#Christopher Wooh
calciopics · 2 years
Cameroon World Cup squad 2022: Final list of 26 players for national team in Qatar
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emly237 · 1 year
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Malgré la victoire des lions indomptable lors de leur dernier match de poule le 02/12/2022 contre les cinq fois champion du monde le Brésil avec un score de 1-0  par le but de Vincent Aboubacar. Ceci ne sera pas assez pour poursuivre l’aventure au Qatar…
Le Cameroun ne se qualifie pas pour les huitièmes de final de la coupe du monde à cause de la victoire dans le même temps de la Suisse, 3 buts à 2 face à la Serbie. Néanmoins, les Lions Indomptable quitte de la compétition la tête haute avec 4 points au compteur.
Lors de ce dernier match nous avons vu une belle équipe soudé, jeune (comme avec le jeune Christopher Wooh de 21 ans qui a été un très bon défenseur et le gardien Epassy qui a lui aussi su neutralisé ces filets), dynamique et prêt à se battre pour gagner le match. Ce qui rassure plusieurs Camerounais dans les prochains matches à venir.
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devenirmilliardaire · 4 months
8es de finale Nigeria 2-0 Cameroun en direct / CAN 2024 Live / CAN 2023, samedi 27 janvier 2024, 21h00 / 🔥 CAN 2024, 8es de finale. Bonsoir à toutes et à tous ! Bienvenue sur notre site pour suivre le direct commenté du choc entre le Nigeria et le Cameroun, en huitième de finale de la CAN 2024 en Côte d'Ivoire. Coup d'envoi prévu à 20h00 GMT , 21h00 heure de Paris. Les commentaires de ce direct sont assurés par @Zyggaboy. Nigeria 2-0 Cameroun en direct samedi 27 janvier 2024, à 20h00 GMT , 21h00 heure de Paris CAN 2024, 8es de finale 8es de finale Nigeria 2-0 Cameroun en direct / CAN 2024 Live / CAN 2023 90'+11 Le Nigéria domine le Cameroun Nigeria 2-0 Cameroun, le résumé du match Le Nigéria rejoint l'Angola en quart de finale de la CAN après une victoire sans encombre contre le Cameroun (2-0). Osimhen a démontré, une fois de plus, qu'il méritait son Ballon d'or africain en malmenant la défense camerounaise. Avec son doublé, Lookman a peut-être gagné sa place de titulaire. 90'+9 Osimhen est remplacé par Onuachu. 90'+9 Simon est remplacé par Osayi-Samuel. 90'+8 Ola Aina prend son vis-à-vis de vitesse et centre depuis le côté droit de la pelouse. Jean-Charles Castelletto se fait peur, il était tout proche d'inscrire un but dans son propre camp en lobant son gardien. 90'+7 Corner pour le Cameroun depuis le côté droit de la pelouse. Ntcham se charge de le tirer et c'est Osimhen qui repousse le danger au premier poteau. 90'+6 Toko Ekambi est remplacé par Moumbagna. 90'+4 Au prochain tour, si la qualification se confirme, les coéquipiers d'Ademola Lookman vont affronter l'Angola. 90'+3 Le Nigéria devrait logiquement se qualifier pour les quarts de finale de la CAN. 90'+1 Il y aura dix minutes de temps additionnel. 🔴[LIVE] NIGERIA vs CAMEROON | African Cup Of Nations 2023 | #livestream Simulation Gameplay 90' But de Lookman ! Iwobi sert parfaitement Bassey sur le côté gauche de la pelouse. Ce dernier centre en direction du premier poteau où Lookman coupe parfaitement la trajectoire du ballon du pied droit. 89' Les Camerounais multiplient les imprécisions, s'agacent, et commettent de plus en plus de fautes. 88' Iwobi rate l'immanquable. Parfaitement servi dans la surface de réparation adverse par Lookman, le milieu nigérian s'emmêle les pinceaux et tente sa chance avec son pied d'appui. 87' Moumi Ngamaleu est remplacé par Tchato pour le Cameroun 87' Carton jaune logique pour Simon coupable d'une vilaine faute sur Nouhou Tolo. 85' L'énorme retour de Nouhou Tolo ! Ademola Lookman sert idéalement Ola Aina au niveau du point de penalty. Le milieu nigérian pense qu'il n'a plus qu'à ajuster son tir, mais sur un tacle salvateur, Tolo dévie la trajectoire de la frappe. 84' La défense incroyable de Calvin Bassey. Pris de vitesse par Ngamaleu, il parvient à rattraper le Camerounais et il l'empêche de tenter sa chance depuis la surface de réparation nigériane. 83' Moses Simon prend le temps de centrer depuis le côté droit de la pelouse, mais Christopher Wooh se jette pour dévier la trajectoire du ballon. 81' Ola Aina et Frank Onyeka se sont percutés dans les airs, mais les deux Nigérians se relèvent assez vite. Égypte - RD Congo en direct Mohamed répond à Elia →A lire aussi CAN 2023 : Une affiche Sénégal vs Côte d’Ivoire en huitièmes de finale si… 80' Sanusi est remplacé par Omeruo. 79' Nwabali est remplacé par Uzoho. 77' Gonzalez est remplacé par Aboubakar. 76' C'est l'heure du deuxième cooling break au stade Félix-Houphouët-Boigny. 75' Vincent Aboubakar va entrer sur la pelouse. Rigobert Song vient de demander à ses joueurs de s'habiller. 74' Le portier nigérian est toujours au sol, il est en train de se faire soigner. 73' Carton jaune logique pour N'Koudou. 🔴[LIVE] NIGERIA vs CAMEROON | African Cup Of Nations 2023 | #livestream Simulation Gameplay 73' Jose Peseiro, le sélectionneur nigérian, demande à Francis Uzoho d'aller s'échauffer. 72' Le choc entre N'Koudou et Nwabali. Sur un centre qui venait de la droite de Castelletto, Nwabali capte le ballon, mais N'Koudou arrive lancé et lui rentre dedans.
71' N'Koudou se charge de tirer ce coup franc à une trentaine de mètres du but adverse. Nwabali sort de ses cages pour boxer le ballon. 71' Une faute de Lookman sur un joueur camerounais offre un coup franc intéressant aux joueurs de Rigobert Song. 70' Les Camerounais ont du mal à accélérer le jeu, ils ne parviennent pas à mettre de la vitesse dans les transmissions. 68' Corner pour le Nigéria depuis le côté droit de la pelouse. Fabrice Ondoa sort de ses cages pour boxer le ballon. 67' Les Camerounais n'ont toujours cadré la moindre frappe depuis le début de la rencontre. 66' Le portier nigérian est au sol depuis de nombreuses secondes après un contact avec un joueur camerounais. 65' Vincent Aboubakar vient de partir à l'échauffement pour le Cameroun. 64' Victor Osimhen harangue la foule pour demander à ses supporters de pousser derrière l'équipe nationale. 63' Ngamaleu voulait combiner avec Ekambi sur le côté droit de la pelouse, mais la remise de l'attaquant camerounais est manqué. Onyeka est tout de suite sur le ballon pour repousser le danger. 61' Il manque quelques centimètres à Frank Magri pour couper la trajectoire d'un centre de Georges-Kévin N'Koudou. 60' Ademola Lookman lance Victor Osimhen dans la profondeur, mais Fabrice Ondoa a anticipé la trajectoire de l'attaquant nigérian et sort de ses cages pour capter le ballon. 59' Stanley Nwabali commence à jouer la montre. Il prend son temps au moment de relancer et agace les joueurs camerounais. 58' Nouhou Tolo tente sa chance de loin, à une trentaine de mètres du but adverse, mais il manque assez largement le cadre. 57' Karl Toko Ekambi cherche une solution sur le côté droit de la pelouse, mais il est pris en tenaille par Calvin Bassey et Alex Iwobi et finit par perdre le ballon. 56' L'attaquant nigérian, Victor Osimhen, est déséquilibré par le gardien camerounais dans la surface de réparation. Heureusement pour les Camerounais, il est signalé hors-jeu ! 55' Lookman s'élance... et ça passe juste au-dessus du but camerounais. 54' Lookman devrait se charger de tirer ce coup franc à une vingtaine de mètres du but de Fabrice Ondoa. 53' Carton jaune pour Wooh. Le défenseur camerounais manque sa passe et Onyeka en profite pour lui chiper le ballon. Le milieu nigérian part en contre-attaque et le Camerounais est obligé de le bousculer pour l'empêcher d'armer une frappe. 52' Ola Aina renverse le jeu depuis le côté droit. Ademola Lookman était tout proche de reprendre le ballon, mais il s'est loupé au moment de le contrôler. →A lire aussi Découvrez le tableau complet des huitièmes de finale de la CAN 2023 50' Victor Osimhen est constamment cherché dans la profondeur par ses coéquipiers qui ont compris qu'Oumar Gonzalez était le point faible des Camerounais. 49' Ademola Lookman se charge de charge de tirer un coup franc depuis le côté gauche de la pelouse. Fabrice Ondoa sort de ses cages pour capter le ballon. 48' Face aux nombreuses plaintes des joueurs sur les bancs de touches, l'arbitre de la rencontre est obligé d'aller réprimander les remplaçants. 47' Alors que Frank Magri touchait son premier ballon depuis la reprise du match, Frank Onyeka vient lui chiper le ballon habilement. 46' Encore une fois, Victor Osimhen avait plusieurs mètres de retard sur Oumar Gonzalez, mais il a réussi à refaire son retard sur le Camerounais avant de le déposer. 46' Le match reprend 8es de finale Nigeria - Cameroun en direct CAN 2024 Live CAN 2023 Capture C'est reparti pour ce match entre le Nigeria et le Cameroun. 45'+6 Le Nigéria domine et mène au score Le Nigéria mène logiquement au score face à une équipe du Cameroun qui manque de justesse technique dans la moitié de terrain adverse. Le pressing intensif de Victor Osimhen a fait commettre quelques erreurs aux défenseurs camerounais. 45'+4 Jean-Charles Castelletto prend le temps de centrer depuis le côté droit de la pelouse. Son centre est contré, mais Frank Magri était tout proche de le reprendre de la tête.
45'+3 Excellent pressing des Nigérians qui empêchent les Camerounais de se projeter vers l'avant. 45'+1 Il manque quelques centimètres à Victor Osimhen pour prendre Oumar Gonzalez de vitesse. Le même scénario que le premier but de la rencontre était tout proche de se reproduire. 44' Il y aura six minutes de temps additionnel. 43' Coup franc intéressant pour le Cameroun à une trentaine de mètres du but nigérian. N'Koudou ne s'applique pas assez et le ballon termine en dehors des limites du terrain. 41' Encore une sortie en catastrophe pour Fabrice Ondoa. Victor Osimhen lance Moses Simon dans la profondeur et l'ailier nigérian allait se présenter devant le gardien camerounais, mais Ondoa est sorti de ses cages pour repousser le danger de la tête. 40' Les esprits s'échauffent après un tacle assassin d'Onyeka sur Tolo. 38' Lookman marque son premier but depuis le début de la CAN. Jose Peseiro, le sélectionneur de l'équipe nigériane, ne doit pas regretter de l'avoir titularisé à la place de Samuel Chukwueze. 37' Ce but est bien validé, les Nigérians mènent au score. 36' But de Lookman ! La touche de Castelletto manque de conviction et Victor Osimhen en profite pour chiper le ballon dans les pieds d'Oumar Gonzalez. Le buteur nigérian trouve Lookman dans la surface de réparation et ce dernier marque du pied droit. Ademola Lookman 35' Les Nigérians manquent de précision sur le côté droit de la pelouse. Ajayi lance Aina dans la prondeur, mais sa passe manque de justesse. 34' Simon est signalé hors-jeu. Ce n'est pas la première fois que l'ailier nigérian part trop tôt dans la profondeur. 33' Le match vient de reprendre. 30' Pause fraîcheur au stade Félix-Houphouët-Boigny. 29' Iwobi renverse le jeu sur Sanusi, le milieu gauche nigérian. Ce dernier combine avec Simon. L'ailier nigérian centre depuis le côté gauche de la pelouse, mais il n'est pas assez précis et Castelletto repousse tranquillement le danger. 🔴[LIVE] NIGÉRIA - CAMEROUN / 1er CHOC DES 1/8es DE FINALE DE LA CAN CÔTE D'IVOIRE 2023 / CAN 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT9sf2lnMSw 29' Iwobi renverse le jeu sur Sanusi, le milieu gauche nigérian. Ce dernier combine avec Simon. L'ailier nigérian centre depuis le côté gauche de la pelouse, mais il n'est pas assez précis et Castelletto repousse tranquillement le danger. 26' Nouhou Tolo est au sol après avoir pris un coup au niveau du visage de la part de Semi Ajayi. L'arbitre de la rencontre demande au staff médical d'entrer sur la pelouse pour s'occuper du milieu camerounais. 25' Nouhou Tolo voulait lancer N'Koudou dans la profondeur sur le côté gauche de la pelouse. L'ailier camerounais aurait eu du champ pour se projeter vers l'avant, mais Ola Aina s'est jeté pour dévier la trajectoire du ballon. 24' N'Koudou trouve Magri dans le dos de la défense. L'attaquant camerounais contrôle le ballon de la tête, mais il ne parvient pas à enchaîner car il est pris en tenaille par Bassey et Troost-Ekong. 22' Aucune équipe n'a le dessus sur l'autre depuis le début de la rencontre. 21' Ademola Lookman se charge de tirer un coup franc depuis le côté gauche de la pelouse, à une trentaine de mètres du but de Fabrice Ondoa. Troost-Ekong est signalé en position de hors-jeu. Il a démarré sa course plus rapidement que ses adversaires. 20' Moses Simon centre depuis le côté droit de la pelouse en direction du point de penalty où se trouve Victor Osimhen. L'attaquant nigérian est devancé dans les airs par Oumar Gonzalez. 19' Magri est signalé hors-jeu alors que Frank Anguissa pensait avoir parfaitement lancé son attaquant dans la profondeur. 18' Ngamaleu centre depuis le côté droit de la pelouse. Frank Magri reprend le ballon de volée en première intention, mais sa frappe manque de justesse. 16' La vilaine faute de Simon qui vient mettre un coup au niveau de la hanche à Onyeka. 15' Ntcham renverse le jeu sur Ngamaleu sur une longue transversale, mais ce dernier ne parvient pas à contrôler correctement le ballon et il est rendu aux Nigérians.
14' Le Nigeria domine le début de cette rencontre, mais les Camerounais sont en train de se remettre les idées en place en conservant le ballon. 13' Ngamaleu tente de combiner avec Karl Toko Ekambi sur le côté droit de la pelouse, mais les deux coéquipiers ne parviennent pas à se projeter vers l'avant. 12' Les Camerounais sont soulagés après l'annulation de ce but. Ils se doivent de mieux rentrer dans le match. 11' Finalement le but est annulé pour position de hors-jeu de la part d'Ajayi. 10' L'arbitre de la rencontre indique que le but est vérifié par la vidéo. Nigeria 2-0 Cameroun, le résumé du match 9' But d'Ajayi ! Buuuut pour le Nigéria. Après deux sorties hasardeuses de Fabrice Ondoa, Semi Ajayi en profite pour récupérer le ballon et armer une frappe du pied gauche. Semi Ajayi 9' Lookman se charge de tirer ce corner. Fabrice Ondoa sort de ses cages pour boxer le ballon. 8' Le manque de cohésion entre Fabrice Ondoa et Nouhou Tolo. Sur un centre nigérian, le Camerounais touche le ballon pour le mettre en corner alors qu'il n'avait pas besoin de le faire. 6' Ola Aina voulait lancer Moses Simon dans la profondeur, mais il manque de justesse sur sa passe et Nouhou Tolo récupère assez tranquillement ce ballon. 5' La sortie hasardeuse de Stanley Nwabali. Voyant que Karl Toko Ekambi était lancé dans sa profondeur, il décide de sortir de ses cages pour repousser le danger, mais il maque légèrement sa sortie. 5' Sur une longue touche d'Ola Aina depuis le côté droit de la pelouse, Victor Osimhen reprend le ballon de la tête au niveau du point de penalty. Fabrice Ondoa ne se fait pas surprendre et capte tranquillement ce ballon. 4' Victor Osimhen tente de se défaire de Christopher Wooh sur une aile de pigeon, mais le défenseur camerounais ne se fait pas surprendre. 2' En voulant se défaire du marquage de Christopher Wooh, Victor Osimhen bouscule, de manière assez virulente le défenseur camerounais. 1' De son côté, le Cameroun évoluera en 4-4-2 avec un duo Karl Toko Ekambi-Frank Magri à la tête de son attaque. 1' Finalement, le Nigeria jouera ce match en 4-3-3 avec le trio offensif Simon-Osimhen-Lookman. 1' Le match commence ! 8es de finale Nigeria 0-0 Cameroun en direct CAN 2024 Live CAN 2023 Capture C'est parti pour ce match entre le Nigeria et le Cameroun. Jose Peseiro a effectué plusieurs changements dans le onze de départ du Nigeria. C'est Lookman qui évoluera sur l'aile droite du Nigéria alors que Chukwueze avait débuté la dernière rencontre à ce poste. Les deux équipes viennent d'entrer sur la pelouse, c'est l'heure des hymnes nationaux. Le Nigéria devrait évoluer en 3-4-2-1 avec la présence de Victor Osimhen à la pointe de l'attaque. Même dispositif pour le Cameroun avec Franck Magri qui jouera en attaquant de pointe. →A lire aussi 🔴Résumé CAN 2024, 8es de finale 🇦🇴🇳🇦 Angola 3-0 Namibie Live / 🔥Le Début Des 8EME De Finale ! / CAN 2024 Live / CAN 2023 Il faut remonter à l'édition 2019 de la Coupe d'Afrique des nations pour retrouver un affrontement officiel entre les deux équipes. Le Nigéria s'était imposé en huitième de finale sur le score de 3 buts à 2 grâce à un doublé d'Ighalo et un but d'Iwobi. De son côté, l'équipe nationale du Nigéria a terminé première de son groupe en phase de poules après des succès contre la Guinée-Bissau (0-1), la Côte d'Ivoire (0-1) et un match nul contre la Guinée équatoriale (1-1). 🔴[LIVE] NIGERIA vs CAMEROON | African Cup Of Nations 2023 | #livestream Simulation Gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H2Khj_yXXU Après une entame de compétition difficile avec un match nul contre la Guinée (1-1) et une défaite contre le Sénégal (2-3), le Cameroun a réussi à se qualifier pour ce stade de la compétition grâce à un succès contre la Gambie (2-3).
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ghanashowbizonline · 4 months
Video - Fentuo Tahiru writes: The wickedness of our Sports Ministry
Drama unfolded in the ongoing Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) on Tuesday night as Cameroon and Gambia played out an enthralling game in their final group game. Not only did Christopher Wooh’s 91st-minute goal take the Indomitable Lions to the next stage of the competition, but it also confirmed Ghana’s exit from the competition. The Black Stars finished third in Group B after only taking two…
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xoilactvicfhr2018 · 4 months
Soi kèo Rennes vs Marseille, 03h05 ngày 22/01/2024
Rennes và Marseille sẽ gặp nhau ở Coupe de France vào thứ hai tới. Liệu Rennes sẽ thắng trận thứ tư liên tiếp hay chúng ta sẽ chứng kiến ​​các vị khách bất bại trong trận thứ năm liên tiếp.
Soi kèo Châu Á Rennes vs Marseille chính xác từ Xoilac
Sau khi thua 4/5 trận ở Ligue 1, Rennes dường như đã tìm lại được phong độ tốt nhất gần đây và giờ họ đã tránh được trận thua trong 3 trận gần nhất ở giải VĐQG và 1 trận ở cúp quốc gia. Quan trọng hơn, họ đã giành chiến thắng trong ba trận gần nhất liên tiếp, vì vậy người hâm mộ có thể lạc quan trước cuộc đọ sức cam go với Marseille ở giai đoạn tiếp theo của Coupe de France.
Về mặt lực lượng, chỉ có Nemanja Matic sẽ vắng mặt trận này vì chấn thương ở chân. Tuy nhiên, Rennes cũng sẽ vắng Christopher Wooh, người cùng Cameroon tại AFCON 2023. Hiện tại, Marseille đang có chuỗi 8 trận không thua ở Ligue 1 và Coupe de France và sau phong độ không ổn ở giải đấu trước trận đấu này, giờ họ đã leo lên vị trí thứ 7 trên bảng xếp hạng.
Bảy cầu thủ Marseille đang tham dự AFCON 2023, với Azzedine Ounahi và Amine Harit thuộc đội bóng mạnh Maroc. Ngoài ra tại AFCON còn có Simon Ngapandouetnbu, Chancel Mbemba, Iliman Ndiaye, Ismaila Sarr và Pape Gueye. Trong khi Joaquin Correa, Valentin Rongier và Pedro Ruiz hiện đang chấn thương.
Trong một sự trùng hợp kỳ lạ, hai CLB đã gặp nhau ở vòng 32 đội trong giải Coupe de France mùa trước, Marseille thi đấu trên sân nhà và đánh bại Rennes với tỷ số 1-0, sau đó loại Paris St. Germain trước khi thất bại nặng nề trước Annecy của Ligue 2 ở tứ kết. Nguồn:https://xoilac01.com/soi-keo-rennes-vs-marseille-03h05-ngay-22-01-2024/
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Rennes vs Panathinaïkos : Qui sera aligné par Genesio en défense ?
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Le Stade Rennais se prépare à un match décisif en Ligue Europa contre les Grecs, avec une défense qui promet d'être au cœur des débats en raison des suspensions et des blessures qui frappent l'équipe. Dans cet article, découvrez comment Bruno Genesio, compte remanier son quatuor défensif pour ce Rennes vs Panathinaïkos. Rennes vs Panathinaïkos : La défense de Rennes en reconstruction pour l'Europe Face à un Panathinaïkos combatif, l'entraîneur du Stade Rennais, Bruno Genesio, doit jongler avec un secteur défensif affectée par les absences. Avec Lorenz Assignon écarté du terrain pour accumulation de cartons jaunes et Warmed Omari suspendu en championnat suite à un carton rouge à Nice, Rennes réajuste sa stratégie. Les deux joueurs, bien que disponibles pour le choc, pourraient voir leur dynamique de jeu altérée par ces contretemps. Genesio fera confiance à la jeunesse contre Lyon La perspective d’un match contre Lyon en Ligue 1 soulève déjà des questions stratégiques pour Genesio, qui envisage de reconduire la défense expérimentale mise en place en coupe d'Europe. Guela Doué et Christopher Wooh sont pressentis pour occuper les rôles délaissés par Assignon et Omari, un choix qui témoigne de la confiance de Genesio en ses jeunes défenseurs. Lire aussi : - Après Matic, Rennes vise un Champion du Monde en attaque ! L'alternative Wooh-Salah : Un nouveau souffle pour Rennes ? L'absence de match pour la réserve rennaise, annulé pour des raisons météorologiques, a offert à Christopher Wooh une opportunité de se rappeler au bon souvenir de son coach. Peu utilisé jusqu'alors, Wooh pourrait se voir offrir une renaissance en ce milieu de saison, tout comme Ibrahim Salah, un autre jeune talent à disposition de Genesio. Ce dernier se montre ouvert à l'idée d'injecter du sang neuf dans la lignée défensive pour les échéances à venir. Exclure le Duo Theate-Belocian: Un choix tactique délibéré Bruno Genesio a clairement rejeté l'option de constituer une défense centrale avec Arthur Theate et Jeanuël Belocian. Cette décision stratégique pourrait être due à la volonté d'éviter d'aligner deux joueurs gauchers ensemble. C'est une configuration peu orthodoxe qui pourrait poser des problèmes d'équilibre et de complémentarité sur le terrain. Voir ensuite : - Prix des places dans les stades de Ligue 1 cette saison ! Rennes vs Panathinaïkos : Genesio en quête de stabilité Avec ces ajustements, le Stade Rennais s'avance vers le match contre Panathinaïkos avec une défense probablement remaniée, mais non moins déterminée à prouver sa valeur. Les supporters attendront de voir si cette nouvelle configuration défensive saura tenir le fort contre les assauts grecs et maintenir le cap pour les défis à venir en championnat. ________ Retrouvez toute l'actu foot sur notre page Facebook et sur notre page Twitter ! Read the full article
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sportsinfosbuzz · 9 months
CAN 2023 : Le Cameroun décroche son Billet grâce à un immense André Onana
Les Lions indomptables du Cameroun se sont qualifiés pour la CAN 2023 ce mardi après un large succès contre le Burundi (3-0). Bryan Mbeumo a ouvert le score à la 46e minute. Christopher Wooh va inscrire le but du break. Le troisième but a été marqué par le favori de la foule, Vincent Aboubakar en fin de match. WOOH , un des hommes fort de la soirée Le retour de André Onana en Lions Indomptables…
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actu24hp · 1 year
Ligue 1 : Wooh et Rennes tombent en attendant Toko Ekambi
Avec un Christopher Wooh en petite forme, le Stade Rennais qui ne pouvait pas encore utiliser Karl Toko Ekambi a été battu vendredi à Lorient (2-1). Darlin Yongwa n’a eu droit qu’à cinq minutes de jeu. Mais son club, Lorient et lui ont remporté le derby breton vendredi face au Stade Rennais (1-0), privé de Karl Toko Ekambi, pour cette 20e journée de Ligue 1. Les Rennais ont été punis sur des buts…
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reportwire · 2 years
Live updates: Cameroon vs Serbia and other World Cup 2022 news and highlights
Live updates: Cameroon vs Serbia and other World Cup 2022 news and highlights
Cameroon Manager: Rigobert Song Goalkeepers: Simon Ngapandouetnbu, Devis Epassy, Andre Onana Defenders: Nicolas Nkoulou, Enzo Ebosse, Nouhou Tolo, Olivier Mbaizo, Collins Fai, Jean-Charles Castelletto, Christopher Wooh Midfielders: Gael Ondoa, Samuel Oum Gouet, Pierre Kunde, Martin Hongla, Andre-Frank Zambo Anguissa, Olivier Ntcham Forwards: Georges-Kevin Nkoudou, Vincent Aboubakar, Bryan Mbeumo,…
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afriksport237 · 2 years
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🗣️ Christopher Wooh : « Samuel Eto'o a vraiment confiance en lui, en notre équipe. Il veut aller chercher la Coupe du Monde! C’est compliqué, mais on y croit tous ensemble. Tout est possible dans le foot. C’est vraiment un bon président, de ce que j’ai pu voir. » (@Footballogue) 📸 Lenoir Records https://www.instagram.com/p/ChzVmnCu4zr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unculturedswine-101 · 2 years
Once upon a time in Hollywood: Part 2- The Playboy Mansion
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A/N: I don’t really have an audience yet so idk if there’s a demographic for this series but here’s part 2! Also the chapter was initially longer (including smut) but it was getting TOO LONG so I’m going to post part 2 later, enjoy!
A/N 2: the Matt I’m referring to in this story is Matt Baynton; a British actor so u can just disregard him if u want
“Almost ready Schatz?” “Yup!” I stepped out into our living room striking a pose and beveling my knee. “There’s my girl!” Christoph ran up to me and placed his hands on my waist and spun me around. “Christoph! Christoph!” I giggled as he put me down. I ran away from him as he chased me out of the house finally catching me on the porch kissing me and peppering kisses all over my neck. I got out of his grasp and stole the keys that were in his hand and opened the car for my side as he got in the other “Good things come to people who wait, Christoph” he smiled as he turned the ignition and the radio was already on from where we left it.
🎵93 KHJ 🎵
“This is The Real Don Steele it is currently 7 pm and 60 degrees in Los Angeles”
🎵I got a certain little girl who’s on my mind, no doubt about she looks so fine. She’s best girl that I’ve ever had, no doubt about makes me feel so bad🎵
“ I can’t wait for this party, Sharon’s going to be there, Roman, Steve, Matt I mean- everyone!” “I just hope it doesn’t last too long..” Christoph sighs “I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep my hands off you..” Christoph places a hand on my knee inching closer and closer up my thigh until I swiftly swat his hand away. “Cmon we’re almost there!” Christoph makes a sharp turn swerving into the Playboy Mansion “Oh look they're here!” I point out Michelle, Steve and Matt. “Welcome to the Playboy Mansion Mr.Waltz” you greet Steve first, “Heyy how are you, baby?!” I jump into Steve’s arms as he swings me around and places me back on the ground. Going into the mansion I reconnect with Sharon as I, Cass and Michelle go dancing further into the backyard with Matt and Christoph trailing behind us as “Son of a lovin’ man” plays over the speakers. We all disperse into the crowd doing the jerk and grooving to the music.
Unbeknownst to us a conversation was happening between Steve and a woman at the party while everyone dances.
“I'm gonna tell you a story.” Steve starts, pulling out a cigarette, “yeah?” The woman inquires. “She was engaged to him. Then she flew to Austria…to make a film with him, and broke off her engagement with him and married him. Then they moved to Los Angeles, and the three of them have been inseparable.” The woman raises her eyebrows, “Really? What's up?” Steve sighs letting out an exhale of smoke “Matt loves y/n that's what's up.” Steve inhales another drag “Mm. And he knows... as sure as God made little green apples... that one of these days, that Austrian prick's gonna fuck things up, and when he does, Matt’s gonna be there.” The woman laughed, “Well, one thing's for sure.” Steve offered the cigarette to her “Yeah? What's that?” She points to you “ Y/n absolutely has a type…Cute, talented, brunettes who have weird accents.” Steve sighed “Yeah…..I never stood a chance.”
“Wooh! I’m exhausted!” Sharon sighed, slowing down from dancing “same here!” I slow down as well as we both look around for our partners. “Look at them, a bunch of teenage boys” Sharon laughed pointing out Christoph, Roman, Matt and Jay all huddled together each with cigarettes in between their fingers. “Cmon, let’s go inside the mansion” Sharon put her arm around me as we went inside.
We entered the living room where there was a conversation pit with Cass, Michelle and others passing around a joint. “Hey guys can we join?” I asked, Cass nodded as we both sat down and settled in among the pillows and blankets. “So how have you and Christoph been enjoying LA?” Michelle asked, taking a drag of the joint “It’s been pretty good, we moved in today and Sharon lives nearby so that’s good”. “Have you broken in the bed?” I slapped michelles arm “Jeez Michelle we just got here today!” I took the joint from her, taking a hit. “Listen, just as long as Roman and I can’t hear you, you do you babe” Sharon smiled as I passed the joint to her. Christoph walked into the mansion with his arm around Roman “y/n, have you heard about Roman’s new movie it’s amazing!” I shrugged, turning around to see Christoph totally fangirling over Roman. Sharon noticed that if Christoph and Roman kept talking they would be there all night so she decided to speak up “Hey Roman shouldn’t we be heading home” Roman glanced at his watch “But it’s only 12 am?-” Sharon quickly shot him a look and Roman instantly understood. “Actually you're right, we should be getting home, “Christoph it was great to see you again..do widzenia!” Christoph smiled and shook his hand “Auf wiedersehen!”. As the two men were saying goodbyes as did you and Sharon “Remember you and Christoph can visit next door anytime!” I gave her a hug “Of course, the same for you and Roman”.
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I Can’t Lose You Pt.1
Request- “can i request a dwayne pride x reader mission gone wrong and he loses his cool and gets really protective and he has to save her and he makes it up to her after everything or some thing” - @roseuchiha69
Pairing: Dwayne Pride x Reader
Word Count: 539
Warnings: Angst, mentions of being shot
The team was on a mission to track down the suspect in their latest case, the murder of Admiral Jeremy Crawford. The suspect, Lainey Christian, was tracked down to an abandoned warehouse by the French Quarter. Going into this everyone thought it would be an easy grab, but it was the complete opposite. The team cleared the building and met back out front to regroup. 
“Looks like we are back to square one then,” You say with a sigh. 
“I don’t understand, Patton said her phone pinged to here and she was seen on the traffic cams,” Pride replied, pacing around. “LaSalle, call Patton and see if you can get an update.” 
“Yes sir, King,” Christopher says grabbing his phone. 
“EVERYONE DOWN!” Pride yells, tackling you to the ground. Not even a second later a gunshot rings out. 
“Rooftop across the street left side,” Pride says getting up to move to behind a vehicle for cover before yelling, “Gregorio call for back up.” 
“I’m running after,” LaSalle states before taking off. 
“Me too,” Gregorio says, taking off behind Christopher. With no one talking Pride realizes that you are still lying on the ground while holding your side and grunting. He rushes over to make sure you are okay. 
“Hey, hey let me see Y/N.” Pride says kneeling down next to you. 
“I’m fine...I think the vest took the bullet,” You groan, still in pain from the impact of the bullet hitting the vest. 
“Backup should be here any minute and then I’ll get you back to the office,” Pride states, looking over to where LaSalle and Tammy are running back over. 
“Wooh, Y/N are you okay? What happened?” Gregorio asks running over to you.
“I took a hit but I’m fine.” You respond giving her a weak smile. “Did you get the person who shot at us?” You ask, slowing getting up off the ground. 
“They got away before we could get an eye on them, but we’ll track ‘em down don’t you worry Y/N,” Christopher replies placing his hands on his hips. 
“You two stay here and help process the scene, I’m gonna take Y/N back to the squad room.” Pride states before helping you to the car. 
It was only about a ten-minute drive back to the squad room from where the abandoned warehouse is located. The drive back was silent with Pride glancing over at you every couple minutes making sure you were okay. Once you arrived you went straight to the kitchen to grab ice. 
"Here I'll get you a bag of ice. Go upstairs and lay down," Pride says walking in grabbing a bag to put the ice in.
"No, I'm fine really. I wanna get back to work," You protest, taking your vest off.
"Y/N you aren't fine. You almost got shot and your bruise has to be pretty bad. Please, take the rest of the day off," he argues back.
"No, I wanna get the guy that almost killed me." You state firmly. You were getting upset at Pride and didn't wanna waste any more time not finding the person that could've killed you.
"I'm not gonna allow it, end of the discussion," King says reaching for the bottle of pain meds. 
A/N - I hope y’all enjoyed! This is my first fic over 500 words and a part 2 is coming by next Friday. As always feedback is highly appreciated. 
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dayscrazed · 3 years
Chain of Iron Countdown- Hamilton Parodies
Every day until COI release day, March 2nd, I will be posting a new Hamilton parody based on the characters from The Last Hours book series.
16 Days: WHAT’D I MISS? Thomas= Jefferson 15 Days: MY SHOT  James= Hamilton, Thomas= Lafayette, Christopher= Mulligan, Matthew= Larens, Charles= Aaron Burr 14 Days: HELPLESS Cordelia= Eliza, James= Hamilton 13 Days: RIGHT HAND MAN Will= Washington 12 Days: THE SCHUYLER SISTERS (GIRL SHADOW HUNTERS) Cordelia= Angelica, Anna= Eliza, Lucie=Peggy
Inspired by: Chain of Gold p. 202- “Cordelia wants to be a hero,” said Anna. “One cannot do that by staying home and stitching samplers.”
[Hypatia Vex:] There's nothing Shadowhunters love more Than going downtown and slummin' it with the poor They pull up in their carriages and gawk At the warlocks in the club Just to watch them talk Take the London Institute: the place is loaded Uh-oh, but little do they know that Shadowhunters, Lucie, Cordelia, Anna Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at
[Company:] Work, work! [Cordelia:] Cordelia! [Company:] Work, work! [Anna:] Anna! [Lucie:] And Lucie! [Company:] Work, work! Girl Shadow Hunters! [Cordelia:] Cordelia! [Lucie:] Lucie!! [Anna:] Anna!
[Company:] Work!
[Lucie:] Daddy said to be home by sundown [Cordelia:] Your daddy doesn't need to know [Lucie:] Daddy said not to go downtown [Anna:] Like I said, you're free to go [Cordelia:] But look around, look around The revolution's happening in London [Anna/Lucie:] London [Company:] Cordelia! [Shadowhunters and company:] Work!
[Lucie:] It's bad enough demons wants to go to war [Anna:] People shouting in the square [Lucie:] It's bad enough there'll be violence on our shore [Cordelia:] New ideas in the air [Cordelia and Male Ensemble:] Look around, look around [Anna:] Cordelia, remind me what we're looking for… [All men:] She's lookin' for me!
[Cordelia (Company):] Anna, I'm lookin' for a mind at work (Work, work!) I'm lookin' for a mind at work! (Work, work!) I'm lookin' for a mind at work! (Work, work!) Whooaaaaa![Anna/Cordelia/Lucie:] Whooaaaaa! Work!
[Kellington:] Wooh! There's nothin' like summer in the city Someone in a rush next to someone lookin' pretty Excuse me, miss, I know it's not funny But your perfume smells like your daddy's got money Why you slummin' in Ruelle in your fancy heels You searching for an urchin who can give you ideals? [Cordelia:] Claude, you disgust me [Kellington:] Ah, so you've discussed me I'm a werewolf, baby, you can trust me!
[Cordelia:] I've been reading Layla and Majnun a-gain So men say that I'm intense or I'm insane You want a revolution? I want a revelation So listen to my declaration: [Anna/Cordelia/Lucie:] "We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal" [Cordelia:] And when I meet the Clave members [Company:] Unh! [Cordelia:] I'mma compel him to include women in the sequel! [Women:] Work!
[Anna:] Look around, look around at how Lucky we are to be alive right now! [Anna/Lucie:] Look around, look around at how Lucky we are to be alive right now! [[Anna/Cordelia/Lucie:] History is happening here in London and we just happen to be In the greatest city in the world! [Shadowhunters and Company:] In the greatest city in the world!
[Cordelia (Anna/Lucie) {men}:] 'Cause I've been reading Layla and Majnun a-gain (Look around, look around) {Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!} So men say that I'm intense or I'm insane (The revolution's happening in) {Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!} [Cordelia (Anna/Lucie)) {women}:] You want a revolution? I want a revelation (London! In London!) {Look around, look around the revolution's happening} So listen to my declaration: [Cordelia/Anna/Lucie (Women Ensemble):] We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal (Look around, look around) Whoo! (At how lucky we are to be alive right now) [Full Company:] Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now! History is happening here in London and we just happen to be [All women:] In the greatest city in the world [All men:] In the greatest city [Company:] In the greatest city in the world![
Company:] Work, work! [Cordelia:] Cordelia! [Company:] Work, work! [Anna:] Anna! [Lucie:] And Lucie! [Company:] Work, work! Girl Shadow Hunters! [Company:] Work, work! [Cordelia/Anna/Lucie (Company):] We're looking for a mind at work! (Work, work!) Hey! (Work, work!) Hey! (Work, work!) [Anna/Lucie {Cordelia} (Company):] Hey! (Work, work!) {Whoa!} (Work, work!) (Work, work!) In the greatest city (Work, work!) {In the greatest} City in the world {City in the world} [Company:] In the greatest city in the world!
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
"Oh, my!"
V's eyes widened and his protective instincts kicked in as he saw Lady just bump into you. On the other hand, you didn't even notice it when the woman who looked like Audrey Hepburn suddenly, and out of the blue, appeared just like that, and you totally blamed it on your lack of focus.
"Oh, how silly of me!" Lady apologized with a smile as she helped you on your feet.
"It's alright. I wasn't paying attention. I - "
"Jive." Lady whispered to you the moment she leaned in closer to your ear.
"That's the next dance." Lady went on, surveying the whole room at the same time with her sharp eyes. Probably on the lookout for her sly partner, as well. But, this only proved she's even more sly than Lancaster, himself. "And Fleminger is absolutely fond of Jive. So, make it count."
"Why are you doing this? Aren't we supposed to be enemies?"
"Are we?" Lady answered, and with a wink, she waved goodbye and made her way towards Lancaster, who was currently being pampered by Fleminger's older guests.
So, Jive,... is Fleminger's favorite dance,...
Just like,... !
Wait, was that the reason she - ?
"My dear, are you alright?" You heard V ask you, bringing you back from your own reverie to reality.
Looking up at him with renewed determination and keeping the little facts you've just stitched together for your own ruminations later, you answered, "Yes, I'm,... super!" Drumming your chin with your fingers, you smiled as a wild and very sudden idea just came into your mind. You were one hundred percent sure that your grandmother would faint if she finds out about this plan of yours but, you might as well make this once in a lifetime gamble worth it, right? Looking up once more at your partner, you laid your hand on his arm and said, "I'm just gonna,... fix something."
And to this, you saw how V's eyebrows furrow in utter confusion. "P - pardon? Is everything alright?"
"I'll be right back, I promise." You told him with a reassuring smile.
Slightly running towards the powder room, your eyes quickly surveyed what the other Queen competitors were wearing. And if Lady was, indeed, correct, you assumed that all of them would have a really hard time moving with those voluminous skirts of theirs.
"Ugh. Fleminger, you are such a huge sadist." You thought out loud as you opened the door to the powder room, which was luckily unoccupied, and looked at yourself in the mirror. Giving your precious vintage gown one last look of pity like it was a criminal on the verge of execution, you grabbed the skirt and started tearing it, the sound of ripping fabric piercing your sensitive ears and making you feel sorry for your great grandmother, who previously owned it. With a huge sigh and a spark of inspiration, you, then, reached up to your hair and pulled the pins that kept it secure, letting the (H/C) tresses tumble in waves at your back.
After making sure that the ripped fabric was disposed in the proper place, you gave yourself one last look in the mirror. "Not bad, actually." You told yourself as you made your way back to your partner. Ignoring the wide variety of comments by the guests who saw you, you took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Told you I'll be right back."
V turned around, and his initial expression of relief upon knowing that you're well turned quickly into that of complete shock when his wide green eyes roamed on your loose hair down to your bare legs. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the poet. Almost.
"(Y/N), dear, I don't think that's - !" V stuttered in distress, wanting to blurt out the word inappropriate as gently as he could.
"Trust me, V." You reassured him as you smiled confidently at him. Yes, you don't quite trust Lady. But, her words earlier,...
There was no way in hell that she would lie to you! No fricking way!
You looked up at the upper boxes and noticed Fleminger excitedly leaning in closer to his seat the moment the musicians picked up their instruments. What's more, you also noticed that his eyes landed on yours.
Taking a deep breath and carelessly brushing a wayward lock off your face, you spread your arms wide with much confidence and waited for V to take the lead.
His heart pounding wildly, a small bead of sweat trickling down his forehead, and his eyes wide with anticipation, V finally realized what you were planning to do. Your important, non - verbal message seemingly received and well - noted by the wise poet, you let V take your hands. With one last nod to your partner as soon as the music began, you left everything to your actual skills, your stamina, and your trust towards him.
Together, you'll see this one dance through.
And one step in, you knew. You both knew. There's still a chance to turn this whole situation around to your favor.
🌸 Three Wishes 🌸
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So, you're still thinking of me,
Just like I know you should.
I cannot give you everything, you know I wish I could.
I'm so high at the moment.
I'm so caught up in this.
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke.
But we still got love to give.
Christopher grimaced at the way the audience was seemingly entranced, not by him and his partner, but by something else. Their excitement felt different from before during the first three dances where he simply dominated the rest of the dancers with ease and without so much as a single effort. And when he made one wrong decision to turn away from his beautiful partner and see for himself just what these ignorant people were cheering for now, he realized. He finally realized, and because of that, he lost his balance for the first time that evening.
It was you. And your lover.
Such vibrant moves! Such,... perfectly coordinated steps! Such,... powerful connection! And chemistry!
"What,... in the actual fuck?!" Christopher blurted out when he saw you and V wowing the crowd with your quick Jive kicks and flicks. And what's more,...
Since when was V able to move like that?!
That smile on his face,...
He seemed to enjoy the Jive too much! The way he's giving it his all and showing off his flashy moves at the same time,...
First verse in and you're already giving it your all?! Thought the evil doctor as he turned his attention back to Lady to try and outshine your routine. Are you really that desperate to win against me?!
"We'll see about that!" Christopher screamed as he forced Lady to do the American Spin, making the woman almost stumble to her feet.
I'll win this game! Christopher thought as he sadistically led Lady. The flashier the moves, the better! I'll become King and make you pay for humiliating me!
While we're young, dumb,
Young, young dumb and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
Adelaide threw an infuriated look at the host of this wretched party, who was watching the show from that lofty upper box. And the man seemed to be massively enjoying the show! And at what expense? The women tripping on their skirts as they try to keep up with the brutal pace of the Jive? The men covering up their partners' mistakes by making unnecessary moves?
Her grandchild ripping her skirt and letting her hair loose wildly like that?!
"Ugh!" Adelaide exclaimed in utter disgust as she observed the man. "You never change your ways, Flanagan!"
We have so much in common.
We argue all the time.
You always say I'm wrong, but,
I'm pretty sure I'm right.
What's fun about commitment?
When we have our life to live?
Yeah, we're just young, dumb, and broke.
But we still got love to give.
While we're young, dumb,
Young, young dumb and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb.
Young, young, dumb, and broke.
Young, dumb, broke high school kids.
You felt yourself so energized with that yadada that the women were singing. Their overwhelming energy and eagerness to support their lead singer gave you even more motivation to support your own leader, who was surprisingly very good at this dance!
As he led you to the mooch right after that little hip bump, V couldn't help but be amazed at what you have shown so far. Nico did say that you can dance the Jive but, he never really expected you to be this good, that he almost wondered where you pitched in those extra dance lessons in between your music studies. What's even more, you sure knew how to follow his lead and still look graceful doing it. And that was a vast understatement. 
Seeing you enjoy this wonderful dance with him made him enjoy the entire dance, as well. And as long as you're happy, he's happy.
And that was the only thing he wished for.
For you to be happy.
With him.
As the song came to a close, you made one last effort to make a graceful bow, hoping to still look decent after being sorely beaten by Christopher Lancaster and his stunning partner. Taking hold of V's hand, you looked up at him and gave him that smile of yours that never failed to make him feel warm.
"Thank you, V." You simply told him.
The man smiled back at you but, a bit of confusion was still present in his facial expression. The poor poet honestly thought that he did nothing so special and that he didn’t deserve your gratitude. "It's always a pleasure." He answered regardless.
You two were about to step out of the massive ballroom when you noticed some people cheering wildly despite the dance being over. And this made the others cheer, as well.
But, why?
"Bravo!" A man dressed as a general cheered at the top of his lungs.
"Encore!" A woman, who was dressed as Marie Antoinette, added.
"Elvis!" Some group of young women dressed like the Spice Girls cheered in unison. "ELVIS! KING ELVIS!"
"Elvis?" You muttered in question as your eyes met with V's. "They're cheering for you!”
"I don't understand." V answered, his eyebrows knitted, too many questions going on in his mind. "We barely did anything,... "
"MY QUEEN!" Another man, who was dressed as an Italian painter, called. "MY QUEEN!" And his attention was totally directed at you. Not at Lady, not at Trish. You.
"QUEEN!" Some of the men started cheering, as well.
"They were calling for you!" Trish, who was standing next to you, happily told you, shaking you a bit to keep you focused.
Dante, who was only ever so proud of V, patted the poet on the shoulder ( a bit too much ), and beamed at him. "The floor is yours, Mr. Poetry!"
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Christopher, who was watching the incredible scene unfold right before his very own eyes, murmured, unable to believe that you and V just stole his thunder right under his nose with just a simple dance.
"It looks like we have a winner." Fleminger declared as he gestured for his musicians to do the much requested encore. The leader nodded and gestured for the singers to have another go at it. And when that Jive music started playing once more, the other couples left the ball room to make room for you and V, all of them acknowledging your clear and clean victory.
Well, except Christopher, of course.
"Hey," The evil doctor called after Lady when he saw her going towards Dante and Trish. "HEY! WE'RE NOT DONE YET!"
"Are we?" Lady responded with much sass as she finally left her partner to cling onto Dante instead.
"Hey, babe!" The tall Devil Hunter, who was only too grateful to have two beautiful women by his side, greeted with much gusto. "Looking sharp as always!"
"Leaving your partner so soon?" Trish teased, an evil smirk fully and intentionally directed at Lady.
And to this, Lady just giggled and waved her hand. "That man needs a babysitter, not a partner. He's just too old to be grumbling like that. Besides, I’m done collecting his handsome payment for being his partner for the evening.”
"Whatever you say,..."
"May I have the honor of this dance, my lady?" V asked you with a proud smile as he held out his hand to you.
"It would be such an honor." You answered happily and graciously as you took his hand.
My name is Olly, nice to meet you can I tell you, baby?
Look around there's a whole lot of pretty ladies.
But not like you, you shine so bright, yeah.
I was wondering if you and me could spend a minute?
On the floor up and close getting lost in it?
I won't give up without a fight.
I just wanna, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
So come on, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
We're getting sweaty, hot and heavy in the crowd now.
Loosen up and let you hands go down, down.
Go with it girl, yeah just close your eyes, yeah!
I feel the music moving through your body.
Looking at you I can tell you want me.
Don't stop keep moving till the morning light, yeah!
When I saw you there,
Sitting all alone in the dark,
Acting like you didn't have a care.
I knew right then, you'd be mine.
We'd be dancing the whole damn night, like,
Oh baby, I just want you to dance with me tonight!
So come on, oh baby!
I just want you to dance with me tonight!
How can two people have so much fun dancing so energetically together like this? How can these two not mind the fatigue and stress of this crowded and heated place? How can these two lovers have all the fun in the world as if no one else existed but them?
You would never know the answer.
All you knew was that you were here with the person who made you smile. The only person who healed your broken heart.
The one and only man who made you so happy like this that you forgot all of your troubles.
And you wanted to be happy with him, not only during these mooches, these flicks and kicks, these American spins, or these simple chasses.
You wanted to be happy with him, and only him, even after this Jive.
You wanted to be happy with V. Always.
And not only you. Nico and Nero, who apparently just returned during your encore performance, were both cheering for you. As well as your stubborn but loving grandmother, who was honestly sticking out like sore thumb among the well - dressed crowd with her non - vintage attire comprised of a bright purple coat, a bright pink beret, and a pair of little blue pumps. Oh, yes, she looked so proud, and she should be! After all, she spent a huge amount of time zealously and passionately teaching you the Jive in between your piano lessons when you were just a little girl. And you kind of just figured out why after all those years of harsh, grueling footwork training!
You were on your way to your loved ones after the music changed to disco for everyone to join in when Christopher, who just appeared out of nowhere, grabbed your arm and forced you to face him.
"What did you do?" The evil doctor questioned, positively fuming with anger after being humiliated. "You,... FUCKING BITCH! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!"
Finally having enough of Christopher's bullying and abuse, V raised his hand in an almost blind rage, ready to snap his fingers and bring chaos down unto his sorry ass when Nico interrupted by grabbing his arm.
"Ah, ah, ah! Ya haven't met our friend, yet!" Nico warned as she gave V a threatening look and forced his arm down. Gesturing for Nero to come forward, all of you watched, in utter shock and horror, as the young Devil Hunter dragged a shady looking man forward, making Christopher's veins pop up from his already red forehead.
"Who is this man?" You questioned as you uncomfortably watched Nero manhandle the poor, Kevin Bacon -  wannabe guy.
"His name is Salvador!" Nero answered with a vicious smile as he crushed the man with his muscular hug, seemingly hurting him more than introducing him. "I believe he is a friend of Dr. Lancaster here."
"Is,... that so?" V asked, his eyes dangerously narrowed and his patience already snapping like a twig.
"Yeah." Nico replied. "And check this out!" She exclaimed excitedly, taking out Sparda's ripped set of vintage clothing from her backpack. "He has this all along!"
"What's the meaning of all this?" You questioned, alarmed after seeing V's infuriated face as he glanced at the fabric in Nico's hands.
"BOSS, TELL THEM THE TRUTH!" Salvador pleaded, visibly suffering from Nero's painful hold. "TELL THEM!"
"I - I,... DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT - !" Christopher yelled, feeling hopelessly cornered, as he tried to get away from you once and for all. Unfortunately for him, Dante, who sensed all this unease and left the dancefloor for a while to come to your rescue, was already standing behind him, and the moment he turned away, he bumped against the Legendary Devil Hunter's rock hard chest, making him stumble on the ground ungracefully.
"Hey, is there something wrong here?" Dante asked good - naturedly, trying not to escalate the situation to prevent it from getting worse.
"He stole father's things." V answered monotonously, his enraged eyes still on Christopher. "And made an enemy of Sparda by tormenting (Y/N)."
"Ah, is that so?!" Dante, whose eyebrows began twitching the moment he heard the word torment, said as he began cracking his knuckles, the sound of his popping joints frightening poor Lancaster and Salvador beyond their own wits.
"Oh, please, you're being too harsh on the poor man!" You interrupted with a smile, startling everyone, most especially V.
"But, dear, this man hurt you - !" V argued but he was cut off when you helped Christopher on his feet 
"Thank you!" The doctor cried as he graciously took your hands. "Thank you so much, (Y/N)! I' am very much - !"
"FUCK YOU!" The crisp and horrible curse escaped your mouth as you let out a powerful right hook that connected straight to Lancaster's cheek, feeling his head jerk deliciously sideways beneath your hardened fist. The man stumbled on the ground once more, and when he tried to get up, he saw blood on the floor where his face was. He looked at you in fright and scrambled to his feet, making his way outside and finally leaving all of you, hopefully for good.
"BOSS! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Salvador called as he wriggled free from Nero's iron grasp and chased after the defeated doctor.
“That hand,... PRACTICED THE PIANO 40 FREAKING HOURS A DAY!” You screamed at your pathetic, narcissistic ex, and, man, it felt so, so good! "Wow." You breathed a sigh of relief, a proud look on your face. "That was so intense!”
"You betcha!" Nico laughed as she watched the two men scurry their way outside in fright.
"They should think twice before crossing any Sparda next time." Nero added, shrugging his shoulders.
"There won't be a next time! Mark my words.” Dante corrected as he stretched his long arms and made his way back to the dancefloor.
"I shouldn't say this but," V added as he closed the gap between the two of you and linked his fingers with yours. " … I'm so proud of what you've done, (Y/N). And I won't ever regret saying it."
"Haha, thanks."
"And what is going on here, if I may inquire?" You heard Fleminger's voice. Apparently, he has been watching the whole scene unfold right before him in silence. And he didn't look overjoyed.
"Well, I,... " You stuttered, feeling nervous under the host's scrutinizing gaze. "Took care of,... something?"
"Here, man." Nico whispered to V as she handed him something from her backpack.
Fleminger shook his head with an apologetic look on his face. "You must know that,... violence,… is strictly discouraged in these halls of entertainment. And for that, I must disqualify the both of you from winning the title of King and Queen for this evening." Fleminger declared, bringing down the hammer of justice right before you and V. Shaking his head with a distinct frown in his face, he turned around and muttered, "Such a shame."
"Go for it! I'm countin' on ya!" Nico told V as she pushed him closer towards you.
"Is there something wrong, V?" You asked, the sweet victory of winning against Christopher and the bitter sting of being disqualified as Queen still very much fresh in your system.
The man smiled as he shook his head. Then, making one swift decision to trust his gut and finally get this one final plan for the evening over and done with, he took your hand and led you outside, getting past the people who congratulated you, both for dominating the dance floor and for giving that evil doctor a piece of your mind.
🌸 I was actually wondering why it's taking me so long to edit this chapter but, then I realized, there's over 4k words in this.😅😅😅 🌸
🌸 @la-vita , @dreaming-gamer , @birdgirl69 , @v-vic , and @hanniskywalker . 🌸
That,... bitch! That fucking bitch and her skinny boyfriend who thinks he owns the world!
"You thought you have the last laugh, eh?" Christopher said, and as he was about to reach for that thing in his breast pocket, he felt a strange presence behind him. Looking back, he saw a tall, and ridiculously attractive dark - skinned man who was leaning against a pillar just outside Fleminger's mansion. Unlike the other guests, he was not dressed in his best vintage and he looked like he was only there to crash the party. His dark, gleaming eyes seemed to observe him very, very closely, and it felt like those eyes were piercing through his skull right to the depths of his soul.
"Can I help you?" Christopher asked, suddenly feeling the atmosphere getting heavy right before this stranger's presence.
The man raised his eyebrows. His hands still in the pocket of his grey pants, he nodded and spoke in a very deep, and yet, sweet - like - honey, voice. "Maelstrom."
"Excuse me? What the hell are you talking about - ?!"
"Exactly." The man answered. "I thought I sensed something special here. Alas, I was mistaken." The man left the pillar and turned the other way to leave. But before that, Christopher heard the man mutter something under his breath. "Ah, such a shame. No wonder Bedlam has been so down for decades now, I see. Aha, time to search for someone else,..."
"Who are you talking to, scum?"
Just then, Christopher heard another voice behind him. But unlike the honeyed voice of the attractive hobo who just left, this one sounded like it was filled with such poison. He turned around and found a tall, white - haired man standing before him. He was staring him down with those cold eyes of his, and his right hand was lurking dangerously close to the hilt of the katana on his left hand.
"What now?!" Christopher howled in agony, feeling as if he was losing his mind completely.
"I believe," The white - haired man drawled, his voice sounding so much like a feral hiss, as he finally unsheathed the Yamato and pointed it at Christopher. " ... you have something that is mine in your possession?"
Wait a second here,...
Tall, ridiculously virile - looking, and white - haired,...
"Another,... SPARDA?!" Christopher helplessly gasped in fright as he felt his bladder fail on him.
Vergil gave him one last sadistic smile as he went closer to the man who almost ruined his brother's evening with you.
"And that's the last time you'll ever say that name." The eldest son of Sparda said as he raised the Yamato,...
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bouxmounir · 2 years
[EXCLU GOAL] Christopher Wooh : "Mais je construis une carrière"
[EXCLU GOAL] Christopher Wooh : “Mais je construis une carrière”
Pour découvrir le monde professionnel, pouvoir gagner à Lens et passer par le progrès et la réflexion sur les choix de sports nationaux, le jeune défenseur de Sang-Or revue avec une précision rare et une certaine certitude de ses quarts mois dans le professionnel monde. Il lui en reste un peu plus pour découvrir l’univers professionnel d’un match de Ligue 2 à Dunkerque. Qu’est-ce qui a changé en…
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Transferts en Ligue 1: Les dernières signatures de la fin du Mercato
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Nous avons eu droit à beaucoup de transferts en Ligue 1 lors de cette fenêtre estivale. Comme toujours, le dernier jour du mercato a offert son lot de rebondissements. La ligue 1 a vu débarquer énormément de joueurs de classes mondiales. Ce qui apporte de la compétitivité et de l'attractivité au championnat français. Nice et Rennes s'accordent sur un échange L'attaquant français U21 Amine Gouiri a signé un contrat de cinq ans avec le Stade Rennais FC. Tandis que Gaëtan Laborde a fait le chemin inverse en s'engageant avec l'OGC Nice pour quatre ans. Gouiri retrouvera Bruno Genesio, son entraîneur à l'Olympique Lyonnais (2017-19). De son côté, l'OGC Nice reformera le duo Andy Delort-Gaëtan Laborde si prolifique à Montpellier. Lire aussi : Minamino débarque en Ligue 1 ! Toujours à Nice, le défenseur central danois Mads Bech Sorensen, en provenance de Brentford, est arrivé en prêt jusqu'à la fin de la saison. Il est sous contrat avec le club anglais jusqu'en juin 2023. Après l'arrivée du latéral gauche anglais Joe Bryan (28 ans) en provenance de Fulham, Sörensen est le deuxième défenseur à rejoindre l'OGC Nice en prêt en provenance de l'élite anglaise en deux jours. Dans les rangs rennais, outre Amine Gouiri, le défenseur central Christopher Woo en provenance de Lens. Il a signé un contrat de quatre ans avec le club breton. Les hommes de Bruno Genesio ont recruté trois nouveaux défenseurs centraux ces dernières semaines : Joe Rodon (24 ans), Arthur Théate (22 ans) et Christopher Wooh. Les derniers transferts en Ligue 1 : Carlos Soler signe au PSG Le milieu de terrain espagnol Carlos Soler a signé pour cinq ans avec le Paris Saint Germain en provenance de Valence. Soler, 25 ans, est la sixième recrue estivale des champions de France. Vitinha, Renato Sanches, Fabian Ruiz, Hugo Ekitike et Nordi Mukiele ont déjà rejoint le club. Soler est un milieu de terrain offensif polyvalent, capable de jouer en tant que meneur de jeu ou sur le flanc. Capitaine à Valence, il y a fait toute sa carrière jusqu'à présent. L'international espagnol (10 sélections) a marqué 36 buts en 226 apparitions avec Valence, toutes compétitions confondues. Lire aussi : Nice accèlere sur son Mercato et multiplie les pistes ! Les derniers transferts en Ligue 1 : Marseille retrouve Harit Amine Harit est de retour à l'OM ! Le milieu offensif marocain a été prêté par Schalke 04 à Marseille, où il a évolué la saison dernière. L'OM a précisé dans un communiqué que le prêt était assorti d'une option d'achat. Harit, qui a 25 ans, est la 12e recrue marseillaise de l'été. La saison dernière, il a inscrit cinq buts et délivré quatre passes décisives en 34 matchs toutes compétitions confondues. "Maintenant qu'Amine est de retour au pays, le club va bénéficier de sa grande expérience et de sa connaissance du milieu de terrain pour s'intégrer rapidement et offrir une solution offensive supplémentaire au sein de l'effectif d'Igor Tudor", a noté l'OM à propos de sa dernière recrue. Lille recrute 2 internationaux dans les dernières heures du mercato À Lille, Adam Ounas a signé un contrat de deux ans avec le LOSC en provenance de Naples. Le joueur de 25 ans, retrouve le championnat de France. Il est capable d'évoluer sur les deux ailes ou comme deuxième attaquant. L'Algérien vient renforcer un effectif limité en options offensives. Ce qui devrait aider l'entraîneur Paulo Fonseca dans sa volonté d'avoir plus de concurrence dans l'effectif. "Tout le monde en Europe sait que Lille est l'un des plus grands clubs de France. On y pratique un type de football qui me plaît, où l'on joue bien avec le ballon. J'ai été immédiatement attiré", a déclaré le joueur sur le site officiel du LOSC . Lire aussi : Mercato : Les plus gros transferts détournés à la dernière minute ! À quelques minutes de la fin de la fenêtre, le LOSC a officialisé sa deuxième signature. Le milieu de terrain portugais d'Everton, André Gomes, est arrivé prêt d'une saison. Le joueur de 29 ans, passé par Valence et Barcelone, a remporté l'Euro 2016 avec son pays. Il a disputé 38 matchs de clubs européens. Dans l'entrejeu lillois, il sera en concurrence avec deux quasi homonymes, Benjamin Andre et Angel Gomes. "J'espère aider le groupe, qui a déjà beaucoup de qualité, en apportant mon expérience. Le président et Paulo Fonseca m'ont convaincu de rejoindre le projet", a expliqué la dernière recrue du LOSC. Les derniers transferts : Ganago à Nantes, Fofana reste à Lens Après un début de saison très réussi, Lens a profité des dernières heures du mercato pour enregistrer une nouvelle arrivée. Après la prolongation surprise de Seko Fofana, le RCL a fait une autre bonne affaire au milieu de terrain avec l'arrivée de Jean Onana. Le milieu de terrain défensif a signé un contrat avec le club jusqu'en 2027. Après avoir débuté au LOSC, c'est avec les Girondins de Bordeaux que l'international camerounais s'est fait connaître. Il a compté 23 apparitions (3 buts et 2 passes décisives) en Ligue 1 Uber Eats la saison dernière. Lire aussi : AS Monaco : Top 10 des meilleures ventes du club. Le FC Nantes a réussi son coup avec le transfert d'Ignacius Ganago. L'attaquant de 23 ans, également international camerounais, va rejoindre son troisième club après l'OGC Nice et le RC Lens. Le nouveau numéro 14 nantais a disputé 108 matches de Ligue 1 Uber Eats. Il a marqué 18 buts et délivré 2 passes décisives. Pendant ce temps, dans l'Hérault, Montpellier a finalisé le recrutement du gardien de but Bingourou Kamara. Il arrive en provenance de Strasbourg pour pallier la longue blessure de Dimitry Bertaud, doublure de Jonas Omlin. La durée du contrat de l'international sénégalais n'a pas été annoncée. Les derniers transferts en Ligue 1 : Angers et l'ESTAC signent 2 recrues. Ibrahim Amadou revient à OCS. Le Franco-Camerounais a signé un contrat d'une saison avec l'équipe de Gérald Baticle après avoir joué pour le FC Metz dans la seconde moitié de la saison dernière. Le milieu de terrain de 29 ans, qui a également évolué à l'AS Nancy Lorraine et au LOSC, a impressionné à Angers lors de son prêt en 2020-21 (24 matchs de Ligue 1 Uber Eats). L'autre recrue du SCO à la date limite est un Français, Yan Valery (23 ans). L'arrière droit, qui évoluait à Southampton, a signé un contrat de quatre ans. Lire aussi : Ligue 1 : Classement des 7 meilleurs joueurs de la saison Désireux de renforcer son attaque après le départ d'El Bilal Touré, le Stade de Reims a trouvé un accord avec le Rosenborg BK pour le prêt avec option d'achat de Noé Holm. L'attaquant de 21 ans a inscrit six buts et délivré sept passes décisives en 30 apparitions avec le club norvégien. A un peu plus de 100 kilomètres de Reims, l'Estac Troyes a renforcé son équipe en contractant deux prêts : le gardien de but Mateusz Lis (25 ans) en provenance de Southampton et le milieu de terrain Lucien Agoumé (20 ans) en provenance de l'Inter Milan. Agoumé, qui venait du FC Sochaux-Montbéliard, est prêté pour la deuxième fois consécutive dans l'élite, après avoir disputé 27 matchs de Ligue 1 Uber Eats pour le Stade Brestois 29 la saison dernière. Read the full article
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