!
meaning behind url: im trans and i think axolotls are really cute. i want a pet one someday but also they’re endangered so like. nah. also its not a furry thing disclaimer i just like axolotls
i am Not brain rn so if you want to do it just say i tagged you!
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