#Baldwin County Youtube Video
BLOG NUMBER 4: The Struggles of a Senior White American Man
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In loving memory of Anna Bitterman, known to the kids as Grandma Anna, who succumbed to COVID-19 in March 2020. We miss you, but your warm presence encourages us still.
Four nights have passed since I read James Baldwin’s 1979 speech at University of California, Berkeley. His words yet burn in my ears and sear at my soul. The concepts flowing from his now still lips are in repeat mode within my consciousness. I feel ignorant. I sense a course adjustment in my essay.
Two statements from Baldwin’s address have affected the direction of my research. The first, “Every white person in this country – I don’t care what he or she says – knows one thing … they know they would not like to be black here.” The second, “… we find ourselves up against a vast machinery of racism which infects the country’s entire system of education.”
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(James Baldwin at his estate in Southern France, Phot published in Semana, September 12, 2021, https://www.semana.com/periodismo-cultural---revista-arcadia/articulo/james-baldwin-escritor-negro-estadounidense-treinta-anos-tras-su-muerte/67273/)
Those two sentences alone bast away at the foundations of my essay on the Path to Shine® efforts with school children but, more significantly, question the assumptions and very motivations for my involvement in this educational program. Do I, as a white person, have blinders that hinder my effectiveness serving the children, 85 percent of whom are people of color. Am I, essentially, a collaborator in my interactions and cooperative plans with a public school system that is unintentionally destined to fail students of color? These questions haunt me – I am powerless to ignore them.
In the early 1970s as an Air Force sergeant, I had in my crew a young white airman who grew up in poverty in Eastern Arkansas. A great mechanic, he will be identified simply as Eddie. Eddie loved to drink – drink led him to tales of his scrappy town and the black neighborhood of his childhood. The Motown sound of the time set his memories back to adults who had helped him and contemporaries who had befriended, almost all African American. One night, listening to the Four Tops and others, a stewed Eddie began to cry, “Saaarrg, why do ya think God made me white? I hate being white ... I always wanted to be black!” I was baffled; however, I eventually recalled the Eddie’s military pals were seldom white. He felt trapped by his race.
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(Photo courtesy of USAF)
The fact that I was baffled by Eddie’s confession was and is a telling window into the soul of a person who, fundamentally, judged his heart free of bias. I was not!
Obviously, a brief essay on the subject of “The Ice Breaker” cannot and should not resolve these two questions in their impact on my Path to Shine® efforts: the posing of these questions may need suffice. However, my essay approach now includes two factors that, in the long run, will feed on each other: how has my service to elementary school children impacted their lives and, perhaps more crucially, how has this service and the children themselves impacted my life?
The demographics of Path to Shine® student participants include 56 percent African American, 33 percent Hispanic, and the minority balance are of Caucasian origin. Since these statistics do not represent the demographic breakdowns of the communities our programs serve (some, such as Dunwoody, Georgia, are affluent and predominantly white communities), intellectual curiosity begs questions of the whys. Why do the school systems, teachers, and parents appear incapable of guiding floundering students to the goal of high school education? Why does our population of students differ significantly from the ethnic and economic backgrounds of the communities we serve? My research goal is to uncover contributing factors without firm conclusions.
A YouTube® video exists that engages a diverse group of high school students in the prospect of winning $100 in a foot race. However, before the race begins the “coach” gives each student a two-paces-forward advantage for each question answered “yes”. Each question is based solely on economic and family background with no regard for individual capabilities. For example, two-pace-forward increments are rewarded when parents are still married, if a father figure lives at home, if participants never worried about getting a meal, if the student went to a private school, and so forth. The result was that the “starting lines” differed for nearly each student: the kids with the greatest number of “yes” answers were far ahead of the “no’s”, through no efforts of their own. Incidentally, white students in the group found themselves, in general, ahead although the race had not begun.
In his highly influential blog on American education (The Edvocate), Dr. Matthew Lynch claims that multiple of reasons exist why our education systems fail some students. His reasoning includes several factors that also influence the kids who participate in our Path to Shine® programs, including limited parental involvement (parental apathy, single parent, or multiple job parent homes), insufficient school resources, lowered expectations for certain racial and economic backgrounds among educators, and an inability to achieve education equity among all demographic groups. Given that Dr. Lynch’s pronouncements were established nearly forty years following Baldwin’s 1979 speech, one wonders if the same speech could be addressed to a contemporary audience with similar accuracy.
While my heart breaks in the hearing of Baldwin’s words, my intellect suggests that a degree of progress may have been achieved since 1979: are white folks like me less likely to hold the lot of black folks in a less pitiable perspective, and is the American education system still harboring the “vast machinery of racism”?
I am in the process of interviewing five persons who have committed goodly portions of their time to improving the prospects of children whose backgrounds represent known learning disadvantages: Rev. Leslie-Ann Drake, the founder and current executive director for Path to Shine®, a parent-family school liaison for a Fulton County, Georgia elementary school, a former instructor for a local preparatory academy who recently resigned to accept a teaching role in the Fulton County School System, an Episcopal priest who sponsored a Path to Shine® program through her church, and my spouse, Donald, who has also offered three years of dedication to local elementary school kids. My questions have changed to a degree because of James Baldwin’s perspectives.
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(Photo of College Park Mayor Bianca Motley Broom by Michael Isham)
My goal is to illustrate that the learning process for those who guide the “ice breaker” across the treachery of a frozen path is as meaningful for them as it is for the children they serve.
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sutrala · 3 years
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(LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life American actor John Schneider of “Dukes of Hazzard” fame blasted what he called the hypocrisy of known anti-gun actor Alec Baldwin, who last week while filming a movie accidentally shot and killed the film’s cinematographer with a firearm.
“I’m not going to make a pro-abortion film, I would never make a pro-abortion film. So why on God’s green earth would Alec Baldwin make a pro-gun film, or a film that glorifies guns in any way? I’m a firm believer in the Second Amendment. I am a deputy sheriff; I have guns and I will travel. But I would not make a film or be part of a film that at its core expressed views and opinions that I am at odds with, in my soul,” Schneider said in a video posted to his YouTube page on October 26.
On October 21, while shooting the western-themed movie “Rust” in New Mexico, Baldwin discharged a firearm with a live round in the direction of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while filming. She died as a result of the incident, which also injured director Joel Souza.
Baldwin, a Democrat, is known for his anti-gun views and has made it a point to go after legal gun owners. In 2018, he joined the celebrity No Rifle Association (NoRA), a group whose goal is to target the National Rifle Association (NRA).
“Let’s remember that in this scenario, Alec wrote, co-wrote, produced, executive produced, but his company is the production company of Note, and starred in this film that apparently glorifies guns,” Schneider said of Baldwin.
Schneider then blasted Baldwin as an “uneducated, gun-toting Second Amendment enemy.”
“If that’s not the very definition of hypocrisy, I don’t know what is. This event, I refuse to call it an accident because gross criminal negligence, I don’t believe should be classified as an accident, could have and should have been avoided,” Schneider said.
“We should not be hearing anything about this because it should never have occurred, especially at the hand of an uneducated, gun-toting Second Amendment enemy. Consider that. Give me an answer, give me your opinion. I’d appreciate it. Thank you.”
The Santa Fe County sheriff is now investigating the shooting incident but has said that the film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, and assistant director David Halls are the main focus of the investigation.
Last week, Baldwin wrote that he was “fully cooperating with the police investigation” regarding the incident that killed Hutchins, and that he was shocked with “sadness regarding the tragic accident.”
The film “Rust” seems to have been plagued by many issues surrounding its production. Indeed, accidental discharges of firearms appeared to have happened on set before the fateful October 21 incident that killed Hutchins.
Gutierrez Reed blamed rushed conditions on the set of what was a low-budget film for the accident, according to Fox News.
Gutierrez Reed also said that she disputes a claim that live rounds were used for target practice.
Schneider is best known for playing “Bo Duke” in the 1980s hit TV series “The Dukes of Hazard.”
He became an active Christian in the 1980s and since that time has been outspokenly pro-life, having starred in and made himself many pro-family and pro-life films.
Schneider played U.S. Supreme Court Justice Byron White in the recent film Roe v. Wade. White along with Justice William Rehnquist were the only two justices to dissent with the 1973 ruling that legalized the killing of the unborn in the United States.
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Megan Hsu described art as always having been a creative outlet with infinite possibilities and freedoms for her to express herself without using words to tell stories.
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UC Riverside biology student and artist Megan Hsu, 20, has won awards for her artwork. (Photo courtesy of Megan Hsu)
“Since I was little, I loved being able to capture precious moments through scribbles with crayons, stick figures or shapes,” the 20-year-old said
She explained that, when she looks back at her old drawings, the style is very different but the sentimental value remains.
“To me the drawings are imperfectly perfect,” she said. “They represent pieces of myself at an earlier stage of my life. As I go through life having new experiences or learning new things, I want to continue telling stories through my art by creating works that speak to the heart and connect with people.”
Born in Baldwin Park, Hsu grew up in Fullerton before moving to Riverside to attend UC Riverside, where she is in her third year as a biology major.
Hsu began early on using art as a means of making a statement. One of her fondest artistic memories is when she was a senior at Sunny Hills High School. As president of the art club, she led a small group of students in participating in the Wyland Foundation’s national art challenge, which had a theme of “water.”
“It was truly heartwarming to see the students dedicate their time, passion and unique artistic skills to come together and paint a mural that represented our collective interpretation of water being the essence to life and our duty to protect it,” she said.
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“Bridging Our Health,” was created by UC Riverside student Megan Hsu. (Photo courtesy of Megan Hsu)
Hsu has recently been involved with Reach Out, a non-profit organization that serves Riverside and San Bernardino counties. In late 2020, she won the 18-and-over category in its Masks are Medicine art contest that promoted COVID-19 awareness. Then, earlier this year, she won the ages-16-through-20 category in its Tobacco Free I.E. art contest.
Under Reach Out’s program Healthy Jurupa Valley, she took part in the Leadership Engagement Advocacy Program with four other created a workshop on raising awareness about the dangers of vaping, she said.
Hsu believes that art can be a form of empowerment, method of storytelling or way of self-expression and experimentation. She also feels that it can provide a way for people of all ages and backgrounds to connect and bond.
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Riverside artist Megan Hsu, 20, created this work titled “Growth.” (Photo courtesy of Megan Hsu)
Currently focusing on a mix of semi-realism with nature and what she called “fantastical elements,” Hsu’s artistic style is something she would like to continue developing. As she learns additional techniques and experiments with more non-traditional mediums, she plans to incorporate life experiences into her artwork.
Graphic design is another area of interest for Hsu, although she has never formally taken classes. Instead she has relied upon trial and error, as well as online research, watching YouTube videos and reading blogs. She has designed several logos for school projects and contests. Hsu is also a contributing graphic designer for “Science, Translated,” an international publication intended to educate, inform and inspire the public and the next generation of budding scientists.
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“I create supporting visuals for articles written by our journalists,” she said of her work for the journal led by students around the world.
Hsu plans to become a physician.
“I don’t know where exactly I will be 10 years from now, but I want to continue nurturing my passion for the arts and use it to engage with my community or speak up on behalf of those who need the support,” she said.
Patrick Brien is executive director of the Riverside Arts Council.
-on April 01, 2021 at 06:00AM by Patrick Brien
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android-for-life · 4 years
"5 tips for effective distance learning during school closures"
For the foreseeable future, most teachers will be teaching in front of a screen instead of a classroom. For educators who are new to distance learning, it can be challenging to know where to start. So we asked our Certified Innovators, a passionate community of Google for Education experts transforming education across the world, to share their best practices and strategies. 
Continue live teaching online
Marcello Baroni, high school, teacher of graphic design, Scuola d'Arte A. Fantoni Bergamo Italy
With schools closed, our whole school has been conducting distance lessons with Google Meet. That’s 650 students, 22 classes, 30 teachers, 20 tutors, and coordinators all connected virtually, so learning isn’t disrupted. We’ll be using Meet in the future to keep all students connected, wherever they are.
Teachers and students are also finding Google Classroom helpful to stay connected and engaged. Here are tips for using Classroom during periods of high demand. And to avoid connectivity issues, consider pre-recording lessons and posting to Classroom, or use the livestream feature in Google Meet. 
Create digital office hours 
Michael Kaufman, Tech Integration Coach, American School Foundation of Guadalajara
Digital office hours are a great way to ensure remote students still get one-on-one support from their teachers. I use Google Calendar and Hangouts Meet to create digital office hours. The two tools together make it easy to organize your hours and create a space for live interaction between the teacher and students in a distance learning situation.
Here is my YouTube video that guides you through creating digital office hours with Hangouts Meet and Google Calendar. 
Use offline features to support students with limited or no home internet access
Mykel Williams, 7th Grade Math, Baldwin County Alabama
Even if students have limited or no internet access at home, remote learning can be done using offline features for Chromebooks. Our students can still access Drive offline and they can download video lectures from Google Classroom to watch later if they don’t have internet at home.
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Build a digital learning hub
Kyle Pace, Director of Technology, Grain Valley Schools
Using Google Sites—a simple website building tool—you can build a central hub for resources, important updates, and reminders can help students stay organized and keep parents and guardians in the loop, too. Students can also use Sites to create digital portfolios and share their work with teachers, guardians, and peers. Our teachers do a fantastic job of using Google Sites to keep parents and students up-to-date throughout the school year. Each team has its own dedicated site with important information and reminders, which helps learning stay on track.
Want to get started with Sites? Check out this tutorial. 
Provide one-on-one guidance remotely
Abbey Sarault, 9th Grade biology and medical detectives, Abington
If a student is absent, has trouble accessing the internet, or even just needs a refresher on how to do something, videos can be a huge help, especially when students can download and replay them. With the Screencastify extension, it’s easy to record your screen and share the video with students directly in Classroom. You can also use videos to explain new tools and approaches to help students get the hang of distance learning. Here’s how I used ScreenCastify to guide absent students through an assignment. 
Teach from Home is our resource to help teachers who are teaching remotely. For more distance learning tips and information, follow along on Twitter and Facebook. If you have tips for supporting remote students, share them with us here. And if you’re just getting started using remote learning tools, check out the Teacher Center, where you can find 101 trainings and lots more. 
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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savetopnow · 6 years
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wikitopx · 4 years
Gender: Female
Origin: English
Meaning: From The Hay Clearing
1. Meaning of the name "Hailey"
Hailey is the most common spelling variant of From Haley, which is the use of an English surname derived from a place name. For example, there is a village called Hailey in Oxfordshire, a county in southeastern England.
The place name comes from the Old English words of the English language, hhg (meaning good or grass, grass) and turban (meaning an empty land, pasture).
Surnames that developed from specific places were often given to the lord of the manor, the largest landowner and/or people who hailed from one village and relocated to another (a surname derived from one’s place of origin would have served to identify them for the purposes of taxation).
The first recorded spelling of this surname appeared in the mid-13th century and was rendered as “de Hayleg”. The transference of Haley from a surname into a female given name is really quite modern and very distinct to the United States and Canada (i.e., other English-speaking countries aren’t as hot on the Hailey names).
The given form of the name really caught on in the United States by the mid-1980’s when Halley’s Comet came through the earth’s atmosphere in 1986 (this rare event visible to the naked eye only happens once every 75 years!).
Over 3,000 baby girls were named some form of Haley in 1986 which is right around the time she became a modern-day American favorite. Today, more than 10,000 girls receive this nickname in the United States every year.
2. Haily
As a girls' name (also used as boys' name Haily) is of Old English derivation, and the meaning of Haily is "hay meadow". Haily is an alternate form of Hayley (Old English).
3. Top 3 Famous Person Named Hailey
Hailey Bieber:
Hailey Rhode Bieber (née Baldwin, birth name is Hailey Rhode Baldwin) (born October 22, 1996) is an American model and TV star. She is the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin and the granddaughter of actor Alec Baldwin.
Hailey Sani:
Formerly known as Berrypinklips, she is a regular, makeup, video and creates vlog content on YouTube. She likes to be unique and comes up with various ideas that people often don't find in typical beauty videos. She has earned over 1.3 million subscribers.
She always liked to film herself doing something behind the camera, which is why she decided to start making videos. In 2019, she began to play Tara in the Brat Stuck web series.
Hailey Williams:
Hayley Nichole Williams (born December 27, 1988 in Meridian, Mississippi) is an American singer and songwriter. She is the lead singer in the rock band Paramore.
More ideas for you: Adeline Name Meaning
From : https://wikitopx.com/name-meanings/hailey-name-meaning-713842.html
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applevalleylakeohio · 4 years
Lots at Apple Valley Lake...All Ripe for the Picking
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Maybe you’ve been to Apple Valley Lake for a weekend stay, or you’ve been invited by a friend or relative. You might be curious about the possibility of investing in a lot or you just want to know, “How many lots are at Apple Valley Lake?”
Apple Valley Lake is surrounded by 6600 lots and 16 subdivisions. All the lots are privately owned and approximately 2800 of the 6600 lots have homes built on them. 
Some Apple Valley lots, however, are still on the market when I wrote this post. 
The 16 subdivisions were set up to make it easy for the original developer and buyers to locate lots:
1. Apple Valley Subdivision - comprised of 562 lots, and is near Sutton beach. This is one of the largest subdivisions in the area in terms of the total number of lots. Currently, we have some lots listed for sale in this subdivision.
2. Baldwin Heights Subdivision - has 362 lots and is near Davis beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision.
3. Country Club Manor Subdivision - adjacent to the Apple Valley Golf Course and near Davis beach. This subdivision is composed of 515 lots. There are golf course front lots and lots with a view of the golf course in this subdivision.
4. Fairway Hills Subdivision - composed of 153 lots and only four streets, this is one of the smallest subdivisions in the area in terms of the total number of lots. The nearest beach to Fairway Hills is Davis Beach. There are golf course front lots and lots with a view of the golf course in this subdivision.
5. Floral Valley Subdivision - composed of 337 lots and is aptly named because of its proximity to Floral Valley Community Center.
6. Grand Ridge Estates - composed of 468 lots and is nearest to the Clubhouse. The beach closest to this subdivision is King Beach. As of this writing, we have some lots listed for sale in this subdivision. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision.
7. Grand Valley View - has 13 streets and 608 lots. Although there are no lakefront lots in Grand Valley View, this subdivision has direct access to the marina.
8. Green Valley - composed of 425 lots and 15 streets, this subdivision is near Bennet Park and Davis Beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision.
9. Highland Hills Subdivision - with 596 lots, this is one of the largest subdivisions in the area in terms of the total number of lots. The nearest beach to Highland Hills is King Beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision.
10. Hillside Manor Subdivision - composed of only 91 lots and three streets, this is one of the smallest subdivisions in the area in terms of the total number of lots. The Camper’s Village is located near the subdivision. There are lake view lots in this subdivision.
11. Harbor View - composed only of 40 lots and two streets, it is the smallest subdivision in Apple Valley. However, all the lots in Harbor View are lakefront lots and it is also the closest subdivision to the Marina.
12. King Beach Terrace - with 449 lots, King Beach Terrace is aptly named for its direct proximity to King Beach. There are more than 50 lakefront lots in King Beach Terrace and in addition to the lakefront lots, there are also lake view lots in this subdivision. 
13. Lakeview Heights - composed of 570 lots, this is one of the largest subdivisions in the area in terms of the total number of lots. Lakeview Heights has the advantage of being near three amenities, including Bennet Park, Sutton Beach, and Davis Beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision.
14. Northridge Heights Subdivision - with 617 lots, this is the largest subdivision in the area in terms of the total number of lots. Some amenities nearby Northridge Heights Subdivision include the Apple Valley Marina, Floral Valley Community Center, and Davis Beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision. 
15. Orchard Hills Subdivision - composed of 503 lots and 14 streets, Orchard Hills Subdivision has direct access to Sutton Beach and the Apple Valley South Boat Launch. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision. 
16. Valleywood Heights - with 317 lots and five streets, the nearest beach to Valleywood Heights is Davis Beach. There are both lakefront and lake view lots in this subdivision. 
What are the sizes of lots at Apple Valley OH?
The lots at Apple Valley have varying sizes and dimensions. The average size of a lot in Apple Valley OH is 0.25 acre. However, some lots on the market are as big as 0.436 acres, like this listed lot which is currently on the market for $6,000. 
What are the so-called "prime lots" at Apple Valley Lake?
The most sought-after lots at Apple Valley OH are lakefront and lake view lots. Some of the most prestigious homes in Apple Valley are built on these lots. Click here to see one of Apple Valley’s most remarkable and iconic homes on the market built on a lakefront lot. Lots with a view of the lake are in demand and are priced higher than lots without a view.
What is the average price of a lot in Apple Valley Lake?
The average price of a lot that does not have a lake or water view is around $5,000.
Lakefront lots, on the other hand, sell on an average of $350,000. But as of this writing, we have only one lakefront lot now listed at $99,000. A great find in a cove. 
Lastly, lake view lots and lots with a view of the golf course, sell at an average price of $15,000.
What affects the prices of lots at Apple Valley Lake?
Some factors that affect the price of a lot include the location of the lot, the size of the lot and the slope and topography of the lot. 
A bigger lot has a higher price but if a lot has a special view, such as that of the lake or the golf course, it will be priced much higher than regular lots, even if it is smaller in size.
The slope and topography of a lot describe the shape and relief of the lot’s surface. Is it even? Does it slope upward or downward? This has a direct effect on future construction costs. For instance, a home built on an uneven land will cost a lot more to build than one on even ground. However, the slope and topography of a lot can also inspire homeowners to build creative architectural masterpieces.
Depending on your purpose for investing in a lot in Apple Valley Lake, you might prioritize one factor over another. For example, if you want to build a house on a waterfront lot, you will have to prioritize the location rather than the size and topology. 
On the other hand, if you don’t mind driving to the amenities would rather build on a bigger lot, and have a lot of space for parties, then you’ll be looking at the size rather than the lot’s location more closely.
How many lots in Apple Valley Lake are currently on the market?
Currently, lots in Apple Valley Lake are like unpolished gems. There are only a few listed for sale but they have a lot of potentials and may dramatically increase in value over time. Click here to view the lots that are currently on the market.
Why is a lot in Apple Valley Lake a great investment?
A piece of land is a tangible resource that is easy to purchase. This is especially true in the case of lots in Apple Valley Lake. Lots require very low maintenance and are less expensive than other real estate investments, especially to own over a long period of time. Land ownership requires no additional work from you, leaving you with peace of mind. 
The residential lots in Apple Valley OH can be improved with water and sewer, gas, high-speed internet, and cable since all utilities are easily accessible. Also, believe it or not, the annual dues start at only $221, per year per lot. All the lots near Apple Valley Lake are residentially zoned and are easily accessible.
Owning a lot gives you the benefit of being able to use the Apple Valley Lake Amenities. I always suggest to folks that if they are not going to build, buy a reasonably priced lot to be able to use the amenities. If you want to build, your investment will depend on your budget and desired location.
Just a caveat, not all lots are considered buildable. It is important to check with an agent or title company to know for sure if the lot you are looking to purchase is buildable. We can help you with this.
How do you find a lot in Apple Valley Lake?
With the use of technology, it's fairly easy to find a lot in Apple Valley Lake. But first, you’ll need an important detail: the lot parcel number. Contact Toth and Team for a detailed list of the lots currently on the market. 
In real estate, the assessor's parcel number, or APN, is defined as “a number assigned to parcels of real property by the tax assessor of a particular jurisdiction for purposes of identification and record-keeping.”
Once you have the lot’s parcel number, you can now search for it on the Knox County Auditor’s website to see a satellite view of the lot. Here’s a video tutorial I made to help you locate lots in Apple Valley Lake OH.
Related Questions What questions should you ask before buying a lot?
Buying a lot is a big decision. Here are some questions you need to ask before buying one:
What property taxes do you pay?
Does the lot have property back taxes?
What other fees are associated with owning a lot?
Is the lot buildable?
When is it better to buy a home instead?
There may be situations when it is better for you to buy a home instead of a lot. If you prefer convenience over customization and being able to move in the soonest possible time, you might want to look for a home instead. Call us at 740-390-0735 to know more about Apple Valley homes currently on the market.
In case you cannot view this video here, please click the link below to view Lots at Apple Valley Lake...All Ripe for the Picking on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXIGVs64qqU&feature=youtu.be  
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janetberrymx · 4 years
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Most of us remember the Jetsons. Everything about their lives seemed so far-fetched, but today, many of those things are possible and we are now living in a high-tech world. And the benefits of getting on board are many. One of them is the higher resale value and desirability of a smart home. If you want to cash in on this opportunity, here are a few simple things that will bring your home up to snuff.
·         GET A HUB: Amazon, Echo, and Wink are three of the top sellers. Once you have this, you can start pairing up devices all over your home. Your capability is limited by your imagination and your checkbook, although many of these technological novelties have come down in price considerably over the last few years.
·         CAMERAS: The first thing that people probably want to install is a full range of cameras. You can see what the dog is doing while you work, what the neighbors do when the gate is left open, and what the delivery people do. You might want to check on the teenagers, the nanny, or simply let the housekeeper in while you are out of town. These devices are great for many things, and they add dollars to that home sale price. Install them indoors, outdoors, and even looking down the driveway.
·         HOME SECURITY SYSTEMS: The second thing that people want to use their smart hub for is protection. A few wireless window and door sensors, motion sensors, and even some fire and smoke detectors, and voila, you have a security system.
·         CLIMATE CONTROL: We have all seen the Nest commercials and many other brands have followed suit. These were the next logical step after the programmable thermostats were a hit. Not only do they recognize your life patterns, but they can be controlled with a phone app as well. So if you cranked the heat because your body hasn’t adjusted to winter yet, and you just remembered that you forgot to put it back on program mode, just get on your phone and do it from your desk at work!
·         LIGHTING: Phillips has created smart bulbs that respond to your instructions. These fun lights can be dimmed or even have the color completely changed on a whim from you.
·         COOKING: Yes, the Jetsons had it right. Today there are several smart cookers on the market that can be controlled or programmed from your phone. The June oven is a hot new technology, but even the old timer Char-Broil is getting into the game with their smoker. Traeger is also a hot item that has a grill with a brain.
·         CLEANING: Who doesn’t want a robot to sweep and mop? These devices have been around for a while and are quite popular. YouTube has several great videos of felines who have decided that riding the sweeper is great fun! Robotic cleaning is a growing line of products.
While this is by no means an exhaustive list of options, these are some of the most fun and marketable. Of course, the Roomba will probably end up in your moving van! When you get ready to change your address, give Menas Real Estate a call. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Mobile or Baldwin County, Alabama, the Menas Real Estate team is here to help you! Feel free to ask us any questions you may have or schedule a private showing to a property of your interest! Call 251-348-7446​or visit menasrealestate.com.
© Southern View Media 2017: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “Get Online or Get Left Behind”
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endtimewatchman · 7 years
SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/w3A8IS TOP STORIES==== Coastal Flooding and Riptides Expected through Thursday. Flooding continues along Nueces River. More rain, flooding possible in West Michigan. Nueces river flooding continues. Residents prepare for flooding near Nueces River. River Flooding Impacting Baldwin County. Tillamook flooding ‘likely earliest ever’. Watch the video to see all these and many more... Don't forget to subscribe for upcoming videos - Richard Aguilar My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYzz2SkhAaM0FDKuGk-IPZg MY Twitter and Google Plus: https://twitter.com/gygenministries http://ift.tt/2kjzQZ2 Thanks for watching... SEARCH TERMS: Coastal flooding Nueces river flooding river flooding heavy rains severe weather severe weather news
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