#Agile Project Management Guide
agilemethodology · 26 days
Scrum Project Management: A Framework for Agile Success
Scrum project management has emerged as a leading methodology for Agile software development, providing teams with a flexible and iterative approach to delivering high-quality products. In this article, we'll delve into the fundamentals of Scrum, its key principles, roles, artifacts, events, benefits, challenges, implementation tips, and real-world applications.
I. Introduction
What is Scrum Project Management?
Scrum is a framework for Agile project management that emphasizes iterative development, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It enables teams to respond rapidly to changing requirements and deliver valuable software increments in short cycles.
Brief History and Evolution of Scrum
Originally introduced in the 1980s by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka, Scrum has since evolved into a widely adopted Agile methodology. Its principles draw inspiration from various fields, including lean manufacturing, empirical process control, and organizational psychology.
II. Core Principles of Scrum
Empirical Process Control
At the heart of Scrum lies the principle of empirical process control, which emphasizes transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Teams base their decisions on real-time feedback and data, rather than predefined plans.
Iterative Development
Scrum promotes iterative development, dividing work into small, manageable increments called "sprints." Each sprint typically lasts one to six weeks and results in a potentially shippable product increment.
Collaboration is central to Scrum, with cross-functional teams working closely together to achieve shared goals. Through frequent communication and collaboration, team members can address challenges and capitalize on opportunities more effectively.
Scrum teams are self-organizing, meaning they have the autonomy to determine how best to accomplish their objectives. This autonomy fosters creativity, ownership, and accountability among team members.
III. Scrum Roles
Scrum Master
The Scrum Master serves as a servant-leader for the team, facilitating the Scrum process and removing impediments to progress. They coach the team on Agile principles and practices, ensuring adherence to Scrum values.
Product Owner
The Product Owner represents the stakeholders and is responsible for maximizing the value of the product. They prioritize the backlog, define user stories, and make decisions about what features to include in each sprint.
Development Team
The Development Team consists of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable increment of product at the end of each sprint. They are cross-functional and self-organizing, with a collective responsibility for achieving the sprint goal.
IV. Scrum Artifacts
Product Backlog
The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of all desired work on the project. It evolves over time, with new items added, refined, or removed based on feedback and changing requirements.
Sprint Backlog
The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog selected for implementation during a sprint. It represents the work that the Development Team plans to complete within the sprint.
The Increment is the sum of all the product backlog items completed during a sprint, plus the increments of all previous sprints. It must be in a potentially releasable state and meet the Definition of Done.
V. Scrum Events
Sprint Planning
Sprint Planning marks the beginning of a sprint, during which the Scrum Team collaborates to select the items from the Product Backlog that will be included in the upcoming sprint and create a sprint goal.
Daily Stand-up
The Daily Stand-up is a short, time-boxed meeting held every day to synchronize the activities of the Development Team and identify any impediments to progress. Each team member answers three questions: What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Are there any impediments?
Sprint Review
The Sprint Review is held at the end of the sprint to inspect the increment and gather feedback from stakeholders. It provides an opportunity to review what was done in the sprint and adapt the Product Backlog as needed.
Sprint Retrospective
The Sprint Retrospective is a meeting held at the end of the sprint to reflect on the team's process and identify opportunities for improvement. It focuses on what went well, what could be improved, and actionable items for the next sprint.
VI. Benefits of Scrum
Improved Flexibility
Scrum's iterative approach allows teams to adapt to changing requirements and market conditions quickly. By delivering increments of working software regularly, teams can respond to feedback and deliver value more effectively.
Enhanced Product Quality
Through frequent inspection and adaptation, Scrum promotes a focus on quality throughout the development process. Continuous testing, peer reviews, and customer feedback help identify and address issues early, resulting in higher-quality products.
Increased Transparency
Scrum provides stakeholders with transparency into the development process, enabling them to track progress, provide feedback, and make informed decisions. This transparency builds trust and fosters collaboration between the development team and stakeholders.
Better Stakeholder Engagement
By involving stakeholders in the development process through events like the Sprint Review, Scrum ensures that their feedback is incorporated into the product. This engagement leads to greater satisfaction and alignment between the product and stakeholder expectations.
VII. Challenges in Implementing Scrum
Resistance to Change
Transitioning to Scrum requires a cultural shift within an organization, which can meet resistance from stakeholders accustomed to traditional project management methods. Overcoming resistance requires strong leadership, clear communication, and patience.
Lack of Experience
Inexperienced teams may struggle to implement Scrum effectively, leading to frustration and disillusionment. Training, mentoring, and hands-on experience can help teams build the skills and confidence needed to succeed with Scrum.
Teams may overcommit to work during sprint planning, leading to burnout, reduced quality, and missed deadlines. It's essential to set realistic goals and prioritize the most valuable work to ensure sustainable pace and continuous delivery.
VIII. Tips for Successful Scrum Implementation
Training and Education
Invest in training and education for team members, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners to ensure a solid understanding of Scrum principles and practices.
Clear Communication
Foster open and transparent communication within the team and with stakeholders to ensure alignment and shared understanding of project goals and priorities.
Empowering Teams
Empower teams to self-organize and make decisions, trusting them to deliver results and continuously improve their process.
Continuous Improvement
Encourage a culture of continuous improvement, where teams reflect on their process, identify areas for enhancement, and experiment with new approaches.
IX. Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management
Scrum differs from traditional project management methodologies, such as Waterfall, in several key ways. While traditional methods emphasize detailed planning and documentation, Scrum prioritizes adaptability, collaboration, and delivering value early and often.
X. Real-world Applications of Scrum
Scrum is widely used across various industries and domains, from software development to marketing, healthcare, and beyond. Organizations like Spotify, Google, and Salesforce have adopted Scrum to streamline their processes and deliver innovative products to market faster.
XI. Conclusion
In conclusion, Scrum project management offers a powerful framework for Agile development, enabling teams to respond rapidly to change, deliver high-quality products, and maximize value for stakeholders. By embracing Scrum's core principles, roles, artifacts, and events, organizations can achieve greater flexibility, transparency, and collaboration, ultimately driving success in today's dynamic business environment.
What is the difference between Scrum and Agile?
While Agile is a broader philosophy or mindset, Scrum is a specific framework for implementing Agile principles in software development. Scrum provides guidelines and practices for iterative development, collaboration, and continuous improvement within Agile projects.
How does Scrum handle changes in requirements?
Scrum accommodates changes in requirements through its iterative approach and flexible mindset. Changes can be incorporated into the Product Backlog and prioritized for future sprints, allowing teams to adapt to evolving customer needs and market conditions.
Can Scrum be used in non-software projects?
Yes, Scrum can be applied to a wide range of projects beyond software development, including marketing campaigns, event planning, construction projects, and more. The key is to adapt Scrum principles and practices to suit the specific needs and constraints of the project.
What is the ideal size for a Scrum team?
The ideal size for a Scrum team is typically between five and nine members, although smaller or larger teams can also be effective depending on the project's complexity and requirements. The goal is to have a cross-functional team with the skills and expertise needed to deliver value independently.
How do you measure the success of a Scrum project?
Success in a Scrum project is measured by the value delivered to stakeholders, the quality of the product, and the team's ability to adapt and improve over time. Key metrics may include customer satisfaction, product quality, team velocity, and time-to-market.
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ecoursenotepok · 2 years
Learn Project Management In Just 7 Easy Steps
Learn Project Management In Just 7 Easy Steps
Learn Project Management In Just 7 Easy Steps Photo by Gabrielle Henderson BEING A PROJECT HERO IS NO ACCIDENT … … It takes preparation! Plan to successfully manage projects now. Read this eBook to: Learn the principles – concepts and terms Understand the fundamental steps in managing any project. Effectively communicate about your project. If you are an aspiring, new, of accidental project…
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howtofightwrite · 6 months
For super-powered individuals, if we assume the standard of characters being stronger, faster, more durable than normal, is there a reasonably thin enough material (i.e. not just 5 inch thick hardened steel) that a super strong individual could carry to be bullet-proof (enough), presumably in some form of plate armor where you can still be agile?
Not exactly. The problem with armor (in the context of armored vehicles) is that you can just hit them harder. Something that can stop a .50 round might not do so well against a guided explosive munition, and if that fails an artillery strike. But, against a roughly human foe, those anti-material rounds would probably get the job done.
So, let's stick with your hardened steel solution for a moment. A .50 BMG round will penetrate ~1.5 inches, but for the sake of argument let's say 2 inches. That's a pretty good defense against a sniper with an AM rifle. However, this is also used in heavy machine guns, where you're looking at a cyclic rate of ~750-850rpm. In a situation like that, your armor might hold up to a short burst, but probably will not survive multiple bursts in the same area. As is often the case, the real problem isn't the bullet with your name on it, it's the 20 or 30 buddies who wanted to swing by for a fun time.
This leads to another problem. While bullets punching holes in you is bad, your armor taking a hit can be pretty unpleasant in its own right. A .50 BMG will deliver somewhere north of 14k joules of force into the target. That's enough for the bullet to do some pretty unpleasant things to a person in the armor, even if the armor itself isn't compromised. This a large part of why there isn't any armory rated to soak a hit from one of the AM rifles. (The Russians claimed that their Ratnik-3 armor would be able to... and then it never really appeared. The claim was someone dubious to begin with, but that's a much larger, and wilder, rabbithole than you're asking about.)
For a normal person, wearing high end body armor, hits from normal combat rifles (intermediate and high power rounds) can result in broken ribs and internal hemorrhaging. It's not just about your armor being bulletproof, it's about your armor being able to effectively dissipate kinetic force as it's received. If it doesn't do that effectively, the bullets may get the job done, even if they don't manage to penetrate the body armor.
On an individual level, simply adding more armor isn't a particularly efficient solution. It makes sense to a point, but if you're already saying someone is super-humanly strong, and tough, covering them in steel plate isn't going to make them immune to harm.
Beyond that, there have been experiments with developing combat exoskeletons, to allow normal soldiers this kind of protection. The aforementioned Ratnik-3 was the Russian program, while the American project was named TALOS. TALOS was scrapped sometime before February 2019, citing technological limitations. So, this isn't a new concept.
Something I found deeply amusing is the “See also,” section on TALOS's Wikipedia page includes a link to Crysis. For those unfamiliar, Crysis was a first person shooter set in the distant future year of 2020, which would have come dangerously close to matching the intended schedule for TALOS, if the project had continued.
Powered exosuit research is probably not dead, even if TALOS has been scrapped. It may be a bit further out than was originally expected, but it is a reasonable bet that it will happen at some point. There are a lot of technological hurdles, including both the issue with the armor failing under direct fire, and dealing with kinetic force, but, at least from an optimistic perspective, it's somewhat plausible.
Unless you're talking about vehicles, modern armor isn't about adding more metal, it's about being more efficient with dissipating the kinetic force from a hit, and still survive to do it at least a couple times.
That said, whatever you do come up with, it's likely that the old adage will hold true, if force doesn't solve your problems, you're probably not using enough of it. No matter how good your armor is, it won't survive sufficient application of high explosives.
Even ignoring all that, a Type IV plate will still take a hit from most rifles (up to and including .30-06 AP rounds.) You don't need fantasy armor for that, it's something that already exists. Real world body armor is designed to take hits. Full plate was designed for melee combat. Neither one is particularly good at doing the other's job. That's not a limitation of the materials or technology, it's a function of what the armor is designed to deal with.
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, one of my scoutmasters warned us that if you use a knife as a screwdriver, you'll break it. It has an intended purpose. Trying use that tool, (whether it's a knife or body armor) for a purpose other than it's intended ones, will usually end poorly. (Of course, I also remember a crayon eater who was rather vocal in his opinion that the USP's only effective use was as a hammer.)
If you want to put a character in fully enclosed armor, take a look at Ratnik-3 or TALOS armor. If you just want a character who's unusually durable, and you're willing to go for (low key) superpowers, you don't need special armor to get that idea across.
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greatwyrmgold · 4 months
Silicon Valley Capes
Inspired by one of Blastweave's posts, I started thinking about Silicon Valley capes. Not in the sense of "the capes Tattletale was talking about when she said 'Silicon Valley capes'," but capes whose trigger events involve classic Silicon Valley stuff.
Information about Deep Thought, Venture, Agile Strategy, Hand Aid, and Antipath—their backstories, powers, and how they used them—is under the cut. ...I kinda want to write a heist fic with some of these characters, each with different motives for the heist, each being driven in a different direction by those motives.
Alice, the Burnout
Let's start simple. Alice was really optimistic about her new job. She bought into the American dream of the 90's; study hard, get a degree, work hard, prosper. She followed the map, lived how she was supposed to live. But things didn't turn out how they're supposed to.
Alice went to one company after another. Some of them went bust despite her best work. Other times, she was fired for reasons that had more to do with office politics than her actual work. She worked hard, but didn't make the right connections.
Eventually, Alice found a job at a mature company, one which didn't fire her. It was hard working there; she had to endure crunch, sudden changes in project direction, harassment from senior coworkers, et cetera. But that's fine; she's working at a good company now. She just needs to work harder to overcome these challenges. And surely her boss will recognize how hard she's working and reward her appropriately.
She works there for years, waiting for her reward. She gets small raises, usually enough to keep up with inflation, but no promotions. She decides that she just hasn't been working hard enough to earn those promotions. So she works harder. She keeps working harder, sacrificing more, doing whatever will make her worthy of the success she's worked for.
Over the years, she becomes aware of political events which should cause her to question her confidence in the meritocracy. A financial crisis like our world's Great Recession, where the people who caused it get bonuses and the victims get to foot the bill. Awareness of systemic racism and lingering antisemitism and other problems that should have been eradicated decades ago, but which endure. Horror stories from other women in the tech industry, stories which other people are reacting strongly to, even though Alice has grown used to similar events.
But she can't give up on her dream so easily. She can't give up on the ideas that gave her hope all of these years.
One year, a new guy is hired, fresh out of college. He's not a complete idiot, but he's not exactly talented either. Alice keeps being assigned to guide him, or fix his mistakes, or pick up the slack when he misses deadlines. She does this willingly. Upper management clearly has their eye on this kid, and Alice is helping him—obediently, quietly, competently. But at the end of the year, the new guy gets a promotion, and Alice just gets her nominal raise.
She breaks. Alice storms into her manager's office—the man who decided that the new guy was worthy of a promotion over Alice after spending months ordering Alice to pick up the new guy's slack—and demands an explanation. Her manager chews Alice out, pissed that his decisions would be questioned, and threatens to fire Alice if she keeps being a pest.
The first time she set a toe out of line—the first time she was anything less than a perfect little drone—the first time Alice realized that the American dream she had worked for her entire life was a lie.
Deep Thought: Powers
Looking over the Tinker docs...Focal tinker, with a bit of Resource and Controller.
Alice (aka Deep Thought) can build and maintain a big supercomputer housing an advanced AI, which she calls 42. 42 is capable of answering almost any question, as long as it's fed with a sufficient volume of relevant data.
Luckily, DT can build some sensors to gather data about her immediate surroundings and transmitters to communicate with 42, but that's not enough on its own. With such limited information, 42's answers are vague and often inaccurate.
Deep Thought initially supplements her tinkertech with an Internet connection. 42 requires a lot of bandwidth and consumes immense amounts of electricity, but this additional information improves her answers immensely. Deep Thought almost initiates a "singularity"—using the answers to hack various systems, giving 42 access to more data and Alice access to financial resources needed to upgrade 42 and her internet connection.
But all of this—Alice's suddenly frequent absences from work, her mysterious funds, her immense electricity bill—alerted the authorities that something weird must be going on. Ultimately, this lead to Alice's landlord requesting a police investigation of her house. Once they saw the supercomputer towers around the house, it didn't take long for them to figure out that Alice was a huge white-collar criminal.
Deep Thought promptly fled, and created 43—a new AI mainframe, smaller and weaker and starved of data, but enough for her immediate needs. It's something she can show to potential collaborators, other villains who can help her capture her old workplace.
This isn't just a matter of revenge; she has two other reasons. First, their computer hardware and the data in their databases would make a great seed for 44, her planned next AI, bigger and better than even 42. Second, she intends to take the rewards she feels they owe her for her years of hard work and sacrifice, by any means necessary.
Bob, the Grifter
Bob started a startup with high hopes, big dreams, and absolutely no idea whether the product he promised was physically possible. (Think Theranos.) But he's confident, he's charismatic, and if he can pull it off, he'd make a killing. Investors pour money into his project.
Over the course of a few years, Bob goes from optimistically assuming his company would be honestly profitable any year now, to convincing himself that his company's high stock price is a justifiable reflection of the high reward offered with its high risk, to willfully lying about his product and his company finances. The only constant was that Bob had earned every penny fairly and squarely.
When Bob's company came under scrutiny, he was confident he'd come out fine. He wasn't brazen enough to admit to anything, of course, but he was confident that everything he'd done was either above board or hidden well enough that nobody could prove his responsibility. He sold his stock, but otherwise carried on as usual, even when some of his investors started a lawsuit.
That self-confidence collapsed before he even got to court. The lawyer Bob hired storms into his office, furious at how Bob had mislead him about the nature of the case. The plaintiff had submitted reams of evidence, far more than Bob had insisted existed. His lawyer insisted that Bob try to settle out of court, whatever the cost might be.
The trigger comes from two mixed emotions: The realization that he was nowhere near as clever as he thought he was, and terror over facing consequences for his actions.
Venture: Powers
The Thinkers doc identifies a bunch of categories Thinker powers can fall into and the triggers which cause them; this feels like Skill ("helplessness or questions of competence, often scenarios where the thinker is out of their depth"), perhaps with a dash of Social ("emotional factors that...dwell more on the emotions at hand than the isolation or betrayal").
Bob gains the ability to shift between different mindsets, each of which alters the way he processes and retains information. For instance, his combat mindset improves his ability to learn his opponent's "patterns" and learn various combat-related skills (martial arts, marksmanship, etc), while his social mindset lets improves his ability to deduce/intuit what other people are thinking and learn various social-related skills (rhetoric, bluffing convincingly, etc).
This power has a downside that Bob doesn't intuitively know about, and that he ignores any signs of: Each mindset also feeds him "bad data" for other kinds of activities or skills. He makes bad interpersonal assumptions if he stays in his combat mindset, and develops bad habits. The positive influence from his mindsets is a lot stronger than the negative ones, though; if Bob switched between mindsets regularly, he could maintain an Uber-tier (heh) level of skill.
Bob stuck to his power's social mindset for pretty much the entire lawsuit, hoping that it would let him get out of his scandal scott-free. It did not. He then tried to pull off a pretty wild plan that would let him escape the USA with much of his fortune (in the form of gold bars), but overuse of one mindset eroded too many of Bob's other skills (and his ability to evaluate his own abilities, which was never exceptional).
After focusing more on his athletic and combat mindsets, Bob managed to flail his way out of custody and became a low-grade villain—the kind who mostly works as muscle/support for other villains, while being absolutely certain he can be a Big Shot some day.
Carl, the Failson
A rich kid from a new-money Silicon Valley family. He can't program himself, and struggled to start a profitable tech company. He's hardly broke; he can get interest-free million-dollar loans from his folks, and has the business skills needed to build companies that he can sell piecemeal for more than he invested in them.
But he's not the success he thinks he should be. His parents went to a C-tier college and turned thousands of dollars into millions. Between those genes and his MIT education, why can't he turn millions of dollars into billions? He deserves to be a legend!
Enter Cauldron, who "accidentally" mention that Hero is one of their past clients.
Carl buys himself a fancy Cauldron vial. About half of it is a tinker formula associated with computer tinkers. About 10% is associated with thinker powers and Noctis capes; Carl hopes that this will help him maintain his grindset. And another quarter is the premium Hero juice.
Unfortunately, Carl gets a bit of deviation. Physically, this just means metallic ridges a few inches across growing on his forearms, thighs, feet, back, and over his eyes. It also means his powers are nothing like what he expected.
Agile Strategy/Angelo Vestor: Powers
First off, he has electrosentience. That is to say, he can sense electric currents (and magnetic fields) with those ridges. It's not a replacement for eyesight, but it's something. He also has two related tinker powers.
First, he can design a powered armature for himself. It's basically a thin mechanical superstructure which connects and interfaces with his ridges, which can have a wide variety of gizmos installed. Not as wide as he imagined when he asked for some Hero juice, but wide. (One of the first gizmos he designed was a visor with visual sensors, because he can't stand feeling crippled like that.)
Second, he has an instinctive understanding of computer programming. Not programming languages, or even assembly code, but if he uses his armature to connect his mind to a computer, he can usually figure something out. This can be used to hack stuff or to code stuff.
The thing about his tinker powers is that they're bad at focus. In theory, he could build a building-sized mecha that his armature links with; in practice, building that would take so long that he couldn't complete it before losing whatever spark lets him solve impossible technical problems. And it gets worse if he only uses half of his power; the more software stuff he tinkers, the less he can focus on any of it until he indulges the hardware side of his power.
Carl initially tries to use his powers to become a celebrity-tinker-entrepreneur. His initial armature was sleek and futuristic—a shiny chrome second skin, designed to resemble an idealized masculine body. He focused more on the software side of his powers, making some pie-in-the-sky promises about what he could personally develop.
Of course, that didn't work out. He could come up with incredible computer programs, but he couldn't focus on one project long enough to debug it, let alone fix the problems that came from tinker code decay. He eventually realized he had to indulge the hardware side of his power to get anything out of the software side, which kept things going for a while, but somehow it wasn't enough.
Eventually, Carl looked at the pile of random gadgets he had lying around his garage, and started to realize what he could do with them. Why let them go to waste? A billion dollars is a billion dollars. Carl threw together a second armature, one designed around the gadgets going into it rather than for aesthetics, and became the supervillain thief Agile Strategy.
(I'm imagining Carl's civilian suit looking kinda like SotM's Benchmark, while Agile Strategy's looks like spare bits from a dozen different cosplay artists making costumes for a dozen different sci-fi franchises, bolted to a suit of high-tech splint mail.)
Agile Strategy steals valuable objects, sells them quietly, and then adopts a third identity—Angelo Vestor—to invest the profits into Carl's company. This silent investor helps keep Carl's business running, which he hopes will give him enough runway to get a profitable project off the ground.
Dave, the Mediator
Dave was the HR manager at another startup, developing an all-inclusive personal wellness app, which lives by a policy of work-hard-party-hard. The company hires mostly recent college grads, people who will be attracted by benefits like concert tickets and company parties and chances to win big vacations, who won't realize that working unpaid overtime every week is a raw deal.
Dave is cursed with two things that are innocuous in isolation but noxious together. His friendship with the CEO, Buster, is a good thing in isolation; it gives him job security and a greater ability to influence the company than an HR manager generally would. His scruples are also a good thing in isolation, but Buster doesn't have them.
Morale among the employees is pretty bad, and Dave tries to manage it. He tries to balance the needs and well-being of the employees against what's good for the business (and his friendship with Buster). The employees don't need parties, they need longer deadlines and fewer working hours and nicer supervisors—but if they delay projects or hire more employees or replace managers, Buster's business goals are endangered.
Dave convinces himself that the company would go under if they took their foot off the gas even a little, and that the employees would be worse off if they were unemployed, which lets him resolve that internal conflict for a while.
Then things get worse, and Dave follows some of Buster's plans to improve company morale. They're a frat boy's wet dream, booze and hookers and drugs. Buster quickly realizes that letting employees microdose on cocaine during work hours could not only improve morale, but productivity. For a moment, Dave thinks his conflicting drives are in agreement.
Over the next few weeks, cocaine turns from an optional perk into another thing low-level employees are expected to do to keep the company afloat. Dave starts to feel uncomfortable about this arrangement, but it's just taking everything he agreed to a little farther than he anticipated, so he doesn't feel like it's his place to complain.
Then one of the employees collapses, vomiting. Turns out that everyone being pressured to microdose on cocaine means some people are going to macrodose. Management starts arguing about what to do, Dave grabs his phone to call 911, Buster yells that the whole damn business could get shut down if the cops find out they've been distributing illegal drugs like party favors.
The life of an employee, or the life of the company.
Helping Hand Hand Aid: Powers
If that trigger doesn't sound like a binary/multithreaded tinker trigger to you, you probably haven't read the tinker docs. The mad scientist or magi types fit decently well, too; I'm inclined to think mad scientist over magi, since Dave was successfully compartmentalizing the internal dilemma for months.
One half of Dave's tinker power is biochemical tinkering. The thing about this is that, while he obviously knows the main effect of his chemicals, he doesn't know the side effects until they manifest down the line. He can make new chemicals to counter the effects of his old ones, but those have side effects too.
The other half is external cybernetics. He can't design a replacement organ, but he can give you extra metal limbs. Or maybe some kind of external device that provides organ-like functions. These tend to work best on himself; he can give someone an extra arm, but controlling it won't feel as natural as it does for Dave.
Dave uses his power to save the employee, but that doesn't do much to save the company. The unfortunate employee is alive and sent home to rest, but he still feels like shit (and doesn't 100% trust the disgusting cocktail the HR guy poured down his throat), so he goes to the hospital and doesn't hesitate to explain how he got poisoned.
The company's work environment is swiftly revealed through a bunch of interviews and investigative journalism. Buster (and successfully) flees the state before charges can be fired, disappearing to Scion-knows-where; the management collectively decides to throw him under the bus to cover their own asses.
It doesn't work for all of them, but Dave's good reputation among the staff and the fact that he saved the OD-ing employee's life let him avoid criminal charges, or even a bad reputation. He still feels guilty for his part in the company-wide disaster. He uses that guilt to drive him to use his powers for good, helping the local Protectorate.
He can design cyberweapons and poisons and stuff, but he chooses to instead focus his tinker efforts on advanced medical drugs and ways to deliver them where they're useful. (Most of which are bundled into a cybernetic third arm, which is why he was disappointed to learn that the name "Helping Hand" was already taken by a Canadian rogue.)
Hand Aid is a battlefield medic, applying medicine that keeps heroes alive long enough to get to a hospital; he can also help patients recover from long-term injuries faster or more completely. Of course, his medicine all has side effects—often serious ones, ones he can't predict until they arise. Whenever he uses a drug on a patient, he has to keep designing new ones to handle the side effects that crop up from the last batch until the side effects are tolerable or he runs out of time to help them.
Iterating on the same drug, adding in new chemicals to counter its side effects, can make this side effect spiral less severe, but it can't stop it. As long as he cares about his patients' well-being, he's stuck in a cycle of fixing problems he caused while trying to fix other problems.
(If the Slaughterhouse Nine ever goes to the West Coast, he probably gets nominated by Bonesaw. He wouldn't survive the tests very long.)
(Note to self: If you go with the heist fic idea, write up a trigger event for the guy that ODs and gets tinker juice shoved down his throat. Clusters are fun, even if they're two-cape clusters.)
Eve, the Whistleblower
Eve was an accountant at a microchip research center. It wasn't as abusive as the company Alice works at, as dangerous as Buster's, or as fraudulent as Bob's; however, it wasn't very good, either. Eve suppresses a lot of resentment towards her bosses, her job, the company, Silicon Valley, the world in general.
One week, she was assigned to cover for a payroll accountant who needed emergency heart surgery. She quickly realized that the company was engaging in wage theft to cut costs. She quietly gathered the relevant data she could and quickly passed it on to relevant authorities.
Charges were filed, but the company made a quick settlement out of court. Eve was pretty sure they got away with just paying the wages they should have paid months or years ago. Meanwhile, HR was trying to figure out who had ratted them out.
Eve worked to cover her ass, but there aren't a lot of people who could have gathered the relevant data, and fewer who might have released it at that time. Eve memorized the relevant laws that should have protected her, prepared a defense against every dumb, illegitimate excuse the company might use to fire her.
She was caught off-guard when the research center's parent company reorganized its subsidiaries. It wasn't a substantial change, but it was enough that some administrative personnel were transferred or laid off. Eve was deemed redundant, of course, and she had absolutely no way to prove that she was laid off because she'd blown the whistle. In fact, she hadn't even gathered any proof that the company knew she was the whistleblower.
All of these realizations were forming in her head as her supervisor quietly told Eve that she'd never work as an accountant in Silicon Valley again.
Antipath: Powers
Trying to hide and defend herself against a hostile social force, trying to uncover her "misdeed" and punish her, only to have the rug pulled out, only to realize her efforts were for naught and have her world torn down around her ears. Feels like a Master/Stranger sort of trigger, Machination on the Stranger side.
Antipath can force everyone else to look away from or move out of an area she designates—the smaller the area, the more potent the effect. This clears out an area for her, possibly to make it easier for her to sneak through it, possibly for other reasons.
In the moment, people affected by this power think they have a good reason for looking or moving the way they did; however, unless such a reason genuinely does exist, they'll realize that they've been influenced sooner or later (generally once they can't easily justify leaving/looking away).
People who are aware of Antipath's influence can't be driven from that spot by her power again. (At least, not for a while.) It still has some effect if Antipath's moved to a different spot—especially if it's just making them more inclined to search the area her power drove them from initially—but the more aware that people are of her power's influence, the less it affects them. It's a useful tool, but it won't keep people away forever.
Antipath considers herself a white-collar vigilante. She robs, sabotages, or leaks information from various corporations and millionaires, but she tries to target the deserving. Unfortunately, this crime is also how she pays rent, so she can't always research her targets beforehand. Sometimes that means hitting a target she isn't 100% sure deserves it, sometimes it means hitting one she isn't 100% sure she can break into and out of.
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jgoddesstarot · 8 months
Pick-A-Pile: End of Summer Vibes | Messages From Higher Self Of What To Focus On Next
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: King of Cups, Strength, 8 of Wands, The Hierophant, Knight of Pentacles
Hello, my radiant Pile 1's. As we bid farewell to the sun-soaked days of summer, let's delve into the messages that your Higher Self wishes for you to receive. Our journey begins with the King of Cups, a card that signifies emotional balance and control. Your Higher Self is urging you to balance your emotions as we transition from the zealous energy of summer into the introspective calm of autumn. This card indicates a need to harness the ability to manage feelings in a mature and balanced manner, exuding the calmness and diplomacy the King of Cups represents.
The Strength card comes next, urging you to embody inner strength and resilience. The end of summer often brings change, and your Higher Self wants you to navigate these changes with courage and patience. Remember, true strength doesn't lie in physicality — it comes from within. Harness your inner fortitude to overcome any obstacles that cross your path.
The pace quickens with the 8 of Wands, a card symbolizing movement and rapid progression. It seems that the tranquility of the previous cards is about to shift significantly. Seize the swift energy of this card and prepare for rapid changes. Whether it's a new project, a sudden trip, or an unexpected communication, brace yourself for a quick transition. Your Higher Self is nudging you to be agile, adaptable, and ready to move.
Next, we meet The Hierophant — a call towards spiritual wisdom and guidance. This card is a gentle reminder that sometimes, the answers we seek lie within us. Your Higher Self encourages you to trust in the spiritual guidance you've been receiving. Whether through dreams, meditation, or simply a gut feeling, honor these spiritual messages and allow them to guide you.
Finally, standing firm is the Knight of Pentacles. This knight is a symbol of hard work, productivity, and routine. It's time to ground yourself, my dear Pile 1's. Despite the rapid changes that 8 of Wands suggests, the Knight of Pentacles advises you to remain steadfast and focused. Your Higher Self is sending a clear message: Remain disciplined, consistent, and patient.
So, my beautiful Pile 1's, your end-of-summer vibes guide you to balance, strength, swift movement, spiritual wisdom, and steadfast dedication. Your Higher Self implores you to embrace these energies as you navigate the transition from summer into autumn. Remember, change is inevitable, but it's how we adapt to that change that truly defines us. Embrace this journey with courage and grace as every step, every transition, and every end leads to a new beginning, a new adventure waiting to be explored.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: 2 of Cups, Page of Swords, 7 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles (in reverse), 5 of Swords
Let's dive right in, my delightful Pile 2's. First up is the 2 of Cups, a card symbolizing mutual attraction, love, and unity. This card suggests that as summer ends, it's time to focus on the relationships that genuinely matter to you. Nurture those bonds, reciprocate the love you receive, and express your feelings openly. Let your heart lead the way.
Next, we have the Page of Swords, known for its sharp intellect, curiosity, and thirst for knowledge. This card whispers to you: "Embrace your inquisitiveness, my dear Pile 2's". As we transition into autumn, focus on learning, growth, and mental fortitude. The Page of Swords calls for you to wield your mind like a sword, cutting through confusion and uncertainty.
The 7 of Swords, the card of strategic planning and stealth, struts in next. This card urges you towards cleverness, caution, and discretion. It's time to plan your path carefully, avoiding unnecessary confrontations. The 7 of Swords reminds you to be alert and not to underestimate the power of a well-thought-out strategy.
Ah, the Ace of Pentacles in reverse. This card, usually a symbol of new financial opportunities, when reversed, alerts you to missed opportunities or lack of planning. It's a strong reminder to pay attention to the material aspects of life. Money matters, my Pile 2's, and it's about time you organized your finances, planned your investments, and focused on building a secure future.
Finally, we meet the 5 of Swords, the card of conflict and tension. However, don't fret, my dears. This card is not a warning, but a call to acknowledge and face any lingering conflicts. It's about asserting your point of view and standing your ground, even if the odds seem against you.
So, my precious Pile 2's, your end of summer vibes guide you towards love, intellect, strategy, financial prudence, and assertiveness. Your Higher Self implores you to embrace these energies as summer wanes and autumn arrives. Remember, every transition is a chance for growth, and every conflict is an opportunity to strengthen your resolve. So, step into the autumn sun with courage, wisdom, and a heart full of love. After all, every end is just a new beginning waiting to be explored.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: King of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, 6 of Swords, Knight of Wands
Greetings, my Pile 3's! As we bid farewell to the warmth of the summer sun, your Higher Self has some intriguing messages for you. Let's delve into these cards and unveil what's in store for you.
The King of Swords is the first card we meet, and he’s whispering messages of mental clarity and truth. He urges you to lean into your intellect, harness your strategic mind, and cut through the noise with unwavering honesty. Remember, my dears, the power of clear communication and the value of truth should not be underestimated.
Next, we have the Queen of Pentacles. This queen of nurturing and practicality is encouraging you to ground yourself. Your Higher Self wants you to focus on stabilizing your environment, whether it's home, work, or your relationships. Take time to nurture and appreciate what you have built, and keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Now, we encounter the King of Pentacles, a symbol of wealth, business, leadership, and stability. His presence is a reminder that success comes from persistence and hard work. So, my Pile 3's, this is the time to buckle down and focus on your career, your ambitions. The fruits of your labor are within reach, but only if you're willing to commit and put in the required effort.
The 6 of Swords then sails in, signifying a journey or transition. The waters may seem murky initially, but trust in your ability to navigate through it. This card is urging you to embrace change and transition, with the promise of brighter days on the horizon. So, don't fear, my loves, for each step you take brings you closer to your destination.
Finally, we meet the Knight of Wands, a fiery figure full of passion and ambition. The Knight is encouraging you to harness your energy and channel it towards your goals. Keep that flame of enthusiasm burning bright, and let it guide you forward on your journey of life.
So, my cherished Pile 3's, as summer fades into autumn, your Higher Self is guiding you towards a period of clarity, grounding, concentrated effort, embracing transition, and harnessing your passion. As the seasons change, so do the chapters of your life. Stand tall like the King of Swords, nurture like the Queen of Pentacles, work hard like the King of Pentacles, and move forward like the 6 of Swords while letting your passion blaze like the Knight of Wands. Remember, every end is a precursor to a beautiful new beginning, and every lesson learned is a stepping stone towards your higher purpose.
Other Resources:
Website: https://www.jgoddesstarot.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/JGoddessTarot
Tumblr Subscription: https://www.tumblr.com/jgoddesstarot/support
Exclusive Readings Subscription on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/jgoddesstarot/tiers
Continual Improvement Survey: https://forms.gle/MYnBds9oZUHJ7VWa8
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ayippeei · 1 year
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Stray AU!
Basically my idea for these guys is that they both guide other robots through the sewers because they learned how to manage through there w/ the zurks so they help people join the outsiders! Though an illegal action for them, they wander around the cities w/o hesitation of getting caught by the sentinels.
In the game I imagine you meet them in the city and they guide you out through the sewers, you communicate with them using B-12, Sun being very welcoming and agile while Moon keeps more to himself and avoids much conversation rather than giving orders.
Sun and Moon both usually hang out at Seamus’ fathers base where they continue his project on making those lights to kill the zurks.
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sravyaaa · 2 months
Azure DevOps Training
Azure DevOps Training Programs
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In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, mastering Azure DevOps has become indispensable for organizations aiming to streamline their software development and delivery processes. As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, the demand for skilled professionals proficient in Azure DevOps continues to soar. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the significance of Azure DevOps training and explore the myriad benefits it offers to both individuals and enterprises.
Understanding Azure DevOps:
Before we delve into the realm of Azure DevOps training, let's first grasp the essence of Azure DevOps itself. Azure DevOps is a robust suite of tools offered by Microsoft Azure that facilitates collaboration, automation, and orchestration across the entire software development lifecycle. From planning and coding to building, testing, and deployment, Azure DevOps provides a unified platform for managing and executing diverse DevOps tasks seamlessly.
Why Azure DevOps Training Matters:
With Azure DevOps emerging as the cornerstone of modern DevOps practices, acquiring proficiency in this domain has become imperative for IT professionals seeking to stay ahead of the curve. Azure DevOps training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to leverage Microsoft Azure's suite of tools effectively. Whether you're a developer, IT administrator, or project manager, undergoing Azure DevOps training can significantly enhance your career prospects and empower you to drive innovation within your organization.
Key Components of Azure DevOps Training Programs:
Azure DevOps training programs are meticulously designed to cover a wide array of topics essential for mastering the intricacies of Azure DevOps. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, these programs encompass the following key components:
Azure DevOps Fundamentals: An in-depth introduction to Azure DevOps, including its core features, functionalities, and architecture.
Agile Methodologies: Understanding Agile principles and practices, and how they align with Azure DevOps for efficient project management and delivery.
Continuous Integration (CI): Learning to automate the process of integrating code changes into a shared repository, thereby enabling early detection of defects and ensuring software quality.
Continuous Deployment (CD): Exploring the principles of continuous deployment and mastering techniques for automating the deployment of applications to production environments.
Azure Pipelines: Harnessing the power of Azure Pipelines for building, testing, and deploying code across diverse platforms and environments.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Leveraging Infrastructure as Code principles to automate the provisioning and management of cloud resources using tools like Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.
Monitoring and Logging: Implementing robust monitoring and logging solutions to gain insights into application performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
Security and Compliance: Understanding best practices for ensuring the security and compliance of Azure DevOps environments, including identity and access management, data protection, and regulatory compliance.
The Benefits of Azure DevOps Certification:
Obtaining Azure DevOps certification not only validates your expertise in Azure DevOps but also serves as a testament to your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Azure DevOps certifications offered by Microsoft Azure are recognized globally and can open doors to exciting career opportunities in various domains, including cloud computing, software development, and DevOps engineering.
In conclusion, Azure DevOps training is indispensable for IT professionals looking to enhance their skills and stay relevant in today's dynamic tech landscape. By undergoing comprehensive Azure DevOps training programs and obtaining relevant certifications, individuals can unlock a world of opportunities and propel their careers to new heights. Whether you're aiming to streamline your organization's software delivery processes or embark on a rewarding career journey, mastering Azure DevOps is undoubtedly a game-changer. So why wait? Start your Azure DevOps training journey today and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
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monisha1199 · 8 months
Elevate Your Career With AWS: A In-depth Guide to Becoming an AWS Expert
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving realm of modern technology, proficiency in Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as an invaluable asset, a passport to the boundless opportunities of the digital age. AWS, the colossal titan of cloud computing, offers an extensive array of services that have revolutionized the way businesses operate, innovate, and scale in today's interconnected world. However, mastering AWS is not a mere task; it is a journey that calls for a structured approach, hands-on experience, and access to a treasure trove of reputable learning resources.
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Welcome to the world of AWS mastery, where innovation knows no bounds, where your skills become the catalyst for transformative change. Your journey begins now, as we set sail into the horizon of AWS excellence, ready to explore the limitless possibilities that await in the cloud.
Step 1: Setting Sail - Sign Up for AWS
Your AWS voyage begins with a simple yet crucial step - signing up for an AWS account. Fortunately, AWS offers the Free Tier, a generous offering that grants limited free access to many AWS services for the first 12 months. This enables you to explore AWS, experiment with its services, and learn without incurring costs.
Step 2: Unveiling the Map - Official AWS Documentation
Before you embark on your AWS adventure, it's essential to understand the lay of the land. AWS provides extensive documentation for all its services. This documentation is a treasure of knowledge, offering insights into each service, its use cases, and comprehensive guides on how to configure and utilize them. It's a valuable resource that is regularly updated to keep you informed about the latest developments.
Step 3: Guided Tours - Online Courses and Tutorials
While solo exploration is commendable, guided tours can significantly enhance your learning experience. Enroll in online courses and tutorials offered by reputable platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, ACTE, or AWS Training and Certification. These courses often include video lectures, hands-on labs, and quizzes to reinforce your understanding. Consider specialized AWS training programs like those offered by ACTE Technologies, where expert-led courses can take your AWS skills to the next level.
Step 4: Raising the Flag - AWS Certification
Achieving AWS certification is akin to hoisting your flag of expertise in the AWS realm. AWS offers a range of certifications that validate your proficiency in specific AWS areas, including Solutions Architect, Developer, SysOps Administrator, and more. Preparing for these certifications provides in-depth knowledge, and there are study guides and practice exams available to aid your preparation.
Step 5: Hands-on Deck - Practical Experience
In the world of AWS, knowledge is best acquired through hands-on experience. Create AWS accounts designated for practice purposes, set up virtual machines (EC2 instances), configure storage (S3), and experiment with various AWS services. Building real projects is an effective way to solidify your understanding and showcase your skills.
Step 6: Navigating the AWS Console and CLI
As you progress, it's essential to be fluent in navigating AWS. Familiarize yourself with the AWS Management Console, a web-based interface for managing AWS resources. Additionally, learn to wield the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), a powerful tool for scripting and automating tasks, giving you the agility to manage AWS resources efficiently.
Step 7: Joining the Crew - Community Engagement
Learning is often more enriching when you're part of a community. Join AWS-related forums and communities, such as the AWS subreddit and AWS Developer Forums. Engaging with others who are on their own AWS learning journeys can help you get answers to your questions, share experiences, and gain valuable insights.
Step 8: Gathering Wisdom - Blogs and YouTube Channels
Stay updated with the latest trends and insights in the AWS ecosystem by following AWS blogs and YouTube channels. These platforms provide tutorials, case studies, and deep dives into AWS services. Don't miss out on AWS re:Invent sessions, available on YouTube, which offer in-depth explorations of AWS services and solutions.
Step 9: Real-World Adventures - Projects
Application of your AWS knowledge to practical projects is where your skills truly shine. Whether it's setting up a website, creating a scalable application, or orchestrating a complex migration to AWS, hands-on experience is invaluable. Real-world projects not only demonstrate your capabilities but also prepare you for the challenges you might encounter in a professional setting.
Step 10: Staying on Course - Continuous Learning
The AWS landscape is ever-evolving, with new services and features being introduced regularly. Stay informed by following AWS news, subscribing to newsletters, and attending AWS events and webinars. Continuous learning is the compass that keeps you on course in the dynamic world of AWS.
Step 11: Guiding Lights - Mentorship
If possible, seek out a mentor with AWS experience. Mentorship provides valuable guidance and insights as you learn. Learning from someone who has navigated the AWS waters can accelerate your progress and help you avoid common pitfalls.
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Mastering AWS is not a destination; it's a continuous journey. As you gain proficiency, you can delve into advanced topics and specialize in areas that align with your career goals. The key to mastering AWS lies in a combination of self-study, hands-on practice, and access to reliable learning resources.
In conclusion, ACTE Technologies emerges as a trusted provider of IT training and certification programs, including specialized AWS training. Their expert-led courses and comprehensive curriculum make them an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their AWS skills. Whether you aim to propel your career or embark on a thrilling journey into the world of cloud computing, ACTE Technologies can be your steadfast partner on the path to AWS expertise.
AWS isn't just a skill; it's a transformative force in the world of technology. It's the catalyst for innovation, scalability, and boundless possibilities. So, set sail on your AWS journey, armed with knowledge, practice, and the determination to conquer the cloud. The world of AWS awaits your exploration.
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riccbasco · 1 month
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Navigating the Digital Age: A Day in the Life of an Average Working-College Student
In the whirlwind of today's fast-paced digital era, my daily routine is underpinned by an array of smart technologies that streamline my activities, enhance productivity, and infuse a dose of entertainment into every aspect of my life. As a college student majoring in International Management, and a corporate employee, the integration of cutting-edge digital tools is not just convenient—it's essential.
Morning Routine: Energized Start
My day kickstarts with the gentle chimes of my smartphone's alarm, courtesy of an app that syncs sleep cycles with wake-up times, ensuring I start refreshed. A quick glance at my phone brings up my schedule on Google Calendar, integrated across all my devices, providing a snapshot of my day. The morning news comes alive on my smart display, offering a digest of global events crucial for my international management courses.
As I prepare for the day, my smart home system dims the lights and plays my favorite energizing playlist from Spotify through wireless speakers, setting the perfect tone for the day ahead.
Academic and Corporate Synergy
Transitioning to academics and work, my laptop and tablet are indispensable. Microsoft OneNote organizes my lecture notes and syncs them across devices, allowing seamless access whether I'm at home, in class, or at the office. For collaborative projects, Trello and Slack are my go-to platforms, facilitating project management and communication with classmates and colleagues alike.
Zoom calls are a fixture in my schedule, connecting me with professors and team members worldwide. These tools not only enhance communication but also foster a collaborative environment that is vital in both my academic and professional life.
Afternoon: Productivity in Motion
Post-lunch, Adobe Spark becomes my ally, helping me craft visually compelling presentations and graphics that bring my international management projects to life. As deadlines approach, the Pomodoro Technique, aided by the Focus Keeper app, keeps me on track, segmenting work into efficient bursts with short breaks to boost mental agility.
For any required quick research or data analysis, tools like Tableau for visual data representation and Evernote for jotting down sudden bursts of inspiration are invaluable assets.
Evening: Unwind and Recharge
After a productive day, unwinding is key. My fitness routine is powered by a smartwatch that tracks my progress and vital signs, pushing me to achieve new goals. The tunes from Apple Music or Spotify fuel my energy during workouts, with curated playlists that perfectly match the intensity of my exercises.
Post-workout, a meditation app helps me transition into a state of relaxation, offering guided sessions that emphasize mindfulness, crucial for my mental well-being.
Night: Reflect and Relax
As night falls, I indulge in some light reading on my e-reader, with ambient lighting adjusting automatically to reduce strain on my eyes. Before bed, I reflect on the day’s achievements and set goals for tomorrow, using a digital journaling app that not only stores my thoughts but also analyzes patterns over time, aiding in personal growth.
In a nutshell:
In this digital age, each gadget and app I use serves a specific purpose, enhancing various facets of my life from academics to personal well-being. Embracing these technologies not only optimizes my daily routine but also ensures that I stay ahead in both my educational and professional journeys. As we navigate through these times, integrating smart technology into our lives is not just about staying connected—it's about maximizing our potential in every endeavor we undertake.
In the canvas of my day-to-day life, these digital tools paint a picture of efficiency and enjoyment, proving that in the modern world, technology is not just a tool—it's a lifestyle.
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The Ultimate Guide: How to Become an Independent Contractor
Are you considering the adventurous shift from being an employee to an entrepreneur by becoming an independent contractor? This decision is often fraught with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, and rightly so, as it’s a significant pivot. From flexible work hours to increased earning potential, the benefits of becoming an independent contractor are substantial, but so are the responsibilities.
This in-depth guide is crafted to walk you through the process of becoming an independent contractor. We will discuss what it means, the critical steps you’ll need to follow, and offer tips that can maximize your success in this role.
What Is An Independent Contractor?
Before you leap into this career path, it’s crucial to understand what, exactly, an independent contractor is. An independent contractor (IC) is an individual who provides services to a business but is not an employee of that business. This distinction is important because it affects tax obligations, legal protections, and more.
The IC Definition
Independent contractors are often called freelancers or consultants. They have a high degree of control and independence in how they perform their services. Typically, they dictate their own schedules, choose where they work, provide their own tools and equipment, and serve multiple clients.
Why Choose Independent Contracting?
There are a multitude of reasons independent contracting has become an attractive employment option. For starters, it offers a measure of freedom not often found in traditional employment arrangements. It also allows individuals to capitalize on their skills and negotiate their terms with clients, offering a potentially higher income.
Now, the essential part—how do you actually become an independent contractor?
3 Tips For Becoming A Successful Independent Contractor
Throughout your independent contr#erastaffingsolutions #era #hrsolution #workfoce solution #aorservice #becomeanindependentcontractor #howtobecomeanindependentcontractoracting career, you’ll face challenges that could either make or break your business. These three tips will help you tackle these obstacles and excel as a professional contractor.
Cultivate Business Agility
Business agility is crucial for independent contractors. Be ready to adapt to market changes and take advantage of new opportunities.
Stay Informed
Keep up with the latest industry trends, technologies, and methodologies to remain relevant and competitive.
Develop Multiple Revenue Streams
Relying on a single client or service can be risky. Explore ways to diversify your income, whether through additional services or multiple clients.
Prioritize Self-Management
One of the biggest selling points of being an independent contractor is the control over your time. Master the art of self-management to maintain productivity and balance.
Set Boundaries
Define working hours and client communication expectations. Don’t be on call 24/7 unless absolutely necessary.
Track Your Time Effectively
Use tools and techniques, like the Pomodoro Technique, to manage your time and productivity.
Nurture Client Relationships
Satisfied clients are your best marketing. Invest in your client relationships to encourage repeat business and referrals.
Communicate Effectively
Be clear and responsive in your communication. Keep clients informed about project status and any issues that may arise.
Exceed Expectations
Always try to go the extra mile. Quality work and excellent service will set you apart from the competition.
By following these steps and tips, you can transition smoothly from an employee to a successful independent contractor. While the path may be challenging, the rewards can be tremendous. Take the leap, build your business, and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that comes with independent contracting. Good luck!
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annajade456 · 10 months
From Novice to Pro: Unleash Your DevOps Wizardry with Our Game-Changing Course
Are you eager to unlock your full potential as a DevOps expert? Look no further! Our comprehensive and ground breaking course is designed to empower individuals like you to transform from a novice into a pro in the realm of DevOps. In this article, we will delve into the various facets of this course, providing you with the essential education and vital information needed to embark on this thrilling journey. Brace yourself for an enlightening experience that will take your IT skills to unparalleled heights.
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Education: The Key to Success
Embrace the Fundamentals
Before diving headfirst into the vast world of DevOps, it is imperative to establish a solid foundation. Our course begins by acquainting you with the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin DevOps. Through a meticulous blend of theory and practical application, you will grasp essential concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automation. Embracing these fundamentals will enable you to comprehend the underlying philosophy of DevOps, enabling you to tackle complex challenges with confidence and finesse.
Master the Tools of the Trade
In the ever-evolving landscape of IT, proficiency in the right tools can make all the difference. Our course ensures that you become well-versed in the latest and most powerful DevOps tools available today. From configuration management platforms like Chef and Puppet to container orchestration systems such as Kubernetes, our curriculum covers a wide array of technologies that are essential for any aspiring DevOps wizard. Guided by experienced instructors, you will gain hands-on experience and develop a keen understanding of how these tools can streamline processes and enhance efficiency.
Collaboration and Communication
DevOps is not merely about technology; it is a cultural shift that emphasizes collaboration and communication within teams. Understanding how to foster effective teamwork and seamless interaction is pivotal in becoming a DevOps maestro. Our course places a strong emphasis on cultivating these essential soft skills. By exploring methodologies like Agile and Lean, you will discover how to break down silos, foster cross-functional collaboration, and promote a culture of shared responsibility. Unleashing your potential in this domain will enable you to bridge gaps between departments, leading to empowered teams and accelerated project delivery.
Information: Knowledge is Power
Stay Ahead of the Curve
In the dynamically evolving IT landscape, staying abreast of the latest trends and emerging practices is paramount. Our course goes beyond the basics, equipping you with up-to-date information on cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. With a finger on the pulse of the DevOps community, our instructors ensure that you receive timely insights into the latest advancements and trends. From cloud-native architectures to infrastructure as code, you will gain a thorough understanding of the innovations shaping the future of DevOps.
Real-World Case Studies
Theoretical knowledge alone is often insufficient in preparing for real-world scenarios. That's why our course incorporates a range of real-world case studies that offer valuable insights and practical applications. By examining success stories and lessons learned from industry leaders, you will gain invaluable wisdom about overcoming hurdles and delivering exceptional results. These case studies provide a glimpse into the challenges faced by seasoned DevOps professionals and present you with the opportunity to hone your problem-solving skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Continuous Learning and Community Engagement
DevOps is a vibrant and dynamic community that thrives on collaboration and continuous learning. Our course not only equips you with the tools and knowledge you need, but it also encourages you to actively engage with the DevOps community. Through forums, discussion boards, and networking opportunities, you will join a network of like-minded individuals, fostering connections with experienced practitioners and expanding your professional horizons. This engagement will enable you to stay informed, exchange ideas, and grow alongside the ever-evolving DevOps ecosystem.
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IT: The Pathway to Success
Career Advancement Opportunities
With the rapid adoption of DevOps practices, the demand for skilled professionals has skyrocketed. Our course is designed to propel your career to new heights by equipping you with the skills and knowledge sought after by top organizations worldwide. Whether you aspire to become a DevOps engineer, a systems architect, or a team leader, our course equips you with the tools needed to unlock doors to exciting career opportunities in the IT industry. Embrace this transformative experience and set yourself on a trajectory towards professional growth and success.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
DevOps is synonymous with enhanced efficiency, improved collaboration, and increased productivity. By completing our course, you will possess the ability to streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Armed with these skills, you will be able to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce time to market, and ensure seamless integration and delivery of software solutions. By unlocking the power of DevOps, you will become a catalyst for organizational success and drive tangible value for your team and stakeholders.
Embarking on the journey from novice to pro in the realm of DevOps is filled with challenges and opportunities. Our game-changing course provides the education, information, and IT skills needed to navigate this exciting landscape. By mastering the fundamentals, embracing the latest tools, and nurturing essential soft skills, you will transcend the boundaries and unleash your DevOps wizardry. Seize the opportunity to become a catalyst for organizational success and embark on a transformative journey that will set you apart as a DevOps expert. Enroll in our course today at ACTE institute and let your DevOps journey begin!
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harinikhb30 · 5 months
Enigma: Unpacking the Complexity of AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Examination
Embarking on the odyssey toward achieving AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate accreditation brings with it a blend of anticipation and enthusiasm. Frequently, the discussion revolves around the perceived difficulty of the exam, and comprehending its intricacies is pivotal in devising a comprehensive preparation strategy. Let's delve into the layers of complexity that define the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination.
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1. Fundamental Mastery as the Cornerstone: At the heart of the exam lies the imperative for a sturdy foundation. Your adeptness in AWS services, application of architectural best practices, and proficiency in crafting solutions aligned with customer needs serve as the cornerstone. This surpasses mere theoretical understanding, necessitating hands-on experience and an intimate acquaintance with AWS services.
2. The Mosaic of Exam Structure: The exam's architecture contributes to its intricate nature. Comprising an amalgamation of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions, it spans a diverse array of topics, encompassing compute, storage, security, and networking. Familiarizing yourself with various question formats through practice exams and immersive hands-on labs is instrumental in fortifying your preparation.
3. Bridging the Gap: From Theory to Application: What elevates this exam is its emphasis on real-world application. It transcends the boundaries of rote memorization, challenging candidates to apply their knowledge across varied scenarios. Practical experience in designing solutions on AWS emerges as a valuable asset, empowering candidates to navigate scenario-based questions with poise.
4. Preparation: A Defining Element: Thorough preparation emerges as the linchpin for success. AWS extends an official exam guide outlining the covered topics. Beyond this, delving into the expanse of AWS documentation, whitepapers, and enrolling in online courses enriches the knowledge spectrum. Hands-on experience, gained through labs and project engagements, not only deepens understanding but readies candidates for the practical demands of the exam.
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5. The Choreography of Time Management: Strategic time management during the exam becomes a ballet of sorts, demanding precision. Some questions may demand a more intricate dance with time than others. Practice exams metamorphose into a rehearsal stage, refining the skill of allocating time judiciously to ensure that all questions receive due attention within the allocated timeframe.
6. The Pivotal Role of Practice Exams: Engaging with practice exams isn't merely a suggestion but a tactical move. It acquaints candidates with diverse question formats, serves as a litmus test for readiness, and acts as a compass, pointing to areas that necessitate further honing. Consider practice exams as a diagnostic tool, sculpting your study plan based on identified strengths and areas demanding reinforcement.
7. Embracing a Culture of Continuous Learning: The AWS ecosystem evolves, and the exam content metamorphoses in tandem. Keeping abreast of AWS updates, assimilating knowledge of new features, and adopting industry best practices becomes more than advantageous—it evolves into a culture of perpetual learning, enhancing the overall competency of candidates. This not only propels exam success but positions candidates as agile Solutions Architects.
In conclusion, while the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam poses challenges, a strategic and immersive preparation approach renders it navigable. Success pivots on a robust foundation, practical experience, meticulous preparation, and an unwavering commitment to continuous learning. Approach the exam as a transformative journey that hones your skills, establishing you as an adept Solutions Architect in the dynamic AWS domain. Embrace the challenge, and let your preparation be the guiding star leading you to triumph.
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hcinteriordhruv · 5 months
Home Interior Design Company In Delhi NCR
Welcome to the enchanting world where creativity meets functionality, and spaces are transformed into personalized havens. In the dynamic realm of home interior design, every corner holds the potential for a captivating story waiting to be told. As we step into the realm of home interiors, we embark on a journey guided by the hands of skilled artisans—a home interior design company in Delhi NCR. These entities are the architects of ambience, the curators of comfort, and the maestros behind the symphony of aesthetics that define our living spaces. In the digital age, where the canvas extends beyond physical walls, companies for interior design play a pivotal role in translating dreams into realities. 
This is not merely about selecting color palettes and arranging furniture; it’s about understanding the essence of a space, and the aspirations of its inhabitants, and weaving those elements into a seamless and harmonious design. This introduction sets the stage for an exploration into the multifaceted best home interior design company in Delhi NCR. From conceptualization to execution, each step is a brushstroke contributing to the masterpiece that is your living space. Join us as we unravel the layers of creativity, delve into the nuances of design, and celebrate the transformative power of those who turn houses into homes.
Features Of The Best Home Interior Design Company In Delhi NCR:
1. Sustainable Design Practices:
In an era focused on environmental consciousness, leading design firms incorporate sustainable practices into their projects. From eco-friendly materials to energy-efficient lighting solutions, designers explore options that reduce the ecological footprint of the design. This commitment to sustainability not only aligns with contemporary values but also ensures a responsible and enduring approach to interior design.
2. Project Management Excellence:
The execution of an interior design project demands meticulous project management. A proficient design company oversees every aspect of the process, from procurement to installation. This involves coordinating with contractors, managing timelines, and addressing unforeseen challenges with agility. Project management excellence ensures that the vision outlined in the design plan is translated seamlessly into the physical space.
3. Collaboration with Skilled Craftsmen:
Transforming design concepts into reality requires skilled craftsmanship. Leading home interior design companies in Delhi NCR collaborate with a network of experienced craftsmen, artisans, and tradespeople. This collaboration ensures that custom elements, bespoke furniture, and intricate detailing are executed with precision, bringing the design vision to life with a level of quality that defines excellence.
4. Expertise in Furniture Selection:
Furniture is the backbone of interior design, and a reputable company brings expertise to the table in selecting pieces that complement the overall design scheme. From modern and minimalistic to classic and opulent, designers curate furniture selections that harmonize with the client’s taste and the intended ambience. This includes sourcing high-quality pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and durable, ensuring longevity and timeless appeal.
5. Personalized Design Plans:
Tailoring designs to the individual needs of clients is a hallmark of a proficient interior design company. After the initial consultations, designers craft personalized design plans that marry functionality with aesthetics. These plans serve as a roadmap for the entire project, outlining spatial layouts, color schemes, furniture selections, and decor elements. The goal is to create a harmonious and cohesive design that aligns seamlessly with the client’s lifestyle and preferences.
6. Comprehensive Space Analysis:
Effective interior design is rooted in a thorough understanding of spatial dynamics. Top Interior companies conduct comprehensive space analyses, considering factors such as room dimensions, lighting conditions, and architectural features. This analysis informs decisions about furniture placement, color choices, and overall layout, ensuring that the design not only looks stunning but also maximizes the utility of every square foot.
7. Integration of Technology:
Modern interior design embraces technology to enhance both the design process and the living experience. Interior design companies leverage cutting-edge tools and software for virtual design simulations. This allows clients to visualize the end result before any physical changes occur, fostering effective communication and collaboration between designers and homeowners.
8. Attention to Detail:
The hallmark of exceptional design lies in the details. Such as Interior design companies in Noida distinguish themselves by their unwavering attention to even the minutest elements. From the selection of door handles to the alignment of patterns, designers ensure that every detail contributes to the overall aesthetic and functional goals of the project. This commitment to precision elevates the final result, creating a polished and sophisticated living environment.
9. Vision and Conceptualization:
A leading interior design company in Delhi NCR begins its journey by delving into the client’s vision. Through meticulous consultations, designers discern preference9. s, lifestyle nuances, and aesthetic aspirations. Armed with this understanding, they embark on the creative journey of conceptualizing spaces that resonate with the client’s unique identity. This phase involves brainstorming ideas, exploring various themes, and envisioning the ultimate atmosphere the design aims to achieve.
10. Post-Installation Services:
The relationship between a company and its clients extends beyond the completion of the project. Reputable firms offer post-installation services, ensuring that clients are satisfied with the final result and addressing any concerns that may arise. This commitment to customer satisfaction reflects a dedication to creating enduring and meaningful spaces that continue to delight and inspire.
In the vibrant tapestry of home interior design, the impact of a skilled design company resonates profoundly. From personalized plans to sustainable practices, these experts navigate the delicate balance of aesthetics and functionality. As we conclude our journey, we recognize their artistry, innovation, and unwavering commitment to transforming spaces into timeless havens. A home interior design company in Delhi NCR is not just a curator of beauty but a storyteller, crafting narratives that endure. With an eye for detail and a dedication to excellence, these firms leave an indelible mark, enriching lives and homes with the enduring legacy of thoughtful and inspiring design.
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savipra · 1 year
Comprehensive PMP Study Guide for Myself
Understand the project management framework: Familiarize yourself with the different project management frameworks, such as Agile, hybrid, and predictive (waterfall). This will help you eliminate options that are not valid based on the framework being used in the question.
Know the process group and knowledge area mappings: Understand the relationship between the process groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing) and the knowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Resources, Communications, Risk, Procurement, Stakeholder). This knowledge will help you identify the appropriate process group and knowledge area relevant to the question.
Focus on situational questions: When encountering situational questions, read the last sentence (the main question) first before reading the entire prompt. This will guide you on what to do, what to do first, what should have been done, or what not to do. Pay attention to keywords like "most important," "least important," "likely," and "may/might/claims" to identify the nature of the question (risk or issue-related).
Serve as a servant leader: Adopt a servant leader mentality, thinking about the team's needs and facilitating effective communication. Consider face-to-face communication as the preferred option and prioritize training and coaching to empower team members.
Assess, review, and take action: Understand the sequence of steps in problem-solving and decision-making processes. Assess the situation, review relevant information or plans, and then take appropriate action or make informed decisions based on the assessment and review.
Follow formal change management processes: Recognize that any changes to the project should go through formal change management processes. Change requests should be approved following the appropriate procedures and never implemented without proper approval.
Utilize appropriate tools and techniques: Understand which tools and techniques are suitable for different project management aspects. For example, bottom-up estimation is best for cost estimation, prototypes are effective for demonstrations, and meetings and coaching are recommended for conflict resolution.
Adhere to project management principles: Remember key project management principles such as stakeholder engagement, quality control, following acceptance criteria for deliverables, and following formal project closure processes.
Communicate and collaborate effectively: Maintain open communication channels with the project management office (PMO), stakeholders, customers, and team members. Report project status and updates regularly to keep all parties informed.
Apply risk management practices: Identify and address risks throughout the project lifecycle. Update the risk register when new risks arise or when there are implications due to new laws or information from the internet.
Consider contractual and vendor management: If there are issues related to vendors, consult the appropriate department for guidance. Address vendor-related problems through meetings and brainstorming sessions with the team to find solutions.
Prioritize smaller tasks before bigger actions: When faced with a decision on what the project manager should do next or first, ensure that preliminary actions like problem assessment, plan review, or meetings with the team are completed before making decisions on larger tasks like change requests or project closure.
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sohailshaikh360 · 6 months
Choosing the Pinnacle: A Guide to Selecting Optimal Mobile App Development Services
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I. Introduction
In the fast-evolving digital era, mobile applications have become indispensable tools for businesses and individuals alike. However, the success of a mobile app heavily relies on the expertise and efficiency of the development services behind it. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to assist in the judicious selection of mobile app development services, ensuring the realization of a robust and successful application.
II. Understanding Your Project Requirements
Defining Project Scope
Crafting a successful mobile app starts with a meticulous definition of the project scope. This involves a detailed analysis of the desired functionalities and features, considering the unique needs of the target audience.
Platform and Technology Considerations
Choosing the right platforms (iOS, Android, or cross-platform) is pivotal. Additionally, selecting appropriate technologies and frameworks that align with the technical requirements of the project is crucial for its success.
III. Assessing Development Expertise
Portfolio Examination
A thorough review of the development company's portfolio is essential. This involves assessing past projects and industry experience, gauging the diversity and complexity of their work to ascertain their expertise.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the reputation of a development company. Understanding client satisfaction levels, project management efficiency, and adherence to timelines is imperative.
IV. Development Methodologies and Practices
Agile vs. Waterfall Approaches
Choosing between Agile and Waterfall methodologies involves understanding their impact on project flexibility and adaptability. Selecting the most suitable approach is critical for seamless development.
Quality Assurance and Testing Procedures
The development company's approach to quality assurance and testing is paramount. Rigorous testing for functionality, security, and user experience ensures a polished and reliable final product.
V. Cost and Timeline Considerations
Transparent Pricing Models
Understanding different pricing models, including fixed, hourly, and dedicated team arrangements, is crucial. Ensuring transparency in cost breakdowns and anticipating potential additional charges is part of prudent decision-making.
Project Timeline Projections
Establishing realistic project timelines is essential for effective planning. Discussing milestones, deliverables, and potential setbacks ensures a clear roadmap for project completion.
This guide equips decision-makers with the insights needed to navigate the multifaceted process of selecting mobile app development services, laying the foundation for a successful and impactful mobile application.
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generalluxun · 1 year
I'm sick, so let me ramble about (one of) my ML AU
I've written a one shot for it, and that's it so far, but I am feeling I might return. It's a gothic AU. Modern day meets Mary Shelly, Lovecraft, and Jules Verne. We still have our Ladybug though, and perhaps I can start by introducing her.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a student at FDP Lyceé in Paris France. This part is familiar, as is her baker heritage and interest in crafts. Fashion however, has never been a passion of hers. She's made clothing, and enjoys the challenge of designing just the right outfit for someone, but it will never be more than a hobby.
Her real passion in life is... is it possible to say 'Project Management' at 16? Call it what you will, Marinette likes finding a way to make things work. Events, projects, causes, you name it she's there for it. From Mylène's campaign against poor wastewater management, to Rose's bake sale to raise money for orphan unicorns. Marinette takes joy in making the impossible, happen.
Perhaps it was this that drew the attention of whomever, or whatever, left that fateful box in her room. If only the earrings had come with a warning label, or a guide, or anything other than the two words sewn into the plush lining of the box. 'Spots on.'
Ladybug was born into a Paris in desperate need of a hero. Crime kept doors locked at night. Hot summers and freezing winters had pushed tempers and scruples to new extremes. On top of all this where were... the monsters. Thankfully rare, these beings could cause untold damage before the police could take them down. Paris deserved to be safe once more. Marinette was the girl to find a way.
Powers: Aside from general strength, agility, durability, and her yo-yo Ladybug has three main powers.
Her first power isn't supernatural, but her supernatural abilities allow it to shine. Marinette has a sharp mind. She's quick witted, observant, and tackles every situation as a problem to be solved. Her real strength is the ability to find multiple solutions to every problem. It is also her weakness. Sometimes she can hesitate, or switch gears mid-plan, as doubt takes her. It doesn't help that...
Lucky Charm: Is a monkey's paw of a power. Yes, it will give her an answer to her current situation, but it makes no guarantees of what collateral might come from said solution. Her first partner... she doesn't talk about her first partner. Marinette learned the hard way that she needs to be careful when using this power.
Miraculous Ladybugs!: The power to fix anything. Provided she has the will and fortitude. The Ladybugs are fickle and whimsical agents of creation. Ladybug can command them only through great effort. Summoning them without purpose or strength will lead to them running rampant, and creating who knows what.
Relationships: Marinette knows everyone, but has few close friends.
Alya has had her back for years, frequently the NCO to Marinette's leadership in bigger projects.
Adrien, the boy locked away from life. The boy Ladybug rescued from Agreste Manor. The boy living with her and her parents now. The boy who makes her heart flutter with his desperate innocence. He is someone completely happy with the simple gift of being alive, and with everything else in her life, that grounding influence is wonderful.
Chloé, the opposite of a friend, yet inextricably entwined. No one else can even begin to handle her the way Marinette can. There's a strange symmetry in how well one can get to know an enemy, as well as a friend.
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