overdrivels · 6 years
HELLO. PLEASE "I like the way your hand fits in mine." FOR ME BOY HANZO.
(This is such a lewd request.)
Hanzo does not usually enjoy displays of affection, rarely allowing himself to be touched. He needed to be acclimated to it the same way he had to become acclimated to the small endearments you give him. Though, he surprises you sometimes.
Like when he does not pull away when you take a hold of his hand--it's so very warm and such a comfortable weight especially during the sparse times he puts it on your shoulder or at the small of your back or between your shoulder blade. He tolerates the way you flips his hand around in yours, tolerates the way you study him with little more than a raised eyebrow in question.
"I like the way your hand fits in mine," you say, smiling wide at him.  
He only regards you with that cool indifference that you've become used to, but then his hand slips out of yours.
But then, his hand engulfs yours and he brings it up between you both, an intense look in his eyes as he stares you down.
"You mean in mine."
Hanzo laughs out loud into the back of your hand when you burst into a full-bodied flush.
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never-freed · 9 years
Splash free! Is my favourite AU like why isn't it more popular (I mean, there are so many bare torsos //cough) but yeah I would totally, voraciously read it…especially if it's rinrei orz
Hell yeah! Another vote for Splash Free! Bare torsos are a wonderful gift, I absolutely agree. I’ll definitely be working on this fic then, thank you for the input.
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fallen-lucifiel · 9 years
I love your art so much, but I wish you were interested in UnderwearPillow, or at least drew them a bit more
Pillow: You’re so tight, Underwear.Underwear: You’re just too big, Pillow-san nnnnn.
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YOU REALLY JUST HAD TO ASK ME MY NEW OTP, DON’T YOU KAO!? NOW I’M HAVING UNDERWEAR X PILLOW FEELS! Because Rin and Rei’s embarrassing stories of childhood… the babus! ;//u//;
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overdrivels · 6 years
Cat!Hanzo sneaking into the kitchen looking for treasures and Chef having a small heart attack because "!!!! THIS IS UNSANITARY!!"
Your lack of awareness sometimes is truly astounding. It’s annoying, even. Either that or being a cat has somehow enhanced his ability to sneak around (though likely, Hanzo does not want to readily admit that despite years and years of training, he still cannot match the grace and natural inclinations of the animal he models some of his moves after). 
For the past few minutes, Hanzo had been able to observe you from inside the kitchen, undisturbed. He watched you mill about, preparing ingredients for dinner. From the looks (and smell) of it, it's some type of curry which irritates him more now that he's become a cat. He's very sure you'd never feed him curry in this state and that only rankles him further.
It's bad enough that no one takes him seriously in this form (not even when swatted across the face--they called it adorable), but for you to change his diet and deny him the food he likes!
He unconsciously bares his teeth as he thinks of what he'll do to Talon when he gets his hands--paws--on them.
Though, there's one advantage to this. The kitchen, as full as it is, has plenty of hiding spaces for a cat that is not available to a human.
He leaps off the counter and lands safely onto the rubber mats on ground--he allows himself to feel proud; it's a marked difference from when he couldn't  even figure out how to stand up--and begins to explore, sniffing at everything. It all smells like a strange mix of various ingredients and some cleanser. Depending on the area of the kitchen he's in, the air smells different. He takes his time, crawling around the island tables which are all surprisingly, even at this height, free of food scraps and obvious dirt. It's interesting what he can now pick up on.
Maybe he's been giving you a bit too little credit.
Hanzo saunters as close as he can to the Cellar door without being in plain sight. Once, he had almost brushed up against you--luckily, you're still unaware of his presence. Convenient, but that moment made him pause. His whiskers twitch. There's something not right about you. He can feel it deep inside and skittering across his fur. You're not well. Agitated, even. But the look on your face is nothing but solid concentration.
He’ll have to ask about it when he finally returns to his body. But this is a rare opportunity.
Hanzo lies in wait. You'll need to open that door eventually. And when you do...he’ll finally discover the secrets lying deep in the belly of Gibraltar.
He can't help but wiggle the lower half of his body in anticipation. Soon.
“Hm? Wait. Wha—Agent Hanzo?”
You drop down on your knees right next to him and Hanzo hisses, immediately darting out from his hiding place. He’ll have to try again another time.
“Oh no, you don’t!”
To his eternal annoyance, you quickly wrap him up in your apron, holding him close against your hips. Curse this body for being difficult to use. Indignant and disoriented, he struggles, yowling and scratching, but the fabric of the apron is too thick to pierce through or get a proper grip on. He sneezes, the smell of spices on your apron overpowering his nose and settling deep in his throat.
“Sorry, Agent Hanzo. It's unsanitary for animals to be in here. Not--not that you're unsanitary, but we can't have cat hair in the food. You understand, right?” You sigh. “Please stop struggling. I know you understand me.”
The rocking in your step is both soothing and irritating, but he keeps fighting simply because he can, taking some slight pleasure in the grief (and distraction) he is giving you. 
When he is human again, he may ask about what bothers you, but for now, he'll content himself with enroaching on your space and just observing. 
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overdrivels · 6 years
gracie-collier replied to your post:VT again. Yeah, it was me. Tumblr seems to hate it...
also, wait- I’m having some trouble understanding this. How are they only giving and not receiving since if you don’t receive you’re kinda rejecting what’s being given? (Sorry I’m being a bit slow on the uptake)   
S’okay, I’m not very good at explaining either. Basically, they give, but the other person doesn’t realize they’re receiving it. It doesn’t fill them because they don’t recognize it as an act of love. Hanzo gets food from Chef, but doesn’t realize that Chef puts a lot of love into those foods, so his love reception meter is 0. He doesn’t accept it as love, just something that Chef does because...it’s Chef. When he finally fucking realizes the amount of love and thought being put into it, he’s going to be like: oh. OH. Love reception meter up 5%. Things like that. 
doitsumon replied to your post: VT again. Yeah, it was me. Tumblr seems to hate it...
Love would be the willingness to eat the peppers in the food your s/o cooks even though you hate it (though that wouldn’t happen since chef knows better). 
Love is eating someone’s really shitty cooking that simultaneously has something you hate and is really bad for you and you shouldn’t be eating it, but you do anyway and say that it’s delicious.
/eyebrow wiggle coughspoilers
starcallerrandgrid replied to your post: VT again. Yeah, it was me. Tumblr seems to hate it...
It reminds me of one of your writings. About how Lena asked reader, if Hanzo ever told her “I love you” (which Asian men don’t tend to tell really) and the whole realisation about these small, pretty things came up. I really loved this one, it’s just pure. Because, in the end of the day, not words, but those small gestures matters. *melts*    
Thank you for loving it. Not only verbal, but physical affection is another weird one in asian culture. OTL I may explain that one another day, but yeah. Affection is a weird thing.
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