#Esca-week 2017
ladyaj-13 · 1 year
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2022 Writing Evaluation
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 30 - see my 2022 fics post!
2. Word count posted for the year: 190,426
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction, Endeavour, Kingsman, Eagle of the Ninth
4. Pairings: Harry/Louis, OT5, Liam/Zayn, Liam/Louis, Niall/Louis, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Niall/Greg James, Louis/Greg James, Gen fic, Morse/Jakes, Morse/Max, Harry/Eggsy, Marcus/Esca
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Follow Your Arrow
Bookmarks: ditto
Comments: double ditto
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
It would be easy to pick FYA as the longest thing and my first big bang, but I think I’m actually going to go Bit by Bit and All at Once. I had a lot of fun writing this one, and it’s very Liam focused, but I liked finding ways to fold each of the other boys in, and try to make the development natural. I think (I hope!) I succeeded.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
Check the Body. By week five of Wordplay I was a bit burnt out, lol. I’ve read it back and it’s not as bad as I thought at the time, it’s even kind of sweet, but I posted it not liking it and almost didn’t make a fic post. I did in the end, but I don’t like that much either!
8. Share or describe a favourite review you received:
I can’t pick one! I love and appreciate every review. A special mention to @lalalaartje though, for reading I think every single 1D fic of mine and commenting as they went. That was a good week or two 😀
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Right now? And the last week or two of Wordplay. Any time I’m feeling uninspired but trying to force myself to write (or just want to write but what comes out is… hmm).
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
All my Kingsman fics, because I’ve tried to write Kingsman many times, particularly in 2016/2017, and never got anywhere. So when I finished a Kingsman fic I was pretty taken aback. And then I wrote three more.
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing:
From Blind Date - I had such fun writing the dialogue in this fic. Niall is the host of the TV show Blind Date, an ex-pro golfer. Louis is the eligible bachelor contestant who has a crush on Niall:
“I catch the odd game,” Louis says, hedging for the middle and hoping they call them games, not matches. He fast-forwards to Niall’s shots and interviews and ignores everything else. “Don’t test my knowledge, it’ll be embarrassing for both of us.”
“Nah,” Niall says with an easy grin and a clap to Louis’ shoulder. “Mainly embarrassing for you, I reckon,” he teases.
“Well, that's probably true.”
“So - excited to meet your dream man?”
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?”
Niall looks confused. “You - really? You’re meant to be single. I mean, it’s only a silly show, but if you’ve got a boyfriend then why-”
So much for a bit of light flirting to test the waters. “No, I - I’m single. No boyfriends to be seen. Need an ITV dating show to get me laid, that’s me.”
Niall laughs. It sort of takes the air out of the room, seeing it in person, and Louis is going to have a hard time concentrating on whatever contestants they’ve dredged up with Niall standing right there in front of him. Even if he is uninterested.
“I don’t believe that for a second, not with a face like yours.”
Ok, maybe not so uninterested. Just clueless. He can work with that.
“No, I can see it now. The panel draws back, and contestant number two, the keeper and holder of my heart, takes one look and runs. Probably into the arms of contestant number three.”
“What happened to contestant number one?”
“Secretly straight,” Louis whispers, taking the opportunity to lean in close to Niall’s ear. “Only here because he’s trying to become an influencer and score an advertising deal for hand sanitizer.” He nudges Niall with an elbow as they start walking over to the set. “You’ll have to do the gallant thing and take me out for drinks instead.”
“Or maybe you’ll find the love of your life, and score a joint advertising deal for hand sanitizer.”
“Please, I’m worth yoghurt at least.” Niall laughs again, and Louis grins. It seems easy to make Niall laugh, and he loves that. No question, they could be great together. “I very much doubt you’re right, but just in case you are - I guess then I’ll owe you a beer for finding me true love.”
“Are you always like this?”
“Like what?”
Niall shakes his head and they step out into the glare of bright studio lights. He seems to be considering his next sentence carefully. “Funny,” he says finally.
Louis shrugs. “I like to think I’m pretty hilarious,” he admits, then lets his tone become serious. “But I’m not always joking.” 
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I’ve made further steps into smut, adding sprinklings of it here and there. I don’t think it’s ever going to be my go-to, it’s just not my main interest, but I’m becoming more comfortable with my ability to write it.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I’d love to write longer fics. I feel like I hit my stride this year with four fics over 20k, and I’d like to extend on that. I have so many ideas that need that space (or more!) to breathe, and I feel like I’m ready now and trust in myself enough to write those ideas and stick with it.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer:
I’ve got to mention @larrieblr and @laynefaire as beta and artist respectively for making my first big bang experience so wonderful. Also big thanks to @allwaswell16 for championing rare pair fics and writers, both through her podcast which I look forward to every month, and running the Louis Rare Pair fest.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
Little throwaway things - in Follow Your Arrow, Louis has a hoodie that I also own. On a deeper level, emotionally there’s a fair bit of me in Moths and Butterflies.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Just go where the muse takes you, because writing something you’re not interested in is basically impossible and also this is meant to be fun. But also recognise when you need to push through with a project, because you’ve come too far to let it beat you now.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
My 2023 Big Bang! Also I have a white knight!Louis famous/non famous fic which has been 80% written for far too long, and a couple of shorter one shots I would love to post (a Zouis beauty pageant one; a magical cat!Louis one, an omegaverse Larry, etc. etc.) not to mention several extra instalments in my sleepy Nouis series.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I'm so late to this I don't know who hasn't done it! If you haven't, you're tagged :)
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nehasy · 7 years
Dance in the Darkness
This is my contribution to Esca-week 2017  with the prompt Light.  The original got eaten by my computer so hopefully this works well seeing as how it was a rush job.  \^_^  After reading the posts about name and personalities, I had to make a vicious little Guimel.
Characters Shesta and Guimel.  Warning, there is a little gore and violence.
“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”
T.S. Elliot
                 He could still hear the odd scream cut through the joyous cries of the gathering crows.  It still sounded so strange, so wrong to hear the sounds of such abject misery and horror alongside the laughter and cheers of victory.  They’d never mentioned that at the Academy; or the stink of the battlefield, how it wasn’t just the comforting tang of crima metal and guymelef oil.  Instead, those smells were overpowered by the reek of ruptured stomachs and the stench of blood.  It made him feel dizzy with every tainted breath he drew in, the thick smoke burning at his lungs, punishing him for daring to continue living when so many had fallen.
               The remains of a small market surrounded him.  Bright banners and curtains which once danced in the gentle morning breeze were now trampled underfoot or smoldering sullenly where they lay on the ground.  Goods from the area were strewn around haphazardly, knocked free from their displays when the people had panicked.  
               They hadn’t gotten far.  Everywhere he looked, he saw signs of their final moments.  Drying splashes of crimson sprayed across a wall, a crumpled figure behind a crushed stall, neither easily recognizable anymore.  His haunted blue eyes quickly skirted over a small form which lay by the side of a building in a spreading pool of crimson while a larger hand reached out towards it… the rest of the body was missing and he couldn’t bring himself to try to locate it.
               A glimmer of light caught his eye as he slunk through the carnage hunting for those unlucky enough to have survived.  Approaching cautiously, Shesta bent down and picked up a small piece of crystal someone had carved into the shape of a flower.  The stem had broken off when it had fallen, but the petals had remained intact.  The clear stone sparkled rather prettily as its edges caught the few shafts of sunlight which managed to fight their way through the darkened pall of their artificial night.  
               He hadn’t expected to find such beauty in amongst this horror, but it caused him to clutch it to his heart for a moment, cupping it protectively in his hands.
On the other side of the village, he could hear someone’s guymelef still crashing around and knocking over buildings.  The sound of mechanized laughter echoed over the din.  He only paused long enough to ensure it wasn’t the captains.  Dimly he figured that it was most likely André and Renard, two second string Dragonslayers who had a certain penchant for breaking anything that wasn’t theirs.  They’d complained to Gatti in their pre battle briefing about having to hold the perimeter rather than getting to take part in the initial attack… as if it was some sort of game.  Lord Dilandau must be in a good mood if he was letting them keep playing like that after the battle
Another crash shook the ground around him and a thick cloud of dust rose up, further blotting out the sun.  Only a few thin rays still cut through the smoke and grime the attack had filled the air with.  One final act of defiance in an otherwise defeated village, and even that was slowly failing.
Unable to handle any more of the horror, Shesta ducked inside the nearest building, wanting to put some sort of barrier between himself and the rest of the world.  His breath was coming in a short sharp rhythm, making his head spin and he knew that if any of his team saw him in this moment, he’d be mocked mercilessly for his weakness.  
Closing his eyes, he wiped a leather gloved hand across his brow, feeling the grit of ash and dirt mixing with sweat.  It was odd that the filth actually made him feel cleaner.  It let him pretend that he’d fought these frightened villagers with honour, giving them a chance to defeat him rather than sitting safe and secure in his guymelef, cutting them down as they ran.  
Sighing loudly, he turned around to take in his surroundings and froze in horror.  Empty brown eyes stared up at him, the spark of life faded from their depths as the light from a single narrow sunbeam danced across her face.  The playfulness of the light was juxtaposed against the grizzly scene, creating a certain surreal quality which forced Shesta to stare.  In the shadows, he could pretend that it was mud spattered across her body and sprayed across her delicate face but that single shaft of light shattered his illusion.  So brilliant and crimson, it stood out in stark contrast to her once warm golden skin.
               Long colourful skirts had tangled around youthful legs which might have previously been lithe and shapely but now were twisted and broken.  The beam which had crushed them still rested on her, smoldering sullenly in the shadows of the fallen ruins.  He imagined that her simple clothes had originally been a garish combination of yellow and blue, the sun and sky caught in the folks of her skirts.  Now they were bathed in crimson blood and darkened ash, the joy sucked out of them.
               “She wasn’t any older than us.”  Shesta murmured softly as he stared down at the broken body, his hands clenched tightly around the crystal flower which still glittered defiantly in his fists, the sharp edges pressing into the leather of his gloves.
               “And now she never will be.”  A voice echoed from behind him, sounding almost jovial.  The blonde turned around to see Guimel sitting on the remains of the window sill.  A few rebellious beams of early morning sun managed to cut through the smoke, bathing him in gold and making the boy look like something from a Cesarion manuscript.  
               The boy was the perfect picture of fallen innocence.  A slender wide eyed youth, his golden curls shining beautifully even as he sat there, surrounded by death and destruction, drinking it all in with every breath.  Blood soaked the front of his armour and stained his right hand.  Even a few locks of that golden hair bore crimson streaks, making Shesta wonder how many souls his friend had cut down before dawn had even broken over the doomed village.  A smudge of ash marred Guimel’s left cheek and brow where he’d wiped away some sweat, unnoticed amongst the gore.
               Despite the macabre markings which he bore with obvious pride, the smaller boy was utterly relaxed as he leaned against the empty wooden frame, one leg tucked up against his chest, the other dangling below, waving idly back and forth.  The lazy pose was ruined by the canny look in his eyes as he studied the scene around them.
               “You’re trying to sympathise with them again aren’t you?”  Guimel’s voice was voice soft and deceptively gentle sounding.  Tearing his gaze away from the body, Shesta swallowed nervously, suddenly feeling like he’d been caught doing something against the rules.
               In the distance, another building was toppled, causing the feeding crows to screech loudly in anger.  The low rumble followed by the sounds of shattering wood and mortar made him tense as he struggled to not imagine how many bodies were now buried beneath their ruined home.
               “Stop moping and join the rest of us for some fun.  Lord Dilandau is going to behead the mayor!  You don’t want to miss it.”  He understood that this was war, that these were the enemies… but did Guimel have to sound so pleased by that?  Honestly, sometimes he was sure that the curly haired menace enjoyed senseless violence almost as much as their captain.
               “She wasn’t a warrior.”  He found himself saying instead, turning back to watch the way the fading sun shone on the tears which stained the girl’s cheek.  “She was just a kid… like us.”
               “We’re not kids.”  Guimel growled, his eyes suddenly losing their innocent light as they narrowed dangerously.  He hopped off the ledge and walked over to the body, crouching down to study her with cold indifference.  “And you keep forgetting that there are no innocents here.”
               “Then where’s her armour?  Her sword? She was just a kid hiding in her home Guimel.  Hiding from us.”
               “Fat lot of good it did her.” The shorter Dragonslayer snorted absently, toeing at the girls arm with his foot.  “She should have tried to fight rather than dying like a coward.”
               Suddenly furious, Shesta spun around, glaring at his friend, his hand tightening around the crystal flower, the pressure threatening to crush the precious carving.
               “You don’t get it do you!?”  He snarled into the curly haired youths face.  “She’s dead for what?  Is this the bright future we’re fighting for?  How is this slaughter supposed to bring peace to Gaea?  How is it supposed to show the world how beautiful and wonderful Zaibach is?  This was just slaughter!  We’re supposed to better than that!”
               “No, you don’t get it.”  Guimel shot back.  “They were smuggling weapons to those raiders who’ve been harassing the border.  Those same raiders who put that little hamlet in the hills to the torch last month.  Remember them?  Ryuun certainly does, he had family there!”  The two boys glared at each other angrily, neither of them willing to give ground.
               “There’s only one way to achieve perfect peace and that’s by exterminating all the vermin who don’t know how to play nice with their neighbours.  Cesario has been raiding Zaibach for centuries and here you are getting all teary eyed because we’re finally hitting them back!”
               “And what does that prove about us?  They hurt us, so we hurt them back, now they’re going to want vengeance and strike back!  We’re not changing anything Guimel, we’re just making the situation worse!”
               “Not really.”  Guimel smirked, the expression clearly copied from their captain.  “They’re dead.  What are they going to do-”  His jeers were cut short by the sharp sound of an open palm hitting his face.  
For a long moment, there was only silence. Both boys stared at each other in utter shock.  Guimel cupped his cheek while Shesta stared at his offending hand, unable to believe that he’d just struck his friend.
“Guimel…”  He stammered out.  “I‘m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“YOU HIT ME!”  Guimel shrieked and launched himself at Shesta.  While he might have been the smaller of the two, his ferocity was both well-known and dreaded by his team.  In seconds, he’d knocked the taller blonde over onto his back and was pummeling him wildly with his armoured fists.  It was only the hours of intense training that kept Shesta from cracking open his skull on the stone floor, but that was little relief as he was now subject to a vicious rain of attacks.  Each one landed hard enough to leave the promise of deep bruises in their wake.  
Refusing to fight back against his friend, all Shesta could do was try to curl up protectively, holding his arms in front of his face as he tried to keep the other boy from hitting anything vital.
“DON’T. YOU. EVER. HIT. ME!”  The curly haired boy continued in his fury, each word punctuated by a heavy blow, leaving Shesta gasping for air.  “Why do you care so much about them?  Why waste a single tear on these barbarians!?  They’re animals!  Nothing but filthy disgusting animals who need to be taught how to behave like humans or die!”  
Several more bruising strikes landed on Shesta’s defensive form before Guimel heaved a heavy sigh and sat back, straddling his friends hips.  The smaller slayer was trembling slightly from the adrenaline, but the wave of violence seemed to have passed as quickly as it had struck.
“Ugh, it’s no fun if you don’t fight back you know.” He huffed softly, rocking his weight back as Shesta hesitantly opened up an eye, making sure that the attack was well and truly over.
“I’m sorry, I’ll try to make my next beating more entertaining for you.”  He ground out, hating how rough his voice sounded.  Giving a little kick, he shoved the now calm Guimel off of his hips and just lay there, trying not to think about the fact that he’d bumped into the girl’s body during the attack and now blood was likely soaking into his hair.  
“I just don’t understand why you’re so upset over this.”  Guimel finally said, giving his hand a negligent wave around the destroyed room, and likely meaning the village as well.  “They defied us.  Anyone who defies the Empire deserves to die.”
“Stop parroting the Captain.”  Shesta grumbled softly as he forced his now aching body to look down at his hand which had been holding the flower.  A strange deep sadness filled him as he saw that the petals had been broken off and several had been crushed to a fine glistening powder.
“Why?”  Guimel shot back.  “He’s brilliant.”
“Lord Dilandau only cares about fighting.  He doesn’t care about our perfect destiny, or bringing peace to Gaea.  He’s said that often enough.”
“So?  Everyone has their reasons for fighting.  He just happens to be the best warrior in Zaibach.  You should be flattered to be in his unit rather than crying over the enemy.” All Shesta could do was shake his head at his friends words.  “There should be more to it than that… It’s not right.”
Sighing softly, Guimel ran his fingers across his brow then combed them through his hair, not realizing that he’d just smeared a dark smudge of black ash into the golden curls.  
“Can I tell you something that Miguel told me?”
“Sure… but I’m not really in the mood to have a battle statistic quoted at me.”  Shesta managed a grudging smile, earning himself a rather rude hand gesture shot in his direction.
“He said, Tales tell of great battles won solely on the virtues of hope and love. They are the great candle in the darkness, the warmth that keeps the terror away. But tales are little more than lies dressed up as truths and they rarely survive true conflict.  Don’t cling too tightly to the light of the candle.  It’s too easily snuffed out in the storm of war, leaving you with a deep fear of the darkness.  Instead, embrace the darkness and make it a part of yourself.  In the darkness, you have nothing to lose, nothing to fear and in that emptiness you can do what needs to be done.  In the darkness, you can be strong, you can be safe. Be one with it and it will protect you. Dance in the darkness and know no fear.”
“That’s … morbid.”  Shesta wrinkled his nose slightly and shook his head as he finally forced himself to sit up.  “Was he drinking when he said that?”
“No you moron.”  Guimel lightly smacked his arm.  “It means that you shouldn’t beat yourself up about the bad things that happen in war.  Stop trying to be the hero carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. War is hard.  It’s dark, gritty and cruel.  Accept it, do what you need to do and move on.  It’s the only way to be at peace with yourself.  If you don’t, you’ll tear yourself apart.”
“He couldn’t’ just say that?”
“Hey, you know how Miguel gets.”  Sighing heavily, Guimel stood up and turned around to offer Shesta a hand up.  “Come on, if we’re late Lord Dilandau will kick both our asses.”  
Nodding his head, Shesta accepted the proffered hand and pulled himself to his feet with a slight grunt of pain.  Taking a moment to straighten out his uniform, he then turned to look back down at the girl’s body.  The sun’s light was quickly becoming overwhelmed by the surrounding smoke, choking out the few remaining beams and bathing her body in shadows.  
Reaching down, he gently placed the crushed crystal flower on the ground next to her, watching for a moment as it sparkled playfully in the fading light.  Sadness welled up inside him again but he resolutely pushed it aside and faced his friend.
Together, they walked out the ruins of the door. Up above their heads, the thick smoke choked out the last of the suns light, reducing it to little more than a sullen orange disk drowning in the darkness they had brought.
isin��S �k
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poeticpains · 3 years
Let's talk about the timeline of the ETNCU (Escape the Night Cinematic Universe). Spoilers underneath the cut for every season.
I've been considering this for a while after reading something where all of the people vanished in a sort of real-time thing, by which I mean, the seasons happened in the years they were released. This is, of course, one of the many valid ways you could look at the timeline, but I think I want to go a bit deeper.
If we're taking the timeline as the seasons were released, it would fall like this:
Season 1 (2016) - Joey obtains the deed to a house trapped in the 1920s. He has nightmares for an unspecified amount of time (possibly weeks, possibly months), and invites several of his friends over. Eight content creators die over the course of the night. Joey buries them on the grounds and then leaves, keeping the deed to the house. Unknown to the survivors but shown to us, Joey is starting to become corrupted.
Season 2 (2017) - A year after the events of Season 1, Joey awakens in a mansion in the Victorian Era, unsure of how he got there. We are shown that he wandered there on his own, seemingly in a daze, and that the Sorceress lured his friends there under false pretenses. He had been used as food for the vampires for another unspecified amount of time, meaning that, at least in theory, it could have been possible that he was trapped there for nearly the entire time (if he had wandered off just after Season 1). Another eight content creators die, this time, including Joey.
Season 3 (2018) - A year after his death, Joey finds himself in an afterlife version of Everlock and meets the SAE agents that offer him a deal: kill his friends, and he'll come back to life. He takes it, signing the contract, and the last shot is him standing there as the church fades out of view, leaving him in the afterlife world. There's a timeskip for yet another vague time period, and Joey has changed into an outfit more fitting for the 70s: his hair has been straightened, dyed blonde, he's wearing the Season 3 outfit we know and love, and is seemingly driving down a real road in our world. Another eight people die that night, with one being revived, and Joey succeeds in cheating death. The last shot of the season shows the survivors leaving Everlock as the sun rises, and Joey holding the Life Stone he took from the Carnival Master.
Season 4 (2019) - A year after Season 3, Joey is shown uncovering buried artifacts to bring to a meeting of SAE agents, including the survivors of Season 3. They use these to open a portal into Purgatory, where Joey tries to rescue people from previous seasons. He succeeds...with one. Colleen, who died a year earlier, manages to escape, and Joey is infected by Pandora's Box, his fate unknown.
This timeline would lead us to believe that all of it is stretched out over multiple years, with a gap of 8-12 months between each event.
There's some evidence for this. In the opening of Season 2, Tyler Oakley says, "Has anyone talked to Joey Graceffa recently? I feel like he's been missing in action. He's not returning my texts, he's not returning my calls...has anybody seen him?" In addition to that, we're shown that Joey is officially considered a missing person: there's a poster of his face at the bus stop, and his friends are wondering where he is.
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No one knows what Joey is doing. He's been gone for "forever," as someone puts it, and it seems like some people are starting to get worried.
Then, in Season 3, as the guests gather around the fire to wait for Joey, Ro says, "I haven't seen [Joey] in a while. Like, couple months."
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Is Ro using "a couple months" as shorthand for "a couple of years"? It seems unlikely. So did Joey actually reappear for a short period of time between the seasons, perhaps when he was first given the deal with SAE, and Rosanna actually did see him just a couple months ago?
Or maybe...the time between Season 2 and Season 3 isn't so long after all.
Here comes my long-winded thesis: Escape the Night is far more condensed than the fandom likely thinks it is. Instead of stretching over four years, I think it stretches over two, at most, and that the timeline looks like this instead:
Season 1 - Happens in 2016.
Season 2 - A year later, Joey awakes in the Victorian Mansion, unsure of what year it is in the real world or how he got there. He dies in 2017…
Season 3 - …and nearly as soon as he's laid to rest by his friends, he awakens in the afterlife world to get offered the deal by SAE. Season 3 also takes place in 2017, with the timeskip from being offered the deal to driving that sweet convertible merely days, or possibly even hours (it doesn't take that long to dye and straighten your hair).
Season 4 - Joey finally manages to get the magical timing right again a year or so after Season 3 and opens the portal to Purgatory with SAE. This lines up with his hair, which has grown out, and also gives enough time for Nikita and Matt to become beginner SAE agents. Colleen is rescued from Purgatory in 2018, and Joey has been MIA ever since.
(Yes, by the way, I am measuring the passage of time in how fast Joey's hair goes from one color to another.)
I also think it's worth noting that the actual nights themselves are not long. They're, as the name suggests, a single night: just about 12 hours, as the seasons seem to happen in the autumn and winter when the nights are longer. It's entirely possible, and, indeed, probable, that a survivor could leave their house in the evening, do the challenges, watch their friends die, and make it back home before anyone even notices their absence.
So when Ro says, "a couple months," I think she actually means a lot longer. I think that Joey was missing for a year, which would explain the missing posters, his friends wondering where he is, and his confusion when he's freed from the vampires in Season 2.
This means that 2016 would be the first year of mysterious disappearances, with eight people going missing, not including Joey, and then 15 more in 2017. One of those people, Colleen, reappears in 2018, and the rest would also most likely be presumed dead. Now, personally, I like to think SAE pulled some strings (think X-Files or Warehouse 13 style) and helped to...smooth over 22 very public personas pulling one of the best vanishing acts in history. But that's a discussion for another post.
Why does all this matter? I have no idea. I just feel like the automatic reaction from the fandom is that all of the seasons happen at the same time they were released, as though it's a real-time sort of thing. I know I had that thought at first. But looking at it in a less abstract sense, taking the episodes and seasons more seriously, just seems to suggest to me that it's actually a bit more complicated than that. Perhaps it could be even shorter! We have no idea how long it takes to become a SAE agent, so maybe Season 4 is only a couple months after Season 3, and/or maybe Joey was only trapped in the house with the vampires for a couple weeks at the beginning of Season 2.
In addition to that, it absolutely could have happened over the four years, with each year having a new group of people disappearing, barring Season 4. I just wanted to put my thoughts out there on it. What does everyone else think? I'd be interested to know.
(Also, on the off chance that you like my timeline, feel free to use it for content you create — no credit needed.)
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radical-rad1986 · 5 years
10/30/19 Japanese rewatch
Oh sure Tumblr, my rewatch posts show up in a tag search but not the actual ess posts... If you like Escaflowne you should join the annual Secret Santa gift exchange! Check the @esca-ss​ sideblog!
I started a personal rewatch because I was a dunce and didn’t realize I had plans on Sunday so I couldn’t attend the one I had done the planning for. >.> I need a rewatch to prepare myself for Nano; been on a TMNT and SWAT 2017 kick lately. I started late and I’m tired (woke up at freaking 5, really body??), and oddly sore on one side and my stomach hurts, so I didn’t finish today like I had wanted. I’ll watch and post the rest over the next few days because I’m watching my nephew tomorrow. While I almost always watch the Series in the Ocean dub I wanted to see the cut scenes. ^.^
Theoretically this’ll be a yearly thing. I try to make it a habit to rewatch, usually on my birthday because that’s what I did the year we moved in (2016). Got internet that week and spent the day in the husband’s armchair. 
Episode 1: Fateful Confession
Does “I Recommend Instincts” play in this scene in the English version?? 
I don’t remember Yukari swearing. Like yeah I usually watch it in English and I know she doesn’t then, but I still don’t remember it from the few times I’ve watched it in Japanese. 
Oh, that’s why Hitomi’s late? Idr that from the English either…
Hm. I wonder if Yukari’s reddish hair inspired Movie Millerna?
Knowing that Yukari also has a crush on Amano gives more explanation than just rack team manager to her excitement when Amano breaks 11 seconds. 
Amano standing with Yukari says to me that he might have a crush on either of the girls. Hitomi: He stands with her best friend to watch, earning brownie points from the best friend. Yukari: Brownie points for being interested in her best friend’s run.
The pendant makes the dowsing noise in the nurse’s room when both Hitomi and Amano swing it??
So, does Amano have feelings for Hitomi? That lean on the bed speaks. 
Huh. In the Japanese version Yukari asks for a whole meal and the desserts, but there’s no “for a whole week.” You can hear her say ‘cheesecake.’Girl’s got a sweet tooth! I love her body motions in this scene. 
I prefer the first English VA for Yukari but her emotions and actions in the walk home scene just…. my heart.
Hitomi has a moon and sun pillow! I love these types of images. 
Why doesn’t Hitomi pay attention to the cards as she lays them down? Or is that how tarot works, you lay them down in the pattern and then read them?
It's sunset when Hitomi suggests to Amano he time her. But it's dark when she gets on the blocks? She’s already got her running clothes on, it takes her THAT LONG to take her freaking coat off??? Yukari must have keys or something to turn the lights on. Girl strikes me as at least a little responsible as she’s the track team student manager. That’s some best friend material right there. She even gets Hitomi’s duffle bag.  
Yeah Van swearing doesn’t surprise me. His foregin language stands out in the Japanese version. Look, weird random portal to another world! I wonder if some Kamakura animals wandered into Gaea… AHHAHAHA.
Did Hitomi tell Yukari about her dream? “Girl, what dream? We’re all hallucinating, don’t start another one!”
Van says ‘girl’ at the beginning of the dragon attack but ‘woman’ after he defeats it. 
I still wonder if the arrow head is made of drag/energist. 
I love Amano attempting to protect the girls. And thinking and acting on giving Yukari a piggyback ride. Smart dude. 
Those wooden arch things must be hella strong to support a dragon.
Poor Hitomi. Faints, weird dream, interrupted moment with her crush, tarot reading, strange guy, dragon attack, and a vision of the stranger getting freaking stabbed in the back by the dragon’s tail. No wonder she spends the rest of the Series fainting. (Really though I don’t think she faints all that often??)
Wow thanks dragon for cleaning up after yourself, even off Van’s clothes! (Otherwise he’d be freaking nasty to ride back to the castle with.)
Pillar of light is VERY BRIGHT in the high-def version. My eyes. … This may be my first time watching Funi’s Japanese version? Idr.
Hitomi: Oh sure, throw werewolves into the fuckin’ weird day.
Damnit both Amano and Allen kiss Hitomi in the end credits but NOT VAN?? 
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alakeeffectgirl · 6 years
Yuletide reveals!
Slightly late, because I was out of town for a week. For 2017, I wrote:
with your shield or on it (Rosemary Sutcliff’s The Eagle of the Ninth, Esca/Marcus) - a soulbond Esca-pov retelling of the book up until they leave Calleva to look for the lost eagle. I struggled with parts of this and really enjoyed others -  writing from Esca’s point of view was a challenge at times. 
the native custom acquired (The Eagle, Esca/Marcus) - I actually wrote this one-shot PWP first for my recipient just in case I couldn’t finish the book soulbond in time. 
letting the stranger in (original fic) - I’m not even sure how to explain this but here is Sath’s letter in which they request deep sea animals anthropomorfic. This was a lot of fun to write. 
the old story of starting out (DCEU, gen) -  Alfred and Bruce, 1981-1988. Trying to fill in a little backstory that we’ll probably never get out of the DCEU and current grizzled Bruce. 
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quietduna · 7 years
Tumblr media
Escaflowne week 2017: 
Thursday, January 19 - connection / gravitation
I’ve chosen Naria and Eriya, because it’s the first time I try to draw them and I wanted to get on the Esca week train O_O 
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
EU Watchdog Will Evaluate 'Every' ICO for Potential Regulatory Push
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/10/eu-watchdog-will-evaluate-every-ico-for-potential-regulatory-push/
EU Watchdog Will Evaluate 'Every' ICO for Potential Regulatory Push
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is assessing every single ICO operating within its jurisdiction, Reuters reported on Oct. 8.
ESMA chair Steven Maijoor — who warned crypto investors in Jan. 2018 that they could potentially lose all of their funds by investing in initial coin offerings (ICOs) — said that he had been observing the current regulations that can fit an ICO.  He added that, so far, these ICOs have been unable to reveal their “extra benefits” when compared with traditional capital raising companies.
Maijoor explained to the EU’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs that some ICOs are similar to financial instruments and in turn could be subject to regulations.
“The subsequent question is what do we do with those ICOs that are outside the regulatory world. We will assess that as a board. We expect to report by the end of the year,” said Maijoor.
Meanwhile, the European Commission’s Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis, said in the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meeting last month that cryptocurrencies are here to stay. He added that crypto market would grow despite volatility in cryptocurrencies.
In Dec. 2017, Dombrovskis sent letters to ESMA, European Banking Authority (EBA), and European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), to request them to warn crypto enthusiasts of the risks involved in crypto investment.
Even though Dombrovskis supported cryptocurrencies in his recent statement, he conveyed his warning once again. However, on the topic of ICOs, he explained that they had the “potential to emerge as a viable form of alternative financing.”
The EU has consistently struggled with one question: should they create new laws or apply existing laws to the crypto sector? According to Dombrovskis, ECOFIN is working with EBA, ESMA, and EIOPA to find solutions to these problems.
ICO Approval Status in Other Countries
Last month, 15 members of Congress signed a letter requesting the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to clarify the status of ICOs and other cryptocurrency assets.
Meanwhile, the UAE’s Emirates Securities & Commodities Authority (ESCA) recently announced that the country would launch ICOs to help raise money for businesses in 2019. The ESCA also plans to submit a regulatory framework for ICOs within the first six months of 2019.
Last week, Min Byung-Doo, National Policy Committee chairman of South Korea, emphasized the importance of legalizing ICOs in South Korea’s National Assembly meeting. Byung-Doo pointed out that ICOs couldn’t simply be dismissed since they are “getting bigger and bigger.”
Featured Image from Shutterstock
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3ktan-blog · 7 years
PSO2_Extended Maintenance and Patch (4/26/2017)
PSO2_Extended Maintenance and Patch (4/26/2017)
Update note:
Balance Adjustments
Giảm HP và ATK của Deus Esca Zephyros.
Boosts week:
PlayStation 4 Celebration Boost
Boots week nhân dịp kỉ niệm PlayStation 4
Boost Period
Từ 29/4 ~ 7/5
Mọi Quest Boost:
+100% EXP Boost
+100% Meseta Boost
+100% Rare Drop Boost
+100% Rare Enemy Rate
Grinding Boost Week
Boost Period:
1/5 ~ 7/5
Grinding Boosts:
Item Grinding (Old Types / Units / Skill Ring) Success…
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sacgoyard2017-blog · 7 years
CHARLA SHOW – Manuel de survie de la fashion week : Goyard comment s'occu­per pendant les défi­lés ?
L’ini­­­mi­­­table Sac Goyard Charla Carter, direc­­­­trice de la mode de Gala, dévoile toutes ses astuces pour frayer tel un pois­son dans l'univers impi­­­toyable de la fashion week.
La Fashion week pari­sienne, ce n'est pas que vête­ments incroyables, mannequins superbes, petits fours et cham­pagne : non, la semaine de la mode c'est aussi beau­coup d'attente pour celles et ceux qui y assistent ! Il faut faire la queue pour y entrer, puis poireau­ter avant le début du shox (30 minutes de retard mini­mum), Goyard St. Louis puis ensuite attendre encore pour pouvoir dire un mot doux au coutu­rier.
Alors, comment occu­per ces multiples temps morts effi­ca­ce­ment ? Vous avez de la chance, la direc­trice de la mode de Gala nous fait parta­ger ses tips. Charla Carter est améri­­­caine, jour­­na­­liste mode depuis 25 ans en France, taille du 36,  possède un dres­­sing à faire pâlir Carrie Brad­­shaw, et toute Sac à Main Goyard l'année, de New York à Milan en passant par Londres, elle scrute les podiums des plus grands.
Aujourd'hui donc, place au sport : un esca­lier, un banc tout est bon pour trans­for­mer un petit temps d'attente en séance de raffer­mis­se­ment des bras ou des fessiers. This is Jane Fonda baby !
Retrou­­vez les nouveaux épisodes du Charla Show de cette fashion week prin­­temps-été 2017 :
Charla show : Manuel de survie de la fashion week : que porter pour les défi­­lés ?
Charla show : Manuel de Goyard Portefeuille survie de la fashion week : qui sont les vraies stars ?
Et les épisodes de la précé­­dente semaine de la mode :
Charla show ép.1: Manuel de survie en Fashion Week: le bonjour !
Charla show ép.2: Manuel de survie en Fashion Week: l'art d'attendre !
Charla show ép.3: Manuel de survie en Fashion Week: l'art de saluer le styliste!
Charla show ép.4 : Manuel de survie en fashion week : Sac Moynat se nour­­rir… ou pas !
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radical-rad1986 · 5 years
ESS sign-ups
Mmm... maybe sideblogs don’t show up in tag searches?? Because my key chain post does?
So the Escaflowne Secret Santa (ESS) is a gift exchange that’s going into its fifth year. If you love Escaflowne you should join! We love new blood people. Please follow the @esca-ss​ blog for information and updates!
Thanks @drkstars-art for reminding me! Omg it is almost the end of October isn’t it? :/
Yes I’mma still use this sideblog for sign-ups bc it functions. Sign-ups end 11/16, partners will go out 11/20. Please post gifts by 1/11/2020. (Cannot type ‘2019′ for that ha.)
Sign-up form is here, send your info to icm.9302014 [@] gmail.com to sign up. FAQ is here, if you can’t find the answer holla at me.
Remember that I ignore time zones; if your time zone is right then you’re good!!
Anyone who loves Esca and wants to participate is welcome!!! Reblog and tag!!
If the blog doesn’t work, here’s the FAQ/Information and the Sign-up form:
Don’t see your question here? Just contact Rad via any method (email: icm.9302014 [@] gmail.com). [Heeeey, that’s a different email…. Yeah I don’t mind that the internet can see it. Responses will come from my primary email.]
What is the ESS?
The Escaflowne Secret Santa (ESS for short) is a fan-created holiday gift exchange to promote friendship between those who enjoy Escaflowne and to create new works for the fandom.
Who runs the ESS?
radicalrad-1986, call her Rad, hosts the ESS exchange. So far we’ve got four! wonderful years under the belt!
Do you need help organizing/running the ESS or working the Tumblr site?
At this time, no. If help is needed there’s already a list going. If there arises a situation in the future where Rad needs help she’ll ask. Thank you!
Who can join/participate?
Anyone and everyone who loves Escaflowne! You don’t need to be a part of the location we hang at or our little usual group on Tumblr. If you love Esca then come have fun, meet new people, make stuff for the fandom! It does not matter how old you are* or how old a fan you are; come join! (* = Please be 18+/local age of consent to participate in the NSFW exchange.)
How does this work?
1) Sign up by filling out this form and emailing it to icm.9302014 [@] gmail.com.
2) Receive your recipient’s name. 3) Create! (Keep it a secret!) 4) Check in at the requested times. 5) Post! 6) Have fun!! – Each year there will be someone helping Rad give out a set of names - including hers! Please check in with Rad, not the secondary person. Generic questions about the ESS should be directed at Rad. If you receive Rad’s name and have a question about her gift please contact the secondary person OR if you directly ask Rad be sure you’re anonymous.
When are the sign-up dates / posting dates?
These dates will change as the years go by so they’re not set in stone. If Rad is on top of things (haha) sign-ups will begin early October and posting week is mid/late December or early January. For the posting week you have the entire week, you’re not late if you post on Wednesday or Saturday instead of Sunday! :)
What can I do as a gift for my recipient? What quality does it have to be? How much time should I spend on it?
Whatever you want! If you’re a writer, write! If you’re an artist, draw! If you like making animated images, animate away! Music videos, fan soundtracks, manips, whatever your talent is. Please make something for your recipient to enjoy; if they don’t like Dornkirk don’t draw or write something elaborate based on him. Quality and time spent are hard to quantify. No one expects you to spend years on it or break yourself over it. “Please spend more than five minutes and don’t gift a rush job,” goes without saying. Surely no one will give a rushed gift but so it’s been said. Don’t compare yourself to another gifter and feel bad; know that your gift will be loved by the recipient and the fandom for the care and time you put into it.
Can I gift something NSFW or state that I’m fine with receiving it?
Yes! There is a secondary swap for those who are alright with NSFW. If you’re not into NSFW no worries! Must I gift something NSFW if I’m in that group? No; if your inspiration does not lead down that road that’s alright. It’s a way for people who are comfortable in the area to give/receive NSFW while those who are uncomfortable don’t have to worry.
Can I do BOTH swaps if there are two swaps?
Sure! The point is to have fun, so why not double it?
How/where should I post my gift?
Wherever you want; Rad is primarily linking to things on AO3 due to Tumblr’s 12/2018 stupidity.
– NSFW entries that are SFW: Please comment in the post that they are SFW as Rad will tag them that way for the filtering/block systems.
– NSFW entries that are NSFW MUST be under a cut!
– Tagging: Please @-tag this blog, esca-ss. In the tags section please tag it “ESS(space)[year]”. For example, “ESS 2017.” For the NSFW please tag it “NSFW(space)ESS(space)[year]”. Example, “NSFW ESS 2017”. Rad uses the Tumblr Search function to make sure she doesn’t miss postings. If this blog, esca-ss, doesn’t reglog your post within 48 hours please contact either this blog or RadicalRad1986 and nudge me.
Where do I sign up?? How much information should I provide? May I ask for an extra personalized gift?
Please email your form toicm.9302014 [@] gmail.com.
You can provide as much information as you want! Don’t write a book but don’t submit a single sentence either. :) — An ‘extra personalized gift’ means you’d like something based on fic you’ve written or art you’ve drawn or if you really like someone’s headcanon and you want your gift based on that. A generic request is alright but not specific (example of specific: fic A, chapter 2, lines 12-54). You must also include at least three generic likes as well. [If its longfic you can point to a chapter or two because yeah we may not have time to read 500,000 words.] Etc; it is not limited to fic, art, or headcanon. —— Example: “So I’d really like art based on this fic (URL link) that I/someone else wrote.” Or “I’d love to see a story based on this art (URL link) that I/someone else drew.” Or “Xyz posted this headcanon and I’d love to see this explored.“ As well as “I enjoy the VH dynamic, Folken intrigues me, and what the heck was Dryden doing for his five years abroad I mean how did he build his merchant empire-ish thing?” — URLs MUST be included, not just links. Links disappear as things are copied/pasted.
Can/should I message my recipient before the posting date? Can I post a teaser of some sort?
If you want, certainly! Remember though, it’s a secret! Don’t let your recipient know who you are or exactly what you’re making! If you’re having fun that’s the goal! (Example: Message your recipient as anonymous or Submit/send Rad or the ESS a teaser and she’ll post it, that way the original creator is temporarily disconnected from the teaser.)
What if I can’t post my gift on time or I have to duck out due to real life?
This is alright and totally understandable. There is a week’s time in which you can post your gift so don’t feel rushed. No one will look down on you because life happened. You have to take care of yourself first. Being a little late is obviously undesirable but understandable. If you’re going to be late or sadly must duck out please let Rad know asap. There are back-up gifters in place for this reason.
Deadlines and time zones
I try very hard to ignore timezone s. I live in Michigan, USA, so when I say a date/deadline I’m referring to my time zone of Eastern Standard. However, I try to allow twenty-four hours to go by before no longer accepting sign-ups or calling deadlines. If it’s the stated date in your timezone, you’re on time. :)
You sure link to your personal blog a lot… Just sayin’.
While I have notifications turned on for the ESS blog, Tumblr conspires against me and I don’t get the notifications. Notifications usually DO work for my personal blog. Therefore you’re more likely to get a faster response if you contact my personal blog. (Blame Tumblr.)
The form must be emailed to icm.9302014 [@] gmail.com. This form is to indicate what you want to receive as a gift; NOT what you don’t want to gift to someone else.
1) Screenname: 2) Places on the internet with URLs**: 3) Likes: – Esca universe: – Genre/topics/etc: 4) Dislikes: – Esca universe: – Genre/topics/etc: 5) SFW, NSFW, or both? 6) Does #3 and/or #4 change in SFW vs NSFW exchange? Is something alright with you in one exchange but not alright with you in the other? 7) If needed, are you available as a back-up gifter?
**: Please copy/paste or type out the URL on the form. For example: (radicalrad-1986.tumblr.com). When Rad receives sign-ups and their information she copies and pastes them into a Word/GDrive document. Text links usually don’t/sometimes carry over and thus your locations are lost! (This is an example of a text link.)
1) Screenname: Rad (variations apply) 2) Places on the internet with URLs: http://www.radical-rad1986.tumblr.com https://archiveofourown.org/users/rad http://www.deviantart.com/rad1986 http://www.deviantart.com/rad-destiny-arcs http://www.fanfiction.net/~rad
3) Likes: – Esca universe: If you know me at all you know that the Series is my only focus and Eries and the Astons and Dryden are my peeps. I’d LOVE to see more Marlene/Mahad! Love the girls x their men too. ^.^ I do love the Movie and if you want to do my gift in another universe, any universe, that’s totally fine. The usual/standard is also enjoyed but it’s nice to have a larger variety. I’d love to see more of minor characters or pairings. I can be tempted with rairpares if they’re not terribly OOC. :D I would super enjoy fanart of anything I’ve written too, iffn you feel like it. Fanart of anything I’ve written would be wonderful! (My Aston girls fic is in the reworks but the gist is the same.) – Genre/topic/etc: I don’t follow really in-depth things well (like murder/mystery or politics) but pretty much anything. While clearly there won’t be any long-haul in a Christmas gift I am all for the in-depth, long journey instead of the immediate dessert. 4) Dislikes: – Esca universe: Not a fan of Dornkirk. That’s pretty much it! – Genre/topics/etc: Whump, infidelity, gore/extreme violence, unnecessary/extreme ragging on a character/topic. 5) SFW, NSFW, or both? SFW 6) Does #4 and/or #5 change in SFW vs NSFW exchange? Is something alright with you in one exchange but not alright with you in the other? I’m not a fan of Dornkirk but in a NSFW gift his thought process could be explored and while I dislike detailed violence, test subjects could be shown with minor details. 7) If needed, are you available as a back-up gifter? Yup!
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radical-rad1986 · 7 years
E week 2017: Day 2
Day 2 (survival / loss) [approx. 360 words]
Originally I was going to focus on Van.... HA.
Sniffling, Merle used one paw to scrub at her eyes. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as she watched people enter the palace’s courtyard. Other than Lord Van’s coronation and Princess Millerna and Merchant Dryden’s wedding, she’d never seen so many people. And she had to stand in front of them and say something.
A lot of something.
Quietly mewling her nervousness, Merle continued to wring her hands.
She jumped a foot off the ground and let out a surprised growl when a hand landed gently on her shoulder.
“Lord Van!”
“You’ll do fine Merle, I have faith in you.” He smiled encouragingly at her.
“Th-thank you Lord Van! I’ll be sure to do you proud.”
“I know you will; just say what’s in your heart.”
Merle returned his smile.
As the bell sounded the hour, Van walked to the stairs of the palace. “Fanelians, I thank you for coming today. The reason for our gathering is a sad one, but those that have gone before us wouldn’t want us to remain stuck in the past forever. We lay them to rest today with promises to rebuild Fanelia and continue with our lives until we meet them again.”
Merle smiled, pride swelling in her heart. Van didn’t play with his sword or shuffle his feet or stumble over his words. His speech sounded a bit rehearsed, or at least thought-out. Why hadn’t she done that??
The crowd murmured agreement and Van stepped to the side, motioning for Merle to take his spot.
She almost bolted.
Carefully she stood exactly where he had, hands behind her back. “Th-thank you for coming today...” She gripped her hands tighter, words failing her.
Suddenly she flung out one hand towards Van.
“Please, take the hand of the person next to you.”
He’d already begun toward her before she finished.
Raising her head to the sky, Merle said, “We ask that you guide those we’ve lost to a better place. We’ll continue on, down here - it will hurt for a while - until we meet with them again, happily. We’ll remember them in our hearts and around our tables and hearths until that time.”
Van squeezed her hand.
wiredclover said “tables and hearths” for the ESS last year and I borrowed it.
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