#Armadillo Quintero
burningtacozombie · 2 years
I just listened to this truly wonderful podcast interview with Danny Pino again, where he talks not only about his upbringing and many of the characters he’s played like Miguel Galindo, Nick Amaro and Armadillo Quintero but also about auditioning for those roles, failing auditions on other occasions and writing episodes on Cold Case. it is a beautiful interview that I love so very much. each time listening to it, it makes me fall in love with Danny more. if you want to spend an hour and 15 minutes on something inspiring and funny and heartwarming, this is where you can do it.
and how freaking cute is he in this photo with podcast host Kevin Pollak?!
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sjweminem · 1 year
i've never seen the shield i have no idea what it's about but this is so hot why did they do this....i'm tempted to watch this particular season knowing nothing abt what's happening but just to be lecherous 😳
@faiioutbarf i MUST ensure you see this i've replayed it so many times already 😰💦
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myckicade · 11 months
Mayans M.C. - 05x01 and 05x02
Thoughts, spoilers, and predictions behind the cut.
Please note, these are mostly just the ramblings of a lunatic. *waves* That'd be me.
Well. For fuck's fucking sakes. I had no idea about the premier until yesterday morning, because that is just how little I paid attention to the announcement. (I saw it posted, but if I checked for a date... Psssh... I certainly didn't remember it!).
Anyhow. Two-episode premiers kill me, and not in a good way. I'm exhausted, but that means the episodes held my attention well enough to keep me awake, so. That said, let me try and recall everything that I had wanted to say.
Okay, right off the bat:
The coffin in the previews. I haven't gone back to pause and take a head count, but I'd bet money that that's going to Alvarez in there, when the time comes. If not Alvarez, then Angel, but that's a sleek-looking casket. I just have a bad feeling for the both of them, because, as of right now, they are the only two who seem to be seeing reason. There are logical reasons why it wouldn't be Alvarez (mostly that I can't see his Mrs. just letting the Club have his body for that, unless he gets pulled back in). It's just a sinking feeling I have.
Alvarez. Since I've already brought him up... NEW BABY! YAY! But, it's clear that The World is weighing on him. I was quite surprised when he yelled at Santi, because he's been shown as such a good father. Then... Well. We all remember what happened with Esai. ANYHOW. Alvarez is one of the few characters I still stand behind. I want him to be able to retire in TRUE peace. My fear is that, if he goes down, his family will go with him, and I just don't want that.
Angel. I got A Bad Feeling while he was talking with Felipe, because that's usually the way. A man tries to do better for his family, and for himself, and he gets taken out. (Still a little sore over Coco). I fear that Angel will have this big redemption arc, only to have his heart broken, and then shot to shreds. It always takes something serious for the Main Dude to come around to reason, and become complete unhinged, at the same time. Much as I want to strangle the little bitch... I don't want Angel to be EZ's awakening.
EZ. I've been done with that motherfucker for at least two seasons. Not much has changed there.
Bishop. He's right. EZ will get them all killed. If not, then at least a few steps closer to the grave, each. Bishop can be the last man standing. I also hope he chokes on a cunt hair, stepping out on a nice lady like that. Shame on him.
Miguel. I like this man, and I think that's because I'm entirely partial to Danny Pino. He has a Good Boy face, and plays a Bad Dude so well. (I first saw him on The Shield, back in the early 2000's, playing Armadillo Quintero, and it was all uphill from there). ANYWAY. I wouldn't mind him getting a happy-ish ending. The fact that he's quietly trying to protect Little Brothers in the middle of a war just tickles me. When Soledad told him to cut his sentimental ties (or however she phrased that one), I snickered. The mess with his wife, on the other hand... I have to admit, I don't much care. His trip to the urinal, though... That scene brought me great joy.
Emily. This broad. She hasn't been a worthwhile character in so long? She could have disappeared from the show, and I wouldn't have given a damn. Pretty clear where this is going to go, now that she is - once again - down and desperate for help. I just never understood the point of her character. She's so far removed from EZ now, the road to getting them back into the same orbit is just going to suck.
Creeper. CAN THIS MAN PLEASE CATCH A FUCKING BREAK?! The poor bastard is the MC piñata, both physically and emotionally taking beatings left and right. CRIPES, y'all. Give the dude a break! I hope his little backstabbing bitch gets what's coming to her, one way or another.
Hank. My heart went out to him, last night. Doing what's best for our parents can sometimes suck. Hard. Aging is a gift denied to many, but the process can sometimes be ugly as sin. I felt Hank's pain on a personal level, as my own parents aren't in the best of health, and one of my greatest fears as a future caregiver is that I will have to make one of those Tough Calls. All the same, I saw some negative reactions toward him 'just leaving her there', and that made me mad. We all know how much Hank adores his mother. He's not in the best of shape himself, what with the cane, and picking up someone who takes a fall? Not as easy as it sounds. Ugh. It had to have been tearing him up inside, so I hope some folks can wake up to see that he isn't a bad guy for doing what he had to do for his mother. Shitty situation. Shitty choice to make. Shitty outcome.
Letty. Girlfriend. SO HAPPY to see she's still around. I thought that they might write her out, to be perfectly honest. While her new career choice is... interesting, to say the least, I am glad to see that she and Hope have worked themselves out. I don't care much for Hope's character. (She's a bit flat for me, personality-wise). But, I don't hate her. So. There is that.
Whew. That was a lot. But, that brings me to my final point:
HOW MANY STORYLINES DO WE REALLY NEED?! I feel that certain threads of this series could have been so much better if they had eased off on branching off in so many places. We don't get to spend much time on anything (except that thrice-be-damned pipeline), and the story really does suffer for it. I understand the concept of wide, wild visions for telling a tale. Believe me, I do. But this series lacks focus, unable to find a balanced manner of storytelling. It's fragmented, and rushed, and I know I complained about it last season, as well. I'm still watching. I'm going to finish it, God willing. But there was definite room for improvement on this one.
Bonus Thoughts:
"Put them back on the truck", and the resulting groans. Angel's reaction, especially. PERFECTION.
Angel's pooch encounter was also hysterical. 10/10.
I MAY HAVE MOMENTARILY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE BROTHER THING. I was enjoying the delicious tension between Miguel and EZ for a hot minute, before it all came back to me. (I did that in the first season of Supernatural, too. Came in toward the end of the season, and thought Dean and John had some sexy friction between them, until my husband finally said, "HE'S THEIR FATHER!!!!"... Whoopsies...).
Unpopular Opinion: This Guero dude is already on my nerves. Sorry. Obnoxious as hell, he is.
I'm glad Felipe is getting to spend time with Maverick. (Oh, gag, that name...).
P.S. Hats off to Clayton Cardenas for the scene with the intruders. Angel isn't one to shrink back in fear, bullheaded as he is, but I could taste the terror on him when he found his son in danger. Mm. Delicious work, there.
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diarioelpepazo · 5 months
El hombre llevó una vida de lujo en Medellín. El FBI arrestó al estafador en junio en Las Vegas, tras ser acusado de pagar a uno de sus agentes de seguridad para matar a un cineasta que realizaba un documental sobre su vida. Hace recordar el caso del Jeque, ocurrido en la Caracas de los 90 quien también cometió sus tropelías, pero nunca pudo ser capturado. Fereidoun Khalilian se presentaba como un miembro de una familia real árabe, heredero de una inmensa fortuna y notorio empresario de criptomonedas, del espectáculo, de compañías tecnológicas y de muchas cosas más. Su fama le permitió fundar un club en Florida con Paris Hilton y se codeó con destacadas personalidades. Hasta que un día la farsa saltó por los aires y 'el príncipe Fred', como se hacía llamar, terminó en prisión acusado de ordenar un asesinato. Una investigación realizada por El Armadillo revela detalles de esta historia de película y repasa la vida que llevó este 'príncipe árabe' desde que llegó a Medellín, Colombia, a finales de 2021, junto a su novia la exreina de la belleza y presentadora colombiana Andrea Aguilera Arroyave. Fereidoun Khalilian y Andrea Aguilera Arroyave.Instagram @princefred Durante el año y medio que vivió en Medellín, Khalilian -que cambiaba de nacionalidad dependiendo con quién tratase- presumió en las redes de una vida a todo trapo: lujosos coches, un apartamento de más de 400 metros cuadrados, exclusivas fiestas y comidas en los restaurantes más caros de la ciudad, donde se rodeó de empresarios y políticos. Varios agentes policiales estuvieron a su servicio y le acompañaron por toda la ciudad y, en alguna ocasión, incluso interrumpieron el tráfico para que "el príncipe" pasase. La corporación lo justificó diciendo que se trató de "un acompañamiento preventivo extraordinario y temporal" y que Khalilian consiguió ese privilegio por participar "en una actividad benéfica". Entre sus publicaciones en las redes destaca su participación en una restringida ceremonia de 200 personas, en la que el general William René Salamanca asumió la dirección general de la Policía de Colombia. Fereidoun Khalilian y el general William René Salamanca.Instagram @princefred En la solapa de su traje, Khalilian llevaba un broche de las banderas de EE.UU. y Emiratos Árabes, mientras sus guardaespaldas portaban unas placas que simulaban a las del Servicio de Seguridad Diplomática, la agencia estadounidense que protege a funcionarios, diplomáticos y altos cargos en el exterior. Esas placas, que él mandó hacer, le permitieron acercarse a personas de poder como el exalcalde Daniel Quintero, con el que aparece en una foto en restaurante en junio de 2022. Quintero explicó a El Armadillo que Khalilian se le presentó como un príncipe, pero la historia le "generó dudas" y su equipo solicitó información a la embajada de Emiratos Árabes, que negó que fuera de la realeza. "Después de eso, trató de contactarnos varias veces pero nos negamos a abrirle espacios. Alerté a varias personas de que era un falso príncipe y eso hizo que me enviara algunos mensajes y audios enojado", detalló el exalcalde. Detención en Las Vegas Paradis Khalilian, prima del estafador, dijo que su pariente "es un narcisista" y que construyó su fortuna por medio de fraudes y estafas. Al parecer el origen del 'príncipe' es persa y no árabe. Nació en Irán y se mudó a los 12 años a Turquía, a los 13 a Alemania y llegó a EE.UU. con 18. En junio de 2023, el Buró Federal de Investigaciones de EE.UU. (FBI) le arrestó tras ser acusado de ordenar el asesinato de Juan Esco, un cineasta que realizaba un documental sobre su vida. Escena falsa del crimen del cineasta.FBI El diario Los Angeles Times cuenta que Khalilian colaboró en el proyecto alentado por la idea de que se expondría un lado favorable de su vida, pero cuando descubrió que saldría a la luz su historial delictivo, le ofreció dinero a Mike Sherwood, jefe de su equipo de seguridad, para asesinar a Esco. Sherwood comunicó a Esco los planes del 'príncipe'. Ambos recrearon una escena falsa del crimen y enviaron las fotos a Khalilian.
Con la ayuda del FBI, Sherwood grabó conversaciones con Khalilian hasta obtener material suficiente para que los agentes pudiesen detenerlo en una operación en un 'Dunkin' Donuts' en Las Vegas, también digna de un guion cinematográfico. Su juicio está previsto en febrero de 2024 y se enfrenta a una pena de hasta 30 años de cárcel. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/RT Español
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ladyhawke · 3 years
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Danny Pino as Armadillo Quintero in THE SHIELD 2.01 (“The Quick Fix”)
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kendaspntwd · 5 years
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Every scar is a victory. This is just my biggest.
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glimmerglittergirl · 5 years
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Danny Pino Icons (1/?)
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eccles4il6by · 5 years
alex vargas scandal Danny Pino actor actress info TV Actor
alex vargas scandal Danny Pino actor actress info TV Actor
alex vargas scandal
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About alex vargas scandal:
He played Detective Nick Amaro in Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Featuring as Detective Scotty Valens in Cold Case from 2003 to 2010 earned him extra acclaim.
Prior to Fame
His vocation was activated by his acting job on The Shield. In the show, he depicted druglord and attacker Armadillo Quintero.
Incidental data
Despite the fact that a…
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fuckinghargrove · 6 years
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Also, I’d like to just throw this out there as well.
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dannygpino · 8 years
What would happen if Nevada Ramirez met Armadillo Quintero?
They would honestly kill each other. Or at least try to. 
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detectiveguapo · 9 years
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