#now I’m about to go insane for the next few months and I might make it everyone’s problem
zoldyckd · 1 year
ok mayb this is an actual cr*sh now lol
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sizzleissues · 1 month
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Its May.
Okay so this is in the same AU I had last year its just changed and evolved while also being the exact same. Except now I have 15,000 words of it written, like 7,000 words of planning and lore and hours upon hours of research that I will be pointedly ignoring. Will be posting more stuff this month about the AU and my hopes and dreams for it
Also slight art improvement check? I’ll put their original mermaid designs below the cut.
It’s Marinette as a mermaid and … its not Adrien or Chat Noir but a third worse thing (Catwalker but in the purest manifestation of it being a curse and not who he wants to be) I will be making designs for mer!Ladybug, and mer!Adrien as its own thing later on.
Okay if you want to indulge me look below the cut
Old mermaid designs first. I am going to be talking about my design thoughts, thoughts and ramblings about this AU and what I’ve been up to. You have been warned
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As you can see, some things have changed but neither design I hated, I just wanted to go further with it.
My brain is quite specific about mermaids and how I want them to generally look. I wanted to distinguish biological merfolk from transformed humans by having them being anatomically different. So Adrien has a vertical tail instead which is also way faster underwater. His transformation is quite distressing for him and very chaotic. Of course when he accepts it he’s not so raggedy.
Marinette similarly avoids her life as a mermaid by becoming human and I wanted her mermaid design to hint toward her fascination with humans. She wears a top she fashioned from human fabric she found in a sunken merchant vessel. In general all other merfolk either forgo clothes or wear things fashioned from materials available to them. There’s deep fear of humans and human things so even though human clothes are available to them (off dead bodies but…. Whatever) they choose to difference themselves as much as possible. The same taboos don’t exist for them and their bodies are already adapted from the temperature of their environment. Adrien has stray bits of netting and seaweed on him because he’s not exactly the best at controlling his speed and often crash’s through fishing nets and patches of seaweed resulting in stuff being caught on him.
A lot of their designs are still being worked but I’ve definitely pushed them the right direction!
On to the AU. You might have seem me cryptically talk about something I’m writing the past few weeks. This is because it’s been in my brain since last May and been on and off writing it since then. I decided I’d talk about it once May came back around but and then when I finished writing it, start posting sneak peaks and more spoilery art until it was fully edited and I felt confident in it to post with an aim for it to finish posting once May rolled around again. Oh god.
It’s set in the late 1700s in a fictional version of France that’s actually fragmented over a bunch of islands. I have done more fashion research than I ever thought I’d do and in the end we will still be taking creative license but know I do know what they actually wore! I ALSO did a butt tonne of research about sailing ships and turns out they are super complicated and now I know too much and yet too little still about them. It should be super fun and action packed if I can manage. Have some really good scenes already in my head I know you’ll love. We’re already three ships battle deep and I’ve only written four chapters. (It chills out for a bit after that)
This is entirely self-indulgent by the way. I’m writing this for me, you guys are just a bonus. I literally don’t care as long as it satiates my rabid need for the fic that only lives in my brain at the moment. Saying that, I do want to put my best foot forward.
The next thing I will be posting for this is their human forms and more blabblerings about that. For I am insane and all.
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lil13 · 1 year
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Pov: Enemies to lovers. Specifically, Ethan is your academic rival and you absolutely hate him. Or so you think.
You walked through the door of Sam, Tara, and Quinn’s New York apartment with Mindy and Anika in tow. Mindy was your roommate, someone you’ve known since preschool, so it wasn’t a question that the two of you would be roommates.
“T, please tell me this is going to be a girl’s night.” You asked, falling down on the couch you had taken 1 too many naps on over the past few months you all lived in the city.
After the most recent stabbings, you all managed to get into a summer program at Blackmore. The excuse was that you wanted to get ahead in college, but the real reason was you all couldn’t stand to be in Woodsboro any longer.
A blush rose on Tara’s cheeks and you knew that your girl’s night was in jeopardy. “Chad… might be coming.”
“If he brings his fucking, smart ass roommate i’m leaving.”
Mindy scoffed, sitting down on the couch with you. “Relax, Y/n, if he brings him, just ignore him. I don’t understand the beef between you two… I know why I don’t like him.”
The girl Meeks-Martin twin claimed that Ethan Landry — Chad’s roommate and your self-proclaimed mortal enemy — was not to be trusted. Ever since Amber and Richie, Mindy rarely trusted another person.
“There are a lot of reasons as to why I hate him, but one of them has to do with our Econ class.”
Sam handed you a beer, knowing you needed to be somewhat buzzed if the curly-headed boy was coming over. “Econ?”
“Yes, Econ, he’s… too good at it.” You scoffed, “He consistently has the highest average in the class and—”
“You’re not used to being second to anyone.” Tara connected the dots, clinking her beer bottle with yours.
You had been the Valedictorian in high school, #1 overall. So, coming to Blackmore and having this curly-headed boy so easily beat you out aggravated you. Since you realized he was your academic rival, you began finding more and more about him that bothered you. That way you’d hate him instead of only being jealous of him.
Jealousy bothered you.
On a list of things about the boy that bothered you:
His hair was too curly.
He was too nice.
He remembered details about everyone, down to their favorite m&m color.
He was a virgin.
He was insanely attractive, yet still single.
His study habits didn’t make sense, he got perfect grades and she had yet to actually see him study (but then again you didn’t try to see him at all).
You could go on and on.
“Knock, knock.” Chad’s voice rang through the apartment.
Two sets of footsteps could be heard and you groaned, Ethan had in fact tagged along. You chugged the rest of your beer, letting the alcohol course through your veins. Sam obviously saw this and brought you another, having it already opened for you.
“If I was into girls, Sam.” he winked at her and she laughed.
Chad and Ethan both sat on the couch and Quinn made you sit up to make room for the rest. Unfortunately for you, when you sat up, Ethan was directly next to you.
“For fucks sake.” you muttered, sinking back into the couch.
Tara and Mindy fought over the movie you all were to watch and you somehow landed on a scary movie you hadn’t heard of, but it was a group thing — you only watched scary movies.
Mindy and Anika were cuddled up and so were Tara and Chad. Quinn and Sam flanked the rest of the group. You and Ethan? You were dreading being in the same room as each other.
Time went and the week’s events and your now 3 beers had caught up with you, you were exhausted and somewhat drunk. Everyone was asleep and you couldn’t help but think how good of an idea it was.
You’d had a busy week, midterms had kicked your ass. You might’ve only slept an average of 3 hours each night. So, sitting still for an extended period of time made sleep want to come quicker. You gave in and let your head fall to the side, not even caring that it landed on Ethan’s shoulder.
“Y/N.” Ethan muttered, trying to make sure you were aware that you had your head on his shoulder — knowing of your hatred toward him.
Unbeknownst to you, the hatred was very much one sided. Ethan had the biggest crush on you. It was almost embarrassing, truly he wondered how you hadn’t noticed yet.
You were one of the main reasons as to why he was still single.
“Shut the fuck up, E.” you waved him off, “I’m aware you’re who i’m laying on, but everyone else is too far away.”
The movie continued to play and you got yourself comfortable, more of your body now lay on Ethan’s. You tried to ignore the feeling that surged through your body at the contact between your bodies. Your bodies were so close that Ethan’s hand almost had to rest on your thigh, you gave him no space to put it anywhere else.
Your eyes were pulled away from the screen when you felt movement on your thigh. Ethan was absentmindedly tapping on your leg and for some reason it was driving you crazy. Each tap from a finger sending electricity through your leg.
It was too much.
So, you jumped up from your spot, successfully making Ethan jump. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You shook your head and stumbled to the kitchen. Time for another beer.
You were quick to open another, number 4.

Before you were joined in the kitchen, by none other than Ethan, you’d downed half of it. His eyes were wide as he reached over to slip it out of your hands. “That’s enough, Y/N.” A laugh fell from his lips.
You pouted, reaching for the bottle, but the boy held it out of reach. “E.” you whined.
The boy faltered, his hand dropping just enough for you to snatch the beer back. Another sip.
“Y/N.” he reached for the beer again.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, some of the beer had spilled. Enough to make Ethan slip when he lunged forward, making him fall, taking you down with him.
Luckily, the fall didn’t hurt you too much, but now you were pinned underneath the boy.
“Ethan, you’re on top of me.” you whined again.
You could feel his heart beating against your chest. Was he nervous?
“Y/N, why do you hate me?” His voice sounded soft, almost as if he were hurt by your hatred.
He looked like a sad puppy and it made your heart hurt.
A sigh fell from your lips, “In all honesty, the only valid reason was that you’re better than me and Econ. My… my academics are all that I have, E. It’s all my parents cared about… you wouldn’t understand.”
Ethan let out a shaky breath, one of his hands came up to your face, his thumb running over your cheek. “I understand more than you know.” Your breath hitched at the skin-to-skin contact.
He must’ve noticed, because his eyes shot back to yours.
“I don’t actually hate you.” you whispered, his brown eyes were captivating.
The curly-headed boy stared at you breathlessly, his eyes now were flickering from yours to your lips. You paused for a second, thinking about what to do next. Should you kiss him, try to escape, or wait for him to grow a pair and kiss you?

All seemed like good options?
However, if you and Ethan did kiss — laying on the kitchen floor covered in beer — you’d have to admit to the others that you didn’t actually hate the boy. In reality, your hatred had just stemmed from an insecurity.
So, you did it. You took the risk and lifted your head off of the ground, closing the small gap between you and Ethan. Your lips connected and it was like the final missing puzzle piece had been found. His lips fit perfectly with yours, no matter how cliche it sounded.
The hand he’d had on your cheek now held the back of your neck, holding your face to his. His heartbeat also hadn’t slowed, if anything, it got faster.
After a few seconds, Ethan pulled away. His cheeks had deeply reddened and both of you were out of breath. For someone who didn’t have experience in the dating department, Ethan kissed scarily well.
“Holy shit, are you guys okay? Your fall woke me up, but I kind of had to figure out where I was first before I came to check.” Anika’s sweet voice caught your attention.
Ethan rolled off of you, both of you startled by the sudden presence of another, his rather large body slamming into the cabinetry. It sounded and looked like it hurt, you’d make sure to check on him later.
“Oh.” She had a devious smirk on her lips, “Did I walk in on something? Y/N did you finally give up on your ‘I hate his guts’ bit? The tension between you to is so-”
You waved your hands to stop her, “Ani! Stop, please.”
She giggled, “And now i’ve got my answer.” Anika playfully waved, skipping back out of the room.
You covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment, trying to ignore the events that had happened. Ethan falling on you, being covered in beer, kissing Ethan, and Anika walking in on the two of you in a rather compromising position.
“Y/N.” Ethan tugged at your wrists, attempting to uncover your face. “I understand if that was a heat of the moment thing, it doesn’t have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
His voice sounded small, like earlier.
Your eyes went wide and you dropped your hands, rolling over to your side to face the boy. “No, no, no.” This time it was you who ran a thumb over Ethan’s cheek. “I was stupid to hate you, E! Please don’t think I didn’t want to kiss you, I don’t kiss someone if I don’t want to.”
“But all those guys at the parties-”
“I wanted to.” You laughed at his question, “But you’re different. You’re special, Ethan Landry, and I was too consumed by my own academic agenda to notice.”
He was quiet, but not in a sad way. The boy looked at you with more adoration in his eyes as you’d ever seen someone look at another with.
Then his lips found yours again.
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querenciasturniolo · 11 months
OKAY NO, “favorite” was insanely good. If you wouldn’t mind, could you please write a part 2 for this fic? Maybe their flirting before something finally happens or maybe another car video with them already dating but no fan knows?
oops ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 1.4k
warnings: swearing
summary: chris slips up, and the secret’s out
a/n: i’m so glad you liked favorite !! i changed the idea just a little bit 🤏🏻 but i hope you like it !!! 🤞🏻
{i’m not the biggest fan of this, but that’s okay. i might rewrite this at some point, but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️}
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
part one || part two
Before you realized what was happening, Chris Sturniolo had made his way into your heart and stayed there.
The few months after the Q&A video was posted, the two of you continued keeping in touch. You talked to Nick and Matt of course, but Chris was incredibly persistent on answering quickly and asking you questions about yourself. It was only a matter of time before the two of you finally got together.
It had been almost a year since that video, and eight of those eleven months you’d been with Chris. The two of you decided early on to keep your relationship a secret from the fans, but with each video you did with them, more edits of Chris looking at you the way he did nearly blew the secret.
You thought it was funny, how he couldn’t control the way his eyes scanned over you like you were the only thing on his mind. It wasn’t just Chris, though. Nick keeping the bit of you and Chris admitting to be each other’s celebrity crush and favorite triplet in the video didn’t help things, either.
Your new single had only been out for a few weeks, and every single interview consisted of the same question.
“Fans have been speculating that your new single, Rare, is actually a love song about Youtube star, Chris Sturniolo. Is this true?”
You’d laugh and shake your head, your chest aching and your heart pounding as you said the same thing over and over again.
“I think the interpretation of music is up to the listener. If the listener wants to believe this song is about Chris, that’s okay. If they want to believe it’s just a love song I wrote for fun, that’s fine too. I personally was inspired to write about the feeling you get around someone who’s important to you.”
The interviewer would then fake laugh along with you, and thankfully change the subject. You hated lying to your fans, and just lying in general, but it was nice to have something private. You wouldn’t mind going public, persé, but you’d need to talk about it first to make sure he was on the same page.
Chris had spent the majority of his time at your apartment when you were in LA, and any time he wasn’t there, you were at their house. One of those times was right now, Nick and Matt sitting next to you on the couch and watching a show you had absolutely no interest in. Chris had his head in your lap with his eyes facing the screen, your fingers carding through his hair absentmindedly as you pretended to pay attention.
Suddenly, Chris sat up and turned to face you, his hair sticking up in different directions and his eyes wide.
“We should go live.” He suggested, Matt and Nick glancing over from where they were sitting with furrowed eyebrows.
“Why?” Matt asked, reaching for the remote and pausing the show.
Chris shrugged his shoulders and pulled his phone out, glancing at you unamused and running a hand through his hair to fix it. “Why not? We aren’t doing anything anyway.” He said, tapping the Instagram icon and sliding over to go live. He propped his phone up on the Pepsi can on the coffee table and rested his head on his hand. Comments started pouring in almost immediately, many of them about the fact that you were on the couch next to him.
After a few moments of silence, Chris glanced over at the three of you with his eyebrows raised. “Are you guys just going to sit there like bumps on a log, or are you going to join me?” He said, your eyes rolling as you scooted more into frame, Nick and Matt grumbling as they stood up and followed suit. Nick sat on your other side while Matt sat on the other side of Chris, all four of you now looking at the comments flooding in.
You chuckled and shook your head. “Rare is a song I wrote about how it feels to be around someone who makes you love yourself.” You said, your answer vague as you noticed the way Chris’ fond eyes flickered to you on the screen for a split second before going back to scanning the comments.
well that’s one way to answer a question i guess
it’s about chris confirmed
idk, the verse about someone with bright eyes like stars seems to scream chris
Nick scoffed and looked at you. “How many times have you been asked that?” He asked. You shrugged your shoulders.
“About ten thousand, but I don’t mind. It’s sweet that people want to know. It’s a happy song, they just want to know why.” You said, Nick pursing his lips and humming noncommittally before looking back to the phone.
The live went on for what seemed like ages, the four of you replying to as many comments as possible, the rapid rate of which they were coming in made it near impossible to read. After a while, Matt pulled out his phone and started scrolling through Tiktok, his volume low and his eyes flickering between his phone and the live.
“We filmed our Wednesday vlog today, it’s one of my favorites so far.” Chris said. “No hints as to what it is, but I hope you guys like it.”
Matt snorted at whatever was playing on his phone, nudging Chris’ shoulder for him to look. He did, his eyebrows furrowed and his tongue between his teeth as he watched. You and Nick continued reading the comments, laughing and responding to a few before Chris guffawed and covered his mouth with his hand at whatever Matt was showing him.
He grabbed Matt’s phone out of his hand and held it in front of your face. “Babe, look at this!” He said, all four of you freezing in place as you registered Chris’ words. Before any of you could react, comments started flying in immediately, whether they were keyboard smashes or just consistently repeated ‘I KNEW IT’s.
“End the live.” Nick mumbled, all four of you reaching for the phone at the same time and knocking it off of the table.
“Shit!” Chris shouted, scrambling for his phone and desperately jamming his thumb onto the screen to end it. It was no use—his live had crashed, and his screen was frozen on the image of all four of you staring wide-eyed at the camera seconds after Chris’ slip up, comments still pouring in at an impressive rate, each comment blurred. In a last ditch effort to fix it, he turned off his phone and dropped it into his lap.
The four of you sat there in silence, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. You finally turned your head and met Chris’ eyes, his face frozen in a wince.
The silence only lasted a few more seconds before you completely lost it, hysterical, raucous laughter bubbling out of you as you clutched your stomach. The three of them joined in soon after, the four of you near tears as the reality of what just happened set in.
“How did that even happen?! We were doing so well!” You said through your laugh, Chris shaking his head and wiping at his eyes.
“I don’t even know, it just came out.” He said, the four of you finally calming down enough to catch your breath. “I mean, at least we don’t have to hide it anymore.”
You pulled out your phone and opened Instagram.
“Well, there’s only one thing left to do.” You said, Chris leaning into your shoulder as he watched you create a post. “Help me pick one.” You said, scrolling through your photos before he tapped one. You had taken it ages ago, but it was still your favorite picture the two of you had taken together.
“What should the caption be?” You asked, Chris raising his eyebrows at you and scoffing.
“What do you think?”
You rolled your eyes and typed the lyrics out, making sure to tag Chris before posting the photo and locking your phone.
“And now we wait for the uproar.” You said, Chris chuckling and pressing a kiss to your temple. Nick groaned dramatically, catching both of your attention as he pushed himself off of the couch and headed towards the kitchen.
“Oh God, if you guys are going to be all mushy now, could you at least give a warning?” He said, though you could tell he was only teasing. Your phone screen kept lighting up, notifications pouring in from Instagram.
“Well, it’s out there now, I guess. You’re stuck with me.” You said, Chris rolling his eyes as he wrapped an arm around your waist and lightly leaned his weight onto you.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
don’t keep your distance, i’m not scared
i’m not gonna fight this, baby you’re rare
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enhaheeseung · 5 months
At your service l. Heeseung
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Pairing: live in maid heeseung x rich fem reader
Warning: age gap, smut, fluff, angst, dirty talk.
Note: I’m getting back to this story so something’s might not line up but overall I thinks it’s still pretty accurate
WC 2,676
heeseung decided to skip school and just spend the entire day with you planting the flowers that he had gifted the night prior.
He also woke up hours before you and realized that he felt something else in his heart other than guilt as he analyzed your peaceful sleeping figure. His heart skipped a beat when he looked over at your side of the bed and saw you sleeping soundly next to him. He felt like he could just stay like that forever. Having you next to him, spending the entire day with you, cooking with you, laughing with you, talking with you. Reading with you.
Something that he hated till he met you.
You have been on his mind all day, every day, since the day he laid his eyes on you. Sure, the pay was insane, but your beauty was even more insane.
And since the first day he got hired, everything has just been.
you you you
He Definitely owed Jay an apology after his little outburst in the grocery store. But he was just scared and confused about his feelings for you. His past girlfriends warped his image of women and relationships. Ever since he got his heart broken, he decided that if he couldn't find love, then no one could, so he played with girls by leading them on and ditching them later. However, you were the first one of those girls he actually had sex with, and he's pretty certain that after you, there would be no one else.
"Can I help now?" you asked for the third time after he ignored you the first two times.
"Nope, you just sit there and look pretty," heeseung said as he dug up the dirt to plant more of the seeds.
"But you said you wanted to plant them together," you pouted.
"yeah, planting them, not digging up the dirt!" he said in a high-pitched voice. “You’re too beautiful to get any dirt on you,” he winked, and even though it was cheesy, he still made you flustered.
You smile, sitting back and watching him dig a few more holes in the garden before grabbing the sunflower seeds.
"Now you can help." he handed you a packet once he was finished with the dirty part.
"how long till they bloom?" you squatted down and sprinkled them onto the ground, the little seeds falling into his neatly dug hole.
"umm, about three months, but we should see the blooms in a couple of weeks," he answered with his chin resting on his knee and a pout on his lips as he concentrated.
"Good, 'cause I'm impatient," you say, smoothing the dirt over the seeds.
"so, how is your book coming along?" he emptied the last packet while making small talk with you.
"it's… coming. I'm still stuck on the ending," you sighed.
"aww, I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." he dusted the dirt off his hands and helped you up off the ground. "So shall we water them now?"
You agreed, and he went to the back, grabbing the hose to water the freshly planted sunflowers.
"hee, where- don't," you spotted him walking towards you with the hose, a mischievous smile on his face, "don't! hee, I'm serious!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears, and seconds later, you screamed as the cold water drenched your body.
A hearty laugh erupted from his chest as he spayed you with more water, enjoying the sounds of your playful screams.
You ran towards him, trying to get the hose, but his grip was much stronger than yours, and he looked down at you, smiling evilly.
"Aww, poor little baby," he teased right when he was about to spray you again. You started to tickle his sides. His grip instantly loosened on the hose, and you were quick to snatch it away from him.
His eyes widened in shock, knowing that you were going to get pay back. "Y/n, wait!" he said while chuckling still. You aimed the hose at him, and his laughter soon died down, turning into nervous chuckles as he stared at you. "y/n! Wait!" he shrilled as you sprayed the water on him, and now it was your turn to laugh at him.
He tried to put his hands up and block the water, but it was no use. The stream was splashing everywhere. He soon charged over to you, fighting to get the hose from your hands, but you had a solid grip.
"y/n, stop!" he giggled while you both struggled for the hose. Eventually, through your battle of tug of war, the hose had turned upright, causing the water to fall on top of both your heads and from afar, it looked like a scene straight out of a movie.
Loud gasps came from both of you as the cold water ran down your shivering bodies.
"oops," you said and peeked up at him.
It took but a moment to notice just how close you had gotten to one another, and he was the first one to make a move.
He looked into your eyes, and you stared back. He wore a small smile on the corner of his lips as he gently took the hose from your hand, letting it fall on the grass and creating a puddle around yours and his feet.
He placed his hands around your waist, his cold, wet skin sticking to yours.
"I told you to stop," he grins before closing the distance between the two of you.
As soon as your lips collided with his, you couldn’t help but moan softly into the kiss cause his lips felt so perfect against yours.
You kissed for a few moments before you felt his erection poking against you, and he sighed onto your lips, his body yearning for more of you. "Should we take this to the pool?"
"yes, please," he picked you up in his arms with ease, walking to the front door and opening it with you still hugged around him.
He walked upstairs while you focused all your kisses on his neck, waiting for him to take you to your guy's destination.
"if you keep doing that, I might just have to fuck you on the stairs." He warns.
"I'm not stopping you." You bit his neck softly, placing wet kisses on the light pink marks that were starting to form on his skin.
He groaned, feeling himself grow harder by the second.
Once he reached the spot, he carefully set you down at the edge of the pool, removing his clothes, while you did the same before getting into the pool with him.
"I just can't seem to keep my hands off of you," it had only been a few seconds, but you were already wrapped up in his arms again, and you felt the same way you wanted to be glued to him at all times.
You brushed your fingers through his hair, locking your eyes with him. Those eight letters were just on the tip of your tongue, but before you could say them, he was wrapping your legs around his waist.
"ready?" he asked you with his tip, slightly brushing your entrance.
You nodded your head, and he wasted no time before slowly pushing his dick in you.
"ah fuck" he hissed, mouth hung wide open, your walls already clenching down on him from the intrusion. He wasn’t even two inches in, and it felt so good he was so desperate and needy for you.
He thrust in you inch by inch, the head of his cock brushing against your walls and opening you up so perfectly.
After being with him multiple times, you'd never get used to his size and how he was always able to make you feel so good and so full.
"so warm and wet, this is all for me, right? Tell me I'm the only one who can make you this wet." he licked a long stripe up your chest, his palms kneading your plush backside as he thrusts into you.
"Only you can make me wet. Only your cock can make me feel like this," you held him tighter for support as he fucked his cock into you faster and deeper.
"and this pussy is all mine. No one can have you but me." He says, letting his emotions get the best of him.
"no one but you, hee." He pressed his lips to yours. It wasn't even barely a kiss, just his lips resting on yours. But he just wanted you to be as close to him as possible.
"Yeah, only mine,” he smiled, feeling content now that the words came from your own mouth. “hold on to me tight" he used all of his strength to fuck you, his thigh muscles burning from all the energy he used to hold you up.
"hee!' you squeak, feeling him hit your spot with each stroke, your head lulled back from the intense feeling of your climax quickly approaching.
"look at me darling, I want you to look at me." he held you up higher, your thighs resting on his forearm as the water continued to splash from the fast jerking of his hips. "that's it."
You maintained eye contact with him as your expressions mirrored each other's lips, parted, hooded eyes, and a mix of loud, desperate moans.
He backed you up to the edge of the pool to gain more leverage to massage your clit with his fingers.
"close?" he asked, feeling you tighten on him every few seconds.
"so close," you mewl.
"me too, precious, me t-too." He whimpers.
"yes! Yes! fuck me, oh hee." you cried in ecstasy when he hit your sweet spot repeatedly
He gave you his absolute all, his fingers still rubbing on your clit, and the pace of his strokes never once faltering, not even when you came, and your walls clamped down on him impossibly tight.
A helpless moan of his name bounced off the walls as he brought you to your intense climax.
"fuck yes," He said in a drawn-out moan. "squeeze my cock, just like that," he grunted, giving your cunt a few more thrusts before he pulled out. His cock throbbed in desperate need of attention to reach his high.
You took notice of this and quickly grabbed his cock, guiding it between your legs and rubbing it through your folds, massaging his cock with your slick and swollen pussy lips.
His legs trembled as he emptied himself straight into the pool just a few seconds after you. “So good,” he pants out and brushes his lips against yours.
Choked moans left his lips as he reached his end. You caressed his sensitive length gently until he was completely satisfied. Once collecting himself a bit, he pinned you to the pool's edge, trapping you in his arms.
You grabbed his face, pulling him in for a long, passionate kiss.
You both pulled away, looking at each other with adoration in your eyes.
"We should come in here more often." He says while smiling, loving every last second of what had just taken place.
"Should we?" You ask, and he nods his head, kissing you once more.
He led you to a much less steep part of the pool, laying your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulder and held you tightly in his muscular arms.
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, sighing in contentment when he placed gentle kisses on your neck.
"I could just stay here like this all day," he confessed.
"We don't have to move anytime soon." You placed your hand in his.
"good," you kissed the back of his hand, silence filling the air as you both enjoyed each other in the relaxing pool.
Later that night, you both showered and sat together on the couch watching TV, his hands preoccupied with your hair.
"I wanna take you out tomorrow," he talked over the TV.
Was he asking you on a date? You didn't want to assume things, but it sounded like a date.
You hadn't gone on a date in years, and you weren't sure if you were ready for that yet.
"I don't know. It's been so long since I've gone out with someone." You played with your thumbs nervously.
You didn't want to call it a date in case that wasn't what he had in mind. That would be so awkward.
"it'll be fun, trust me. You're always cooped up in here all by yourself." He says, not knowing just how rude it sounded to you.
"cooped up?" you took offense to his sudden choice of words. It’s the same type of thing all your “friends” would always say to you whenever they thought you needed to get out and live a little. The only reason they wanted you to hang out was to use you for money.
Before he could answer, you got up from his lap and went to the bedroom so you wouldn’t have to face him.
"y/n, I’m sorry. You know I didn't mean anything by it," he said softly and reached for your hand.
"Okay," you got up and went to your room to go to sleep cause you were in a bad mood, and it wasn’t entirely his fault, but still, you just needed a minute.
He quickly followed after you, sensing your off behavior.
"You're not even going to say goodnight to me?” he said while standing in your doorway when he got no response. He closed the door behind him, making his way to your bed and sitting down.
"hee, not now. I just want to sleep." You say, obviously annoyed you knew Heeseung wasn’t like your friends, but it still felt like shit hearing him say the same thing about you that they did.
While you stayed silent, he got into bed, cuddling up to you as close as possible.
"Darling, please don't be mad at me. It hasn’t even been five minutes yet, and I can't stand it," he whispered and cradled your small frame in his arms.
"I'm not mad," you told a white lie, not mad, just frustrated.
"then please don't ignore me. I know what I said came across as insensitive, but what I meant was I want to take you somewhere you can dress fancy, I want to spoil you, I want to show you a good time, I want to feed you, and at the end of the night, I want to bring you home and fuck you." He whispers in your ear.
You felt shivers run down your spine when he whispered the last words straight into your ear, and you couldn’t stay mad at him. He knew just what to say to make you feel better. He acknowledged his faults, and now he was making them right, and that’s all you ever wanted in a relationship of any kind.
You turned around and faced him. "I'm sorry for getting mad," you pouted and realized you kinda went a bit over the top for no reason.
“Don’t be. Just know I'd never say anything hurtful to you intentionally, and I promise I’ll be careful with my words, okay baby?."
He kissed your forehead, and a small smile graced your lips.
“Sorry, my precious.” Once again, you were seconds from saying those words, but it still felt way too soon, so you suppressed it for now.
“I forgive you,” you whisper shyly.
"Thank you, darling. Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" He asked.
"you can always sleep with me, hee, you don't have to ask." You tell him truthfully.
"Okay, good, now get some rest. Darling, 'cause tomorrow we're going to do it all." he turned off the night lamp before you even had time to protest, not to say you would anyway.
"goodnight, hee," you pecked his cheek.
“Goodnight, darling.” It looks like you were both in for quite the day tomorrow.
Thanks for reading likes comments and reblogs are always appreciated sorry for any typos or errors I hope you all have a good day/night ♥️
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New Dimension, Who’s This?
Dp x dc thoughts and stuff
I did not expect people to like this stuff, but I’m glad you're here
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Danny POV
Danny was NOT having a good time. Dimension hopping should have been fun, but it was shit. All the ecto he'd found had been corrupted and even the human food tasted weird. That 8$ pb&j was a curse on both his tastes buds and his now empty wallet.
For almost a month Danny had been chasing down the most feint ecto trace, but it was the only one he could feel.
Living between Amity and the ghost zone meant he had a surpluses of that feeling, to the point that it became background noise. It being gone felt like loosing a sense.
He grumbled to himself as he floated to an abandoned mansion on a mostly empty road. He was so hungry it made him dizzy to walk so he floated most places. Which absolutely didn’t help him get any human food, since everyone who saw him ran.
He expected the small ecto signature to be a liminal being, like Cujo in his puppy form or one of box ghosts boxes. He hadn’t expect a guy who bolted the second he saw him.
He was definitely liminal, Danny could feel it, but this guy was crazy. A black car sped through the road, the man and the kid he was with jumped in and they left.
Just like that his food source was gone. Danny paused a second and decided he wouldn’t call the guy a "food source" next time they saw each other.
Which thankfully for Danny was only about 10 minutes later.
His actions really shouldn’t be a judgment of character, he was sleep deprived and starving.
Insulting this dudes dimension and his ecto signature was definitely not a great start.
At least he looked more human now, his kingly power automatically trying to make his subject more comfortable. Maybe he could convince them to get him a sandwich, or just ham, whatever really, anything at all.
A man in a butler outfit cleared his throat, "I'll get him a meal, don't destroy the furniture." Did Danny say that out loud... maybe the butler had magic.
After eating a decent, but ecto free meal Danny was introduced to Jason (food), Damian (might be food?), Tim (not food), and Alfred (not food).
He hadn't bothered saying a word until he'd finished his plate. Once he had he told them about the ghost zone and the earth he was from, which they very quickly realised was not the same one. He hadn't mentioned being king of said dimension, nor the sole hero of the latter.
They in turn told him about the many different heros that inhabited this earth and the various planets that some of them came from. Danny could tell they weren't telling him everything, but his kingly power did prove to him that they hadn't lied to him, at least Jason and Damian hadn't.
Explanations were cut short when Jason stood up and Danny bolted to his side. Just being near the dude helped, he definitely had a leak or something going on.
"Look man, I'm starving and you are spilling out ecto at an insane rate." Danny said with a hand on the man's shoulder.
Jason looked at him like he'd grown a second head, which he hoped he hadn't because that took more energy than he was willing to expend. "You gunna explain what the fuck you just said?"
Danny had been king long enough to have studied up on the few halfas that had existed. Most of them hadn't survived very long after forming, either becoming a full ghost or their ghost core shriveled away and left them human... with some minor side-effects. "You must have come back from the dead with an unformed ghost core, contaminated with bad ectoplasm. The bad ecto isn't letting the core close up, it's like you have a leak."
"The Lazarus pit goo!" Tim shot up from his seat and ran off.
Danny remembered the forth ecto puddle he had visited, "I heard that name, some fruitloop in a cape was yelling about one of the ones I emptied."
"You emptied them?" Jason said with a perplexed look on his face.
"I was hungry." Danny, ever the gremlin, let them stay confused as he continued. "Anyway, you weren't dead long enough to form a solid core, then the pit goo, as you called it, seeped into the cracks and kept you too alive for it to finish, but too dead for it to fade."
"So I'm stuck like this?" Jason's core started oozing out waves of fear, stress and uncertainty.
"No, no." Danny focused on feelings of ease and calm as best he could while trying to desperately feed off of him. "Probably not, your core wasn't tainted until later so it wasn't flash formed like mine, and you're alive. I'm mostly guessing, but I have two theories." Danny extended his hand to a nearby couch (how many couches did these people have?), they both sat and Danny continued. "Once the contaminated ecto goo is gone you'll fade back to being 100% human since you can't make your own ecto, or..."
"Or your core can't keep you alive and you... die fully." Danny didn't look at his eyes as he finished. "I can't guarantee your core will survive that either. It'll have to starve from lack of ecto before we know if your heart and brain are alive enough to keep you going, and with a core so weak we dont really know how well that'll go."
Although Jason was good at hiding his emotions from prying eyes, even as a far off, mangled version of a liminal being he was still part of the ghost king's ruling. Danny didn't mention it, he seemed like he was going through a lot and mind (emotion?) reading tended to make those not used to it uncomfortable.
Jason breathed in deep, "Alright, what's the first step to finding out if my body works without ecto?"
Danny tried not to smile at his future meal as he said. "We get rid of the ecto faster than the bad ecto is coming."
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
@bjurnberg, @skulld3mort-1fan, @akikkobara @undead-bi-dinosaur, @amyheart19, @phoenixdemonqueen, @not-your-average-url, @seraphinedemort, @theywontletmeusetheoneiwant (I wasn’t sure if you saying “I’d read more” meant you wanted to be tagged, if not pls tell me and I’ll remove you),  @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @kyrianclawraith, @i-always-say-yea,
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braidlottie · 8 months
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part 1
series masterlist | gif credit | next chapter
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you were finally home from school, with the weekend ahead of you. you got an insane amount of work done last night, just so you could take the next few days to relax.
kicking off your shoes and putting your key on the hook, you called for your mother.
you walked through the hallway, entering the kitchen and seeing your mother and another lady across from her with a cup of tea.
“oh, hello,” you greeted shyly. the woman just smiled and waved. “sorry if i’m intruding-”
“no, it’s fine, honey. i wanted you to meet lottie. she’s one of my friends from high school.” the woman went to shake your hand, you shaking back politely. “i’m y/n.”
“your mother’s told me quite a lot about you, y/n.” lottie’s eyebrow raised, your smile fading. “oh god, she didn’t show my naked baby pictures, did she?” you asked in fear, making her laugh and your mother roll her eyes.
“very funny. now if you’ll excuse me, i’ll be in the bathroom.”
taissa leaves the room, also leaving silence between you and lottie. you went to the fridge to grab a drink, gulping deeply before speaking again.
“so how did you and my mom meet?”
“we were in a soccer team together in high school. we were so close, the team had a beautiful bond. it was almost like we were stuck together with glue because we would never leave each other’s side. but then, college came around.”
you frowned. “did you guys end up going to different schools?” lottie nodded, taking another sip of her tea. “we all made plans to meet up during break, but no one ever had any time. then one day i realized i haven’t spoken to my friend in months.”
“i’m sorry, that must’ve been hard.” you tried to say something sympathetic, nervously scratching the back of your head. “you’re a darling, you don’t have to apologize.” lottie shook her head and lightly patted your hand that was on the marbled kitchen island. you looked down at your feet, then back up at her. she was totally checking you out, but you didn’t want to think that! she was your mother’s friend!
her touch was so gentle, and her voice, oh her voice was so raspy yet so soft and warm, it could send you to sleep. you were so bad at making eye contact and part of you felt like she knew.
“what were you two talking about?” you jumped, hearing your mother’s voice down the hall. lottie’s hand left yours, just before taissa turned the corner, the same peachy smile she had when you first saw her. “oh just telling him about us in high school. your mother was the most competitive person i know. and still is.” lottie turned to you mid sentence, her eyes dark with lust.
“uhh, it’s been fun you guys, but i really have to study-”
“on a friday?”
“yes, mom. on a friday.” you hurriedly walked up the stairs, seeing the two women watch you from below.
finally, walking up to your room, you closed the door. you straight up lied to your mother, turning on your tv instead of pulling out our workbook. you just wanted to get away from it all.
you couldn’t get the way lottie looked at you out of your head. her eyes were practically burned into your brain, you couldn’t even close your eyes. her big brown eyes were still there, staring you down.
you got broken out of your trance when you heard a knock on your door. “can i come in?”
“uhh- yeah, sure.”
your mother came through the door, leaning against its frame. “i just wanted to let you know that lottie was staying over tonight. are you okay with that?”
your heart sunk. you had thought you wouldn’t see this woman ever again after today, and now she’s staying at your house?!
“uhh, yeah, no, that’s totally fine. that’s awesome, actually.” you smiled awkwardly, trying to play off the fact that you wanted lottie to absolutely fu-
“are you sure? you seem a little-”
“tired. i’m really tired, i might actually take a nap.”
“alright, well, good night, honey.” your mother kissed your forehead, you mirroring her smile as she walked out your room, closing the door behind her.
you face planted onto your bed and sighed. you wanted to go back down there and talk to her, but there’s always tomorrow, right?
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dollfaceksj · 9 months
i really hope taehyung has calmed down and ready to hear them out :(
i hope so too!
a/n: hi. i have realized and decided that it’s time to end toapp. #36 (the next drabble) will be the finale.
i just wanna thank you guys for this amazing journey. i’ve had so much fun interacting with you guys and writing this story, just making shit up as i go. i had no idea how this story was gonna go, how y’all would receive it, every drabble i just hoped for the best. it’s insane to think toward the end toapp had 400+ regular readers. that’s so crazy guys!! thank u so much
i hope u guys will still interact with me even when this finishes!!! and i hope you guys look forward to my upcoming fics. i’ve already brainstormed several other fics that i know y’all will love! i can’t wait to share them with you.
i might still do side-drabbles like what jk did in those 2 months, more events we’ve already seen but from other povs, maybe drabbles that happen in the future. i’ll see !
thank you for everything.
lots of love,
clover. 🍀
ps: listen to the outro of scott street by phoebe bridgers when u read this drabble trust me. i bawled like a little bitch.
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #35
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<- previous ; finale ->
416 votes
you chose:
“do you want me to leave?”
he stares at you with the biggest eyes in the universe
how does someone just have big black eyes like that
the things he says
can be so dirty
and his gaze can be so intense
but now
when he’s
and being pathetic
his eyes are the biggest in the galaxy
he’s so beautiful
you wonder if he knows that
you sigh loudly and rub your hairline. “you’re so lucky you know your way with words.”
he blinks at you a few times and drops his shoulders in relief, you hadn’t even noticed they were that tense
“i’m just telling you the truth.”
you merely hum in response and nod your head absentmindedly as you glance over at the plate of cold chicken quesedillas now
“do you want me to heat those up in a pan for you?” you ask quietly, not sure where to go with the conversation now
when you don’t get a response, you glance in his direction
he’s just staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face
he shakes his head slowly. “do you believe me now?”
your brows pinch together in confusion. “yeah, i believe you. were you not telling the truth just now?”
he shakes his head again. “i’m not talking about just now i’m talking about me being in love with you.”
you said you didn’t believe it
do you believe him?
your own feelings for him keep getting in the way of your rational thoughts
because you just want to believe him, even when your common sense still doubts it
“yeah,” you start, “i believe you.”
then, a soft smile creeps onto his lips. “okay.”
you reach for the plate but jungkook stops you by gently taking hold of your wrist mid-air. “i think you should just go lie down in bed. after what just happened, you just need a moment. i can tell you’re pretending to be okay.”
you blink at him
and the sincere look in his eyes
and the slight pinch in his brows
almost makes you tear up again
“i’ll clean the kitchen up, just,” he pauses as he lets go of your wrist, “go. i’ll be right there.”
you slowly nod your head and start walking out of your kitchen, heading to your bedroom
you lie down in your bed and stare at the ceiling, the events of barely 20 minutes ago playing on repeat in your head
you miss him
you need him
you’re lucky jungkook was there to talk some sense into you
you should go to taehyung when the storm is over
and come clean with everything and just
beg for his forgiveness
and now that you think about it
you wonder
why it’s taking jungkook so long
you get up from your bed and slowly make your way to the kitchen
you peek your head around the corner of the door and that’s when you see
jungkook, standing by the sink
the mess taehyung made earlier on the floor has been cleaned up
and it seemed like jungkook was halfway through with the dishes
but now he’s just leaning against the sink with his hands and his head held down
what is he doing?
you wonder what it is until you hear a soft sniffle
you walk into the kitchen. “jungkook?”
he quickly sniffles again and wipes his cheeks before looking at you
you walk in further. “hey,” you whisper as you place your hand on his shoulder, soothingly rubbing it
he’s quiet for a few moments before he breaks down
“he’s my only friend and i betrayed his trust. you can bounce back because of your history with him but me? he’ll never want to see me again.”
he sent you away because all of that panic that he had earlier concerning taehyung he couldn’t show
he had to swallow his own emotions because he had to calm you down
but it’s dawning on him real bad right now and you need to be here for him like he was there for you
you shake your head and move your hand over his back, rubbing it gently. “you’re crazy. he could never hate you, kook. like you said, he’s mad. it’s okay, we’ll catch him one of these days and talk it out. taehyung is the gentlest soul i know. he just needs some time to cool off.”
he sniffles quietly, his round nose so red and his big eyes puffy. “it took you so much convincing to believe me. what if he doesn’t believe me at all?”
“jungkook, taehyung knows you better than i do. he’ll know to believe you. i’m sure of it.”
he sniffles again and slowly nods.
“okay? here,” you say as you take the sponge out of his hand and rinse his soaped up hand. “let’s just go lie down for a bit. we’ll eat later.”
( ♡ )
the storm has finally let up the following day
and you need to do one more thing before you bite the bullet and face taehyung
you raise your fist and slowly knock on the door
you wait a few moments before it swings open
“hey, you.”
you smile at him. “hey, yoongi.”
he steps aside and invites you in
you quietly thank him and step in
“what’s up?” he asks as he heads into his living room and you follow him
“we uh,” you start as you nervously look around. “we need to talk.”
he halts in his movements and slowly turns to you. “oh. okay. would you like something to drink?”
you shake your head and gently take his soft hand into yours before leading him to the sofa
you both sit down and he’s staring at you with confused eyes. “so?”
you take a deep breath and finally glance at him. “yoongi,” you start, “you’re amazing. you really treat me exactly as a man should and i’ll always be thankful for that. you were never pushy, you were never condescending or overstepping. you just,” you pause for a moment to find more words but you kind of get stuck
it’s quiet
and he’s just staring at you
when the silence stretches out for longer than he likes, he decides to do something
his frown turns into a neutral expression. “finally chose jungkook, have you?”
your eyes go wide and your throat goes dry.
“i don’t like how you think i’m stupid, y/n.”
what is he
what is
what is going on
you blink at him. he clearly is unimpressed with your attempts at letting him down slowly
oh no
you really don’t want to start panicking
“yoongi, i just–”
“hey, breathe. your veins are almost popping out of your throat.” he brings his finger up to tap your pouty lips
and it’s true, you were actually holding your breath
“i’m not stupid, you know.” he uses his thumb to rub your bottom lip. “it’s been rather clear that you’ve had feelings for jungkook. i was just waiting for you to realize.”
you frown at him. “how?”
“the camping trip, our first date, the parties, the clubs. your attention was always just centred around jungkook. i thought you were trying to get over it so i told you i’d make you realize you don’t need him but clearly you’ve realized you do and i get it.”
you are not going to cry
you blink a few times to keep your tears in their fucking place. “aren’t you mad i used you to forget about him?”
at this, he’s quiet. he just blinks at you for a few moments before answering
“no, i’m not because i’m guilty too.”
you tilt your head to the side. “what do you mean?”
he sighs softly. “i uh,” he says as he shrugs his shoulders. “i did the same to you. i wanted to forget about sooyeon.”
you didn’t actually think that was the case
he did mention he knew what you were talking about
and that he was okay with not getting into anything serious
but it’s strange hearing this from him now
because he just seems like the type of guy that has everything figured out
mature and collected
but you suppose after all, he’s human too
you nod slowly. “i see.”
he brings his hand down to rub your shoulder. “have you told taehyung?”
at this, your heart stings
you want to cry
“um,” you say with a shaky voice.
he frowns. “oh god,” he mumbles. “what happened?”
you explain what happened in short so you don’t bawl in front of him
“oh, shit. i guess it’s my fault, then?” he rubs his hairline. “i’m sorry, i didn’t think he’d rush to you like that for a simple cold.”
you sniff. him saying that makes you realize taehyung really does care for you
“you should go talk it out with him.”
“what if he doesn’t want to see me?”
he shakes his head. “don’t be absurd. i don’t think taehyung has ever even considered spending a day without at least hearing for you. he’s probably counting down the minutes until he sees you again.”
he really knows what to say
you slowly nod and rise to your feet. “i’m gonna go to him right now.”
he gets up as well. “okay. just breathe and you’ll be fine.”
you sigh and turn to fully face him as you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your face in his chest, inhaling his scent
he hugs you right back, stroking your head and rubbing your back soothingly
“thanks for everything, yoongles.”
“nope,” he chuckles, “your privileges have been revoked. you don’t get to call me that anymore.”
you huff and smack his back which he laughs at
you pull back and pout at him
he chuckles and pecks your nose. “we’ll talk again soon,” he says
and you can’t help but smile
and with a final squeeze, he lets go of you and walks you to his front door
“you’re rushing me out. i bet sooyeon is coming over,” you joke as you open his front door
he’s suddenly quiet for a moment. “would that make me a bad person?”
you laugh and hit his chest. “jerk.”
he chuckles and watches as you leave, leaning against the doorframe with a soft smile on his lips.
well then
until our paths cross again, yoongi ♡
(wrote this entire scene whilst watching yoongi live on weverse to say his goodbyes after the enlistment news bitch im so fucking emotional rn shut the fuck up)
and now
it’s time
to go see taehyung
you make your way to taehyung’s home
and take a few breaths
trying to calm yourself
you need to calm yourself
you can do this
right as you raise your fist to knock
the door swings open
and you almost slam your first into taehyung’s face
luckily you stop yourself right before that happens and tae stares at you in surprise
“oh,” he quietly says. “i was uh…” he scratches his head. “i was just on my way to you.”
oh :(
you swallow thickly and watch as he steps aside to let you in
you walk in and your body wants to automatically fly onto his bed like you always do but you settle for the couch right now
he follows you and sits down on the coffee table to be able to face you instead of sitting down next to you
it’s quiet
real quiet
“i’m sorry–”
you both apologize in unison but you frown at him. “why are you apologizing?”
he blinks at you like you’re crazy. “because i was way out of line, y/n.”
he catches the quiver in your pout but doesn’t comment on it. “i always told you i’d never judge you but airing you out like that was the opposite of what i promised to always do for you. it wasn’t okay.”
you scrunch your nose a bit as you feel yourself getting emotional again
“so, you don’t hate me?”
he blinks at you like you’ve gone crazy. “are you insane?”
you press your lips into a thin line, hoping to hurt yourself so you can focus on that and not getting emotional
“taehyung, you sacrificed so much for me and i couldn’t even listen to the one thing you didn’t want me to do. i’d wanna kill me.”
he sighs quietly and shakes his head as he looks down at your fidgeting fingers. “oh, don’t get me wrong. i still wanna kill you but what i did wasn’t cool. i just,” he pauses as he tries to think of what to say.
“i didn’t mean to give you a ‘gotcha’ moment with that sensitive information but it was more my way of saying ‘i told you so’. you just make me so mad sometimes.”
you bite on your lip to stop it from quivering
“and the fact it’s been going on since the camping trip and i just, i thought about all the times you just lied to my face. you’d never done that before. we’ve always been honest with each other, you know? never in a million years did i think you would lie to me like that.”
you look down at your hands, realizing you’ve been picking at the loose flesh around your nails
“i’m always just thinking ‘it’s okay, she’s young’ whenever you screw up because you are. but i’m young too. and i’m scared too.”
it’s enough to have you silently crying again
he’s completely right
all of that pressure he’s been carrying with him
and he always looks so
careless and free
is that why he’s always drinking until he can’t fucking stand?
and he never ever once held it over your head
he never once pointed out that he carries all this pressure of keeping you safe and protect you
and you’re just a selfish cunt
“i know. i’m sorry, taehyung. i really am. it just,” you stutter as you shakily sniff for air, “it just happened.”
he glances up at you and nods, handing you tissues from his nightstand
“he needs us, taehyung. he needs you. he told me everything. he was just a boy.”
taehyung sighs as he puts the box of tissues down in front of you
you tell taehyung the storyline of you and jungkook
without the events of … yesterday and the day before that for obvious reasons.
and he doesn’t say much, just silently nods
it’s quiet for awhile as you both just sit there, not saying another word
“have you caught feelings for him?”
your breath hitches in your throat and your heart is beating in your ass
you make eye contact with him and he’s staring at you with a neutral expression
you furrow your brows and try to stop the involuntary quiver in your lips as you slowly nod to his question
he gently sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “does he know?”
you wipe your tears with the tissues. “yes. he confessed to me first.”
he then looks at you with a surprised look on his face. “jungkook told you he has feelings for you? jungkook?”
you blink at him, confused at the surprised tone in his voice. “well, he told me he was in love with me.”
he tilts his head to the side. “and you believe him?”
you shrug your shoulders. “not at first. and definitely not after hearing the mia thing but,” you pause for a moment. “he told me the full story and i don’t think he lied to me once as he did. so i do believe him now.”
he rubs his smooth chin with his fingers and slowly nods. “have you told yoongi?”
he leans back on his hands, his head tilted back as he stares at the ceiling. “where is jungkook now?”
you cough
he lifts his head to look at you with a raised brow.
“he’s uh,” you glance at the front door. “he’s in the hall.”
taehyung blinks at you like you’re full of shit. “he’s here? in the hall?”
you slowly nod
taehyung stares at you for a moment longer before rising to his feet and walking to the front door
he swings it open and looks around the corner, just to see jungkook’s shadow at the bottom of the stairs
jungkook walks up a few stairs to see if it’s you but he makes eye contact with taehyung
and taehyung is just staring him down
jungkook quietly sighs and walks up the stairs, right up to taehyung’s front door
you watch from the couch, gripping the wet tissue in your hand still
jungkooks nose is still red
and his eyes are puffy
but neither of them say a word
just stare
at each other
until they suddenly kiss each other?
🍀 i’m just joking
they’re staring each other down in silence
until taehyung suddenly grabs jungkook by the collar of his shirt, knuckles turning white because of the tightness of his grip
jungkook just lets him
you shoot up from the couch in an instant, panic surging through your entire body
just as you’re about to call out taehyung’s name in hopes of stopping him
he pulls jungkook into a tight hug, maybe a little too tight
jungkook simply rests his chin on taehyung’s shoulder
and wraps his arms around him. “i’m sorry, hyung.”
they just hug in silence for a few moments until taehyung speaks up again
“you better not ever fuck her over or i swear i’ll have you jumped.”
jungkook chuckles and pats taehyung’s back. “i thought you were of the opinion that you should beat me the fuck up?”
is he insane
not the time for jokes, jungkook…
taehyung pulls back from the hug and stares at jungkook for a second with a frown on his face
before cracking his famous sheepish box smile. “i should but i know i can’t take you in a fight.”
you snort and it makes both of them look at you
you suddenly feel like you’re being watched by the fbi or something the way ur standing there like 🧍‍♀️
taehyung lets go of jungkook and walks up to you, staring down at you with a furrow in his brows
“dumb people should never laugh.”
did he really just say that in the tone of that one nicki minaj tiktok audio😭😭😭
you pout and slap his chest
he chuckles and pulls you into a tight embrace, resting his chin on top of your head and not caring he’s suffocating you with his chest
but you simply keep your face buried there, inhaling his scent
and he literally just feels like home
he then says;
“good thing you’re dumb or else my life would’ve been really boring.”
to be continued
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returnsandreturns · 4 months
idk how to go about sending you a screencap etc but i donated! Could i get some childhood friends mattfoggy or cooking gone wrong? Thank you for taking your time to do this!
(also, if you would like a matt/foggy thing of your very own, donate any amount to the palestine children's relief fund and i'll write you an undisclosed amount of words)
Foggy’s the first person to visit Matt at the hospital after his accident—Matt’s dad didn’t want to let anybody in yet until things were more stable but Foggy talked his way into it. He’s really good at that.
“Hey, Matty,” he says, squeezing Matt’s shoulder. “. . .bad week, huh?”
Matt’s silent for a moment before he bursts out laughing, catching his breath before he grins up at Foggy and says, “Kind of, buddy.”
“I’m going to try to avoid all the concerned questions and stuff because you’re probably already tired of that,” Foggy says. “Although I bet that you’re liking getting attention from all the pretty nurses.”
“Are they pretty?” Matt asks, raising his eyebrows. “I can’t see them.”
“In that case, they’re all super hot,” Foggy says, then makes a soft interested noise. “Hey, do your other senses actually get all heightened when you’re blinded? Like can you smell colors now?”
Matt falters for a second then laughs and says, “Uhm, no, nothing like that.”
“Damn,” Foggy says, ruffling Matt’s hair, fingers lingering there for a few moments. “You really can’t win.”
The night that Matt’s dad dies, Foggy’s mom picks him up and brings him back to their apartment.
Foggy apparently knows everything because he just pulls Matt into a hug and holds on, which is what makes Matt really cry, the insane tension in every inch of his body releasing as he sobs into Foggy’s hoodie. Foggy doesn’t even shush him or tell him everything’s going to be alright. He just pets Matt’s hair and stays and it’s exactly what he needs.
He sleeps in Foggy’s bed that night because neither of them wants to let go of each other.
A few days later, they fit another twin bed into Foggy’s room. His parents jump through hoops to become foster parents just so they can take him in and he won’t be in the system. And Matt, confused and scared and grateful, stays.
“Permanent sleepover,” Foggy says, flopping down on Matt’s bed, when they’ve mixed up the room to fit in all of Matt’s things. “You’re gonna get tired of me real quick, buddy.”
“I doubt it,” Matt says, sitting next to him. “How long have we known each other?”
“We reached for the same juicebox in kindergarten,” Foggy says, dreamily, “and it’s been true love ever since.”
Matt turns his head when he laughs, hoping that Foggy won’t see him blush.
“If I haven’t gotten tired of you by now, I think it’ll be fine,” he says.
“I mean, you’re sort of my brother now,” Foggy says, sitting up, “so our dynamic might dramatically change.”
“. . .do you think so?” Matt asks, feeling weird about it.
“Nah,” Foggy says. “Our friendship is rock solid.”
“If you don’t put your dirty socks in the laundry hamper, I’m going to smother you to death with them,” Matt says, darkly, throwing one of the worst offenders at Foggy’s head.
“I can’t help that you’ve got a sensitive nose,” Foggy says.
“It doesn’t take a sensitive nose, Franklin!” Foggy’s mom says, passing by the door.
“Yeah, Franklin,” Matt echoes, smirking.
“You’ve been here a month,” Foggy says. “I can’t believe you’re already the favorite child.”
“I’m not,” Matt says, rolling his eyes.
“MATT!” Foggy’s mom yells back.
“Told ya,” Foggy says, sounding happy.
The Nelsons throw Matt a thirteenth birthday party that he has to sneak away from midway through, not surprised when Foggy peeks his head into the bathroom to see him sitting in the bathtub.
“Hey, bud,” Foggy says, softly. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Matt says, wiping his eyes with his sleeves and trying to smile.
“It’s okay if you’re not,” Foggy says, locking the bathroom door and climbing into the tub with him, pressed against his side.
“. . .I miss my dad,” Matt admits.
“Oh,” Foggy says, wrapping an arm around him. “First birthday without him.”
Matt nods.
Foggy hugs him close for a second before he presses a firm kiss to his temple and climbs out of the tub, saying, “Stay right there. I’m bringing back cake.”
Matt presses fingers to the place where Foggy kissed him and tries not to think too hard about it. Lately, he's been desperately trying not to make it weird that he's feeling new things when Foggy casually touches him.
They're fourteen when they're left home alone for a night and proceed to get drunk for the first time off three bottles of beer shared between them.
"Tell me about the kiss," Foggy insists.
"I don't know what you want me to say," Matt says, a little more smug than he means to be for someone that kissed a girl for five seconds during a game of spin the bottle. "It was just a kiss."
"Act it out," Foggy says, thrusting a throw pillow at him. "On this pillow."
"No," Matt says, giggling.
"You're useless to me, Murdock," Foggy says.
"C'mere," Matt says, leaning in, because his head is swimmy and they're all alone and Foggy will probably think that it's funny. He finds Foggy's face with both of his hands and kisses him softly on the mouth.
"Oh," Foggy says, softly.
". . .yeah," Matt says, sitting back slowly. "It was just. . ."
"A kiss," Foggy says.
"A kiss," Matt echoes, nodding.
The summer after their freshman year, they're bickering over something and it leads to stupid playfighting, a broken lamp and Matt flat on his bed with Foggy on top of him.
"Sorry," Foggy says, not moving.
Matt listens to his heartbeat for five seconds, trying to make a decision, but Foggy kisses him first this time. It's different than the first time. They're older and they've both kissed other people and it makes Matt moan, a noise that startles both of them.
They're quiet for a long moment.
". . .my, uhm. . .my parents want to officially adopt you," Foggy says, strained.
"Oh," Matt says.
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
part 3 of babysitter!yn? i love that concept a lot
HERE IT IS !! i really hope you like it, i really enjoy writing this series <3 next part will be about coachella and the release of harry’s house !!
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by jefezoff, harrystyles and 378 others
yourinstagram makeup is on because i’m finally watching a love on tour show from the audience. i might cry
view all 104 comments
yourbff slayyyy🔥
glenne_azoff I’ll finally have a dance partner
yourbrother i can’t believe you toured with harry styles for 3 months but never watched a show
↳ yourinstagram i was there babysitting our nephew, in case you forgot
harrystyles You have no idea of how excited I am x
↳ yourinstagram 🥺🥺🥺🤍
↳ jefezoff Whipped. Both of you
↳ yourinstagram uGh jeffrey
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 4,933,679 others
harrystyles Thank you for 42 special nights. It’s been a privilege to play for you the last few months. To the band, the crew, and everyone working on this tour, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The energy you brought to this one has left me feeling completely overwhelmed with joy.
To the fans, and everyone who came to see these shows, I thank you. You made them everything they were, and I’ve never felt so genuinely supported. I can’t say it enough, you’re unbelievable.
This tour felt like the celebration of coming back together. I won’t ever forget it. Thank you all so much for the love, I’ll see you very soon. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
view all 53,180 comments
yourinstagram i never thought this tour would change my life 🤍
harrystyles liked this comment
jefezoff ❤️❤️
harryfan2 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 233,069 others
pillowpersonpp Personal hype man of Love on Tour
Having baby boy on tour wouldn’t have been possible without your help @yourinstagram 🍼❤️ Thank you endlessly
view all 3,037 comments
harryfan1 awww so adorable
jefezoff Mini you ❤️
yourinstagram thank YOU and mitchy for trusting me and bringing me along, this was one of the best experiences in my entire life 🤍
↳ harryfan2 she really has the dream job
harrystyles Fake news. Baby boy says he wasn’t satisfied with his baby sitter.
↳ yourinstagram OH SHUT UP
↳ harryfan3 they’re besties i love them
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liked by paulithepsm and 165,736 others
harrystyles From all our late night talking to those secret art gallery dates, I’m so happy my friends needed a nanny on tour x
view all 15,872 comments
harryfan1 UMM HARRY??
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,837 others
was harry hacked? did he post in the wrong account? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW ?? WHOS THE GIRL IN THE PIC ??
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 i swear i’m going insane
harryfan2 i mean we knew he had a private account
↳ harryfan3 it’s not confirmed that the account was his tho
↳ harryfan1 which account?
↳ harryfan2 @yrrahseltys
↳ harryfan1 he has 176 posts im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
harryfan4 y’all stop respect his privacy
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liked by jefezoff, pillowpersonpp and 392 others
yourinstagram i’m going to murder harry styles
view all 110 comments
yourbff GIRL
jefezoff My worst fear came true
↳ yourinstagram he posts without my supervision and this happens.. istg he’s the one who needs a babysitter
mitchrowland Give the boy a break, he was trying to be romantic
↳ yourinstagram 🫠🫠
yrrahseltys How many times do I have to apologize 🙁
↳ yourinstagram log out of that account pls you’re making me nervous
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @finelinevogue @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @jodisimp @sad1esgf
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sequinsmile-x · 2 months
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The Games We Play - Chapter 1
She’d survived the very worst a person could, lived through things that still kept her up at night, the screams of other innocent people ringing in her head as sleep evaded her.
She’d survived so much, but she didn’t think she’d survive leading him to his death. 
A Hunger Games AU
Hi friends,
Well here it is. The crowning jewel in my crown of insanity. The most unhinged AU I've ever come up with.
I had this idea months ago when watching The Hunger Games, another one of my hyperfixations, and I started teasing a few people saying I'd write a Hotchniss AU based on it. Then I started getting close to a couple of milestones on here...both hitting 2 million words of fanfic and 1,000 followers on tumblr. So I said I'd write this when I hit those milestones.
Both happened yesterday.
So, here we are. I really hope you enjoy this, I've worked really hard on the story and making it fit for our beloved CM characters as well as the setting of The Hunger Games.
The next chapter will be up in a few days. For now it is set as 4 chapters, it might turn into 5 if I get a little carried away.
As always, please let me know what you think!
Words: 2.5k
A full list of warnings can be found on the series master list
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“Emily, it’s almost time to go.” 
She sighs as her mother calls out for her and she closes her eyes, blowing out a shaky breath before she looks at herself in the mirror. She runs her fingers through her dark, perfectly curled hair, making sure it was lying over her shoulders. The dark green tea dress her mother had picked out for her came down to just above her knees, the colour of it complimenting her skin tone. It was velvet, soft and clearly expensive even just to look at, her appearance at odds with almost everyone else in her district. 
She looked every bit like the Victor she wished she wasn’t. 
It had been three years since she’d won. Since her name had been called out in the town square, the murmuring of her peers around her, whispers that ‘the mayor's daughter’ hadn’t even been safe fading out as she walked to the stage. In her worst moments, the timing of her mother’s reelection, something that looked unlikely at the time, and her reaping felt suspicious. The mayor’s daughter going into the games and becoming the first Victor for the district in a quarter of a century had won the election in a landslide. 
It wasn’t lost on Emily that even if she’d died in the arena her mother would have likely won again anyway.
She liked to think that her mother hadn’t put her life at risk for a small grab of power, that she hadn’t made some deal and bartered her 15-year-old daughter’s survival like a chip in a poker game, hoping no one saw her bluff. She liked to think that, but she knew enough about how it all worked, had seen enough in the Capitol since becoming a Victor to know that power was the most important currency in this country. Instead, Emily actively ignored the truth laid out in front of her, knowing that in order to maintain appearances she had no other choice.  
She’d won, but sometimes she wondered if she’d ever left the arena at all. 
She looks at herself in the mirror one last time, smoothing her hands down her dress, her palms lingering over where the large scar on her abdomen was, the injury that had almost killed her. It was unsightly, something that made her wince whenever she saw it, but she stood by her decision to not have the Capitol remove it. She wanted to remember every day what she’d survived.
“I’m ready.” 
The walk to the town square is familiar. She’s sure she could do it in her sleep, a death march she’d been part of her whole life, something she’d done long before she qualified for the games in the first place. She felt a sense of relief that her friends would age out this year, that this was the final time their names would be in the draw, their 18th birthdays always coming with a sigh of relief because it was the last time they’d stand there, their breath caught in their lungs as they waited to hear their name called out. 
It feels like a weight is lifted from her shoulders when she spots Dave the moment she steps into the town hall. He was her mentor and friend, the only other victor to ever come from their district.  The only other person who knew what it took from someone to win the games and come home alive. 
“Hey kid,” he says, pulling her into a hug, one she returns gratefully. She freezes when she hears a throat clear from behind her, her mother’s disapproval at the father figure in her life something she’d made clear. Emily smiles tightly at Dave as she pulls back from him, and she conceals a smile when he winks at her, “You ready?” 
She blows out a slow breath. None of this ever got any easier. Having to stand on stage in silence, a fake smile painted on her face, as more children were picked for a death they’d done nothing to deserve. The screams of the parents constantly echoed in her head, never quite going away. They always came back with a vengeance when the tributes died and she knew she was going home on an empty train, with no way she could possibly comfort anyone.
She’d become a cog in the machine that she hated, and she wasn’t sure how she’d ever escape. Her victory and her biggest crime both wrapped up in surviving, in pulling herself out of the pit she’d been thrown into when she was 15. 
“Yeah,” she breathes out, pressing her lips together as she lets her mask slip into place, “I’m ready.” 
He has to encourage this brother out of the house. 
His father was passed out drunk in the living room, and his mother was close to hysterical at the thought of Sean being old enough to go into the games now, a level of emotion Aaron didn’t ever remember her showing for him. 
He wraps his arm around Sean’s shoulders as they approach the town square, and he feels the 12-year-old tense, his body tight with a fear that Aaron remembered well. It was a feeling that oddly faded over the years, leaving him almost apathetic now, the reality that this was the final year he’d have to do this almost lost on him until his mother mentioned it in passing that morning. 
“It will be okay Sean,” Aaron says, stopping to look at his brother, a smile he hopes is reassuring on his face, “It’s your first year. People rarely get their name called on their first year.”
Sean nods and carries on walking towards the signing-in point, “Will Mom and Dad come?” 
Aaron sighs as he ruffles his younger brother's hair, “Mom probably will. Dad’s…resting after a long day at work yesterday.”
“I’m 12, not stupid Aaron,” he says, and they come to a stop again before they both join their respective lines, “You don’t have to protect me anymore,” he shrugs, a playful smile spreading across his face, “If the government think I’m old enough to die for entertainment, I’m old enough to know Dad is a piece of crap.” 
Aaron chuckles and shakes his head before he ruffles Sean’s hair again, wondering when his little brother had grown up, “Don’t talk like that.”
Sean shrugs him off, any remnants of nerves long gone, “See you after?” 
He nods, “See you after.” 
Aaron sighs as he signs in, not even flinching as they take a drop of blood to confirm his identity, and he then walks over to the holding pen for his year group. He pauses for a moment when he spots Haley, his smile tight as their eyes meet. They’d dated for the last couple of years but ended their relationship recently, a difference in opinion on what life would hold for them once they were free from this pulling them apart. She smiles back, offering him a small wave before she turns back to her friends, and he finds a place to stand. 
He looks up as the doors to the town hall open, the usual anthem playing out through crackly speakers set up around the square. His gaze is immediately fixed on Emily, her beauty as distracting as it always had been. 
He’d known her all his life. She was from the other side of town, but they’d always gone to school together. She was nice, and funny and beautiful, never using the fact she was the mayor’s daughter to try and gain favour or popularity. If anything, she seemed to butt against the privilege it would give her, constantly pushing boundaries. They were friends for most of their lives, and always spent as much time together as possible. He’d been in love with her, always convincing himself that one day they could be more than friends. 
Then she was reaped and everything changed. 
He’d watched the games closer than he ever had that year, looking out for her as much as possible, always feeling a strange sense of elation and fear the moment he saw her. When she won he was happy, delighted that she’d survived, that he wouldn’t have to imagine a life without her, but she came back different. Changed by the things she had seen and done in the games. 
She never returned to school, the life of a Victor seemingly a busy one, and her initial attempts at spending time with him faded away once he started to date Haley. Their friendship changed by circumstances beyond their control. He’d aged out of school just a few months ago and soon as he’d turned 18 he’d got a job alongside his father. 
Aaron missed Emily, even though she was right in front of him, and he wanted to fix things one day, to be whatever she needed.
She always looked like she needed a friend, her life as lonely as it was busy, her only real company these days found in David Rossi - the only other Victor from their district. 
Their eyes briefly meet, her’s flicking towards him, a brief smile flashing across her face before she continues to look forward, stoic and strong in a way she’d been since long before he stood hopelessly in this very spot when her name rang out around them.  
He’s drawn back into what’s going on around him, all the explanations for why this was happening, the price they were paying for a war fought and lost long before they were born. The enthusiasm with which the woman from the Capitol explained it all always got his shackles up, her brightly coloured clothes and hair as out of place as her zeal for selecting teenagers to send to their deaths. 
Emily had told him once, fresh back from the games, her clothes stuffed with padding to try and hide the weight she’d noticeably lost, that the woman’s name was Penelope. That she was actually nice, albeit misguided, and that she’d been one of the few people in the Capitol Emily had been able to get along with. 
“Ladies first,” Penelope says, reaching into the giant bowl, dipping her hand into the pile of slips of paper, a literal hand of fate dealt to someone standing in the crowd. She picks a slip and unfolds it, stepping back in front of the microphone, “Kate Joyner.” 
Aaron looks over at Kate and sees the momentary panic flash through her before she steps away from the crowd and walks over to the stage. She was 17 and in the year below at school, someone he’d always got along with any time that they interacted. He feels guilty for the flash of relief that rushes through him when he realises this means Haley was free, that she’d never be at risk of going through all of this again. Despite everything, he still loved her, had still imagined a future with her, and he was happy she’d get to have the life she deserved and wanted. 
He looks back at the stage and sees Emily reach out and touch Kate’s arm as she stands next to her, a brief thing he’s sure no one else would notice unless they were looking right at her. It’s a moment of comfort, something that he’s sure doesn’t even touch the surface of what Kate is feeling. But it’s something. A reminder she isn’t alone in this. 
At least, she wouldn’t be alone until the moment she stepped into the Arena. 
“And now for the gentlemen,” Penelope says, and Aaron feels his breath catch in his chest, the few moments it takes her to pick a name seem to last a lifetime, everything drawn out into slow motion, even the breeze in Emily’s hair, loose strands moving in the wind with more freedom than any of them had ever had. Penelope picks up one of the slips of paper and unfolds it, “Sean Hotchner.” 
It takes a moment for Aaron’s brain to catch up, for him to realise what’s happened. He snaps his head to where his brother is standing. He can see from where he is that Sean is panicking, that tears are flooding his eyes as his peers step backwards from him, making it clear to everyone exactly who he is. It seemed unfair, cruel that his brother had been picked on his first ever time when this was Aaron’s sixth time going through this process. 
Aaron doesn’t think about it, his body moving on autopilot, his desire to spare his brother from this, to save him in a way he hadn’t been to save him from their father, driving him forward. He’s standing on the path leading to the stage before Sean can even start to walk towards it, and he sucks in a deep breath, before he says two words that he’s sure all but sign his death warrant. 
“I volunteer.” 
She freezes as she watches him walk out from where he was standing. She already knew what was about to happen. He was brave to a fault, foolhardy with his own safety, and he loved his brother. He held everyone he cared about in higher esteem than himself. His almost subconscious desire to protect everyone around him even to his own detriment something she’d known about since they were small children. 
He’d once taken the blame for damaging a vase in her mother’s house that she’d broken, claiming it was his fault that it had fallen from the table it had been sitting on even though it was her who had knocked it over. He’d teased her about it for years, and winked as he told her that owed him one.
Emily can’t help but stare as he walks up the stairs to the stage and stands next to Penelope.
“A volunteer, how exciting,” Penelope says, her exuberance something Emily cannot find comfort in for once, “What’s your name?” 
“Aaron…” he says, clearing his throat, “Aaron Hotchner.” 
His name rings out around the town square, a death rattle he was ringing himself. One that had led so many to their demise before him. The last few years it had happened under her watch, and it takes everything in her not to gasp, to continue to play the part of the victor she’d been for three years now. 
She’d survived the very worst a person could, lived through things that still kept her up at night, the screams of other innocent people ringing in her head as sleep evaded her. She’d survived so much, but she didn’t think she’d survive leading him to his death. 
Not when she’d been in love with him for as long as she could remember. 
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din-miller · 7 months
Leaf Pressing
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Comfortember day three: leaves changing
Warning: Getting together, set in Jackson, fluff, first kiss, darlin’, all knowledge about leaf pressing comes from online
A/N: joel looks so gooood in this gif, like damnnn boy. This is kinda rushed and I haven’t written for Joel in a hot minute and I didn’t find out until yesterday about Comfortember so I’m trying to catch up. And yes darlin’ is it’s own warning because FUCK it hits the spot every time. Divider by @saradika
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It was kinda a spur-of-the-moment decision. You had seen the changing of the trees, the ground litter with fresh falling leaves and you suddenly had an idea. Something you hadn’t done in ages.
You started by collecting all the leaves that weren’t already curling in on themselves, picking out the prettier ones, setting them on the porch step before racing to the mess hall.
There’s this giddy feeling inside you, one that is rare these days, but it’s freeing and you can’t stop smiling.
You probably look like you’ve officially gone insane as you burst into the mess hall, not acknowledging anyone as you make a bee line straight into the kitchen.
“I need wax paper.” You announced to the poor unexpecting kitchen staff and they all stared at you in bewilderment. Talk of the town you’ll be this week.
The head Chef looked at the staff, “Well don’t just stand there, get this lady some wax paper!”
As the kitchen staff scrambled to find the box of wax paper, you smiled at the chef, “Thanks Donny. I only need a little bit.”
He waved you off, his blue eyes bright as he smiled, “Take all ya need, and here,” He placed a bag of treats in your hand, “Give my love to your Joel and Ellie.”
You blushed, of course everyone in town knows of your obvious crush on Joel and the way you’ve taken to caring for the snippy teenager like she’s your own family.
With the supplies you came for, plus the snacks, you headed back to your place. Once there you stared down at the leaves for a minute wondering how you’re going to proceed.
There's an option, probably the best one. In all of Jackson only one house has the perfect setup for your craft. The only problem is that Joel’s not home and even though he has told you multiple times that his door is always open, any time of day, it doesn't matter if he’s home or not; you still feel like it’s trespassing.
You sighed, standing here doing nothing isn’t going to get the leaves pressed. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you’re packing everything up and walking down the street to Joel’s. His door is locked but you have your own set of keys to his place.
Entering, you take off your shoes and set them neatly on the shoe rack by the door and as you pass the dining area you set the bag of goodies you got from Chef Donny onto the table. It’ll be a nice surprise for Joel and Ellie when they get home.
You entered his workshop area and placed the materials you needed down on the table. Next you searched the closet for an iron board and the matching iron. You know Joel owns them; no one’s shirts can be that wrinkled free. Apocalypse or not.
Now with the board and iron, you started organising all the craft materials and kicked open the iron board stands, placing the board beside the workshop table.
The house is quiet without Joel and Ellie. Though you’re sure if you strained your ears enough you might be able to hear the pitter-patter of Ellie’s stray cat she took in a few months back.
Suddenly there’s a noise behind you, someone clearing their throat and you whip around to find Joel leaning against the doorway; shoulder pressed against the frame and one leg crossed over the other in an unfairly attractive way.
He’s chewing on the snack you left on the table, “Gotta say, darlin’, I wasn’t expecting to see you here. Leaves a man wondering how often a pretty girl is alone in his house with him not knowing.”
“This is the first time, I promise!” You rushed out, not wanting to make Joel mad or upset.
“Hey, I ain’t mad. I meant what I said before. Doors open twenty-four seven. Whether it be for food, company, or apparently arts and crafts. Whatever it is, this house is yours too.” He said in honesty before pressing his lips together.
“What's wrong?” You frowned, trying to read his expression, “You got a look in your eyes I’ve never seen before.”
“When I saw your shoes I panicked. I thought something had happened and I wasn’t there for you. Then I find you up here humming along to some old tune, completely safe and I-,” Joel shook his head with a sigh and pushed himself off the doorframe, “I guess I forgot how simple life can be sometimes.”
It’s an easy thing to forget. The world hasn’t been simple for decades, but here, right now it is. For you, for him. You sent him an understanding nod and asked: “You want to help?”
Joel looked at your pile of supplies, “Leaf pressing?”
You held a leaf up for him to see, “I found these leaves this morning and remembered how I used to love doing arts and crafts,” You shrugged, turning back to face the workbench, “Like you said; the simple things in life.”
He came over to get a better look, his body hovering over your shoulder, breath hot against your neck and you can’t suppress the shiver that ran down your spine.
“Good haul.” Joel commented and picked up one of the bigger ones, “I can leave you to it if you want. I don’t mind.”
“No,” You said a little too fast, causing you to blush, “I mean, I don't mind, seriously. I like having you here. You’re, um, good company.”
“Just good?” He teased, setting down the leaf and closing the space between you to rest his head down on your shoulder, hands wrapping around your front.
You sucked in a sharp breath, body involuntarily relaxing against him, “Ego stroking isn’t a good look on you Miller.”
He chuckled against your neck, leaving goosebumps to break out across your skin. He didn’t reply; instead he watched as you sorted through the pile of leaves until you found your favourite ones, then asked him to pick out four from the pile, narrowing down the options. If he was surprised by your ask, it didn’t show.
With the best four leaves picked you placed them onto the sheet of wax paper on the board and then added the other half of wax paper overtop.
“Pass me the iron, make sure it’s on medium heat please.”
Without separating from your back Joel stretched out and grabbed the irons handle and passed it to you. You did the next part in comfortable silence while Joel’s thumbs rubbed circles just over your belly button, slightly wrinkling your shirt.
Leaves pressed together, you turned to him.
“Now what?” He asked, hands finding a new spot to rest, just above the band of your pants.
Your eyes flickered down to his plush lips as you replied: “We, ah, have to wait for the paper to cool off.”
Joel hummed, closing the distance between you slowly, “Then?”
“We choose to either cut out the leaves individually or keep them as is, all together.”
“We?” He raised a brow, eyes twinkling as his forehead finally touched yours.
“Yeah, we.” You breathed, breath tickling his lips and you rubbed your nose against Joel’s before closing the remaining gap to capture his lips in yours, earning an appreciated groan from the man.
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nightgoodomens · 4 months
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the way you respond to all your asks. It can be very hard to answer something when you have a strong opinion/belief that you are sure of but explain things in a way that is neutral too but you always do it.
I've been so on the fence about believing what's going on with Michael and David but a lot has happened in such a short space of time. The soft way they looked at each other when Michael saw David perform Macbeth was the start of my doubts about just friendship. I think it's safe to say that whatever they are to each other, there is absolute love there and it's beautiful to see. Your explanations have made a big difference in how I view things too so thank you for the clarity you provide. You do a great service to a lot of people.
This is the kindest ask, thank you so much ❤️ I actually felt such a relief reading this. Thank you 😭
I’ve been trying really hard for my answers to be exactly that so I’m glad it’s working ❤️
I’m aware that we are judging on just the little that’s shown to us (or should I say quite a lot lately), and our judgment is often based on our life experiences, so I know that I might simply be wrong and I won’t have a problem admitting it if at any point I am - hence always giving my thought process and why I think what I think - but I always want people to feel free to make their own conclusions. There are many things I’m not super sure about and that’s when you can see when I ask questions myself and I simply say I am just not sure because it could be this or that.
People’s sensitivity regarding this is also why I always keep my posts out of tags and created my own to block and usually put answers under ‘keep reading’ and stopped the posts from being rebloggable so if people don’t want to see any of this they don’t have to.
I was having some gentle question marks in my head after watching a few interviews with MS/DT and following MS on Twitter but I wasn’t really getting into it all. But when MS posted the “I set David on fire fairly regularly” I went “oh come onnnn” and finally gave in, especially considering the context of when he said it. When he went a little insane that day and then dead quiet, I thought this is it, things will change.
I even posted a little cryptic tag then 😏
And then the fairy light pic and Macbeth happened and I thought Here. We. Go.
I kept on saying damage control will come at one point but we are not exactly getting it for months now and I dare to wonder… what’s next.
And this is it really - no matter what it all exactly is the love is there and that’s beautiful - just like you said.
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soap143 · 8 months
Lee! Jeongin
Ler! Chan
For the past few days, hell, even weeks Jeongin had a strange feeling inside his stomach and annoying thoughts that wouldnt leave his head.
Tickling was a usual thing between the group. It happened daily more than one time. But somehow, Jeongin just couldnt get used to it. He always thought a bit weirdly of tickling, but after getting closer with the boys, at least for a while, he got used to it. However they were all older now and had much more work to do. It wasnt unsual to witness multiple wreckings in the 24 hours that he would spend with his friends, but he felt like he wasnt getting as much of it. Back when he was much younger, all the members would tickle him quite often, to the point where he thought that he might hate it.
Maybe they do think I hate it?
None the less, that was far from the truth — that was exactly what Jeongin had discovered. He really enjoyed the feeling of sneaky little fingers poking his sides and scratching his neck. The poor boy would always jump and yell for the tickler to stop, never knowing how much he acctually loved it. Whats there not to like? All the attention is on you, youre laughing and making others laugh and in the end — aftercare. Perhaps all the members stopped tickling him because of much he would fight back and plead to stop? It wasnt his fault tho. He was just insanely ticklish.
He watched his band group members poke eachother over and over again, simply dying in the inside. However he knew that he couldnt be too obvious about it. Nobody likes being tickled — thats a fact that he was aware of. Its very weird. So, of course, he would never dare to speak to anyone about this.
It was incredibly hard trying not to angrily stare at Changbin and Hyunjin poking eachother while playing video games. “Youre cheating!” Changbin plaufully yelled as he grabbed a chunk of Hyunjins side and mercilessly squeezed. Hyunjin let out a yelp and grabbed his poor side. “What is wrong with you?! I’m in last place beacause of you!” At this point they werent even playing. Hyunjin was trying to get on top of the dwaeki while the victim was fighting his long fingers off.
All that was happening as the poor maknae watched. He thought of joining in, but decided to sulk for a while until someone noticed.
When he arrived into his room, he had found out that another member was already in it. “Chan hyung, what are you doing here?” No response. “Hyung, why are you here?” Jeongin came a bit closer to the laying boy, only to realize he was sound asleep. “Poor Channie, he must have been tired…” He decided to let the leader rest. He was quite exhausted himself, so he carefully wrigled and cuddled up next to Chan.
As soon as I felt someone slighly squeeze my side, I flinched awake. I had gone into Jeongins room to talk to him, but considering I stayed up until dawn last night, I fell asleep on his bed… It was quite embarassing, but he didnt seem to mind. The maknae had cuddled up next to me and was asleep. Whenever Innie has a nightmare, he tends to squeeze whatever thing was the closest to him, whether it was his pillow, blanket or… His hyung.
He is our only maknae, our little baby, and I seemed to notice him not getting as much attention as he used to. But then I remember what he had said only a couple months ago…
We had just finnished practice, it was 9 pm. All of us were exhausted because of the long day. “Lets go to Mcdonalds!” “No, Burger King!” “Accualy, Ive been craving ramen for quite a while…” Everyone was choosing what to eat, however, I noticed Innie invested in his thoughts, sitting on the floor. “Hey I.N., good practice!” “Sure…” “Whatcha wanna eat? Everyone has agreed on ramen, but what do you think?” “ Ramens fine, but Im not going to eat… I-I did pretty bad today, I think I will stay a bit more to practice that one move.” “ Oh you really dont have to, not all of us quite got that, we will rehearse that again tommorow. We woke up at 6:30 am today, lets get some rest, yeah?” “ No, I really want to master that one move”
At this point mostly everyone had gathered up next to the youngest one in the group. “Innie, lets get food, Im so hungry!” “Who cares about that move, youll get it tommorow” “Even I didnt get it, dont worry, Innie!” Jeongin was fed up. Why did he have to get all this attention when he simply wanted to stay a little more after practice? “I SAID I WANTED TO MASTER JUST THIS ONE MOVE! Please, is it that hard to get?!” Everyone suddenly got quiet. Everybody but Chan left. “That was totally uncalled for, Jeongin! We were just-“ “Looking out for me? Being careful? Wanted the best for me? Jeez! Can I get a break from YOU. You always treat me like a baby! Well guess what, Im an adult now and make my own decisions. I dont want anyone, especially you Chan, constantly babying me and treating me like Im some child who cant make disicions of his own. Now go eat your ramen, Im not even hungry anymore. Im going back to the dorms. See you later.”
After that happened, we gave Jeongin less attention and treated him more like an adult. He had had multiple outbursts like this, but this one made things clear. However, I just think that he was tired and hungry, not necessarily angry. Maybe he just needed to let some emotions out, and needed a decent reason to do so.
Anyway, I think that he liked and still likes the attention, that we obviously dont give him anymore. Which is upsetting and frustrating, seeing our maknae so sad. Even though he said that he hates the attention that we give him, I can see him sulking, especially when we have fun and leave him out. I can tell that the boys aren’t doing it on purpose, theyre just doing what he wanted. But I can tell how much Innie misses being the little baby of the group.
Suddenly, I felt I.N. start moving around and wake up. “Hi Chan Hyung.” “Hello, Innie-ah” “Did I wake you up? I had a nightmare so I suspect I did… Sorry.” “It’s alright, I fell asleep in your bed when I was supposed to talk to you.” “What did you want to talk about, hyung?” I could tell by his voice that he was scared. “ Dont be afraid, its nothing bad.” “Oh. Well, tell me anyway” “Sorry if I offend you, but did you mean it? That you hate our attention and are sick of being babied? Because Ive been observing you and you dont seem any happier than when we treated you like our baby.” “Um… I guess I just feel more like an adult now.” “Do you like that?” I was met with silence. “Answer me Innie, please.” I.N. didnt seem like he was going to answer my question, so I decided to bring out the big guns. I had always known that our baby bread hated being tickled, but a little bit could never hurt. I gave him one last chance before diving in. At first I just pinned him down with both my arms. “Nohohoho, plehehease Channie Hyung!” he giggled in anticipation. “ One last chance, Jeongin~~ Do you acctually like it when we don’t give you attention? Or do you prefer to get babied like a little baby~~. Little baby bread…~~” I knew he couldn’t take any teases considering his red ears, face and neck. “Little I.N. baby bread, foxy baby cutie~” I lowered my face and whispered, pressing my lips against his neck. “Chahahahahnnie hyuAHAHAHA” he laughed harder as I nibbled and blew raspberries on his most vulnerable and ticklish spot. “ Answer my question or move to the next spot?” “Ahahnswer question, answer question! Pleheahase no more…!” “ Alright then, tell me, do you like being treated like the big adult you are?” “…Yes?” “Wrong!.” I yelled into his neck. “NOHOHOHO pleasepleasepleasechanniehyung listen to meee! You don’t have to do this, Im beggingbeggingbegging yoUHUHUUU” I pinned both his arms above his head and swiched to poking and squeezing his armpits. “CHAHAHAN PLEHEAHEHEASE LISTEN TO MEEEE! I HAHAHAHVE SOMETHIHIHING TO TELL TOU!!” “Oh yeah? Perhaps that youre so ticklish that you cant handle it?~” “ SERIUOSLY! SEHEHERIUOSLY PLEAEHEHESE!” I stoped for real this time. “Okay so you caught me. I do acctually like your attention and dont enjoy being treated like an adult as much as I thought I would, there, I said it!” “Please tell me what is true, not some lie you made up because you dont want to be tickled… I wont tickle you anymore, I promise!”
He promised he wouldnt tickle me. But oh, how much I wanted him to keep going… Curse my hyper sensitive body. “No, it is the truth, I have been a little upset lately” “Well, Im glad that you confessed to me. Can I tell the others?” “ Yeah, that would be great. Im too embarassed to tell them myself anyway…” “Alright then. Rest up! I hope I didnt tire you out much… Sorry for tickling you, I know that you hate it…” Now is the perfect time “Acctually, I have something else to tell you…” He fully turned his whole body to me. Goah, I hate him so much. Why has he got to put me in such vulnerable position? “ I… accualy, its nothing…” not today, not when hes got full attention on me like that. “NO! Tell me, pleaseeeee! Dont make me tickle it out of you again~~” That made me extra scared and all my courage was gone. “I-Its accualy about that…” “What? Tickling?” “Yeah…” “Sorry, I promised I wouldnt tickle you anymore. You dont have to tell me aswell, take your time.” Gosh, can he stop saying the word? Hes so sweet its annoying. “No, I-I want to tell you now. And it is about… T-tickling.” He did that thing again, where he turned his whole body and soul to me, it was scary. Seemed like he could hear my heartbeat. “Well, I… acctually dont hate it. I like it a lot. But I cant take it. And s-sometimes youre a bit too rough.” “Oh…” “Sorry, you probably think Im disgusting or something. I promise its nothing dirty or naughty like your probably thi-“ “ No! None of that! Even though I wouldve never guessed that you like it… I dont find it disgusting, at all. Its cute, very cute acctually.” “You think so?” “Of course! Now, prepare yourself because you basically just asked to be tickled.” He definetly knew how much I dreaded that word and was taking advantage of it. “Beg.” “What?” “Beg to be wrecked by your favourite tickle monster.” At this point I was probably as red as a tomato. “P-please t…t-tickle me…” “Good enough” He lowered his head and started nibbling on my lower stomach and I lost it. He was beeing painfully gentle, probably remembering me pointing out his roughness. I grabbed on his hair and desperately pulled. “Ow ow ow ow OW! Innie, youre gonna have to keep your arms further away from me!” He grabbed my arms and pulled them to my sides.” Keep them there. Now, you understand that Im going to have to pusnish you, yeah?” “Buhuhut I cant keep my arms there!” “I dont care, if you dont, Ill be more gentle” I liked it gentle, but not too gentle, and Gosh did Chan know how to get extra gentle. It would be so painful, worse than rough tickles, which says a lot. So, I try to keep my arms in place as he nibbles the sensitive skin on my abdomen.
He was doing pretty good, too good at holding his arms in place, giggling hysterically, but keeping himself pretty still. “CHAHAHAHAHAN HYUHUHUUHNG PLEHEHEHEHAHEHHEAHSE” He begged and grabbed my hair again. Succes. Raspberries always get him. “Oh no! Was I being too rough? I should be more gentle, yeah? Thats ok, Ill be more gentle~” I loved teasing Innie so much, he would always get so red and shy. I knew I was being mean, taking advange of his weaknesa- rought tickles and using againts him, but in a much more flustering way. He hates rough tickle because he cant take much of them, but extremely gentle tickles are much more agonazing — its just constant anticipation and fear. I start off incredibly gently right in the middle of his stomach “Chahahaniehehe pleheheahahse!” I gently drag my finger around his navel, never bothering to acctually dip it in. I know how much he hates(loves) it. I slowly drag my finger along his side and onto his ribs “ChahaAHAnieEHEhe hyUHUHuhung” He giggles more agressively as I gently poke my finger deeper into his flesh every few seconds. I know how much hes waiting for me to just wreck him. Ive been saving up his energy for the grand finale. “Ready I.N?” “YEHEHES please!” I poke him a couple more times before finnaly diving in. “OHOHOHO MAHAHA GOHOHOD CHAHAHAANA AHAHHAHSNSBA” I start by squeezing his sides rapidly. I switch spots quickly purely for his enjoyment. “CHAHAHAHAN!!” “ Yes, Innie baby bread?~” I ask as I count his ribs, while he desperately tries to stop his arms from disturbing me “GEHEHEHET MY LEHEHEGSS HAHAHA” I can tell that he cant take it for much longer, thats why wants me to switch spots quickly. His thighs are incredibly sensitive, so I start of with them, mercilessly squeezing the firm mucle behind his leg and the front of it, switching quickly so that he can expierience as much joy as quickly as he can. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA KNEHEHEHHES PLEAAAHSHEJDJJEJHA” I quickly listen to his command and rapidly attack his kneecaps, squeezing the top and back at the same time. “STOPSTOPSTOP ENOUGHAHAHAHAHAH” I inmeadiately stop and gently, but not gently enought to torture him rub his whole body. His cute dimply smile plastered on his face that I missed so much. “Anytime you want to repeat this, just tell me the keyword “tickle”, if youre capable of that~~” He was still laying there, panting, but I could see his cheeks reddening up at my words. “I will make sure to…” He whispers shyly. I figured that he may need a moment to think about what happened, so I quietly exited the room.
This was the most flustering yet enjoyable expierience ever. However if he dares to tell anyone about this…
Maybe it wouldnt be so bad, considering all the gang tickles I would get.
This is my first tickle fic ever. I know the build up is very long, sorry. 🙂
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Thicker than a Snickers
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Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: You are dating Sebastian Stan, both of you have busy schedules and you haven't seen him since he had gotten back into his beefy stage.
Warnings: Smut, Oral Sex (male recieving, female recieving) Pet names, fluff, established relationships, self doubt, beefy Seb (he's a warning ok) swearing, sexy times. Minors do not interact 18+
This was not beta read, all mistakes are my own. Divider made by @saradika
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You had been dating Sebastian Stan for a few months now, initially you both kept things quiet. He didn’t want to be bombarded with paparazzi or rabid fans and you were much the same, just more reserved. You were happy to keep things quiet, but Seb wanted the world to know about you, so a few months ago he brought you to a press outing for Ghosted. Media coverage was intense at first, photos taken anywhere and everywhere you went, people were finding out information from the internet, fans scrutinized you over everything.
You tried to not let the negativity get to you and Sebastian did everything he could to make you feel cherished because you had done so much for him. You were always there for him when people (who might have tried to mean well) ended up making him feel uncomfortable in his own skin, you were there telling him that he was perfect and how you loved everything about him. So when he found out that people had been unkind to you he jumped into action, if he wasn’t buying you gifts he was showering you with attention.
After Ghosted you had assumed Sebastian would have some sort of a break but when he told you he was going to be training your heart sank a little bit, you smiled and supported him and told him you would be his hype woman. He laughed and cupped your face “Thank you for being you sweetheart, I couldn’t do this without you” Smiling you kiss the tip of his nose “You know you would be ok without me, I just make your day more interesting” Pulling you close he laughs “Yeah well you definitely do make things more interesting, now I’ll be back in a few hours and we can get some dinner, sound good?”
Nodding you smile “Always sounds good handsome, now go have fun and I’ll slave around the house maybe lounge around the pool?” Sebastian quirks his eyebrows at you “Oh some pool time? I won’t say no to some swimsuit selfies” Laughing you shake your head “Maybe if I’m feeling generous, have a good time handsome, knock 'em dead!” Kissing you once more Sebastian leaves you to your lazy day, which quickly turns un lazy.
Your phone rings, groaning, you walk over and pick it up noticing it's your agent “Hey we need you to come in for a while, I know you were going to work from home but we really need you to come in please?” Sighing you let her know you can fly in, hanging up you pack some essentials and send Sebastian a message letting him know that you would be gone for a while, then you head to the airport. Boarding the plan you see Sebastian’s reply “I know you would rather work from home but I’ll try and visit you when I can” Smiling you reply “I love you and please visit if you can otherwise I will go insane”
The next few weeks dragged by, you and Sebastian made sure to keep in touch with face time and messages, still you missed him. The smell of his hair, the warmth of his body, his laugh you missed all of it. Soon months passed and while you still kept in contact it started getting lesser and lesser, almost making you think that maybe things were falling apart. Coming back to the hotel it had been a long day and you wanted nothing else than to live in the bathtub, walking through the door you shut it with a well placed gentle kick.
Pulling off clothing you walk into the bedroom, taking out your ponytail you rub your scalp gently wincing, feeling pain from having your hair up for so long. Sighing, you pad to the bathroom, eyes closed,rolling your neck hearing a crack. Hearing a soft laugh you freeze and your eyes pop open “Don’t stop on my account sweetheart,if this is the welcome I get I’ll be sure to be training a lot longer” You turn and see Sebastian sitting on the bed with a lazy hungry smirk, you feel heat all over your body, looking him over your mouth waters, he looks so damn big. Laughing he stands walking over to you “Speechless huh?, I know I have that effect on women”
You blush and suddenly feel the need to cover yourself, shaking his head Sebastian looks you up and down “Now why would I want you to cover up sweetheart? Come here let me hold you, I’ve missed you” Nodding you move close and press into him resting your head along his neck inhaling softly “I’ve missed you more, when did you get so beefy?” Laughing you feel him shrug, running his hot hands up and down your back “So do you like it?” Blushing, you smile “Damn boy you thick! Thicker than a Snicker!” Laughing you hide your face along his now more broad chest.
“God I love you, want to see the full effect of being thicker than a Snicker?” You look at him almost stunned your brain unable to even imagine what he looks like naked, licking your lips you stare at him before nodding “Yes please” Sebastain smirks and places you on the bed and begins to take off his shirt, your eyes widen and you know your mouth is hanging open “Holy shit” Smiling he slowly and torturously takes off his pants leaving him in only his boxers and socks, leaning forward he kisses you passionately his tongue sliding along yours. You let out a soft moan closing your eyes,pulling away Sebastian strokes your cheek “How are you doing sweetheart?”
Opening your eyes you nod “I’m doing great now handsome” Running your hands along his larger chest you smirk before placing your face between his pecs you motorboat them placing soft wet kisses along the hot skin. Chuckling softly he groans feeling your plush lips on his skin “Really liking this aren’t you?” Humming you suck and nibble gently gripping his hips “God your so big” Sliding your hands down his chest to his stomach you tease along the waistband of his boxers, groaning softly he sinks into you “Shit sweetheart trying to kill me?”
Smiling you slide your hand into his boxers cupping him gently before you start stroking him, you hear him gasp and groan loudly, grinning you feel him harden “Looks like something else got big too” You kiss him hard before dropping to your knees, pulling down his boxers his erection springs up and bounces in front of you. A drop of pre-cum catches your eye and you lap at it gently, you hear a loud groan and smirk. Feeling large hands in your hair you smile and slide your mouth down his thick cock “Fuck sweetheart missed you so much”
Humming happily you start bobbing up and down on his thick shaft, using your tongue to swirl and lap at his tip, and making sure to get any pre-cum that forms. Holding your hair gently Sebastian begins to slowly thrust into your eager and warm mouth, watching as your eyes close and you moan softly “Such a good girl, taking me so well with your mouth, I know you can take more” You nod quickly hollowing out your cheeks you slide him further into your mouth, face pressed into his hip the hair along his happy trail tickling your nose as you press closer. Grunting Sebastian grips your hair a bit tighter and starts thrusting a bit faster into your mouth, sucking hard making sure to pay attention to the tip your eyes drift closed. Sebastian loved seeing you like this, watching you suck him off was always something he loved, you were amazing with your mouth and genuinely seemed to love doing it.
You bob up and down on his cock while massaging his balls, watching his head tilt backwards, his eyes closing. Moaning softly you feel his cock twitch and jerk in your mouth, looking up at Sebastian you feel him explode into your mouth, thick ropes of cum hitting the back of your throat. Swallowing all that you can, you wait to feel him soften slightly, gently licking along his shaft cleaning him up,sliding him out of your mouth with a soft pop. Wiping the corner of your mouth you place a soft kiss onto his tip watching it twitch slightly “Such a pretty cock for such a handsome man” Sebastian blushes and smirks “Really?” You nod “You bet and it’s all mine” Looking at you with dark eyes he nods “It sure is sweetheart just like you’re all mine”
Laughing you nod and smirk “Go handsome sit on the bed for me want to ride you” Smirking he nods “You gonna sit on my face sweetheart?” Looking at him you nod, biting your lower lip “Yes” Smirking he sits on the bed moving back to the headboard beckoning you towards his face, blushing you move towards him and the bed, crawling over to him you lean down and kiss him. You feel his tongue sliding along yours as he returns the kiss, smirking “Are you stalling sweetheart?” Blushing you suddenly feel nervous you feel his arms pulling you down onto his mouth.
Letting out a loud squeak which soon turns into a moan as you feel his tongue lapping at your clit, his nose presses into you adding to the feeling as he eats you out. Your grind into his mouth hearing him groan, taking your clit into his mouth and sucking on it. The scrape of his facial hair and the tight grip on your hips has you seeing stars “Yes Seb!” Throwing your head back you ride his face, a loud whimper and moans fill the room, suddenly he hits the spot that makes your knees buckle and body shake.
Smirking he continues his assault, tangling you hands into his hair and tug gently “Fuck I’m so close baby! You can feel him smirking as he hums, his tongue moving somehow faster than before. Closing your eyes you let out a loud moan as you explode feeling him lap up all your juices, body trembling and large tears roll down your face. Coming down from your high, you feel him still licking and sucking, letting out a whimper “Seb, too sensitive!” You wiggle slightly and roll laying next to him breathing hard.
“You good sweetheart?” You feel him pull you close stroking your face, giggling softly you turn and kiss him, tasting yourself moaning you smirk “Get back to me in 3 to 5 business days” He laughs and holds you close “So I take it you like the, what did you call it? Beefy Boi look?” Smiling and chuckling softly “Oh absolutely because you're thicker than a Snicker, and I love Snickers” Laughing again he hides his face along your neck “You’re terrible sweetheart but I love you” Stroking his hair you smile “Yeah I love you too, and I really needed this thank you” Sebastian looks at you and smiles “Always sweetheart.”
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squid789 · 23 days
17, 24, 27, 28
Always interested in learning about other’s writing process! :)
Oh hi there!!! New friend!!
17. talk about your writing and editing process
Hmmmmm, I feel like its changed a lot recently, especially since I started working with beta readers (everyone say hi to @eomma-jpeg and @re-l!). So I will be specifically talking about the process for After Eden! I was still writing Sea Foam when Lace and I came up with AE, mostly because I was reevaluating Blank Ticket. We swapped ideas for days and eventually we had a 14 page document that went from just a few plot points I wanted to hit to a couple of arcs in order. And then I left this document for a month or two because of work obligations! But in my downtime, I started to plan the first arc’s chapters, still with loose details. I usually try to get a good count of how many chapters are gonna be in the arc so I have a bit of a map to go off of. And when I start a new chapter, I’ll take some time to plan out the chapter details scene by scene. In chapter 17 for example I wanted to further the NLBC drama and look, it's another lunch club scene! Because those are fun to write and I really like writing Stefan, but he doesn’t know what Meryl is after, so what does Meryl do about that? Gets nosey! And that was about as much detail as I’ll ever go into for planning. Writing is a lot more fluid I think. Because sometimes you’ll add a detail or a line of dialogue and it changes the trajectory of the chapter or even the story! And I really love when that happens! Because it’s, like, wow this feels real and the characters are doing neat things! The chapters for AE are a lot longer than either BT or SF and just because of the content right now, along with general burn out, it does take me a lot longer to get chapters out. Some folks may remember the insane posting schedule of BT. And then comes editing!! I usually give chapters a quick read over before handing them off to my betas. There are a few typos that I do make consistently, so ctrl F is my best friend! While typos are definitely controlled for, I usually ask lace and re-l to focus more on pacing and flow because I want it to be a well written story. Sometimes I get it one, but other times I have to rewrite whole sections. As the writer I do have final say in how editing goes, but I do respect their opinions and expertise and there’s something really nice about creating with friends! Probably way more detailed than you were looking for but I’m procrastinating on chapter 18 rn so oh well!
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
Oh man. I really don’t know. There was a period of time early this year where I might have been going through a depressive episode or something and ending up deleting most of my creative works off the internet for a while, After Eden and some ficlets included. I could not touch my tablet or my laptop for weeks without feeling absolute dread. But man I still kept trying to strong arm into creating and that was a bad bet. DON’T DO THAT!!!! So these days, I’ve been throwing myself into Stardew Valley and just swapping au ideas with friends! Makes it a little easier! When work starts back up next month, I’ll have another distraction >:3
27. your favorite part of the writing process
Definitely brainstorming!! It’s just so incredibly fun playing with scenes in my head or even with friends because nothing is set in stone yet. So the possibilities are endless! I am still definitely doing this for AE and we now have 3 separate endings! 
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Hard to say, each part had pros and cons. But for the sake of simplicity, I will say writing. I have my strengths (mostly in scientific technical writing since that’s like half of my career lol) and man symbolism and feelings are not my forte. I really try, but having to write anything halfway poetic and introspective makes me feel kinda hopeless. But man, let me write a trippy dream sequence, and I’m your gal. 
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