#I have everything I needddddd
zoldyckd · 1 year
ok mayb this is an actual cr*sh now lol
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milflewis · 1 month
this is my formal petition to have the overlap podcast crew on the taskmaster for a season. or even just a special two parter. anything
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stevenssticks · 9 months
I’m having a rough day and all I can think about is taking it out on Steven by riding him over and over until he can’t take it (I love your work, please keep it up!)
plsplslksolsjbjch PLEASASAE!!!! look at the baby!!!
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like okay him trying his best to like calm you down after shit hit the fan at work today. you come home all frustrated and worked up. and steven tries so hard to make you feel at ease but everything is so much and you’re so pissed. you just need to get all the energy out. next thing he knows you’re pushing him onto your bed, not even bothering to take off his hoodie or sweats. just lifting up your skirt, pulling your panties to the side and riding him until he’s seeing double.
all he can do is lay there and take it as you ride him hard and fast, demanding that he doesn’t cum until you get yours (a couple times). by the end he’s got tears streaming down his face, begging “please lemme cum. i’m trying so hard. don’t wanna disobey you. please please please.” and so the next time you cum, you let him cum with you with a sob. hips thrusting up into you and making you topple over, giving him the opportunity to wrap you in a bear hug, sweater paws (SWEATER PAWS!!!!) pressing into your back to keep you in his arms as you both let go.
you don’t even get up to clean yourselves really. you just push your underwear back in place, steven tucking himself back into his sweatpants and the both of you just falling asleep all cuddled up together after such a hard fuck.
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elriell · 3 years
Any fun Elriel scenes you would want to see in the next book?
For me, it would be at some point Azriel not realizing he has a flower in his hair when around the IC. Maybe because of garden sex...
I would LOVE a drunk Elriel part. Where Azriel gets the hiccups haha I think a tipsy Elain would be cute.
Maybe a cute interaction between Nyx and Elriel.
Anything with Elriel laughing together.
All of those are great choices! Hmmm let me see, here are some HC
Elriel Kiss in the rain!!    (Nessian let me down with it so I need it now!)
Azriel brading her hair.
A conversation about his deep insecurities, and both of them accepting each other as they are. Which we know they do  but like I needddddd it in conversation.
I made a specific post about this but El sending him little people made of light and vice-versa with his shadows
Elain choosing him, a la sleeping beauty as I have said. Her going on a epic quest to save him, top tier
Elriel Forehead Kisses, Tip-toe Hugs, LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
A goddamn apology for giving the necklace to someone else. (He owes Gwyn one too while we are on that note.) 
FOR SURE NYX MOMENTS, either way around one of them just gazing adoringly at the other holding the precious bubba
More Spy!Elain and impressed Az
El tracing his scars absentmindedly while they do anything, in bed, in the gardens, under the table at dinner.
Elain randomly adopting progressively more aggressive looking or dangerous creatures because they love her (because she is a life goddess) and Az being equal parts adoring, amused and terrified of the wild beasts she brings home. +Bonus points if they chill with her in the garden or on walks and at some point protect her from danger.
A bathtub scene PLS  I love them
Elain finding out what happened with Rhys and asserting her own agency.
Azriel carrying something with him that reminds him of her when he is away
Elain, Nuala and Cerridwen ganging up on him
Elain stress baking and Azriel reaping the rewards
She casually steals/wears all his shirt because they smell like him and are massive on her because thats literally my fav thing to do with my bf even after all this time 
Them going on adventures and travels across the courts, seeing all the places they can. 
Az becoming more comfortable with showing his emotions and not needing his walls and shadows to protect him... 
I would kinda love for eventually after the initial awkwardness for him to be friends with Lucien. And the three of them all be on good terms.
Feel free to add on!
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hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng fUCK I have this huge crush on this girl at work and I just. I NEED to get over it
Why. whywhywhywhyWHY are the sporty types MY TYPE???? ESPECIALLy when I’m... well, me. The lazy, frankly unhealthy slob
And I mean, yea she’s athletic, but she’s also just. So chill. SO chill. About EVERYTHING. GOD it’s just... so nice
And she’s so pretty and her smile is amazing and her laugh is to die for and I just UGH
I NEED to get over it tho. I needddddd to.
can’t handle that kind of change at work
I’d have to be friends with her friends, and I mean yeah, that’s fine and all, in a normal situation, but it would flip my work life completely upside-down. And I’m not okay with that
She’s completely out of my league anyway. Like, oh my god. Very much so.
Again, lazy, unhealthy, fat, ugly slob here. I feel like a formless blob half the time. I can’t possibly make a move!!!!
I mean she’s probably straight anyway!!!! So!!!! Fuck!!!!
I just. Can’t get her out of my head. It drives me crazy... all the time lmao
It doesn’t help that she treats me like a person. Like, not just another coworker who she barely knows. Like a person. Just in the way she talks, her mannerisms and the way she speaks so casually and stuff, y’know? I had a huge crush on the last person who was like that!!!! Fuck!!!!
... anyway, tbh I really needed to just get that out of my system, so I’m glad to have been able to word vomit lmfao
I really need to go to sleep
... I have work tomorrow
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