#Ben & Imo
willstafford · 2 months
Facing the Music
BEN & IMO The Swan Theatre, Stratford upon Avon, Tuesday 2nd April 2024 Mark Ravenhill’s new play couldn’t be further from his first one (Sh*pping and Fucking), dealing with a rather rarefied moment in British musical history.  Composer Benjamin Britten has just nine months to come up with a grand opera in time for the coronation of Elizabeth II.  Along comes Imogen, daughter of Gustav ‘The…
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waglifeornolife · 1 year
Omg anon you can see him holding the tin container so clearly 🙄
Also I’m not the anon who’s coming for Ben (quite concerning behaviour btw) but we know he does snus and denying it is also quite stupid imo. It’s not the end of the world.
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januarystarstorm · 2 years
I suspect like you that Rafa was with Pedro. It would be a little strange to travel to Canada and not see each other now that Pedro is in Los Angeles. And I think that if they are going out, but it's obvious. The only thing that is strange to me is that Pedro does not show interest in Rafa's GI or promote his work. He always does it with his close people (he still has Ben's photos in his IG). He never minds doing it. Pedro always showed who he was with.
I don’t think Pedro’s lack of likes and comments on Rafa’s Instagram mean much. He would go through long periods of not liking Ben’s posts too. We also don’t have any evidence that Pedro promoted Ben’s work either (or at least, not that I can remember, if someone does please feel free to correct me). I mean between a nearly two year span, Pedro only had one tagged photo of Ben (which is a group shot of friends) and one untagged photo. Ben has zero photos of Pedro on his Instagram, but we know they had several getaways together due to their Insta posts. The behavior feels very similar imo. According to fans and sources like DailyMail (take that with a grain of salt, it’s a magazine and celebrity publications are not always reliable), Luke and Rafa were dating since summer of 2019 before the paps outed their relationship early 2020 and then Luke had to confirm on his socials in February 2020. (DailyMail: www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9134641/amp/Luke-Evans-confirms-split-Rafael-Olarra-18-months-together.html)
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moon-yean · 7 years
fibu replied to your post: fibu replied to your post: fibu replied to your...
i liked micro and his family hanging out with frank because these were practically the only times he was able to speak in long coherent sentences. i don’t like frank as character tho, dude needs some serious therapy but everyone is shit scared to tell him that because as soon as they try to he starts growling and grunting and they’re just noping back to safety.
lol I mean, look at how the season ends! Progress! But yeah I can see now why we liked complete opposite things about the season :D Frank can be a real asshole for sure (and I love how gets called out on it by Curt and Micro) but he’s also just a really interesting case of both construction and deconstruction of a trope. It’s the same with Kastle actually. If it were a regular “beauty and the beast” situation, I wouldn’t be into it. But the dynamic between them is pretty unique in how there’s a completely unexpected reconciliation of conflicts between the two of them because there is something very dark and fucked up about Karen and there’s something very human and gentle about Frank and these sides mostly emerge in their interaction. I think it’s one of those cases where it pays off that Karen wasn’t written as a romantic interest and this kind of weird understanding between them really developed by happenstance because of something innate in the characters and that dynamic. Not sure I’d say that it’s healthy but that’s another thing that adds to the intrigue because emotionally it feels right but intellectually it feels wrong (or, well, let’s just say there are a bunch of complications when it comes down to it). I don’t think they’ll ever become a couple who do couple-y things and it’s difficult to pinpoint what exactly they are to each other but at some point they’ll probably become friends with benefits~ while in denial about their feelings... idk give me all the angst & pain & baffled confusion from everyone else lol
i completely forgive karen the death of my favourite dd 1 character but i’ve been waiting for her to deal with this for several seasons now. and i’m done. her going to bat for frank in dd 2 sprung up from trying to justify the killing of wesley from my perspective (which is why i was never on board with frank/karen, only frank/therapy and karen/therapy & karen/job (matt who) (but seriously, i blame ivy for putting me on matt/jessica crack train lmao)).
I don’t fully remember the Ben situation but I’m sure if the writers were going to address it, they’d do it on Daredevil because it’s her home show. There was also never a moment or opportunity where I thought it should be addressed. I hope they mention it again though. I’d like it if they wrote in something where she explicitly pays tribute to him in the context of her job. And yeah she def wanted to exonerate Frank bc of her guilt about Wesley and trying to absolve herself but imo that’s mostly the way it started and then it evolved beyond that bc they found some kind of mutual trust and openness towards each other (in his case because of her willingness to believe in him, in her case because of his unapologetic honesty which is pretty much the exact opposite of what she disliked about how Matt treated her). I’m imagining the both of them going to couple’s therapy now though and it’s cracking me tf up lmao
But yeah I want more scenes focused on Karen doing her job/living her life, agreed. (Also, I binged The Defenders last week bc it was the only show I was missing and pls let me board your Matt/Jessica crack train. She made him smile! I love him but he can be a fuckboy and Jessica would be exactly what’s needed to kick his ass occasionally lmao Intellectually/theoretically I also like him with Elektra but the chemistry’s just not there imo... or maybe it’s the writing idk.)
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leximitchells · 3 years
The hours he works etc are suddenly a problem because they need to amp up the drama I guess. It's written a bit clumsily imo because you've got Callum suddenly telling Fitzy that Ben's basically paranoid about everything in his job as if it's an ongoing thing, when he's never been portrayed like that until after the Thompson bombshell. it's always been that Ben's encouraged and defended Callum's job especially when Phil made comments about it.
yup it’s definitely being altered a bit for plot reasons which is annoying but we just have to deal with it i guess
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daikenkki · 6 years
After hearing Bill & Ben's new voices from Rasmus Hardiker and Matt Wilkinson, I actually don't mind them. I will forever miss Jonathan Broadbent's voices & he did a fantastic job. But these new voices just make the twins sound so much more easier to distinguish one from the other. And they're almost just as good IMO.
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junker-town · 7 years
Indulge the hype of Jordan Spieth, Rory McIlroy and the grand slam chase at the PGA Championship
Let us dream of rivalries and contemplate the history on the line at the 99th PGA Championship.
Not to be hyperbolic from the start here ... but this could be the most hyped PGA Championship in its 100-year history. Almost the full top 100 in the world rankings are here, as usual, but the anticipation for this PGA got a boost into a rarely visited stratosphere for the oft-maligned (unjustly imo!) "fourth major."
Golf and its majors rarely get the kind of matchups you want or can predict in other sports. But this week, we have two generational talents on a collision course that seems within reach come Sunday afternoon. There's Rory McIlroy, playing his favorite championship three years since his fourth major win, the one that supposedly confirmed him as the "next Tiger" as much as a "next Tiger" is possible (there will never be another Tiger, of course). And there's Jordan Spieth, who has come along in those three years and now has a chance to beat Tiger as the youngest ever to complete one of the game's hardest accomplishments.
For golf nerds, there are 15 to 20 things that make this PGA intriguing to watch. The field is loaded, the course will have its usual scrutiny, and the ball is going farther than ever, heightening concerns about the future of the game that will only get more intense given what's expected on this setup this week. We'll get to those throughout the week, but at the top, let's dream and indulge the hype.
The Spieth Slam
Data is good. We have a mountain of data these days and incredibly efficient and sophisticated ways to process it all. There's so much information at our disposal and so many brilliant minds filtering it for us. At every major — at every single golf tournament, really — we can appreciate accomplishments and one's play with some sort of context. There's always a first or a group a player joins or a milestone he or she sets. "Player X's win at the U.S. Open featured just the third sub-30-year-old to break par in all four rounds." "Player Y's win at the Pebble Beach Pro-Am makes him just the first to win this many events by this age in this state." "Player Z's PGA win is the first in history to be completed without a three-putt and without farting."
I'e gotten carried away with my examples — the context is almost always helpful. But it can, at times, get dizzying and lose some of its meaning or impact. Yes, Player X just did that, but what does that really mean relative to all the other accomplishments and milestones we're peppered with each week.
There's an historic, simple marker at stake this week and I'm not sure the wider sports world quite understands the moment and opportunity.
Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images
Jordan Spieth during his mind-numbing finish to take the Claret Jug.
Setting aside all the grandiloquence used on Jordan Spieth this week, the simple fact is that this is his one chance to make history in a way the game has never witnessed.
It is likely that Spieth joins (at the present moment) five other pillars of the game — Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Gary Player, Ben Hogan and Gene Sarazen — by completing the career grand slam. It's reasonable to assume he will have 25 more chances to win a PGA Championship. But this is the only opportunity he will have to become the youngest ever to do it, edging Tiger Woods' accomplishment in 2000, you know, that peak Tiger year he played the greatest golf anyone has ever seen.
Some of the legends of the game that could not complete the career slam include Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson, Sam Snead, Lee Trevino, and Phil Mickelson (so far). It's a simple career achievement to understand but difficulty in getting there is impossible to quantify or appreciate. Even Hogan and Sarazen, the first two to complete it, didn't really understand its impact because the concept of the slam was not yet fully formed. It's really just Gary, Jack, and Tiger who knew what they were chasing. And none of those three, even Tiger, had to do it in the scrutiny of the modern media (and social media) environment.
Gary, Jack, and Tiger all completed it quickly, erasing the possibility for a torturous chase that only became more intense with each missed opportunity. We've seen that with Palmer and Snead and Trevino and Mickelson. Now Spieth can do it at an earlier age than Nicklaus and Woods. In a loaded 156-man field and just three weeks after lifting the Claret Jug, it's unlikely Spieth backs it up with a second straight major win. But the fact that the possibility exists is staggering, and we should appreciate the moment this PGA Championship presents.
Rory as Dikembe
If you're to believe the experts, the stats geniuses, and anyone else who follows this game, Rory McIlroy is the favorite this week and playing with a home course advantage that we rarely get at a major championship. Pebble Beach is the only regular PGA Tour stop that also hosts a major, and even then, it's just one to two rounds the pros get at Pebble each year and in dramatically different conditions from a major.
Quail Hollow has become one of the players' favorite stops on the PGA Tour and now they have the rare occasion to play one of those stops for a major title. This is Rory's course. He's won twice, lost once in a playoff, and finished inside the top 10 in six of his last seven starts. It favors big hitters, and none are bigger than Rory. The advanced stats only accentuate the Rory-as-the-favorite narrative — he plays his most aggressive, best golf here. The worst parts of his game get better too. He just walks on the course, puts a peg in the ground, and feels at home.
That we're sitting here three years after his back-to-back major summer with someone else having a chance to complete the career slam before him is astonishing and another testament to Spieth's instant brilliance. I'll go to the infamous quote one more time -- after Rory and Spieth played together in the final pairing on Saturday at last year's Masters, he confided to the press: "I turned around after 15 and I thought 'how the hell is he 2-under-par today? The same sentiment, but for the career slam. That Rory hasn't completed his slam at Augusta yet seems reasonable or expected, but that someone else has come along in the short intervening time with a chance to beat him to it this week was inconceivable in the summer of 2014.
While Spieth has an historic opportunity in front of him this week, Rory may find the one he's presented with even more enticing. He gets to play the spoiler on a course he owns and is completely comfortable on as the favorite. Rory was licking his chops as soon as Quail got a major, and now throw in the chance to Heisman the Spieth slam opportunity? No wonder he's amped and hitting drives into the woods beyond the driving range.
So we have Rory, a four-time major winner playing on his course, against Spieth during another peak stretch of his and with an historic record in front of him. Both one slam leg away from joining five pillars of the game.
The rivalries we want and hype in golf rarely pan out the way they're supposed to. A lot of things have to go right to get two generational stars and Hall-of-Famers exchanging blows late on Sunday at a major. There are too many players and fickle bounces and extenuating circumstances. Tiger and Phil never came together late at a major. We don't get the obvious Warriors-Cavs bout everyone wants and expects. The collision course in golf is too full of roadblocks and speed traps and potholes. This week, there are just a few less of those impediments and that's how we end up with one of the most hyped PGAs ever. Now it's time to watch Rory and Jordan try to navigate it all over the next four days.
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