#Travel for free with rich Indian buddy
affairlove · 2 months
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married affairs websites online dating
People are lonely in the world, and they need company to spend quality time. When someone is married in life, that does not mean that they are happy and have become friends with each other. They may not speak to each other for a long time. Some married men are along for separation and some people are separated for jobs and other purposes. How would they spend their lives in such loneliness? Indian dating site for married people are available for them. They can enjoy their lives by getting a dating partner with whom they can gossip and share thoughts that they cannot express to anybody else.
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swantourtravel · 6 months
Are Golden Triangle Tour Packages the Best Way to Explore India's Rich Heritage?
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India, a land of diverse cultures and historical grandeur, offers travelers a unique blend of experiences. The Golden Triangle tour allows travelers to visit the three cities - Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. Among the various ways to explore this rich heritage, the Golden Triangle tour packages stand out. But are they the best way to see India's cultural heart? 
Why Choose Golden Triangle Tour Packages?
Golden Triangle tour packages are a great way to see India's culture and history. These tours connect Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. These cities are famous for their historical places. Think of the Taj Mahal in Agra. Or the old palaces in Jaipur. This tour lets you see these famous spots all in one trip. It's like a quick journey through India's rich past.
Comprehensive Cultural Experience
Golden Triangle tours offer a full cultural experience. They take you to important places in India's history. This includes famous sites like the Taj Mahal and old forts. You get to see and learn about these places. You also get to know about India's history and culture. 
Convenience and Comfort
Tour operators make these tours easy and comfy. They plan everything. This means they handle your travel, accommodation, and the places you visit. They guide you through the whole trip. This way, you can relax and enjoy the experience. You get to focus on seeing the sights, not planning them.
Tailored for Tourists
These tours are made with tourists in mind. They suit both people from other countries and Indians. This means the tours fit what you want to see and do. They are easy to understand and enjoy. You don't need to know a lot about India to have a good time. Everything is set up so you can have a fun and stress-free trip.
What to Expect in Golden Triangle Tours?
Historical Monuments
Golden Triangle tours take you to famous spots like the Taj Mahal and Qutub Minar. These places are very old and important. They are part of India's history. Each one has its own special story. Visiting them is like stepping into the past. You get to see and learn about these amazing places.
Cultural Interactions
On these tours, you'll really get to know Indian culture. In Jaipur, see how traditional Indian life is. In Delhi, explore old markets. These places show the real India. You'll see daily life and customs. It's a great chance to understand and feel part of Indian culture.
Diverse Culinary Experiences
Food is a big part of these tours. Each city in the Golden Triangle has its own special food. You'll taste different Indian dishes. They are full of flavor and unique. Trying these foods is a big part of enjoying the trip. It's a tasty way to learn about India.
Benefits of Choosing Tour Operators in India
Expertise and Knowledge
Choosing local tour operators is smart. They know a lot about the places you'll visit. They can tell you interesting things you might not find out on your own. Their knowledge makes your trip more special. They can show you the hidden gems of India.
Customized Itineraries
Tour operators can make a trip just for you. They plan it based on what you like and how fast you want to go. You can see the things that interest you most. This makes your trip more enjoyable. It's like having a tour made just for you.
Support and Safety
With a tour operator, you're taken care of. They help you with anything you need during your trip. They make sure you're safe and comfortable. You can relax and enjoy your trip, knowing someone is there to help. It's like having a travel buddy who knows the area well.
The Added Advantage of Varanasi
Some tours include Varanasi, a very old and spiritual city. It adds a unique part to your trip. Varanasi is known for its history and religious importance. Visiting here gives you a deeper understanding of Indian culture and spirituality. It's a special experience that makes your trip more memorable.
Golden Triangle tour packages are indeed a splendid way to explore India's rich heritage. They offer a balanced mix of history, culture, and comfort. And when it comes to choosing a tour operator, Swan Tours is among the best. We being the best tour operators in India, offer the best Golden Triangle tour packages. We cater to your specific travel needs, ensuring an unforgettable experience.
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Aric/Aedan Vernersson Character Survey
Basic Character Questions
First name? Aric. Psuedoname is Aedan 
Surname? Vernersson 
Middle names? Axel 
Nicknames? Brother 
Date of birth? September 23rd 
Age? Early to mid-twenties (died around his 25th birthday), but he's quite responsible for a young man. 
 Physical / Appearance
Height? 6'3
Weight? 240
Build? Buff but still soft. 
Hair color? Pale yellow/white. 
Hairstyle? Long, thick and wavy hair that is usually pulled back 
Eye color? Silver 
Glasses or contact lenses?: He wears glasses when he has to do a lot of writing or reading for eyestrain, but other than that, he has excellent vision. 
Distinguishing facial features? He's not big on shaving, so he generally has some form of facial hair. 
Which facial feature is most prominent? His jawline. 
Which bodily feature is most prominent? His arms or his monster hands. 
Other distinguishing features? Bright silver eyes. 
Skin? Tawny brown, like his mother's. 
Hands? Ginormous meat hooks. 
Makeup? Not his thing. Lucio made him put on his eyeliner once. It melted in the sun, and he swore it off because it burned his eyes. 
Scars? His hands are a little rough, and he's got a few cuts up his arms, but nothing too pronounced. 
Birthmarks? Some darker brown pigmentation on the back of his arms. Pretty faint. 
Tattoos? He has some sun paintings (one on each pec) reminiscent of the rock art from his village on his chest in a dark sienna color.
Physical handicaps? Bone spurs on his heels, but that's just an annoyance. 
Type of clothes?: It depends on what he's doing. In the palace, he wears grey and charcoal with red and gold accents. When he's just going about his day, he wears lightweight linens in a rainbow of colors. 
What are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc.) Like I said, the boy has bone spurs on his heels, so they were already giant monster feet, but that just adds to their length. He takes good care of his feet. He likes high-quality boots and shoes. (Unlike his sister who would go barefoot everywhere.)
Race / Ethnicity?: His father is from Lucio and Morga's tribe, and his mother is one of the southern tribes on the frozen sea. (A/N: for all intents and purposes, I write them as Swedes/Post-Spanish Mission  Chumash Indians because...that's what Kristen (Celeste) and Erik (Aric) are.) 
Are they in good health? Aric was always in generally good health. Until he wasn't... 
Do they have any disabilities? None to speak of. 
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(image of Chumash Rock art for tattoo reference) 
What words or phrases do they overuse? "Yeah, Bud!" 
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic 
Are they introverted or extroverted? Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs? Nope. You won't find a more chill, friendly guy. 
What bad habits do they have? Nail-biting and hair pulling (trichotillomania, but he has to be very, very anxious) 
What makes them laugh out loud?: So many things. And at inappropriate times. 
How do they display affection? Gifts, acts of service. 
How do they want to be seen by others? Reliable, approachable, trustworthy.
Strongest character trait? Seeing the best in others. 
Weakest character trait? Blind loyalty. 
How competitive are they? Very. 
How do they react to praise? He loves hearing praise and being told he's doing a good job. It gives him warm fuzzies. 
How do they react to criticism? He is very open to criticism as long as it's constructive. 
What is their greatest fear? Not being able to save his loved ones. 
What are their biggest secrets? He's an open book. Except for that whole...fake name-Lucio is my cousin thing. (Which he is not terribly good at hiding) 
What is their philosophy of life? How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
What haunts them? His mother's face when he left home. 
What will they stand up for? Anyone, anytime. 
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? Outdoorsy. 
What is their sinful little habit? He wouldn't consider it immoral, but he does indulge in some of the magician's...herbal remedies. 
What sense do they most rely on? Sight. 
How do they treat people better than them? As equals
How do they treat people worse than them? As equals
What do they consider an overrated virtue? Temperance.
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?   Probably would do better to realize that some people just can't be reached, but damned if he doesn't try. 
What is their obsession? Fishing and his dog. 
What are their pet peeves? People that touch his food without permission. Aedan doesn't share food! He will buy your food! NO TOUCH. (Though Celeste will note that he has no compunction about stealing her food.) 
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Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Small. Mama, Papa, Sister, and Him. There is, of course, the extended family and his tribe, but the core group was relatively small. 
What is their perception of a family? Family is the most important thing. 
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: One sister. Same age. 
Describe their best friend. Bit of a ditz. Funny (though it's unclear if he means to be). Dog lover. Drinking buddy. 
Ideal best friend? Someone not afraid to throw their stuff in a satchel and get lost for a day. Bonfire under the stars. Loves dogs. Not scared of touching fish. 
Do they have any pets? Ebba! Borzoi like M & M but with big brown patches and knows how to mind. 
 Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: He was a happy, inquisitive baby. He was rough and tumble, always on the go. Occasionally he’d scare himself (falling) but he only needed to be told that he was okay and he’d keep on going. 
Did they grow up rich or poor? They had no real need for money unless they were traveling, and then they mostly traded for what they needed.
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected? Nurtured. 
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? Left them. Wasn't his idea, though. Still feels terrible.
What are their ambitions? Getting to be free and live his own life. 
What smells remind them of their childhood? Woodfire. Briny seawater. Spice. 
What was their childhood ambition? Be the head of the rowers that went out to the islands. 
What is their best childhood memory? Traveling with dad to the surrounding tribes and making friends with other kids. 
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend? No. He had so many friends he didn't have time for imaginary ones. 
Do they believe in love at first sight? Maybe? His parents had an arranged marriage, and he thinks that's pretty fine.  He likes getting to know people to make sure that what he's feeling is real. 
How do they behave in a relationship? He's all about making his partner feel cherished and comfortable. He likes to move slow...ish. 
What sort of sex do they have? He's not exactly wild. But, he's open-minded. 
Has your character ever been in love? Sure. 
Have they ever had their heart broken? Nah. If he parts with people, it's amicable. 
How do they respond to a threat? Try to reason. If not, try to subdue with as little injury as possible. 
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Fists, honestly. If it comes to that. Even then, he'd probably just try to wrestle and pin them. 
What is your character's kryptonite? The concept of someone he cares about being hurt. 
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? His dog. Not an object, but things aren't that important. 
How do they perceive strangers? Never met one. 
What are their phobias? Ophidiophobia, so it's probably good that he never really got to know Asra because Faust would have scared him to death. 
What is their choice of weapon? If he had to really fight, he'd use a one-handed battle-ax. 
What living person do they most despise? Valdemar, but living and person are both kinda uncertain terms. 
Have they ever been bullied or teased? No. Even if he was, it wouldn't bother him. 
Where do they go when they're angry? For a walk. 
 Work, Education, and Hobbies
What is their current job? Head guard of the palace. 
What do they think about their current job? Get to hang out with his bud most of the time, so that's pretty neat. Could do with less having to enforce his stupid decrees (which he finds ways around if he can.) 
What are some of their past jobs? Fisherman and hunter. 
What are their hobbies? Fishing, hunting, falconry, reading. 
Educational background? No formal education. Dad taught him how to read and write, but he didn't have much use for either of those skills until he came to Vesuvia. 
Intelligence level? Himbo-lite. 
Do they have any specialist training? Jack of all trades, master of none. 
Do they play a sport? Are they any good? Rowing and wrestling. 
What is their socioeconomic status? Upper class? Lucio pays well. 
What is their favorite animal? Ebba. 
Which animal to they dislike the most? Snakes. 
What place would they most like to visit? He'd like to travel like his dad did before his parents got married, but he's not picky. 
What is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen? Poppy fields! 
What is their favorite song? No Hurry - Zac Brown Band
Music, art, reading preferred? Reading but music is a close second. 
What is their favorite color? Green or blue. 
Favorite food: Grilled stuffed portobello mushrooms with bleu cheese. 
What is in their fridge: Beer, red wine (that hefty stuff that leaves long tendrils when you swirl it. he likes to chew his wine). Meat, cheese, mushrooms, bread, a lot of veggies. 
What is on their bedside table? Reading glasses and a book. 
What is in their pockets? Money. 
What is their most treasured possession? His dog. But calling her a possession feels terrible. 
Do they believe in the afterlife? Sure. 
What are their religious views? He believes in spiritual guides, and he believes in magic. Though he is sadly more like his father than his mother in that he really can't cast.
Are they superstitious? He's a little 'stitious. 
What would they like to be reincarnated as? A peregrine falcon. 
How would they like to die? Not the way he did, that's for sure. That sucked. 
What is your character's spirit guide? Duckhawk! 
What is their zodiac sign? Libra. 
 Daily life
What are their eating habits? An army marches on their stomach. He always makes sure to have a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
Do they have any allergies? Just pollen. 
Describe their home. The palace. His room is pretty spartan. Bed, dresser, desk, couple side tables, mirror. 
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? Minimalist. 
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? Try to get to the bath before everyone else does. 
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon? Nap or go for a hike out in the woods. 
What do they do on a Friday night? Drink with Lou. 
What is the soft drink of choice? If such a thing existed, it would be original Coke. 
What is their alcoholic drink of choice? He's an appreciator of fine whiskey and wine. But, he won't turn his nose up at a good ale or cider. 
What is their character archetype? The hunter. 
Who is their hero? His dad. 
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? Thor. 
Are they comfortable with technology? Ehhhh. Not really. He can use it but would rather not. 
If they could save one person, who would it be? He couldn't pick. 
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? Linnea. 
What is their favorite proverb? Friendship is love with understanding. 
What is their greatest extravagance? Gifts. He buys gifts like the world will end tomorrow. 
Do they believe in happy endings? Sure. 
What would they ask a fortune-teller? Am I doing the right thing?
@vesuviasfastestcourier​ Will this help until I can write more Aedan fic? :)
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chromecutie · 5 years
Not A Ghost - part 25
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen @emberbent @leo-writer . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
“Mr. Pool, you were right about upgrading to a minivan,” a younger man with an Indian accent said after giving Piotr and Rhonda awkward greetings. “It fits your friends much better than my cab did.” Cheerful music played on the radio, possibly from a Bollywood movie. 
Wade answered from the front passenger seat, “With the stow-and-go seating, too! Good choice, Dopinder, you can fit so many more bodies in the trunk this way!” 
With Piotr in the second row of seats, Rhonda was in the very back, scrunched between the window and Cable. She asked under her breath, “How often are you dealing with bodies?”
“Not as much as I’d like to!” Wade called over his shoulder, face covered with his red mask. “What are you even doing here? Separation anxiety? Do you need one of those thunder vests they give nervous dogs?”
Piotr said, “She is, let’s say, emergency backup.” He turned in his seat as much as he could and offered his wife a half-smile.
In the seat next to Piotr, a woman with her hair pinned into something like a mohawk turned and said with a casual demeanor, “Wade is bad at introductions. I’m Domino. Hi.” The space in the van was too awkward to shake hands, but she waved and Rhonda returned the gesture.
“Rhonda,” she pointed loosely at Piotr’s steel shoulder. “His wife.”
“Yeah,” Domino had an easy smile like nothing ever bothered her. “I heard you busted out of the Icebox a few months back.”
She shrugged, “I didn’t ‘bust out’ so much as get lucky. We were in a transfer convoy, and they had us in these cases, right. Well, when the convoy got wrecked, my case got thrown around and busted enough that I could get out, so...here I am.”
“Transfer convoy?” Domino frowned, then laughed. “Oh my god! That was us, Wade, we were there! That’s twenty bucks you owe me.”
“Naaah, no, no, no, no,” he retorted, waving a finger, “That doesn’t sound like your luck powers to me--”
“How else would you explain it? We were there, I was lucking out at the top of my game to keep us alive, and your buddy’s wife, who we had no idea was there, just so happens to get free?” Domino’s hair bounced as she nodded her head and gestured emphatically.
“Or maaaaybeee,” Wade drawled, “luck had nothing to do with it and we’re just side characters in someone else’s story right now and--” 
“Uh-uh,” Domino insisted, “No. Do not launch into your whole conspiracy that we’re fictional characters, I cannot deal with that shit today.” She leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms.
Rhonda leaned forward and whispered to Piotr, “[What the fuck is going on?]”
He turned his head and whispered in reply, “[Wade is strange and it’s best not to encourage him by asking a lot of questions.]”
Banter between Domino and Wade continued the rest of the drive. Every so often, Cable would roll his eyes and rumble, “Jesus,” next to Rhonda, or Piotr would admonish the others for their vulgar word choice. They ribbed each other, the way most teams will do in anticipation of a fight. It was a pattern sweetly familiar to Rhonda, and it was all she could do not to smile as she listened to their bickering. This wasn’t her team, as she had to consciously remind herself, but it felt surprisingly nice to be on the edge of it. 
Dopinder pulled into the truck stop, and parked near a row of eighteen-wheelers. This particular truck stop was some distance from any city and was nestled between the northbound and southbound sides of the interstate, rather than being set off to one side or the other. On the west and east side of the truck stop were a long row of parked eighteen-wheelers. A few of the trucks were unmarked, most were emblazoned with company logos, and one or two looked to be hauling a corrosive or flammable chemical. Between the rows of trucks were a McDonald’s to the south, diesel pumps to the north, and between were a large gas station and travel center with two dozen or so regular gas pumps.
In the central area, families were taking a rest in the middle of their road trips to tank up, get a late lunch, and restock on snacks. Wade and Domino hopped out of the minivan as if they were going to race to the gas pumps. Cable muttered a polite, “Excuse me,” to Rhonda as he grabbed his gear next to her and made his exit. 
Piotr stepped out of the car and leaned back in to give his wife a quick peck. “You will stay here?” he asked with a soft expression.
Rhonda bit her lip and nodded, confirming, “I will stay here.”
“Dopinder is good people. You can trust him.” He smiled and gave her one more kiss before he turned toward the parked trucks and gas pumps. Piotr squared his shoulders and stood at his full height, officially putting on his field duty face as Colossus. It was such a familiar image for Rhonda, and it tugged at her heart in ways she didn’t expect. As Colossus headed toward the rows of gas pumps, she called sternly after him, “Be careful!” 
Dopinder waited a whole minute in the tense silence of his car before speaking up, “Miss Rhonda, I’m going to get something at McDonald’s, do you want something?”
Rhonda’s gaze was locked onto the direction her husband had walked, even though she couldn’t see him after he disappeared behind a parked eighteen-wheeler. In the lengthening shadows of late afternoon, she thought she saw a shape move. “Do they still have the dollar menu?” she asked absently.
Dopinder returned with a chuckle, “Yes. I’m pretty sure if they ever got rid of that there would be riots!” 
“Maybe an apple pie or something?” she replied. “I’m not picky. Thanks...”
When Dopinder slipped out of the driver’s seat to walk over to the burger joint, Rhonda waited another minute or two until she was sure he wouldn’t see her. She left the car and headed toward the rows of parked trucks. 
She kept her stance loose as she walked, arms swinging at her sides, head high enough to look confident like she knew exactly where she was going. Row after row, she checked between the trucks, a feeling tugging at her that she would find what she was looking for on one of these rows.
Finally, she heard a pair of voices - both very deep, one with more gravelly grit to it than the other. Without making a sound, Rhonda crept between two trucks and ducked low enough to see two pairs of massive boots on the next row. One was definitely Colossus, and the other pair was even bigger. 
“I still owe ya for stickin’ a live power line up my ass, commie,” one voice grumbled with a simmering fury and a meaty cracking of knuckles.
A rich, deep Russian accent replied, “Pivet, Fuckernaut. You would not believe how hard it is to fix steel teeth.”
Almost two thousand pounds of muscle and steel squared off, ready to tear into each other. Rhonda sucked in a breath, hoping she was fast enough.
In her years as part of X-Men, Rhonda wasn’t the type to hesitate backing up an ally. Although she’d promised to stay out of the way on this mission, she had no intention of idly standing by. Before either of these massive men could take more than two steps toward each other, she rolled under the trailer that was between her and Colossus and the Juggernaut. Gritting her teeth against the asphalt scraping her bare arms, she scrambled to her feet between them. She threw her hands up and shot sparks from her fingers and shoulders, yelling, “Cain, wait!”
When the Juggernaut saw the familiar four-fingered hand, he hauled himself to a stop out of surprise more than anything; he barely managed to stop within arm’s reach of her. He wouldn’t have recognized her by the elaborate floral painting covering her arm, and her face wasn’t familiar to him since he’d only seen it once before, but that voice and that hand - he’d seen that hand hundreds of times as it passed him cups of pudding and half-eaten lunch trays. He’d seen the little stump scabbed over as it healed to a bright pink nub. That hand used to be so quick, darting in and out of the slot in his door, and over time it had grown slower and smoother as they had gotten used to each other.
“Rhonda, what are you doing?” Colossus had stopped within inches of his wife and was ready to yank her out of the way if it meant her safety. 
“Wait,” she was firm, harsher than she meant to be.
“X-Girlie,” The Juggernaut growled. “What’d I tell ya if I ever saw you wearing their colors again?”
Rhonda scoffed in her casual black leggings and purple tank top, “Do I look like I’m wearing their fucking colors?”
“Whaddaya want?” His hands were still in fists, raised at the right height to fling Rhonda against the trailers that flanked them.
She spoke slowly, clearly, loudly, making every syllable heard, “I want you. To take five steps back. And sit.” Without taking her eyes off Juggernaut, she angled her head slightly toward Colossus. “Both of you.” She shot a few small bolts of lightning upward as a warning shot.
Colossus started, “Rhonda, have you lost--”
She shot another bolt upward to silence her husband.
The Juggernaut briefly tightened his fists. “You got your juice back, huh?”
There was a tense few beats before Rhonda answered. “Not like it used to be, no,” she admitted, “But I can give you a few hundred volts of go-fuck-yourself if you don’t take five steps back and sit.”
“Hm,” the walking landmass of a man shifted his feet, then pointed, “Him first.”
Rhonda could feel his breath on her from behind. “Piotr, please. Five steps. Sit.”
Stunned, angry, confused, Colossus slowly took five begrudging steps backward, and lowered himself onto the pavement. He kept one hand on his knee and the other palm on the pavement, ready to spring back up at a second’s notice. “And now?” he asked.
“Cain,” she prompted.
The Juggernaut, with his hulking shoulders and huge helmet, matched Colossus in the begrudging slowness of his steps, before also planting himself on the concrete. “Now what?” he growled.
Rhonda didn’t lower her hands. She still had her right hand raised toward Juggernaut and her left pointed lower, toward the ground near her husband. She had never threatened her husband like this, or gotten between him and an enemy, and it had her so nervous she was shaking, desperately hoping it didn’t show. They could already hear gunfire from closer to the buildings, and civilians screaming. “We wait for the fight to fizzle out. We talk, if you feel like it. But mostly, you two sit your asses here and don’t fight.” Colossus said something to her in Russian, to which she replied, “And we don’t do anything underhanded like that either.”
The three were quiet for several minutes, listening to the sounds of Wade and Cable’s gunfire and the occasional explosion. 
The Juggernaut broke the silence, “So...looks like you made it home. Like I said before, you could always join the Brotherhood.”
She relaxed the sparks around her shoulders, but kept the ones emitting from her hands. “So they can use me as a political prop to say what horrible things regular humans do to poor innocent mutants?” She shook her head. “No thanks. The worst of what happened to me wasn’t even the humans and you know it - it was the other mutants.”
“All the same,” he replied, “you ever get sick of self-righteous assholes, you know who to find.”
“It won’t be you, Cain,” she softened, “Sorry.” Another silence. Colossus was seething. The Juggernaut was fidgeting.
“How’s that kid?” he asked.
She had to think a moment before Colossus prompted, “He means Russell.”
“Right,” she nodded once. “He lives at the house now. As far as I know...he’s doing okay.”
“And you, X-Girlie?” he shifted his legs and rested his forearms on his knees. “You put some weight on...looks good.”
Colossus interjected with a severe throat-clearing.
The Juggernaut rolled his eyes, hardly paying any mind and focusing on Rhonda. “How long until you could use your powers again?”
“Weeks,” she said flatly.
His helmet made a soft scraping sound as he shook his head, grunting. “Guess the collars hit you harder than some, huh.” There was a softness in his voice that most people would miss, but in their time talking in the Icebox, Rhonda had learned better.
“I never got to thank you,” she said. “I don’t think I would’ve made it home if you hadn’t helped me.”
He looked away from her, shifting uncomfortably and shrugging. “Those collars pop off like nothin’ if you know what you’re doin’.” He added in a quieter note, “I was just glad you weren’t dead.”
A heavy sigh came from behind Rhonda, and she turned to see Colossus getting to his feet. She started to protest, when he raised his palms and took two very slow steps toward her, then three, then four. “It was you? You took off her control collar when she escaped?”
“What about it?” Juggernaut retorted as if it was an insulting accusation.
Colossus took a hard look at his wife, her firm brow, strong stance, scraped arms, his painting partially peeling off her right arm, revealing the Xs underneath. The way she stood now, arms extended and firing sparks, was something he’d seen hundreds of times, but only ever directed at enemies. Seeing the worry and determination on her face, and the slightest tremble in her fingers, Colossus understood that she had no enemies here, just two people she cared about and wanted to keep them from ripping each other to pieces.
Staring down the Juggernaut, one of the most infamous mutants ever, Colossus said slowly, “I thought my wife had died years ago. You helped her when she needed it, and she came home.” Taking one more step, he held out his open right hand over Rhonda’s shoulder. “You are not my enemy today, and I will not fight you.”
Rhonda’s face softened and she let out a breath with relief. With one more look at the Juggernaut, she finally lowered both her hands. 
The helmeted behemoth laughed to himself, shaking his head. Taking his time to get to his feet, he sauntered to close the distance and clasped his rival’s hand. “Fine. Today. But next time, no promi--”
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gofordesi · 3 years
7 Benefits of Online Dating Apps
Benefits of Online Dating Apps – Have you ever stopped to think that there are many benefits of online dating apps other than dating of course? Honestly, dating apps may not be a perfect way to find your life partner or a relationship partner. There are both advantages and disadvantages of online dating. You may already be thinking of quitting these apps due to online dating dangers.
However, read this article to the end and see if you can discover some of the most unusual advantages of online dating apps. You may have never thought of such ingenious positives of online dating before, and they will totally change your perception of these platforms.
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1. Meet Like-Minded People
This can be one of the best benefits of online dating apps. These apps are mainly made on special algorithms to detect people with similar interests and likes.
While that may not be an excellent idea to find a suitable match for life, you can surely discover many individuals who have same hobbies and past time activities on these apps. It is a fantastic idea to bond with people whom you would not have met otherwise in real life.
 2. Secret Market Research Opportunity
A large number of people on these dating websites and applications are from an age group between 18-30 years. This particular age segment is also the most widely targeted segment of maximum products and services of modern business organizations. You can discover many insights about your target audience through their behavior, personal likes, and preferences on these apps.
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 3. Form Interest-Based Groups
If you are a stranger in the city or starting a new hobby group, say a book club, these dating apps can prove to be an excellent medium to reach out to people. Not everyone on these apps is looking for serious relationships and most use these apps to kill time and do everything apart from meeting their potential matches.
In such cases, you can also help such people to make productive use of their time and participate in exciting group activities with you.
 4. Branding and Marketing
Many brands are slowly recognizing the advantages of online dating apps and websites to spread the reach of their brands to people. Recently on Valentine’s Day, Dominos ran an immensely engaging and creative campaign on Tinder to attract people to their brands.
Similarly, the use of a Tinder profile for marketing the movie called Ex-Machina by its makers proved successful in creating much buzz before the release of the film. There cannot be any better benefits of online dating for branding and marketing than this one.
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 5. Find Travel Buddies
Travelling alone can be a rich, enthralling, and liberating experience. What make traveling even more fun and exciting are the unknown people you meet on these journeys. Dating apps can prove to be a valuable resource in exotic locations where there are either very few people or many individuals nearby your location.
These apps will ensure that you discover a compatible travel buddy who can make your entire journey memorable for a lifetime.
 6. Networking
You must have heard that anybody whom you want to contact is just seven contacts away from you. Meaning that using your personal network, you can get in touch with anybody you want in the world. This is the power of networking in the global age, and there cannot be a better way to increase this power than dating apps.
There are many dating apps like Go For Desi best Indian Dating in Canada which allow you to get in touch with the people who are mutual friends with someone in your friend list. It is a brilliant idea to expand your current network.
Dating website alone can introduce you to notable people who could prove a valuable addition to your existing network.
 7. Getting Over Fear and Becoming Confident
Are you wondering what dating apps have got to do anything with confidence? Yes, they can do a lot, and this might be one of the most positive effects of online dating, especially if you are someone struggling with social anxiety. This is because you can quickly approach anyone on these apps, not necessarily for dating, and just carry out a normal conversation.
Although not equally effective as face to face conversation, it can still boost your confidence and help you overcome the fear of people. You can later start talking to people in person as well once you are comfortable interacting online.
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5 Reasons Why You Should Visit the Seven Sister States of India
In case you're considering visiting the Seven Sister States of India, don't spare a moment 
The Seven Sister States of India, otherwise known as, North East India Tour is renowned for its beautiful common scenes, humble individuals, and some fascinating nearby food. The Seven Sister States are home to a few clans who weave native texture that is not normal for anything you have at any point seen! 
We should discover more about the Seven Sisters. Who are the Seven Sisters? 
The Seven Sisters is an aggregate name for the conditions of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, and Sikkim. Also, in the event that you checked eight states, you're correct! Sikkim was remembered for the Northeast area of India after the mainstream name was begun. India's North East Package is renowned for its amazing scenes, variety, uncommon and interesting natural life which enraptured voyagers all around the globe. Each state has its own way of life, customs, food propensities, and that's just the beginning. 
I see myself as sufficiently lucky to have the option to consider this wonderful locale my place of birth. Today, I will talk about all the reasons why one should visit Trip to North East India in any event once in their lives! 
Nature in the Seven Sisters 
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North-East India, the place where there is undulating slopes and fields with rich green vegetation and an assortment of intriguing verdure! These incorporate a few types of uncommon orchids as well. In all honesty, each state is pretty much as excellent as the other, each with its own way of life and convictions. Vacationers have not yet found Northeast India, which clarifies the serenity and quiet that isn't generally connected with India. 
Think chattering creeks, slopes covered with lavish woodlands, twisting streets with no traffic and just the trees for organization. Carry a book or a journal to doodle in, as your spirit absorbs the glow of nature. Crash into the field to be charmed by an unfamiliar cascade, or stroll across extremely old extensions made of living tree roots (Take a gander at this connection here, on the off chance that you don't trust me!). Sit by the banks of the strong waterway Brahmaputra (India's just "male" stream) and watch the orange sun set somewhere out there. 
In the event that you love to travel, head to the Dzükou valley, on the boundaries of Nagaland and Manipur. It is hard to portray the perspectives here in words. Investigate the image underneath, on the off chance that you don't trust me. Meghalaya, whose name generally means "The home of the mists" is renowned for its cascades, lakes and slopes. Mawsynram is the wettest spot on the planet and is a bunch of interesting little villas where it rains each day! Stop in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya and complete some nearby shopping, in the event that you so want! 
Go wonder about the Elephant Falls and the Nohkalikai Falls in Meghalaya. Is it accurate to say that you are now arranging an occasion in your psyche, asking why you didn't think about the Meghalaya Tourism Packages sooner? A drive from Bomdila to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh is a gala for the eyes, with sublime perspectives on the Gorichen Peak. Local people consider this mountain consecrated. It is additionally probably the hardest trip in the seven sister expresses that make up Northeast India. 
On the off chance that in Sikkim, you should visit the Nathula Pass which is effectively available from the capital city of Gangtok. Mount Kanchenjunga, the third most noteworthy mountain in the world, is noticeable from Gangtok. Manipur is home to the world's just drifting National park, the Keibul Lamjao National Park. Watch this video here on the off chance that you don't accept that such a spot really exists! 
Food and Drink in the Seven Sister States 
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In the event that you thought Indian food was just spread chicken and chicken tikka masala, reconsider! 
India's North East Tour Packages have unmistakably extraordinary food propensities from the remainder of the country. Rice is a tremendous piece of the nearby eating routine, with many having rice for breakfast, lunch and supper! The vast majority from this district like to utilize negligible flavors with the goal that the newness of privately developed natural fixings can radiate through. They additionally really like to utilize new spices like coriander and mint to enhance their cooking, rather than depending on ground flavors. 
On the off chance that you love pork, Nagaland is your own image of Heaven, old buddy! Naga food incorporates an assortment of pork dishes like dried pork, smoked pork with greens, pork with dry bamboo shoots, among others. 'Akhuni' is a brand name of Naga food, and keeping in mind that this matured soybean glue isn't some tea, it absolutely is a nearby top pick! 
'Momos' or dumplings with fillings of vegetables, pork and chicken are a staple food in the North-East. With regards to liquor, many lean toward a privately fermented rice lager called 'Apong'. This lager is home-made and is liberated from synthetic substances. While the food of Assam is likewise inalienably flavor free, the cooking of Assam is somewhat unique in relation to the remainder of the area. Assamese individuals love "Khar'', a dish made of the cinders of sun dried banana strips. Fish curries made with tomatoes, occasional vegetables and privately got fish are important for each Assamese eating routine. "Xaak" or greens are well known and assortments accessible change as indicated by the season. It is uncommon to discover vegans in this locale, which is unexpected in light of the fact that North-Easterns love their vegetables. The Seven Sisters is home to numerous types of palatable plants that are nearby rarities. 
Take, for instance, the phantom pepper stew, when considered to be the most smoking bean stew on the planet. You would seldom discover neighborhood vegetables like the Elephant Apple and the Fiddlehead greenery somewhere else. Assam Holiday Package is additionally a worldwide innovator in the creation of tea leaves. Assam tea makes for a fantastic breakfast tea due to its solid energy. 
Culture of the Seven Sister States 
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Upper east India is home to in excess of a hundred clans, every one of whom talks their own lingo and has their own conventions. Envision the extravagance that every clan adds to the in general social woven artwork of the area! 
Upper east India is customarily an agribusiness based district, and numerous celebrations commended are connected to the hours of reaping crops. For instance, the Assamese celebration of Bihu happens consistently. Notwithstanding, it is the point at which the rice crops are fit to be collected in the fields that the most commended rendition called "Bohag Bihu" is held. Bohag Bihu connotes a period of plenitude and euphoria. This celebration likewise sees troops of artists playing out the neighborhood Bihu dance, praising the collective. 
The Khasis, an ethnic clan in Meghalaya, hold a yearly five-day long strict celebration called KaPemblangNongrem, prevalently known as the Nongkrem dance. Local people play out this dance to assuage their goddess, to guarantee an abundant collection. Head to the authority government site to know more. 
At any point seen a bamboo dance, where men move numerous bamboo fights evenly and vertically, and ladies dance between them? Manipur's Cheraw Dance is a captivating encounter and should be knowledgeable about individuals to be completely keen to the huge expertise required. For the time being, placate yourself with this, however I'd skirt the initial 30 seconds to get to the genuine article! 
Weaves and Textiles in the Seven Sister States 
While in the Seven Sister states, remember to get cloaks, scarves and other apparel produced using conventional handwoven texture. These textures are a fundamental piece of Northeastern culture, with each state creating one of a kind weaves, frequently woven by hand at home. Assam is popular for its silk, which comes in three assortments: Muga, Eri, and Pat. Muga Silk is frequently called "fluid gold" since it is nearly as costly and is cherished as gold adornments for an Assamese lady. 
Muga Silk is to Assam, what Champagne is to the Champagne locale in France, with Muga Silk being an ensured topographical sign (GI) to Assam. Peruse more about Assam silk here. Materials woven in Nagaland are regularly a delightful mix of red, high contrast tones. One can without much of a stretch utilize these woven textures for coats, wraps and even comforters. These textures are promptly accessible to purchase on the off chance that you need to take a cut of the Northeast back with you! 
The weaving of materials in the Northeast is for the most part confined to the ladies of the house. Men aren't normally permitted to utilize the house loom, since numerous clans have a fantasy that a man would lose his virility if he somehow managed to begin weaving. 
Traveler Must-Dos in the Seven Sister States 
As though all the reasons above weren't sufficient, here are a couple of more should do encounters in the Seven Sister conditions of the North East India Tour Packages ! Assam is well known for its Kamakhya Temple, which has colossal strict importance. The yearly Ambubachi Mela, generally held in June, is an exceptionally foreseen occasion. Lakhs of travelers make the excursion from everywhere to adore at the sanctuary. Numerous sages just arise openly for this celebration, while deciding to stay in detachment for the remainder of the year. 
Try not to miss Nagaland's Naga Heritage Village! Likewise called the Kisama Heritage Village, it offers a fascinating look into the conventions and rich culture of the Naga clan. For a dreamlike encounter, head to the Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh, set up in the year 1681. Arranged at a tallness of around 10,000 feet, this is the second-biggest cloister in the
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islandii · 4 years
Island Rasdhoo
Rasdhoo is the only island I’ve visited 10 (!) times in the last 5 years. The first visit was back in 2015, when a budget holiday was just started in the Maldives.
At that time there was very little information about local islands, but because of that island, I created a blog about local islands and later founded a travel agency to the Maldives.
Where is Rasdoo located?
The island is located in the North Ari Atoll, 60 km west of Male. The size of Island is approximately 500×600 m. Almost the entire territory of the island is built up. The population is about 1200 people. You would think like so many people can live on such a small piece of land, but in reality, you won’t even notice it.
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Rasdhoo beach and house reef
At the moment, the beach on the island is not very large, about 100 m in length, which is not so much compared to Ukulhas or Thoddoo. However, during the season it’s packed by people. There are sun loungers for common use on the beach , which is very convenient. Entrance to the water can be inconvenient, especially during low tide, because in some places there is a lot of dead coral. Therefore, in order to avoid injuries, I advise you to wear special shoes (I personally do not do this because I have already walked in such places many times). If you don’t have shoes, it is best to swim right away.
Soon, hopefully, it will change because a joint project with the Indians involves cleaning the coastal area of debris and expanding the beach. Due to the coronavirus, all work is postponed, so if everything goes well, then by the 2020/2021 season the project will be completed. Let’s hope for the best.
The length of the house reef is about 1 km. In this case, you will see all the most interesting stuff on its outer side. The current is constantly changing: today it may not be, tomorrow you can only swim with flippers. If you are a beginner, then you have to snorkel only with a buddy for your own safety.
What you can see on the outer reef? Depending on the current and time of the year, on the reef you can see huge schools of reef fish, batfish, tuna, parrot fish; there are Napoleon fish and schools of barracudas. Rasdhoo is famous for its habitats of black and white tip reef sharks. And for good reason – in one place you can see up to 3-5 sharks, is this not breathtaking? These sharks are absolutely safe for humans and they scare you more than you do them. So when you see them, you can just freeze and watch them.
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The most awesome experience while snorkelling was when I met a school of batfish. They were so friendly and close to me, that I could even touch them! Without any reason, they followed me around 100 m. ! I don’t know why they liked me, but it was extremely unusual and breathtaking!
Tip: if you want the fish / rays / sharks to come towards you, then do not make sudden movements do not try to catch them (anyway they are faster than you). Best of all is just to stop and wait.
Several turtles live on the reef and you can see eagle rays almost every day!
If all this staff can be seen on a house reef, then why you should take a snorkelling safari tour? It is a good question that you asked. That is why I advise you to take this tour.
Firstly, you will be taken to places where the water is more transparent, more live corals, more fish.
Secondly, there are places, for example, next to Veligandu resort, where you can see up to 7 (!) turtles and even manta rays! Mantas do not swim ashore because they prefer deep water.
Thirdly, with a high chance you will want to try scuba diving to see more. Perhaps this is a so-so reason for some, but diving opens you a truly new underwater world compared to snorkelling because corals and fish will be much closer and you can make out them in detail.
What else to do on Rasdhoo?
Perhaps the most breathtaking and amazing place I visited in the Maldives is the nearby chain of uninhabited islands and sandbanks. Every time I visit Rasdhoo, I definitely visit these places.
What is so unique about it? First of all, there is lagoon, where you can see a real 50 shades of blue with a beautiful reef in the center. A lot of fish live on the reef, which themselves swim up to you because they expect something delicious from you. They are already taught this. Therefore, if you still decide to feed them, then take a bit of bread in a plastic bottle and mix with water. But be careful, there can be a lot of them.
The second thing is ability to walk by water between these islands and sandbanks. There is some magic in the sandbanks because you are on a piece of land without any plants or palms in the middle of the ocean! Isn’t that fascinating?
The outer reef of the lagoon is rich in its wildlife and you can see sharks, stingrays and turtles. But there is always a current between Rasdhoo and lagoon, so I strongly do not recommend swimming alone there!
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Dolphin safari
Between Rasdhoo and Thoddoo there is a place where a group of dolphins gathers in the evenings. They are very friendly and follow the boat. Sometimes they swim so close that you can even touch them (but you shouldn’t do that). But officially you can’t swim with them. You can try, who knows, maybe you are lucky and they will come to you.
Night / Morning Fishing
Usually, it’s still evening activity. No need to be a professional fisherman to catch a fish in Maldives. It is enough to have only reels and fishing lines. You can ask to cook caught fish at your hotel (in most cases this is free of charge, but depends on the hotel). Personally, I’m not a good fisherman, so I tried only once and caught a small snapper.
Romantic dinner
It can be arranged either on the beach or on a sandbank. Based on my experience, the beach is not very suitable for that, because there is almost always someone nearby.
For this reason, a sandbank will be the best solution. After all, there will be no one else except you. The maximum level of privacy is guaranteed!
Suba Diving
Rasdhoo is truly famous for its diving. It’s said, this area is one of the best in the Maldives. Seven (!) diving centres (nowhere else in the Maldives you can find so many centres on one island) offer to take a short training course and dive with an instructor. A great advantage of Rasdhoo is easy to access dive spots even for beginners. Even diving in 8 m depth will open you a new underwater world!
I made my first dive in 2015 near Kuramathi Resort. At that time I was wearing glasses but has dived with contact lenses. After that, I decided that if I return to the Maldives, I will do a LASIK correction and take the course. Just next year it happened. Now I have Rescue Scuba Diver certification, just only one step for a divemaster!
For certified divers, 17 spots are available. The most popular among them:
Madivaru Corner, one of the most famous dive spot in Maldives due to its excellent reef, a large number of fish (barracuda, batfish, Napoleon, etc.), sharks and stingrays. Every time you can see something new.
Caves. The farthest point from Rasdhoo. Drift dive with many caves at different depths. It features a wide variety of soft and hard corals. You can see a lot of lobsters!
Hammerhead point. One of the few places in the Maldives where you can see hammerhead sharks. Morning dive that starts at 6:00. Chance to see sharks 50/50. I tried several times – not lucky.
Manta point. Manta ray cleaning station. You can see up to 5 rays in one place. You can also snorkel at this point, but diving is much better.
Shark Point. Many reef, whitetip and blacktip sharks.
The perfect solution would be to take a package of 8-10 dives and dive into the most popular places. Up to 4 dives can be completed per day.
Therefore, I recommend everyone to try diving, after which your ideas about the underwater world will change dramatically!
For water sports lovers, a centre is open on Rasdhoo where you can rent a jet ski, wake / flyboard, kite surfing and more.
Rasdhoo Infrastructure
Rasdhoo is the administrative center of the North Ari Atoll. This means that the island has everything you need for life:
– groceries and hardware stores. There you can buy fruit and drinks, and also beach staff. It’s very convenient for those who left something at home. – gift shops. There are 6 gift shops on the island. There are lots of various souvenirs, everyone can find something to his liking. – several cafes. There are 4 local cafes (two more are coming) on the island, and what’s more, most of them are intended for tourists. – dive centres. There are 7 dive centres on the island. And one water sport centre – a bank;
– ATM (your can withdraw rufies only, the service fee is 100 ryfiyaas, and it doesn’t matter how much money you’re going to take out); – a branch office of the mobile network operator. – a hospital. They can help you in a case if you have got a minor illness. Otherwise, they’ll transfer you to Male by speedboat. – a post office; – a police station.
Where to stay?
There are a lot of places to stay, already about 30. The cost varies from $ 40 to $ 110 per night.
I always stay only at Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo. And that’s why:
Firstly, this is one of the first hotels I’m working with since 2017. During this time, I organized holidays for clients from 40 countries to that hotel, and there were no concerns during that time. I also brought my friends here several times while I was living in the Maldives in 2016-2017. Everyone was satisfied.
Secondly, they are very responsible and easily go to meet customers (which is not so common in the Maldives), therefore they are always ready to satisfy any of your wishes. The staff is always nearby, so there is no need to look for anyone if you need anything. In this hotel you will feel like at home!
Thirdly, Shallow Lagoon Rasdhoo is almost the only example of a hotel that is developing and expanding. I work with 20+ hotels on local islands, so I can see the changes. For example, in three years they expanded their area by 3 times and now they have the largest garden on Rasdhoo!. They have their own free snorkeling kits, including life jackets. Free unlimited tea, coffee, water.
Fourth, they have a separate block, which is located on the beach, with an ocean view. No other hotel on the island can offer an experience like that. Soon they will finish another block near the main hotel. Thus, the total number of rooms will increase to 17.
Fifthly, they recently equipped a new kitchen and hired a chef from Sri Lanka, who used to work at Adaaran Rannalhi Resort (the vast majority of hotels can only afford Bangladeshi or local). Therefore, high-quality food is guaranteed!
Sixth, I have an exclusive partnership with them. This means that I can offer you the most attractive prices for accommodation, meals, excursions.
This hotel is above average price range and they used to work with agents directly (not through booking or agoda). But this cost is fully justified by the quality of service they provide.
Transfer to Rasdhoo
Public ferry
Rasdhoo to Male at 11:00 Every : Sunday , Wednesday
Male to Rasdhoo at 9:00 Every: Monday, Thursday
From Rasdhoo you can also take a ferry to the neighbouring Thoddoo or Ukulhas.
Scheduled speedboat
Runs daily, duration is 1 hour 20 minutes, price is $35 per person.
Male-Rasdhoo at 10:30 and 15.30 – 16.00, on Friday at 9:30 and 15:00
Rasdhoo – Male at 7:30 and 13:30.
Private speed boat
The traveling time is about 1 hour 20 minutes, the cost is $550-650.
The traveling time is about 15 minutes, the return ticket is $375.
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doriscahill · 4 years
America is Beautiful
Below is photo-narrative of a recent holiday. A round-trip land excursion totaling 3,000 miles over 13 days. 
When driving, your more engaged and take your time, a better sense of the expanse of land, narrowness of each town, differing weather and nature.. Deliberate avoidance of large cities; utilizing only their  joint to other roads. Dots on my map but not stops. 
Put Paris, Barcelona, Hong Kong, et al on hold. American is rich in history, community and beauty. 
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Attempt this route in the fall and attempt  to beat cold weather. Cold sets in mid October, luck held and this trip can parallel  Indian Summer, an unseasonably warm period.  
Nestled in the West Stock Bridge, MA is the Norman Rockwell museum. The studio and home of this most famous illustrator. Western Massachusetts, is very quaint and this town’s  population about 1,300. The museum grounds have  lovely walking paths through the property and the artwork lines the gallery walls with and up and downstairs floors. Its design exceed expectations  for those with disabilities.   
Other artists and genres are on rotating exhibit, Sesame Street on this particular visit. Standard exhibits like Saturday Evening Post Illustrative covers are just thrilling, 100′s organized by year and cram the walls. Its easy to enjoy the main galleries, but take time to see the  studio in the back grounds and to stroll the river trail dotted with modern metal sculptures.   
You can reach this charming gem from metro Boston in under two hours and easily reach New York state through-way to continue your travel. Note, in  the fall season the town hosts a lovely Harvest Fair and allow time to  walk the  turn of the century style main street. 
The cost is a sliding admission fee. Adults $20, Students $10 and Seniors $17 and Veterans $17. Members are FREE.
If you’re looking to continue on west, next stop is Amish Country in Lancaster, PA.
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From West Stockbridge, MA  its a bit of a jaunt to Lancaster Country and Amish Country. Lancaster is the  the first of two stops visiting Amish communities. Allow 5-6 hours, so leave early in the day.  Lancaster is  unique. Various historical/cultural  tours are available. Some are closed on Sundays, keep this in mind.  The Amish Experience Tour Agency offer packaged deals.  I enjoyed the re-modeled school house and living quarters and the 14 passenger bus ride through the Amish land, passing meticulously kept farms, sampling “shoo fly pie” and rich discussion of Amish life. I did not take the horse and buggy tour, but ample options are available. Small negative, Lancaster  is a bit commercialized in the center. And in fact, the community has its own bank. Educated only to the 8th grade, math and business skills are well utilized. Amish are particularly successful in business.
Continuing on Berlin, OH also in Amish Country is the next suggested stop. However,  if your heading to Ohio, you might as well enjoy Hershey PA. 
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Its a good idea to squeeze in a trip to Hershey, PA, about a half hoiur from Lancaster and  on the path to Berlin, Oh.  The story of this City  is a gem, both US history and capitalism gone right. One learns about the business founder  and philanthropist Milton Hershey and chocolate! Milton, a businessman who failed many times before achieving great success with affordable yummy candy bar. Visitors can visit Chocolate World for free and take the free Disney like tour and get  free chocolate bar. The factory no longer gives tours and the town no longer smells of chocolate. 
You can also take a trolley tour through Hershey its well  worth the $16 adult ticket price and more free chocolate. Tour guides are very experienced and tales of the town built by Milton! The facility is a huge shopping mall so you can stock up on branded souvenirs or participate in other paid activities like build a chocolate bar, a bit pricey at $26 dollars each. 
On toward Berlin, one takes the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It is long and a bit pricey to the tune $18 dollars. Note,  Beaver River and Raccoon Creek are near the highway so  anticipate significant road kill. I lost count after twenty. Its not a happy thought at all.
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On arriving in Berlin, Ohio, the  second Amish Country stop I am treated to the Harvest moon and I try  to snap an amateur photo. Berlin has a differing feel than Lancaster. There is a local wholesome Amish dinner theater, you can purchase tickets online of visit the ticket office. A small ensemble of actors deliver humorous  slap-stick that involves the audience and the music is simply fun. Especially, Amish-parody of pop singers. You can sample local dinner food and walk the shops. There is a local post office in the main street if you’re thinking its time to mail postcards, quilt and leather shops. Plenty of hitches of buggies. Buggy horses are athletic, most purchased from Kentucky breeding farms.  
Do squeeze in time to sample local breads and cheeses, The store as easy to  with an area map, but watch out for the horse drawn buggies, the horses are athletic. 
Next stop was suppose to be Indiana. 
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Exiting Berlin your in for a treat expansive farmlands. Fields of corn or soy and the occasional lumber farm for miles. 
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All trips have delays and missteps.  The original plan involved an overnight near the Indianapolis Speedway, but the airshow was cancelled and, well, that is how it goes. The trip to Springfield , IL will be long. 
Diner food is great, but wears on the traveler a week in.  Its a full days ride to the next stop Springfield, IL. Lincoln’s home town and the State Capitol. Indiana is between Ohio and Illinois and that is about 5 hour stretch.  Fortunately or cleverly, a huge highway bill board sign reads “Beef House”, “Next Exit!” Serving beef you can eat a late lunch or early dinner.  They serve a fantastic early bird special with full salad bar. Yum, yum and Great Service. Actually, best meal so far! I stuffed the bread and leftovers to go. 
Outside you can take  a nice selfie with the Bull. If your Vegan or Vegetarian you can get all you need to eat too. Compared to East Coast pricing this is a $$ deal! Onward to Springfield. 
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Arriving late day I review the available area maps and plan for the next day. Downtown has the Lincoln Home and neighborhood. The ranger guided tour though Lincoln’s home  is free, but you need to get a timed ticket in the visitor center. You can self guide the small restored neighborhood and see the continue historical film that runs in the visitor’s center.  On site parking is paid, but very modest and if you like to walk you can easily visit the surrounding free sites: The Original State Capital, The Lincoln Depot (my favorite) and Lincolns Law offices. All are simply great.  The Presidential Museum is not free, but worth its ticket price. About a mile or two from the main tourist area is Lincoln’s final resting place and well worth the drive. There is other tour options should you not have a car nor wish to walk. Most hotels have maps and the tourist center near the Old Capitol Building does too. 
On a side street in the restored neighborhood enjoy local feel good dishes or a Ghost Tour and scribble your name on the chalk board! I had the mushroom cheese burger, yum.  In the evening local theater is nearby to catch a movie! You can easily your interests in two days. 
Next stop is Kentucky....
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Off to an early start again and time for the big U-turn back.  Head towards Kentucky’s capital Frankfort, a hidden American gem and  well along  the process of renovating its downtown and its  historical treasures. The state known for horse racing and breeding is this  well worth the stop. Kentucky’s landscape is rolling;  the farms expansive.  Apparently, Johnny Depp resided part of his youth in Frankfort and was born in KY!
A variety of Company’s offer morning tours take tourists to  Keeneland Race track and near by breeding stables. You get to meet famous retired race horse Curland, see  resting place of Seattle Slew and all the inner workings of the race track including lessons from the local “Betologist”. A second day can be spent visiting Buffalo Trace Distillery  with  tastings for modest cost or take the free trolley tour through Frankfort with a knowledgeable guide. The Trolley Guide was so friendly and knew everything about Frankfort!  Carve our time for Buddy’s Pizza and a trip to Hoggy’s for a scoop of ice cream. 
Next stop on the list is West Virginia, find time for  nature walk. It’s a  nice option before more time in the car. Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary will take you a half hour off the path but the tranquil 1 mile walk is well worth it.
Under-crowded this reserve has a number of marked trails, so its tough to get lost and the trails are modest or not hard. Do pay attention, the maintenance paths seem like they are part of the trail. Mostly, you enjoy nature and will here a wide variety of birds in the woods.
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Resting place of Seattle Slew
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Every Trip has a road which can be a challenge. That road is Route 219 leading to Marlington West Virginia from Frankfort, KY. . Its paved well, but winding  and rolling along the way for miles and miles 9-12% grades. If your seeking to be off the grid  Marlington is the place.  There  no cell coverage, so you will need a satellite GPS and rely on internet when you reach it or bring a printed map. This is hunting and ski country, population about 1,000. 
The small town has wonderful local restaurants in the main town, a home depot store, museum and civil war cemetery (small admission fees). The big attraction is in near by  Cass, WV pop 52 and home to the historical Cass Railroad  and Green Bank Telescope. Both offer tours, I missed the radio telescope tour, bummer,  tour hours are limited but did see it from the road.   It is the worlds larger radio  telescope and supposedly the reason behind the  cell phone black out.
But, but,  I did visit the Cass Railroad State Park and took the open train ride and ride to the top Bald Knob, elevation  4843 feet. Knowledgeable local guides share the rich history of foresting and the railroad, the trains and its rescue after the collapse of logging. You will learn much about engines, whistle blow language,switch backs and loggers. You need a full half day for this tour, a a picnic lunch is provided with your ticket. There is a small museum and general store. Toot toot, goes the whistle. Do not miss it. 
Give yourself three nights the ride in and out is a bit tiring. The next stop would be West Point. 
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This is a long haul, because I wanted to stay true to remaining rural, thus avoided stops in Philadelphia, NYC,etc. 
Arriving late by error, the sun was setting and my travel service Exepedia pointed me to lodging that was really too far from West Point. I stayed in Kingston and was a bit disappointed although the local diner did make up for this disappointment or misstep.
If visiting West Point, you are going to need identification to pick up or purchase tickets at the main visitor center. Since this is a Federal Facility plan on bringing a real ID or passport as the ID laws change in 2020. For now, driver’s license is adequate.
Tours run routinely each day. There are a few days it is closed from the public. The army cadets live on base so that is really cool. There is a bus campus  and cemetery tour combo package. Both involve walking, wear good shoes. You can pick only the bus tour, far less walking.
Enjoy the history of the founding and the site’s role in the Revolutionary War. Learn about all the famous generals and enjoy the majestic architecture feats, sports stadium for Army-Navy games,  memorials and lore of those you made the ultimate sacrifice. Walk the cemetery and learn all the famous people buried and there stories and who can be choose this as their final resting place George Armstrong Custer is buried there! . The scenery is beyond beautiful. 
There is a free museum to walk while you wait for your tour. The exhibits and film is fantastic. And a small down town to grab a snack, with a McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. And plenty of branded sovereigns in the huge gift shop. 
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A special thank you to my driver and life long buddy Andrew.....
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royvelasco · 6 years
Top Things to Do in Penang
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Penang is a very remarkable place for me as aside from being the starting point of my “Traveling Indochina Pt. 2” series (Click HERE for my Pt. 1), it also serves as the first place I did solo traveling outside the Philippines. Mixed emotions were being felt that time as it’ll be my first time to travel solo abroad. Though I was quite nervous, I was more excited at that time. And did I mention that I’ll also be celebrating my 27th birthday here?! 😉
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How to Get to Penang, Malaysia: There is no direct flight from the Philippines to Penang. You need to have a layover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia or Singapore then take a flight to Penang. (Click HERE to know how you can get to George Town from Penang International Airport.) Taking a flight would be the easiest and most convenient way yet can be the most expensive. Good thing I was able to score a cheap roundtrip fare (KL-Penang-KL) for only around RM55 (PHP700 / USD14). If budget doesn’t permit for an additional flight, you can opt to arrive in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia then take a 6-hour bus ride or an ETS train ride for around 3.5 hours to Butterworth then take a ferry to George Town.
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If you have a couple of days to experience this wonderful Malaysian state, below are the top things to do in Penang that are surely perfect for first time travelers:
1. Eat!
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I don’t know anyone who goes to Penang not trying its delicacies. Penang is considered unofficially as the food capital of Malaysia or even of the whole Asia so everyone who travels to this place is looking forward for a gastronomical experience. It’s actually the reason why I planned visiting this amazing place. Since I both love traveling and eating, Penang is definitely a perfect place for people like me! You should not leave this place without trying Char Koay Teow, Curry Mee, and Bean Sprout Chicken!
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Click HERE to know more about the best foods I tried on this trip.
  2. Wander Around George Town
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Penang’s capital, George Town, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008 and at the same time, one of the most developed states in the country making it a popular tourist destination. 
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What I love about this place is it is very diverse with cultures such as Malaysian, Chinese, and Indian. You can see a Hindu temple a few meters away from a mosque which both are just a walk away from a Catholic church and a Chinese temple. This place is really interesting and pleasant as you can see unity despite of the differences.
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Masjid Kapitan Keling (Kapitan Keling Mosque)
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Kuan Yin Teng (Goddess of Mercy Temple)
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Kew Leong Tong Temple
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Han Jiang Ancestral Temple
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St. George's Church
3. Check Out the Different Street Arts Scattered Around George Town
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Aside from the delicious cuisine, the fun and imaginative art sights of this place are also one of the reasons why people flock to Penang. You can see countless colorful street arts and interestingly humorous steel-rod sculptures dispersed around George Town. Grab a free “Marking George Town” map and hop on to your bicycle to roam around the city for these wonderful art pieces. Trust me, each spot is Instagram-worthy! 😉
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  4. See Penang on Bird’s Eye View from the Top of Penang Hill
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As what the saying goes, you've never been to Penang unless you've been to Penang Hill. This tourist spot offers the best viewpoint of the island. It is somehow like Victoria’s Peak in Hong Kong. Though some might say that Penang Hill may not be as glamorous as Victoria’s Peak, this destination still provides a breathtaking view together with various exciting activities that one can try.
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There is no admission fee to Penang Hill but you need to pay for the funicular train ride that will take you to the top. Round trip fare is RM30 (PHP398 / USD7.7) for adults.
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How To Get Here: Take the Rapid Penang Bus 204 since this is the only bus that will take you to Penang Hill station. Their bus transit is definitely convenient and cheap but can still be quite complicated specially for tourists, so I recommend just taking an Uber or Grab ride. They are so inexpensive yet safe in Malaysia and I could say the most convenient mode of transportation if you’re touring around the place. I had a fast and comfortable Uber ride for only RM9.60 (PHP127 / USD2.4) from my accommodation in the city center to Penang Hill which is already in the outskirts.
  5. Visit Kek Lok Si Temple
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Another amazing sight to see on the outskirts of the city and just a stone-throw away from Penang Hill is Kek Lok Si Temple. It’s a Buddhist temple that considered as the best-known temple on the island that also offers an impressive view. 
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There is no fee to be collected except for the RM2 (PHP26 / USD0.5) to enter the 7-story pagoda and the RM3 (PHP39 / USD0.7) per way charge for the elevator lift to the giant bronze statue. The thrifty in me decided not to go to the pagoda but it’s said to offer great views from the top.
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The giant bronze statue is a must see though. The status is massive and said to be the largest statue of Guanyin in the world.
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The ignorance in me was shocked upon seeing this Nazi symbol on the Buddha’s chest. It’s actually the symbol for “wan” which represents auspiciousness, purity, and perfect accomplishment.
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Tip: The famous Sister Curry Mee and Air Itam Asam Laksa are just nearby so make sure to have a stop to try their delectable dishes.
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How To Get Here: Take Rapid Penang Bus 203 or 204 from Komtar (or any designated bus stop). Kek Lok Si Temple is somewhere near the last stop which will drop you off at the end of Jalan Pasar. A quick Uber ride took me to Sister Curry Mee from Penang Hill Bus Station for only around RM4.35 (PHP57 / USD1.1). I had my lunch first prior going to Kek Lok Si Temple which is just a walk away from Sister Curry Mee.
  6. Take a Stroll Along the Clan Jetties
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The Clan Jetties is actually a Chinese settlement area in the waterfront. Different clans have lived here for the longest time and now also considered as a tourist attraction in Penang.
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Built by the clansmen of the past, the clan jetties were segregated into distinct communities of Chinese people that arrived in George Town in search for a better future. Denoted by the clan surnames such as Chew, Tan, Lee, Ong, Lim, New, and Yeoh, the jetties were traditionally occupied by people of that surname and the descendants of which still occupy the homes which line the jetties to this day.
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The area doesn’t look fancy at all since it’s just a community of humble wooden houses built on stilts connected with wooden walkways. Stereotypically, the place looks quite sketchy as well. But what makes it impressive aside from its history is the cleanliness of the surroundings. It’s actually safe to roam around as well. But please do take note that this is still a residential place with private properties so always practice discipline and respect.
  7. Experience the Opulent Life in The Blue Mansion and Pinang Peranakan Mansion
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Experience grandeur and get to know more about some of the most prestigious persons in Penang from the past by having a tour in the Blue Mansion and/or Pinang Peranakan Mansion. I was able to visit both mansions and had a full cultural experience.
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Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion or simply, The Blue Mansion is renowned as one of the 10 greatest mansions in the world and a UNESCO winner of “Most Excellent Project”. The story began in the late 19th Century, where Cheong Fatt Tze, one of the richest industrialists in South East Asia and known as the Rockefeller of the East, aspired to house his descendants in a home that personifies the essence of majesty and elegance. 
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This mansion is not just a historical site but also serves as a hotel and a restaurant. It’s actually included on “The World’s 100 Greatest Hotels” list by Flight Network Canada 2017.
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Admission price is RM17 (PHP225 / USD4.3) per adult with English-guided tours scheduled at 11AM, 2PM, and 3:30PM.
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I was able to catch the 2PM tour and our guide was knowledgeable enough to tell the story about the mansion and its owner. Cheong Fatt Tze grew to become one of the most historic, colorful, and recognizable personalities in the world on his era. He was a Chinese descendant but was well traveled yet chose Penang to build the most elaborate of his homes wherein he raised his families.
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After my tour in the Blue Mansion, I went straight to Pinang Peranakan Mansion. Admission fee for adults is a little bit steeper for RM20 (PHP265 / USD5) which includes guided tours to the mansion itself, the Straits Chinese Jewellery Museum, the Chung Keng Kwee Ancestral Temple, and the Nyonya Kitchen. Visiting hours is daily from 9:30AM to 5:00PM.
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Not as bright as the Blue Mansion from the exterior, Pinang Peranakan Mansion is more impressive and affluent looking though on the inside. It also has more of a museum-vibe. It was once the home of Chung Keng Kwee who became the richest man in Penang in the late 19th century. This mansion depicts a typical home of a rich Peranakan of more than a century ago, recreating the opulent lifestyle of these locally acculturated Chinese people. Peranakan are straits-born Chinese who were the descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to the Malay archipelago.
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Though I find Cheong Fatt Tze and his mansion more interesting, Pinang Peranakan Mansion is definitely more picturesque and the tour was more dynamic combined with a visit on an adjoined jewellery shop and temple.
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  Tip: Don’t stress yourselves touring around Penang by learning their bus system or even walking under the heat of the sun. If you’re here for just a few days, Uber and Grab are your perfect travel buddies. My Grab ride from the Blue Mansion to Pinang Peranakan Mansion just took me around 5 minutes for only RM4 (PHP53 / USD1).
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  Penang will always be a memorable place for me. Aside from it’s the very first destination I went solo traveling with outside my country, the rich and vibrant culture and incredible gastronomical experience were surely what sold this great island to me. If I could have just a few more days to spend, I will surely visit other places nearby like Penang National Park, Batu Ferringhi Beach, and maybe even Langkawi. My short 2-night stay was definitely fast-paced and leaving the island made me blue. But at the same time, I was already prepared to move on and I was ecstatic to get to my next destination. 😉
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Next Post: How to Get to George Town from Penang International Airport?
DISCLAIMER: Prices may change depending on the exchange rate, season, and/or inflation.
NOTE: I own all the images used in this blog post unless otherwise stated. Please don’t use these for any purposes, unless you acknowledge the owner. Thank you.
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
Do You Want To Be Rich Or Do You Want To Be Free?
I play tennis mainly at two different locations.
The first location is a public park in the Parkside district of San Francisco. Every Tuesday and Thursday there’s Tai Qi from 8:30am – 10am. Every Wednesday, there’s Zumba blaring in the background from 10:30am – noon. And every Friday there’re beer cans and cigarette butts strewn all over the court, just waiting for players like me to clean them up. The graffitied walls are a nice final touch. It’s the price for being free.
The second location is my tennis club. To join requires a main sponsor, four letters of recommendation, plus a one month vetting period during which any member can black ball you for any reason. The club has an initial member fee of $12,000, after which you pay monthly dues of about $225 – $500, depending on consumption.
The courts are pristine, there’s no noise pollution except for the occasional excessive grunt. Decal chairs adorn the sidelines along with neatly folded towels next to always full water coolers. After a match, players will often get a drink at the bar, play some dice, and then head to the sauna before showering.
It’s obviously much nicer to play at my club than at the public courts. However, I play on the free public courts twice as often. Why is this? Simple. Most people at my club don’t have time to play!
Player Profiles
In San Francisco, the best time to play tennis is between 10am – 3pm. The morning dew has evaporated by then. The temperature is warmer. And you never have to wait for a court because most people are working. Unfortunately, very few people at my club can play during these times.
Even my wealthiest friend who has a nine figure net worth can only play before 9am because he has to be at work by 10:30am. Come on buddy. YOLO! If I was the big boss, with mega bucks, I’d ban meetings before 11am and keep them to no more than 15 minutes.
Here are profiles of four players I recently played tennis with at my club:
1) Top 5 undergrad, Top 3 MBA, entrepreneur, son of a high ranking government official. Age 42. White. 4.0 USTA rating.
2) Big state school undergrad, Top 3 MBA, ex-head of a Private Wealth Management division for a top investment bank, currently a private wealth manager at a smaller shop. Age 52. White. 4.0 USTA rating.
3) Top 3 undergrad, Top 20 MBA, and entrepreneur. Father was head of a private equity business that killed it in the late 90’s. Age 46. White. 4.0 USTA rating.
4) Top 3 undergrad, Top 3 MBA, co-founder of a VC that invested early in the likes of Uber, Airbnb, and Slack. Age 44. White. 4.0 USTA rating.
Clearly all of these players have outstanding academic and professional resumes. Their kids will have incredible advantages and I don’t think any of them will ever have to worry about money. More importantly, they’re also humble and friendly people to hang out with. They have the same problems as everybody else when it comes to relationships, hopes and dreams for their children, doing better at work, etc.
Despite them all working way more than 40 hours a week, I’m always suggesting we play at a more reasonable 4:30pm to avoid the after work rush. But I never succeed because nobody can actually get there by 4:30pm! Even if they commit on rare occasion, there’s always at least two who arrive 15-30 minutes late. By the time we warm up, we often don’t get started until 45 minutes  later.
Here are the player profiles of guys I recently hit with at the public park:
1) Didn’t go to college. Works as a wheelchair assistance operator at San Francisco International Airport. Age 43. Filipino. 4.5/5.0 USTA rating.
2) Didn’t go to college. Retired at age 52 after working for 20 years as an IT help technician at the largest retail bank on the west coast. Bought a four unit building 25 years ago and lives off the rental income. Drives a 1986 Nissan 240Z. Age 62. Indian. 4.5 USTA rating. We literally played 32 matches last year.
3) Didn’t go to college. Works as a cook at a Chinese restaurant. Hooks me up with some free dumplings every time I visit his work. Age 38. Chinese. 5.0 USTA rating.
4) Went to a local state university. Teaches elementary school. Age 39. Half white, half Chinese. 4.5 USTA rating.
Guess when we are always playing? Between 10am – 3pm! None of these players make more than $65,000 a year, yet they get to play during the best time of the day because they are either retired or have a late shift.
Further, seldom is anybody ever late. We are constantly playing for 2 – 3 hours a session because we don’t have anywhere urgent to go. Also, notice how all their USTA ratings are higher as well, probably because they get more time to practice.
At my club, the average playing time is only about 1.15 hours because after rushing to the club from work, the players have to rush home to see their families, attend some work related event, or go to some fundraiser party.
“My wife is going to kill me,” is a most common excuse I hear for folks jetting early. Most of the public court players also have families, but their kids are usually in school while they play. Or, their kids are playing in the playground next door to daddy. By the time they finish, they still have plenty of time to run around with their kids and eat dinner.
Which Is A Better Lifestyle?
You can have all the money in the world, but if you have no free time to spend it, what’s the point of being rich? The public court players aren’t poor, they just aren’t very wealthy. Yet their lifestyles are pretty wonderful if you ask me. The private club players also have nice lives, they are just time constrained due to their jobs.
For those of you who are obsessed about getting rich, think really hard about trying to kill yourself so that one day you can live the lifestyle that everyday, middle class people get to live right now. And for those of you who’ve already achieved a comfortable level of wealth, what are you really trying to prove? Making more money when you already have so much more than most people is so meaningless. Take a step back and think about creating more purpose instead.
Here’s what happens when you get richer:
You pay a larger percentage of your income to taxes.
You’re accused of not paying your fair share even though you pay way more taxes than the person accusing you of not paying your fair share.
You’re subject to retroactive taxes voted by people who don’t have to pay more taxes.
Rich politicians pandering for votes demonize you while also asking you for campaign contributions on the side.
The media also demonizes you, even though journalists often come from relatively well to do families, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to afford joining a structurally declining industry.
Expectations of you increase to levels of unreasonableness.
People start liking you for your money instead of your personality.
Somebody always wants something from you.
The demand for your time goes way up.
You can never play in the middle of the day because you’re just too important or too busy.
You can never drop off or pick up your kids at school, let alone hang out with them after because you’re always traveling for work.
You get so wrapped up in your work that you forsake other relationships and interests.
As a high earning corporate employee for 13 years and then as an unemployed writer for five years, I’ve seen both sides of the fence. I can say with 100% certainly life is better earning less! Not poverty level less, just enough to have all your needs and some wants covered.
I don’t miss the fancy meals or business class trips to Asia because at the end of the day, it was still work. I am totally content eating a $2.60 In N’ Out cheeseburger instead of a $80 wagyu steak as well. Further, I couldn’t give a baboon’s ass about prestige or power. Being the Vice President of a company whose main goal is to get you hooked on a sugary drink isn’t very honorable. Running a company that tries to get you to sign up for another 24.99% APR credit card you don’t need is filthy.
The best combination is to probably be rich and free. But even that lifestyle is not much better than that of a regular income earning person who is living a purposeful lifestyle. Appreciate what you have right now. Being rich is not an amazing panacea. Being free with the consistent ability to help other people is.
Readers, do you feel people are wrongly chasing riches instead of freedom? Why can’t we just be happy with our current wealth? Did you ever achieve a magical number you thought would make you happy, only to discover you wanted more because nothing changed? Is it easier to tell people to stop chasing riches if you are already rich?
Shoot To Retire By A Certain Age, Not By A Certain Financial Figure
How To Live Like The Top 1% Without Being In The Top 1%
from http://www.financialsamurai.com/rich-or-free/
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