#And then oops I accidentally wrote a 300k word epic exploring themes of economic disparity and anti-colonialism
spacecat-studio · 7 months
NaNoWriMo day 13
so I’ve got 1,651 words so far and the politics got mostly glossed over in favor of Licia having mega-aro+trauma feels over her queerplatonic relationship with Cal, because my natural impulse is always going to be toward character journey, and relationship building, especially the platonic relationships. As much as I love a good romance this mega-aro bitch gets really turned off by the thoughtless amatonormativity of the genre as a whole.
I am also waffling over the presentation of the QP relationships because I feel like people are going to read them as inherently romantic because we have been conditioned by the disneyfied amatonormativity of our media culture to see all dedicated partnerships as inherently romantic, and that’s always gonna annoy the shit out of me. /end grumpy aro rant
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