#Black magic solution baba
solutionbaba · 2 years
शनि 2022 से 2024 सभी राशियों और लग्नों के लिए भविष्यवाणियां
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I am Black Magic Solution baba आज हम बात करेंगे के कैसे शनि की चाल सभी राशियों को प्रभावित करेगी
मेष राशि :-
मेष के साथ-साथ चंद्र राशि के लिए, शनि 10 वें और साथ ही 11 वें घर का स्वामी है। शनि आपके कर्म के साथ-साथ लाभ पर भी राज करता है। अब शनि आपके लाभ, सामाजिक दायरे, आय, लाभ, इच्छाओं, इच्छाओं, दोस्ती आदि के आपके 11वें भाव में प्रवेश करेगा। आप लोग अपनी इच्छाओं, इच्छाओं, खुशी और सफलता को पूरा करने के लिए प्रयास करेंगे। हां, यदि आप एक महान धन प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो आपको प्रयास करने होंगे। लेकिन आप करेंगे ! एक कड़ी मेहनत आपको एक अंतिम सफलता और इच्छा पूर्ति प्रदान करेगी। शनि आपके पहले, पांचवें और आठवें भाव पर दृष्टि डाल रहा है। ऐसे में आपको अपने स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रखने की जरूरत है। प्रेम जीवन में धीमी प्रगति यहाँ है। अवसरों के मामले में कुछ देरी हो रही है लेकिन इस में अचानक सौभाग्य की संभावना है। यह गोचर आपके लिए आशा और उन्नति से भरा है।
वृष  राशि
वृष लग्न के लिए शनि योगकारक ग्रह है। यह आपकी कुंडली में नौवें भाव से दसवें भाव में जाएगा। वृष राशि के चंद्रमा के साथ-साथ लग्न के लोगों को भी बधाई क्योंकि यह दसवें घर में एक महान साशा योग बना रहा है। आप लोगों को आपके कर्मों का फल भी मिलेगा और मेहनत का भी। आप लोग वर्कहॉलिक बनेंगे और अपने कार्यक्षेत्र में लोकप्रियता प्राप्त करेंगे। कार्यक्षेत्र में प्रशंसा के साथ-साथ वेतन वृद्धि की भी संभावना है। लेकिन, दुश्मनों और बैकबिटर्स से सावधान रहें। शनि आपके बारहवें, चौथे और सातवें भाव पर दृष्टि डालेगा। आप पवित्र स्थानों पर पैसा खर्च कर सकते हैं। आपको चिंता और तनाव से बचना चाहिए। परिवार में कुछ तनावपूर्ण स्थिति बन सकती है लेकिन सुलझ जाएगी। इसके अलावा, अपने वैवाहिक जीवन में एक अच्छी शांति बनाए रखें यह शनि की यह गति  आपको करियर और कार्यों में सफलता प्रदान करेगा। 
मिथुन  राशि
मिथुन लग्न के साथ-साथ मिथुन राशि के लिए भी शनि आपकी कुंडली में आठवें और नौवें भाव का स्वामी है। शनि नौवें भाव में प्रवेश करेगा। मिथुन राशि के लोगों को समस्याओं और बाधाओं से काफी राहत मिलेगी। उन्हें अपने जीवन में राहत और शांति मिलेगी। शनि पिता और भाग्य के नवम भाव में रहेगा। आप अपने काम के कारण जगह बदल सकते हैं। पिता के स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान रखने की जरूरत है। मेहनत बढ़ेगी लेकिन प्रमोशन भी है। आप अपने नए संस्करण का आनंद लेंगे। आप अजनबियों पर आसानी से भरोसा नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि वे आपको नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं। आप अपने मित्र मंडली को सीमित कर सकते हैं। आप सभी स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं और चिंताओं का मुकाबला करेंगे। जीवनसाथी का भी सहयोग मिलेगा। कुल मिलाकर मिथुन राशि वालों के लिए यह समय बहुत अच्छा है।
कर्क राशि
कर्क लग्न के साथ-साथ कर्क राशि के लिए, शनि अचानक लाभ / हानि, ससुराल, गुप्त ज्ञान, परिवर्तन, जीवन में उतार-चढ़ाव, विरासत आदि के 8 वें घर में चला जाएगा। शनि 7 वें और साथ ही 8 वें घर का स्वामी है, कुछ परिवर्तन विवाह, जीवनसाथी की भविष्य की योजना के मामले में हो सकता है। करियर के मामले में आप काफी प्रयास करेंगे लेकिन छिपे हुए शत्रु आपको चिढ़ा सकते हैं। लेकिन, आप इस शनि गोचर के दौरान एक अच्छा धन बचाएंगे। आप पैसे का निवेश करेंगे और यह आपको दीर्घकालिक लाभ देगा। इस गोचर के दौरान आप अपने बच्चों का अतिरिक्त ख्याल रखेंगे। यह गोचर परिवर्तन, परिवर्तन (पुरानी समस्याएं गायब हो जाएंगी), जीवनसाथी के मामलों से संबंधित योजना, निवेश और बचत के बारे में अधिक है। 
सिंह  राशि
सिंह लग्न के साथ-साथ सिंह राशि के लिए, शनि साथी, विवाह और व्यवसाय के 7 वें घर में चला जाएगा। व्यापार के मामले में यह एक शानदार समय है। आपके व्यवसाय/कार्य में वृद्धि होगी। यदि आप अविवाहित हैं और जीवनसाथी की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो इस पूरे शनि काल में विवाह के प्रबल योग हैं। आप इस अवधि में यात्रा भी कर सकते हैं क्योंकि शनि आपके नौवें और चौथे घर को देख रहा है। तो, आप निश्चित रूप से बहुत दूर स्थानों पर जाएंगे। शनि सीधे आपके प्रथम भाव पर दृष्टि डालेगा, इसलिए स्वास्थ्य पर भी ध्यान दें। बेहतर स्वास्थ्य के लिए पौधे आधारित आहार लें। यह गोचर आपको दे सकता है
कन्या  राशि
कन्या लग्न के साथ-साथ कन्या चंद्र राशि के लिए, शनि आपके 5 वें और साथ ही 6 वें घर का स्वामी है। यह आपके लिए एक अद्भुत गति  है क्योंकि शनि प्रतियोगिता, शत्रुओं, बीमारियों, सेवाओं आदि के छठे घर में चला जाएगा। यदि आपकी दशा भी सहायक है तो आप प्रतियोगी परीक्षा जीत सकते हैं / उत्तीर्ण कर सकते हैं। आप अपने करियर में अच्छा करेंगे। वृद्धि की संभावना प्रबल है। स्वयं के प्रयासों से आपको बड़ी सफलता मिलेगी। आपको बस सेहत का ध्यान रखने की जरूरत है। खर्चों पर नियंत्रण रहेगा। बस चिंता का ख्याल रखना। इसके लिए सकारात्मक पुष्टि लिखें और प्रकृति के साथ अधिक से अधिक समय बिताएं। अगर आप किसी से प्यार करते हैं तो आपको प्रेम जीवन की सफलता के लिए अतिरिक्त प्रयास करने की जरूरत है। 
तुला  राशि
तुला लग्न के साथ-साथ तुला राशि के लिए, शनि प्रेम, संतान, शिक्षा, शौक, ज्ञान आदि के पंचम भाव में गति  करेगा। पारिवारिक मामलों में आपको राहत मिलेगी। आपक�� पारिवारिक जीवन में सुधार होगा। अच्छा पैसा कमाने के लिए आपको अतिरिक्त प्रयास करने की आवश्यकता है लेकिन यह आपका योगकारक ग्रह है, आप अच्छे परिणाम की भी उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। आप अच्छा पैसा बचाएंगे। निवेश बढ़ेगा। यह गोचर जीवनसाथी के जीवन में कुछ तनाव दिखा रहा है। इसलिए जीवनसाथी का ख्याल रखें। पार्टनरशिप के काम से बचें। नौकरी या स्व-स्वामित्व के साथ जाना बेहतर है। यदि आपकी कुंडली भी शक्तिशाली है तो यह गति  आपके प्रेम जीवन में चमत्कार कर सकता है। शनि आपको आपकी मेहनत का फल देगा। आपको कामयाबी मिले!
वृश्चिक राशि
वृश्चिक  राशि के लिए भी शनि आपके चतुर्थ भाव में गोचर करेगा। आपकी साढ़े साती अब खत्म हो गई है। तो, बधाई हो! अब शनि चौथे भाव में है। इससे आपके दिमाग को काफी राहत मिलेगी। परिवार के सदस्यों से आपको अच्छा सहयोग मिलेगा। आपकी मां भविष्य की योजनाओं के बारे में आपका मार्गदर्शन करेंगी। आप बहुत पैसा कमाएंगे और घर के लिए सुंदर चीजें खरीदेंगे। आपमें समस्याओं को दूर करने की क्षमता है। आपका पहला घर भी सक्रिय हो जाएगा। अतः वैवाहिक जीवन के साथ-साथ स्वयं की देखभाल को लेकर आप थोड़े गंभीर हो जाएंगे। कुल मिलाकर यह गति  बेहतर जीवन की उम्मीद देगा।
धनु राशि
धनु राशि के लिए, शनि भाई-बहनों के तीसरे घर में, स्व-प्रयास, स्वरोजगार, संचार आदि में गति  करेगा। इसलिए, आपकी मेहनत बढ़ सकती है लेकिन आप लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करेंगे। यह गति  आपको पारिवारिक मामलों में खुशियां देगा। आप खर्चों पर नियंत्रण रखने में सक्षम होंगे। आपको नींद की समस्या का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। प्रेम के मामलों में आपको अतिरिक्त सावधानी बरतने की जरूरत है। यह प्रेम जीवन को प्रभावित कर सकता है। आपको अपने बच्चे की अतिरिक्त देखभाल करने की आवश्यकता है। जीवन आपको जीवन का पाठ पढ़ाएगा जो सफलता का कारण बनेगा। कुल मिलाकर शनिदेव की कृपा प्राप्त करें। सौभाग्य
मकर राशि
मकर लग्न के साथ-साथ मकर राशि के लिए भी शनि द्वितीय भाव में गोचर करेगा। आपको अपने जीवन में प्रतिबंधों से राहत मिलेगी। आप पारिवारिक मामलों में समय और ऊर्जा का निवेश करेंगे। आप धन और संपत्ति को बचाने की कोशिश करेंगे। लेकिन, आप गृहस्थ जीवन/परिवार के सदस्यों में कुछ तनाव का अनुभव कर सकते हैं। माता के स्वास्थ्य का ध्यान अवश्य रखें। आपका गुप्त ज्ञान बढ़ेगा। आप इस गोचर के दौरान अचानक सौभाग्य या लाभ की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। आपको अजनबियों पर भरोसा करने से बचना चाहिए। व्यक्तिगत और महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दूसरों के साथ साझा न करें। अकेले आप इस गोचर में बहुत सारे अच्छे काम कर सकते हैं।
कुंभ राशि
कुम्भ राशि के लिए शनि प्रथम भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। बेवजह के तनाव और खर्चों से राहत मिलेगी। आप अधिक परिपक्व बनेंगे और निजी जीवन के साथ-साथ वैवाहिक जीवन में भी काफी प्रयास करेंगे। यदि आप अविवाहित हैं और जीवनसाथी की तलाश में हैं तो विवाह के योग हैं। आपके जीवन में चीजें अपने आप आ जाएंगी। इस गोचर के दौरान आप खुश और तनावमुक्त महसूस करते हैं। आप सहकर्मी के साथ कुछ मुद्दों की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं लेकिन निश्चित रूप से सुलझ जाएंगे। आप स्वरोजगार की योजना भी बना सकते हैं। संतान से शुभ समाचार की उम्मीद कर सकते हैं। कुल मिलाकर, यह आपके साढ़े साती शिखर चरण के माध्यम से एक अच्छा पारगमन है इसलिए तनाव न लें। सारी समस्याएं दूर हो जाएंगी। आपको कामयाबी मिले!
मीन  राशि
मीन राशि के लिए, शनि खर्च, हानि, आध्यात्मिकता, विदेश यात्रा आदि के द्वादश भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। इस गोचर के दौरान आपके खर्चे अर्थ को कम करेंगे। अगर आप किसी बीमारी से पीड़ित हैं तो आपको राहत मिलेगी। इस गोचर के दौरान आप सभी समस्याओं को दूर कर सकते हैं। आपका जीवन बेहतर और शांतिपूर्ण हो जाएगा। यू आपको बस अपने पिता से अतिरिक्त लेने की जरूरत है। इस गोचर के दौरान आप किसी अन्य स्थान पर भी जा सकते हैं। आप बेहतर आय अर्जित करेंगे। विवाहित सहज हो जाएगा। 
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theloveguruastrologer · 11 months
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Black Magic Solution Astrologer in Surat | The Love Guru Astrologer
The Love Guru Astrologer is a Black Magic Solution Astrologer in Surat. For more information visit on : https://www.theloveguruastrologer.com/black-magic-solution-astrologer-surat or call us on : +91-9898987726 
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trishuljyotish · 1 year
Love Problem Solution in Ahmedabad | Trishul Jyotish
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Trishul Jyotish is the best Love Problem Solution In Ahmedabad. Which will help you to solve your problem very easily and effectively. Love is very important for everyone’s life. Love problem solution offered by Trishul Jyotish is the most unique and can solve all the problems of the young couple in love. For more information visit on : https://www.trishuljyotish.com/love-problem-solution-astrologer-ahmedabad or call us on : 9712455787
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sayuricorner · 2 years
Ever After High x Twisted Wonderland AU Headcanons part 22: The crimes of Milton Grimm + family ties reveal
Special 6         Headcanons part 23
AU concept
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Warning 2: This part content abuse, implied non-con, implied murder(?), blackmail, depression, magic brainwashing, sequestration and Grimm tales dark stuff.
So for this part we will focus on other crimes Milton Grimm committed in the AU.
-Back in the former White kingdom, the Council researches through Milton Grimm's files and books in his office to find what other decrets the former headmaster could have hidden from the Ever After world.
-They found indeed more secrets, some of them being more crimes committed by Milton Grimm in the name of the destiny ideology.
-Some of those secrets were made public while others, which were concerning some people especially and which were way too personal, were communicated to the people concerned.
-Some of those crimes are:
->Forever cursed the Black Swan into a swan and get rid of her to take her baby and magically brainwashing the cursed princess swan to make her believe the baby was hers.(inspired from @lovelyllamasblog 's "Black Swan Parent AU")
-After the end of Duchess's mother tale, the princess swan was forever cursed as a swan and just like other cursed princess swans before her she was supposed to have a baby who will be the next princess swan.
-However, the princess swan wasn't okay with that, she refused to have any potential children of her to suffer the same fate as her even if it meant she will "go poof".
-She resisted Milton Grimm's pressures and demands as much as she could until one day she decided to take care of the problem once for all and eat a very rare magical herb which made her infertile.
-When he found out Milton Grimm was furious and panicked, he needed to find a solution quickly.
-He learned that the Black Swan gave birth to a baby girl and saw this as the only opportunity to have the Princess Swan he was searching for and meet with the Black Swan to give away her baby to him to be the future Princess Swan.
-However the Black Swan refused, there was no way she's gonna give her daughter away.
-She fought against Milton again and again to protect her baby which resulted in Milton, in an excess of rage, to use a spell to forever curse the Black Swan into a swan to take her baby by force.
-Milton then banished the Black Swan to a far away forest and was forbidden to have any contact with her baby.
-Then, with a spell, he brainwashed the Princess Sawn to make her believe that the baby, now named Duchess, was hers and later manipulated Duchess's "grandmother" into believing that Duchess was her grand-daughter before leaving the baby in her care.
-Before she left, the Black Swan discretely got in contact with Baba yaga, with whom she was on friendly terms, and begged her to look after her daughter for her and Baba yaga accepted.
-Even though she was sad for what happened to the Black Swan, Baba yaga, during that time, was still believing Milton's destiny ideology and thought this was for the greater good.
-However, after the fall of Milton's destiny ideology and she became a teacher at NRC, she became more guilty about what happened to Duchess's mother. -When Duchess learned the truth from the Council and Baba Yaga, she fainted due to the shock.
-(To everyone's surprise the person who caught her while she was fainting was Sebek)
-Once the shock passed, Duchess was going through a lot: she was confused, overwhelmed with sadness, but most of all she was angry, against Milton, against her "mother", her "grand-mother", her bio mother and Baba Yaga for having made her live a lie her whole life.
-For a bunch of days she's completely numb, not knowing what to do and even begins to doubt herself once again.
-Her friends decided to have a talk with her to comfort her but to everyone's shock Sebeck was the one to bring her up with a "get a hold of yourself!" speech.
-After that Duchess, the Princess Swan, the Black Swan(who were both freed from their curses thanks to the Evil Queen's assistance) and Duchess's grandmother got family counseling sessions and therapy sessions.
-Thank to those sessions, the four women are step by step healing from the damages that Milton caused them.
-Duchess and her bio mother are currently working on building a new parent-child relationship, though it will take times before Duchess begin to call her "mom".
-Duchess, the Princess Swan and Duchess's grandmother, after a long talk and thank to therapy sessions, decided that despite everything they were still family, even if their family ties were built from Milton's lies and brainwashing, the three had an affection for each other and wished to still consider each other as family and to build genuine family bonds.
-The Black Swan respects Duchess's wishes to keep calling the Princess Swan "mom".
->Blackmailing Cupid with expulsion to make her "forget" about Monster High to keep the school under his thumb.
-After the “True Hearts Day” events, Cupid had a meeting with Milton Grimm in his office.
->Somehow Grimm had found out about the secret dance having happened but told Cupid that he is ready to let this slide on a few conditions:
-Since Cupid from a school of Monsters and Milton Grimm forbid anything related to horror in the school, she will not speak of MH whatsoever to anyone.
-She will not either speak anything about her old world, Milton Grimm doesn't want the students getting ideas because of that.
-Cupid is absolutely forbidden to have any kind of contact with her friends from MH, he will even use ways to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't contact them.
-Cupid will forget MH, anything and anyone related to it, to her MH will no longer exist and she will act as such.
-Cupid tried to protest but Milton gave her an ultimatum: she accepted those conditions and complied or he would expel her from EAH and send her back to her home.
-As much Cupid wanted to refuse, she didn’t want to be expelled, sent back home and deceived her dad for having failed her assignment, so she sadly agreed to the conditions.
-So Cupid didn’t talk once about MH nor contacted her friend from her old school and put on a mask and an act to make others believe that she was happy when in fact she was not.
-When she transferred to NRC, Cupid was invaded by feelings of nostalgia and sadness ‘cause NRC and its atmosphere remind her a lot of MH.
-Normally, with her transfer, Cupid is no longer under the control of Milton’s blackmail but she was now scared of contacting her friends from MH feeling extremely guilty for not having contacted them for a long time and was scared that her friends would be angry at her for having “ghost” them.
-She tried to keep her “happy act” on but her guilt, sadness and nostalgia became worse on Halloween especially with some of the students' costumes reminding her of her ghoul friends.
-This could either make her go overblot because of her sadness and guilt, either the others would notice Cupid’s distress on times and had a talk with her.(This is up to whoever who use the AU)
-If Cupid go overblots her overblot form would be an horrific version of her Monster High form.
-At the end Cupid’s friends will talk with her to know what’s going on and will encourage her to contact her friends from MH.
-When Cupid finally finds the courage to do it, unlike what she feared, her ghoul friends weren’t angry at all against her but were instead relieved that Cupid contacted them and gave them news 'cause Cupid suddenly going no contact worried them sick.
-Ever since the conversation, Cupid would keep contact with them, talk often about MH to her friends from NRC. 
-She even had a session with a counselor to help with her mental health.
-Cupid also ends up contacting her father to talk to him about Milton Grimm’s blackmail and the consequences of said blackmail and Cupid’s father was furious about how Milton Grimm treated his daughter.
-In this AU Cupid's father is a mix of his two versions from greek mythology (one where he was just a god of love and the other where he was the most powerful god existing who could even give Zeus a run for his money) so one thing is clear: Milton will in the future had to deal with a furious very powerful god for what he had done to cupid.
->Magically brainwashing/cursed generations of Talias to force them to keep the "Sun, Moon and Talia" tale "alive" and make all the tale's characters disappeared when it was no longer possible.
-In this AU the tale “Sun, Moon and Talia” and the tale “Sleeping Beauty” coexisted.
-When the first generation’s version of the “Sun, Moon and Talia” tale was over, the king of the tale felt ashamed for what he had done to Talia and for what she and the children have gone through because of his actions.
-His wife forgave him for what happened, however, the king’s guilt didn’t fade away and after a discussion with Talia, both promised each other to make sure to raise their children to make them became good people and by so make sure that what the king have done to Talia never happen again.
-So when Milton Grimm instored the Destiny ideology, the king and Talia were among the few people who were opposed to it, to them there was no way they would make their descendants go through the same horrors that Talia, Sun and Moon lived over and over again.
-The royal couple resisted against Milton’s pressure until one day Milton decided to go the hard way and use a spell to have the royal couple brainwashed to submit them to the destiny ideology.
-He also cursed Talia’s lineage, each Talia is destined to die a few years after the end of the tale.
-This pattern keeps going for a few generations, with Milton reusing the brainwashing spell on the Talia/king couple of each generation after their tale ends to make sure they will follow the destiny ideology.
-However, things turned upside down with the last Talia known in fairy tale history.
-When the last Talia was in her slumber, she only got one child, a boy with shiny hair, and like in the tale the baby sucked the splinter out off his mother’s finger, waking up Talia.
-When she wakes up, Talia runs away with her child instead of going searching for the king.
-Milton searched for Talia and the child but without any success, it was like they both disappeared in thin air.
-After a long unsuccessful research, Milton decided it was not worth it and to just make the tale “go poof”, to him "Sun, Moon and Talia” was just a “Sleeping Beauty” like second rate tale that no one would miss and remember anyway.
-So that is what he does, he makes the other tale’s characters “go poof”, how he did it wasn’t unfortunately indicated in the file, put the “Sun, Moon and Talia” tale in the Vault of Lost Tales and over the years the tale ends up forgotten.
-As for the missing Talia and her baby, they’re still missing to this day and no one knows where they could be.
->Attacking/trapping people from other dimensions who end up in the Ever After world so they wouldn't "badly influence the Ever After world citizens".
-Through the years, there were cases of people from other worlds traveling/appearing in the Ever After world.
-Most of the time those people were quickly spotted by Milton Grimm who then “took care of them”.
-Milton Grimm viewed those “dimensional travelers” as potential bad influences for the Ever After world citizens and threats to the destiny ideology so everytime someone from a different world appeared in the Ever After world, he capture them and trapped them in a pocket dimension.
-Milton did this instead of just sending them back to their original dimension ‘cause he was paranoiac and feared they would come back with more people from their dimension, bringing more bad influences and potential threats to his ideology.
-The Council found lists of the dimensional travelers that Milton Grimm trapped and with the help of powerful magic users, the Evil Queen included, they began to search for them, free them and help them to send them back to their original dimension.
-One of the names of the trapped dimensional travelers in the files bring the Council’s attention ‘cause the information of this dimensional traveler explained she was from a place named “Monster High”, the place C.A. Cupid was originally from.
-So they contacted her in hope she could help them to identify this dimensional traveler and she was indeed able to tell them who this trapped traveler was.
-Turn out this trapped traveler, Euna, was an old friend of one of Cupid’s friends from Monster High who had gone missing years ago.
-With Cupid’s help the Council was able to identify her, but she and many other dimensional travelers are still trapped into pockets dimension and it will take time before they’ll manage to free them all.
Family ties reveal:
-During his classes, Giles Grimms gave a lesson about the first Rebels of the Ever After world: Bella and Brutta Sister.
-Jack and Vil were shocked ‘cause it was the names of their great great grandmothers(Bella is Jack’s grandmother and Brutta is Vil’s grandmother) and were also shocked to learn they were sisters.
-So they did their own research, made a DNA test and contacted their families for information.
-They found out that their respective great great grandmothers were indeed sisters, making Jack and Vil distant cousins.
-Their families never told them ‘cause at one point they lost contact so when Jack and Vil met as children their families didn’t know they were relatives.
-When the others at NRC found out they were shocked.
-The EAH transfers were particularly shocked to learn that Jack and Vil were related to the Sisters and to learn that they had run away to Twisted Wonderland all those years ago. 
-Some of them, like Raven, got some suspicions when they saw Bella’s name in the author titles of books in the school’s library and Brutta’s name on books about sport but they were not sure if it was really them or just coincidences.
-When Jack and Vil learn about their grandmother's past in the Ever After world, they are not happy at all.
-Vil was even completely revolted that people in the Ever After world classified his grandmother Brutta as “ugly” because according to him she was one of the most beautiful people who existed after the Beautiful Queen.
-As for them being distant cousins both Jack and Vil didn’t know what to make of the revelation they were family, on one hand the fact they were cousins didn’t bother them but at the same time it was still a big info to accept.
-So after a long discussion between them and their families they decided to work on getting used to this newfound family bond.
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famoustantrik · 11 months
How is it Possible to Get Back the Lost Love?
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Love happens many times in life. But, true love takes place once. The moment that love becomes affected, then survival on this earth seems to be challenging. Is this the situation with you too?
Did the parents of the girl whom you loved a lot arrange a marriage with another person? That too despite knowing about the relationship that exists between you! Are you observing a change in the behavior of your dream wife?
Also Read: Solving Love Marriage Problems: Expert Advice and Tips for a Stronger Bond
If yes, then better take out time from your busy schedule to have some word and make each other understand. Still, after having words; is the girl avoiding you more? Then it is high time to take help from a professional vashikaran specialist.
How Will a Vashikaran Specialist Take Control of the Situation?
Vashikaran is an art that is performed for both evil and fruitful purposes. It will be good to opt for vashikaran for good deeds. This will provide you with a good reaction later in life. Similarly, an experienced specialist will prepare horoscopes for both and study them in detail.
Afterward, some religious moves will be performed that will be inclusive of mantra chanting. In some cases, you may have to present a specific colored ornament like a ring to the girl as a souvenir.
With powerful practices, the best vashikaran specialist in Kolkata will help in getting your lost love back. Though it is a bit time-consuming task, if you constantly follow the instructions religiously; then the result is promised.
Can an Astrologer Transform Life of a Person?
Approaching a highly experienced, skilled, and best astrologer in Kolkata will let in transforming your life. All needed is belief and patience as nothing is magic. Also, you will get to know if the girl chosen will be the right match for you or not.
Also Read: Can Black Magic Hamper Your Married Life At The Worst?
To make the most out of your love life, it is essential to be patient enough. Taking some religious support will increase the chances of fetching the right result.
Full Audio: Listen Here
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amils-posts · 1 day
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