#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future
arolesbianism · 26 days
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
It's funny how I'm actually putting effort on this. I'm putting actual effort on a shitpost.
Anyways I said I'd write a bad sonic creepypasta so here it is. Here's the catch: I like how its turning out so imma make it a 2-pary story. This is the first part. It doesn't have any scary shit but it has the basics for a shitty creepypasta: someone gets a old pirated/unreleased/defective game and tries them out despite getting warned that bad shit might happen.
Again I'm not a fluent English speaker so expect some grammar error and stuff like that ._.,
So ladies, gentlemen and non-bis, I present to you-
Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood (Part 1)
Synopsis: Teen gets nostalgic mid-quarentine and starts playing old Sonic games. She asks for some cheat codes and shit happens.
So for context; I'm a 17 year old girl stuck home because of quarantine.
It had been 4 or 5 months since the virus sent everyone home. Students were playing Animal Crossing and DOOM all day to fill in the summer hours since no one could go outside. I never liked going to the beach so I was never really bothered by it.
Like many people, I found myself going back in time to easier phases of my life. I was rewatching old cartoon shows from my childhood, getting into MCR and P!ATD and just living in pure nostalgia. I also started getting into gaming again, even going to the point of setting up my Wii again just to play Epic Mickey, but I didn't exactly grow up with the Wii. I was more of a Playstation kid, so much that me and my bro got a Playstation 2 from our cousin when he eventually bought the 3rd one for himself.
My cousin was older than us; I remember him being 16 or 17 when I was like 12, so he was kind of our gaming hero. If there was a level in Crash Bandicoot we couldn't beat, we'd call my cousin and he'd do it in 15 minutes. He knew all the cheat codes, all the secret levels and extra content for the games he had; he was like a genius to me and my lil bro, so when he gave us his old Playstation 2 and games me and my sibling knew we were in for a treat.
We got this Sonic Gems Collection for the Playstation 2 from him. It's like a port of various older Sonic games like Sonic CD, Sonic The Fighters, Sonic R and so on. I grew up playing that game, especially Sonic The Fighters since I wasn't very good at the racing games.
I still had a working controller and a lot of free time so I asked my bro for help setting up the console. The thing was so dusty I was actually scared it wasn't going to work. We clicked the power button and the light on the console turned on. Me and my brother held our breaths as we put the DVD in the console and crossed our fingers. As the screen lit up with the SEGA logo and music started playing, I just hugged him and cheered. He set up the console in my room so I could play without having to go to his room (he was the one keeping all the electronic stuff) and told me to have fun.
I didn't even know where to start. There was so much I wanted to play now that I actually knew what I was doing. I thought about starting with my favourite one out of the bunch: Sonic CD. I'm a sucker for the retro 2D pixel games so that was a must. It was better than what I remembered; the music was so catchy and the art style was vibrant and it stood out from a lot of games nowadays that go for a washed out "hyper realistic" look.
As I kept playing, I eventually reached the level where Amy tags along with Sonic for a while before Metal Sonic bursts through a wall and kidnaps her. Oh yeah, Metal Sonic was a thing. I remembered him from Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters - and the fact he was in the fucking cover art of the DVD case. I absolutely loved the fucker in the games though. He had a cool design, and the idea of the villain being a copy of the hero gone wrong was so interesting to me at the time.
I ended up passing the level and even making it to Stardust Speedway. I was sweating since I'd never come this far at any game. My bro was there cheering me as I tried not falling on spikes or getting hit by Metal Sonic's attacks. I ended up making it till the end on top, but it was kinda sad seeing Metal crash face-first against the door like that.
I was done with that for a while, so I went ahead and played Sonic R and Sonic The Fighters for nostalgia. Again, the fucker was there, either as a boss or as an unlockable character. I ended up noticing how there were a bunch of games missing. There were empty grayed slots with question marks instead of the game titles. I couldn't understand if the game was broken or if there was something I was supposed to do, so I called my cousin in hope he would somewhat tell me what to do. He ended up explaining how the game made you complete all the other games to unlock new ones. I thought that was kinda stupid so I asked him if he had any cheat codes or something to make the whole thing available. He told me he was going to dig up his old stuff and ring me again if he found anything.
A few hours later, he sent me a message telling me he'd found something that should work. He told me he did have a cheat code but he thought it was best if I didn't do it. Here's the transcript from his message.
"There's something that might work but it's kinda weird. I got this memory card from a friend of mine and he said this should unlock all the hidden contents within the disc, but when I tried it some weird shit started happening. Most of the sonic games were unplayable no matter how many times I restarted the console or cleaned the disc. There should be an extra game slot but that's just a glitch. Something about the system trying to make up storage for the extra code. Just don't click on anything that looks like a glitch and you should be golden"
Well that was a bit discouraging, but we agreed to meet that afternoon so he could give me the memory card.
When I got home and plugged the cartridge into the slot on the console, I was kinda scared. What if the thing exploded or something? I gave it a try and the thing actually worked! As I clicked on the games section, everything was there! There were some vectorman games but I didn't know who that was at the time so I didn't really care about them. What I was more interested in was the museum. There were a bunch of unlockable promotional art and illustrations there that I never got to see as a kid, so you could imagine how joyful I was when I saw the museum section filled with pages upon pages of illustrations and renderings of the games. Some of them weren't even on the Gems Collection like some screenshots of Sonic Heroes.
I went back on the game menu and was surprised to see another game entry below all the vectorman ones. It was called "Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood". What the hell was this? It surely wasn't in the cover art and a quick google search turned up nothing. Was it a glitch? It couldn't be; it looked too clean and intentionally made to be a glitch, not to mention that whole game titles don't just appear out of thin air. Game or not, something was programmed in there. I concluded it was probably someone's fan project that was in the memory card my cousin gave me. Why hadn't he mentioned it though?
I was too curious to turn down a mystery like this one, so I got up first to make a cup of coffee since it was already getting late. As I returned from the kitchen, I remembered to look at the synopsis of the game. I can't remember exactly what it said but it was something along the lines of:
"In this sequel to the famous Sonic CD, step in the shoes of Sonic's friends as they face their biggest challenge yet. Control Amy Rose and Miles "Tails" Prower and fight against the metallic faker himself, Metal Sonic, and stop him before he puts his plan to become the only Sonic in action"
Woah, that sounded exciting; I wasted no time. I got all cozy, kept my cup of coffee next to me
And pressed START.
To be continued in part 2
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uh-fuckidunno · 5 years
The Fic Fic
It wasn't unusual for Brendon to be pounding his dick into Ryan's ass, mouth, or belly button, or even to be using weird things beyond the strangeness of buttplugs and whipped cream. It wasn't unexpected to use hamsters during sex, or to try and recreate The Milk Fic. Occasionally the pair would try new things like peanut butter or cherries. Calling each other names like Assbabyfootyum or jacking off to Spongebob wouldn't be all that strange.
But tonight? Tonight things got freaky. Strange, even for this couple.
They had heard that Haysus was canon. Some trans kid named Hayden and Jesus, who were the same person but not, both my son in different ways, had gotten married recently. All the attention was on them. So Ryden needed to do something even weirder in order to get the attention again. They needed another The Fic: The Fic Fic
So they went ahead and hired a lizard in a tux with a bowtie and top hat to come over and print out every The Fic ever written while they got warmed up for the night ahead.
And how exactly does this pair "warm up" to get real weird, real kinky, real fast, real hard? By snacking, of course!
Except instead of eating the food like normal humans, nah man, this is a Fic, Brendon shoved everything inside Ryan's lil hole. It was a bit of a tight fit. Ryan groaned, somewhere between pleasure and pain, maybe both. The feeling of his ass being filled wasn't unfamiliar, but never this much packed in there.
Upon hearing the groan, Brendon muttered, "Slut,"  grabbed his fuckbuddy's hips and began thrusting. His dick was getting coated in all kinds of food. Cherries, cake, grapes, beef, mashed potatoes, cheese wiz, you name it.
Ryan was in a lot of anal pain, but as a masochist, t h a t s f i n e.
Brendon nearly came right there, but then he got an idea. He pulled out of Ryan's ass, ignoring the boy's groan of disappointment. They'd barely gotten started. Now was not the time.
Brendon stood before Ryan, dick dripping in all kinds of yummies. Snacks, desserts, entrees, pre-cum, etc. He forced the gay to look up at him and said, "Suck it all off, slut."
Ryan nodded and took in his dom's tip. Mmm, slight taste of lasagna and pie. Who knew they'd make such a great combination? He quickly became very enthusiastic about deep-throating this exotic-flavored cock.
Meanwhile, Brendon was moaning very much. Now he knew how to get Ryan to suck him off best.
"You fucking- mmh- you disgusting, vile- uuuhhh- gross ass, mmmhph, gross ass whore. Oh! You're such a fucking, hmmm, slut, you, huphffmmmph, know that, mm, you know that, right? How'd you, ohhhhhmmm, how'd you learn to suck dick so good? Hmm, look at, oh, look at you choking on my length like that. Bet, mmmm, bet you love choking, choking on cocks. mmmmmm~"
Ryan's eyes were forming tears at the pain of the dick in the back of his throat. But Brendon was right; he really did enjoy this. He also very much enjoyed the degradation, the kinky little whore.
Now, I'm aware that some of you may be turned on at this point. So I shall make this weirder and weirder until no one in their decent humanity would have a boner. Be warned, it only goes down downhill from here. Of course, it's not gonna be that bad, I'm not that horrible of a person as to write something illegal. Just fuckin strange and gross.
So like, Brendon's dick just so happened to be touching the part on Ryan's throat which made Ryan puke. Needless to say, Beebo now had vomit on his cock rather than food. Like I said, gross.
Ryan cowered in fear at his master's look of death.
"Lick it up."
Ryan didn't dare talk back, nor disobey. He was a good little slave. And so he did what a good little slave does: obey his master, no matter what.
The taste of all Ryan's favorite foods were quickly forgotten as they were replaced by the taste of his own vomit. And somehow, some way, Bredon's boner was still hard while Ryan licked the bile off of it. Once the puke had been sufficiently cleaned up, the bottom looked up at his dom, hoping for some trace of approval at what a good job he'd done.
But just then, a little lizard scrambled into the room, dragging a large stack of papers behind it, its bowtie slightly crooked. Once the pages were delivered to Brendon, the miniature reptile fixed its bowtie and removed its top hat to bow.
Just as Brendon was about to reach for the freshly printed papers, the lizard pulled out a tiny pistol. "Yo, any last words, motha fucka?"
"Yeah, suck my dick." And with that, Brendon shoved the lizard up Ryan's ass. He then shoved the papers up that very same anal hole. Every fic ever was inside of Ryan, an Brendon took it upon himself to pound them in further. Ryan's howls of pain were appealing to the sadistic top as he thrusted harder. And faster. And harder. And faster. Ryan was pretty sure Brendon was some kind of sex demon with how hard and fast his ass was being demolished.
All of a sudden, dust bunnies began hopping out from under the bed and into Ryan's asshole. A rat crawled from beneath the floorboards with the same destination. Pretty soon, there were ten different kinds of tiny animals (some real, some not) inside of the sub.
And then Brendon shoved a chair in there as well.
And he set it on fire.
Gunshots were head from inside of the sub, no doubt from the lizard hitman. Ryan screamed from the internal bleeding and melting flesh. Beebo stood over him and forced his dick back into his partner's mouth and came.
But Ryan didn't swallow. He couldn't swallow. He was dead.
The lizard hitman stood triumphantly over the hole in Ryan's abdomen, its gun raised at Brendon. He aimed for the balls and shot, but no bullets came out. It'd used them all to escape the chaotic hell that was Ryan Ross's anal passage. It'd thought about just hanging itself with the dental floss it found in there, but it'd been worth that effort to see the look on Brendon's face.
But soon enough, that look was gone one he noticed that the lizard has no more bullets. Brendon smirked. "You're going to pay for that."
The crunch of the lizard's bones between Brendon's teeth gave him great pleasure as reptilian blood drizzled down his throat.
But by now, the fire had spread from Ryan to the house itself. The place would be burned down increasingly soon. So, Brendon took what was left of Ryan (which only his half-melted head) to use as a sex toy and made a beeline for the exit. But it was too late. Upon realizing there was no way out, Brendon made the last regrettable decision he would ever have the luxury of carrying out.
He fucked Ryan's dead, burnt face while being burned alive. And thus, he began giving birth to minute fire lizard-human hybrids through every pore in his body. He collapsed on Ryan's melted head while writhing in agony.
Beebo exploded and the house followed suit shortly after. The only things left were Brendon's lizard children and his dick. The babies ate the dick and dispersed to wreak havoc, crawling inside men's asses and burning them from the inside out and eating the corpse.
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katsutomos · 5 years
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hello, i’m kosmo (she/her) and i’m v excited to be here hehehe! thank u for having me! ;; also i didn’t realise that both kosmo and tomo end the with the same letters & now i wanna d*e but oh well pls ignore that! (: anyw, i’m here introduce TOMO!! there’s probably some stuff i left out here but it ended up having a word count of almost 2.5k so i’m just going to stop myself while i’m ahead! i’ll finish off my stats & bio pages soon and then i’ll try to think up some plots but here’s all this for now!
(tw: suicide mention, brief drug mentions)
NAME / tomo katsumura; his full name is tomohiko but nobody calls him that except his mum & grandparents like literally everybody else knows him as tomo NICKNAMES / technically, tomo IS a nickname but he’s so used it that not using a nickname with him is :knife emoji: -- also katsutomo but that one’s more of fan-title-nickname rather than one he actually uses (as much as he came up with it himself tweeting it out like ‘you guys can call me katsutomo from now on if you like ^^’ before changing all his handles to that exact name). other than that, he’s a bit iffy about nicknames. he likes them if HE came up with them but giving him a nickname is usually Yikes City (unless he decides it’s cute and lets u do it, i guess) AGE & DOB / twenty-three & 6th november 1995 BIRTHPLACE / LA, USA ETHNICITY / japanese OCCUPATION / actor! he dabbles in modelling but it’s more of an ‘i got asked to model this thing bc i’m famous and they’re paying me (:’ type deal than it being something he’s actually personally into. whereas acting is his PASSION.
to start with, let’s talk about his parents; his dad, born and raised in america, was an actor who eventually made a move into directing but ultimately committed suicide at age 38 & his mother, born and raised in japan, is a socialite who had started off as a teen idol in the 80s. his parents had also divorced when tomo was still young, a few years before his dad’s death, so he uses his mother’s surname. tomo does not get on with her but, thanks to the sense of guilt she’s raised into him, he can’t bring himself to cut her out of his life completely. 
basically, she’s got hang ups about the way her idol career ended so she kind of pushed tomo into the spotlight (which was fine for him because he wanted to act) but she grew envious of him after he got out of his teens and doesn’t like the decisions he makes. it’s a mutual issue. they mostly don’t get on because they can’t see eye to eye or really speak to each other at length without arguing.
his mum actually wanted him to break into acting when he was about nine because he’d already taken an interest in it by then. because her career had ended early, she took the approach of ‘he won’t be cute forever, what if we wait too long and he loses his chance?’ but his father, who had his own issues with the industry, strongly disagreed. this disagreement was one small contributing factor for their divorce; they had plenty of other issues as well but this didn’t help. their compromise was that tomo could wait until he was in his teens and this deal was mostly held up because tomo thought it was wrong to break a promise with a dead guy.
to be clear though, he’d probably have issues with his dad too if he were still alive (and he’s not exactly super fond of him as it is; he doesn’t hate him but he doesn’t like being asked about being his son). he was kind of a shit husband and, if it weren’t for the fact he didn’t see tomo as often as he’d like, he’d probably be a pretty distant father as well. his work was pretty much his main priority and he had a lot of personal issues that he took out on other people.
tomo grew up in LA for the most part but also spent a lot of time in japan, mostly jumping between osaka, where his mother’s family lived, and tokyo, where his mother’s friends and connections & his father’s extended family lived. the family stopped travelling quite as much after his father’s death and tomo’s reaching high school age. he grew up bilingual.
he started acting professional when he was 16, mostly with a few smaller tv roles but he had good connections and was able to get a small but still substantial role in the film directed by a friend of his dad. his big break came at age 18 when he landed a leaded a role in the main cast of high school drama. it was exciting at first, being on tv and being famous, but he hated both the show and his character so the whole thing got tired fast. he wasn’t allowed to quick so he went out of his way to get himself fired. there’s a whole story behind that but i’ll leave that for the bio hehehe! (he wanted his character to get killed off bc he thought it’d be fun to act out but they wouldn’t let him do that ): boooo)
one of his biggest issues with the tv show was that he didn’t like being sold as a product / character that wasn’t anything like him. he hated being shown off as this squeaky clean teen heartthrob type and not being allowed to have his own emotions & tastes. he found it mentally exhausting and, since then, he’s had a lot of issues dealing with the contrast between how he is as a person and how he’s seen by the media. he tries not to admit it but he’s terrified of being swallowed up by what other people think of of him and losing track of himself in the process. it’s made him a little paranoid.
since then, he’s avoided tv as much as possible. he prefers working on films in general but he finds the idea of playing the same character for too long incredibly unappealing. he enjoys taking on new roles and absorbing himself in that character & sometimes to the point of bordering on obsession so playing the same role not only plays into his fears of people seeing him as someone he’s not (i.e; whatever character it is) but he’s also scared of seeing HIMSELF the wrong way. he needs the separation.
tomo likes working on indie films or more artistic/niche studio films most of all. the promotion cycle isn’t as intensive and the characters tend to appeal to him more. he has appeared in a few blockbuster-type films but mostly because his bosses have pushed him into it or he’s had to taken on a multiple film contract with a studio in order to land a role he really wanted. (he once got int trouble for calling his own character in a blockbuster a ‘dumb bitch’ on twitter)
the bratpack article had a pretty heavy impact on him. it kinda just spoke to all of his worst fears of not really being a Real Person or being Sold A Certain Way. he wanted to get away from it without having to actually stop working because it’s the one thing that really keeps him stable. his eventual means of escape was a role in a japanese film. he’s been living in japan since then, having moved there to specifically hunt out a film to work on, to get used to the japanese industry/prepare himself and then get to filming. he’s come to milan straight from tokyo, not having seen any of the other brats in person during that time, but he’s had time to relax. sort of. 
for the most part, tomo’s a friendly and energetic guy! (living up to his name a lil bit here bc tomo can mean ‘friend’ in japanese hehehe) when he’s at his best, he’s great company. he likes to stand out in a crowd, has a winning smile and enjoys a little bit of attention but also knows when to step back and look out for other people. he likes to play as hard as he works. the trouble is that, when things aren’t going well and he’s distressed, he tends to collapse in on himself. behaviour that seemed playful before looks straight up stupid and reckless instead. he’ll avoid attention but get frustrated because he craves it and do more reckless shit for attention. yet he’s pretty good at pretending shit’s fine, he’s still weirdly positive for a guy who feels all messed up — maybe he gets away with it because he’s a good actor. tomo has good days and bad days but there’s little warning as to which is which. it wasn’t always this way; it’s like something has broken his spirit. (i copied this from my app but asdghgsdf)
that’s why his archetype is The Contradiction,,,bc he doesn’t make any fuckin sense, woooeee! he’s this very bouncy, upbeat person and he likes having fun but he’s not really a very positive person in terms of outlook. he’s too high energy! his general vibe is everything’s going to shit but i’m going to have a good time anyway :D
actually, on that note...he IS :D
he doesn’t like crying in front of people which is rough bc he’s v emotional all the time. he’s a total crybaby when he’s drunk. if you drink with him, there WILL be a point at which you have to scoop him up off the floor because he’s found something over which to start weeping. OR he’ll end up calling you to panic about how he can’t find his way home, only for him to realise like 5 minutes later he’s phoning you from the steps outside his apartment building.
the kind of guy who can have a full-on breakdown in his room by himself and then just reappear & ask u if u wanna go for ice cream or smth bc he’s bored. like ok that’s done with, that already happened. it’s over.
anyw he’s always willing to give ppl advice if they’re feeling stuck. it’s not always great advice bc he’s basically shit at dealing with stuff himself. he’s not one of these ppl who gives great advice but can’t follow it himself, he’s more...he gives advice bc he’d feel bad if he didn’t TRY so the advice itself definitely varies in quality. he means well though.
don’t watch funny films with him because he will do one of either things; 1) not find it funny and sit through the whole thing like : | or 2) he’ll find it so funny that he’ll end up on the floor at some point. there’s no in between. it’s all or nothing with this fucker.
he really likes cute shit. he’s rich so there’s nothing stopping him from buying those overpriced limited edition hello kitty goods.
let’s not talk about how he enjoys acting bc it’s an escape where he can be Somebody Else but he can’t cope with himself being promoted as something that doesn’t feel like Tomo. that’s its own mess. i’m p sure he’d just unravel if anybody said anything about it.
his hair is currently bright red. it’s a recent change but he was like ‘uhhhh if i’m going on this trip, i’m making a visual statement’ and that was that. he likes to go for more interesting colours when he’s not filming anything because it’s the only time he really gets to. i mean, he still has dyed hair in a lot of his films but it’ll usually be brown or blonde or something else more ‘realistic’.
tomo cares a LOT about the way he dresses and styles himself. he’ll probably complain if he has to do a promo/magazine shoot and he doesn’t like the outfit he’s been given. it doesn’t actually help him half the time and he just gets told to shut up but it’s the PRINCIPLE of it !!!!!!!!
he posts on his finsta probably way too often but that’s because his public social media is pretty filtered, given that he’s caused fusses on social media before. there have been multiple cases of him having to delete tweets and instagram posts because somebody in charge decided he was pushing the limit just a little too much and, granted, most of it wouldn’t be seen as risky (bc it’s mostly utterly pointless stuff that gets flagged up as risky, e.g; ‘i need to pee and i can’t find a bathroom. death is coming for me.’) if he hadn’t publicly complained about the tv show that made him famous several times on twitter but he did do that so, y’know, he’s seen as a liability. the unfortunate outcome of this is that his finsta story is often littered with fairly inane thoughts.
he’s not very good at watching himself in films. it depends on the film and he can do it but uhhhh let’s just say he once watched the one horror film he was in at the cinema (and didn’t like most of it bc he’s a wuss about that sort of thing) but he laughed during his own death scene. there were tears in his eyes. real tears.
he doesn’t like dating because...well, he likes the IDEA of it but he’s the type to really fall for someone and BASICALLY? he’s scared of being dumped! he’s a bright & appealing personality with just enough edge to balance it out but he’s a bit of an emotional screwball and getting people interested is easier than keeping them interested, leading to mixed experiences with dating so he’s settled for sleeping around a little instead. oh well, whatever works! (does it actually work? shhhh it’s a secret...)
he’s very much involved in the party scene, whatever country he’s in. it’s not something he talks about much (privately, i mean, bc DUH he doesn’t say it publicly) but he doesn’t exactly avoid drugs in anyway (code for...yeah, he’s done stuff). it’s all casual, he says, but he still does it. he does smoke cigarettes though and he’s a little dependent on that.
also i guess he got involved in that kinda thing deliberately because he wants to distance himself from the clean-cut, shiny heartthrob pretty boy image as much as possible. eventually, it just became a natural way of de-stressing and dealing with the constant frustration of his career. the unfortunate consequence of that is that he’s now got a bit of a Bad Boy/Wild Child image and he’s not entirely sure he likes that either. (the shift in image also means that some journalists will talk about him as though he’s ‘gone off the rails’ and, yeah, he hates that as well)
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dpargyle · 5 years
I did my writing for the day this morning and then headed off to the hospital -
I got there and had just missed Dad going down with Mum for surgery - she accompanied him to speak with the anesthesiologist and other surgeons there - at the beginning of the day we hadn't expected him to go into surgery so quickly - but apparently both ankles and his elbow were still swelling and felt hot (unlike the lack of fever in much of his body for now) - so eventually they aspirated one ankle and went into the other to clean out around it - which they also did on his elbow.   Mum was incredibly frustrated as two teams of doctors (the infection disease specialists and the cardiologists) seem to beat least somewhat at odds with each other when it comes to figuring out why Dad is still confused in the head and pained in the body, despite his healthy beating heart.  Apparently, the cardiologists did not want him to have further procedures but the infection people feel differently.  So before Dad went into the surgery Mum kicked up a fuss (as I told her later I think was the right thing to do) to figure out why he needed these surgeries today - but several different people kept giving her slightly different answers - the infection specialist said it was just to help him feel less pain while the anesthesiologist told her there was no guarantee of that - they were just trying to determine if there was still infection in any of these places.   In any case, Mum made them call the cardiologist's team to make sure they were on the same page as the infectious diseases team - and the right hand knew what the left hand was doing.  So they communicated a bit and seemed to agree the surgery this afternoon was the right thing to do - though the head cardiologist had not been notified - though another cardiologist (his partner) did give them the go ahead, I believe.  Still, Mum had to make the decision, so based on the information she was given, she eventually let them go ahead with it.
Obviously, though - she was frazzled and anxious she had made the wrong decision but I assured her I think she made the best decision she could given all this information.  We just wish the surgeries would end so he can finally recover.  When he came out of surgery, the surgeon said they didn't find infection in these joints but they did find gout - which he has struggled with in the past and it's quite painful to recover from - so they got rid of much of the gout.  Both teams are still unsure why Dad is mentally/emotionally compromised and if the infection is still in his body or where it is if it is there.  This is deeply frustrating. Dad is still in a lot of pain but the nurse shot him up with drugs tonight so hopefully he'll be able to rest.  He got a little bit of rest last night but not as much as they would have liked, so hopefully these painkillers (a Tylenol cocktail full of opioids I think) will do the trick.  We really hope the rest will help heal him.  It's quite horrible to see him in this much pain and not be able to do anything for him really.  Except hold his hand and reassure him.
We were surrounded by friends (some from work, some from Mum & Dad's church) (OMG kids so many prayers - I appreciated they were calming to my Mum and Dad but just because I’m related to these people does not mean I believe in the Christian God anymore so any mention of him isn’t thhaaaaat reassuring but of course I couldn’t say that and distress anyone even further) -
Lil sis came back home from a week with her friend's family so I made sure for Mum to leave at a reasonable hour so they could see each other and Mum could get some rest at home.  I and another family friend of ours stayed a little bit longer, but we'll all be back tomorrow.
I just wish I had better news.  Dad's hanging in there...as are the rest of us.  I am fine myself but I just want to make sure Mum is taken care of as well.  Thankfully she and Dad have a strong support system.
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vrenaewrites · 4 years
CRAVE by Tracy Wolff thoughts: Ch 22 - ch 48
Full video here.
CH 22: Baby, it’s hot in here
Like, baby it’s cold outside?
Sooooo much internal monologuing about her first boyfriend and how no one has made her feel like Jaxon does…
“The big picture is that the most popular boys in school are obsessed with you”
“He looks at you like it physically hurts him not to be touching you. Baby, if he wanted you anymore he’d spontaneously combust”
Macy wants the tea about her and Jaxon
She says flint and him had a “massive pissing contest over her” lmao
“Are you trying to be reassuring or scare me?” “yes”
She tells heather ttyf? Am i stupid??? What does that mean?
TALK TO YOU FOREVER?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?
“It sounds like every cliche in the book, but he’s different around you. Somehow less intense, but more intense.”
“You can trust me, we’re family” and grace almost starts crying :(
CH 23: never bring an ice cream scoop to a gunfight
Macy FINALLY comes clean re: flint and jaxon are mortal enemies
“What is this the breakfast club? Even they figured out they could all get along” grace just be quiet and let the girl who actually knows wtf is up at this school tell you wtf is up. You been wanting her to talk for so long, be quiet.
Ooh something big happened a year ago that made them all break up into factions
It’s about hudson jaxon’s brother!
Or is his name spelled Hyudsin because stupid spellings
Ooh macy warned grace not to become the chew toy between flint and jaxon
CH 24: waffles are the way to a girl’s everything
I want to hate this but i fucking love waffles so like…
Someone’s texting her about her ankle...i thought it was jaxon...AND IT IS!
“I don’t know the punchline to whatever knock knock joke you’re setting up” I BURST OUT LAUGHING BECAUSE “he’s funny over text” ma’am...this isn’t funny? Maybe a lil snarky, but funny?
Now she’s telling jokes over text and we’re having a whole long stupid text fucking exchange….i hate this so much
Then he tries, “what do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite” and my soul leaves my body because what in the 8th grade twilight fanfiction is happening…
She texts him brb instead of just responding when when she was done peeing and then he stops answering her, this used to happen to me with the toxic dudes i talked to in high school...am i reading too much into this? Idk yet
And then she’s spiraling about why he stopped texting and UGH I REMEMBER THIS FEELING!!!!!!!!!
Jaxon has food sent up to her room from the...cafeteria? Wtf…
He says he doesn’t like the food and she says “So what do you like to eat” and then is like “wow that sounded suggestive” lmao
And he says “i don’t think we’re there yet but let me know when we are” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
CH 25: truly madly deeply bitten
And we’re really just gonna keep texting 21 questions
She loves tatbilb...i mean same lana condor is the loml, but
Jaxon loves rogue one………
“I wish i could ask the real jaxon vega to please stand up” i rolled my eyes but i also giggled
“You suck” “you have no idea how much” i threw up in my mouth.
Niall horan reference, hozier reference, rhianna reference
Gambino reference, beethoven reference???, and then brown-eyed girl which personally offends me because my mom used to sing that to me
This makes her hands shake
She plays brown eyed girl a bunch of times
Then another woman comes to deliver a package to grace...from jaxon...it’s a library book
It’s twilight
Insert snap of me screaming stfu here
Macy is laughing her ass off about this because she isn’t stupid, she knows what jaxon is
And grace says she never read it when it was popular all those years ago…
Baby you said you liked reading. No way did you survive middle school without reading it.
And then he shows up!!!!!
She makes a shitty joke to lighten to the mood
He’s massaging her hurt ankle...oh shiiii
They ALMOST kiss
He gives her a little note wrapped in a ribbon
“I wonder how i’m going to keep this beautiful, broken boy from cracking my already battered heart wide open”
Hades voice: we were so CLOSE!
CH 26: the uniform doesn’t make the woman, but it sure brings out the insecurities
He ripped a page out of anais nin’s journals that says some shit like “i dreamed you, i wished for you”
So cute sentiment but you ripped a book my dude? Cardinal sin
Grace is finally going to class
The cafeteria is goth as fuuuuck
The music is “creepy af”
Jaxon sits next to her in front of everyone
CH 27: 10 degree weather gives a whole new meaning to “the cool kid’s table”
He sits in the super ornate chair backwards and it makes her horny
The order is kind of ragging on jaxon about being cute to grace which is funny
We get all the dude’s names at one - raphael luca liam mickey?? I think
“A dark and devastating desperation” in his eyes
And then we got byron who’s more angsty than jaxon - “mad bad and dangerous to know” just like his namesake
CH 28: “to be or not to be is a question, not a pick-up line”
Jaxon walks her to class
Wanting him feels like opening a vein
“I love the way your hair smells”
“My heart is beating like a heavy metal drummer”
We were so close!!!!!!!!!
We’re doing hamlet in class ofc
The teacher says “although you look like the shy type despite your association with katmere’s most notorious student”
Instead of just saying the halls are like playing frogger she describes the old video game where you try to get the frog across the road...is it just people in the south that say playing frogger when describing crossing traffic? Or is this a well known phrase??
Apparently there’s hidden tunnels so flint takes her to them
Her intuition is like BITCH DON’T GO IN THE TUNNELS but she ignores it AGAIN
CH 29: with friends like these, everyone needs hard hats
There are beds with shackles?!?!?!?!
Leah shows up and turns out they’re going to the same class? But flint insists on walking her to class…
Leah and flint are NOT friendly
Damn she offends flint with a buffalo bill joke
There’s bones in the tunnels and a giant chandelier in the rotunda that’s also made of bones…
There’s an earthquake!
CH 30: you make the earth shake under my feet, and everywhere else too
And it stops as soon as they get out of the tunnel
Jaxon is there and being a dick to flint and grace has HAD it
CH 31: big girls don’t cry, unless they want to
Grace gets hit with a basketball in gym
All the order has been walking her to class because jaxon knew she was mad at him
Does jaxon cause the earthquakes somehow?
She finally reads the texts jaxon had sent and feels bad for being mad at him when he was just worried - no he acted like a dick. Be mad.
She’s making sooooo many excuses for his anger: the earthquake, the fact that he’s already rescued her before so of course he’s worried…
Aww a student is playing autumn leaves which was her dad’s favorite song :(
She starts to boo-hoo “grief is a wild thing within me”
Civil twilight AGAIN
Jaxon is standing there when she finally stops
CH 32: it’s not a coincidence that denali and denial use all the same letters
He opens the door in the alcove and it’s like a clubhouse? Oh it’s his dorm room???? Confusion
So it’s like the living room and NOW he’s leading her into his bedroom
She says she’s terrified of him touching her because of the intensity but then says she has no trepidations about doing or being anywhere with him...ya just said...nvm
They go out to the roof
CH 33: Madonna’s not the only one with a lucky star
Please decide if grace is a silly teen who doesn’t know what frogger is or an old soul who loves madonna pls
She asks if he’s an alien…
And she tells him he’s the hottest person ever and that his scar makes him sexy as hell and he's all like “me?!” which is a nice role reversal
This is his favorite place
And there's a meteor shower!!
CH 34: all’s fair in love and earthquakes
Thanks i hate this
When she touches him she realizes how cold he is and thinks it’s from being outside which makes him act all weird
Someone please just tell this girl what’s going on!!!!!!!!! I HATE when the reader is 8,000 steps ahead of the MC
“A craving in his eyes” WE’VE SAID THE TITLE FOLKS!
She makes the move to close the space and says she’s dazzled, GUYS
She’s making the MOVE! “Did you ever want something but you were scared of taking it?” “yes” “what did you do” “i took it anyway” and then he kisses her!!!!!!
The kiss is as soft as a snowflake, as delicate as the permafrost
Then “his mouth goes crazy on mine lips tongue teeth, it’s a cacophony of sensations, a riot of pleasure”
“My knees go weak at his tongue on mine, just like one of those heroines in a novel”
His hands are vices on my biceps...his hands were around her back at first which seems way more romantic than manhandling her arms??
There’s an earthquake...and jaxon is like you have to go
A window breaks and cuts her and then she blacks out????
CH 35: baked alaska is more than just a yummy dessert
Intimidating af is the nurse
The glass nicked her artery!!!!!! The FUCK. or did jaxon bite her?????
Her mom died like that… yikes on bikes
He fucking bit her...this is a lie...i’m calling it…
FINN ABOUT TO COME CLEAN!!!...but the nurse stops him.
Macy is an OG bff she is the best
Or is grace the one making shit happen??
Grace notices the sheets are fixed but that macy never went to the bed
Macy asked what they were doing when the earthquake hit...WHY
CH 36: no harm, all foul
Grace goes after Jaxon and he’s like “our kiss didn’t matter”
He says he put her in a lot of danger by being around her, a “target on her back” and wants her to stay away from him but he can’t pull himself away
But then he does
CH 37: don’t ask the question if you can’t handle the answer
Leah drops the bomb that she and Jaxon are expected to carry on like a family dynasty sitch since Hudson died
CH 38: nothing says “i like you” like a fang to the throat
She’s freaking out of course
Mickey says jaxon def didn’t bit her and she’s even more confused and me too
Jaxon is in the mountains...he wants her to wait but she’s pissed
“I take a deep breath and hold onto it with both hands” ….?????
Because i have to hear it out loud, “what did make these marks?”
Say it, out loud
CH 39: there’s never a hallucinogen around when you need one
She’s furious and she should be! I’m glad she’s not replying to Jaxon
We finally get to the bottom of it all!!!!!!
Macy admits Jaxon is a vampire
Leah is one too!!!!
Flint is a dragon!!!!! CALLED IT
He’s got fire? With a name like flint how could he not PUKE
“Who needs LSD when you go to monster high?” Shut UP
Macy is a witch DUH
“You should have been one too”
CH 40: be careful what you witch for
Grace’s dad was a warlock but he lost his power when he fell for grace’s mom...oh no was their accident like a magical mafia hit??
“What kind of witch are you if you can’t do something an 11 year old can?” “the kind that doesn’t come from JK Rowling’s brilliant imagination”...THAT aged poorly…
“This is a less bloody version of game of thrones” shut UP
The school nurse bit her because jaxon used his vampire venom to heal her cut, and it worked too well so she needed to cut through the healed skin with her vampire teeth
Because this is twilight satire so of course they have venom…
“So vampires can just override each other’s venom?”
Most of the vamps would have had a hard time not draining you dry, but not jaxon
I absolutely called it: witches, vampires, dragons, and werewolves confirmed.
CH 41: Vampires dragon and werewolves, oh my
This physically hurts
She’s kind of categorizing the students now that she knows which is totally something i would do
God almighty is flint just a jacob clone…
CH 42: good thing pancakes aren’t on today’s menu
The chandelier is falling onto her and someone pushes her out of the way - it’s jaxon!
His eyes smolder at her
She dresses his cut on his head and his arm
“I wouldn’t have had to save you if you were in your room where i told you to be” he grinds the last part out through clenched teeth
He finally lays it out that someone has been getting her hurt on purpose
CH 43: what doesn’t kill you still scares the hell out of you
Her uncle wants to talk to her before she sees jaxon again and i smell an info dump coming
Dangerous af
“Macy told me she spilled all the tea” said her UNCLE with no hint of like “is that what you kids say these days”. GTFO
“I wait for the other shoe to drop even though 100 have already fallen” that’s not how that idiom works
She’s like “how could he think i wouldn’t figure it out i knew something was wrong” no ma’am! No you didn’t!! You kept shrugging it off until chapter 24 at the EARLIEST when you settled on aliens
Getting the tea on the turf war between dragons and vampires - so it’s not like twilight because it’s not the werewolves. Whatever.
Uncle says it was probably some witch who got too loose with her powers and grace is like yeah no absolutely no one is trying to kill me it was yet ANOTHER freak accident
Uncle wants to sent her back to cali
CH 44: Sweet home alaska
So she doesn’t wanna go because of jaxon, not because her only family in the world is in Alaska….
It’s only been a WEEK
“I know jaxon can be...seductive” says her UNCLE
the guys in the order are born vampires, not made, it’s a v big deal
Info dump city re how vampirism is a genetic mutation…
There are 6 ancient families of vampires...this all sounds like the first draft of my new wip where I was trying to figure out how the secret society worked…
Then he says he’s not in the habit of talking students with other students….we just did...this whole chapter…
Another earthquake???
Ch 45: I always knew there was fire between us, I just didn’t know it was your breath
Dude shut up
She goes to the library and wonders if the books about vampires etc would be under non fiction or biology lmao
The librarian is a native Alaskan with elemental magic….yikes
She does a weird eye swirling “you’re more than you think you are” thing to grace
Flints in the library and she asks him about dragons and I swear to god if we get a chapter devoted to learning about each species via info dump I will burn this place to the ground
He singes the marshmallow with his fire breath, loves it
And he can breathe ice? He cools the water down
He can bloom flowers in his hand????
“They’re beautiful” “you’re beautiful” “but I’m not hitting on you??”
Because when I hit on you, it’ll be because you want me to!!!!! We Stan flint!!!
Ch 46: I’ll get you and your little dog too
Dry throat around flint now, oh shiiiiiii
Oh shit the order is on the move!! There’s trouble
She chases them into a classroom and sees jaxon making shit fly everywhere with just his mind...is he a vampire and a witch??
There’s a werewolf vampire brawl
Damn jaxon can freeze everyone with his mind!
She tries to stop him but he’s put up a barrier
She breaks through!!!!
And jaxon bites cole!!!!!!! ALMOST KILLS COLE!!!!!!!!!!!
“This is your only warning”
CH 47: the first bite is the deepest
Jaxon pulls grace away, this whole time grace’s inner monologue is her feeling responsible for the carnage
“I won’t hurt you” “I know” “you know? do you have a death wish?”
But jaxon is so disgusted at himself that she's just like “well did he deserve to almost be killed?” She has accepted this shit with sociopathic speed
“The power you wield...it’s unfathomable” sis has turned the corner
“You don’t scare me jaxon”
They flipped the script and she breaks down his defenses and it’s kind of hot ngl
She tells him she needs him and he bites her??????
Ch 48: is that a wooden stake in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
They’re getting worse
But it’s not a hurting bite it’s like a sex bite…like she describes an orgasm basically..
Then they kiss
The earthquakes are jaxon! Called it
At this point I am sooooo annoyed because just make him a witch!!!! We really wanted the twilight combo so badly we made him a telekinetic earth-shaking vampire?????????
They go to his room...and she goes to his drum kit instead of his bed, you dumb bitch
Now they’re talking in the bed
The jokes are just so fucking bad
He cuts them off by pulling her on top of him and kissing her!!! In bed!!!! We ain’t in twilight no more henny
“The kiss curls my toes but the yank curls everything else” wut
“I don’t want you anywhere near that world, and I sure as hell don’t want that world anywhere near you” - someone. Anyone. Take a second pass
0 notes
balarouge · 4 years
Quick Shifts: Reluctant DJ Marner reveals Maple Leafs’ new win song
Tumblr media
An easy mix of the things our company learnt from the full week of hockey, major as well as much less thus, and also rolling four-lines deep. Typed with one palm while Dmitry Kulikov pulled us down to the ice.
1. Due to the fact that I spend an unhealthy amount of your time dealing with trivial matters that has little bearing on the real outcome of hockey video games, some of my very first ideas once the Toronto Maple Leafs permit both Jake Gardiner and also Nazem Kadri go over the summer season was: However who is actually mosting likely to be actually the dressing-room DJ now?
For many years, Gardiner cued up the club's morning-skate playlist and Kadri cranked up the beats for pre-game.
Switches out, no person intended to inherit the job.
"Our experts are actually making Mitchy do it this year," says Auston Matthews, after Thursday's strategy. "It's been hit-and-miss."
Matthews looks to his teammate: "Our team merely compelled ya. You just toss on the top charts and also let it run?"
"Top charts in to hip-hop," Marner shoots back. "Absolute bangers."
I talk to for an instance of the tracks that work along with the group.
"Absolutely nothing works. They regularly criticize," Marner mentions, defeated. "Regardless of what track acquires participated in, everyone detests it."
So, was Kadri a far better crew DJ?
"I can not offer Nazzy that. He had some tough goes there," Matthews smiles. "If you're the individual doing the popular music, you are actually screwed. You're constantly in the incorrect. Either the popular music's certainly not playing, the Bluetooth's not functioning, or it's a poor song ... it resembles a no-win scenario. Someone's received ta do it."
Marner it is.
"I obtained howled at to snatch my phone and play popular music, so whatever. I only put on a broadcast station on my app as well as say to everyone to pull it up. I am actually scarcely in the room until 26 mins [up until puck reduce] I do not take requests. I do not care," clarifies Marner, the reluctant selector.
"Article Malone's regularly excellent. It relies on the state of mind. I saw him in 2015 listed here, in the summer. He's excellent real-time. I such as all categories.
"I am actually not as well particular along with my music. On a lengthy bus ride, I can remain on my phone and also play music and merely cool."
Ironically, it was Kadri's replacement, Tyson Barrie, that assisted promote the 2-0 Maple Leafs' brand-new gain song they crank after a W.
"It's phoned 'Hot,' through Youthful Troublemaker," Marner mentions. "Tyson was the one that actually carried it up, as well as a pair people spoke about it. Youthful Hooligan performs a complete operate by means of this closet room immediately. It is actually receiving played on my phone very a little."
Incentive Beat! 6 performers Matthews plays in his headphones as he walks into the ring: Youthful Criminal, Drake, Future, DaBaby, Lil Child, Gunna.
"At the very least the music's a bit louder [during the course of warm-ups] this year. In 2013 it was extremely quiet," Matthews mentions. "Individuals were actually whining that it was actually too loud, yet our team're the ones participating in, so I believe they bumped it up a little. And our experts have actually had the ability to ask for tracks, so it is actually been actually a whole lot a lot better this year."
2. Shed in the shade of Jason Spezza obtaining healthy-scratched for the Walnut Leafs' time opener was actually the happy-news tale for his substitute, Scar Coast.
At age 27, the depth forward combated back to the NHL after an one-year respite in Magnitogorsk, where he placed up 16 aspects in 37 KHL activities.
"You can only chat to a handful of fellas in the storage locker room," he said of his winter season in Russia. "The coach is actually up on the panel, and he's certainly not speaking English. That is actually a little bit of a surprise at very first.
"It's a various experience. There is actually a considerable amount of positives you may apply for of it, yet at the end of the time I am actually satisfied to be actually back."
Toronto connected to Shore practically quickly after Metallurg was eliminated from the playoffs as well as told the journeyman they preferred him to simply play his activity-- inspection, succeed face-offs, begin a lot of your shifts in the defensive zone, don't anticipate a lot of mins.
"The moment I heard this was an opportunity, I was actually prepared to go," Coast claims. "Anytime you possess an odds to come to an association such as this, kinda inside out, it's one thing you acquired ta be actually definitely thrilled to perform."
Bank knows that many veterans, especially depth gamers, that jump from 3 different NHL crews in a solitary season just before finishing up overseas certainly never create it back to the highest degree.
"Among things you discover over there is actually, do not take anything for approved," he claims. "Thus when you obtain a possibility similar to this, you acquired ta maximize it."
3. Leafs instructor Mike Babcock changed out fourth-liner Coast for Spezza for Friday's gain in Columbus. He likewise got rid of third-line winger Dmytro Timashov in favour of Nic Petan and also bottom-pair defenceman Martin Marincin for Justin Holl, presumably on his swan song to catch as a Fallen leave.
Shore, Timashov as well as Marincin return to activity Saturday versus the Montreal Canadiens.
A rotation of bubble players are practically extending practices in to October, until the Walnut Leafs' mentoring workers feels positive in the group.
"We don't possess the responses; our team're attempting to find 'em," Babcock stated.
Babcock hired this exact same strategy a married couple autumns once attempting to select Calle Rosen versus Andreas Borgman and Eric Fehr versus Dominic Moore.
We such as the turning tip. It always keeps gamers clean and also starving, and supplies our company outside along with debate. Why hurry to wrap up when personal injuries and ruts could will place any kind of lineup in motion anyhow?
Still, it's tough certainly not to check out Spezza's Game 1 scrape as a pointer that Babcock is actually visiting carry out things his technique, harmed feelings be actually damned.
"Mike and also I are actually one hundred per-cent on the very same web page," mentioned GM Kyle Dubas, talking to that reviewers stand by to evaluate these decisions till time's end rather than censuring pictures. "Mike possessed his rationale and also reasoning. I know it's unsatisfying for Jason, and I completely understand. I obtain why it is actually a dialogue."
Jason Spezza states he's never rested a property opener before. "It is actually unsatisfactory."
-- luke fox (@lukefoxjukebox) October 2, 2019
4. At $2.1 thousand, Connor Brown was as well pricey for the Leafs' fourth pipe.
Now, he's a bargain on the Ottawa Senators' best trio, to the right of franchise foundation Colin White as well as Brady Tkachuk.
"It is actually enjoyment. I have actually regularly been a fella that would like to contribute offensively. That is actually, in all trustworthiness, the enjoyable part of the video game," Brown states.
"Brady as well as Whitey, my two lineys here, I failed to really understand a lot regarding them, coming from all of them being actually young in the game, and they each possess a considerable amount of capability. Whitey has a ton of rate, and Chucky, I was actually surprised along with how excellent his palms are actually and just how well he finds the video game and his capability to make plays. They're mosting likely to be quite great players for a very long time."
Comical just how quick a gamer's situation may change based on utilization. If Brown, a favourite of trainer D.J. Smith, may thrive in his brand new repulsive part, he might be actually in for a juicy salary increase hereafter, another platform period.
"Brownish Cow is actually a guy who we really love. You despise to find a man who is actually coming from Toronto, that likes being right here, leave, but it's the financial resources in the video game," Babcock said. "That's merely the fact."
Congrats to #Sens ahead Connor Brown that has earned the 100th point of his @NHL job along with a support on tonight's game-opening goal in Toronto.
-- Feelings Communications (@Media_Sens) Oct 2, 2019
5. In recent projects, the Walnut Leafs was among those rare clubs that failed to circulate a player-of-the game token after a victory.
This period, they revealed a fairly distinct one:
Go behind the curtain along with the Blueprint video cameras complying with Wednesday's succeed as Mike Babcock commemorates the @Raptors historic championship with a brand new Leafs heritage after wins. #LeafsForever pic.twitter.com/BCligTRUwH
-- Toronto Walnut Leafs (@MapleLeafs) October 4, 2019
That take care of on Matthews in complete equipment, though:
we got you pic.twitter.com/sDy02ucYsE
-- Toronto Walnut Leafs (@MapleLeafs) October 4, 2019
6. The St. Louis Blues' social-media squad is already in championship type, trying out to produce us sob along with view ...
A special present coming from her kids-- thank you Laila for being actually such an inspiration during our #StanleyCup operate. #stlblues pic.twitter.com/4Zlu1Xuwjb
-- St. Louis Woe (@StLouisBlues) Oct 1, 2019
... and along with chuckling:
Sorry about the flaw. We are actually still knowing exactly how to twitter update with our champion bands on. #stlblues
-- St. Louis Blues (@StLouisBlues) October 3, 2019
7. At the danger of hammering the John Tavares captaincy drum once again, the web links in between him and the descent of previous Toronto captains is actually something.
Darryl Sittler and also Wendel Clark went to Wednesday's opener to applaud him in-person. Doug Gilmour penned an open letter to Tavares upon hearing the news. And also the previous captain, unsigned Dion Phaneuf, along with whom Tavares dipped into the planet champion, connected via content.
"He sent a truly, really pleasant notification just mentioning just how exclusive it is actually to be actually a captain listed below and to participate in for this metropolitan area," pointed out Tavares.
As a young person, Tavares also fulfilled another Leafs leader, George Armstrong.
"It is actually definitely awesome to state I reached satisfy him and also be around him even at that grow older."
8. Dylan Larkin only backs products he relies on. He also performs an extreme quantity of stretching while using gown trousers.
this is actually the type of targeting marketing i would like to see from the NHL pic.twitter.com/If18tSW9QF
-- cayce (@cayceonthego) October 2, 2019
9. Patric as well as Helena Sandin took flight from Sweden to consume their boy Rasmus's NHL debut.
"They sacrificed a lot for me when I was actually much younger, so I assume it suggests a great deal to all of them also. They want the greatest for me and my bro, so they're incredibly pleased for our team," claimed Sandin, just before rewarding them with a help and also a gain.
Post-game, the teenage phenom admitted there was actually a moment during some of his shifts where he had to inquire himself if he was awake.
"It's heading to remain in my scalp at all times," he stated. "I'll remember this permanently."
10. Because our experts stated KHL star and Minnesota Wild prospect Kirill Kaprizov recently, our experts kinda thought our experts will packed our Kirill Kaprizov percentage for an although.
Then he went out as well as racked up three goals in a period of eight minutes as well as 35 seconds. Receive this child in the NHL. Permit's pack up the Central Branch much more.
8 min 35 sec
Kirill Kaprizov credit ratings fastest hat trick in CSKA history. pic.twitter.com/MjfxqwcVJI
-- KHL (@khl_eng) Oct 2, 2019
11. A couple of exciting notes about Alex DeBrincat's three-year agreement expansion ($6.4 million AAV) along with the Chicago Blackhawks:
- Thus most of the other link bargains authorized through younger stars over the past month, DeBrincat's salary spikes in the 3rd time, to $9 thousand, ensuring his certifying deal is going to be actually a juicy one.
- His offer will definitely run out in 2022, the exact same summer season pros Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews as well as Duncan Keith all come off the manuals and also the hat is anticipated to hop. Can be a significant switching point for the franchise.
The Pussy-cat is actually BACK!
Alex DeBrincat has actually signed a 3-year agreement extension that jogs by means of the 2022-23 time, with an AAV of $6,400,000. #Purr #Blackhawks pic.twitter.com/rF4ztP9YON
-- Chicago Blackhawks (@NHLBlackhawks) Oct 3, 2019
12. Yes! Lazlo Holmes is actually now a persisting personality:
This content was originally published here.
0 notes