#Elladion Biomech
hallowraith · 2 years
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After 3 long years of tiny revisions, a gradual shift of universe, and just a lot of other things getting in the way- I am happy to finally (re)introduce the Elladion Biomechs! (AKA ClayCo Biomechs). Now with a fresh coat of paint (or rather, metal).
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hallowraith · 4 years
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Elladion Daily Life: "Skiffstop" + closeups
A little OBAT scene I wanted to draw. (Description below)
"Two individuals- one a Sycan and the other a Biomech - waiting at a small rural 'Skiff Stop' in the Elladion wastes, indicated by the etched stone behind them. Used to a more solitary life, the Sycan seems unnerved by the appearance of the other species. Skiffs (or "Sand Skiffs") are automobiles that look like a cross between a carriage and a sleigh, powered via steam engine or pulled by Valenkin. Public transportation routes are a rarity, though some exist in the deserts surrounding more technologically advanced settlements that can afford it.”
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