#I have this whole thing where Raihan was supposed to be champ but Leon was chosen instead and Raihan knows about eternatus so to keep his
journcys-archived · 11 months
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He seems uncomfortable. It’s the way he shifts his weight from one leg to the other—it’s how his fingers fidget within the pockets of his sweater. Raihan seems off—maybe because the chairman is supposed to be by today…And that is a meeting he wants to avoid all together.
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timelock97 · 4 years
Game Changer
Chapter Five: Home at Last
Word Count: 4004
Warnings: Language
Raihan and I exit the plane following behind Felicia, Steven, and the pilot. They pull our bags from under the plane before saying their goodbyes to us, entering the small building to do whatever they needed to do before heading home themselves.
My eyes scan the small airport and I am surprised when I don’t see Leon waiting for me. I glance at Raihan who is on his phone, a zip of light catching my eye until the phone in his hand lifts into the air.
“Ah, hello Rotom, hope my disappearance wasn’t too awful.” The device chimes as it zips around his head, making me giggle. “Why don’t you call a Corviknight taxi for me.”
It buzzes until it flips around to face him again, ‘Taxi will be here in five minutes.’
“Perfect,” he hums before glancing at me, “Nothing from Prince Charming?”
“Nope,” I mutter, popping the p as I check my phone.
He nods, taking my bag again and walking toward the small building to get out of the wind. “I can take you up to Wyndon before flying home, he’s most-likely still at Rose Tower.” He suddenly chuckles as he leans against the building. “We may have to storm the castle and rescue him from the raging dragon named Oleana.”
I let out a laugh, a real laugh. The two of us lean against the building while we wait, and Raihan talks about some things he did with his nieces while in London. When the taxi comes, my eyes widen at the sight of the Corviknight, it’s much more impressive in person than in the game, and it’s pretty impressive in the game. Its sleek, and its red eyes are basically glowing. “Woah,” I whisper, the bird looking down at me from its perch.
“That there is Margo,” the taxi driver states as he gets down from his perch, landing on the ground with a small huff, “She is one of our eldest flyers, gorgeous ain’t she?”
“Absolutely,” I say smiling at the man, suddenly seeing his eyes go wide as he takes a step toward me.
“Margo! Back to your post-”
My eyes widen as the Pokemon jumps from its perch to in front of me. My hands fly up in surrender as Raihan is clambering out of the taxi to aid when the bird just leans its head toward me silently and presses its beak into my open hand.
“Well, I’ll be damned-”
“I thought Margo wasn’t a people person unless one of the taxi members?” Raihan whispers as I slowly run my hand up under her beak, smooth as freshly shined metal.
“She ain’t.” The driver whispers, looking at us in disbelief.
I run my hand up from her beak and against her neck, she lets out a small coo. “She’s magnificent.”
I feel a hand on my shoulder, “She really is.”
I turn and smile at the driver, “Sorry, I should have asked-”
“No problem, love, but I do want to get you two to your destination.”
“Right, right, I’ll uh, climb in.” I whisper, pressing my hand one last time to her head where she leans in and coos again before taking a step back and getting into the taxi where Raihan is shaking his head. “What?”
“Lee said you were an animal person, guess that transfers to Pokemon too.” He teases, leaning across to grab and pull the door closed. “It’s not much for pictures at night, but the view is pretty cool.”
I lean over to the side once the taxi makes it into the air, and the view takes my breath away. “How can no one know you guys are here? Look at this place!” It’s mostly just lights from the towns and small cities, but it illuminates the sides of the mountains and forests. As we fly, Raihan makes sure I don’t lean too far to one side, hand resting on the back of the seat. When we get closer to Wyndon, I can see the tower. “S'that Rose tower?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty tall. Well, tall for here anyways.” Raihan says leaning his head out of the window to yell up to the driver, “We want to head toward the tower, Champ needs to head home and the only way to make sure he does is if we drag him out.”
The guy booms out a laugh, “Sure thing, Raihan.” The taxi glides down and lands just in front of the building. As we start to get out, I notice a woman walking out of the main doors.
“No one is allowed on the premises at this hour, please leave or you will be forced to-” She stops, long dirty-blonde hair swaying to one side as she jots out her hip, “Raihan, what are you doing here?” Her eyes fall on me as Raihan opens his hand for me to take as he leads me out and the taxi driver pulls my suitcases from off the back. “And who is this?”
“Oleana, it’s nice to see you too.” His words are coated in polietness before looking at me, “This is (Y/N), Leon’s girlfriend. We are coming to pick him up-” “He’s working-”
“He was supposed to pick her up from the airport, so he’s done working.” The slight playfulness has left his voice, “So either you take her up to see him, or I can.”
She looks at the two of us in annoyance before she huffs and turns on her heel to walk back toward the building. As the doors slide open she pauses, looking over her shoulder at us, “I’m heading up to speak with Chairman Rose. Raihan, you may take the Champion’s girlfriend up to his office. But he isn’t permitted to leave until his paperwork is finished.” With that, she disappears into the building.
“What a hardass,” I mutter, causing Raihan to burst into laughter.
He laughs so hard he has to braces his hand on his knee while he wipes a tear from his eye. “Finally! Someone said it!” He shakes his head to collect himself before looking back at the taxi driver, “I’ll be down in ten minutes, that okay?” The guy nods before waving us off.
“Thank you again!” I call over my shoulder, watching as the taxi driver lets out a laugh and waves me off.
“Alright, cutiefly, let’s go find the Champion so you can finally hit the sack, yeah?”
“God, I forgot how tired I was, why did you have to bring it up?” I whine, leaning into his side as we walk up the steps and into the building. I let out a small 'ooo’ at the intensity of the inside. “This looks way too clean.” I mutter as Raihan walks us to the elevator. When it opens, my mouth drops as I walk quickly inside, passing him. “How does this even work? It’s a whole damn room!”
Raihan laughs as I spin a circle, laughing harder when the elevator starts to rise and I fall to the side and land on my bottom. He walks over and offers me a hand to pull me back up. “It’s just how it was designed, like how it was also designed that people can battle in here.”
“Why?” I laugh as it comes to a stop, all four doors opening.
Raihan places a hand on my back and leads me to the right, “I don’t know, just in case I guess.” He turns us down another hallway until we reach a set of double doors. He knocks once before opening them.
A smile etches across my face upon seeing Leon seated behind the desk. The lamp is illuminating one side of his face while he writes and makes notes. His hair is tangled back into what I can assume is a messy bun, but looks like it is just falling out at this point. “How can I help you?” He mutters without looking up, pencil scratching against the page.
“Well, we were just in the neighborhood and were hoping you were done with your paperwork so you can take your cutiefly home so she can sleep.”
“My cutiefly?” Leon rubs his eyes with his hand, “Rai, I don’t have-” he cuts himself off when he sees me, immediately grabbing his phone and groaning. “I can’t believe I forgot, between paperwork and, nevermind.” He stands and walks around the desk, which prompts me to quickly walk over to him. Once I am within arms reach he tugs me into his chest, letting out a small groan. “I’m sorry, my love. Time got away from me.”
“It’s okay-”
“Wait, cutiefly?” He pushes me to arms length before glaring over my shoulder at Raihan. “Rai you can’t give her a nickname it’s wrong-”
“Not wrong,” Raihan laughs, “and I think it suits her.”
I look up at Leon, he has bags under his eyes. “You look tired, Lee.” I mutter, fingers brushing against his face, him leaning into my touch as his hand cups my cheek to do the same.
“So do you, love.” He gives me a small smile before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I giggle before turning to Raihan, who is leaning on the doorframe. “Thanks again Raihan. for taking me here and waiting for me.”
“No problem, cutiefly. I will see you two at the Christmas banquet in a couple of days.” He gives us a final wave before walking out the door, hands placed behind his head.
Leon signs behind me, pulling me in a little closer. I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing his face into the side of my head and so I can rub my fingers into his scalp causing him to hum contently. “How much longer you got?”
He groans in annoyance, “Three pages, shouldn’t take me too long now.”
“Go home, Leon, I can finish what’s left,” The two of us look towards the doorway to find the Chairman and Oleana.
Leon slowly unravels himself from me as Rose walks in, Oleana looking unamused as she stands in the doorway. “Chairman, it shouldn’t take me too much longer-”
Rose shakes his head as he reaches us, his hand taking my hand in his, “Nonsense, I’ve kept you two away from each other long enough.” The Chairman looks at me next, my body stiffening, waiting for him to strike, but instead he smiles widely, “And, my dear, it is so nice to finally meet you.”
I let out a sigh of relief, “It’s nice to meet you too, Chairman.”
“Please, call me Rose. Now,” he squeezes my hand before continuing, “I am going to finish these up, you two head on home. And Leon,” he turns fully to look at him. “I don’t want to see you here until after new years. Well, minus the Christmas banquet.”
“Thank you, Chairman.”
Rose smiles at us before round to the desk and picking up the rest of the paperwork on Leon’s desk. “I hope you both have a good night,” he calls over his shoulder as he walks to the door, the heels of his dress shoes clicking against the smooth tile, and leaves with Oleana in tow.
Lee and I look at one another before sighing in unison. He eventually lets out a small chuckle as he walks over to the door where I can now see that he has a jacket hung up next to his signature cape. I walk over quickly, and immediately pull it down with a bright smile on my face and fluff it around my shoulders. When he looks at me, a small giggle leaves his parted lips. “You look adorable”
“This thing is fucking heavy,” I I deadpan before giggling. I take the cape and whip it around, lifting it into the air. It makes my arms wobble a bit as I look at the sponsorships printed on the back of it. I let my arms fall down, cape brushing the floor as I yawn softly, lifting one hand to rub the sleep out of my eye.
“Not get enough sleep, darling?” He teases back, hand moving to tug the cape from my hand and place it back on the hanger.
“No, never enough.” I giggle, moving to snuggle into his chest. I let out a content sigh as he closes his arms around me and presses a faint kiss to the top of my head. “Can we go home now, Leon? Cause if not then you’re going to have to carry me.”
He chuckles, turning us gently and leading me toward the door. Lee grabs one suitcase while I grab the other before walking out and shutting the door behind us. Once back on the elevator, I whip out my phone to take a picture of Leon and I to send to my folks to confirm that I had arrived safely, or at least I finally was with Leon. He keeps a hand on my back as I type out the message to send it in a group chat, leading me out of the elevator and through the main lobby.
Once outside, Leon leads me over to another elevator, ushering me inside. I glance up at him as the door shuts, his eyebrows are knitted together as he stares at the buttons. “It’s um, I’m by the stadium. Yeah,” he mutters as he presses the corresponding button. The lift jerks to a start before we are on our way.
“This is a weird way to get transported.” I murmur, making Leon chuckle.
“Leave it up to the Chairman to design these things.”
“At least you can only go to two other places.”
Leon nods as it comes to a stop the door opening with a swoosh. Leon groans at the frigid air, grabbing my bag and ushering me out. He pulls me to a stop before we get too far his hand disappearing under his coat, and before I can ask he whips his hand to the side and a loud pop bursts through the air. Suddenly in front of us is Leon’s Charizard, and I am at a loss for words. Leon moves a hand up to scratch his partner’s chin, the pokemon’s chest rumbles, purring and bumping his head against Leon’s. He eventually turns toward me and reaches for my hand as he speaks, “Buddy, this is (Y/N). My love, meet Charizard.”
“Holy shit,” I whisper, my hands shaking as I lift one to touch him. Charizard sniffs my hand before pressing his snout into it. “Look at him!” I giggle as I move forward and both my hands brush against his scales. It was a mixture of the velvet feeling of a snake’s scales, while some patches are a little rougher to the touch. Charizard leans into my touch before moving so I’m practically pressed against his front, his neck and head moving down to press me there as I scratch at his skin, he rumbles again making me giggle. “And I was not expecting him to be so warm! I mean I know he’s a fire type but,” I shake my head, “nevermind, I’m tired and rambling.”
Leon chuckles behind me, “Same here, my love. C'mon buddy,” I step back as Lee pats his partner’s cheek, “Help us not get lost, yeah?”
Charizard blows some fire into the air, making me giggle before the three of us start walking down the street. While we walk, Lee keeps an arm around my shoulders as he rambles about what I had missed from him that day, which wasn’t much. We almost walk past the apartment, but Charizard makes sure we don’t by grabbing the back of my backpack and pulling me to a stop, which prompts Leon to stop and see what’s wrong.
He smiles sheepishly as he takes my hand and returns Charizard to his pokeball before leading me into the apartment building. We ride the elevator to the top floor, and when we exit there is only a small room with a single door. Leon whips out his key and unlocks it with ease before pushing it open and allowing me to enter inside in front of him. “Home sweet home.” Leon mutters once the door falls shut behind us.
I don’t get to look very far before I hear a chorus of popping through the air, and when I turn around my heart almost stops. Now standing in the sparse living room is Leon’s whole team, and they are looking back at me with curiosity.
Leon chuckles as he walks over to me, helping me out of my backpack and jacket, which he promptly tosses to the couch, before facing his team again. “Alright, team. I think it’s time you really get to meet my darling girlfriend.”
“Lee,” I whisper nervously, placing my hands over my mouth as I glance back at him. He gives me an encouraging smile before placing his hands on my shoulders.
“They won’t hurt you, love.” He whispers back as his Haxorus takes the first, cautious step forward. She walks slowly over, head tilted to the side. Haxorus chirps as I reach toward her, avoiding her blade like tusks as she leans into my touch and moves toward me. “Look at her, she’s adorable, well for as badass as she looks.” I add with a giggle.
“I’ve had her for most of my journey,” Leon smiles, pressing a kiss into my cheek. “Raihan and I found her in the wild area. I think I was twelve.” He chuckles as he moves so he is stationed beside me and Haxorus. “We crept over to the nesting area and I caught her. The adult on scene caught us though and we nearly got our asses whooped, but she has been nothing but loyal since day one.”
“Well, I love her.” I smile, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the top of her head, she chirps again before moving away to let someone greet me next. Mr. Rime tap dances over, swinging his cane as he does. I giggle as I move to meet him in the middle with a quick minimal tap dance causing Leon chuckle. “What about him?” I reach for his hand before squealing at his stomach’s face moving and smiling back.
Leon chuckles from behind me, “I caught him as a Mr. Mime after I won the championships a third time. Since I was sixteen, I could live in Wyndon on my own. So Rose got me set up in an apartment, but it was weird not having any people around. Camping in the wild area, I could hear the other Pokemon around me and I could have my Pokemon out so I didn’t have to worry about the silence. It was too quiet in the apartment.” He pauses for a second, making me look over at him. His eyes are down casted, but not for long. He sighs and looks up, smiling when he sees me looking right at him. “So I would let out Mr. Mine, but I will admit sometimes seeing him in the hallway late at night was terrifying.” He laughs again as Mr. Rime suddenly spins me in a circle before bowing.
I turn to the right and look at Aegislash who is still sheathed behind the shield so I can look at him without any worries. “You have to evolve Aegislash with a stone, right?”
Leon nods as I glance at him while gently placing my hands around the rim of the shield to look at the patterns. “I found him as a Doublade in the wild area. I was on my way to Hammerlocke for the first time to head to the fourth gym when I caught him. I actually accidentally evolved him.”
“And how did you manage that?”
“I was cooking in the wild area after practicing my strategies for the last gym, and I was looking for some ingredients from my bag and just,” he pauses to gesture him throwing things over his shoulder, “was tossing all around. When I turned around he was evolved.” Lee shakes his head gently, “I was definitely surprised.”
I giggle, turning to look at him. Immediately my shoulder gets nuzzled and I laugh a little harder at Lee’s Dragapult who nudges my hand as I raise it. His tail wrapping about my ankle, whisps tickling my skin. “And lastly, what about him, Lee?”
Leon walks over to me and places one of his hands to my hip while scratching under Dragapults chin. “Wandered into my camp as a Dreepy, he was wounded so I patched him up. What was funny about it was that I had been lost in the wild area for like three days-”
“Only you-”
“Hey, a lot of people get lost in the wild area, especially with the unexpected weather.” He defends, playfully tugging me into his side. “And it was particularly foggy those three days so there wasn’t much I could do. But he did manage to lead us out, so when we did make it back and he wanted to follow I just caught him.”
I nod, leaning my head into his shoulder, a small yawn leaving my lips. “All lovely stories for your team.”
“And I vote no more stories, unless they are in bed.”
I yawn again, “Bed sounds good.”
Leon takes my hand and pulls me along softly, “And you lot, go to bed. You all trained hard today, so you deserve it.” I hear them all call out, making me giggle. He leads me down the hall and opens a door, leading us into the master bedroom. Leon softly laughs as I let go of his hand and throw myself across the bed, groaning when I land.
“Why is your bed so much more comfortable than mine?” I whine, rolling over to pout at him as he moves about the room, discarding his shirt and pants. I watch as he opens a drawer and pulls out a pair of shorts and a shirt, but his shirt he tosses toward me instead of putting it on. I smile as I sit up and tug my shirt over my head to replace it with his before tossing my bra across the room, making him blush in the low lit room.
“Making yourself at home, love?” he teases as he walks over to the edge of the bed. He grabs my ankles, tugging me to the edge as I giggle before unbuttoning my jeans and carefully tugging them off.
“Of course I am, you make yourself at home when you spend the night at my house.” I tease as he tosses my jeans across the room where his own clothes sit crumpled on the floor.
Leon rolls his eyes before he leans down, caging my face with his arms as he leans in to kiss me. Only he doesn’t, he instead grabs my hips and lifts me, causing me to squeal and wrap my arms around his neck as he moves my legs to wrap around his waist. He then crawls across the bed on his knees, me giggling into his ear. I hear him move the blankets, and suddenly we are both falling toward the bed, my head hitting the pillow as he moves just enough away from me to pull the blankets over us. As soon as he is settled he attacks my face with kisses, bringing me as close as he possibly can.
“Stop!” I giggle, pushing his face away for only a second before I pull him back to kiss his lips. “And besides, I am home as long as I am with you.”
“You’re a sap-”
“Only with you,” I smile, nuzzling closer to him until my head is resting on his chest and he is laying on his back. We both let out a sigh, and I feel my eyes flutter shut. Leon’s hands resting against my shoulder and waist. Finally, I was really home.
A/N: Good day all you sweet, lovely people! Hope your day is going well, here is another chapter to Game Changer. Let me know what you think and let me know if you wanna be tagged!
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