#I love the artstyle of promare so much
sensitiveheartless · 2 years
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Promare AU Chuuya :0
…I have so many thoughts about this AU. It works so well help
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h-h-heiji · 5 years
The last post I made on here,,, was in 2016?????????
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hqrbinger · 3 years
i’m alive!!
i was offline most of today bc i was at a local con (in full hu tao cosplay without wig)
it was my first con and i had so much fun!! there was so many other genshin cosplayers there it was a blast
anyway i spent way too much money but it was SO worth, i added some pics utc in case anyone wanted to see the pretty prints i got <33
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pins and the literal only squid game merch that was there,,, the shopowners were SO NICE tho they both talked w my bestie and i for a while so that was rlly fun !! and i got my two faves <33 the hmc artist was also so adorable i just HAD to buy from them
i unfortunately didn’t grab business cards from every booth i bought from but i’ll tag the ones i did !!
also i spent like.... 15 minutes at the scara keychain booth BC I LOVED THE ARTISTS' ARTSTYLE SO MUCH AND I COULDNT PICK JUST ONE ???? i might post closeups of the scara keychain bc omfg its my favorite thing i bought (im making my bestie find their urls tmr when he goes back bc i wanna follow them everywhere and buy the sara + xiao + hu tao keychains too)
hmc: @;aimeedanart (twt + insta)
squid game stickers: puritymilhouse.com
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OMFG THESE WERE SO BEAUTIFUL I THOUGHT THEY WERE OFFICIAL ART. the shopkeep was SO FUCKING NICE TOO and they talked to me a whole bunch and fangirled over itto with me and made sure i got the best price (i didn’t know they came smaller so i almost only bought one big one, but these were literally 18$ for 3?????? like shit man)
@;itsmandymo (tumblr, insta, twt, redbubble, yt, reddit)
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watching promare last night was a mistake…. there was so many lio prints but this was the one i ended up grabbing bc COLORS !!!
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asklliofotia · 3 years
Hey all. I've been meaning to say this for months now.
I'm sorry this blog has been so inactive. I haven't posted here since what, May? I deeply apologize.
Please allow me to explain myself.
Back in those days I was struggling for motivation. For a long time on this blog all I wanted to do was draw Lio and answer asks. But towards the end of May, quarantine had begun sapping me of energy, and I lost motivation to do much of anything creative, much less do stuff for this blog.
I've also since picked up new interests, and, have been occupying myself with those a lot. But don't get me wrong. Promare is still my favorite movie and I still LOVE Lio and them. Promare will always have a special place in my heart. I've just gotten into some new things and have been hyperfixating.
My artstyle has also since changed a lot since last posting here, and I also started using a new drawing software. If and when I start posting asks here again, they'll probably look very different from how they used to be, and...I apologize for that.
But the biggest of them all is, my mental health. Most of you probably don't know that I've been battling depression for years now. I've had ups and downs with it, but lately, I've been in a pretty bad funk. I've come close to doing things I'd regret, and I've been fairly sad a lot lately. I've been trying to get myself to draw every day to help, but sometimes it's overbearing. But I am trying.
Again, I'm horribly sorry how inactive I've become. I'm not here to announce, however, that this blog is dead. As long as I love Lio, this blog shalt not die.
I've just been distracted with many things lately and haven't really had my chances to answer asks, and I've been wanting to draw a lot of other things and haven't been focusing on Promare like I was when I founded this blog.
But I promise, eventually, I will come back. My inbox contents will be answered, and you guys will get to see our little burning fashionista again.
Please forgive me for this blog's hiatus. And please forgive me for the hiatus that will probably follow this message.
I don't even know if you guys have missed this blog. But I wish to give you all the benefit of the doubt. And even if you forgot about me in the...eight or so months this blog has been MIA, know that all of your support has meant so much to me, and I promise you guys will have your questions answered by Lio in the near future.
Thank you all.
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And if any of you are interested in seeing me in a place where I'm more active, my art blog is @strink-family. I haven't posted Promare there in awhile, but...perhaps you still may find something you like?
Please forgive my self-promo. And I really do hope you understand my situation.
And I mean it. One day, I will return.
Through spark and flame, I will not let this blog be deactivated.
I promise.
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bae-h · 4 years
I love you and your art so much aaa- I found you on pixiv through promare and saw your hxh fanart, thought the artstyle looked familiar, then found out you had a tumblr blog and also drew hxh now too-, omg ;w;
Thank you for appreciating my art!!😊💓💓
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freshgrassakiie · 4 years
Hello ! I just want to tell you, that your art is really, really amazing ! Your artstyle is adorable and i love it !!! I give you all my support !!🌸💖💞
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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support! I wasn’t sure what to draw haha, so admittingly I had a peek through your blog. I saw you liked Promare Lio, and got excited :‘3 so here, have my vey first attempt at drawing Lio! I think it came out pretty well~
**please don't report without my permission**
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floatingcatacombs · 4 years
In Praise of the Blonde Twink who May or May Not be a Trans Girl
12 Days of Aniblogging, Day 3
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There’s been something in the air recently. Last year, the New York Times’ fashion magazine published an article titled “Welcome to the Age of the Twink”, a 600-word LGBT hitpiece arguing that a new wave of “art twinks” are redefining what it means to be an ideal male. The author argues that the term “twink” is being broadened past just gay culture and we should slap it on every slim attractive straight white dude that we see in order to overturn toxic masculinity. Because there’s nothing more revolutionary than, er, fairly conventional western beauty standards.
The internet promptly responded by shitting on the author’s brazen attempt to export twinkness to the straight world. I too think it’s an awful take, but I get the feeling there was a satirical bend to the article that got edited out or otherwise miscommunicated. After all, the author is a gay man; why would he misrepresent and diminish his own community like that?
The broadening and appropriation of LGBT terminology is a touchy subject, so I’ll save it for another day. If taking gay terminology and morphing it into new definitions is en vogue nowadays, I’m happy to join ranks with Nick Haramis and add new meanings to “twink”. Let’s talk about twinks as Schrodinger’s trans girls.
Unfortunately, I have a type when it comes to media, and it’s twinks who I can project transness onto if I desire it. These characters are beacons of androgyny, male-at-birth characters with some connection to femininity via their appearance or their actions. Often, this connection is left unclear by the end of their series, leaving plenty of room for me to imagine “OK so they’re totally gonna be a girl for real now”. This archetype has proven a very useful crutch for me over the years. For so long, media about cis femininity was too intimidating and distant for me to even dream of consuming. During that time, I read lots of manga and played lots of games starring androgynes, allowing myself to project onto them as well as project their character onto girlhood. (see where this leads by transitive property?) Also, a lot of them were blonde (I’m not gonna read into this! My hair is closer to brown tho). With that out of the way, let me rip my heart open and highlight some of those twinks that I’ve latched so strongly onto throughout the years.
 Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish
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I’ve written a whole writeup on Kuranosuke, so if you’ve read that you should know where I’m coming from! Kuranosuke is graced with natural femininity and a desire to perform it, and lands himself into a situation where he must pass on a daily basis while designing fashion for the girls of the Amars house. Kuranosuke’s crossdressing is both effortless and extremely laborious, but it always pays off.
Kaito from Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku
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Himegoto is one of the messiest mangas I’ve ever read. Three characters spiral around each other while desperately trying to negotiate their orientations, gender presentations, and livelihoods with each other and with themselves. Kaito is the standout for me – a ‘guy’ who crossdresses in a desperate attempt to ‘mirror’ his ideal image of femininity. Kaito radiates extremely eggy energies, and it’s increasingly obvious as the plot goes on that all his justification is elaborate smoke and mirrors for his desire to simply be a woman. He begins by projecting his feminine ideals onto his tomboyish friend, but by the end of the manga it all comes collapsing back onto himself. The epilogue leaves it rather ambiguous, but one can only hope that Kaito figured it all out by then. 
Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night  
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Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite Castlevanias and maybe games of all time. I’ve always been in love with its hand-in-hand elegance and jankiness. Unlike Kaito and Kuranosuke, we’re going to have to stretch out of the canon to justify this placement, but I assure you it will be worth it. In Symphony of the Night, Alucard is a tall deep-voiced bishounen and that’s that. However, the eva problems classic “YOUR ASSHOLE DAD’S CASTLE IS BACK AGAIN” adds a sickening new twist onto the game: what if Alucard wanted to be a woman? This article retraces the full plot and route of SOTN, adding extra backstory and inner thoughts showing Alucard’s visceral bodily discomfort and twisted-up jealousy towards the female monsters of the castle. Eventually, she takes those terrifying first steps towards accepting oneself as a woman. It’s one of the most effective recontextualizations of a piece of media that I’ve ever read, and I’m not afraid to admit that it reassured and helped me with my own transition a few months down the line. Plus, the idea of Alucard But A Girl is somewhere near my ideal aesthetic. 
Ryo Asuka from Devilman
--devilman spoilers--
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Ryo is a bit of an oddity. A total weirdo, he doesn’t particularly demonstrate femininity throughout most of the series beyond just being kind of fluffy and cute in the 80s OVAs. However, this all changes in some of the final chapters, when Ryo is revealed to be Satan in disguise. Though every Devilman adaptation has a very different artstyle, Satan’s designed has remained the same: an androgynous fallen angel possessing both breasts and a penis. There’s a lot of associations and implications to unpack there, but I’m not going to do that in this article! While it doesn’t necessarily recontextualize Ryo’s human existence, he sure still is a twink with some Gender happening around him.
  Venus from We Know The Devil
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Ok, this one’s just a girl! No questions about it! Someone get her some hugs and a bottle of estradiol, stat!
Honorable Mentions:
Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2
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As much as I love slapping the “GIRL” label onto any blonde twink I can find, Raiden’s MGS2 arc of intense emasculation works way better if he's actually a guy. If there’s any further gender stuff happening with Raiden, it’s actually to be found in MGS4 and Metal Gear Rising, in which Raiden sheds his twinkish flesh to become a way more masc cyborg ninja. As The Cyborg Manifesto teaches us, cyborgs are one hell of a post-gender tool. Honestly, reading Raiden as FTM may work way better than parsing him as a trans girl, I just don’t have the specific background and ability to do that headcanon justice.
Lio Fotia from Promare
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Promare was maybe the first time I saw a blonde twink character and didn’t  immediately think it might be better if they were a girl. Amidst all its discussions of immigration, racism, and climate change, Promare finds time to be real gay, in a delightfully masc4fem way. Together, Lio and Galo stretch the full spectrum of male presentation, and I wouldn’t want to take that away from them.
 So that’s that! I hope you enjoyed the lineup of twinks who are dear to my heart, and maybe learned a thing or two from my ramble at the start.
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