#But it's like 1am as I write this so I'm not at my most comprehensive
I've been thinking about Martin and Jon's relationship in season 2, and came across an aspect I hadn't previously considered.
When Micheal stabs Jon it's just them, meaning after Micheal slipped away he left Jon alone in his office. The cut was bad, obviously, bad enough to need stitches, but after a shock like that there's no way Jon took himself to A&E.
He lies that he cut himself with a bread knife, but this lie makes no sense if he was in his office. What I think happened, is upon realising the seriousness of his injury, Jon went to find the nearest first aid kit, most often found in kitchen areas of course.
When Martin comes into the kitchen he finds Jon bleeding all over himself, struggling to open a cheap first aid kit, very stressed, and obviously in a lot of pain. You'd be surprised, but even the most willing people are often incredibly opposed to the idea of hospitalisation for anything less than life threatening, and Jon is NOT the type of person to take a hospital trip lightly.
So, after extensive argument (only ended by Jon becoming too lightheaded to argue his case), they'd go down to A&E, and sit awkwardly together for the hours it takes to finally get seen. There's something so bonding about sitting with someone in their moment of need, even if you're not doing much else but being there.
When you're physically vulnerable like that you also tend to be more emotionally vulnerable; it's easy to blurt out something profound when you're more focused on handling pain and bleeding then you are on censoring yourself.
This experience, especially so soon after Prentiss's attack and all that ensued, opens up that raw connection you can only really ever have in crisis, it may be a trauma bond, as I'm certain they have one, but I think it's also more than that. It's seeing eachother at rock bottom and realising just how important they are to you, and just how awful it'd be to lose them.
It's so early on in their journey, but I think this relatively small event changed the course of their relationship. Martin knew Jon was having a hard time, he complained with Tim, it was clearly distressing, but he still kept an eye on Jon, looked after him. Even in the depths of his distrust this surely broke through Jon's armour, no matter how little he seemed to show it at the time.
The shared crisis of Jon's injury gave Martin an excuse to hang around Jon when he needed it the most and didn't even see it himself.
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rougebangtan · 4 years
tag game
rule: answer the 10 questions and write your own
tagged by: the beautiful @taestybae ♥️
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1. What’s a conspiracy theory you believe/find interesting?
Aliens. I'm fascinated with the concept that life exists in other planets and other galaxies, and I think it's not a farfetched idea considering the millions of galaxies out there. I might know a few other conspiracy theories, but none come to mind besides this one at the moment.
2. What’s a song that makes you feel nostalgic for your childhood?
That's a very hard question, actually. I think this song makes me feel very nostalgic for my childhood. It upsets me beyond comprehension how the little me was so crushed by her circumstances. I wish I could go back and tell her she's precious and that nothing will change her worth.
3. What time do you normally go to bed?
Somewhere between 10pm to 1am.
4. What’s the last dream you remember?
I'm not sure if you'll believe but, unsurprisingly, it was a dream about Tae. We were married and we had two little kids, but I caught him kissing someone. No matter how much he tried to prove me that he didn't do anything, that it was the person who made a move on him, I just couldn't be swayed. Things escalated very quickly and spiralled out of control. I entered in a severe depression and moved back to my country with my babies because I couldn't forgive him. He kept reaching out, though, and I never stopped loving him. So, when he came after us in my country, I was so lonely and I missed him so much that I went back to Korea with him. He aided me and took care of me when I couldn't which made me fall into love with him all over again.
Long dream and TMI. I sincerely apologize... 😩
5. How many different places have you lived in during your lifetime?
I lived in 5 different homes from what I remember, but I never moved from my city. Not yet, at least.
6. Favorite reality TV show?
None. Nada. Zero. I'm not fond of TV shows. Add a 'reality' to it and I dislike it on an even further degree.
7. What’s something you learned in the past week?
I learned a new cake recipe! But I was super upset that I was the only one at home who liked it. Sad girl hours.
8. What do you consider the most valuable thing you own?
I consider my family the most valuable thing I am blessed to have. They're my real support system, even when we have unnecessary fights, but we really love each other. In the material realm, it's probably my iPad or my diamond solitaire. Mind you in a very tiny little diamond, but it's tradition here to give daughters a jewel on their 15th birthday.
9. What’s something you’d consider yourself good at?
Nothing really. I have skills in many areas, but I don't consider myself especially good at any of them. Like a true Gemini.
10. What’s the last thing you managed to cross off your bucket list?
A question I'm afraid I don't have the answer to, I'm not really sure I have a bucket list. I'm adamant in fluently learning Korean, but it's been years now and I didn't make that big of a progress so I'm little discouraged now.
My questions:
1. Do you have a favorite planet in our galaxy? If yes, what is it and why?
2. Is there a language you would like to learn?
3. If reincarnation was real and/or something you believe in, how many lives do you think you would've lived?
4. Do you believe in soulmates?
5. What city would you move to in a heartbeat had you the chance to do it now?
6. Do you have a favorite type of landscape? Is it some place that you visited?
7. Do you connect with another culture other than your own?
8. Does being an early riser or a night owl affect your daily routine?
9. What's a healthy habit you've been trying to maintain during quarantine?
10. Handwritten or typed?
tagging: @absoluteyoongit @salade-tb @breadoffoxy @bangtanloverboys @mlkydrms @prettyboongi @cheonjae-min (only if you want to! I know I haven't replied some of the tags yet 😅👉👈)
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