#Buyers Details Sports Goods
doberbutts · 2 months
If y'all who actually care about my obsessive doberman posting ever wonder why I'm cagey about who I recommend nowadays, and why I don't name people who are "known greats" in the breed, consider:
Person C has a dobe produced by Person A and Person B. B and C are good friends. B has made some highly questionable breeding decisions including using dogs with known cardiac health problems and covering up thyroid problems by representing the dogs as "thyroid normal" but not including the detail that they're only normal while actively on thyroid medication.
Person C posts that their dog from this pairing is severely low thyroid at a fairly young age, and that they've decided not to breed their dog as a result. Person A publicly lamblasts C, calls it not that big of a deal, and swings by C's house to collect semen anyway. C deletes previous post, reports the photo, and the new caption makes no mention of thyroid disease but instead talks about how the dog passed all the other health certs with no issue, implying that the dog is perfectly healthy.
Person Z has two dogs they have titled to impressively high levels in protection sport. Just before breeding, Z gets very bad results from heart testing on both dogs. One dog definitely has DCM, the #1 breed killer that takes over 50% of dobes from us by way of sudden death with no other symptoms, ie the dogs just collapse and die one day or die in their sleep with no other warning (unless you're doing rigorous heart testing). The other dog has concerning results indicating that DCM is on the horizon but not yet diagnosable.
Z puts both dogs on heart meds designed to combat DCM. The dogs' next test results return to normal. Z uses this normal result to say the dogs have healthy hearts and breeds the dogs anyway. Z has made no mention to the buyers of this litter that the parents both effectively have DCM, albeit well controlled with medication thus far.
If I did not have all 4 of these people on Facebook I would not know this about them. If someone were to friend them currently right now, they would not find evidence of this, because the posts with evidence have been deleted. There is no way to know this about them without knowing in advance.
When I say that the people I personally would get a dog from is a very small, exclusive club nowadays, I don't mean just because I'm particular about temperament, though that is certainly part of it. It's because I've watched this behavior from a LOT of otherwise popular, well-respected, well-liked breeders and I know if I named names their fan bases would crucify me, but I've also seen the wrongdoing with my own eyes or even in person.
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illarian-rambling · 29 days
Thanks for the tags @mysticstarlightduck @pluppsauthor and @whatwewrotepodcast!
OC Interview
Let's be funky today and answer for Oyanna, Twenari’s stepmom :)
Are you named after anyone?
In keeping with U'reban traditions, even though my family's lived in Unity for generations, I was named after my grandmother. It's one tradition I don't really mind, though maybe I would if my grandmother'd had a ridiculous name.
When was the last time you cried?
Contrary to popular belief, I do feel emotions, I just don't express them how most people do. When Akani passed, I made myself cry at the funeral, but when I was alone, I just... sat there. When Azhur was there, he always understood that when I froze, I was at my lowest. He would never touch me then - I hate to be touched when I'm upset - but he would sit beside me and hum whatever tune was stuck in his head. Too bad he was missing on that day. His songs always helped me feel grounded.
Do you have kids?
Yes. Twenari might be my stepdaughter, but I consider her to be one of my own. Akani was the son of me and Azhur. He passed when he was six.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes I try, but I've never been able to get the inflection right, so usually I don't bother.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I notice what they want. It's an instinct from my trade, but if they have shoddy shoes, I note what sort of shoe I could sell them. If they seem flustered and forgetful, I note that I could sell them some tracking tags for their belongings. So on and so forth.
What’s your eye colour?
A dark gray.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm not big on theater, but when I read in my spare time, I like happy endings. Fictional horror doesn't usually frighten me, but I always feel satisfied when characters make it out alright on the other side.
Any special talents?
I've always been good at reading people to determine what they want. Even the smallest details can mean fortune in one area, failure in another. Similarly, I can play the stock market well when picking up on certain tells from companies.
Where were you born?
In the city of Unity.
Do you have any pets?
No. I've never thought about it.
What sort of sports do you play?
I'm the CFO of Unity's premier enchanted goods company. My sport is wrangling investors.
How tall are you?
5'5" in my heels.
What was your favourite subject in school?
I always enjoyed psychology. Math was fun, but there's no nuance there, no challenge besides memorizing formulas. I might feel a little estranged from them sometimes, but I love people and discovering what makes them tick.
What is your dream job?
I've never been more content than in my current position. I get to manage the family finances, sell things to incoming buyers, and I never have to fake a smile for someone more important than me. I truly love doing business and as CFO of Devaris Inc., I get to do that all day long.
I'll tag @elsie-writes @leahpardo-pa-potato @sarahlizziewrites @harleyacoincidence and anyone else who'd like to play :)
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infinitycutter · 1 year
John Duka for the NYT, Oct. 23 1983
Yohji Yamamoto may stand barely five feet tall, but his effect on world fashion in the last two years has been enormous. Many people at the recent Paris showings said he is the best of the new Japanese designers - a distinguished group that includes Rei Kawakubo for Comme des Garçons, Issey Miyake and Kansai Yamamoto (no relation). Some say he is the best anywhere. His fans use his first name when they discuss his clothes, a sure sign that a designer has arrived. Fashion experts and retailers are often inclined to exaggerate, but Mr. Yamamoto's influence is hard to dispute.
''When I started designing clothes 12 years ago, I knew there were two ways,'' Mr. Yamamoto, who is 40 years old, said in an interview. ''The first is to work with formal, classical shapes. The other way is to be very casual. That's what I decided on, but I wanted a new kind of casual sportswear that could have the same status as formal clothing. So I use fabrics that are heavy-duty, like army fabrics, or just look heavy-duty, to give the kimono shape a new energy.'' He spoke in English as he sat in his spare white and black showroom near the Les Halles district of Paris. The room, cavernous and brightly lighted, was filled with buyers, trying clothes on from his spring collection.
Loosening the Silhouette
What Mr. Yamamoto and the other Japanese designers have accomplished is a general loosening of the female silhouette. This they have done with large, loose-fitting garments, such as jackets with no traditional construction and a minimum of detail or buttons; dresses that often have a straight, simple shape, and large coats with sweepingly oversized proportions. In general, there is a generosity of proportion and size, often with the kimono as a starting point of design, and fabrics that range from fresh cottons to robust linens to heavy wools. All of this came at a time when women's clothes by most traditional designers were moving in the opposite direction, toward a snugger fit and formality.
For fall, one of Mr. Yamamoto's most successful coats is made of a pressed wool in mustard and brown that has the look of great weight but is as light as a raincoat and has no definable shape, except perhaps a generic coat shape. Worn with simple Western day clothes, a pair of black trousers, a black shirt and black heels, it is one of the chicquer designs this season. Moreover, it can be worn during the day or at night.
It is also a good example of the flexibility of Mr. Yamamoto's clothes because it shows that they work best when they are mixed with Western clothing. When the new clothing from Japan is worn on the street in exactly the same way it is shown on the runway, the result often becomes a shapeless heap of fabric. Mr. Yamamoto is aware of that problem.
''I've become very nervous myself about the volume of the Japanese clothing and the kimono shape, so loose and oversized,'' he said. ''If you go too far with a kimono, the final conclusion is just fabric. That is not fashion. The kimono is easy to copy but difficult to make work. It must be done in a technical way, or it becomes sloppy, too big and too baggy. That is why my new collection has shapes that are narrower. I wrapped the body very tight.''
Mr. Yamamoto also continues to break new ground with his men's clothes. His men's spring collection, for example, has sports jackets, in navy or black, that are loose-fitting, with generous, rounded shoulders and gored backs. They are made of 90 percent cotton and 10 percent polyurethane and, as a result, have the stretch of running clothes. There are ankle- length classic trench coats, in tan or black cottons, with shoulders extended by tailoring, not padding. The trousers, some with elastic waists, are loose-fitting. And there are black cotton pullover shirts with zip collars. What strikes one about Mr. Yamamoto's men's clothes is that they would work as well on women.
Men's Shirts, Women's Skirts
A number of women have, in fact, been buying Mr. Yamamoto's men's clothes in New York at the Charivari Workshop, Columbus Avenue at West 81st Street. According to Jon Weiser, who will be adding a 1,900-square-foot Yohji Yamamoto boutique to his next Charivari store, scheduled to open this fall on West 57th Street, women shop the Yamamoto line in his store by moving back and forth between the men's and women's sections, mixing men's shirts with women's skirts.
''I think that my men's clothes look as good on women as my women's clothing,'' said Mr. Yamamoto. ''And more and more women are buying my men's clothes. It's happening everywhere, and not just with my clothes. Men's clothing is more pure in design. It's more simple and has no decoration. Women want that. When I started designing, I wanted to make men's clothes for women. But there were no buyers for it. Now there are. I always wonder who decided that there should be a difference in the clothes of men and women. Perhaps men decided this.''
In the United States and Europe, Mr. Yamamoto's clothing is bought primarily by professionals, largely because of its cost. A blazer usually sells for around $500. But in Japan his biggest fans are students.
''I am designing for my generation,'' he said, ''but in Japan people are very much seeking the old way of life again. Sexual differentiation in clothing is more important. My major customers there are still the unversity students. My generation isn't ready for me yet. They think Yohji is not fashionable enough for them. They will see.''
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oxtofmydcpth · 1 year
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Good luck trying to cancel me.
[archie renaux] THE CLICKBAIT. Please welcome HUNTER HILTON (he/him) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 25-year-old VISITOR who lives in TOWN. You may see them around working as a UNEMPLOYED. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
Tw: bullying, injury mention
~ Hunter was born rich, the only son of two self made millionaires, and he grew up making sure everyone knew it. He reeked of superiority even as a child, and anyone that made an issue with that swiftly found out how quickly his father could make problems disappear.
~ His first viral video was posted when he was 14, under the screenname Offset98, a video split into segments all recorded over the course of a day, one of the nerdy kids getting increasingly more humiliated by the cool kids at school that Hunter paid to harass him. It spread like wildfire overnight, shared by most of the kids in the school before spreading further. Unsurprisingly, no one came forward to name him as the orchestrator of events.
~ His second viral video was posted when he was 16, still under Offset98, following a similar structure to the first video, him and a few of his close friends harassing one waitress while out at a restaurant, making increasingly more irritating demands and pulling pranks as the night continued. The night ended with the group following her home and the police being called. When the party details provided by the restaurant were passed onto them and Hunter approached about the incidents, a swift intervention from his father meant the case was dismissed. The restaurant was purchased a few days later by an unknown buyer, and subsequently closed down. Several lost their jobs.
~ By the time he was 20, Hunter had built up a fairly large following on his new page: TheHunterHilton posting daily vlogs about days in the life the child of a millionaire showcasing all the stuff he owned, exotic locations he travelled to on vacation, and highbrow events he was invited to. People were thirsty for this kind of content, they viewed it constantly, and his platform only grew.
~ His first viral video under TheHunterHilton was posted when he was 21, or at least a segment of that video went viral. The clip showed famous wrestler Romanis Redd coming at Hunter, pulling the camera from his grip, dropping it on the ground, and proceeding to punch him in the face. The original vlog was swiftly deleted, the majority of it showcasing the wrestling event and Hunter's incessant following of the superstar through VIP and back to his dressing room, a barrage of provoking questions being asked, but only the ending remained on the internet. Hunter sued for assault with video evidence, Romanis countered with character defamation considering the rest of the video was missing. Romanis was issuing a public apology a few days later, and Hunter sat there smugly watching.
~ These events were what propelled Hunter into the mainstream, his constant publicity stunts and problematic behaviour showcased through videos with the most clickbait titles. Most continued his usual vlog structure, but others revolved around the 'pranking' of celebrities and other public figures, hoping for the same reaction his Romanis Redd video received. Those unintentionally involved always fought back, but were silenced soon after, issuing apologies for being "bad sports" or taking "an extended hiatus" from social media after Hunter's videos virality.
~ His last posted video was announcing his own "extended hiatus", a blatant lie to the camera that he was going to do some "soul searching", and had found a place where he was going to "reflect on the past few years and attempt to grow." In reality, having found out about an urban legend of a disappearing town, his mind was already reeling with content ideas. He figured it was some place inhabited by Amish or some other group that decided to take themselves off the grid and away from the modern world: the perfect place for someone like Hunter to infiltrate and expose and mess with. Not once in the video did he mention where he was heading.
~ He travelled to the last known location of Huntsville, recording every step of his journey, even as he crossed the paradox line, not finding the community he expected, but realising the Hell he had infiltrated was much worse. Now he's stuck in a place where the money he has holds no value, his videos can't reach the outside world, and he can't call daddy for help.
~ At present, he's been in Huntsville for 2 days.
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benbamboozled · 1 year
The concept is: gruff dude h/c that is rife with sexy overtones and flirting, until it moves into HoodStroke, for sure.
The only problem is that I don't really know where to go with it fully. The details I know for sure are:
Their private moment (And yes, that's absolutely how Slade makes it happen. Which means he gets a good moment of looking over Jason while he's trussed up and vulnerable. Which of course makes Jason all 'Stop staring asshole *BLUSH* it's uncomfortable.') Still not really sure how far that goes with Slade needing to convince the target that he's a serious buyer.
The rescue, where the buyer brings Jason in to give him to Slade, Jason's collar now sporting Slade's 'S' logo which Slade likes very much. But then they find out that the guy wants to brand Jason, so Slade agrees to hold him still. For a minute, Jason thinks that Slade's not going to do anything about it and prepares to defend himself. But just as the guy is bringing in the branding iron, Slade pulls it from his hand and proceeds to use it to kill the guy.
Jason and Slade start working their way out. Jason insists on freeing the other prisoners. Slade gives him a 'This isn't what I signed up for' but Jason says that he's planning on going, so if Slade wants to be sure he gets paid, he'll come along and help. Slade considers letting him get himself killed, but in the end decides that would be a waste, so he goes with him.
Everything's going smoothly until a goon they thought was dead gets a shot off in Slade's direction. Jason pushes him out of the way, and ends up taking the buckshot across his ribs.
Jason's apartment (Not a safehouse, but his apartment where he keeps all his best and favourite stuff) is close. So, Slade carries him there. The bats are on alert, looking for Jason (but they would have been far too late to do anything to help him without Slade's intervention).
Damian is in Jason's apartment, hopeful that that would be where he returned. He takes in the sight of Slade and Jason, and has a brief fit of rage, until Slade basically tells him to calm the fuck down and help, or to get the fuck out of the way. Slade deposits Jason on the kitchen table, which is when Jason becomes aware of where he is. He insists he's fine, and demands a shower, but Slade plays the 'you're paying me to protect you, and if we don't take care of those wounds you're not going to be around to do that' card, so Jason lets him.
Once Jason is more stable, Damian pulls a short sword from under he kitchen table (Jason has weapons hidden all over his apartment, and his table was built with a sheath hidden underneath). Damian and Slade have a brief fight that Slade dominates. Dick shows up and gets between them.
Jason then pushes himself up and heads to the bathroom, telling them not to break anything (He's already upset enough about the blood on his table). He just really, really, really wants to shower.
When he comes out of the ensuite in nothing but a towel and the collar that can't be removed without bolt cutters, Batman is in his bedroom. Bruce steps out of a shadow, cowl up, and Jason's brain goes to 'Fight'.
He grabs a gun from a nearby bookshelf and aims at Bruce. Bruce doesn't know why Jason is so upset, so he keeps trying to sooth Jason and get him to put the gun down.
Slade realizes that Jason's talking to someone, and bursts into the bedroom. He takes in the scene fast, and immediately goes for Jason. He hooks a finger into the loop at the front of his collar, and uses it to tug Jason, then turn him around and slam him into the wall. He convinces Jason to hand over the gun, and then shoves him off towards Dick so that he can have a Conversation™ with The Bat.
But, like, that's literally all I have. I don't have an inkling of how to get it from there to 'Jason's a big fan of wearing a collar with Slade's S on it.' I mean, the obvious choice would be for Slade to need a partner to go undercover at a sex club, but I don't know. Too cliché?
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THE PEOPLE ARE DEMANDING IT!!! (It’s me I’m the people!!!)
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eddystshirts · 1 day
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Florida Gators Cycling Jersey NCAA T Shirt Multicolor 38 Medium M University Zip.
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cl-classified · 2 days
Craigslist Classifieds: Your Gateway to Buying, Selling, and Connecting
Explore the world of Craigslist Classifieds, the ultimate platform for buying, selling, and connecting with people locally and globally. Discover tips, tricks, and insights in our comprehensive guide.
In today’s digital age, where online marketplaces abound, Craigslist Classifieds remains a timeless titan. For decades, it has been the go-to platform for individuals seeking to buy, sell, rent, or connect with others in their community or beyond. Whether you’re on the hunt for a vintage bicycle, looking to rent out your spare room, or hoping to find your next gig, Craigslist has you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the depths of Craigslist Classifieds, uncovering its myriad features, offering expert tips, and showcasing its enduring relevance in the digital marketplace landscape.
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bukkum · 4 days
Unveil the Facts about Fabrics To Pick a Men’s Lowers
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Men’s Lowersare essential bottomwear in men’s closet and it is a staple outfit for hitting gym sessions or attending casual events. Today, men's lowers are no longer for workouts, they are suitable for outdoor games and lounging at home. Lowers come in different varieties and fabrics. Fabrics play a crucial role in providing comfort during workouts. When it comes to selecting a men’s lower, it is essential to attention to details on fabrics that offer comfort, durability, and style. This article throws light on how to select good fabric lowers for men.
In What Kinds Men’s Lowers Are Available?
The fashion realm experiments with every kind of outfit; in terms of fabrics, patterns, and designs. Lowers are an all-time favourite bottomwear for men. And they are available in wide varieties. Let’s talk about the types of lowers.
1.  Stylish Lowers-
Stylish Lowers refers to its patterns and design. Stylish lowers have an elasticated waistband and handy pockets at the sides. You can style a lower for casual and semi-formal occasions. Stylish lowers come in multiple colors; from bold to neutral ones.
2.  Gym Lowers-
Gym Lowers are specially designed from fabrics that wick away sweat and minimize body odor. Apart from gym time, you can pair them for weekend outings.
3.  Running Lowers-
Running Lowers has an inner drawstring closure, two side pockets, and a straight hem. It is designed with the use of Anti-Microbial and Anti-Static Technology allowing flexibility during physical activities.
Essential Guide To Fabrics For Selecting Perfect Men’s Lowers
Lowers for men are designed in different fabrics. It is necessary to select good quality fabrics; comfort is the key to enhancing productivity and confidence. Fabrics may be natural or they can be synthetic. Fabrics that are sourced from natural origins are considered natural fabric while synthetic fabrics are man-made and it is processed by chemicals.  Some of the peculiar fabrics are discussed below:
Cotton Fabrics-
Cotton fabrics are considered natural fabrics and it has the quality of providing comfort in every season and workouts. Cotton fabrics have sweat and moisture-wicking properties and it is preferable to wear for casual events in Summer and Sunny workout days. This fabric is well-knitted and offers a wide range of motion. For comfortability, you can choose cotton lowers for men.
Lycra Fabrics-
Lycra Fabrics is a synthetic fabric and it is a combination of polyester and spandex. This fabric is stretchable and has the quality of dryness. Strectabality and sweat absorption are necessary during workouts. Due to all these qualities of the lycra fabric, Men Lowers are designed using this fabric and it is specially manufactured for gym purposes and professional sports persons. Lycra fabrics have the quality of durability so it is preferable to choose this kind of lowers.
Polyester Fabrics-
Polyester Fabrics are man-made synthetic fibers manufactured using anti-microbial and anti-static technology that wicks away sweat, prevents body odor, and offers flexible movements through every workout. Polyester fabrics have considerate longevity so both manufacturers and buyers should prefer to design and buy polyester fabrics lowers.
Now you have all the information regarding fabrics of the men’s lowers. Choose fabrics of the lowers according to the occasion and purpose to wear. For gym workouts you can choose those fabric lowers that provide stretchability and flexible movements. For casual wear, cotton lowers are preferred especially in Summer. Implement these tips for your next shopping session and get maximum comfort. You can style these lowers for every occasion. Bukkum uses premium quality fabrics to design men’s lowersto maximize comfort, longevity, and durability. So everyone gives preference to Bukkum to buy every kind of athleisurewear.
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mosleykeegan6 · 6 days
5 Easy Facts About Luxury replica handbags Described
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In case you have an interest in purchasing a replica designer handbag, it truly is important to perform extensive study to detect the best sources. It is vital to note that there are different levels of high-quality amid replica bags, so knowledge your distinct high quality demands is important. Prioritize suppliers with fantastic monitor records with regard to solution excellent, delivery trustworthiness, and customer care. Moreover, take into consideration reaching out to independent manner brands or companies which will provide dropshipping partnerships. PureDazz Retail store is a category By itself garnering 96.eight% optimistic ranking over a span of 1 calendar year. With quality as among the prime principle in mind, this branded handbag replica seller helps make leather bag with high-quality leather-based given that the material would be the soul of the whole bag. The finest leather ensures high quality good quality and beauty of the final item. 1:1 replica handbags ended up posted all over Paris airports warning that purchasing or carrying fakes is against the law. Violators are matter to some €300,000 high-quality and a few many years imprisonment. And French Customs authorities are trained to discover counterfeits. Is the fact that a possibility you’d would like to get? You are able to buy these solutions by clicking instantly on the images, procuring buttons, and textual content inbound links. On the other hand, when desiring luxury designer designs with out exorbitant price tags, replica bags present you with a large number of alternatives. They current a viable selection for individuals who desire to embrace brand aesthetics while Performing inside their budgetary constraints. For that reason, our workforce has invested plenty of time and sources to cautiously review this craftmanship and decide on every single detail on reliable Hermes bags. Likewise, we typically handcraft Every single higher-finish replica accent to make certain the craftmanship matches that of genuine Hermes purses. Subsequent because this purchase journey is in fact relatively dangerous, folks has the thrill of an journey and enjoyment whenever they reach getting the pretend branded stuff that they need. Nowadays people have started making use of perfumes as a design and style assertion because great fragrance is becoming a component of the fashion. Constantly make sure to get a great perfume that matches your identity. When 7 star aaa replica chanel handbags show up at any operate or a party it can be crucial to scent fantastic just as much as you will need to search terrific. Gorra indicates looking for “sellers that happen to be responsive and prepared to give additional information.” You’re on the lookout for comprehensive transparency from the vendor as they should really don't have anything to cover. There’s a whole lot of other issues they will be worried about Apart from any person sporting a phony handbag. It Appears ridiculous to me. you may mail A large number of overseas people to our region without having our Okay for us to just take vehicle of and take outer Gains but you should cry about a faux purse definitely unfortunate you bought your morals all tousled Exceptional information on dupe handbags and/or products. Adore the “Actual ladies don’t like fake” indicator….buyers beware! Any made product at a sizable scale you buy today exploits the inadequate, irrespective of whether it’s a counterfeit bag from China, or a real reliable Chanel straight from the boutique.
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citynewsglobe · 7 days
[ad_1] On-line playing is turning into a very fashionable exercise that many adults get pleasure from of their free time. With many developments in expertise, enjoying in on-line casinos and collaborating in sports activities betting has by no means been so accessible and satisfying. Nonetheless, this rise in expertise has additionally launched new dangers on-line too. Subsequently it is essential to pay attention to these dangers and the best way to keep away from them. This text goes to discover the alternative ways you may safeguard your private information when enjoying in on-line casinos. Select Safe and Dependable Playing Platforms Your first step to safeguarding your private information ought to all the time be discovering safe and dependable on-line casinos and playing platforms. This takes some cautious consideration and disregarding this course of may end in placing your private and monetary data in danger. Whereas it is essential to search out on-line casinos which can be suited to your preferences, it is much more essential to search out ones which can be dependable and safe. Any on line casino you select have to be absolutely licensed and controlled. That is what ensures the on line casino is working legally, which subsequently means it is working pretty and is following the suitable procedures to guard you and your private and account data. It is also essential to ensure a platform has safety measures in place resembling SSL or encryption to guard you even additional. As there may be a lot alternative, it might probably really feel onerous to search out the suitable on line casino. Nonetheless, an efficient means to make sure high quality and safety is by trying out a on line casino's repute. Respected and high quality go hand in hand, subsequently on-line on line casino critiques can provide you a transparent perception into the standard and reliability of a web based on line casino. In-depth investigative studies, like Time2play's ExciteWin on line casino assessment, can even reveal different useful details about a on line casino too, resembling sport choice and high quality, buyer help and the way person pleasant a platform is. Educate Your self on Cybersecurity Greatest Practices It is essential to be absolutely conscious and educated on cyber threats and the best way to defend your self. It will assist with regards to figuring out threats and in addition assist you to develop greatest practices to staying secure on-line. One of the widespread threats on-line at present are phishing makes an attempt. That is the place a scammer will attempt to acquire entry to your private data, that is largely via textual content messages or e-mail. One of many causes this rip-off is so harmful and customary is as a result of plenty of time these messages faux to be companies resembling banks or on-line casinos and might come throughout extraordinarily sensible. Subsequently, it is essential to know the best way to establish these scams, and most significantly keep away from clicking on hyperlinks except you are completely certain it is safe. Common updates in your gadgets and software program is crucial. This ensures your gadgets are absolutely geared up with the newest updates to guard you from cyber assaults. Among the best methods to guard your self is to spend money on good high quality anti-virus and web safety software program. One other greatest follow is to take the time to take a look at an internet site or fee web page earlier than offering any of your particulars. A simple means to do that is to look out for the padlock icon within the search bar in your browser. It will point out if an internet site is safe or not. In relation to fee strategies, it is essential to solely use safe fee strategies and keep away from any strategies that you just're unfamiliar with. This could be a purple flag. At all times Be Cautious with Your Data It is also essential to bear in mind that it isn't simply as much as safe platforms and virus software program to guard you.
It is your accountability too. This implies being cautious along with your data and never sharing on-line. That is particularly essential in the event you're on social media or frequently participate in discussions in on-line boards. That is the place scammers lurk ready for a chance. If you're organising on-line accounts, be sure to make use of distinctive and powerful passwords. Attempt to keep away from selecting generic or passwords which can be simply guessable. Utilizing the identical password for a number of accounts can put you at much more threat. Strategy Playing Responsibly And eventually, whereas cyber threats could be a enormous threat. There are different dangers in on-line playing that do not embrace cyber safety both. The one technique to absolutely defend your funds when on-line playing is to be accountable. This implies setting a finances in your gaming and betting periods. It will stop you from overspending. Playing ought to solely ever be a type of leisure and by no means a technique to become profitable. Which implies you must by no means spend greater than you may afford and by no means chase losses. One other essential facet of accountable playing is persistence. This implies whenever you're attempting out new video games, take the time to learn the directions and work out how the sport works earlier than enjoying for actual. Enjoying a sport blindly can result in foolish errors and shedding your funds shortly. Being extra conscious of what is going on will assist you to make extra knowledgeable selections. Moreover the demo model of on line casino video games is a good way to be taught video games, that is the place you may play the complete model of the sport with out risking or depositing any cash. In abstract, safeguarding your private information when enjoying on-line is crucial. Nonetheless, what's nice is there are a selection of straightforward and alternative ways to do that. By solely utilizing safe platforms, being educated and cautious with regards to cyber safety and all the time being accountable, you may guarantee a safe on line casino and betting expertise.  [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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sweetsweetscycle · 10 days
How to Safeguard Yourself Against Scams When Selecting an Online Cricket ID Provider
In the digital age, the convenience of online platforms also brings the risk of scams and fraudulent activities. When selecting an online cricket ID provider, it's crucial to safeguard yourself against potential scams. Here’s how you can protect yourself:
Research the Provider:
Before signing up, research the online cricket ID provider thoroughly. Look for reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other users.
Check if the provider is affiliated with recognized cricket organizations or platforms. Legitimate providers often have partnerships or endorsements from reputable sources.
Verify the Website URL:
Scammers often create websites with URLs that look similar to legitimate sites. Verify the URL for any small variations or misspellings.
Look for the padlock symbol and "https://" in the URL, indicating a secure connection.
Check for Contact Information:
Legitimate providers will have clear contact information, including a physical address, phone number, and email address. Verify this information by contacting them directly if necessary.
Be Wary of Unrealistic Promises:
If a provider promises guaranteed wins or outcomes that seem too good to be true, it’s likely a scam. No legitimate service can guarantee results in sports.
Read the Terms and Conditions:
Before creating an account, read the terms and conditions thoroughly. Pay attention to refund policies, payment terms, and dispute resolution processes.
Be cautious of providers that have unclear or vague terms and conditions.
Secure Payment Methods:
Use secure payment methods, such as credit cards or PayPal, that offer buyer protection and fraud prevention.
Avoid providers that only accept wire transfers, money orders, or cryptocurrency, as these are less traceable.
Look for Privacy Policies:
Legitimate providers will have a privacy policy detailing how they use and protect your personal information.
Be cautious if there’s no privacy policy or if it seems overly vague or unprofessional.
Beware of Phishing Attempts:
Scammers may attempt to steal your personal information through phishing emails or fake login pages. Always verify the sender's email address and avoid clicking on suspicious links.
Use Two-Factor Authentication:
If the provider offers two-factor authentication (2FA), enable it to add an extra layer of security to your account.
Trust Your Instincts:
If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts and avoid proceeding with the provider.
By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to scams when selecting an online cricket ID provider. Always prioritize your online security and take proactive steps to protect your personal information and financial details.
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Planning For A Concert? Here is How to Avoid Scam While Purchasing Tickets Online
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The thrill of attending a sold-out concert or sporting event is undeniable. But with that excitement comes the challenge of securing tickets, especially in the age of online marketplaces. Ticket resellers offer a potential solution, but navigating this landscape can be fraught with risks. Fear not, savvy event-goer! This guide equips you with the knowledge to avoid becoming a victim of ticket resale scams and score authentic tickets for your next big event. The Red Flags: Warning Signs of a Scammer The first line of defense involves recognizing the telltale signs of a scam. Here are some red flags to watch out for: - Unrealistic Prices: If tickets are priced significantly lower than face value or even below average resale prices, it's a major red flag. Scammers often lure buyers with deals that seem too good to be true. - Unverified Sellers: Reputable resale platforms have verification processes in place for sellers. Be wary of sellers with limited profiles or no reviews. If possible, opt for platforms that offer buyer protection guarantees. - Obscure Payment Methods: Legitimate sellers typically accept mainstream payment methods like credit cards or secure online payment gateways. Avoid sellers who insist on wire transfers, gift cards, or other untraceable methods. - Vague Descriptions or Missing Details: A legitimate seller will provide clear descriptions of the tickets, including the section, seat numbers, and any other relevant details. Be cautious of listings with missing information or overly generic descriptions. - Pressure Tactics: Scammers often try to create a sense of urgency, pressuring you to buy immediately before the "tickets disappear." Don't be rushed into making a purchase. Trust your gut instinct and take your time to verify the seller's legitimacy. Beyond the Red Flags: Proactive Strategies for Safe Transactions While recognizing red flags is crucial, a proactive approach is even better. Here are some additional tips to ensure a safe and secure ticket resale experience: - Stick to Reputable Platforms: Numerous online marketplaces cater to ticket resales. Opt for established platforms with a proven track record and buyer protection policies. These platforms often have verification processes for sellers and secure payment methods. - Do Your Research: Before purchasing tickets, research the seller, especially if using a platform without robust verification procedures. Look for online reviews or check the seller's profile for any negative feedback. - Use Secure Payment Methods: Always use secure payment methods like credit cards or online payment gateways with buyer protection. Avoid wire transfers, gift cards, or any method that offers no recourse if the transaction turns sour. - Beware of E-Ticket Scams: E-tickets, or electronic tickets delivered electronically, are becoming increasingly common. However, scammers can also use fake e-tickets. If buying an e-ticket, ensure it comes from a reputable source and double-check the venue's website for ticket verification procedures. - Consider Ticket Insurance: Some reputable resale platforms offer optional ticket insurance for a small fee. This insurance can provide a safety net if the tickets turn out to be fake or the event is canceled. Beyond the Purchase: Protecting Yourself Until Event Day Even after a seemingly secure purchase, stay vigilant until you're safely inside the venue. Here are some final tips: - Confirm with the Venue: If possible, contact the event venue directly and confirm the validity of your tickets. Some venues have online verification systems for tickets purchased through authorized resellers. - Print or Download Tickets: For physical tickets, ensure they appear legitimate and have the proper security features. For e-tickets, download them directly from a secure source and avoid screenshots or forwarded copies. - Arrive Early: Give yourself ample time to enter the venue and avoid any last-minute hassles if there are issues with your tickets. By following these tips and staying alert, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to a ticket resale scam. Remember, a little caution goes a long way in ensuring you enjoy the event you paid for, minus the headache of dealing with fraudulent tickets. So, the next time you seek that coveted ticket to a sold-out event, prioritize secure platforms, verify sellers, and prioritize safe payment methods. With a dose of awareness and these strategies in your arsenal, you can outsmart the scammers and score authentic tickets, transforming your event-going experience from a potential nightmare into a night to remember. Read the full article
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cashforjunkscarsot · 11 days
Unlocking the Best Deals with Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas
Welcome to Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas – your premier destination for turning your unwanted vehicles into instant cash! Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of selling your car privately? Look no further, as we provide a hassle-free solution that puts cash in your pocket without the stress and uncertainty of traditional selling methods.
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Why Choose Us?
Transparent Process
At Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas, transparency is at the core of our operations. We believe in providing our customers with clear and honest transactions, ensuring that you receive the best value for your vehicle. Our experienced team will guide you through each step of the process, from appraisal to payment, leaving no room for confusion or hidden fees.
Instant Cash Offers
Say goodbye to lengthy negotiations and waiting weeks for a buyer to show interest. With Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas, you can receive an instant cash offer for your vehicle within minutes. Simply provide us with some basic information about your car, and our team will provide you with a competitive offer on the spot. No more wasting time on endless test drives and tire-kickers – get paid today!
Any Make, Any Model
Whether you have a sleek sports car, a reliable sedan, or a rugged truck, we accept vehicles of all makes and models at Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas. Our extensive network of buyers allows us to offer top dollar for a wide range of vehicles, regardless of age or condition. Don't let your old car sit idle – turn it into cash with us!
How It Works
Step 1: Get Your Instant Offer
To begin the process, simply fill out our online form with details about your vehicle, including its make, model, year, and condition. Once submitted, our team will quickly assess the information and provide you with a fair and competitive cash offer.
Step 2: Schedule Your Inspection
If you accept our offer, the next step is to schedule a convenient time for an inspection of your vehicle. This inspection is quick and hassle-free, allowing us to verify the condition of your car and finalize the offer.
Step 3: Get Paid!
Once the inspection is complete and everything checks out, all that's left to do is collect your payment! We offer multiple payment options to suit your preferences, including cash, check, or electronic transfer. With Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas, you can walk away with money in hand the same day.
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
At Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas, our mission is to ensure complete customer satisfaction with every transaction. We understand that selling your car can be a stressful experience, which is why we strive to make the process as smooth and hassle-free as possible. With our team of experienced professionals by your side, you can trust that you're in good hands.
Contact Us Today!
Ready to turn your old car into cash? Don't wait any longer – contact Cash For Cars Topeka Kansas today to get started! Our friendly team is standing by to assist you with any questions you may have and to provide you with an instant cash offer for your vehicle. Say goodbye to the headaches of selling privately and hello to quick, easy cash with us at Cash For Cars.
Cash for Cars 1429 Legends circle Lawrence Kansas 66049 785-260-6400
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dempsey46linde · 16 days
Men’s Designer Bags Replica
Best for: Louis Vuitton bags Louis Vuitton bags from them are Unquestionably remarkable. I've also experimented with other brands’ bags and found them to get pretty good also. I’m unsure in which the “supports terrorism” detail came from? Each time I see content material such as this I quickly Imagine, “It’s just purses. Personalised advertising could be regarded as a “sale” or “sharing” of data beneath California and other condition privateness guidelines, and maybe you have a proper to choose out. For that purchasing over a funds, replica bags are a terrific way to receive the designer’s seem devoid of breaking the financial institution. No you can say for sure that even the best sellers or factories gained’t mess up at times. I’ve worked that has a bunch through the years, and an excellent vendor doesn’t often indicate you’re getting a flawless replica. But The great kinds will assist you to out and make points ideal, giving you that reliable customer service. The trick to observing the “superior stuff” on Canal Road is always to pay attention to the many vendors attempting to get prospective buyers attention. They do this by whispering a summary of designer brand name names in to the ear of purchasers since they wander by. Actually, should you don’t want to resell or give it to some beloved one particular, resale worth doesn’t subject IMO. None of this stuff are “investments”. Spend money on the S&P five hundred lol. Young customers aren’t embarrassed at all about sporting affordable knock-offs of large-conclusion handbags and extras – the truth is, they’re truly pleased with it! Whether or not a certain bag gets replicated isn’t based on its age but somewhat by demand from customers. If 1:1 replica handbags chanel becomes well-liked, it’s tough to assume replica bag makers missing out on a cash-creating possibility. They provide top quality leather-based, and also the bags are handcrafted with meticulous stitching. replica handbags in usa have to location a deposit for personalization. Only note I would like to make is usually to beware any time you’re undergoing security with exotic leather things, you may be questioned regarding paperwork for those, considering the fact that you'll find rigid restrictions about good trade import and use of these types of leathers. She’s to the point and no nonsense, no fluff, so it appears like a private victory Once i might get a fun emoji out of her, but she’s amazing at what she does. In addition they attribute every one of the exact same information you would probably be expecting from an authentic Model – just in a portion of the expense! Check out for noticeable flaws which might be conveniently recognizable. Our staff of designers understands how uncomfortable it could be if your folks found out that you’re flaunting by using a knockoff.
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bruhnfoster8 · 17 days
Best Place to Buy Replica Designer Bags
Customer support: Xinya is definitely a gem! If a thing’s not in inventory, she helps me select and endorses factors I like, and the quality is top rated-notch. I like dealing with her. These bags are made with Excellent craftsmanship and a focus to detail, working with superior-excellent products that intently resemble the reliable solution. Replica producers who make super fakes normally use the very same generation process as reliable trend properties (e. For Hermes leatherwork, meticulously paint levels and layers of edge paint, cautiously sanding and sharpening each layer to obtain a smooth finish. Some people today or tiny companies market phony handbags on social networking. Consumers can just hit them up directly to purchase. The most well-liked form of replica bag can be a one:one clone. aaa replica designer handbags china -motivated items are created with good quality supplies and hardware that closely resembles their authentic counterparts in both equally appearances and really feel. This head-boggling quantity Evidently demonstrates just how large this market is and simply how much persons are diving into this secret procuring spree. The only real big difference I am able to inform is the feel with the leather. All the classic lambskin CFs I’ve dealt with have constantly felt incredibly fragile and papery… I really observed a person right before and was stunned by how slender it felt! But then classic CFs aren’t all of that widespread so I’m not really nervous! Persons looking to buy replica handbags should really know that the posh of an product is not in its label, but in its craftsmanship. When purchasers have selected a replica handbag , they then will request the cost. The worth depends upon the scale with the pretend handbag, the manufacturer and the quality. For instance, if it is a medium-sized handbag, they'll almost certainly request $forty to $60. Consumers must under no circumstances shell out precisely what the sellers ask for, given that they ought to have the choice to deal. They must be organized having a wad of 10, 5, and one-dollar expenses Prepared to barter. 7 star replica chanel handbags will discover several solutions to cut price down the value. Customers can say, “Nicely I only brought $30 with me, just take it or leave it”. They may also simply talk to them “How about $thirty? “I obtained my handbag now and it is gorgeous. This shop and seller has brilliant replica purses. I recommend this retail store and seller to anyone who wants to get an attractive replica purse. I been given the color of my purse in the colour khaki and I received a great number of compliments for this colour. To generally be genuine this purse seems like the actual offer. This purse is so soft, the leather-based feels high-quality, the zipper about the purse operates incredibly easily, the GG’s within the purse are properly put and thoroughly finished. The authorities are regularly cracking down within the storefronts together Canal Street who are selling faux goods. Potential buyers beware nevertheless, this is unquestionably among the list of extra sketchy approaches to go about buying a phony handbag. You never know wherever The seller might lead a buyer. Purchasers should really make certain that they don't wind up within a “set the lotion within the basket” variety predicament. Excellent designer replica handbags are certainly close to real designer bags these that style fans are very pleased to individual some. Amazon has what seems to be an endless parade of bags, so it is a confident bet that there'll be some there that could be regarded as designer replicas. You aren't more likely to uncover any which are so very carefully crafted which they go for the reliable handbags, sporting the designer name how bags from Several other suppliers do, However they might have just what you'll need if you're looking for just a loose replica of a bag because you simply such as the variety of some more expensive items (as an alternative to the status and superiority the standard designer bags tend to have). This is certainly an illustration of a small excellent replica bag shared by a fellow replica shopper who purchased it from DHGate. You should not just remain absent, but RUN AWAY, from these sort of replica bags. The standard is completely laughable.
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eddystshirts · 1 day
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Florida Gators Cycling Jersey NCAA T Shirt Adult Multicolor 38 Medium M Sports.
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