#Before I make some other weird prediction post dhgskjfdjs
bare1ythere · 4 years
TMA Theory: Martin’s Domain
Okay it’s almost 2am where I am right now so this is probably Nothing BUT I thought it might be worth writing out before the new episode comes out. (also this post is not Really about what domain Martin would feed off of (lonely vs web vs whatever) its something Kinda different)
I was thinking about how Basira might react to seeing Jon and Martin again, which got me thinking about Martin’s status as probably one of the only non-avatar human beings of the fearpocalypse free from a reality bending nightmare. Jon is extremely likely to be more or less immortal, vs Martin is still at risk of dying at the hands of different domains. This is especially apparent in the Lonely’s domain, where Martin got fully sucked into it vs Jon was immune to its dangers (like any other domain). So what is keeping Martin safe from most of the dangers of the fearpocalypse?
MARTIN: Are we still safe?
ARCHIVIST: Y-Yes. It- It doesn’t want to harm me.
MARTIN: And me?
ARCHIVIST: I won’t let it.
JON! It’s Jon’s influence that’s keeping him safe from most of the things that have tried to harm him. I wasn’t sure if Jon had any specific abilities that are keeping Martin safe or is just keeping a close eye (heh) on him, but I think I might have an idea now.
If, theoretically, Martin was to be shot/stabbed by a Hunter, what would stop him from dying? Martin isn’t an avatar, and although he’s entity-touched he still has no access to the pseudo-immortality or healing abilities being an avatar would give him. Additionally, Jon’s “I won’t let it” from MAG161 has shown itself (SO FAR, just wait) to be More a “I’m going to keep an eye on you” thing than any concrete power due to Martin’s time in the lonely domain (MAG170). Unless Jon would be able to foresee and prevent the injury entirely, Martin might just Die if successfully attacked by a hunter. Unless.
Humans trapped in all domains except the End are unable to die.
...This new world of fear reviles death as a release, but the Coming End cannot exist without its reality.
Even when completely obliterated (See MAG163 In The Trenches) they still come back to continue on in their nightmare. It’s the victim’s connections/bonds to their domains that allows them this twisted version of immortality. But what would that mean for Martin? We haven’t been shown what his domain is yet, although it has been talked about before (chekhov's gun?)
MARTIN: Oh. Right, obviously. Duh. Uh, what about [my domain]?
ARCHIVIST: (cautiously) Would you… like me to -
MARTIN: (overlapping, sharp) No, no. Don’t tell me.
Of course, Martin’s domain as referenced above in MAG167 Curiousity is a different kind of domain, the domain that feeds him rather than feeds Off of him. However, I don’t think this distinction is necessarily important wrt Martin’s mortality. If Martin was to find his domain, I doubt he’d be able to Die within it.
What I’m saying here is. What if it’s Martin’s connection to Jon that doesn’t allow him to die. What if Jon is Martin’s domain? 
Jon has ascended as Jonah’s Archive and is more powerful than any other avatar. Being able to act as a domain isn’t in a typical avatar’s skillset, but who knows what Jon can do now? Additionally, if The Eye being able to feed off a victim’s fear is part of the requirements of being attached to a domain, well,
MARTIN: (quieter) John. I’m scared.
ARCHIVIST: Yes. (sigh) That’s the idea.
Martin’s being scared plenty. He’s also not immune completely to being harmed (MAG170 Recollections) to the point that he is still often afraid. Also, and this one’s a stretch I know, but Martin did kinda refer to Jon as a “place” in the last episode
MARTIN: But – you know what was going on, what was happening. O-Out of everyone, you’re the best place – (squeak) You, you, you’ve got the info to make a pretty damn educated guess!
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[ID:The pepe silvia meme, where a disheveled white guy is pointing to a chaotic red-string board next to him. End ID]
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