#I mean can sombody like PLEASE write one 😭
kamelpferd Β· 2 years
Unpopular Opinion
Angela from Stranger Things is an asshole, but so was Billy. And we forgave him (most of us) for everything he has done, even tho he did some real messed up shit, JUST because he is pretty.
But so is Angela, like:
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If we write fanfictions about Billy Hargrove, who literally tried running over a bunch of children with his Camaro for no reason at all, we should be able to 'forget' what Angela has done as well. Y'all be cheering on Eleven for attacking her with her skates and wish for her to die, and then you go on Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3 or whatever, reading or writing kinky and fluffy stuff about an abusive prick that would not even glance at you twice and call you a slur for his own entertainment.
I mean yes, I read about him too once in a while, because he indeed IS pretty, and I like to forget peoples asshole personalities if they are fictional and good-looking! But if you do that, you should be able to do the same thing when it comes to Angela.
And if you can't, because 'he saved El πŸ₯Ί' and shit, then YOU are the asshole. Doing something good once doesn't erase everything bad he has done in the past. Yes, he has trauma, but so do I and I don't abuse my little sister. Also maybe, just maybe Angela has something going on as well. Who knows! It's probably just because Angela is a girl and not a rebellious 'I can fix him πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»' type of guy with a leather jacket and an attitude that makes me wanna kick in his teeth.
I mean yeah, bullying people is bad (obviously), but Billy has done things that are SO much worse than making fun of a girl that used the '😠🀚🏻' in public like a weirdo. (Honestly I cringed so hard, I am so sorry I love you El)
And there are fanfictions about him like there is sand at the beach. And most of those fanfictions are- *takes breath* oh wow so dirty. Like jug some holy water. (I am not religious but you know what I mean by that) And almost nobody cares, like people just ignore it.
But GOD forbid anyone says they like Angela or find her hot, because 'she made fun of El😠!' ...Oh and what about the episode where Billy tried to punch Steve to death? I mean, kick me if I'm wrong, but he didn't seem like planning to stop soon if Max hadn't stepped in. Steve would be dead.
And no, Billy x Steve would have never happened, like just clear your head and look at it. If somebody beat me up like Billy did it with Steve, I would run them over with a car, not try to fuck them or fall in love. Anyways.
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If you know who I stole these pictures from PLEASE tag them, I forgot their users 😭
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