#Chat with men in chennai
affairlove · 2 months
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married affairs websites online dating
People are lonely in the world, and they need company to spend quality time. When someone is married in life, that does not mean that they are happy and have become friends with each other. They may not speak to each other for a long time. Some married men are along for separation and some people are separated for jobs and other purposes. How would they spend their lives in such loneliness? Indian dating site for married people are available for them. They can enjoy their lives by getting a dating partner with whom they can gossip and share thoughts that they cannot express to anybody else.
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fondhopeindia · 1 year
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fredwkong · 9 months
Hey himbo maker, I'd really like to be made into a Tamil South Indian guy, the hairier the better. I would really just love to immerse myself into their culture.. can you help me with that?
You’re… occupied when the first Himbo Maker notification arrives, busy stroking your cock to pics of beefy, hirsute Tamil guys. The notifications appear on your phone’s lock screen, and even though you don’t turn to look, each chime causes changes.
Himbo_mkr: Bro, how’s India been treating you? I swear you’re going native over there.
The room around you shifts and changes. You came to Chennai for a study abroad semester a few years ago, and you loved it so much that you stayed. Your Tamil is so good now that people sometimes assume you’re a native speaker, and you feel out of place when you visit home. The downside is that now, every day, you see, smell, touch, practically taste sexy Tamil men, so you’re pretty much always boned up.
Himbo_mkr: You pretty much went through a second puberty when you returned to the Tamil homeland, right?
Your cock jumps in your hand, the skin darkening as a stream of Tamil precum runs down the shaft. The darkened skin rushes over your body, followed by a thick growth of long, curly body hair. A well groomed beard, moustache, and thick eyebrows compliment your dark, heavyset features. You bury your face in your sweaty armpit, inhaling the stench of sweat and cooking spices. You always loved men of your race, so you turn yourself on all the time.
Himbo_mkr: Man, I bet you go to all sorts of cultivated events and enjoy all kinds of bros.
There’s a knock at your door. “Come in,” you call, in your native Tamil. The door creaks open, and you immediately smell the spicy musk of a Tamil man who’s been out in the Chennai heat, sweating and basking in his own stench. You can't wait for your fantasy man to join you in bed for a perfect main event.
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Want to chat with the Himbo Maker? He loves to twist your words, so be careful what you're asking for.
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yolacricket · 2 months
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India's First mature dating website. What is so unique in Bhabiji.in?
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brostateexam · 3 years
Mohan wrote me a Tamil love poem.
Rega Jha, unparvai en mele vilathaa, ne en kitta vanthu ninathaa, en dehgam suda marathaa, Rega Jha.
I found it in my Twitter “Message Requests.” Translated to English, the poem reads: “Rega Jha, won’t you let your gaze fall on me? If you come stand close to me, my body temperature will rise, Rega Jha.”
It’s the kind of message that, 15 years ago, I might’ve screenshotted and shared with girl classmates for a laugh. Bonding over the “creeps” in our social media inboxes was an early internet experience for us, where “us” was girl teens from affluent families, enrolled in English-medium schools, born and raised in urban India; and “creeps” were boys and men we didn’t know, who had made an overture, usually in broken English or a vernacular language, on social media.
I can’t remember my first creep, nor, sadly, can I remember how seeing that first message felt. What I do remember is being 12 and 13 years old, feeling flattered and impatient to tell my friends about my inbox hauls, anticipating their cracking up with me at every “Will u do franship?” and “Lukin nice.” I remember the crackle-beep-trill of dial-up modems punctuating sleepover giggling, PC screen glowing in semi-dark, our parents asleep in the next room. I remember comparing inboxes with prettier friends, hoping (anxiously! insecurely!) that the creeps had come through for me. And bless them, they always did. As we made our way from Hi5 in 2005 and 2006, to Orkut in 2006 and 2007, and finally to Facebook where we practiced seeing and being seen for a decade, the creeps came everywhere.
To be clear, though, Mohan is not a creep.
Mohan is a 26-year-old software engineer who sincerely wants to build friendships with women and is open to more-than, but he specifically doesn’t want to creep anyone out. When we spoke on the phone, he was pacing the terrace of his family home in the small Tamil Nadu town where he grew up, and where he’d returned last year when the first lockdown began. He told me about a girl he once messaged on Facebook with whom he ended up chatting for days. When her responses grew shorter, Mohan perceived a drop in interest. He stopped trying to keep the conversation alive. “I was definitely interested in her but I didn’t want to freak her out,” he said. “I don’t want to freak any girl out by sending messages often.”
We do tend to get freaked out, and for good reason. Mainstream Indian portrayals of heterosexual romance unambiguously charge men with initiating courtships, but they either fail to account for consent or, famously, encourage violating it. Meanwhile women, each of us having experienced a rattling array of violations at the hands of male strangers, have been conditioned to simultaneously expect to be (even long to be) pursued, and to be wary of our male pursuers. For us, this means the work of finding love is impossibly tied up with the work of avoiding danger. For Mohan and other well-intentioned men, “the problem comes in finding a border,” he said. “If we cross the border, it will feel like we’re stalking the girl. But if we aren’t reaching the border means our existence won’t be known to the girl.”
So when it comes to DMs, Mohan makes creative attempts to break through the clutter of ‘Hellos’ he correctly presumes is piling up in women’s inboxes. In my case, he’d seen that a childhood photo I’d posted on Instagram was geo-tagged to Chennai so he thought a Tamil rhyme might do the trick. “My initial thought was just to get your attention,” he told me. When I asked why he wanted it, Mohan said he saw me as a “crush.” In one message he’d sent long before we spoke, he’d written: “I love ur style & and I love ur attitude.” Genuinely flattered, I thanked him now on the phone. He laughed. He didn’t actually message me in hopes of a romance, he explained. Among his guy friends, it’s fairly normal to send social media messages to women they don’t know, “just for friendship.” (x)
I cannot recommend this (very long) article about love and online culture in India highly enough.
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almostdarktrash · 5 years
Melodies, memories and a goblet of rose wine!
HYPNAGOGIA. Yes, that's the word. 
It's 9.30 at night.
The warm light from the cluster pendant gleams beautifully ...
Abhi na jaao chhod kar...ke dil abhi bhara nahi.... the mellifluous Bhavya Pandit sets the backdrop....  
The brilliant rose wine smiles prettily from the goblet; it summons me.....
I readily yield. A few gentle sips..... i close my eyes....
As I  steered into the commercial complex on Nungambakkam High Road in Chennai this morning, a bawling man in blue uniform, after guiding an S-cross into the parking lot, galumphed up to me and gestured to roll the window down. "Enga saar poringa?" (Where are you going). "DVS," I said. He demurred for a while, but then thanks to a DVS-er, he loathly allowed me to park. 
The plush interiors of DVS Consultants on the sixth floor starkly contrasted the concrete heap, styled 'Apex' Plaza. I was there at the invite of my friend, Divakar, a handsome young man, who is the founder CEO of the international tax consultancy firm, to meet his team of young and bright professionals over a cuppa - and to "share my experience as a journalist".
I never thought that one day someone would  want to have a chat with an ordinary journalist from the print medium - who is usually portrayed in movies as someone thin, bespectacled, kurta-clad, jhola toting, with dishevelled hair and a worn-out pair of chappals - after he seized to be one. 
After exchanging 'hi's and smiles with a few along the passage, I ensconced myself on a swanky, leather-upholstered sofa in the cozy corner room. As I was waiting for Divakar, I slipped into that state. It was neither a state of wakefulness nor sleep. But it was pleasant. 
A few months after the financial daily was formally launched, one fine evening, my News Editor, Ashok Reddy, asked  me if i would care for a fag. It was drizzling then. I love rain. I love the way it blurs the outline of things, as life blurs the future. He said he too loved it. He spoke about his childhood in a small village in the then united Andhra. As we were strolling, he casually asked me how old I was. I said. He immediately burst into laughter and said, "you have a long way to go, pa". 
"Why, Ashok," I asked him, "Why are you laughing?"
"Ravi," he said, "I would happily retire in another 7...or...8 years. But, you have a long way to go."
I said I did not mind, as I liked the profession. Then the conversation branched out to that day's news stories, edits and other topics such as why cotton was called "king" cotton and so on. From that day, we hardly missed that evening stroll. Whenever I happened to be in the office at that time, we would surely step out for that relaxed time.  He taught me a lot. That was my formative period. My years as a journalist were really beautiful. I learnt a lot from many people - from different walks of life. I learnt to groom myself, learnt to ask all those critical questions without embarrassing the other, learnt to listen, learnt to write, made many a friend, travelled a lot. 
But, I never thought that "long way" would come to an end so soon. I never thought my journo journey would come to a grinding halt; never thought I would resign and quit the profession - for good.  Implausible, to think. As a bolt from the blue, one fine day, the curtain came down on all that. I decided to quit, and I did. 
"Hi Ravi," Divakar shook me out. "Shall we go?"
Maybe a little over 20 audience, comprising men and women- in their mid-twenties to early thirties - were there. Our interaction went on for an hour or so. I had an opportunity to recall and almost relive a few good moments.  I really don't know how useful was the session for them. But, I had a nice time. I .... t.h.o.r.o.u.g.h.I.y....enjoyed it. I am still wondering what prompted Divakar to invite me!
Lag jaa gale..Lag ja gale ki phir..ye hasin raat ho na ho....It's Jonita Gandhi now.
Anyway, thank you, Divakar, for the time well spent.
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affairlove · 2 months
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Dating Site Looking For married man
The men and women of modern times are lonely in their minds for many reasons. More than 70% of marriages are not satisfactory, and they reside with their partners by force because Indians socially consider that marriage is one time in life and that it is a bond for the span of 7 lives. When the relationship is not satisfactory, what do the men or women do at that moment? They have to find another option that makes them happy, which is dating others. That is why, a dating website for married women in Bangalore is available today to meet their desires.
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fondhopeindia · 1 year
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Mens Hostel In Chennai
If you want to live life king size with spacious rooms that are fully furnished then definitely you should chose Sailakshmi hostel. Talking about men’s hostel in Chennai; only hostel will top the chart i.e. Sailakshmi hostel. The enormous common dining area allows you to have a dinner with all your friends and have a chit-chat with them. The frequently maintained and cleaned bathrooms will feel you like home. The common kitchen allows you to sometimes cook something and have a get-together.
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wiseblogs · 2 years
Many residents of your area like to talk and see new people
Many residents of your area like to talk and see new people
Many residents of your area like to talk and see new people For website visitors of Indian speak are ventures matchmaking an internet-based communications with lovely ladies and trendy men from Indian places of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Surat, Pune, Jaipur from all over the world. Really well-known Indian chatrooms: Kerala, Chennai, Tamil, Telugu. Asia Chat…
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fondhopeindia · 1 year
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expatimes · 3 years
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How a surfing revolution is riding the wave in India
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Murthy Meghavan is a former fisherman who is now a surfing instructor at Covelong Beach in Kovalam, a coastal village 40km from the southern Indian city of Chennai.
He had been riding the waves before he even knew it was an actual sport but had never aspired to surf professionally. As a child, he used an old wooden plank that had washed ashore, once a part of someone’s door, as a makeshift surfboard.
In 2007, a 20-minute chat with Jack Hebner, hailed by locals as the “surfing swami” for his passion for yoga, Hinduism and surfing, changed Meghavan’s life.
In 2004, Hebner had established India’s first surfing school, the Mantra Surf Club in Mangaluru. Fascinated by Hebner’s carbon-fibre board, Meghavan mustered up enough courage to ask him if he could borrow it.
“When I went surfing with it, it felt like I was floating on a cloud,” 47-year-old Meghavan, who now runs his own surfing school at Kovalam, told Al Jazeera.
Many of the students he teaches are children of fisherfolk from low-income families.
Sekar Pachai, 29, is another fisherman-turned-professional-surfer from the same village who has won several championships at home and abroad.
When Pachai first began surfing, corporate sponsors made it possible for him to turn pro, he says, adding that it is very difficult for someone from an underprivileged background to make it as a competitive surfer without support.
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Despite the country’s 7,000km of coastline, not all beaches provide the ideal conditions to surf
Finding a decent surfboard is often the first obstacle. A foam or fibreglass board for beginners can cost between $150 and $1,000. A professional board can cost upwards of $1,500.
Even if you could afford it, surfboards were stocked in India’s sporting goods stores only in the last five years. Prior to this, a good board was more likely to find its way via foreigners.
In 2003, an Australian surfer gifted a battered board to a child in Meghavan’s village.
When Meghavan realised the kid did not care for it much, Meghavan paid him 1,500 Indian rupees ($31.4 at the time) to buy it from him. But he did not have an ankle leash so he used his fishing rope which alarmingly wound itself around his neck whenever he fell.
President of the Surfing Federation of India (SFI), Arun Vasu, feels regular financial support for the sport would help carve its future trajectory in India as it is funded by private donors and corporate sponsors only.
Despite the country’s 7,000km (4,350 miles) of coastline, not all beaches provide the ideal conditions to surf. The lack of sponsorship also affect surfers in restricting travel for training under different wave conditions.
“To be on par with a global surfing community, Indians need training in all-wave conditions and to travel in the global surfing circuit,” said Vasu. “Without adequate funding, this won’t happen.”
Even within the country, travel expenses can mount.
Surfers must practise in the few beaches where encountering bigger waves is possible – Mahabalipuram and Kovalam in Tamil Nadu, Varkala in Kerala, Mulki and Gokarna in Karnataka, coastal Pondicherry and Goa.
These waves are seasonal – between May and September – and even during the peak season, these beaches do not offer as wild a wave as you can encounter in Playa Grande in Costa Rica, Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, Bell’s Beach in Australia, Uluwatu in Bali, or Huntington Beach in California.
The surfing community in India is small and tends to be spread out over the country.
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Very few women – the SFI estimates their number is at eight to 10 across the country – have taken up the sport
Surfing festivals are held in Kovalam, Mangaluru and Orissa, drawing attention to the sport, attracting sponsors and helping professional surfers meet and compare notes.
India has an estimated 40 surfing schools. Vasu estimates that there are only 100 to 120 professional surfers. The others are enthusiasts who love the waters, take occasional lessons and who enjoy surfing for leisure.
Srikanth Dhanashekar, 16, is a son of a fisherman in Kovalam.
His day starts at 7am with a gruelling training schedule that lasts four hours. But he does not mind the aches and pains.
“Surfing gives me such joy,” said Dhanashekar. “I feel one with the sky and the sea. I can’t imagine my day without it and my dream is to represent India in the Olympics someday.”
While diverse athletes from fishing communities are finding their footing in the sport, there is one area in which it continues to lack representation: gender.
Very few women – the SFI estimates their number is at eight to 10 across the country – have taken up the sport.
Even those who do surf confront many difficulties and prejudices head on.
Ishita Malaviya, 32, began surfing in 2007, becoming the first professional female surfer in the country.
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Ishita Malaviya, India’s first female professional surfer
When she started competing, her goal was to represent women at events. While still in college, she and a friend would surf on weekends, boarding a bus at 5am, lugging an eight-foot second-hand surfboard to the beach in Manipal, in the southern Indian state of Karnataka.
“The board took up the combined backrest of eight seats on the bus. People would have to lean on it while sitting,” said Malaviya.
Curious and amused, other passengers would ask her questions about surfing, so at least it sparked conversations.
Sinchana Gowda, 20, crossed over to surfing from professional swimming and has been winning national awards since the age of 13.
But intrusive questions about the way she dresses when surfing in a wetsuit or shorts have been much harder for her, she says.
India’s first surfer girl Ishita Malaviya cuts through waves uncaring of her darkening skin or stereotypes, truly going against the flow! pic.twitter.com/HEzxRGXFfA
— oomna (@oomnawhodares) October 24, 2017
Suhasini Damian, 29, from Auroville in Pondicherry, is a national award-winning surfer coached by her husband, a surf instructor who shaped her red and pink board for her, customising it to her body weight for easy manoeuvrability.
Strangers have walked up to her to tell her that if she spends too much time in the sun, her skin would tan beyond recognition.
She has never felt comfortable surfing alone because she has had to contend with drunken men, lewd comments, catcalls and whistles.
India’s lack of a beach culture meant that female surfers were often singled out, says Malaviya.
But she hopes that will change as more women discover the joys of surfing.
“I’ve found my surfing family but I’m still striving for a surfing sisterhood,” said Malaviya.
The family Malaviya refers to are fishermen and their children, who, in 2012, helped her and a business partner set up a surfing club near Udipi, Karnataka, transforming a dilapidated abandoned home into a warm, inviting resort.
“Surfing dissolved all our barriers as they welcomed us – strangers – into their community. It reminds me of how in front of a mighty ocean, we are all equals.”
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India’s lack of a beach culture meant that female surfers were often singled out, said Malaviya
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=19278&feed_id=38759
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dixitanurag400 · 3 years
EXCLUSIVE | Congratulations to Rahane, Cricdaddy Ipl live Score India deserve a pat on the rear for MCG turnaround: Chris Gayle
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While he isn’t into the India vs Australia series entirely, Gayle is conscious of India’s stunning comeback in Melbourne following the crushing defeat in Adelaide, and congratulated stand-in captain Ajinkya Rahane for an interesting turnaround and keeping the series alive.
indian premier league
The 2020 edition of the Indian Premier League presented a series of firsts for several . The tournament was hosted outside of India and matches were played ahead of empty stadiums. the planet saw MS Dhoni return to the sector after over a year, a timeframe during which the previous India captain announced his retirement from international cricket. There was no Suresh Raina, or Harbhajan Singh, and for the primary time within the history of the tournament, Chennai Super Kings didn’t make it to the Playoffs.
IPL T20 schedule
Keeping up with the series of firsts, the IPL 2020 was a touch of a assortment for Chris Gayle. He has featured within the tournament since 2009 and become one among the most important attractions of the league. However, for the primary time, Gayle didn’t make it to the starting XI of his IPL team for as many as seven consecutive matches. He was a daily previously for Kolkata Knight Riders then obviously, the Royal Challengers Bangalore, where his performances escalated him to the extent of stardom he enjoys, but it changed in 2020.
ipl T20
Even when Kings XI Punjab went on a downward spiral losing six matches out of the primary seven, Gayle continued to miss out. In between, he was hospitalised for gastrointestinal disorder , which prolonged his wait. But when the time finally arrived, the Universe Boss showed exactly why there’s no global T20 superstar quite like him. His arrival marked a change in fortunes of KXIP because the franchise won its next five games, with Gayle leading from the front with many 53, 51 and 99.
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“It’s one among those things where, you know, the user experience varies. I haven’t and didn’t study the IPL, and missed the primary seven games (the first of the IPL). But most players get upset and agitated about this stuff . I still play my supporting role and that i explained to the team that whenever they have me, i will be able to be available,” Gayle told Hindustan Times in an exclusive chat.
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In 2018, when Gayle had moved to KXIP after spending seven years with RCB, the West Indies batsman in an interview offered a touch of a chilly shoulder to the Red and Yellow. He had revealed how RCB had shown interest in retaining him but the call never came. Still, there wasn’t any animosity there. Immediately upon switching sides, Gayle peeled off 100 in his fourth match and bagged two Player of the Match awards in between.
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In two seasons before this, Gayle had notched up 368 and 490 runs in 2018 and 2019 respectively, so when he wasn’t included within the XI, it had been equally surprising. Sturdier men would have wilted, but the swag with which Gayle rolls, never allowed any sort of insecurity to sneak in .
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“But i used to be a touch disappointed that it didn’t start the IPL but eventually it happened and that i played the primary game, albeit I got sick once I was alleged to play again. there have been many twists and turns before I actually played my first game,” he said. “But eventually it happened and that i was ready to use my experience within IPL, because, you recognize I’ve been playing the tournament since the start . There was nothing to truly write on , but just to point out folks that you recognize Universe Boss remains around, because I’m the GOAT. So, it’s only one of these things they will learn from their mistake, not me.” cricdaddy ipl live score
At 41, winner of two World T20 titles, Gayle insists he’s not on the brink of retirement. In early 2019, Gayle announced that he would bid farewell to ODIs after the planet Cup, but took a U-turn during the tournament in England. Against India reception , after being dismissed for 72, he walked off raising his bat and to a round of applause from the gang , hinting that he’d played his final 50-over game for his country. And while that would well have happened, Gayle is eyeing next year’s T20 World Cup in India. It’s almost as if WWE icon Sting’s catchphrase, ‘The only thing that’s needless to say is that nothing is for sure’ resonates aptly with Gayle. cricdaddy todays match prediction
“Absolutely. I’m still looking forward thereto now onwards. I’m still in my prime. I still have tons of cricket to play. Next month i will be able to be in Abu Dhabi to play T10. Then, i’m before the PSL, and I’ll see what’s happening then also ,” Gayle said when asked whether the 2021 T20 World Cup is in his mind.
Coming off the inaugural Ultimate Kricket Challenge, Gayle is hitting the straps for the T10 league where he will happen because the icon player for Team Abu Dhabi and can settle against the likes of Shahid Afridi and Dwayne Bravo. Having said that Gayle has ensured he stays connected with the cricket that’s happening round the world, including the four-Test Border-Gavaskar Trophy between India and Australia Down Under.
While he isn’t into it entirely, Gayle is conscious of India’s stunning comeback in Melbourne following the crushing defeat in Adelaide, and congratulated stand-in captain Ajinkya Rahane for an interesting turnaround and keeping the series alive.
“I’m not fully following it to be honest. supported the last result, they had, getting bowled call at the primary Test with 36, there have been numerous talks that happened and there have been different speculations about the team. it had been facing tons of pressure, then to be ready to recover with such an incredible win against Australia the Boxing Day Test much. Cricdday.com
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malapkv · 4 years
Who decides the expiry date of a woman's dreams?
That was the question inspired by her mother's life,that the daughter asks in school which fetches her mother a meeting with the President of India. How Old are you was the film in Malayalam and 36 Vayadhinile in Tamil.
I was watching Putham Puthu Kaalai- the anthology film on Amazon Prime. And was particularly touched by the thatha who refuses to forgive his son-in-law for putting an end to his daughter's possibly illustrious singing career.
Also was having a chat with my doctor. A brahmin lady who has managed to become a very successful medical doctor simply because she did not grow up in Tamil Nadu. ( another topic by itself) But was married into a Tam Brahm family in Chennai. Today she is a brilliant consultant who her patients refuse to trade for anyone else.
But when she was "married off" she had to literally beg to do her higher studies in medicine. And it didn't stop there. Since hers was an arranged marriage she had to mop, sweep, clean, cook and maintain a house of 5000 square feet all by herself without a maid, aside from practicing and finding her feet in the brahmin - bashing- one step short of murdering- world of Tamil Nadu.
These are not stories of exception. These are everyday stories of otherwise smart and successful women who, sign up willingly to be treated like maids so they have the security and social acceptance of "marriage" in the long run. After all what is a woman if she is not married "on time" and has produced babies on time?
And most often than not, the husbands happen to be douche-bags who would stifle the spirit of the woman who gave up her everything to be married to him. Not because he deserved her but because the socially constructed norms, so much in favour of the man, facilitated and made it easy for him to find a professionally educated ultra smart woman who will also do a maid's job - just because that's what's accepted... And that's the done thing.
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Except that some fathers.... Like the one in Putham Puthu Kaalai think different for their daughters. Amidst the average fathers who push the daughter into the marriage so " Their duties are done with" There are those who boldly say NO because that's not what they want for their girl.
And thanks to these fathers, some strong independent women learn to live solo and responsibly solo at that.
It is just that the society would never understand this and continuously harass the family until they also fall into the marriage trap. And sometimes unfairly blame the father for being a very irresponsible one, even much after his death.
Douche-bags aside. It is thanks to these wonderful father-men that some women are still free!
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yasho123 · 4 years
Tattoo Trends in 2020
Tattoos have been in plan this previous decade, and its notoriety doesn't seem like it will diminish soon. Different individuals pick to get tattoos which are meaningful for them, at any rate some decide to go with the larger part, and get trending tattoos.
Following is an energetic diagram of trending tattoos in 2020:
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1) Colored tattoos: People will as a last resort get guaranteed about tattoos, for instance, watercolor or pastel ones, as they light up an individual's look and bring about a certain energy. This doesn't propose that in a general sense contrasting tattoos are going irregular, yet it seems like they will be joined by a sprinkle of covered ink.
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2) Minimalist tattoos: People who work in places with exacting clothing principles, as corporate working conditions or instructive institutions, yet harbor a worship for tattoos decide to get minimalist ones. Such tattoos should be inconspicuous and simple to stow away, and in this way are such an inside joke with themselves.
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3) Random, everyday objects: For the individuals who get tattoos with their extraordinary individuals, be it relatives, ornament, or accomplices, this tattoo is an image of the incredible occasions they have spent together. Such tattoos surely won't have any express meaning for other people, who see it yet can be principal for an inside joke for the individuals who know.
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4) Highlighted tattoos: These tattoos are ordinarily little plans set on an overall ensured about body part, for instance, the collarbone or the scruff, to bring thought regarding the wearer's appealing and alluring highlights.
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5) Phrase tattoos: Many tattoo darlings decide to get their main phrases from books or motion pictures or sentences along which they try to continue with their lives. This style has been in plan for a long time, and it doesn't seem like it will leave plan ever.
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6) Dreamcatchers: This is an extraordinary top pick for those to love to dream about their possible outcomes or trust in the old intensity of dreamcatchers. Many lean towards adding tone to it, for instance, watercolors or pastels.
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7) World map: Travelers will when in doubt get these tattoos, to show the nations they have starting late visited or are at present on their basin records. Experts add compasses or planes to improve the vibe of this style of tattoo.
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8) Armbands: This is another increase to the trends of 2020. In this, individuals everything considered include familial pictures or plants and fledglings to increase their wizardry. Different men get this tattoo on their upper arms, to walk their muscles and the tattoo simultaneously.
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9) Fandom tattoos: This is a specific top pick of the eager grown-up, who need to show their abnormal side to the world through tattoos identified with Harry Potter, Marvel or DC superheroes, Doctor Who, anime, and sports.
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10) Animal tattoos: Last for any condition not the least, creature tattoos are an everlasting style. Individuals all things considered kindness depicting creatures whose credits they see, similar to lions and wolves, or basically little and splendid ones like honey bees and winged animals.
Individuals who ought to get such tattoos in India can visit tattoo shops in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, and masterminded distinctive metropolitan zones, where they could chat with a tattoo talented pro to get one which obliges their tasteful and vibe.
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