#Andrew taggart icons
rosabie · 1 year
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packstuffworld · 5 years
The chainsmokers. Please!😀 i love very very chainsmokers!
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The Chainsmokers.
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brighterpacks · 5 years
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• the chainsmokers icons
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thegodmokers · 7 years
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manfashion-yahoo · 6 years
法國奢華運動服#M+RC NOIR
法國巴黎的街頭品牌M+RC NOIR,由主理人Yoni Zalberg在2014年創立,短短四年間已擄獲大批死忠粉絲,其簡約的設計混合了街頭文化與都市郊區美學,以奢華復古運動服飾為定位,主打高端又不失潮流氣息的休閒服裝,像是風衣、軍裝外套、帽T等,較常使用的元素是織帶及3M的反光條,呈現美國80、90年代復古運動風格。
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主理人Yoni Zalberg熱愛嘻哈文化,每天都要做的事就是聽音樂,品牌也被譽為嘻哈音樂與時尚結合的產物,更有眾多的Rapper支持者,Ian Conner、Wiz Khalifa、Lil Yachty皆拜倒在它的石榴裙下。M+RC NOIR相當被看好成為媲美Supreme的後起之秀。
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▲ 饒舌歌手著用。(左)Lil Uzi Vert (右)Wiz Khalifa 
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▲ 3M反光小包也是M+RC的熱賣單品
說到潮牌Supreme應該很少人不知道,但流著同樣血液的NOAH相較之下就顯得鮮為人知了。主理人Brendon Babenzien是前Supreme的創意總監,在2015離開後便重啟自己的品牌NOAH,以滑板、衝浪、音樂文化為設計理念,街頭風的簡單設計相當受到推崇,連潮流Icon余文樂都是他們家的粉絲。
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▲ NOAH主理人Brendon Babenzien 
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相較於其他街牌,NOAH的衣服單價較高,一件T恤的價格約88美金,帽T甚至要148美金,對於年輕的潮牌來說算是較不親民的定價,對此Brendon Babenzien也解釋:NOAH的衣服採用美國高級棉花織成,比那些品質低劣的商品質料更好,且能保存更久,製衣工廠的待遇也絕對比所謂的血汗工廠高出許多。對品質的堅持,也實際反映在價格上,俗話說「一分錢一分貨」,NOAH可謂純正紐約血統的潮流品牌。
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機能與時尚的完美結合#Stone Island
創立於1982年的Stone Island,主打特殊的機能面料,最具標誌性的是手臂上的LOGO臂章,源起於義大利,卻在英國爆紅,成為街頭上不可或缺的一份子,近幾年來這股潮流也吹過大西洋逐漸風靡全美,多次與NikeLab聯名,推出兼具時尚感與運動機能的高品質單品,還和Supreme「強強聯手」,發布的聯乘單品每每都能引起高度話題。
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▲ Stone Island x Supreme 聯名系列
有人對於Stone Island的評價是「它不僅是一個品牌,更是一個物理實驗室」,確實,Stone Island不斷嘗試新的布料,像是卡車油布、反光面料、尼龍帆布等,創造具備高度機能性的休閒服飾。刺繡精緻的羅盤LOGO,具有極高的辨識度,同樣令人愛不釋手。
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▲ Stone Island x NikeLab聯名系列 
好萊塢明星御用#Fear of God
2013年創立的LA街頭品牌Fear of God,在潮流圈裡可是具有一定的影響力,Justin Bieber、Kanye West、Rihanna都是它的頭號粉絲,是許多明星私下最愛著用的潮牌之一。品牌主理人Jerry Lorenzo深受90年代街頭文化的影響,因此Fear of God以「寬鬆」、「多層次」為設計主軸;喜愛搖滾樂團的Jerry Lorenzo也不時將搖滾的主題呈現在自家服飾上,而近期的單品如潑墨丹寧、破壞牛仔褲、歌德風設計都相當受歡迎。
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▲ 老菸槍雙人組的Andrew Taggart著用 
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Fear of God另一個受到矚目的原因是:與其他品牌的聯乘企劃,像是2017年與VANS聯名的鞋款,堪稱潮流迷心中的夢幻經典;近期更��出要與NIKE聯名,搭上復古Dad Shoes的風潮,以1992年推出的鞋款Air Skylon II為底本進行改造,勢必又要引發一波搶「神」大戰。
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▲ Fear of God x VANS聯名鞋款
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▲ Fear of God x NIKE聯名鞋款流出諜照
情色藝術寫��#Fxxking Rabbits
日本攝影師#FR2以女性「臀部」為題材,拍攝出許多勾人慾火的情慾寫真,在IG上有著極高人氣,其後進軍潮流圈,建立了帶有濃濃戲謔風格的日本潮牌「FXXKING RABBITS」,經典LOGO是兩隻交媾的兔子,也算是非常具有#FR2的風格。
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Fxxking Rabbits的衣服大多具有嘲諷的味道,如同知名的「SMOKING KILLS」T恤,靈感便來自於設計師本人戒菸成功的醒悟,老煙槍穿著便形成強烈的反諷。也有翻玩宗教的惡搞設計,連陳冠希EDC都抵擋不了小兔子的魅力,讓CLOT和Fxxking Rabbits來場惡趣味的邂逅。
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▲ Fxxking Rabbits x CLOT聯名單品
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obtusemedia · 4 years
The 100 best songs of the 2010s: #50-26
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#50: “I Love It” by Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX (2012)
“I Love It” is about as close as the early ‘10s bubblegum pop scene got to punk rock. 
Swedish one-hit-wonders Icona Pop, with the songwriting help of pop wizard Charli XCX, crafted a single that feels like a punch in the face. It’s short, it’s repetitive and it flies middle fingers in the face of authority, older generations and anyone else who pissed them off. The bridge’s iconic line, “You’re from the ‘70s, but I’m a ‘90s bitch,” sums up the theme of “I Love It” more than I ever could.
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#49: “Shut Up Kiss Me” by Angel Olsen (2016)
I feel bad putting Angel Olsen — unequivocally one of the ‘10′s greatest talents — this relatively low on the list. But she’s more of an album artist than a singles one, so just listen to MY WOMAN if you want a more full picture of her.
But she does have at least one instant showstopper in her catalogue. “Shut Up Kiss Me” is a a perfect mix of too-cool indie and painfully Midwestern heartland rock. Olsen’s voice is defiantly old-school, like a Greatest Generation-era country singer or Lana Del Rey-via-Missouri, but she makes it work somehow over the song’s clanging garage-rock guitars.
“Shut Up Kiss Me” is a spark of energetic, flirty fun, proving the ‘90s and ‘50s should be combined more often.
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#48: “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars (2014)
After starting the 2010′s with some insanely bland pop, Bruno Mars wisely course-corrected into slick retro-pop and delivered some of the best hits of the decade. “24K Magic,” “Locked Out Of Heaven,” “Finesse,” “Treasure” — all wonderful in my book.
But of course, none of Mars’ hits compare to the towering masterpiece that is “Uptown Funk.” That’s partly because he teamed up with another retro-pop titan, Mark Ronson, to deliver the goods. The combination of Mars’ borderline-kitsch, cartoony swagger and Ronson’s Minneapolis-style funk is a wonder to behold. It’s easy to dance to, easy to sing (or I guess, chant) along with, so it’s no wonder that it conquered the world in early 2015.
Does “Uptown Funk” shamelessly ripoff Morris Day and The Gap Band? Sure. But sometimes, pastiches can turn into something greater.
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#47: “212″ by Azealia Banks (2011)
I’d rather not talk about how Azealia Banks self-destructed her own career by starting (and losing) feuds left and right. Even Kanye West would be embarrassed at her lack of filter.
No, let’s focus on that brief window where Banks appeared to be the future of hip-hop, thanks to her firebomb of a single, “212.” This song still goes hard in the paint eight years later. The playful, bouncy beat is a perfect match for Banks’ dexterous flow and filthy lines. It somehow still retains its shocking power nine years later.
Banks had that power to grab your attention. It’s a shame that talent went to waste, but at least we’ll always have “212.”
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#46: “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall” by Coldplay (2011)
Just wanted to remind all of you: Coldplay was actually really good. Even on their obnoxiously optimistic, day-glo 2011 album Mylo Xyloto. And especially on that album’s lead single, the EDM-lite, slow-burning, anthemic “Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall.”
Is it corny? Of course, it’s Coldplay. Does it light up every pleasure center in my brain anyways? Again: Of course, it’s Coldplay. Just give into the U2-esque guitars, thumping synths and Chris Martin wailing away about waterfalls or whatever. I don’t know why it works, but it sure as hell does.
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#45: “Capacity” by Charly Bliss (2019)
After writing an entire album of bubbly grunge-pop jams filled with non sequiturs, New Yorkers Charly Bliss got a little more serious with their follow up, “Capacity.” The new wave anthem perfectly encapsulates the suffering of emotional labor, and when you try to be everything for everyone. Lead singer Eva Hendricks’ normally vibrant voice is self-constrained for most of the song, until the climax, when it feels like a weight has been lifted off. 
“Capacity” is the perfect compromise for Charly Bliss: It retains their irresistible hooks, while using that pop songwriting to convey something more important. 
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#44: “Rollercoaster” by Bleachers (2014)
Jack Antonoff is probably the pop producer of the decade. His ‘80s-fetishizing fingerprints are all over the ‘10s pop scene, from his bombastic early days with fun., to his minimalist work with Lorde’s career-defining Melodrama. And don’t forget Taylor Swift’s career-derailing reputation — his production was one of that album’s bright spots.
But naturally, the songs Antonoff saved for himself and his side project Bleachers were perfect pop nuggets too. “Rollercoaster” is probably Bleachers’ best. This slice of pure, unfiltered new wave bubblegum is so catchy that you’d swear it’s a cover of a classic pop song from 30 years earlier. You’d have to try pretty damn hard (or just dislike pop) to dislike it.
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#43: “Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)” by Arcade Fire (2010)
Remember when Arcade Fire were still the darlings of the music industry? One listen to The Suburbs and you’ll be reminded why they were at one point considered the indie U2.
“Sprawl II” is just one of many highlights on The Suburbs, but as the climax of that album, it’s bulletproof. Regine Chassagne takes the vocal reigns here, delivering her best-ever yelpy, high-pitched performance. In an album all about the suffocating nature of suburban sprawl, “Sprawl II” perfectly encapsulates the difficulty of escaping the endless housing developments and crumbling strip malls. In a way, it’s the millennials’ “Born To Run” — all about getting away to a brighter future. Just swap crumbling factories for drive-thrus.
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#42: “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa (2019)
Dua Lipa was always a solid popstar. Jams like “Electricity” and “New Rules” were fun, energetic dance-pop singles. But she was never truly transcendent until “Don’t Start Now” arrived in the decade’s waning months. Lipa went full disco queen on the track, effortlessly riding a fat slap-bass line all the way to pop euphoria. Her robotic, staccato delivery on the chorus sells the song’s icy post-breakup-brushoff feel. If “Don’t Start Now” is any indication, expect Lipa to be one of the 2020s’ best stars. 
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#41: “Scorpio Rising” by Soccer Mommy (2018)
Nashville singer-songwriter Sophie Allison, AKA Soccer Mommy (maybe the decade’s best/worst band name), doesn’t dance around with her lyrics. They cut straight to the heartbreak in the most brutal way. And there’s no song that exemplifies this better than her power-ballad, “Scorpio Rising.”
The slow-burner is about a slowly-dissolving long-distance relationship. Allison knows her boyfriend has eyes on someone else that actually lives near him, and she has to let him go. It’s tragic in a routine way, and the twanging guitars and Allison’s longing vocals really sell both the realism and the angst of the scenario.
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#40: “I Blame Myself” by Sky Ferreira (2013)
Pending on how great her long-awaited sophomore album Masochism is — if it ever comes out — Sky Ferreira will be one of the 10′s biggest what-ifs. After a solid EP in 2012, her 2013 debut, Night Time, My Time was a beautifully grimy blend of ‘80s new wave and ‘90s grunge. Even with HAIM, Chvrches and Lorde releasing debuts that year, Ferreira seemed to be the top of the pop class of 2013. But the second album still hasn’t arrived.
Luckily, Night Time, My Time is an untouchable masterpiece, and its synthpop centerpiece, “I Blame Myself,” shows exactly what Ferreira’s capable of. Surrounded by songs with crashing guitars, the bright synths and drum machine rumble makes it one of the album’s more minimalist tracks. And the song itself is a great exploration of the guilt, anger and self-doubt that comes after a breakup. It’s a more-than-worthy sequel to her breakout single, “Everything Is Embarrassing.”
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#39: “Dreams and Nightmares (Intro)” by Meek Mill (2012)
Me, listening to the first 96 seconds of “Dreams and Nightmares”: Yeah, okay, this is pretty nice. It’s a good come-up track, dreamy instrumentation.
Me, starting at the 97-second mark of “Dreams and Nightmares” and for the rest of the song: OH MY GOD MY HEART RATE JUST TRIPLED WHAT’S HAPPENING IS THIS THE GREATEST SONG EVER
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#38: “Closer” by The Chainsmokers and Halsey (2016)
The Chainsmokers made a lot of bad music in the 2010s. Halsey made a lot of mediocre music in the same time frame. But when they joined forces? An accidental masterpiece was created.
I’m not going to argue that “Closer” is high art by any means. It’s trashy to the highest degree, and it’s not even critic-approved, hipstery bubblegum like Carly Rae Jepsen or Charli XCX. Nope, “Closer” is the definition of lowest-common-denominator pop. There’s not much special to it.
Then why do I love it so much? Three years later, I still remember every word will sing along with glee. I love the random, pointless details like that mattress stolen in Boulder, or that Blink-182 song overplayed in Tuscon (the song’s couple apparently spent lots of time in Pac-12 college towns...surprised they didn’t throw in a shout-out to Corvallis while they were at it). I love the cheap-sounding bleepy-bloopy drop. And I legitimately think, despite being a bland singer, Andrew Taggart has vocal chemistry with Halsey.
“Closer” will likely never be a critical darling. But I think it’ll stick around in the public consciousness as a guilty pleasure — I know it’s my favorite guilty pleasure of the 10s. I guess that makes it the “Don’t Stop Believin’“ of this decade. There are certainly worse things to be.
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#37: “House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls” by The Weeknd (2011)
In 2011 — before he became Daft Punk’s new muse, before he developed an uncanny knack for writing songs that sound like lost Michael Jackson classics, before he became a hook artist for Beyoncé and Kanye, even before he fought Adam Sandler in a Safdie Brothers movie — The Weeknd was just a mysterious, shadowy figure. Nobody knew what he looked like, or what his real name was. And that didn’t matter, because he gave us gloriously depraved futurist R&B classics like “House of Balloons / Glass Table Girls.”
As much as I love The Weeknd’s pop sellout era — I struggled not putting “Starboy,” “I Feel It Coming” or “The Hills” on this list — “House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls” is something truly special. The two-part song starts as an invitation into The Weeknd’s creepy world. With a heavy Siouxie and the Banshees sample (not the only time he borrowed from ‘80s art-rock), he lets the listener into his “happy house,” which sounds anything but.
By the time you reach the song’s second half, things take a sharp veer into overt sleaze, all cocaine and sex. The song is so nocturnal here that if you listen to it during the day, Spotify will refuse to play it. “Glass Table Girls,” like The Weekend, is a creature of the night. And even though he’d have better hooks later in this career, that first hedonistic rush is still the best.
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#36: “Gone” by Charli XCX feat. Christine and the Queens (2019)
Charli XCX, after years of getting ~this close~ to penning a generational anthem, finally hit the nail on the head in the last summer of the decade.
“Gone” is an anxious, dystopian banger worthy of two of the ‘10′s best alt-pop heroes. It perfectly captures the intense self-loathing and fear when surrounded by people you don’t know/don’t like. And wrapping it all up in a glitched-out breakdown? *chef’s kiss*
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#35: “BOOGIE” by BROCKHAMPTON (2017)
“BOOGIE” is the sound of absolute chaos. The beat is composed of a lurching bassline, air-raid sirens and a squawking sax riff, all turned up to 11. Throw in radically varying verses from six (!!) different BROCKHAMPTON members, a music video where the sprawling Texas collective paints themselves blue and wreaks havoc in a convenience store and weirdo bars including arguably the most non sequitur/best flex of the decade (“Best boy band since One Direction/Making n*ggas itch like a skin infection”), and you’ve got a perfect BROCKHAMPTON song.
In the past couple years, BROCKHAMPTON has refined their sound a solid, reliable formula: quirky bars, creaky beats, general vibe of angst. The collective is more reliably good now, but there was something special about their unpredictable crash-landing in 2017. “BOOGIE,” while being an absolute banger, still features Joba delivering an entire voice in a yelping scream, and Merlyn Wood (my favorite of the group) rhymes “willy” with itself 40 times or so. It’s a deeply odd song. But it’s the best kind of odd.
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#34: “The Woman That Loves You” by Japanese Breakfast (2015)
A gorgeous introduction to what would become one of the late-’10′s premier indie acts, “The Woman That Loves You” is synthy dream-pop perfected.
Michelle Zauner, AKA Japanese Breakfast, has one of those voices that works as its own instrument, bending and shifting timbres when the song needs it. In “Woman,” her softer, cooing style is mostly used to fit the dusky atmosphere created by the song’s hypnotic guitar riff and slowly rumbling drums. And when the song’s climax hits in the song’s middle, her vocals burst into exasperated joy while twinkling synths explode in the background.
“The Woman That Loves You” is a songs that demands to be listened to at twilight; it’s a potential end-credits classic. The fact that Zauner was able to live up to its promise with two incredible albums just makes her debut single’s legacy even stronger.
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#33: “Shabba” by A$AP Ferg feat. A$AP Rocky (2013)
The A$AP Crew’s peak turned out to be surprisingly short. Ater A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg dominated 2013, their careers wound up in gradual decline afterwards. Rocky honorably tried to switch up his style, but nothing ever stuck and Travis Scott took over his lane. And Ferg just kind of became bland.
But the duo will always have one glorious moment: the ignant-rap masterpiece “Shabba.” Over a trunk-rattling beat that sounds like a Hitchcock soundtrack filtered through a trap lens, Ferg and Rocky have the time of their lives bragging about money and women. On the surface, it’s a generic trap song. But it’s the platonic ideal for a generic trap song — both insanely fun, but with a bit of legitimate edge. It’s something MCs would try to top for the rest of the decade. And they would never come close.
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#32: “Adored” by Hatchie (2018)
It’s been only about two years since Hatchie released her debut single, “Sure,” and yet the Brisbane artist already feels like an essential figure in ‘10s dream pop. Her ghostly vocals and spaced-out guitars hit the ground running immediately, and she hasn’t disappointed since.
Hatchie’s best single, “Adored,” is probably about the closest she came to a true dancefloor filler. The single — released by Adult Swim, weirdly enough — is a yearning and insanely catchy. It sounds like if The Cranberries added some synthesizers and a pounding, euphoric dance beat to one of their classic songs. Hatchie makes the listener wait over two minutes for the chorus, but its melody is so pristine that it’s worth the wait. And if she’s willing to toss off a dream pop anthem as spectacular as “Adored” as a loosie single, I think Hatchie has a very bright future ahead.
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#31: “Loud Places” by Jamie xx feat. Romy (2015)
The hook for Jamie xx’s solo debut album, In Color, is that it didn’t try to sound like London rave music. Instead, it captured the feelings and emotions that ravers feel while in London’s nightclubs. It was a dance album that made you think of dancing, rather than make you actually want to dance.
That sounds pretentious as hell, I realize, but Jamie xx — a member of indie-pop stalwarts The xx — nailed the execution, particularly on the haunting lead single with The xx’s lead singer, Romy, “Loud Places.”
The song is about finding euphoria on the dance floor, but instead of being a banger, it’s mostly subdued and minimalist. Its verses are just Romy’s whispers, plus a few quiet synths. Then, a ghostly sample of a 1977 soul song explodes into the mix with pounding drums, and you’re hypnotized. A twinkling percussion loop and a repeated, twanging guitar riff rush in to compliment.
With “Loud Places,” Jamie xx proved that he was ready to move beyond The xx’s hyper-minimalist style, and create his own type of anthem.
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#30: “Harvard” by Diet Cig (2015)
Diet Cig’s best songs work because of their raw emotional power. Lead singer/guitarist Alex Luciano has a voice that, while not as technically impressive as an Ariana Grande or Whitney Houston, can perfectly deliver anguish and outrage. And she was never more powerful than on Diet Cig’s breakout single, “Harvard.”
The feeling conveyed in “Harvard” is jealousy and betrayal: A guy starts dating a bougie Ivy League woman after breaking up with the narrator. The short song dives get into detail for much of its running time, with Luciano sneering that her new girlfriend’s “not as loud” and making fun of his new, white-collar life.
But the song’s thesis, and arguably the best chorus of the decade, is saved for the final 30 seconds of the song. Over crashing drums and lo-fi guitar, Luciano screams off-key, “FUCK YOUR IVY LEAGUE SWEATER!” It’s both visceral and relatable for anyone who feels left behind.
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#29: “Shallow” by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga (2018)
“Shallow” is the best soundtrack song of the decade and one of the best of all time. Despite its odd structure, the chemistry between Bradley Cooper (and his solid Eddie Vedder impersonation) and Lady Gaga — sorry, I mean Jackson Maine and Ally — is undeniable. And that magical “AHHHAAAAAAAAA” where Gaga reminds everyone that she’s arguably the greatest vocal powerhouse of her generation? Ugh. It’s perfect.
Also, if I can get on a tangent — A Star Is Born should’ve swept the 2018 Oscars. In what universe is Green Book a better movie? Or Rami Malek’s lip-synching job a better performance than Bradley Cooper’s tragic, grizzled turn? (Olivia Colman was very good in The Favourite, so I can live with Gaga losing).
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#28: “I Can Never Be Myself When You’re Around” by Chromatics (2015)
Chromatics were the decade’s most frustrating, yet brilliant act. The Portland group only put out one full-length album in the 2010′s — 2012′s stellar Kill For Love — before waiting three years to put out follow-up singles in 2015 with the promise of a new album, Dear Tommy, by Valentine’s Day. But Dear Tommy has yet to arrive nearly five years later, and almost all of its incredible singles were taken down from streaming services.
One of those disappearing singles (that just returned this fall!!) was “I Can Never Be Myself When You’re Around,” a roller-disco masterpiece. It managed to hold onto Chromatics’ signature ghostly ‘80s-noir sound while adding a thumping bass line and snapping snare drums. The band had made danceable tunes before, like “Looking For Love,” but they were usually more minimalist affairs. “When You’re Around” is the Chromatics formula on steroids, and shockingly it works.
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#27: “Wednesday Night Melody” by Bleached (2016)
From its raucous skater-punk guitars to the undeniably catchy Go-Go’s vocal harmonies, “Wednesday Night Melody” is the platonic ideal for a Los Angeles rock jam.
Bleached, one of the decade’s most underrated acts, has written plenty of songs written for driving full-speed with the windows down on Pacific Coast Highway, but “Wednesday Night Melody” is their sound perfected. Receiving the torch from fellow Californians Weezer, Bleached found just the right balance between massive hooks and crunchy guitars. It’s the pinnacle of the mid-’10s brief bubblegum-punk movement.
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#26: “LMK” by Kelela (2017)
“LMK,” the highlight of arguably the decade’s finest R&B album, Take Me Apart, is a masterclass in retrofuturism.
Kelela and producers Jam City create a blacklight alternate reality with “LMK,” in which 1986, 1999 and 2050 all seamlessly meld. The new-wave synths, stuttering Timbaland-esque rhythms and icy vibe make for an incredible experience. Kelela’s cool is impenetrable — appropriate given as the song is basically telling a potential lover in the club to chill out and just talk to her.
In a weak era for R&B, it’s truly a shame that Kelela hasn’t yet become the megastar she deserves to be. But in that alternate reality, weirdo bangers like “LMK” are playing 24/7.
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greypryde · 7 years
congrats on reaching ur follower goal !! im just gonna say that my favorite emoji is ✨this one✨ ( or 👀 tbh)
thank u trini!! 💓ily and YES both emojis are great! 
url: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |  IRIS WEST | i don’t know who andrew taggart is but it’s still a nice url! makes me think of harry potter lmao 
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | BARRY ALLEN |
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | DINAH LANCE | you always have the best themes !!
posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | OLIVER QUEEN |
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | HAL JORDAN |
following: no, sorry! | +f | yes!! | ur my super friend 🎵
comment(s): oops i put them next to the ratings?? but I LOVE U PAL
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9 Unforgettable Moments from the 2018 Billboard Music Awards
The Billboard Music Awards rocked the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on Sunday, and almost all the biggest names in music and entertainment came out to celebrate the artists, songs, and albums that took the world by storm this year.
In a night filled with bombastic live performances and emotional, touching speeches, there were a few moments that stood out from the rest.
Here are some of the biggest, best and most important highlights from Sunday's BBMAs.
1. Emotional Tribute to Santa Fe High School Shooting Victims
Our hearts go out to all the victims in the Santa Fe community and their families. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/7ejLAd8nKk
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
Kelly Clarkson somberly opened this year's show with an emotional call to action in response to the mass shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas on Friday. The 36-year-old singer fought back tears from the first moment of her powerful speech, where she rejected the idea of having a moment of silence in favor of calling for a "moment of action [and] a moment of change."
The tragic shooting, which is believed to have been committed by a 17-year-old student who attended the high school, claimed the lives of 10 people, eight children and two adult teachers, and left 13 others wounded.
"Mommies and daddies should be able to send their kids to school, to church, to movie theaters, to clubs. You should be able to live your life without that kind of fear," Clarkson said "We need to do better. Because we're failing our children, we're failing our communities and we're failing their families. I have four children; I cannot imagine getting that phone call or that knock on the door."
2. Ariana Grande Kicks Things Off With a Splash
We have 'ʎɹɔ oʇ ʇɟǝl sɹɐǝʇ ou' after that #ARIANA_BBMAs performance! @ArianaGrande 😭🚫 pic.twitter.com/vSqrNprYXw
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
The 24-year-old singer kicked off the awards show with a rain-soaked, umbrella filled performance of her new single "No Tears Left to Cry," while rocking a black babydoll dress and thigh-high leather boots.
The appearance marked Grande's first televised performance since her split from longtime boyfriend Mac Miller earlier this month, and it's clear the singer hasn't let it affect her stage presence. Grande didn't miss a beat during the stylish number, which was a beautiful live recreation of the song's psychedelic music video.
3. Kelly Clarkson Proves Why She's the Best Choice to Host
Come through, @Kelly_Clarkson! #BBMAs#KELLY_BBMAspic.twitter.com/XgJpR7nYjx
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
When Clarkson took the stage for her opening monologue, the singer showed exactly why she was the best possible choice to host: her effortless enthusiasm and genuine appreciation for her fellow artists.
After saying she was going to keep things "simple" as the evening's host, Clarkson immediately kicked into an over-the-top medley of some of the nominated artist's biggest hits, including Maren Morris' "My Church," Sam Smith's "Too Good at Goodbyes," and Kendrick Lamar's "Humble." 
Clarkson continued with her cover of Imagine Dragons "Thunder" and Khalid's "Young Dumb & Broke" -- which Khalid himself couldn’t help but dance to in the audience -- and then performed Cardi B's verse from Bruno Mars' "Finesse" as well as Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You," Shawn Mendes' "Nothing Holding Me Back" and Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do."
As the explosive, acrobat-filed display of extravagance came to a close, Clarkson jokingly reiterated that she planned on "keeping it simple."
Later in the evening, Clarkson stepped back from hosting for a live performance of her own music.
These two go way back! ↩️ @SimonCowell brings out the next #BBMAs performer, @Camila_Cabello! #CAMILA_BBMAspic.twitter.com/ShAdlp5g41
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
The singer took the stage in a golden, fringe-covered dress to belt out a rendition of "Whole Lotta Woman," off her 2017 album The Meaning of Life.
4. The Chainsmokers Honor Avicii
Before presenting the award for Top Hot 100 Song, The Chainsmokers' Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall joined Halsey to pay tribute to the late EDM artist Avicii.
Nothing but love for Avicii from @TheChainsmokers & @halsey as they present the #BBMAs for Top Hot 100 Song. 💞 pic.twitter.com/k89czVBrih
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
"His passing was a great loss for the music world, and for us," Pall shared, somberly. "He was an artist who inspired so many and in so many ways. And, simply put, he meant so much to us and everyone in the EDM community."
"Everyone who worked with him would agree that he was such a joy," Halsey added. "And it makes this tragedy all the more painful."
Not long after paying tribute to the late artist, The Chainsmokers took home the award for Top Dance/Electronic Artist, and Pall dedicated the Golden Microphone to Avicii and addressed the artist's influence on EDM and pop.
.@TheChainsmokers are #BBMAs WINNERS! Congrats on taking home the 🏆 for Top Dance/Electronic Artist! pic.twitter.com/WOXnCgEExT
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
"We want to dedicate this award to Avicii. None of us would be here. Everyone who was nominated for this award was massively influenced by him," Pall shared, in part. "He will be missed."
5. Demi Lovato and Christina Aguilera Belt Out Wild Duet
I got a right to speak my mind 🗣 about how FANTASTIC this song is. WOW. @xtina@ddlovato#XTINADEMI_BBMAs#BBMAspic.twitter.com/VLuixGOQ8e
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
There's no denying that Lovato and Aguilera stole the spotlight with their insane diva-off when the pair took the stage to perform their girl-power duet "Fall in Line." 
Rocking matching black leather trench coats, the amazing number seemed to be set in a dystopian police state, with back-up dancers in fascist-like black uniforms and militaristic helmets. It gave the whole thing an emotional Handmaid's Tale/1984 vibe that really added some emotional weight to the defiant, feminist messages and themes of the powerful song.
6. BTS Has the Absolute Best Night
You might be sick of this 'Fake Love' but I am NOT sick of those dance moves, @BTS_twt! #BBMAs#BTS_BBMAspic.twitter.com/kvbXidp3gZ
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
Every time BTS was mentioned, or the cameras cut to them in the audience, everyone freaked the hell out. Every. Single. Time. So you can only imagine how loud things got when the seven K-pop megastars took the stage to perform their song "Fake Love."
Kelly Clarkson came prepared while introducing the band, bringing out some fuzzy pink earmuffs to defend her ears against the deafening roar of the fans. 
It's TIME for @BTS_twt's FIRST #BBMAs performance AND WORLD TV PREMIERE PERFORMANCE of their song 'FAKE LOVE!' #BTS_BBMAs#BBMAspic.twitter.com/HkR8FQalzp
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
RM, J-Hope, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook, Suga and V slayed the flawless performance with their signature intricate stage presence and complex dance moves that put most of the night's other live numbers to shame.
The award for Top Social Artist presented by @23andMe goes to... @BTS_twt! #BBMAspic.twitter.com/jzE1hvQkno
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
Before their acclaimed performance, the bandmates also took home the award for Top Social Artist for the second year in a row, after becoming the first Korean artists to ever take home a Billboard Music Award in 2017.
7. An Emotional Musical Call For Gun Control
.@BebeRexha introduces a very special performance by @ShawnMendes, @thegreatkhalid and the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Show Choir at the #BBMAs. pic.twitter.com/pbyWy8sUaV
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
The BBMAs addressed the Santa Fe High School shooting once again during the show with an impassioned call for gun control via a performance by Shawn Mendes and Khalid of their emotional ballad "Youth." 
📹 | Shawn, Khalid & the choir students from Stoneman Douglas High❤️ #BBMAs  May 20th,2018pic.twitter.com/Y9e9CAt6J9
— Shawn Mendes Updates (@ShawnMTrack) May 21, 2018
The two stars were joined by the choir of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed and 17 others injured in a mass shooting that left the nation devastated. 
8. Janet Jackson Gets Real
After rocking the stage with her incredible performance, @JanetJackson accepts the 2018 #BBMAs Icon Award! #ICON_JANETpic.twitter.com/S7nDbrGJQI
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
The legendary pop superstar was honored with the BBMAs' Icon Award  -- presented by surprise guest Bruno Mars -- making Jackson only the seventh artist -- and first black woman -- to receive the award.
To celebrate the honor, Jackson performed a medley of some of her biggest hits -- including "Nasty" and "Throb" -- in her first live, televised performance in many years.
While her musical presence drew a standing ovation, Jackson really blew people away with her powerful acceptance speech in which she said Americans are living "in a glorious moment in history."
"It's a moment when, at long last, women have made it clear that we will no longer be controlled, manipulated or abused," Jackson said. "I stand with those women, and with those men equally outraged by discrimination who support us. This is also a moment when your public discourse is loud and harsh."
9. Salt-N-Pepa Close Out the Show With Classics
Will I have these songs stuck in my head for the rest of the night? YEP. Am I mad about it? NOPE. @TheSaltNPepa#SALTNPEPA_BBMAspic.twitter.com/tF3hKeaH9K
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
The awards show closed out the night with some serious girl power with Hip-hop icons Salt-N-Pepa, who performed a selection of their greatest hits, including "Shoop," "Let's Talk About Sex" and "Push It."
However, things became next-level epic when En Vouge came out to perform with Salt-N-Pepa for their 1994 super-hit "Whatta Man," which brought the entire audience to their feet to sing along.
Check out the video below for a look at the most memorable moments from last year's Billboard Music Awards.
Janet Jackson Receives Icon Award at the 2018 Billboard Music Awards
2018 Billboard Music Awards: Best and Most Daring Red Carpet Looks!
Billboard Music Awards 2018: The Complete Winners List
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packstuffworld · 5 years
Could you make a pack of Kylie Jenner photos and covers with the face of Andrew Taggart
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Kylie Jenner + Andrew Taggart.
like or reblog if you save.
headers and icons aren't mine.
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thegodmokers · 7 years
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                      JUNE                           2017
*****The writers are working on Arrested Development season 5 which Netflix has confirmed is coming in 2018 with the full cast. Ron Howard tells us he is “Warming up my uncredited narrator vocal chords.”
*****The world was welcomed to Live with Kelly and Ryan! I admit that I don’t watch it but this surely won’t help. Why??  Why him?? His name recognition, his power, his falling ratings at E!? Seacrest showed his interview prowess by mistaking Jeffrey Tambor for Vincent Schiavelli, the now deceased actor from the subway in Ghost.  Read the new memoir Tambor was selling, Are you anybody?
*****Val Kilmer says he is healing from cancer.
*****Conan is being sued by a former writer of Leno’s. The man claims that Conan and his writers “lifted jokes from his blog.”  They deny the charges. TBS showed their belief by inking him to 4 more years. Next up an animated series called Final Space and more branching out on the way.
*****We miss U Gwen Ifill but Robert Costa is doing a great job on Washington Week!
*****Clerics are a bit uneasy about scary clown’s order to ease limitations on places of worship and their ability to talk politics from the pulpit. Some fear the two existing side by side and some are very happy to feel the freedom.
*****Nigerian school girls that were abducted 3 years ago are slowly being released. May has brought a second release after the first one in October.
*****Turkey’s President Ertogan sent his thugs out in Washington to beat peaceful protesters. There was no consequence for they have diplomatic immunity. Really? There must be limits. Welcome to Trumps America. **Turkey later gets upset about the ‘treatment’ of those bodyguards.
*****Jimmy Kimmel and his wife welcomed a baby boy named Billy. He was born with heart problems and Kimmel came out to explain to his audience before letting guest hosts take over the rest of the week.  His genuine concern for children that are not as fortunate financially was touching. Of course, those who vote against such things did not seem to agree.** Kimmel is also set to once again host the Oscars.
*****Scandal will run its last season next year.
*****Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is going on tour. Keep an eye out for the Watch out for snakes! tour around the country.
*****Met Gala: The soiree for the who’s who: Best dressed- Nicki Minaj, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Frances Bean Cobain, Lena Dunham, Mary J. Blige, Bella Hadid, Zoe Kravitz, Pryanka Chopra. Worst dressed- Solange Knowles, Helen Lasichanh, Pharrell Williams, Clare Danes
*****Scary Clown 45 tells us that Andrew Jackson could have avoided the civil war. He also told John Dickerson that he calls his program, ‘Deface the Nation’.  Stephen Colbert was so incensed by the disrespect  shown to the journalist that he had a few choice words like; disgrace the nation. He said that Trumps mouth was best used as Putin’s cock holder. He was bleeped but the FCC still looked into complaints, no action was taken.
*****Drake beat Adele’s record at the Billboard music awards. Best dressed were Rachel Platten, Machine Gun Kelly and Madison Beer. Worst dressed were Alex Pall, Andrew Taggart, Halsey and Billy Ray Cyrus.
*****Pence was invited to speak at Notre Dame’s commencement and dozens of graduates and family members silently stood and walked out.
*****Bobby Moynihan, Sasheer Zamata and Vanessa Bayer are out at SNL.
*****Netflix is bringing us Ozark with Jason Bateman (also executive producer and director), Laura Linney and Esai Morales. Look for it in July.
*****So sad to see icons on Fox news. When you see an occasional clip of someone like Joe Nameth, you wonder why??
*****Michael Moore is doing a one man show on Broadway. ‘The terms of my surrender’ will premiere on July 28. He is working on a feature right now about Trump called Fahrenheit 11/9 that will be distributed by the Weinstein’s.  In the fall he will be in TNT prime time with Live from the apocalypse. The climate is giving him a time to shine. Go Michael!!
*****Norman Lear has received the Woody Guthrie prize.
*****Michael  McDonald is working on a new LP, Wide Open.
*****Hillary Clinton has put together Onward Together! The political group asks people to get involved and organize!
*****A report claims that your nipple color is your perfect lipstick shade.
*****A cameo from Paul McCartney is slated for the new Pirates of the Caribbean. He will play a jail guard.
*****The x Mrs. Johnny Depp, Amber Heard has moved onto Tesla founder Elon Musk.
*****An x German rapper, Denis Cuspert , who became an Isis recruiter briefly married FBI operative, Daniela Greene.
*****American Housewife has been renewed for another season.
*****Jesse Jackson has been giving motivational speeches in some high schools. On May 12 he appeared at Peoria High.
*****Larry Wilmore is back with a podcast: Black on the air!
*****James Corden takes his show to the U.K. with Harry Styles and many more.
*****Brick and mortar stores are taking a big hit this year. 85% of all sales still come from these stores but they grew too fast for their own good. Mall building surpassed the population and we will have to say good bye to many of them.
*****James Comey tried to defend himself with the FBI oversight committee. He informed us that he asked for search warrants for wiener’s computer and had not yet got them when he released a memo to congress about looking back into Hillary’s e mails case which was called mid year exam. He claims he could not tell us about the Russian investigation because it was not and still is not finished.  I have to wonder that if Hillary’s e mails were so fascinating to them, are they looking into the casual way that trump conducts business ?  They are probably looking into starting the while Clinton Email thing instead. I have to shake my head at the slow progress of so many of these old senators on both sides of the aisle. It makes the whole thing repetitive and unproductive.  The biggest sound bite was Comey’s statement that it made him mildly nauseous to think he would affect the election. Oh, please!!** Things did get going a bit finally and In the middle of some rather hard driving questions, Trump suddenly appeared on my TV with the President of Palestine. The media bought right into it and it was everywhere. I had to find C-span 3 to continue the hearings and skip the photo op.
*****And then Comey  is fired on May 9 starting a whole new shit storm that distracts from Sally Yates damaging testimony. There have been multiple excuses for that. I think most dems can agree he completely mishandled the Hillary stuff but the timing is just so Trump! He does not even care how it looks, he bulldozes on. There is a giant fucking cloud over the whole thing. There is a letter from deputy attorney general , Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions recommended the firing but Trump says he was gonna fire him all along. Word is that Comey is mad, Rosenstein is livid and also the Presidents communication team. Acting FBI head McCabe assures us that the files were immediately secured. The Prez says Comey informed him that he wasn’t under investigation.  The Fox spin seemed to blame the fact that Comey  would not take the Obama wiretap allegations seriously. Trump also signed an executive order to look into his claims of voter fraud. It is like the biggest conspiracy theory nut got to be president and now we could spend millions of dollars on his crazy whims. OMG! **I feel that I may puke if I have to again see that clip of Comey and Trump shaking hands. Word is that Comey hated that day. ** And now the Justice department has appointed former FBI head Robert Mueller to lead a special counsel on the Russian probe.** Trump claims that ”No politician had it worse” at a Coast Guard commencement.** He probably should not have thrown Rosenstein under the bus because his appointment of Mueller gives him a lot of room to investigate.
*****Constitutional law prof. Laurence Tribe of Harvard writes that trump should be impeached because a President can’t ask for loyalty from the FBI director. He states other reasons like Trump can’t be trusted to stay within the law. Could Comey, the man who helped get him elected be the one to bring him down?
*****The treasury department is looking into money laundering issues with Trump.
*****Scary Clown takes his first trip out of the country as Pres. While there Toby Keith will be playing a ‘men only’ show in Saudi Arabia.
*****Mrs. Callista Gingrich is the ambassador to the Vatican.
*****Princess Mako of Japan will marry Kei Komuro and give up royal status.
*****Once the Stones do it, others always follow suit. Pink Floyd now has an exhibit of their history at the Victoria Albert museum.
*****Scary Clown has threatened to shut down all press briefings.
*****Studies from the CDC show that teens are drinking less.
*****Wow!! Was blown away by Joanne Froggatt in Dark Angel on PBS Masterpiece.
*****JS.. Saw Levon Helm’s Electric Dirt on Axl’s wall on The Middle finale.
*****Brazil’s President is also in some trouble with bribe allegations.
*****A tide brought back a beach on the west coast of Ireland that washed away 33 years ago!!
*****Jared Kushner’s sister, Nicole Meyer told Chinese investors that she could help foreign nationalists get visas through her family’s real estate business.
*****Trump took the Russians gleefully into the oval office and only let in the Russian press, No Americans allowed!! The White house claims they were misled about the Russian photographers. Russia is spreading the news that they have a better relationship with our President that we do. The Washington Post had a story that Trump released classified info to them.  Once a President says it , it is declassified.
*****David Brooks wrote a NY Times piece after the “leak” calling out Scary Clown. He calls Trump an infantalist for immaturity is becoming the dominant role of his Presidency.  He writes, ‘His falsehoods are attempts to build a world in which he can feel good for an instant and comfortably deceive himself. He is an ‘incompetent person who is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence.’ Well said!
***** I personally think that some people just like to live in chaos. Those people have taken over for now. I suppose that Trump loyalists like being puppets. It seems they can’t really think for themselves because everything scary clown does seems just fine to them. As long as he is firing people and disrupting the status quo, they are good no matter the cost. No backbone.
*****The Kennedy Center will honor David Letterman with the Mark Twain prize for American humor.
*****Have we ever had a first lady whose parent was a communist?
*****Nightcap on Pop will be back on June 7.
*****Comedy Central brings comics like Jerry Seinfeld and Kevin Hart with Colossal Clusterfest.
*****The Great British Baking show will be on PBS on June 16.. Hey.. that is Tom’s birthday!!
*****The Battle of the Network Stars is coming in June.
*****People of Earth is back on TBS on July 24.
*****Marijuana business owners were in Washington this month to fight for their rights. They specifically brought attention to section 280-E of the tax code that does not allow deductions and The Respect the State Marijuana Laws act of 2017.
*****Rumors have always been out there that H H Holmes escaped execution.  His great grandchildren have petitioned for and been granted permission to exhume his body.
*****The house voted to end health care as we know it. It is opposed by the AMA, AARP, ACA and on and on. The groups are trying to ban together to hold town halls and explain just what they will get if Obamacare is taken away. But Scary Clown and all his other smug white buddies were laughing and joking about how wonderful it all is. Idaho congressman, Raul Labrador even said later that “Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care,” They all have a very strange sense of humor. To quote a song from another time, “Ain’t no time to wonder why, whew! We’re all gonna die!” It is like a nightmare. I guess their thinking is that if they get rid of all the poor people, they won’t have to look at us anymore? They do not understand the idea of paycheck to paycheck. To get money back on your taxes to help fund your own health care is impossible for many people. They feel they have to get this health care plan through so they can then do the tax plan. They need the health care money for the poor so that the top moneymakers can have their big tax cuts.** Why not just fix the problems with Obamacare like a not for profit public option to buy into?**Women are a majority in this country, how the fuck did we get here? ** I loved Bette Midler’s tweet on it the best: “GOP passed a health care bill so bad they exempted themselves from it. They may live longer, but when they die, it’s straight to hell.”
*****Richard Simmons is suing American Media Inc. and their Radar online and National Enquirer for a story about his transitioning into a woman.
*****Bob Newhart came to Chicago to headline the Salvation Army’s annual civic luncheon.
*****The IFC’s Brockmire is fun and raunchy and you can see Hank Azaria nude. He and Amanda Peete have great chemistry but the rest of the cast is awesome too. I am so loving Tyrel Jackson Williams, the tech nerd and Daisuke Tsuji , the Japanese Free mason pitcher. The Pennsylvania town of Morristown is so Monessan like.
*****A woman may face a year in prison for laughing about Jeff Sessions. Desiree Fairooz was convicted for disorderly conduct but some are calling this fake news.
*****Loretta Lynn had a stroke and has postponed her tour. She is now in rehab.
*****Oh Conan.. Please.. More of the “Gilligan” writer please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
*****Days alert: More of the tech nerd Myron Radditz!! And let’s keep going with the love story of JENERIC!!** I saw the Days punk pimp on a new ad for Geico. He is going places?!** Could they make Nicole any more whiny or stupid!! C’mon!** It is time to kill off Jade.**Morgan Fairchild has joined the cast as Angelica Deveraux.
*****I always knew that Debra Winger was cool. I see that she has admiration for Better Call Saul and The Americans. Yes!!
*****Jeff Goldblum will be back for the next Jurassic Park!
*****Always Dreaming won the Kentucky Derby!
*****Gov. Greg Abott has signed a ban for sanctuary cities in Texas.
*****Norway has the wonderful slow TV on their public broadcasting. It started with a train trip. You can watch chopping wood or burning logs or sheering sheep and knitting. There was a cruise that lasted 5 and a half days. It is syndicated around the world.  YES!!
*****Hooray!! Paris did it! Macron wins!!
*****New Orleans is courting controversy with the removal of many civil war statues.
*****The U.S. has armed the Kurds in Syria. **The White House is also considering new troops in Afghanistan.
*****Trump quote: During the Clapper /Yates testimony: “Watch then start to choke like dogs. Watch what happens. They are desperate for breath.”
*****If you haven’t been reading Carl Reiner’s tweets about Donald Trump.. you must check it out. A recent example: “In his first hundred days in office, trump has succeeded in affirming to our citizens that our great nation will cheer his impeachment.”
*****The Stones are revving up for a new tour in Europe.
*****American Crime Story will tackle Katrina with Dennis Quaid playing George W. Bush.
*****Sam Rockwell will play a KKK leader alongside Taraji P. Henson as a civil rights activist in Best of Enemies.
*****After the court said that Trumps website still stated that ALL Muslims should be banned and Sean Spicer was asked about it in a briefing, it immediately disappeared.
*****Why is frat house hazing still allowed to go on?? These are grown ass people that act like 5 year olds but with booze and drugs.
*****In 2011 a nodosaur mummy was discovered in Alberta with the skin and stomach contents intact!! Paleontologist Vinther says the dinosaur, from 110 million years ago was so well preserved that it might have been walking around a couple of years ago. It is now on display at the new Alberta museum. How fucking exciting is that?
*****Jeff Sessions tell us that he would like the harshest sentences possible for drug offenses. These guys sure like their torture and punishment.
*****RIP Jean Stein, Steven Holcomb, Powers Boothe, Roger Ailes, Chris Cornell , Lisa Spoonaver, Roger Moore,  Gregg Allman and Susan Hurt.
0 notes
laudna · 7 years
andrew-taggart answered your question: does my icon look okay? Your hoe Cas made one for...
its cute !!
aaa thank you!!
0 notes
stuffslm · 7 years
icons andrew taggart with fans + lyric headers (nude colors)
lyric headers of which song babe? /mirella
0 notes
Halsey and The Chainsmokers Remember Avicii in Heartfelt Tributes at the 2018 BBMAs
Andrew Taggart and Alex Pall of The Chainsmokers joined friend and collaborator Halsey at this year's Billboard Music Awards, where they paid tribute to the late EDM artist Avicii.
The three musicians took the stage at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on Sunday to present the award for Top Hot 100 Song, but took a moment to honor the memory of their fellow EDM icon, who died in April.
"His passing was a great loss for the music world, and for us," Pall shared, somberly. "He was an artist who inspired so many and in so many ways. And, simply put, he meant so much to us and everyone in the EDM community."
Halsey shared the touching sentiment and explained the scope of the impact Avicii's death had on everybody in the music world.
"Everyone who worked with him would agree that he was such a joy," the 23-year-old singer said. "And it makes this tragedy all the more painful."
Halsey went on to share that the musician's death is "a reminder to all of us to be there and to support and love all of our friends and family members who may be struggling with mental health issues."
Nothing but love for Avicii from @TheChainsmokers & @halsey as they present the #BBMAs for Top Hot 100 Song. 💞 pic.twitter.com/k89czVBrih
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
Avicii was found dead in Muscat, Oman, on April 20, where he was vacationing. It is believed that the singer took his own life. He was 28.
Not long after paying tribute to the late artist, The Chainsmokers took home the award for Top Dance/Electronic Artist, and Pall dedicated the Golden Microphone to Avicii and addressed the artist's influence on EDM and pop.
"We want to dedicate this award to Avicii. None of us would be here. Everyone who was nominated for this award was massively influenced by him," Pall shared. "He is someone who made us believe this is a realistic career and something we could do with our lives. He inspired all of us, influenced our music, influenced pop music and music in general, and he will be missed."
.@TheChainsmokers are #BBMAs WINNERS! Congrats on taking home the 🏆 for Top Dance/Electronic Artist! pic.twitter.com/WOXnCgEExT
— Billboard Music Awards (@BBMAs) May 21, 2018
"I hope you're somewhere, I hope you found peace, and we love you," Pall concluded.
For more on Avicii's life and legacy, watch the video below.
If you or someone you know needs help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Avicii Remembered With Touching Tribute From DJ Kygo at Coachella
Avicii’s Body Will Be Flown Home to Sweden This Week
Calvin Harris, Zedd and More React to Avicii's Tragic Death
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stuffunicorn · 7 years
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andrew taggart - closer icons! 
like or reblog if saving, pls x
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thegodmokers · 7 years
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