#Alexander Chirilă
horrorslashergirl · 2 years
How would Alexander Chirilă react if his s/o was pregnant?
Very nervous, and unsure if he can be a father figure, but his high intellect will come in handy, especially his skills at organizing. He may not be the best in maintaing his emotions, but he will take care of everything.
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
It was a rarity to get the two Romanian Twins together in one bubble, but Valentines Day was a rarity... Once a year, so it was only fair to bring themselvs together for the she-devil of a spitfire.
For Decebal it was all casual, wearing leather black pants with combat boots and leather black chest-harness, around his neck a punk collar and his big hands adorned by black leather gloves. His younger brother, Alexander sporting the same attire with a deep red face and feeling self concious but also excited.
The two were waiting for the blonde Canadian to enter her bedroom which was all set in a steamy sensual but romantic way. The Red roses scattered all around with the candles adding the romance while all the BDSM gear; whips, handcuffs, anklecuffs, dildos and vbrators, gagballs, paddles and so much more. It was like a dark sex dungeon... In a romantic way.
The moment Bree entered the bedroom, Decebal was the first one to break the silence, twirling a pair of handcuffs around his finger invitingly.
"Happy Valentines Day, dragă... Me and my brother have a juicy surprise for youuuu~" he cooed, voice suave and deep, marching with his shy brother to her, the brothers diamond eyes trained on her; lust and adoration in these white orbs.
"Its game night."
- From the Chirilă Twins, Decebal and Alexander for their little spitfire of a bunny 😈
It was a long day and I was looking forward to having some time just with the twins tonight. It was Valentine's day but it never mattered too much to me ever, just hanging around and watching some movies would be good with me but first I needed to change into some comfy clothes.
With a sigh, I made it up the stairs and headed to the bedroom, my small hand twisted the door knob and instantly I clapped my hand over my mouth in shock and started to grin. Taking in the sight that was in front of me, my green eyes widened as I began to grin like an idiot behind my hand.
"Ohhh my god." I whispered as both men towered above me covered in leather. Licking my lips and placed each one of my hands on their strong torsos. "Fuck... Well lets play"
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jinnto · 6 years
Thank you @justanotherhetalian11 for tagging me!!
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag someone else you’d like to know better.
1. Nicknames: Anto, Toni 
2. Gender: female
3. Zodiac sign: Capricorn
4. Height: 161 cm (5'3")
5. Current time: 20:53
6. Birthday: 7th January
7. Favourite bands: Aerosmith, Minus One, Voltaj (my favourite childhood band)
8. Favourite solo artist: Tudor Chirilă, Alexander Rybak and idk it’s really hard to choose
9. Song stuck in my head:  Jónsi - “Heaven”
10. Last movie I watched: Dead Poets Society
11. Last show I watched: Legends of Tomorrow
12. When did I create my blog: I really don’t remember
13. What do I post? I usually reblog posts about hetalia, esc and whatever stuff I find interesting
14. Last thing I googled: height converter
15. Other blogs? no
16. Do you get asks? I don‘t  :“)
17. Why did you choose your url? I like hetalia and the nordics but idk what i was thinking and at this point I’m too lazy to change it
18. Last thing I ate: cheese pie
19. How many pillows? 2 (one for sleeping, one for hugging)
20. Favourite colours: I can’t choose, but I like gold right now
21. Favourite tag to use: “eurovision” apparently 
22. Lucky number: 7
23. Instruments? I wish
24. What am I wearing? pajamas 
25. Last thing I wrote? this post (other than that, the review for dead poets society for literature class)
26. Dream job: translator maybe
27. Dream trip: I wanna go everywhere! (but until then I want to visit Iceland and The Netherlands)
28. Favourite foods: kebab (omg fake balkan)
29. Nationality: Romanian
30. Favourite song right now: can’t choose
I think I’ll tag @themightyelaphant and whoever else wants to do this, you can just say I tagged you
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rudyroth79 · 6 years
Între 20 – 27 iunie 2018 s-a desfășurat la Constanța Festivalul Internațional de Teatru ”Miturile cetății”, aflat la a treia ediție. Festivalul a luat ființă din lăudabila inițiativă a directoarei teatrului constățean, Dana Dumitrescu, care a dorit o re-naștere a ”Serilor de teatru antic”, petrecute la țărm de mare în anul 1978, născute atunci din gândul lui Silviu Purcărete. Prin acest festival, Teatrul din Constanța ”naște tradiție”, ”depistând mituri în cetăți milenare, în contexte medievale și-n imediatul realității din vecinătate”, după cum afirmă criticul de teatru Doru Mareș, selecționer al festivalului. Au fost prezentate optsprezece spectacole, manifestații stradale, un concert-spectacol, spectacole studențești, un recital de poezie, conferințe, lansări de carte și de reviste. Pe scenele constănțene – fie la Teatrul de Stat, la Teatrul pentru Copii și Tineret, pe scena special amenajată din Piața Ovidiu, ori în fața Cazinoului aflat în paragină sau în sala ”Jean Constantin” – au fost prezente, pe lângă trupe autohtone și trei trupe din străinătate.
În debutul festivalului a evoluat Teatrul ”Toma Caragiu” din Ploiești cu spectacolul ”Zaraza” pe un scenariu original de Daniel Chirilă, în regia coregrafului Răzvan Mazilu. În atmosfera de teatru de revistă, cu ghirlande de lumini, costume cu paiete și pene și muzică din perioada interbelică, s-a derulat povestea-mit a Zarazei, femeia misterioasă în jurul căreia s-au țesut multe istorii menite să rămână pe veci ”sub pecetea tainei”. Zaraza a fost ”însoțită” de Ion Pribeagu, Jean Mascopol, Titi Botez, Zavaidoc, Silly Vasiliu, Constantin Tănase, Ionel Fernic, dar și Elena Lupescu și Carol al II-lea. Desfrâul de la Crucea de Piatră, stradă a plăcerilor deșucheate din anii ’30 – ’40 a fost asezonat cu scene homoerotice, la care, asistând, se prea poate să te simți stingherit că nu faci parte dintr-o lume de minoritari, care pătrund și dictează din ce în ce mai apăsat, la toate nivelurile societății.
”Butoiul cu pulbere” după Dejan Dukovski în regia lui Marcel Țop a venit de la Teatrul Municipal din Baia-Mare. Precum în ”Casa de pe graniță” de Sławomir Mrożek și aici regizorul deplasează povestea autorului macedonean în lumea oamenilor aprigi ai Maramureșului. Comicul din spectacolul lui Marcel Țop are gust de sânge. Limbajul neaoș, vorbirea în dialect, înjurătura ridicată la rang de artă și vorbirea vulgară, le-am remarcat atât aici, cât și în spectacolul amintit și nu cred să facă un serviciu celor două spectacole. Dimpotrivă.
Prima seară s-a încheiat în Piața Ovidiu, cu un spectacol-concert absolut special, ”Pân’ la Rai”, susținut de Adrian Naidin și invitații săi, dintre care s-a remarcat cu deosebire percuționistul constănțean Ionuț Micu.
A doua zi de festival a fost destinată teatrului-gazdă. Am putut vedea ”Dionysos” după ”Bacantele” de Euripide, în regia lui Daniele Salvo. Bacantele, transformate de zeul Dionysos în ”instrument al delirului, al senzualității, al dezorientării, al morții, al dulceții infinite, al ambiguității demonice”, după cum spunea regizorul în excelentul caiet-program, mânate de zeu (Marius Bodochi), ocupă spațiul scenic pe toată durata spectacolului. Trupurile învârtejite și cuvintele azvârlite gutural induc o teribilă stare de emoție. Grupul bacantelor acționează ca un mare tot. Fiecare dintre ele funcționează ca un fin diapazon, reverberând și transmițând corpurilor unduirea de menadă dezlănțuită, în scene de o formidabilă violență a sacrului. Este un spectacol de o emoționalitate aparte și o stranie frumusețe.
Reprezentația de seară s-a păstrat tot în zona tragediei antice: ”Antigona” după ”Oedip rege” și ”Antigona” de Sofocle, în regia lui Mc Ranin, de la Teatrul „Alexandru Davila” din Pitești. Cadrul natural splendid ales – reprezentația s-a desfășurat la Termele Romane – a propulsat povestea Antigonei cea pedepsită de Creon pentru îndrăzneala de a-i fi călcat porunca și a-și fi îngropat cum se cuvine fratele, direct în mit. E-adevărat că la acest lucru a contribuit din plin scenografia Mariei Miu, cu acele ferestre-mansarde prin care personajele apar și dispar, precum și coregrafia lui Hugo Wolff și muzica originală a lui Cătălin Crețu.
Ziua de vineri a fost dedicată unor spectacole studențești: ”Hamlet” de Shakespeare, de la Colegiul Național de Arte ”Regina Maria” din Constanța și ”Cântăreața cheală” de E. Ionesco, de la UNATC București.
Seara, Teatrul ”Regina Maria” din Oradea a încâîntat publicul cu un spectacol ce se joacă de șapte ani cu casa închisă: ”Scripcarul pe acoperiș” după povestirile lui Sholem Aleichem, în regia lui Korcsmáros György. Întâmplările din viața unui om simplu – lăptarul Tevye, interpretat cu foarte mult șarm, naturalețe și talent de Richard Balint –, sunt povestite exemplar, într-un spectacol extrem de colorat, cu multe scene de un comic spumos, dar și cu unele de un profund dramatism. Actorii cântă acompaniați live de instrumentiști aparținând comunității evreilor din Oradea și o fac foarte bine, demonstrând o disponibilitate ieșită din comun pentru musical, un gen destul de dificil, care aici funcționează de minune. În satul Anatevka, neamul ales nu vrea cu nici un chip să renunțe la tradiție, doar că modernitatea dă buzna și încurcă planurile bine așezate ale comunității. Și poate că nu e tocmai un lucru rău să rămâînem în memorie cu imaginea îngrijorată a lui Tevye, care, cu ochii ridicați spre înalt, vorbește cu El: ”Da, știu, suntem poporul ales, dar mi-aș dori, Doamne, ca din când în când, să-i mai alegi și pe alții”.
Spectacolul de seară târzie a adus pe scena din Piața Ovidiu Compania ”Premier Acte” din Lyon cu ”Omul care l-a omorât pe Don Quijote” după Cervantes, adaptarea și regia: Sarkis Tcheumlekdjian, muzica originală: Gilbert Gandil. Unică interpretă a celor trei personaje – Cervantes, Don Quijote și Sancho Panza –, actrița Deborah Lamy, prin vocea gravă și costumul sofisticat, ne-a prilejuit o călătorie imaginară, enigmatică, cu trimiteri spre teatrul ritualic oriental.
În dimineața de sâmbătă, la Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie, regizorul Alexander Hausvater ne-a condus într-un Pelerinaj prin teatru și viață pe trei continente. A fost și un prilej de lansare în limba română și germană a cărții autobiografice ”Ce dacă”. Născut în București și plecat din țară la vârsta de șapte ani, Alexander Hausvater este regizor-călător pe mai multe continente. Pentru el, teatrul adevărat este ”un templu, un loc spiritual” în care intri într-un fel și ieși transformat, tratându-l într-un cu totul alt mod pe semenul tău. ”Teatrul e peste tot, e parte din viață: facem zilnic teatru – cu mama vorbim într-un fel, la locul de muncă în alt fel”, iar spectatorul ideal de teatru ar fi acela lipsit de ”referințe culturale, care descoperă totul atunci”. Pe un astfel de spectator ”e esențial să-l introduci în teritorii necunoscute”. Regizorul și-a exprimat nedumerirea pentru faptul că în România nu se (mai) practică un teatru de amatori, dar nici nu există ”laboratoare de cercetare teatrală”. ”Azi teatrul e muribund, înafara României, moare” întrucât, spunea el ”e imposibil să faci spectacole mari, când timpul de repetiții este redus la două săptămîni, spectacolul se joacă pe un timp limitat, după care decorul se arde”. ”Viitorul în cultură – a conchis regizorul – nu este posibil fără asocierea acesteia cu întreprinzătorii”.
Seara am putut urmări un spectacol în regia și coregrafia lui Răzvan Mazilu, de astă dată realizat la Teatrul „Excelsior” din București: ”Fecioarele noastre grabnic ajutătoare” de Lee Hall, după romanul ”The Sopranos” de Alan Warner. Povestea celor șase fecioare-cântărețe, scăpate dintr-o școală catolică și intrate de-a dreptul în viața dură/tentantă este spusă-cântată-dansată într-un ritm alert, susținut, vioi. Cred că, în cazul acestei reprezentații, este legitimă o întrebare: oare de ce nu se înțelegea ce spuneau fecioarele pe scenă?
Seara târziu, în Piața Ovidiu a venit de la Teatrul Yiddishpiel din Tel Aviv, ”Cei doi Kuni Lemel” de Avram Goldfaden, părintele teatrului idiș. Adaptarea, dramatizarea și regia de Alexander Hausvater. Musical-ul din Tel Aviv a reunit teatrul clasic cu cel modern în care personajele aflate în căutarea sinelui și a dragostei pornesc într-o călătorie fantastică, asezonată cu situații comice rezultate din schimbarea identităților. Proiecțiile video și decorul ingenios au întregit mirajul creat de actorii-cântăreți, perfect antrenați.
Ziua de duminică a început cu lansarea volumelor ”Teatru” de Cătălina Florescu și ”Teatru… și nu numai” de Valentin Sgarcea, precum și a revistei ”Infinitezimal”.
După-amiaza, la Teatrul pentru Copii și Tineret a venit de la Unteatru din București ”The Sunset Limited” de Cormac McCarthy, în regia lui Andrei și Andreea Grosu. Un spectacol în două personaje, simplu, extrem de puternic, extraordinar interpretat de Richard Bovnoczki și Șerban Pavlu. Rostirea impecabilă, finețea trecerilor de la o stare la alta, problematica extrem-contemporană pot fi descrise, dar cred că e mult mai bine ca spectacolul să fie văzut și trăit cu cei doi protagoniști.
Aproape în același timp, la Catedrala Arhiepiscopală Sfinții Petru și Pavel a avut loc recitalul de poezie religioasă ”Metanie Ție, Părinte!”, susținut de Constantin Chiriac.
Spectacolul de seară, ”Balcanicele” după Jules Tasca, adaptarea, dramatizarea și regia lui Alexander Hausvater, a venit de la Teatrul ”Tony Bulandra” din Târgoviște. Dramatica poveste a femeilor musulmane din Bosnia în timpul conflictului cu Serbia se petrece într-un decor carceral cu sârmă ghimpată, grilaje din fier și proiecții video în fundal, care temperează ori amplifică tragismul istoriei de pe scenă. Este un spectacol dens, despre dictatori și alți demoni.
Pe scările din fața Cazinoului, seara târziu a fost prezentată opera-rock ”Repetiția. Alcmena, Amfitrion, Jupiter și farsele lor” după ”Amfitrion” de Plaut, al Teatrului Astragali din Lecce, Italia, adaptarea, dramatizarea și regia: Fabio Roberto Tolledi și muzica originală a lui Mauro Tre. ”Amfitrion”-ul lui Plaut este pretextul de la care pleacă această repetiție, punctată cu momente muzicale și teatrale comice, antrenante și un melanj lingvistic menit să țină trează atenția și interesul spectatorilor înfrigurați de vântul deloc prietenos al serii marine.
Luni am avut parte de un regal actoricesc: Marcel Iureș și George Mihăiță în ”Păi… despre ce vorbim noi aici, domnule?” după ”Moromeții” de Marin Preda, în regia lui Alexandru Dabija, de la Teatrul Act din București. Ilie Moromete și Cocoșilă vorbesc cu tristețe și ironie despre politică, despre familie, despre viață. Și cu o știință desăvârșită a rostirii fiecărui cuvânt și a însoțirii lui de gestul cel mai expresiv. Este fascinant modul în care cei doi protagoniști reușesc să captiveze spectatorul, să-l convingă, să-l poarte în lumea dramatică a amintirilor. La toate astea se mai adaugă o fascinantă ”ploaie de stele”, care-i transportă din real în oniric. Rezultatul este un spectacol captivant, profund, exemplar.
Trupa Teatrului Național din Cluj a fost invitată cu spectacolul-concert al Adei Milea, ”Švejk în concert” după ”Peripețiile bravului soldat Švejk” de Jaroslav Hašek. Actorii clujeni s-au bucurat de o foarte bună primire din partea publicului, prezent în număr mare în Piața Ovidiu.
Marți dimineața s-a lansat revista de teatru ”Scena.ro”. După-amiază am văzut o monodramă a Companiei de Teatru Aradi Kamaraszinhaz și Baza Teatrală Zsámbék pe un text al Alinei Nelega: ”Decalogul după Hess”, în regia lui Tapasztó Ernö și în interpretarea extraordinară a lui Harsányi Attila. Timp de o oră am putut intra în mintea lui Rudolf Hess – o rotiță importantă din angrenajul mașinăriei infernale hitleriste – ghid în călătoria fantastică fiind un actor cu o privire de vultur rău, de hienă însetată nu doar de sângele altora, ci și de acela propriu, certat cu Dumnezeu și înfrățit cu Satana. În mod normal, la aplauze, actorul iese din personaj, dar aici interpretul – semn al teribilei măcinări interioare – și-a dus mai departe haina de împrumut.
Teatrul ”Fani Tardini” din Galați a fost invitat cu spectacolul ”Uluitoarele numere de singurătate ale lui Edward Gant” de Anthony Neilson, în regia lui Dragoș Alexandru Mușoiu. Enigmaticul creator de iluzii Edward Gant își conduce trupa de actori printr-un labirintic pasaj spre o lume imaginară din care nu lipsesc episoade de umor negru, chiar de ezoterism, ca în cele din urmă să plonjeze într-un dramatism real.
Ultima zi de festival a debutat la Muzeul de Istorie cu colocviul ”100 de ani de teatru în România mare”, condus de teatrologul și eseistul Doina Modola. După o introducere în subiect făcută de Doru Mareș, Doina Modola a făcut o incursiune în trecutul teatrului din România, plecând de la momentul 1848 și chiar dinainte, amintind despre crearea Teatrelor Naționale din Iași, Craiova și București, iar mai apoi, după Primul Război Mondial, a Teatrului Național din Cluj și până în contemporaneitate. Completări la cele expuse a adus Emil Boroghină, iar subiectul incitant al discuției s-a dovedit a fi întrebarea doamnei Doina Modola: de unde lipsa spectacolelor-eveniment din ultima vreme? Intervențiile tinerilor regizori Erwin Simsensohn, Vlad Cristache, Horia Suru, Alex Mîzgăreanu și Sorin Militaru au animat discuțiile lansându-le pe un făgaș polemic.
Seara, Teatrul ”Radu Stanca” din Sibiu a prezentat ”Oidip” după ”Oedip la Colonos” și ”Oedip rege” de Sofocle, în regia lui Silviu Purcărete. Iscusit conducător de mari mase de oameni, cu un gust pictural absolut – în acest sens fiind secondat de scenograful său constant, Dragoș Buhagiar – Silviu Purcărete a creat un spectacol cu imagini care îți taie respirația. Decorul permite personajelor să străbată nu doar spații ci și timpi diferiți. Asistăm astfel la o reîntoarcere la cauza primordială a vinii tragice a eroului. Trupa de actori funcționează ca o echipă. Iar ”Oidipul” de acum m-a dus cu gândul la constănțeanul Ică Cojocaru, extraordinar interpret al vinovatului fără vină, din acel ”Oedip” petrecut pe malul laculului din Mamaia, în anii ’80…
Festivalul s-a încheiat cu ”Magic Național” al Teatrului Național din București, în regia lui Ion Caramitru. Izbutit spectacol-concert, în care s-a remarcat cu precădere recitatorul fabulos Ion Caramitru. În interpretarea lui cuvintele lui Nichita Stănescu primesc noi înțelesuri. Pe toată durata manifestării au avut loc spectacole stradale ale Companiei Famous Art.
Festivalul s-a dovedit a fi un izbutit puzzle rezultat din măiastra îmbinare dintre miturile antice și rememorările lor moderne. Interesul pentru teatru, arătat de publicul prezent în număr foarte mare seară de seară, a demonstrat faptul că acest festival e necesar, potrivit și așteptat cu nerăbdare de constănțeni.
Arhiva rubricii Cronica de teatru
”Microjurnal de festival” de Eugenia Sarvari Între 20 – 27 iunie 2018 s-a desfășurat la Constanța Festivalul Internațional de Teatru ”Miturile cetății”
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horrorslashergirl · 2 years
Out of all of your OCs, who is gonna be my camping buddy?
Akshay is the first one when it comes to camping, but he doesn't take just anyone to camping. Talk about being pretentious lmao
One who is street smart and has been camping a lot through his life, considering he is always on the run, is Decebal and also his little brother, Alexander.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
The Chirilă Twins
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Comission made by @madpatti! She drew Decebal Avram Chirilă and Alexander Chirilă (My Original Characters) and I had to share this amazing and beautiful drawing with you all. ❤️ This is what I imagine them to look like.
Also check out her drawings and art! Her art is masterpiece.
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horrorslashergirl · 2 years
Is the Dacian language still spoken and known in Romania today? If not, do you think the triplets would learn the language if they could or didn't already know it?
Dacian is an extinct language, and here in Romania we speak well... Romanian, but we are pretty bilingual and even multilingual.
If you come to România the chances to meet someone who speaks English or another language is big.
I know English and German, long my native language.
Also to answer your questions.... The Triplets wouldn't learn that language. Yes, they are very multilingual, but they don't see the need to learn Dacian.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Whats the triplets and hackers reaction to losing their small s/o in a crowded place?
Hahaha The Triplets won't let their s/o walk without protection into a crowded place.
Nadia and Alexander aren't fans of crowded places... Decebal is but he will be very aware of his surroundings.
As for the Hacker? You most likely have a tracing device on you so he will find his s/o quite easily into a crowded place.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Andrei and Amaria Kulokova 🐺🔪
(This shall be interesting 👀👀 and funny! Lol)
Richard Firewood
For Andrei: Richard might see Andrei as an alternative for business, when there aren't enough clients to his hotel, he might call Andrei to hide him to capture 10 or 20 people. It will be strictly business.
Richard: Cash is King. Enough said.
For Amaria: He might be on neutral territory with her as long as she respects his territory and hotel.
Richard: She better not cover the carpets of the lobby in mud.
Jackson Jasper
For Andrei: He may view Andrei as a cool guy with whom to hang around for drinks and flirt with women.
Jackson: Any drinking buddy is good company.
For Amaria: Jackson loves a pretty lady especially one who isn't afraid to get down and dirty. He likes her.
Jackson: You don't see women like her often. *smirks*
The Hacker
For Andrei: Both are fucked up into the head. Both are bloody disgusting. Both love to stick their cocks into bloody pussies. They might be on good terms... Plus if Andrei needs a certain weapon, The Hacker can provide it wirh ease.... For a good priece.
The Hacker: *looks up from his computer screen* Oh? Him? Yeah... Fucked up in the head but not as much as me. *smirks*
For Amaria: Now that's a dollface that the Hacker might like. She fucks the corpses of her victims from time to time? The Hacker does that on an almost daily basis... Almost.
The Hacker: *whistle* Pretty wild baby doll. Me like~
Dave Anthony
For Andrei: If Andrei thought he was brutal then he sure doesn't know Dave. This poltergeist was casted from both heaven and hell. Try to match that Andrei. If Andrei tries to stab or shot Dave, this evil entity will just laugh in his face and grin.
Dave: *evil smirk* Trying to kill me? *manical laugh* You cannot kill what's already dead, cocksucker... I am gonna enjoy possessing your body.
For Amaria: Now, that's something you don't usually see everyday and Dave would be intrigued by Amaria and her so called Gods. Interesting little human girl.
Dave: Oh? You believe in Gods.... Well.... I am the biggest motherfucking God ever, baby girl.
Samuel Grayson
For Andrei: The moment Samuel senses his aura he wants to puke his guts, because Andrei screams of sins all over and just his presence into the same room will annoy Samuel. Let alone Andrei trying anything with this poltergeist. Andrei will turn into a chew toy for Samuels hellhounds.
Samuel: He stinks of sin and he is a disgusting piece of walking meat on earth. *snarls*
For Amaria: Her aura is so so much more different than her brothers and to say so... Samuel is a little intrigued by her aura, sensing all the sadness from her past and there is just something about her beliefs that he finds.... Adorable?
Samuel: She is... Interesting.... But no... I am no God. These are too high words for me, little one.
For Andrei: Did I say Dave is absolutly brutal? Well Andrei... Meet Azol. This evil entity will view Andrei as the most amusing plaything ever. Ironic, huh? Much like the other supranatural ones, Azol feasts on humans desires and he will absolutly use Andrei's desires against him. He will haunt his dreams and drive him insane.
Azol: Ohhhh... You think you are brutal, piece of sloppy fucking used cunt. *chuckles evily* I am gonna have so much fun with your soul... I am sure after you die... We all are gonna fuck you into hell like the cocksucker I know you are. *laugh*
For Amaria: Azol will be amused by her beliefs into her Gods, teasing and haunting her, making her kill as many people as possible. Azol found himself new entertainment.
Azol: Oh... Never seen a human kill that much and with such a passion. *grins evilly* See that man, little one... He needs to die.... Listen to your new God and you will live on forever.
Bahini Talibah
For Andrei: Andrei is everything that Bahini hates into a man; he is despicable, horrible, disgusting, annoying, sleazy and someone she would absolutly not stand. He better not get near her or else he will suffer a slow, horrible and painfull death that will make Andei crawl on the floor in his own blood. Having your flesh and muscels be slowly melted by Bahinis piercing gaze isn't something to look forward to.
Bahini: His aura is simply making me anxious. He better stay away from me. He pisses me off!
For Amaria: Bahini might find her believe in Gods fascinating since she herself believes in the Egyptian Gods. They might have conversations about their Gods and such. Plus Amarias quiet and misterious aura is very calm and gives Bahini tranquility.
Bahini: She is a fascinating young woman... Also Anubis told me she has a beautiful and lightfull soul.
For Andrei: This demoness lust will destroy Andrei's for sure... And I advise him to not get close to her because at the end of the night he will be dead by the time he climaxes.... I mean... If he wants a horse dick up his ass that's his problem. Azment will over power him with ease.
Azment: Ohhh He sure is handsome and I can taste his lust... Such delicious carnal and mouthwatering lust.
For Amaria: Azment sees this small but deadly woman as very beautiful and she can appreciate such brutal display for passion of certain things... Like Amarias passion for Gods.
Azment: Beautiful and powerfull young human woman... Such beauty... It gives tingles down my spine. *sways her tail from side to side*
The Shadow
For Andrei: His personality and the vibe Andrei gives off is simply annoying to Shadow. Isn't it enough he has to deal with that idiot of a HACKER maniac? Now he has the stand this Russian Incompetent. He cannot work with these idiots around.
The Shadow: *looks up from cleaning his scalpels* I cannot stand this morron. He better not stick his nose into my business unless he wants to end up on my disection table.
For Amaria: She seems quiet and she keeps to herself so that is good on Shadows books. Her past might make Shadow sad because he has went through abuse too... Different but still abuse. He might be interested into her topics of Gods... Since he is one to feast on information and likes to learn about all type of topics.
The Shadow: She is... Fascinating to say so... But at last she is quiet.
Mitch Carson
For Andrei: This feral man will view Andrei as straight up enemy and he won't hesitate to turn the Russian into a raw steak, considering all that mass muscels and blood. If Andrei knows what's good for him, he better keep off Mitchs territory or else he will be the new target for crossbow practice.
Mitch: *growls, all body muscels ready for him to strike*
For Amaria: Considering her small body stature, he might be intrigued by her but still cautious, like a feral animal of the deep dark woods. If she brings him human flesh or bones for him to chew on... She Might.... Just might turn Mitch into a feral lap dog that will maim anyone who dares to touch Amaria.
Mitch: *growls then purrs at her, tilting his head to the side curiously*
Gerome Montana and Axel Friedrich
For Andrei: Army friends? Maybe? They might share some drinks some army stories. Three mercenaries sharing bloody ideas of killing. I guess. They might be on neutral relations with Andrei, but since they are in Miami and Andrei hates the heat... I doubt it. Down for a one night stand after drinks? Perhaps.
Gerome: Haha Cool Russian Crazy Dude!
Axel Friedrich: His personality is a bit too much. *groans*
For Amaria: You don't see such deadly women that often and they might find her very intirguing, but that's about it. Plus.... I don't know if she would like Miami with the heat and all that.
Gerome: Beautiful badass woman! Sexy!
Axel: *facepalms at Gerome* I suppose I can appreciate a woman who can handle such big weapons like a machete.
Damiano Liberato
For Andrei: He finds him very disgusting with no taste at all and Andrei simply makes Damiano have a horrible taste into his mouth. He cannot stand camo!
Damiano: Isn't it enough I have to stand my creator and her camo army clothing!? Now this man! I cannot believe Richard can be close to this disgusting brute. Ugh.
For Amaria: Very beautiful woman but a shame that she has no style into dressing up. Damiano finds the Kulokova siblings too.... Dirty.
Damiano: A lady shouldn't dress like that. Pants? Seriously... Just no.
Bambi Miller
For Andrei: She thinks he is a pretty cool dude with whom to share drinks and maybe have some knife throwing game. Plus, she thinks she thinks Andrei is pretty badass with his faux hawk. They might have some fun nights with drinking vodka and throwing knife at people.
Bambi: Pretty badass Russian stud. *giggles* only my knife is bigger than his. *winks*
For Amaria: Bambi thinks Amaria is very pretty and she appreciates women who can stand up for themselvs and beat the guys around. Plus her machete is so cool.
Bambi: She is very beautiful... Its true what they say that Russian women are very gorgeous.
Xaviera Lah-Mo
For Andrei: He is her ultimate and only love, so of course she simply adores Andrei. It comes natural. He is her precious and wild Wolf.... And to think that the first day they meet, Xavi wanted to throw his ass into the blizzard outside. Andrei is her soulmate and the only man she has feelings for... And the only man she won't shot with her sniper rifle into his balls.
Xaviera: He is the light of my life, the man that make me be strong with each passing day.... My wild and handsome Wolf..... My beautiful soulmate. My everything.
For Amaria: Being Andrei's sister, Xaviera cares for her and tries to calm Andrei down to think clearly when she is around. Xaviera tries to be the refere between these two without getting between their fights. Both Xavi and Amaria use a sniper rifle and Xavi would love for her sister-in-law and her to have a shooting practice together. Just enjoying some quiet time.
Xaviera: She is a hard person to understand if you don't see through her soul, you need to take your time to understand her because she means well... She is not as bad as one might think. She is just misunderstood like we all were at some point in life.
Akshay Lah-Mo
For Andrei: Andrei is Akshay's best friend and soul brother to say so; they fight, they bicker, they drink, but at the end of the day they are best friends and always there to watch eachothers backs. Akshay might seem that he hates Andrei, but if he really hated him, Andrei wouldn’t be alive.
Akshay: The mutt? Yeah... He is a good man... When he isn't his usual idiot self. *grunts*
For Amaria: Akshay knows she is Andrei's sister and that their sibling relation isn't that good. Akshay hasn't really interacted that much with Amaria but if he has to say his opinion he would say that he is beautiful and misunderstood... And very deadly for such a small woman.
Akshay: It really shows she is the mutts sister... She can maim you and your corpse would just misteriously disappear.
Decebal Avram Chirilă
For Andrei: Decebal has lots of fun with Andrei and they are two knuckleheads and daredevils. Andrei had done so much for Decebal that none has ever done and the Romanian is very gratefull for it, hench his loyality towards the Russian. Decebal didn't expected to get along with Andrei that good but he absolutly adores him... And the moments they fuck.
Decebal: Ohhhh! Vodknockers!? He is like a fun and crazy little brother... He sure has a temper which is funny. Haha *smirks* His libido matches mine and he has a great cock *laughs*
For Amaria: Decebal knows that she is the way she is because of her past and he isn't one to judge or make fun of her believs and such. Everyone can believe in whatever they want. What's the problem with that? Plus, he thinks she is very gorgeous.
Decebal: Oh? That wild woman? She is very beautiful, like hella beautiful that she could put an army of women to shame. *laughs* But seriously now... Just like Xavi said... She is only misunderstood. *soft smile*
Alexander Chirilă
For Andrei: Alexander simply feels very uncomfortable in the same room as Andrei and it doesn't help that the Russian was Alexanders first. Alexander finds it so so frustrating that Andrei has no sense of other peoples personal space, especially his.
Alexander: Oh God.... Not him again. He has no respect, he is an absolut degeranted wanker who doesn't understand the concept of personal space and he frustrates me so so much it makes me so angry. *blushing red face and huffs* But.... I suppose... Like my big brother said... He can be nice... Only I never saw that!
For Amaria: Alexander enjoys that she is quite and she seems to have some concept of other peoples personal space. Plus he is glad she isn't like her big brother... Who acts like a sexual offender. Amaria kind of reminds Alexander of one of the tallest mountains, surrounded by mist... Especially that certain quietness.
Alexander: I suppose she is alright... She seems like a very strong one with a certain specific will... And she is pretty..... B-But not like that! *blushes*
Nadia Nikolina Chirilă
For Andrei: She thinks she is a good man, on certain topics but on other hands.... She views him as a stupid kid with disgusting behaviors and most important.... A coward. If he thinks he is so mighty, why not take someone his own size or bigger, not some small and innocent woman. Andrei is only lucky because of Decebal..... Or else he would have been castrated the moment he meet Nadia. Period.
Nadia: *looks up from her painting* He is a stupid child.... But means well... On certain moments.
For Amaria: Nadia thinks that Amaria is a very intirguing and gorgeous woman, small but with a fierce spirit that will cit through you just like her machete... Nadia appreciates greatly a woman who won't take anyones shit, especially a mans. Amaria reminds Nadia of a pit of big sharp deadly ice icicle, that she saw the first month she moved into Greenland. The pit looked so so beautiful but if you stepped to close you would fall into said pit and a painfull horrible death will follow.
Nadia: Beautiful and Deadly... Such a majestic combination. *paints a womans shadow with mountains into the background*
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
I am happy you like these three siblings Anon! They sure are something I haven't planned to create, but I am soooo glad I did. 🥺
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You got a Modern Time Casanova Hitman who is all laid-back and totally carefree with a devil may care attitude... DECEBAL
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Then you got a shy and also bad tempered virgin assassin who is a total submissive.... ALEXANDER
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And finally a true feminist assassin with a hardcore attitude who doesn't take shit from any man... NADIA
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
How will the triplets and akshay react to their s/o who is a heavy squirter
Oho yes! 😈
Decebal would absolutly adore it! He loves the feeling of his s/o squirting all over his thighs, balls and cock and the obscene wet sounds as he pounds into them during the squirting.
Nadia is a squirted herself and she loves the feeling of her s/o squirting inside her pussy. Pussy tribbing is one of the best feelings.
Alexander would feel so so shy and embarassed, but he cannot deny that he absolutly adores it.
Akshay is a big pussy eater and loves for his s/o to squirt all over his face, drinking up their juices like its the finest sweet syrup.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Slasher OC: Alexander Chirilă (Update)
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Authors Note: He was supposed to be a supporting character, but my brain developed his character more and decided to make him a full on OC.
Full Name: Alexander Chirilă
Nickname(s): Ally, Alex, Sasha, Black Killer, Panther, Blackburn, Colton
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Nationality: Romanian
Place of Birth: Bucharest, Romania
Current Location: Travels all around the world to find his twin brother to kill him (formerly), Traveling alongside his brother and sister (Currently)
Occupation: Assassin
Languages: Romanian, English, Japanese, Greek, and Belarusian
Height: 6'8
Weight: 240lbs
Body Type: Atheltic
Skin Color: Warm Beige
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Short on the sides and longer on top, unlike his twin brother Decebal, his hair isn't wavy, has a spikier look
Eye Color: Pale Grey, almost white, giving the impression he is blind
Clothing: His clothes are all black, wearing combat gear that consists of black shirts and black jackets, black cargo pants, and black combat boots, black gauntlet gloves. He also wears knee and elbow protection along with a tactical bulletproof vest and utility belt where he carries his weapons. As an assassin, he wears a tactical black skull mask.
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Other features: Unlike his twin brother Decebal; Colton has a much darker and scarier appearance, especially the two scars on his face that start from his hairline, down his forehead, and over his eyelids, continuing over his cheeks and neck and stopping at his collarbones.
Weapons: Twin Katana swords, throwing knives, grenades, gloves with metal claws and twin guns strapped on the holsters on his thighs.
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Murderous expertise
Skilled usage of weaponry
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Superior agility
Impressive Flexibility
Overly High Inteligence
Knowledge about Bombs and Chemistry
Medical/Surgeon Skills
Alexander Chirilă was the second born son to father Apostol Chirilă, and his mother, Maria Stratulat of Moldovic heritage. He was born after 20 minutes after Decebal was born, during the communist era in Romania, and because the parents couldn't support both children, they passed Alexander to an orphanage only to be sold over the country boundaries for human trafficking.
Before he could be bought for organ trafficking in America, an old lady took him in, raising Alexander, choosing a new identity for him so that he could protect him from his former life.
Until the age of 12, former Alexander, now Colton was raised in America by the old lady who quickly got sick by a severe form of cancer. Before she could die, she decided that Alexander had the right to know about his former life and she told him his story before she died in her bed.
After the reveal, Alexander researched all about the information, finding out what his biological parents did and about Decebal, only to blame his older twin brother for what happened.
As a teenager, Alexander was raised more by the streets, doing everything to survive, drug smuggling, stealing and he even killed a man for trying to steal the drug package he was carrying. That's when a hitman saw the 16-year-old boy and took him in, seeing all the hate and rage in Alexander's white eyes.
The hitman trained Alexander to be a ruthless killer, making him a master of sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Spending time along with assassins and hitmen, he meets Yumie Takahashi, a female assassin with prosthetic blade legs that quickly took a fancy for him, following him all around to the point where she fell in love with him, but Alexander doesn't return her feelings and used her blind love for him in his own greedy ways, her being his lap-dog.
Later on, Alexander and Yumie meet Nikita Sergei in Belarus while they tried to track down Decebal. They meet the Belarusian during an ambush between the Belarusian Police and the Belarusian Mafia, Nikita being one of the Mafias hitmen.
Nikita was almost killed during that bullet rain between Police and Mafia, only for Alexander to save him, but for that Nikita had to work for Colton, being his left hand next to the right hand, that being Yumie.
The three continued together, Yumie and Nikita assisting Alexander on his mission of annihilating his twin brother, Decebal.
After a brutal fight between the two brothers which resulted in both of them almost dead, they get on an agreement of peace between them, with the help of their third part, their little sister Nadia.
Alexander is the complete opposite of Decebal in the matter of personality. Decebal is a happy-go-lucky, easy-going, charming, seductive, and modest guy, while Alexander is brutal, snarky, comes of as straight-up rude, blunt, and sharp-tongued if provoked, but overall keeps to himself since he has a problem with his 'intimacy'.
The smaller twin brother, unlike Decebal who is all laid-back, Alexander has a bad temper, but the type of temper that comes and goes, like the one of a child. He would be considered passive-aggressive.
Alexander doesn't know how to deal with his strong emotions and usually they manifest into a tsunami of uncontrollable feelings; especially when teased about sensitive topics, and may have outbursts of anger which would be considered 'funny' because he gets all red-faced, voice shuttering and doesn't know what to say or how to react. This part of his personality may also come off as very shy and sensitive, especially if people flirt with him because he is socially awkward and he never was one to be good at smooth-talking.
After making peace with his big brother, Alexander may open up little by little, showing good traits of his personality, but is still the opposite of Decebal.
Unlike Decebal, who is very charismatic, sensual, and opened up about his sexuality; Alexander is the very hard opposite, especially considering he had never been intimate with someone. Alexander is very shy when it comes to his intimacy and sexuality, almost to the point if someone presses him with sexual questions he will get all flustered and defensive.
This is a sign that Alexander is very self-conscious about his complete inexperience in the matter of getting intimate. It's a very big irony, seeing how on the battlefield he is very confident in his combat skills.
A good trait of Alexander is that he is a very big hard worker. He has the mentality that you cannot achieve something for free and have to work hard to earn it, since all his life he had to work to make it through life: As a little kid, he had to take care of the old lady that was his guardian until she died, then he had to do everything his Master said if he wanted to achieve the assassin training.
One thing that he shares with Decebal is the daredevil and competitive side, but Alexander's competitive side takes a very serious turn, finding himself willing to challenge his big brother at all kinds of provocations. It's the brotherly antagonistic demeanor.
His favorite drink: Green Tea
His favorite food: Ramen or Chicken and Rice Casserole
Other Characteristics:
Alexander loves fairytales and all types of mythic legends, mostly because the old lady that was his guardian in the first part of his life always used to tell him these types of stories before bedtime.
He is actually a very good cook. When he went to train with his Master Hitman, he has also signed the duty to do the cooking and clean the Masters' house as a form of payment for the training services. The Master would throw the food on the floor or at Alexander if it wasn't good enough and Alexander had to cook the dish again until it was 'perfect'.
He is an earlier riser in the morning, mostly because that's how he was raised; his assassin training started very early in the morning and before that, he had to prepare breakfast for his Master.
He loves to listen to the birds singing in the morning while he drinks his coffee or green tea.
His scent can be described as on a more feminine edge; giving off floral scents like lotus, orchid, and jasmine, with middle notes of vanilla tobacco, bergamot, and white musk.
Unlike his big brother Decebal who is a heavy drinker, Alexander cannot hold his liquor and is a sad drunk, getting depressed over the fact that he was separated from his siblings at birth, especially Decebal. When Alexander gets drunk he tends to mutter to himself 'I wish I never was born'.
Considering his personality, he would be described as a tsundere.
He is a master at chess due to playing with his Master in their free time. He can sit for hours and play chess, probably the only thing he is the most patient with.
He loves hot springs; immersion in warm water produces hydrostatic pressure on the body that results in reduced joint inflammation and increased mobility, plus it helps him relax his vulcanic mind.
He is a smoker just like his siblings, Decebal and Nadia.
Despite his scars and hard training, he has soft baby skin.
Symbolism for Alexander:
Black Panther- speaks to our soul with the shimmering energy of the Moon; this big cat is the ultimate shapeshifter and the master of disguise. Panther’s sleek black coat cloaks its true identity in the shadows. It isn’t until you are close to a Panther that their illusion falls away and who they really become visible. Alexander may seem like a very cold and harsh individual, hard to approach from the distance, but as you get closer and closer to him, pulling away all the layers that hide him, you learn that he is actually a pretty sensitive and misunderstood guy.
The Black Panther is a loner, hunting solitary. They hunt silently, seeming to appear and disappear in the blink of an eye; this means that Black Panther people can be very elusive. You may have to wait for them to find you. This means that you will have to wait and be patient in order for Alexander to open up to you, which cannot happen in one day. People who have the Black Panther as their spirit animal rarely reveal too much about themselves.
The Lotus flower- is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. This shows Alexanders' persona, like a lotus bud, in his earlier life and so on, he was buried deep within lots of responsibilities, hardships, and struggles. We can say that once he made peace with his older brother, his blooming slowly started to take place, Decebal acting more so like the essence to Alexanders blooming. Its journey from a muddy seed to a glorious blossom offers the hope that something beautiful can grow from suffering, that we too will eventually bloom.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
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Hello! I would love for your ocs to react to my new slasher oc! 😊
Her name is Tiffany Anderson and she's from New Hampshire. Shes from a pretty rich family and has an older sister that is perfect in every way and her parents constantly dote on her and ignore Tiffany.
Tiffany is a 5'7" lesbian beautician with a thin body, short brown hair and blue eyes. Shes pretty tomboyish and enjoys outdoorsy hobbies like sports.
She wears lots of pink, a blonde wig and a Rejuvenique mask when she kills to hide her identity. She doesn't care who she kills, it just has to be someone in the wrong place at the wrong time (usually after her monthly dinner with her family) 💕
Richard Firewood
He may like her because of her rich relations, and may even indulge into being his help with leading people into being his next victims. Talk about being an appretience but that's about it.
Richard: Killing without a certain destination is all in vain but I suppose she is young and clueless.
Jackson Jasper
Jackson thinks she is a cute one and is impressed that such an innocent looking female can be so deadly. Plus her family issues might make Jackson symphatetize with Tiffany.
Jackson: I can understand her frustration with her family. My father wasn't the most enjoyable man to have around.
The Hacker
He thinks she is quite a dollface and he might be tempted to put her into his next redroom torture livestream.
The Hacker: Cute baby doll... I am sure she will look stunning covered in blood. *sadistic smirk*
Dave Anthony
She looks fun to play with and this poltergeist doesn't are about Gender, Age, Race. If you are his victim.... You fate has been decided.
Dave: Cute little bitch *smirks* I wonder how she will look crying and begging all over the place. *evil laugh*
Much like Dave, this evil entity will enjoy in harassing Tiffany, since she seems so vulnerable.
Azol: Awwww... Why you crying? Your parents don't like you? *chuckles evilly* Don't worry, pretty pink cunt... Daddy will take care of you... In hell! *maniacal laugh*
Samuel Grayson
He will probably feel uncertain about her, seeing her aura on such a sorrowful point despite her bright colors. He will probably feel sad for her and how her family treats her... Lord may have mercy if they meet Samuel.
Samuel: Such a sad little creature... What humans can do out of other humans. *snorts in disgust*
Bambi Miller
She thinks Tiffany is cute and if she is a beautician, they might have a sleepover girls night, do each other's hair, makeup and nails. Just have a great time and maybe later go for some... hunting.
Bambi: She seems so sweet! If she is up to it I might teach her how to throw knives.
The Shadow
He views her as a child without a certain path to follow. He might find it amusing that she kills randomly, not even choosing a bit on her victims. It's like a rushed work done poorly. One thing is that he might have a drop of empathy when it comes to her family's bitter relation because he knows the horrible taste.
Shadow: She has a lot to learn and I don't have the patience and time for that... She will eventually learn.. from her own mistakes...like we all do.
Mitch Carson
He probably wouldn't really care about her, maybe be a little intrigued and cautious, but other than that, not much.
Mitch: *grunts and growls, watching from the dark corners of the jail*
Damiano Liberato
He will find her very much intrigued, especially by her dressing aesthetics, and be very tempted to make her model for him, and if she proves to be so much worthy, well... She signed her fate with this man.
Damiano: Interesting patterns and choice into clothing. Improvement is required, but nothing that I cannot do. *smirks*
Gerome Montana and Axel Friedrich
In their eyes, she is simply a child with parents' issues and nothing much. Maybe find it amusing that a female like her, is killing randomly.
Gerome: Cutie, but she lacks the skills of a true hunter.
Axel: Clueless child.
She looks so innocent that Azment just wants to hold and cuddle her, show affection and tell her that she is just perfect and she doesn't have to be like her sister for someone to love her.
Azment: She is so fragile, so easy to break... She should come by and visit me.... sometimes. *smirks*
Bahini Talibah
They might be on neutral relations, but that's about it.
Bahini: She seems alright, I suppose... but she has to be careful with whom she chooses to kill.
Xaviera Lah-Mo
She might feel sad for Tiffanys' relation with her family and maybe assure her that she doesn't have to prove to anyone that she has certain qualities.
Xaviera: I feel a little sad for she doesn't get along with her sister. *sad sigh*
Akshay Lah-Mo
He doesn't really have an opinion on her, maybe finds her random killing a bit stupid and that one day she might not be that lucky. Also, they might go hiking, but the chances are low.
Akshay: Child... *snorts*
Decebal Avram Chirila
Decebal finds her to be a total cutie, might flirt with her, find it funny that she kills out of the blue, and a little sad about how her family treats her.
Decebal: She looks like a cute little cupcake. *smirks*
Alexander Chirila
He too might find her relation with her family a little sad, and he knows how it feels to be viewed as... imperfect, to be always demanded to do everything in a pristine manner. He isn't good with socializing, so he might not know how to comfort her, despite wanting to do that.
Alexander: I know how she feels... If I am gonna be mistaken for my big brother again and be fucking invisible I am gonna go bonkers. *scowls*
Nadia Nikolina Chirila
She is very emphatic with women, especially small ones, and Tiffany is a bit small compared to Nadia. Nadia will try to assure and comfort her, feeling sad for how she feels. Also, if Tiffany likes outdoor activity, they might go for a run to clear their heads of negative thoughts.
Nadia: Such a sad little one... It breaks my heart to see women like this. *sigh*
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horrorslashergirl · 2 years
Taking slow deep breaths, I rubbed my lips together trying not to laugh thinking about what the shy panther would say when he got home. I loved him to death and the fact that he so easily got flustered made my day, he was just too cute and I don't think he had ever had a Valentine’s day shared with someone before so I wanted to make it special.
Clasping my tights to my garter belt I smoothed the black fabric down and made sure that all my black, lacy and strappy lingerie sat perfectly on my skin. Wearing one of my favorite sets, I knew he wouldn't know what to do. Before leaving the bedroom I zipped up my black knee length boots and fluffed my hair a little, wondering out to the living room and grabbed both of his delicate yet strong swords, playing with them slowly, careful not to harm myself as I waited for the little panther to walk in.
Suddenly hearing the door open, I stood up and flashed a smirk to the Romanian "Happy Valentine’s day, babyboy"
---@the-slasher-files 🔪💕
The first thing he did in the morning after his specific schedule of breakfast and cleaning, was to take his time with some meditation. Alexander needed that, to be out in the open, eyes closed and just focusing on his breathing and emotions. His hot temper and lack of social skills were his flaws so he tried to work on them... And it was quite the challenge, but he got better and better, not feeling always like an awkward fruitcake.
Checking his watch, he figured it was time to head back to the house and prepare lunch. Stepping on the front porch, he opened the door, ready to head to the kitchen to get into cooking mood, only to stay like a frozen deer in the heaights the moment he laid his eyes on her.
No longer a ferocious panther but a little kitty, and Alexander cursed as he felt his scarred cheeks heat up with so much fire, he was sure they weren't the usually pinkish color... But a deep scarlet blush.
His eyes ranked over her form, looking like a complete Mistress of the night in all black and the way she was holding his japanese swords. Alexander almost stumbled over his feet as he took a step forward.
"I-Uhhh.... I-I..." He was simply tongue tied, and then the mention of Valentines Day.
He had never celebrated that holiday. He was too busy with learning and training, not to mention he didn't had anyone to celebrate it with in the first place.
"T-Thank you... I-I don't know... What to say..." He rubbed the back of his neck, swallowing thickly and he tried his hardest not to look too much at the gorgeous and sinfull woman, for he didn't want to be seen as some sort of pervert.
"Y-You look very stunning..." He complimented her with an awkward shy smile, not knowing what he should do.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Alexander Chirilă Headcanons
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Alexander is the little twin brother of Decebal and the bigger twin brother of Nadia.
In contrast to his bigger brother, Alexander is an introvert and prefers to keep to himself and not be the center of attention in a room, mostly because he is awkward and has no social skills, unsure how to handle certain very interactive situations.
Probably the only 'social' interaction he is good at is when playing strategy and mind games like Chess, Mahjong, Go, Checkers, and so on. Despite his bad temper, these are some activities that he had God-like patience for.
He has an IQ of over 200 and that is pointed out in both strategy games, combined fighting styles, and taking fast decisions in pressure moments. He can be described as having an elephant memory.
He is a very great cook because his Master demanded perfection in everything, that including trivial everyday chores like preparing meals. His Master used to throw the food at him for not having enough or too much salt and make Alexander prepare the food again.
Because of his Master, Alexander is a highly obsessive perfectionist in most of what he does, from cooking to fighting, to even making his green tea perfectly to an EXACT temperature. He could be described as a neat freak. If he does your laundry or bedsheets you won't be disappointed: soft warm clothes with that pristine smell of freshly-washed laundry.
Alexander is very good at gardening, from years of taking care of his Master's garden, and loves to spend his free time around quiet green nature and flowers, especially if there are birds around. The chirping of birds is one of the prime things that calm him down.
Despite constantly wearing black, Alexander's favorite color is pale pink. In his former Master's garden, there was a pond with lotus flowers and he always was mesmerized by their beautiful colors.
Alexander is self-conscious and shy, getting flustered very easily when teased, especially about topics about sex and intimacy; his main reaction being a blushing mess and tugging the collar of his black shirt over his head to hide his face, and he shutters.
He loves hot springs and hot baths in general, soaking himself up and relaxing his over-vulcanic mind.
He has a weakness for aromatic candles, chemistry (especially making bombs), poetry, fairytales, books in general and green tea.
His hair has a darker tint than Decebals; also Alexander's hair has a silk-like texture, very thick and dense, and has a flowery scent.
Alexander has been described by his little sister, as a woman in a man's body, mostly for his soft interests, fear of intimacy, and his outer feminine vibe: his thick, long lashes and rosy plush lips, not to mention his very soft baby-skin.... and the fact he can hardly grow a beard.
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
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The Chirilă Triplets! 🌀
Alexander Chirilă Fic: Running Scars
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Alexander Chirilă Headcanons 2
Alexander Chirilă SFW Alphabet
Alexander Chirilă Moodboard
Alexander Chirilă Headcanons 3
Alexander Chirilă x Reader- Toy Boy
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