#Gustav Leonhardt
Johann Jacob Froberger / Gustav Leonhardt , Suite I in A Minor: Allemande, 1962
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clamarcap · 5 months
Lipsia, 1723
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, cantata BWV 40 per la Feria II Nativitatis (Vangelo: Luca 2, 15-20: i pastori a Betlemme), eseguita per la prima volta a Lipsia il 26 dicembre 1723. René Jacobs, contraltista; Marius van Altena, tenore; Max van Egmond, basso; Knabenchor Hannover, dir. Heinz Hennig; Leonhardt-Consort, dir. Gustav Leonhardt. L’ignoto autore…
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twafordizzy · 7 months
Als er muziek in het schrijven zit
In Mozart voor schrijvers gaat Oek de Jong (1952) op zoek naar het muzikale aspect van de roman. Wat blijkt? Muziek speelt een rol bij het totstandkomen van de verhalen die De Jong schrijft. De Jong citeert Milan Kundera: Het componeren van een roman bestaat uit het naast elkaar plaatsen van verschillende emotionele ruimtes. De Jong zelf vult aan: Het naast elkaar plaatsen van emotionele ruimtes…
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mycosylivingroom · 1 year
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boyiwakwambvukuta · 22 hours
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cebozcom · 3 months
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Gustav Leonhardt siktar på guldmedalj i matlagningstävling | CeBoz.com
Läs om kockstjärnan Gustav Leonhardt som strävar efter guld i den prestigefyllda matlagningstävlingen Bocuse d’Or.
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Heinrich Scheidemann (ca.1595 —1663) - Galliarda ex D (WV 107)
Organ: Gustav Leonhardt
Played on the pipe organ in the Cathedral of Roskilde, Demnmark. (Built by Raphaëlis c. 1555, Botzen c. 1691, various other 17th century builders; restored by Marcussen & Son in 1991)
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nathanmonjko · 8 months
Belgian police shoot suspected extremist accused of killing 2 Swedes in Brussels | Utah Public Radio
Anner Bylsma, vc; Age of Enlightenment Orch/Gustav Leonhardt. Cello ... "Their lives were cut short in full flight, cut down by extreme brutality.
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Festival Bach in Basilica: concerti in San Simpliciano l'11, 18 e 25 ottobre
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Festival Bach in Basilica: concerti in San Simpliciano l'11, 18 e 25 ottobre. Milano. Nelle serate dell’11, 18 e 25 ottobre, per il festival “Bach in Basilica”, le porte dell’antica e suggestiva chiesa si apriranno e fra le ampie volte risuonerà la musica del grande maestro tedesco. A Sandro Boccardi, recentemente scomparso, sarà dedicato il primo dei tre concerti del festival. Nella prima serata, mercoledì 11 ottobre alle 21, l’interprete sarà Lorenzo Ghielmi: organista titolare della Basilica di San Simpliciano, docente alla Civica Scuola di Musica «Claudio Abbado» di Milano, Ghielmi è uno dei più noti organisti europei. Alcuni dei corali più importanti di Johann Sebastian Bach saranno affiancati a tre grandi composizioni di Nicolaus Bruhns, un compositore geniale della fine del Seicento che morì a soli 32 anni. Di lui si conservano poche opere, capolavori che possono ben confrontarsi con le pagine di Bach. La settimana successiva, mercoledì 18 ottobre sempre alle 21, l’organista spagnolo Juan Maria Pedrero affiancherà a brani celebri di Bach, fra cui la celebre Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in do maggiore, alcune opere di Francisco Correa de Arauxo, grande compositore del Seicento spagnolo. Il maestro Pedrero è docente di organo presso il Conservatorio di Granada e membro dell’Accademia Reale di Belle Arti della città. Concluderà il ciclo, mercoledì 25 ottobre alle 21, l’organista olandese Leon Berben, una delle figure emergenti nel mondo della musica antica. Allievo di Gustav Leonhardt – di cui è stato l’ultimo allievo –, e di Ton Koopman, dal 2000 è stato clavicembalista di Musica Antiqua Köln, ensemble con cui ha suonato in tutto il mondo e con il quale ha registrato per Deutsche Grammophon/Archiv Produktion. Il suo programma vedrà il confronto fra la musica di Bach e quella di Dieterich Buxtehude. Conclude il concerto la celebre Passacaglia di Johann Sebastian Bach. L’organo della Basilica di San Simpliciano è uno strumento musicale particolarmente prezioso. Costruito nel 1991 dall’organaro tedesco Jürgen Ahrend, è il risultato di un progetto nato nel 1985, Anno europeo della musica. Vera anima del comitato promotore è stato Sandro Boccardi, responsabile della rassegna “Musica e Poesia a San Maurizio”, per l’Assessorato alla cultura del Comune di Milano. Il festival “Bach in Basilica” è organizzato dall’associazione il Canto di Orfeo, con la collaborazione di Fondazione Crocevia e il patrocinio del Ministero della Cultura. Ingresso libero Per informazioni [email protected] www.fondazionecrocevia.it... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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sonyclasica · 9 months
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Este Dream Team de la música barroca presenta un álbum de maravillosas piezas italianas poco frecuentes, muchas de las cuales son grabaciones en primicia mundial. A la venta el 22 de septiembre.
Consíguelo AQUÍ
Con su álbum de 2017 Bolonia 1666, la Kammerorchester de Basilea, bajo la dirección de Julia Schröder, embarcó al oyente en un viaje musical al que posiblemente fuera el centro musical más importante de Italia en el siglo XVII y le descubrió obras excepcionales. Fundada en 1666, la Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, una de las academias de música más antiguas de Italia, influyó en la vida musical de la época mucho más allá de las fronteras de Italia.
Resulta aún más sorprendente que, a excepción de algunos compositores como Giuseppe Torelli o Giacomo Antonio Perti, la mayoría de ellos hayan caído en el olvido. Para esta segunda grabación centrada en la escuela boloñesa, la orquesta se centra más en la música vocal de la época. Les acompaña la fantástica soprano catalana Nuria Rial. Las piezas vocales están todas conectadas por su contenido, ya que los textos utilizan repetidamente imágenes y metáforas "aéreas": pensamientos ansiosos de un amante atormentado que no encuentra la paz, como movido por el viento (el aria "Pensieri vaganti" de Colonna), o de ángeles que descienden del cielo para salvar a la gente (en la cantata "Vieni pur con i tuoi vezzi" de Perti), o del aura que se respira en los lugares sagrados (el motete "Aurae sacrae amati ardores" de Pollarolo). Las piezas para soprano solista se yuxtaponen a fragmentos de los Concerti grossi op. 8 de Giuseppe Torelli, nacido en Venecia pero residente en Bolonia desde 1684, donde hizo carrera como compositor. 
Nuria Rial estudió canto y piano en su Cataluña natal y fue miembro de la clase de Kurt Widmer en la Academia de Música de Basilea. Ha actuado en los principales festivales de música de Europa y colabora con directores como Ivan Fischer, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Paul Goodwin, Trevor Pinnock, Howard Griffiths, Gustav Leonhardt, René Jacobs, Thomas Hengelbrock, Laurence Cummings, Neville Marriner y Teodor Currentzis, así como con notables conjuntos, como Concerto Köln, The English Concert, Kammerorchester Basel, Collegium 1704, Il Giardino Armonico, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Elbipolis Barockorchester, Le Cetra Basel, L'Arpeggiata y Festival Lucerne Strings. Participó en importantes producciones operísticas en muchos de los teatros de ópera más prestigiosos de Europa. Nuria Rial, apasionada de la música de cámara, colabora con conjuntos como "il pomo d'oro", "Café Zimmermann" o el "Nash Ensemble". En sus programas de recital canta repertorio francés y español, pero también canciones alemanas. Sus grabaciones para Deutsche Harmonia Mundi son muy elogiadas en todo el mundo y han recibido varios premios. Su grabación de música barroca española, "Muera Cupido", con Accademia del Piacere fue nominada para los Premios Opus Klassik 2020. Para más información sobre la artista: www.nuriarial.com 
La Kammerorchster Basel es una de las principales orquestas de cámara y actúa regularmente en los festivales y salas de conciertos más importantes, como la Elbphilharmonie de Hamburgo, el Théâtre des Champs-Élysées de París o el Theater an der Wien. Fundada en 1984, la orquesta presenta su amplio repertorio de música barroca en interpretaciones históricas, música clásica en interpretaciones históricamente documentadas y música contemporánea en unas 80 actuaciones al año. Para más información sobre el artista: www.kammerorchesterbasel.ch
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Astrological Predictions and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 29th Birthday
Horoscope and character for those brought into the world on May 29 They appreciate hunting, voyaging, and a wide range of experiences and diversion. His psychological capacities are conspicuous, and his inclinations are various. They are inconspicuous individuals, with an affection for writing and craftsmanship. Simultaneously, they show likely abilities, particularly in callings connected with the monetary and business field. They likewise exhibit military abilities. Cautious, insightful, their way of behaving is alterable, which can change into outrage or crabbiness, as well as anxious fretfulness. They can offer a decent and dedicated kinship, with a ton of good judgment and intrinsic respectability. They are individuals extremely joined to cherish. They foster through their background, and their personality gradually takes shape. They tend to strict life or philosophical longings. When they move past their peevishness they become patient, held, joined to everyday life. Nonetheless, they are not exceptionally content with the marriage, since they are annoyed by errors and battles. They can experience the ill effects of lung and blood sicknesses, anxiety, and hand issues. What compromises them: They are individuals who are excessively secure with themselves, which causes misconceptions and debates; they could in fact unleash devastation on themselves. A lady brought into the world on this day is pretty, personal, respectable, however frequently dismisses the obligations of her home. He is keen on the expressive arts, particularly music and painting, as well as public activity. Astrological Predictions and Character Analysis for Individuals with a May 29th Birthday 
 On the off chance that your birthday is on May 29, your zodiac sign is Gemini May 29 - character and character character: cautious, good, genuine, erratic, melancholic, muddled; calling: fireplace clear, pediatrician, tailor; colors: brown, green, naval force blue; stone: onyx; creature: hummingbird; plant: pear; fortunate numbers: 2,23,39,46,56,57 very fortunate number: 31 Occasions and observances - May 29 Argentina: Armed force Day. Venezuela: Day of the Old. Uruguay: Meat Day. Territorial celebration of Lombardy (Italy) (in memory of the triumph of the Skirmish of Legnano). Global Day of Joined Countries Peacekeepers. Peru: Public Representative Day. Twelfth day of Ridvan, holy day in the Badi (Bajai) schedule. May 29 Superstar Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1901: Cornelia Otis Skinner, American essayist and entertainer (d. 1979). 1902: Stepin Fetchit, American artist and entertainer (d. 1985). 1903: Countee Cullen, American author (d. 1946). 1907: Elly Beinhorn, German pilot (d. 2007). 1908: Hannes Alfvდ©n, Swedish physicist, Nobel Prize champ in physical science in 1970 (d. 1995). 1908: Mel Blanc, American voice entertainer (d. 1989). 1909: Benny Goodman, American jazz guide and clarinetist (f. 1986). 1910: Inge Meysel, German entertainer (d. 2004). 1912: Julius Axelrod, American neurochemist, 1970 Nobel Prize champ in medication (d. 2004). 1912: Hugh Griffith, English entertainer (d. 1980). 1918: Guadalupe "Pita" Love, Mexican artist (d. 2000). 1919: Renდ© Barrientos, Bolivian legislator, military and president (d. 1969). 1919: Alberto Larraguibel, Chilean warrior and horseman (f. 1995). 1920: Antoni Badia I Margarit, Spanish philologist, teacher and scholastic (d. 2014). 1920: George London, Canadian show vocalist (d. 1985). 1920: Franklin Schaffner, American movie producer (d. 1989). 1922: Hal Lenient, American sci-fi essayist (d. 2003). 1922: Joaquდ­n Gamboa Pascoe, Mexican attorney and lawmaker (d. 2016). 1923: Anna Proclemer, Italian entertainer (d. 2013). 1924: Armando Peraza, American performer of Cuban beginning (d. 2014). 1925: John Cocke, American PC researcher (d. 2002). 1927: Clint Walker, American entertainer. 1928: Gustav Leonhardt, Dutch performer and author (d. 2012). 1928: Agnes Varda, French movie producer. 1929: Mario Nდºnez Iordi, Uruguayan performer (d. 2011). 1929: Nდ©lida Roca (70), entertainer and Argentine star (f. 1999). 1929: Fernando Inciarte, Spanish logician got comfortable Germany (f. 2000) 1930: Juan Genovდ©s, Spanish painter. 1930: Robert Ryman, American painter. 1931: Antonio Gamoneda, Spanish author. 1932: Rosa de Castilla, Mexican vocalist and entertainer. 1934: Alexei Leonov, Soviet cosmonaut. 1934: Alketas Panagoulias, Greek footballer and mentor (b. 2012). 1936: Keir Dullea, American entertainer. 1937: Emiliano Rodrდ­guez, Spanish b-ball player. 1937: Armando Valladares, Cuban author and dissenter, nationalized American. 1939: Michael J. Pollard, American entertainer. 1939: Calorie counter Quester, Austrian dashing driver. 1943: Antonio Burgos, Spanish columnist and author. 1943: Vდ­ctor Laplace, Argentine entertainer. 1943: Narcდ­s Serra, Spanish communist lawmaker. 1947: Fernando Martდ­n დ?lvarez, money manager and leader of the Genuine Madrid football club (d. 2006). 1948: Salvador Puig Antich, Spanish progressive and last killed by abominable stick of the Franco system (d. 1974). 1951: Fernando Lugo, Catholic cleric and Paraguayan president. 1951: Stephen Tobolowsky, American entertainer. 1951: Ferran Deluge, Spanish essayist in the Catalan language. 1953: Colm Meaney, Irish entertainer. 1954: Virginia Urdaneta, Venezuelan theater, film and TV entertainer. 1955: Clincher Headon, English drummer, of the band The Conflict. 1955: Brian Kobilka, American physiologist and natural chemist. 1958: Marie Fredriksson, Swedish artist and musician, of the band Roxette. 1958: Miguel Lდ³pez-Alegrდ­a, American space explorer of Spanish beginning. 1963: Helen Sharman, English space explorer. 1964: Wynonna Judd, American artist of down home music. 1964: Andrea Montermini, Italian hustling driver. 1964: Tom Morello, American guitarist, of the groups Audioslave, and Fury Against the Machine. 1964: Germდ¡n Palacios, Argentine entertainer. 1966: Stephen Malkmus, American artist, of the band Asphalt. 1968: Zacarდ­as Moussaoui, French professional killer, one of the ruffians of the planes in the assault of September 11, 2001. 1969: Pablo Mackenna, essayist and Chilean radio and TV have. 1970: Verდ³nica Lozano, Argentine TV have. 1971: Idina Menzel, American entertainer and vocalist. 1972: Mike Amigorena, Argentine entertainer. 1972: Manny Ramდ­rez, Dominican baseball player. 1974: Major L, American rapper (f. 1999). 1974: Power Bovolenta, Italian volleyball player (f. 2012). 1974: Konstantinos Chalkias, Greek footballer. 1974: Cee-Lo Green, American vocalist and artist, of the band Goodie Horde. 1974: Shin Ha-kyun, South Korean entertainer. 1975: Liberto Rabal, Spanish entertainer and movie producer. 1976: Radoslav Nesterovic, Slovenian b-ball player. 1976: Magnus Norman, Swedish tennis player. 1977: Akwდ¡ (Fabrice Maieco), Angolan footballer. 1979: Fabian Ernst, German footballer. 1980: Steven Gerrard, English footballer. 1981: Devendra Banhart, American vocalist musician. 1981: Blake Bashoff, American entertainer. 1981: Gianmaria Bruni, Italian dashing driver. 1982: Eddie Griffin, American b-ball player. 1989: Ailee, American vocalist of South Korean beginning. 1989: Hyomin, South Korean vocalist. 1990: Eury Pდ©rez, Dominican baseball player. 1990: Yoona, South Korean vocalist. 1993: Sota Fukushi, Japanese entertainer. 1994: Madeon, Do-It-Yourself and French maker 1997: Eunha, South Korean vocalist
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musicwithoutborders · 11 months
William Byrd /Gustav Leonhardt, Queens Alman, 2003
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clamarcap · 2 months
Passus duriusculus
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, cantata BWV 12 su testo di Salomo Franck (forse) e Samuel Rodigast (n. 7); eseguita per la prima volta a Weimar il 22 aprile 1714. Paul Esswood, contraltista; Kurt Equiluz, tenore; Max van Egmond, basso; Tölzer Knaben­chor, dir. Gerhard Schmidt-Gaden; King’s College Choir Cambridge, dir. David Willcocks; Leon­hardt-Consort, dir.…
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muatyland · 1 year
Recensione "Bach" di Pedro Eiras
Strutturato non in capitoli convenzionali, ma in quattordici sezioni, il libro parla di tutto ciò che ruota attorno alla figura del compositore tedesco: la musica in primis, a cui si aggiungono il ricordo di Bach attraverso la lettera della seconda moglie, Anna Magdalena, del 1750, la lettera di Gustav Leonhardt all’amico Nikolaus del 1973, il montaggio cinematografico di Straub e Huillet nel…
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boyiwakwambvukuta · 3 months
I got the #lyrics for "Pièces de clavecin - Troisième livre / 15e ordre: Le dodo ou L'amour au berçeau" by Gustav Leonhardt on Musixmatch https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Gustav-Leonhardt/Pi%C3%A8ces-de-clavecin-Troisi%C3%A8me-livre-15e-ordre-Le-dodo-ou-L-amour-au-ber%C3%A7eau?utm_source=application&utm_campaign=api&utm_medium=musixmatch-android%3A552993462
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giannapronteraart · 2 years
Le miniature: ciondoli in oro, oro bianco o argento dipinti a mano, un omaggio all'arte e agli artisti che più amo. Realizzati su commissione, diventano pezzi unici non più realizzabili.
"La tenerezza è il linguaggio segreto dell’anima."Rudolf Leonhardt
Particolare de "le tre età della vita" Gustav Klimt custodita in oro.
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