#I am on my knees begging istg
kamelpferd · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion
Angela from Stranger Things is an asshole, but so was Billy. And we forgave him (most of us) for everything he has done, even tho he did some real messed up shit, JUST because he is pretty.
But so is Angela, like:
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If we write fanfictions about Billy Hargrove, who literally tried running over a bunch of children with his Camaro for no reason at all, we should be able to 'forget' what Angela has done as well. Y'all be cheering on Eleven for attacking her with her skates and wish for her to die, and then you go on Tumblr, Wattpad, Ao3 or whatever, reading or writing kinky and fluffy stuff about an abusive prick that would not even glance at you twice and call you a slur for his own entertainment.
I mean yes, I read about him too once in a while, because he indeed IS pretty, and I like to forget peoples asshole personalities if they are fictional and good-looking! But if you do that, you should be able to do the same thing when it comes to Angela.
And if you can't, because 'he saved El 🥺' and shit, then YOU are the asshole. Doing something good once doesn't erase everything bad he has done in the past. Yes, he has trauma, but so do I and I don't abuse my little sister. Also maybe, just maybe Angela has something going on as well. Who knows! It's probably just because Angela is a girl and not a rebellious 'I can fix him 🥺👉🏻👈🏻' type of guy with a leather jacket and an attitude that makes me wanna kick in his teeth.
I mean yeah, bullying people is bad (obviously), but Billy has done things that are SO much worse than making fun of a girl that used the '😠🤚🏻' in public like a weirdo. (Honestly I cringed so hard, I am so sorry I love you El)
And there are fanfictions about him like there is sand at the beach. And most of those fanfictions are- *takes breath* oh wow so dirty. Like jug some holy water. (I am not religious but you know what I mean by that) And almost nobody cares, like people just ignore it.
But GOD forbid anyone says they like Angela or find her hot, because 'she made fun of El😠!' ...Oh and what about the episode where Billy tried to punch Steve to death? I mean, kick me if I'm wrong, but he didn't seem like planning to stop soon if Max hadn't stepped in. Steve would be dead.
And no, Billy x Steve would have never happened, like just clear your head and look at it. If somebody beat me up like Billy did it with Steve, I would run them over with a car, not try to fuck them or fall in love. Anyways.
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If you know who I stole these pictures from PLEASE tag them, I forgot their users 😭
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unovasrose · 11 months
still waiting for Pokémas to give us Rosa and Sabrina Pokéstar Alts....
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waitingonher · 5 months
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ALL DA LADIES LUV LEO! — [leo valdez dating headcanons]
author's note: i am ladies. where's my irl leo...wtf.
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you and LEO VALDEZ are the definition of “if you do it, i’ll do it.” (a VERY common phrase in your relationship)
istg this guy is down to do ANYTHING. you wanna play dress-up and do his makeup? go ahead. you wanna participate in some cheesy couple trend? of course! he’d do anything to make you happy <3 (even if it means ruining his dignity) 
leo has so much love for you, and he is NOT afraid to show it. he for sure owns a million different variations of the “i ❤️my girlfriend” tee-shirt. he’s worn them so much that even chiron and mr. d stopped pestering him for not wearing the chb shirt 😭 
y’know that one topic you could talk about for hours on end? yeah, well you’re the topic leo could talk about for hours on end. you always feel bad for the unfortunate new camper who decides to ask “who’s on your shirt?” it always ends in them making an excuse to get out of the conversation. 
some may say he’s obsessed…i just call it the bare minimum!! 🤗
leo absolutely LIVES for your little gossip sessions. he’s not one of those bf’s who will try to give actual advice on how to handle the situation,, he’s the type to fully shit talk the person with you 😭 you guys are literally the “she’s also ugly…” audio and i know for a fact you guys have made a video using it LMFAO
he also has the entire timeline memorized. he could tell you exactly what month, what day, and what time so and so wronged you if you asked 😭 leo’s absolutely invested and will ask for updates every so often. 
considering how leo spends so much of his time in bunker 9, it’s almost your second home at this point. you can’t even begin to count how many times you’ve fallen asleep sitting with him as he’s worked on a project. but leo always carries you to bed! there’s no way he could allow his girlfriend to wake up with a sore neck! 
speaking of bunker 9, leo keeps a bulletin board full of photos with you and all your friends next to his workbench! when working on a particularly hard project, he’ll look over at the photos for some motivation. 
there’s nothing better than successfully convincing leo to come to bed, especially during those cold winter nights. he’s basically a big heater that can walk and talk. and leo’s super duper big on cuddling so it’s even better. why invest in a heater when you have him? 
LMFAO it’s so funny when it’s summer and he’s basically on his knees begging for cuddles 😭 it’s only then that he curses his strangely high body temperature.  
i also think it’s canon that leo’s a good cook…?? so you’re always eating good with him!! he just loves seeing your reaction to his food, especially when it’s your cultural food. leo knows how important it is to you and to know he could provide some semblance of what you grew up with, it makes him beyond happy. 
when you give him hugs from behind while he’s cooking >>> 
he melts every single time.
omg. breakfast in bed with leo. him shirtless wearing an apron that says “kiss the cook” while bringing you a plate with all your favorite breakfast foods <33 
pda king 🙏🙏 he loves pda, but not in the gross, obnoxious way. leo’s obviously smart enough to know when it’s the right time and place. 
he’s also really big on “splitting the pole” LMFAO 😭 if you’re walking down the street and a street sign is in the way he will literally pull you to his side while screaming, “don’t split the pole!” babes…it’s not that serious 🤒
his love languages are words of affirmations and acts of service. there’s nothing better than coming home to cuddle with you as you whisper sweet nothings into his ear after a long day. he really values all your thoughts and opinions, so it means so much to him when you say these things. 
when it comes to you, leo’s so incredibly supportive with everything you do. the minute you even slightly hint about picking up a new hobby, he’s already encouraging you to do it. 
he gets so upset when he gets those “these initials are soulmates” videos and your initials aren’t together 😭 one time you woke up to an entire essay-length text from him explaining why you two are extremely compatible in response to a video that said “these initials aren’t compatible” 
leo’s VERY attentive, especially when it comes to you. at this point, it’s like he knows you better than you know yourself. he always knows what you’re gonna say simply by your reaction. his brain literally goes “oh her right eyebrow raised slightly, i think she likes it!” and he ends up being right too.. 😭
or when he goes shopping without you and he sees something he thinks you’d like, and it ends up being something you’ve been wanting for the past few weeks?? at this point he might be reading your mind…
this also makes him the best gift giver ever! it could’ve been something you barely mentioned before bed, but he made a point to remember it and surprises you with it. 
he also likes to make you little gadgets that you never would’ve even thought of but are so helpful. one day you walk into your bathroom and leo’s sitting there polishing his newest project, and he tells you it’s a towel heater he made for you??? 
leo absolutely loves your family and will do everything in his power to build a close relationship with them. he knows how happy it makes you and he also just genuinely enjoys their company too! ooh and if you have siblings, especially if they’re younger, he just adores them to death…UGH he’s so so good with kids. 
whenever he buys you flowers, he also buys some for your mom too!! and considering his mechanic skills, he loves to work with your dad with his car/whatever needs fixing around the house  😭😭 your parents basically treat him like their own son and leo feels so incredibly lucky to have you guys in his life. 
this guy’s your #1 hype man + your personal tripod. when he’s taking your picture he’s literally screaming compliments behind the camera while suggesting poses for you to do 😭 he’s just so silly like that! and then when you post it, he’s up in the comments like “i took these where’s my credit  🤨🤨” 
you guys are at each other’s cabins so often that no one’s ever fazed when you’re at the door. they’re just like “who’s at the door?” “just y/n again.” 
and his siblings absolutely love you to death. they see how happy you make him and they love you for it. but they’re also strangely protective of you too. when you and leo get into those rare arguments they’re always like “what’d you do this time  🤨?” to him LMAO 
ugh but your younger siblings and his younger siblings all look up to you guys like you’re the pinnacle of love. it’s genuinely so sweet,, they always talk about how they want a relationship like you two when they’re older 
dancing in the refrigerator light but in bunker 9 under his workbench light.
i like to believe that leo always has music playing when he works, so when a good dancing song comes on, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to dance with you. 
sometimes it’ll be a song where you guys are just silently slow dancing together or it’s a song that has you two jumping up and down going crazy. the duality of his playlist! 
i just KNOW that at some point in your relationship, leo makes you a promise ring gjkdslfsl and i bet the stone has some sort of significance to you guys.
sometimes when you can’t wear it on your finger, you’ll string it onto your chb necklace and he just gets so giddy knowing that you care that much about it 😣
SPEAKING THROUGH MORSE CODE WITH HIM?? specifically when you’re in bed, both are too tired to talk, so you feel him tap “i love you” against your skin and you send the message back. 
can we all collectively agree that leo is like the most perfect boyfriend ever?? 😍😍 thanks!
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frnknpup · 2 years
I WANT TO SEE THE CONCERTS, GO TO THE CONVENTIONS, HAVE LARGE MALLS TO GO TO ALL THE TIME, but no im stuck with *checks amount of money that i have* like 40 bucks that im supposed to go costume shopping with and nothing happening near me IM FUCKING SICK OF IT GOD... I JUST WANT TO SEE THE CONCERTS AND CONVENTIONS AND RANDOM EVENTS BUT NO... IVE GOT HALLOWEEN AND THE FRINGE FESTIVAL, i mean i cant even go to like, any pride parades or even general pride events because im always in school... like homeslice plan SOMETHING on a weekend in june, god...
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qualityrain · 2 years
everyday i regret playing carm soloq
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python333 · 9 months
bedbound — python333
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synopsis you're on a mission and oopsie daisy you get trapped under a building!! you end up in the medbay and tf141 visits you one by one, each of them giving you a lil piece of their mind for going and getting yourself trapped under a collapsed building.
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & gn!reader.
characters cap. price, soap, ghost, gaz.
word count 4.5k
warnings pretty detailed (i think) descriptions of [reader] being in pain [specifically having a bunch of leg injuries], angstier than i usually write, 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign].
note this is my first actual fic ive wrotten in MONTHS so i hope its okay! so sorry if it feels like a majority of the focus is on the reader, i had a too much fun writing out the first part where they get crushed :3 i am also once again begging for requests. like on my knees hands together begging for requests. its the best way of getting motivation istg. anyway, this is all mild hurt/comfort and some angst + fluff so enjoy!! :3
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You tried running out of the building—you didn’t expect the whole damn thing to come crashing down on you.
You’d just been chasing after an enemy soldier moments ago, dashing into the building, when suddenly the whole building seemed to shake. Then, the whole thing seemed to just collapse. When you think about it now, you realize the shake must’ve come from a nearby explosion, an explosion somehow powerful enough to damage the structural support of the building so terribly that it couldn’t hold itself up anymore and instead fell down onto you. 
Now, here you were, just ten steps away from the entrance of the building, stopped by the huge slab of concrete and twisted metal that pinned your legs down to the ground. Your earpiece fell off when you fell down, sliding across the floor, preventing you from calling your team.
Sure, you could try and move your legs, but the excruciating pain that came with each movement wasn’t worth it. You think your legs are broken with the way your nerves scream at you every time you move them, and with how uncomfortably and horrifyingly disconnected they feel.
“I’m making shit up,” You whisper hoarsely to yourself, ignoring the tears that welled up in your eyes from the debris and dust in the air, “They’re not broken. I’m making it worse for myself by thinking that.”
In the back of your mind, you remember that you’re quoting Price on that one, from the last time you got seriously hurt like this. You vaguely remember your panicked words and Price’s soothing voice that came after every worry, telling you that no, you’re not too badly hurt, it’s gonna be okay, you’re just panicking.
But in the forefront of your mind, all you can do is think about how you can’t reach your earpiece to talk to your team, the only thing you can do is listen to their worried voices.
The earpiece is loud enough for you to hear, even though you’re just out of arm’s reach from it, you can still hear your teammates repeating your call sign and asking how you copy. With the stupid Push-To-Talk thing, you can’t even just respond, no, you have to push the button on the side of your earpiece to unmute yourself.
You stretch your arm out just a little bit more to try and reach the earpiece, but when your leg starts to strain and your nerves light up you immediately give up, letting out a small, pained huff. You take a moment to just lie there and listen to your own labored breaths, every other breath hitching or catching in your throat.
You swallow down a sob that threatens to bubble out of your throat and try to reach again and—nope, that still fucking hurts.
You bring your hand back and put it over your mouth to muffle a small sob that climbs up and out of your throat, and try to take a deep breath the best you can with the debris in the air.
You feel a slight discomfort in your chest and cough, horrified when you see small specks of dust in the air you cough out, and God, the sight of it makes you want to rip out your lungs.
You feel the sudden urge to cough everything out, to flush out the dust in your lungs, to get rid of the uncomfortably full feeling you feel in your chest, but you know that every time you cough you can only exhale more of that debris-filled dust back in so now you’re trapped in a loop and—
“[c/n], how copy?” God, you want to yell at them that repeating that question won’t help, but you know there’s nothing else they can do. They’ve already asked where you are, if you’re okay, and how you copy multiple times, all of which got no answer.
They’ve only experienced radio silence on their end, and the thought makes you feel guilty for not being able to suck up the pain in your legs and just reach over to the damn earpiece and tell them you’re trapped.
You take a few deep breaths, trying your best to ignore the way you can literally feel the dust entering your lungs, and reach. You stretch your arm out the farthest you can, and feel the strain in your leg, and you’re almost to the earpiece, just a few more inches— pop.
A bone chilling pop rings through the air the moment you manage to snatch the earpiece, and good thing it was at least after you managed to grasp it firmly in your hand because you recoil back on instinct and gasp.
The gasp only lets in more dust, and you cough, wet tears dripping down onto your cheeks as you go through a seemingly endless loop of coughing out dust and inhaling debris and coughing it out again only for new dust to make its way into your system.
You stifle a pain-filled whimper and try to control your shaky breath, gripping the earpiece firming in your hand, looking down at it, looking at the sheer amount of debris on it. You bring your free hand out and wipe away the debris with shaky hands, making sure it’s clean enough to put in your ear before you carefully insert it.
It takes you a moment with your trembling hands, but you manage to do it, and you listen to Price ask how you copy one more time before you push down on the PTT button.
“Copy—” You hoarsely say, before coughing, everyone on the other line going silent, “Copy, not doing very well over here.”
“What happened?” Price’s voice crackles through on the damaged ear piece, “Are you hurt?”
“I got trapped under— under some concrete, and I…” You take a moment to catch your breath, “My legs are pinned, I can’t move.”
“Okay, okay,” Price’s voice softens, his tone becoming more soothing, “Where are you?”
“In a building— dunno which— which one… it’s by the really tall one,” You breathe out, mentally slapping yourself in the forehead for not being able to remember, “I’m sorry, I just know it’s orange and it has the entrance that Ghost bumped his head on—”
“It’s okay, I know which one you’re talking about,” Price reassures you, “Catch your breath. I’ll be there to get you out of there, okay? Just stay still, don’t move a muscle, you hear me?”
“I hear you,” You mumble, trying to catch your breath, coughing at the amount of dust that infiltrates your lungs. You bring your hand off of the PTT button and sob once, quietly, and sniffle to try and stop yourself from crying, blinking away tears.
The tears that trailed down your face earlier now only make you realize just how much dust and grime is on your face, how the tear trails must’ve been the only clean lines on your face, how there’s a whole layer of pure filth on your face and you can’t even properly wipe it away because your hands are dirty too.
The pain in your legs are throbbing and you know that you’ve torn some of the muscle in your thighs, and you know the popping noise had to have been your hip, from the unnatural way you’d twisted it to reach your earpiece. You don’t even have time to think about how pathetic you look when suddenly Price opens the barely-hanging-onto-the-hinges-door, looking at the floor for a moment before his eyes finally land on you.
He immediately walks over to the slab of concrete pinning your legs down and forcing you to lie on the ground and you can hear him faintly murmur, “Oh, God,” and kneel down to the same level as the concrete.
You turn your neck to look at him and watch as he looks at the concrete for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to lift it, before he simply grabs the edge of the concrete and, with a grunt and after a good thirty seconds, he manages to lift one end up and flip it over onto its other side. The circulation that immediately floods back to your legs and the sudden feeling of weightlessness you get is almost too much, and you can barely find it in yourself to feel shame as you let out a small, relieved sob at the sudden rush of blood to your legs.
Price immediately gasps and you can’t see much from your angle but in the midst of your relief you suddenly feel a pang of pain and oh God, that hurts. You can recognize now the warm blood that accompanies the drying blood on your calf, and with the blood rushing into your legs, more spills out from the wound in your leg. Vaguely, you can remember twisted metal doing something to your leg—stabbing it, maybe? Your brain becomes fog-filled; too hazy to think through but just clear enough to register the throbbing pain in your leg. 
“I’m so sorry,” Price murmurs softly, and before you can question him he takes the metal out of your leg and you let out a closed-lip scream, slapping a hand over your mouth to try and muffle the now uncontrollable sobs that break past your lips, the pain you feel making you light-headed.
Price quickly pulls a tourniquet out of one of the many pockets of his tactical best, wrapping the bright red strip around your leg just above the bleeding, blocking the blood from reaching past that point. He tightens it and rolls you over so that you’re laying on your back, making you stifle another pain-filled whimper. Without another word, he slips his arm under your knees and his other below your back and lifts you up bridal style, making you gasp sharply and cry out for a moment in pain, a few drops of blood making it onto the floor from your calf, the whole sight dizzying.
Being lifted up like this gave you vertigo—your head spun as you were lifted up and you could barely process anything with your hazy mind. Price mutters small ‘sorry’s under his breath, carrying you out of the door and quickly running with you in his arms back to where the others are, almost wanting to cry for you, seeing how much pain you were in.
Your eyelids drooped and your eyes shortly became half-lidded, and your ears started to ring, and everything was so overwhelming you just wanted it to be over. 
Price notices your eyelids drooping and quickly says, “Hey, hey, don’t pass out on me, you gotta stay awake, kid.” You can only shake your head ‘no’ because talking feels like too much right now and let out another small, pain-filled whimper, just the sound of it making Price’s heart shatter.
You can only find it in yourself to talk a moment later, your words slurring together as you try to speak, “I can’t— can’t… I’m sorry, I can’t—” You don’t even know what you’re trying to say, what you’re trying to warn Price about, but he seems to know.  
“No, no, no—” Price tries to beg you, as if you had enough strength to stay awake. Those are the last words you hear before you completely black out.
You wake up to a white ceiling and the faint beeping of a heart monitor. You move your head around a bit, trying to gauge where you are, when you realize— oh, I’m in the medbay. You blink for a moment before sighing and just resting there for a moment, trying to recount the events that happened earlier. You don’t have time to go down memory lane, though, because suddenly the curtains in front of your bed are pulled back to reveal your Captain. “You’re awake,” He states, closing the curtains behind him. “How could you tell?” He snorts and sits down in a chair by your bed. You look at him questioningly, “Where’re the others?” “They’ll be here soon,” Price assures you, looking at your blanket covered legs for a moment before looking back up at your face, “Medics said one at a time.” You hum neutrally in response to that and wait a moment before asking, “How bad is it?” “Your leg?” “Yeah.” “Well…” Price starts to list off on his fingers, recalling the doctor’s words, “The joint that connected your hips and your legs was twisted and it had to be set back to normal, your muscles were torn, your ligaments were torn, your nerves were so compressed someone had to physically massage your legs back to life, and the stab wound in your leg almost got infected.” “… Huh.” You blink at Price, before asking, “When can I get out of here?” “Why is that what you’re thinking about right now?” Price asks, confused, before sighing and answering, “Kid, your leg was basically broken. You can get out of here in maybe a few weeks to a month. Getting back to your assignments is a whole different story. It could take several months for your muscles to fully heal, and even then I don’t want you back out there for a while. Not until it’s guaranteed your leg won’t… give out, or something, out there.” You frown at Price, “So what, I’m just gonna be stuck here?” “What else are you gonna do with an almost-broken leg?” “…” Price sighs and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Look, I know it’s frustrating, having to sit here for a few weeks then be able to get out only to not be able to do anything too physical, but your leg muscles were torn. You were trapped under concrete. You’re not going on any missions any time soon. I feel like that should be kind of obvious.” You can understand it, knowing the condition you’re in now, but you still deflate a little where you lie down and let out a tired, frustrated huff. Price chuckles softly at your clear display of disappointment and rubs your shoulder gently before patting it and getting up. “I guess I have to let the others see you too,” He muses, making your lips twitch up into a smile, the sight making him smile in return, “But I’ll be back tomorrow to talk to you again, alright?” “Alright,” You nod, watching as he walks past the curtains blocking your bed from the rest of the medbay and listen as the door clicks open and closes shut. Not even a few seconds later, the door opens again, this time with someone walking faster to the curtains, pushing them aside eagerly. You quickly recognize Soap as he walks in, quickly closing the curtains behind him before rushing over and leaning down to hug you. This all happens so quickly you have to take a moment to process it, but you eventually hug him back, sighing at the warm embrace. “I want tae call ye stupid sae bad,” Soap mumbles into your neck as he hugs you, “but it wasn’ even yer fault sae I can’.”
“That’s the worst thing that’s happened all day,” You mutter sarcastically, making Soap laugh quietly. He pulls away from you and looks down at you. “It is, actually,” Soap says, and at your confused and mildly offended expression, he adds on, “It’s been over a day since ye got yer leg fucked up.” “… Oh.” You dumbly said, trying to process that. Over a day. “Everyone was really worried about ye, too,” Soap tacks on, refusing to sit on the chair behind him, simply standing by your bed. You stay silent, and Soap takes that as an invitation to keep talking. “I think that's the first time I've actually seen Ghost stressed," Soap muses, making you huff out a small laugh. “Really?” “Yea,” Soap smiles, “I ken. Stone cauld L.t, suddenly worryin’ o’er ye.”
“Isn’t that a surprise,” You mutter, a small smile gracing your lips thinking about Ghost worrying over you, “So you were all really worried?” “Very worried,” Soap nods, “Gaz thocht ye were gonnae die, poor chiel.” “Hm,” You hum neutrally. Soap stays silent for a moment before his voice softens and he quiets himself down a bit. “Try no' tae dae that again, aye? Ye'll gie the captain a heart attack," When you give him a pointed look, he rolls his eyes and adds on, “And me. Possibly. Maybe.” “Uh huh,” You look at him, unimpressed, “Right. I’ll try to predict when a huge piece of concrete is gonna fall on me.” “Ye ken wha’ I meant.”
“Never said I didn’t.” “Ye— y’know wha’? I’ll just leave then,” Soap says, feigning annoyance as he walks away from your bed, making you laugh quietly. He slips out and doesn’t bother to close the curtains behind him, simply walking out the door, not bothering to close that either.
You can hear him letting someone else know you’re ‘free to visit’, and just a few seconds later you watch Ghost walk in. You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are, seeing as Soap had told you Ghost was worried over you, but you still find yourself a little shocked when he walks over to you and closes the curtains behind him. He sits at the chair beside your bed, and silently stares at you from the chair.
You stare back, not blinking, waiting for him to say the first word. You and Ghost’s silent staring match ends with Ghost sighing and speaking up. “How does your… leg feel?” “How do you think it feels?” You ask, deadpan, watching as Ghost’s eyes narrow. You blink at him for another moment before adding on, “It feels numb, right now.” Ghost hums at the actual answer and sits there awkwardly for another moment before stating, “Gaz thought you died. Or, were gonna die.” “I heard about that,” You respond, raising an eyebrow at Ghost, “Did he not know it was just my leg that got hurt?” “Hurt is a mild word,” Ghost mutters, before clearing his throat and saying, “No, he knew. He was more worried about all the stuff that got into your lungs.” “Oh.” “Yeah.”
You both stay silent for a bit, again, before you speak up, “So… are my lungs okay, or… ?” “No, yeah, they’re fine.” “That’s… good.” “Mhm.” Why is this so awkward? You purse your lips and turn your head back so that you’re staring at the ceiling rather than at Ghost, not knowing what to say. Why’d he even come in here if he was just gonna be awkward about this whole thing? It’s silent again, an uncomfortable sort of quiet that’s silent yet deafening at the same time—and you hate it. It seems Ghost hates it too, because he shifts in his seat, not saying anything verbally but you can tell by his body language it’s awkward for him too.
This goes on for maybe a minute or two, when suddenly Ghost gets up and walks the short one step between him and your bed and leans down to hug you. Like the silence, the hug is awkward, but unlike it, it’s comforting. A comfortable awkward? You tentatively hug him back and you feel his hands snake underneath your back, forcing his arms under you so that he can hug you properly. 
“I know Soap told you I was stressed and worried and whatnot,” Ghost mutters, his skull mask pressing into your shoulder, “… And he was right.” “… Did you think I thought he was wrong?” “Shut it and let me try to talk.” “Yes, sir.” Ghost sighs and takes a deep breath before continuing, “He was right. I was growing greys watching you passed out, and I think I almost passed out as well, hearing you were trapped under a huge block of concrete and got stabbed by metal.” 
“Did you ever find out what the metal was?” You ask after a moment, making sure he was done talking.
“The Captain said it was a twisted pipe.”
“Huh.” You lay there for a moment, simply enjoying Ghost hugging you, before Ghost speaks up again.
“I know it wasn’t your fault, but please, God, never do that shit to me ever again.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m in a collapsing building.”
“I’m serious,” Ghost pulls away from the hug and looks down at you, keeping his hands on both of your shoulders, “I had to drive a car with you in the back passed out laying in the trunk with Price, all while not knowing what happened, and having to drive you guys back to base.”
“… Damn, you guys didn’t get a helicopter, or anything?”
Ghost sighs, “I’m trying to say that I don’t like worrying over you like that. I don’t like knowing that my kid is hurt, and I can’t do anything about it. That was the first time I was seriously worried and— and stressed over you, and it was terrifying, seeing you just passed out with dirt all over you and blood all over your leg, and just seeing you like that— I can’t do that again,” Ghost takes a deep breath, and looks down at you, trying to gauge your reaction, trying to see what you think of his words, but all you can think is, wait, he called me his kid?
“You called me your kid,” You dumbly voice your thoughts, watching as Ghost’s expression becomes more confused, and he opens his mouth to deny that when suddenly— oh shit, he called you his kid.
“… I did,” He dumbly says back, sounding surprised by his own words, before he fully realizes what he said and simply blinks down at you, not knowing where to go from here. You both blink at each other, not knowing what to say, before he clears his throat.
“I’ll just… head out then,” He awkwardly says, slowly walking away from the bed.
You take the opportunity to say, “Alright, dad.”
He freezes and slowly turns towards you and mutters, “Don’t call me that.”
A grin splits across your face, “Oh I will. Dad.”
He points at you with a single finger, “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“I’ll call you it in front of everyone. I’ll gaslight them into thinking we’re related.”
“God, you better not.”
“I will. In fact, tomorrow, I’ll begin with the Captain. Then I’ll tell Soap, he’s the next most gullible next to Gaz, who I’ll see right after you. Gaz won’t fight with me over it, he’ll just accept it, I know he will, then, and only then, will I tell everyone else. I spread it across the base like the flu. Everyone, and I mean everyone will think that you’re my father, Ghost.”
“That is…” Ghost blinks at you, dumbfounded and mildly horrified, “... terrifying.” “Yeah, I know. Pretty sure I got that from you, dad.” “Oh my God,” Ghost groans, making you laugh at his misery. He walks out without another word, being sure to slam the door behind him, making the poor medic passing by jump at least a foot in the air. You giggle quietly in your bed, waiting for the next person to walk in. By the time you’ve contained your laughter, Gaz walks in, looking strangely sheepish as he walks over to you and closes the curtains behind him that Ghost had forgotten to close. He doesn’t say anything until he’s right by your bed and bends over to give you a nice, firm, quick hug before standing up straight again and clearing his throat. “Hi,” He greets you simply. “Hi.” “How’s the uh… how’s your leg?” “You thought I died?” You ask teasingly, ignoring his question. You can’t see any blush on his face, but you’re almost certain his face heats up as he looks away from you. “Listen…” He sighs, looking back at you, “Price ran over to the whole group, with you not moving at all in his arms, and a tourniquet wrapped around your calf. I feel like it was a bit reasonable for me to think you were dead for a second.” “Right, of course,” You nod, definitely not believing that he only thought you were dead for a second, “That’s totally why I’ve had both Soap and Ghost tell me you thought I was dead. They only told me that because you thought I was dead for a second.” “I’m gonna murder them both, I swear to—” He mutters, burying his face in his hands, making you laugh quietly. He glares at you from behind his hands and adds on, “Oh, you think this is funny? You having a laugh down there, knowin’ that I thought you were dead?”
“I think this is hilarious.” “You’re insufferable and I don’t even know why I try to care about you anymore.” “You don’t try, you just do,” You roll your eyes, “Don’t act like you have to actively try and care about me.” “You’re so snarky today, my God,” Gaz scoffs, “Wait ‘til I tell Captain Price about this.” “Alright, Draco Malfoy. You do that.” “I shouldn’t have ever visited you in here,” He mutters, crossing his arms and looking away from you, feigning annoyance. You huff out a laugh at that and that makes Gaz laugh a bit, though he keeps up his dramatics, continuing to look away from you. “You still think I’m dead now, or?” “Shut it, you.” “My bad.” “I wish they amputated your leg.” “No you don’t.” “…” Gaz can’t even argue with it, simply sighing and rolling his eyes before looking back at you, ”No, I don’t.” “I knew it,” You smile at him knowingly, making his lips twitch up into a smile. You think for a moment before tacking on, “Wanna hear what Ghost said to me?” That makes Gaz perk up and immediately reply, “Oh, absolutely.” Cue you both five minutes later, Gaz gaping at you while you laugh every other word, remember the horror on Ghost's face when he realized what he called you. Gaz covers his mouth with his hand, laughing into it, gripping the rail of your bed with his other hand, keeping himself up.
“He— oh my God,” Gaz laughs, trying to keep quiet so Ghost wouldn’t hear him, knowing the latter was right outside the medbay. He takes a deep breath and another before breaking into small giggles once again, making you do the same. After maybe a few more minutes of just pure laughter, Gaz manages to catch his breath and stop laughing, and you do the same. “I should probably head out now,” He says, sounding almost disappointed by the fact, glancing over at the closed curtain a few feet away from your bed. You nod in understanding and don’t say anything in response, making Gaz look back at you and add on, “I’ll talk to you tomorrow though, yeah?” “Yeah,” You confirm, making Gaz offer you a warm smile and lean down to hug you tightly one last time before getting up and walking over to the curtains, sliding them to the side and walking out, sliding them closed behind him. You hear the click open and shut of the door, as well as Gaz’s footsteps walking outside of the medbay and eventually fading into nothing.
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kaiso-woo · 6 months
A Fan of the Fiction
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-> Masterlist
BONUS #3 - This has connections to ‘Stay Series’! Let’s just say… ‘I don’t want to go to sleep now, I’ll be making a masterpiece now”… by which I mean the creation of Bahng Alexander Korain.
!Minors - istg, do not interact. Go away!
WC: 2.3k
Synopsis: Uh. You read smth unholy for the first time in a while, and holy guacamole you can actually fulfil this fic because your husband is legit Chris? Haha…
Notes: SMUT, Thigh Grinding, Multiple Orgasms, p in v - dear lord (don’t be an idiot, wrap it ffs), breeding (with results obviously T-T), Choking, Bulge… kink?, Degradation…? Dom-Sub-Switch-Who-What-When-Where-Why, Oral (F Receiving), Traffic Light System, Fluff?, Second Person Narration, Swearing, Idol!Chan, Fem!Reader
Here for a reading marathon? Head right back to the start!
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!!Casual reminder this is entirely fictitious - Chris/Christopher in my work does not represent the actual Bang Chan - this is purely my imagination and nothing more - this goes for all other SKZ-Members too!!
You drop your phone down onto your chest, breathing heavily, your mind whizzing with sin. Tentatively, you sneak a hand into your pants and tap at your underwear, retracting it immediately with a groan when you realise how soaked you are.
You shouldn’t have read that fic. You shouldn’t have at all. All it did was place dirty thoughts in your mind because, you realise, you could recreate that scene right here, right now.
Chris is currently sitting on your bed in another room, working away on a song. You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen after he cooked dinner, and upon seeing him busy at work, decided to lie down on the couch and give him some peace.
Somehow, you had wandered onto Tumblr for the first time in years and you had forgotten just how atrocious your feed was. With a nervous bite of your lip, and a check to make sure that Chris was still in your room, you thread your hands back below your waistband and rub a slow line up your folds.
“Fuck,” you whisper, as you pulse around nothing, “Shit okay, am I doing this? Am I going to?” You say this even as you get off the couch and wander over to your room, where the only things illuminating the place is Chris’ computer, reflected eerily onto his face, and his bedside lamp.
“Chris…?” You squeak, words beginning to fail you already, “How busy are you honey?”
Chris looks up and rubs his eyes, peering at your cowering figure over by the door. “Relatively busy, why? You okay? Need me to do something?”
You swallow nervously and walk over, suffering even further at the sight of his dark eyes watching your every move. “No… no it’s okay, you just… stay there,” you breathe, hesitantly stripping yourself of your shorts and crawling onto the bed. “Yeobo…?” Chris asks, his voice dry.
“You can keep working babe, do you mind if I just… ride your thigh? Please?” You beg staring at him with wide eyes. Chris inhales sharply and his eyes flicker away from you. He blinks, in a daze, at his computer screen, and when he doesn’t reply you prompt him again. “Please baby? I need-”
He interrupts with a breathy “Yeah, yeah of course”, and shifts his computer to rest on one knee. Relief washes over you, and you crawl onto his lap, immediately beginning to grind into his thigh.
Chris breathes deeply and returns to his laptop, clicking here and there and apparently refocusing on his work. A sultry groan leaves your mouth as you slow the pace, but make your grinds longer, and Chris curses under his breath.
“I want more…” you moan and remove yourself from him to take off your underwear, “Keep working baby, please don’t let me distract you.”
Immediately, the friction of Chris’ jeans on your clit makes you whimper, and your pace quickens, your juices beginning to drench the fabric.
Chris’ thigh flexes underneath you, and you gasp at the action, your mind half wondering whether he’s doing it involuntarily or not, but too far gone already to properly consider it.
“Shit baby, how am I supposed to-” Chris chokes out, and you look down at him for the first time in a while. He’s not looking at his computer anymore but is fixating on your pussy grinding desperately on his thigh.
“How's it feel baby?” He whispers, glancing at you through his eyelashes. You whimper and grab his shoulders, his computer sliding off his knee sadly. Chris’ hands sneak around your waist, and as he helps to guide you and the slightly new angle works its wonders, you feel that knot beginning to pool tightly.
“Chris-” you groan, mouth hanging open in pleasure. “You like it, huh? Look how easy it is for you to get off on my thigh, baby. Oh fuck, you’re so wet.”
Chris has purposefully slowed your movements, returning you back to the long hard grazes, and his irises have blown out with desire. “Baby, Christopher, harder- please I need more-” you choke out, nails digging into his shoulders, and Chris’ head falls back in pure bliss.
“Jesus fuck. Are you gonna cum for me sweetheart? Cum all over my thigh?” You nod eagerly and he tilts his head questioningly, hands squeezing your hips sharply. “Words baby. I need to hear you. Speak for me.”
“Yes Chris… yes I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum, I’ll cum for you baby.” “Fff-huck,” he moans, pushing you down harder and flexing his thigh at random intervals. You lean down to kiss him, tongues immediately swirling, your pants mixing with his deepening breaths.
“Shit I’m gonna-” “Come on baby. Come on. Ruin your pussy on my favourite jeans, hm?” “Chris- Chris Chri-”
You convulse on his leg and your forehead crashes into his shoulder as your orgasm washes through you, cum leaking out everywhere and thoroughly soaking his jeans. “God you’re so good for me.” Chris gently pushes you off him and stares in awe at the stain you’ve left, but his attention returns to you soon enough.
“You can handle more right?” He asks, sitting up on his knees so he can hastily remove his soaked jeans. You laugh and shift over to help him, smiling at his hasty actions and flushed face.
“Of course I can. Who do you think I am?” “Mine,” he grins back, and at his words you push him back into a seated position, much to his surprise.
“Sure honey, but you’re also mine.” Steadily, you sink down onto him, eyes rolling to the back of your head at how quickly he fills you. “Sh-shit. How’re you still so-” he stutters, hands flying to your waist again, “You’re still so fucking ti-ight.”
You groan and grind down onto him, and he hisses at the action. “Come on darling, don’t play. You either ride me, or I’ll fuck you into the bed.”
You take a shuddering breath and start the agonising journey towards heaven, or maybe it’s hell, watching in satisfaction as Chris unravels beneath you, his hips thrusting up to meet yours erratically, chest rising and falling unevenly.
“Just like that baby- god you’re al-always so tight for me. So perfect,” he groans, and you clench around him at his words, a string of profanities escaping his mouth.
“Shit. Love if you keep doing that I’m not going to- I'm not going to last long,” he groans. You lean down and tenderly brush the hair off his sweaty forehead so you can plant a kiss there, still unrelenting with your pace. “It’s okay baby, come undone for me. I never said you had to last long.”
His head falls back and smacks against the headboard, but the impact apparently doesn’t bother him. “No- I need to- yeobo, I need to pull-” “It’s okay, I want it in me.”
Chris’ hips stutter to a slow stop, and you whine, trying to continue, but his hands tighten around your waist, preventing you from doing anything.
“You what?” He breathes, staring with wide eyes. “Fill me up. Please,” you beg, and his eyes cloud over.
“You want that huh? You want me to spill my seed in you? Soak your walls white? Does my baby want that? Does she want a fucking kid?” He growls, thrusting up into you harder, and you mewl at his sudden ferocity.
Eagerly, you try to reposition yourself so you can help him, and in a daze grapple at whatever you can to ground yourself. Your hand tightens around his throat so you can hoist yourself up better and Chris splutters as his cock twitches inside you, his hand flying to your wrist in a panic.
“Well fuck that’s new,” he rasps, after you remove your hand swiftly, scared. “Sorry- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
“I said that’s new baby, not that I didn’t like it,” he glares, and with a gentle assertion and raised eyebrows, he drags your hand back to curl around his throat, cock twitching again as you squeeze a little tighter.
“I didn’t know you-” you begin, as he picks up his pace again, matching with you.
“Yeah? Well neither did I-” he chokes out, knuckles white on your wrist, holding your hand in place, “Shit. Fuck. Ah you bastard. That’s my girl- shit cum with me baby,” he cries in between gasps for air, and the sight of him struggling to breathe thanks to you causes that building heat to snap.
You collapse forward and bite desperately at his shoulder, trying to instinctively muffle your ludicrous sounds of pleasure. You can feel Chris ejaculating thoroughly into you, his warm semen flooding your insides while you milk him through his high, your own juices coating him.
When you pull away, you rub at his shoulder where you bit him apologetically, thumb carefully stroking his neck too to make sure he’s okay, but his eyes are wild, and it’s only after you refocus on yourself do you realise that he’s still hard, nestled safely inside of you.
“Oh wow… no way…” you chuckle in amazement, as Chris pins you down onto the bed a little haphazardly.
“Don’t you ever- fucking silence yourself,” he growls, thrusting roughly into you. You gasp at the overstimulation, walls clenching despite your writhing. You absolutely know everything is a mess down there, his cum mixing with yours down your legs and his.
“Now unless your colour changes, I’m going to fuck you until I make you scream. I’ll fuck you into the next week, you won’t be able to walk for days you fucking slut. What’s your colour?” He demands, thrusting harshly into you again.
“Green- it’s-” your voice dies in your throat as Chris slams into you, again and again, the tip of his cock finding its way back to all those places that make your insides feel gooey. You’re trembling underneath him, and when he pushes your legs up for better access, a drawn-out whimper escapes you.
“You want more of my cum in you sweetheart?” He whispers harshly, and you mumble incoherently in agreement, “Oh… you don’t know what you’re getting into. ” “I do. I do-”
Chris places hot kisses all down your leg, his adoring actions contradicting his relentless abuse of your cunt, his foul mouth.
“Do you really? Because I’m going to breed you baby. I’m going to pump you so full that you’ll be pregnant by the fucking end of this.” You whimper and grip desperately at the sheets in response, and Chris pays it every bit of attention.
“You want that, huh? Want me to fuck you with my fingers as well? Make sure it stays in? Look at yourself, darling. Look at your stomach,” he commands, and with a gulp you look down to see his bulge disappearing in and out of your gut.
“Shit- Chris- you’re so- you’re so deep fuck- I’m gonna-” “I didn’t say you could,” he growls, nipping slightly at your skin. “Chris- but I- please.” “Beg harder,” he demands and you break.
“You’re a fucking shit,” you snap. “Only for you~” he coos, and it’s this that reminds you that he’s still the teasing Chris, still the same sweet man who wanted to learn how to make coffee with you all those years ago.
This version of Chris disappears in seconds though, his deepened voice returning, “I’m a shit because someone’s a brat,” he spits, reaching between your legs to grab your hand and place it on your stomach so you can feel how far his cock is plunging inside of you. This immediately destroys any remaining sense of self-preservation and dignity, and you resort to begging and pleading for your life, the effort of restraining your orgasm getting to your head.
“Okay slut. Cum for me,” he orders breathily, panting sporadically, his shirt soaked through with sweat. You groan in pleasure and finally allow yourself release, twitching and gasping underneath him. Your high makes you press down on your stomach unknowingly, and Chris’ breath hitches at the increased sudden pressure.
“I said- I said cum for me. Not make me cum,” he chokes out, his second orgasm of the night crashing into him unwillingly, his voice dying into an almost silent whimper.
He curses his way through it, rutting shallowly into you a few more times before he completely stills, his hands squeezing your thighs, needlessly babbling dirty words of affirmation and praise. "Amazing baby... so good f'me... so warm... fuck stop clenching- god you're fucking beautiful, my beautiful... absolutely perfect."
He releases your legs and they flop back around him, sore. Chris crawls up your body, trying to control his breathing, and rests himself gently onto you, peppering your neck lovingly with kisses and soothingly caressing your thighs.
“You okay honey?” he asks, eyes wide with worry at your silence. You smile at him and wrap your hands around his neck for a passionate kiss, mind blank at the feeling of him buried comfortingly inside you still.
“What happened to fucking me with your fingers afterwards?” You hum, knotting your hand into his sweaty hair. “No way are you still up for that. Your colour hasn’t-” “It’s green, love. I’m okay. I’ve only orgasmed three times.” “Only three. Jesus Christ only three?”
“Your colour, Chris?” You ask, kissing him on the nose. He pauses, a little shocked at being asked the question. “I’m- what- I mean- that system was meant for you-” “What’s your colour baby? Just answer the question.”
“Green,” he eventually mumbles, slipping out of you and sliding back down your body to replace his dick with his mouth and fingers.
After about a minute of you squirming and moaning loudly for him, he stops, looking at you with concern. “Yeobo, are you sure about this? You know how bad I am with self-restraint when I’m eating you,” he asks, licking his lips nervously.
“Then I’ll be just as bad when you’re buried in my throat too,” you grin, spreading your legs wider for him. “Shit," he pauses, "I’m not going to need to go to the gym tomorrow, am I?” He groans, returning back to your folds and attacking your clit with renewed gusto, his tongue lapping eagerly, three fingers already pumping into you.
“What do you mean? You can still go-oHHhh!” Chris hums in acknowledgement (and you die just a bit) and extricates himself from you long enough to say, “This is a workout in itself,” before returning to his task at hand.
And this night, my friends, is the night that Bahng Alexander Korain was brought into this world.
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-> Bonus #4 -> Masterlist
A/N: If you don’t mf know who Alex is then you should be going back and reading the series smh. That’s why this is called a BONUS because if you read this after reading the series it is 10x better, trust.
Until next read! -Kaisowoo
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Can I request a smut for Xaden?(fem reader)😍😍 Idk hopefully I'm the first-I think? That requested a smut.Well,anyways.Just basically Xaden being jealous because reader spent training with Jack to get back at him for spending too much time with Violet.TY IF U DOOOO!!
'Jealous.Fucking jealous!'
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Xaden Riorson x Fem!Reader
A/N:Just saw this in my rq's and even if u aren't the first,you are stil among the first to rq!i tried. Hope u like it but istg I can't write smut.Had this in my notes since 3 am and it's messy & sucky asf but anyways 🎀🎀
You couldn't help but mock and provoke Xaden, your sassy demeanor fueled by a desire to assert your independence and stand up to his intimidating presence.You knew that by getting close to Jack Barlowe,the same insufferable fucking man whom Xaden despised,you were pushing his buttons and stirring up his anger,to get back at him for spending a bit too much time training with Sorrengail's youngest,as you called her. And sure enough,your plan worked. After the intense training session, Xaden's anger and jealousy bubbled to the surface.
With a fierce gaze that spoke volumes about his fury, Xaden grabbed you roughly by the arm and dragged you towards his quarters. The tension in the air was palpable, and you struggled against his grip, trying to maintain your snarky attitude despite your mounting fear. "Let go of me,you beautiful fucking asshole!" You spat, trying to keep your cool.
Ignoring your protests, Xaden shoved you into his room, slamming the door shut. The sudden change of atmosphere, the dim lighting, and the scent of mint, leather, and the mysterious citrus-floral mix enveloped your senses. He towered over you, his massive frame casting a shadow that seemed to swallow you Without warning, he pinned you against the wall, his hand tightening around your throat.Your heart raced,your breath hitched as you glared defiantly at him, daring him to make the first move.
"You think you're so fucking smart, don't you?" Xaden growled, his voice low and dangerous, causing your core to throb in anticipation. "But Jack fucking Barlowe of all people?If that fucker is what you consider to be better than me,that's where I draw a fucking line.You're mine." In that moment,you realized that he wasn't just angry - he was turned on.
Before you could respond, Xaden crushed his lips against yours, devouring your mouth with his own. His tongue slipped inside, dominating you with a brutal intensity that left you breathless.Your body responded involuntarily,your breasts pressing against his powerful chest, nipples hardening under the fabric of your shirt. The kiss was rough, demanding, a clear display of Xaden's dominance.You could feel his anger and lust seeping into you, even as it clashed with your stubbornness.
As your passion reached new heights, Xaden pulled away from you and began to undress you. He tore off your shirt, revealing your bra-clad breasts, the lacy material struggling to contain your perky nipples. Without hesitation, he reached out with his shadows, extending tendrils of darkness to trace circles around your erect buds.You cried out, your body trembling as the cold shadow touched your skin. The sensation was overwhelming, electrifying your nerves and heightening your arousal.
Xaden grinned wickedly, watching you struggle against his control. "Can you handle more?" he taunted, watching as your face flushed red.
Your eyes widened, unsure whether to beg for mercy or ask for more. Desperate for relief,you nodded,your breath coming in ragged gasps. With a flick of his wrist, he intensified the shadows, engulfing your nipples and sending waves of pleasure-turned-pain coursing through your body.You screamed in agony and ecstasy,your tears mixing with your sweat as your breasts turned a faint shade of purple from overstimulation.
Unable to resist, Xaden bent down and latched onto one of your tortured nipples, his teeth gently grazing the tender flesh.You moaned,your knees buckling from the unfathomable blend of pain and pleasure. He switched to your other breast, repeating the torment until you were nothing more than a quivering mass of need.
Finally, Xaden pushed you down onto his bed,your legs parting eagerly to receive him. He removed the rest of your clothing, leaving you completely exposed and vulnerable. With a wicked grin, he lowered himself between your thighs, his intense gaze locked on your dripping folds,enjoying her wetness and exposing her readiness for him. He leaned closer, savoring your arousal before lowering his head to lap at your sensitive entrance.
You inhaled sharply, arching your back as his tongue delved into your core. He expertly teased your clit, switching between gentle strokes and firm sucks, making you writhe beneath him.Your snarky remarks were replaced with soft moans and whimpers as you begged for release.Damn asshole,making you act like this,you thought. But Xaden had no intention of letting you cum just yet. Instead, he trailed his hands up your sides, cupping your breasts and kneading them roughly. As before, he reached out with his signet, causing another wave of euphoria to crash over you.
"P-please," you cried, voice hoarse from begging. "I...I can't take it anymore!"
Xaden chuckled, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Oh, yes you can,love.You can take it." He cooed,before switching and smirking,speaking in a firmer tone. "You're mine, and I decide when you come." He kissed his way up your stomach, his cock rubbing against your swollen folds as he climbed onto the bed. Positioning himself at your entrance, he looked deep into your eyes, his expression a mixture of lust and dominance,the jealousy stil lurking at the surface though "No one knows your body like I do, and no one will ever fuck you as good as I do."
Drawing back, he admired his work - the glistening evidence of his skill coating his lips and chin. "Now, let me show you just how much better I know your body over anyone else," he growled, his voice rough with desire.
With a flick of his wrist, he called forth his shadow signet again, weaving tendrils of darkness around your nipples. The sensation was exquisite torture,your breath catching in your throat as you struggled to maintain control.The combination of pain and pleasure sent you spiraling,your eyes wide with wonder and fear.
"Please... Xaden," you begged,your voice hoarse and strained, but he merely grinned, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight. His fingers traced the outline of your body, the shadows shifting to follow his whims.
Without warning, he thrust into you, his girth stretching you beyond belief.You screamed,your eyes watering from the sheer intensity of the invasion. Xaden pumped into you relentlessly, each stroke claiming you deeper and harder than the last. Despite your struggles, he maintained a vice-like grip on your wrists, keeping you pinned to the mattress.
Your bodies slapped together, creating a rhythm that filled the room. Every time Xaden slammed into you,you felt yourself losing a piece of your resistance, slowly melting away under his assault.You were like an open book for him - physically, mentally, and now, sexually. And he loved it.He reveled in your responses,your body quivering beneath his touch.Your taste, sweet and intoxicating, fueled his determination to dominate you completely.
Your cries grew louder, punctuated by pleas for mercy and requests for more. He ignored you, focusing solely on fucking you senseless. His speed increased, his muscles flexing with each thrust, his cock sliding in and out of you, coated in a mixture of your combined fluids.
Your nails dug into the sheets, your surrender complete.Finally, Xaden couldn't hold back any longer. He growled, his body tensing as he came, flooding you with his seed.You collapsed beneath him, panting heavily,your limbs shaking from exhaustion and pleasure. You were a broken, babbling mess,your pride shattered as much as your body-but you couldn’t deny it felt so goddamn exhilarating.
And somehow,it was the most satisfying feeling he'd ever experienced.
As he lay beside you, still buried inside you, Xaden whispered softly into your ear, "You should never test my patience again,love.Because no one can fuck you as well as I can." You didn't respond,your eyes closed, tears stil streaming down your cheeks as rough arms,yet with a gentle touch,held you close.
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starrykaulitz · 8 months
any era tom headcannons!
hi guys! so since i don't have enough time to write full segments of stuff, ill be posting either head cannons or my fav pictures from now on… so sorry for the hiatus i went on with no notice but enjoy these!!
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he loves it when you sit on his lap. everywhere you go, public eye or not, he opens his legs inviting you to sit on either his knee or on his thighs. depends if you can get home fast enough from wherever you are.
this man is obsessed with public affection. he seriously does not care about what others think when it comes to his relationship. you'll be walking in a crowd of people and his hand will be smack bang on your ass, gripping it, groping it, you get the point.
he sleeps on the left side, always. and he has these reading glasses that have broken MULTIPLE TIMES because everytime he finishes staring at his phone at 2 am, goes to switch of the bedside light, he forgets to take the glasses off and they end up on the floor. he says 'ill get them in the morning', ends up forgetting they are there and steps on them with his fat ahh feet.
his fav cuddle position is def when he can rest his head on your tits, big or small. he loves laying on your chest whilst wrapping his leg around your lower half.
he always needs to be touching something of yours. its almost a subconscious thing, but he has to have his hand or his leg near yours at all times, especially if your in a situation that could make him nervous.
if you knew him from a younger age, growing up together, he would have 100% picked on you more than anyone else around him. you were a girl, its 'funny', but now that hes older, that man will literally kiss the ground you walk on.
your in the car with him? hes driving? horrible idea. he will not only speed to see your scared reaction, but he was also drive with his knees. he does not stop at orange lights at night either, he is going STRAIGHT THROUGH IT, PUMPING THE GAS.
if you were watching a movie and he got real into it, he'd begin just...grabbing at your boobs. not in a sexual way, in a way of "they are there, might as well grip onto them."
alright. morning sex. all the time. it'd be strange if you didnt have it. he is constantly up against your back, and he'd love having an s/o whos a bit exciting, so extra points to you if you purpusfully gave him one while he was asleep. but god, he would be sloppy in the morning and it would be amazing.
when he finishes, (he would want to do it inside you if you had been dating for years on end, no protection) he bites at your shoulder. doesnt matter what position, hes biting that shit hard as he finishes.
he LOVES licking. idk why, but he does. if your lying there under him, arms stretched to the side, he will take that chance to lick all the way from your belly button, to your neck, up until he reaches your mouth and then continues to shove said tongue down your throat.
he gets pretty aggressive with head i'd say. he loves you doing it, literally his favorite past time, but he would grip onto your scalp so hard and pound himself into you, (ofc, only if youre in the mood for that.)
mirrors? dont even mention them or else he'll have you infront of one and have you begging for more istg. he loves seeing both himself and your fucked out expression as he hits it from the back.
again, toms said this before, but i rlly dont think tom would like you doing the dirty talking, (ofc unless your out at a public dinner on the other side of the table, you send him a dirty msg or sum), but he prefers to hear you scream and ATTEMPT to talk then have you degrading him or sum.
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honeym00ngirl · 8 months
Buggy x straw hat! Reader.
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summary: headcanons about being in a relationship with everyone’s favorite clown pirate. a/n: hear I am, posting way to early, once again. This man is my kryptonite istg. warnings: shittily proof read, language, fluff, why is fluff a warning? The tiniest tiny once of angst buried within the fluff, SFW.
Buggy, is an enigma. He is admittedly unstable as fuck, but always tries to keep it together for you.
A lethal combination of possessive and touch starved, rolled into a hubristic ball. The result of such a diverse set of traits? He is extremely affectionate and almost never lets you go. 
In his mind, he must always be touching you in some way or another. Wether his arm be slagged around your shoulders or his fingers intertwined in your own.
Sometimes when you, in his words, “leave him like gutter trash for the straw hats” he’ll offer to let you take a piece of him with you. wink wink. Obviously you decline, leaving him whole yet broken without your presence.
However this doesn’t mean Buggy is afraid of using his Chop Chop abilities to his advantage. It's far from uncommon to suddenly find Buggy’s detached hand locking your fingers in a tight embrace.
Once attached they are near impossible to remove. Have daily tasks that must be attended? To bad, your hand will be spoken for, for hours to come.
And God forbid you find yourselves separated for an extended period of time. 
His over exaggerated despair knows no bonds. After months of the crew hearing their captain try and pass you off as simply another incessant straw hat, his true feelings are exposed to them in the most dramatic of manors. He will sulk and mope until you are back in his embrace.
This being said, he can’t stand the idea of you angry with him. More often then not being the root cause of any problems your relationship may face, Buggy never lets things escalate beyond the occasional silent treatment. 
When he is given the silent treatment, Buggy may first attempt to gain your forgiveness without a verbal apology. He'll smoother you with his affection, try to make you laugh, leave small gifts in elaborate places, anything to earn your forgiveness without verbally admitting his wrong-doings.
If your silence prosiest, he is quick to crack and will eventually come begging on his knees for your forgiveness. Once he sees you split into a smile, his heart swells with joy. Exasperated from the conflict, he neglects any obligations he may have in an attempt to make up for the lost time. 
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l3viat8an · 11 months
I've been trying to send an ask for the past 3 days and it wouldn't let me 😭
The levi brainrot is bad‼️
Okay so imagine this
After living in the hol for a while you notice things begin to go missing, specifically your panties. You decide your just being forgetful of where you placed your things and move on. One day, Levi asks you to meet him in his room, but when you arrive he isn't there. You wait for awhile but he shows no sign of arriving, so you, being the little nosey thing you are, begin to look around. It starts off innocent, your admiring his figurine collection when you see a hint of red fabric out of the corner of your eye. You walk over to his bed and grab the clothing item to find its your..panties? You look down and see a box peaking out from under his bed, you grab and open it. It's all of your panties that went missing! But, why does levi have it? You hear the door open and then leviathan screams. You turn around, box in hand, and see how red levi is. I mean, he's redder then the fabric you were previously holding. He begins to stutter out an explanation and it finally hits you. "Your a pathetic little panty stealer, huh levi? He practically moans at your words as you notice his growing buldge. You look at him, a devilish look in your eyes. "Y'know, if you wanted me this bad all you had to do was ask." Hes panting at this point so desperate for your harsh words "But now that you've gone and been a little thief, you'll have to beg for it." You slowly walk towards him, "Well? Are you gonna be a good little slut and beg?"
That got a lot longer then I planned it to be 🧍‍♀️
Nsfw content MDNI
Istg I still don’t know what’s wrong with my ask box 😭 it hates me I swear!- and uhhhh idk what happened Levi just eats at my brain 🧍🏼‍♀️CW: probably typos, sorry!! dom (?) gn!reader. Hand job / blowjob, ruined orgasm, degrading, lil bit of marking (my biting kink tbh) (Levi receiving all of it!!) 
Levi felt heat rush to his face at your words, his breath hitching as he tried to wrap his head around the situation. He had never wanted you to find out……but at the same time, the way you immediately talked down to him….well, he’s a pervert….it turned him on.
"I-I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself…” Levi whispered, his eyes locked onto the floor. "Please...please…..please let me make it up to you. I'll do anything. P-please…”
You smirked at his words, just taking a moment and basking in the power you held over him. You slowly walked towards him, your hand reaching down to grab his stiffening cock, clicking your tongue in mock disappointment, "Anything, huh? Well then, let's see just how far you're willing to go.”
Levi let out a small whimper as you began stroking his cock through his pants. He was completely under your control….and he loved it~
"Please, please, please f-fuck…please M-MC, I'll- I meant it!! I’ll do anything, just t-tell me….” he begged, his hips thrusting into your hand.
You pull his cock out and rub your thumb over the tip, giving him a few slow strokes, “Then you’ll be good for me, right Levi?”
Levi nodded, immediately, “Y-yes!! I'll be good for you, MC, I- I- oh fuck- I promise…please” Levi replied, his voice shaking as you continue to tease his cock.
Levi whines as the feeling of pleasure building as you worked him harder. Soon he was gasping for breath. Fuck it felt good to have such a powerful demon weak from your touch~
You leaned in close, your hot breath tickling his ear. "Dirty pervert…..you really are gross Levi…” you murmured, as you brought your lips to his neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. “Yes!! I am, s-so gross…p-p-please don’t stop!!!”
Levi moaned, his hand reaching up trying to grab onto your hair as he tried to keep himself from giving into the pleasure, just yet.
Obviously you weren't done with him~ You pulled away from his neck, eyes locking with his as you slowly sink to your knees.
"At least you know…..but now…let's see just how good you can be.” you said, as you wrap your lips around his cock.
Your lips and tongue working in tandem to push Levi closer to the edge. You could feel his body tensing up with every passing second, his hips  subconsciously thrusting forward as he gave in to the warmth of your mouth.
With each flick of your tongue, each gentle suck of your lips, he was pushed closer and closer to his orgasm. Levi is panting heavily now, one hand covering his face as the other tangled desperately in your hair as he begged for release. Endlessly self-degrading words fell from his lips as you sucked him off……
Before Levi knew it, you were pulling away….his orgasm ruin and you standing up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
A satisfied smirk across your face when Levi sobbed out “W-why w-what are you doing?!?” But you still pulled away, "I'd say you made it up to me, Levi.” you said, a sly twinkle in your eye, as you made your way to his bedroom door.
Opening the door and stepping out into the hall, “Oh and Levi~” you waited until he looked at you, “-no cumming until I say you can.” and you’re gone.
Leaving a very red, very horny and very upset Levi in his room. Alone again.
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so 3am is the greatest time to be waking up out of nowhere to be thinking uhhhhh thoughts, huh?
Anyway, in ref to a uh a whole buncha my "regency kink" posts (tagged, out of the joy of causing problems, for the era and not royalty) that I 100% am not finding and linking right now fuck you read my posts boy uhhhhm okay so
Imagine, if you will, it's a lovely summer's day in the countryside in the tail-end of the 1830s and you are a troublesome goose a gentleman's valet with a miraculous Sunday afternoon off work
For those who are unaware, because my mildly kinky "imagine if" posts seem to have to come with a history lesson, because I am a crazy idiot, right (I think the blacksmith one had a line about how tricky filigree work is, istg, what is wrong with me I'm the autistic child of artisans) - a valet is the guy like whatshisface Bennett? in Downton Abbey, who like helps the gent get dressed n stuff of a morning/evening, looks after all the personal stuff same way a butler looks after the household stuff, yeah, cs posh people in them days had folk to do legitimately everything for them, huh? Lazy fucks. And also labour laws were virtually non-existant in the 30s, to such an extent I would use any of my time off to just goddamn sleep, never mind leisure activities - I mean, I do that now, tbf, but I'm not hugely cut out for retail work, lbr
Anyway, we are imagining a fantasy 1830s where it's a lovely summer's day and you are/I am a servant magically not tired to the bone cs your boss is actually a good one rather than a more-historically-accurate absolute dickhead, yeah? So you got a Sunday avo off, right, free to do what you like instead of various clothes-repairing chores or whatever, and you are walking from the big house down to the village in the sunshine to go uh. To uh. To.
We are also living in a fantasy 1830s where I have easy access to testosterone and uh and a strap and nobody gives a fuck about it, right? Because I say so. I don't want to have to imagine myself a cis man just cs of the era. Hey, if Dr James Barry can get on alright then fellas so can I, right? Tho I think he might've been late Victorian times tbh. Shhhh the only historical accuracy we care about is the nice stuff okay let's ignore everything else for now
So we are using this miraculously progressive and sunshiny 1830s Sunday afternoon off to walk down the lane and go fuck the village baker, okay?
Because you can
Still feels all a bit something to be doing this on a Sunday - I'm not religious, nor am I in any way a churchgoer, but I did unforch recently descend from evangelists so I do have the unhealthy weight of xian guilt on my shoulders for no good goddamn reason anyway - and it would've been some kinda consideration, too, in the 1830s, when going to church and believing all that toxic rot is just what you did, no questions
Ooh I don't have a priest kink but I do wonder if the local priest in this imaginary ye olde village would be ahem interested, now there's a thought to think about doesn't he want to do right by one of his congregation, hm? Doesn't he want to give members of his flock what they need? (What they need is to corrupt him, fill him full of cum and bring him low enough to beg them and G-d for it - are we using singular they? Your choice)
Anyway, it's a bit of something to be fucking men on a Sunday, engaging in various sins by choice, y'know
I don't have the headspace at almost-4am to write out a thing as I did the blacksmith and his lordship, obviously, not that that was well-received anyhow, obviously, because this seems to be the wrong forum for my rambley ADHD writing, if anywhere's the right forum, which I doubt
But, imagine, if you will, all dressed up in typical 1830s attire, best you can afford on a valet's salary, and flour all over your shirt and showing on your unbuttoned waistcoat, its skirt flipped up and front-fall trousers round your knees, to allow the baker um access to fuck you, rough, bent over, holding on to the low back wall that splits the bakery from the inn for dear life - maybe the innkeeper comes along to see what's the commotion while his wife and everyone's at church, and joins, fucks your mouth to shut you up, hm? Making too much noise, they'll hear you from St Peter's, won't they, and then what will we do? Better to shut you up, just like this, and god don't it feel good?
Hm. I was originally thinking of um of being in the baker's position, as described, railing this big strong incredibly capable man til he's wrecked with it, y'know, but there we go, hey
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iivari-ii · 2 years
Every time I see people call Wylan van Eck ‘Van sunshine’ or a baby who ‘needs to be protected’ a part of me dies a little
I am on my knees begging for the show fandom to not infantilise him when season 2 comes out. It’s so icky to watch people do, especially as a disabled gay man :|
Istg if I see anyone treat him like a small “uwu baby” I will come for them.
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soobinspet · 7 months
so I think (if you're cool with it) I'mma be your Keeho anon for when my hard hours commence – maybe under 🐺 or sumn? in part because I already like your account + your vibe too 🤭 anyways, I was trying to think of what phrases (like those prompt lists) would turn Keeho on? like, just any type of dirty talk, I guess? I also see him as a helluva switch, so it could be sub or dom related…
AND while I'm at it: can you think of any phrases like that for Jiung as well (with his bias wrecking ass 😩)?
(thanks in advance lmao)
– 🐺 –
Hey !! I am more than cool with it ahah you’re my first anon btw ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Okay so I personally see Keeho him as a dom so imma do 10 phrases I think would turn him on (5sub/5dom) I hope you’ll like it !
On the other hand I think Jiung (my bias (>ᴗ•) ) is a switch 100% so imma do 10 of them aswell (5sub/5dom).
« one more please » moaning this out to him while he’s fingering u would make him go feral istg, and he’ll make you repeat yourself multiple times to tease you. He’s the biggest tease ever.
« I’m yours just fuck me please » he’s possessive and hearing you say you’re his could make him cum on the spot lol, and the begging, he just loves it when you beg
« Too much » if he hears you says it while you’re on the verge of tears after making you cum twice, he’ll just make you cum more. If he wants it you’re gonna have to give it to him.
« Deeper, deeper » that would make him go crazy. He loves how dirty it sounds and he’d just find it so sexy that you want him deeper even thought he’s already literally balls deep inside you.
« Choke me » I know this one is so basic but I feel like he’ll love it so much. He’ll just wrap his hand around your neck and fuck you relentlessly and ask u « yeah like that ? » « tighter maybe mh ?
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« You want me to ride it faster don’t you » now it’s your turn teasing him and he loves it. He loves the control you have over him when you’re riding his dick.
« you know this dick is mine right ? Mine only » saying this while sucking him off will make him go crazy. Once again it’s all about the possessiveness. He’ll probably cum in your mouth after hearing you say that.
« I know you want this pussy, baby » the pet name, the confidence, he’ll just love it so much. He’ll probably not even answer but nod his head like crazy.
« Should I let you cum inside of me today ? I don’t know if you deserve it » he loves it when he gets to cum in you and you know it. He’ll beg and cry about how he deserves it.
« Ooh you wanna cum already ? » if you say this and laugh at him while riding him, he’s a goner. He’ll love the humiliation in your tone and he’d be so ashamed of himself…it’s not his fault you feel so good around him 😔
« I need it » Jiung is a simple man, you say you want him ? He’ll get hard. That’s all.
« You’re the only one that can fuck me this good » he’ll love the way those dirty words sounds coming from your mouth and the way you stroke his ego will make him want to destroy u
« You’re so good at it » once again the ego stroke, he’ll love to hear how good you think he is.
« I’ve been thinking about it all day » what do you mean you’ve been thinking about having his dick inside you all day ? You’ll make him go completely insane.
« Am I doing good ? » while sucking him off on your knees. He’ll find you a bit stupid for asking this considering the fact that his hard,throbbing dick is literally down your throat but he’ll still find it hot.
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« You’re so hard already, so cute » as I said he gets hard real fast. He’ll love how small the « so cute » would make him feel.
« Faster mh ? » while jerking him off. His eyes will roll back and he’ll just buck his hips while whimpering.
« You’re so pretty » it’s not really dirty talk but it still will make go feral. He just loves the praise so much.
« Fuck me good and I’ll let you cum on my tits » JIUNG IS A BOOB ENTHUSIAST and he just loves seeing yours glistening once he came on them😔 he’ll fuck your brains out in hope to finally be able to paint your tits with his cum
« You smell so good » yeah not really dirty talk but if you say that while kissing his neck, it’ll get him hard in seconds.
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makethemhoesmad · 20 days
OH HELL YES live react to the cursed ao3 p fic:
1. Young woman? Who wrote this, grandpa?
2. Is there another verb besides retrieve or that’s all they know?
3. Retrieve, swish, retrieve, swish - IM TIRED OF THIS GRANDPA 😭
4. A HEAD TALLER THAN HER is this mf 6’9” and he’s ONLY the equipment guy??
6. Save me why did i do this 😭😭😭
7. Her knee… that is fucked up from an ACL… she’s gonna sink to it… on the hard fucking court… sure bud
8. So far of all the un-Paige like things she’s said the “oh yeah” at the manhood got me the most like 😭
10. “slurping whorishly” write this on my tombstone pls
11. Why are the sentences repeating? I feel like I’m reading the same exact paragraph over and over? Like fr
12. UNDER it? She nestles her face WHERE? Straight ppl r u all ok?
13. On the mf court gtfo pack it up and go home
15. Not the “ah, ah’s” 😭
16. This dude hasn’t but P certainly has
17. I’m sorry, is she the point guard for the UConn Huskies? He hasn’t mentioned that before so I’m not sure…
18. Not the r-word, yall idk if i can finish this im struggling 😭
19. “Never had a guy do that before” no shit
20. What does it mean to roll one’s head back and forth?
21. How… how did the balls… get there? Do the straights not know how their own sex works?
22. LIKE REINS?! Jail. Immediately jail what the fuck
23. Not twat pls I’m tired 😭
24. Wait, that was actually good alliteration tho ngl
25. NOPE NOPE NOPE l*ve h*le
26. I died, dead i cannot
You ever read something so awful it makes you feel a million times better about yourself? That’s what this was. I- am at a loss
istg this was written by a virgin straighty
the moaning had me kmsing
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jeonginsdiary · 2 years
can you write lee!TxT Headcanons 👀? Have a good day <3
(Also, that stray kids fic was amazing and I am impatiently waiting for the next one!! Keep up the great work 💙)
Omg I love TxT ofc!
Tysm i’m glad you liked the fic!
The second one is published I hope you enjoyed it!
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• incredibly ticklish
• can’t handle rib tickles😔
• gets gang tickled by members sometimes
• extremely flustered with teases
• literally has the cutest laugh ever
• occasionally snorts when members tickle his knees
• feather ticklish omg
• screams when members drill into his hips😭
• tries to beg his way out of it but mostly fails
• members are always blowing into his ears for fun causing him to collapse to the floor ahh
• very flustered whenever he gets compliments while being tickled
• always getting random pokes to his sides when he’s not even doing anything
• hates when members pin him down cause then he can’t get away
• Worst spot would be his highest ribs
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• screams when being tickled
• according to videos he’s good at blocking the feeling out but at first he keeps squirming😭
• very ticklish hips
• acts all cocky until the members attack him
• has ticklish collarbones omgg
• always gets random jabs to his side during dance practice
• will literally die when members give his stomach raspberries
• contagious and adorable laughter
• literally has the cutest smile istg-
• screams when the members drill into his armpits
• blushes so much ahh
• always gets teased by members when his ears turn red
• silent laughter whenever his ribs are counted
• more sensitive when it comes to rougher tickles
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• literally so ticklish
• high pitched laughter when tickled
• worst spot is his tummy omg
• goes insane when gang tickled
• tries begging his members but no one can ever hear what he’s saying cause he’s laughing too much😭
• more sensitive to lighter tickles
• feathers on his tummy = death
• has a cute laugh too
• snorts a lot ahh
• ticklish feet literally he can never rest his feet on a members legs without them tickling it
• bubbly laughter when his sides and ribs are tickled
• “nohohoho dohohont!”
• literally horrible at keeping his laugh in
• immediately breaks with even a few pokes
• can scream loudly when it comes to his bad spots
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• not the most sensitive in txt but still pretty ticklish
• especially if you get his armpits
• always getting tickled by his hyungs
• worst spot would probably be either armpits or feet ;-;
• more sensitive to feather tickles especially when members use the hard end of it
• members love seeing him laugh that’s why they love to tickle him
• will scream if members give his neck raspberries
• fun laughter when tickled
• “wahahait hyuhuhung!”
• small giggles when members feather around his ears
• tries to get revenge if members tickle him but most of the time is resorts to him getting attacked again
• tries running away when he feels his members are about to attack him
• he has ticklish knees ❤️
• he’s good at suppressing his laughter but not for that long
• he can’t keep a straight face while being tickled
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Huening Kai
• 100% the most ticklish member of txt
• worst spot would definitely be his thighs
• members gang tickle him all the time since he’s the maknae
• he always gets teased for how ticklish he is
• members know what to do to get him to scream
• he’s basically ticklish everywhere
• he can suppress it at times but mostly he just breaks straight away
• he’s always being tickled for no reason 😶
• thigh squeezes can kill him
• he lets out his dolphin scream when it becomes too much
• he has loud and hysterical laughter
• more sensitive to rough tickles
• members are always poking his stomach any chance they get
• so cute when he gets tickled oh my god
That was fun to write and thanks for being my first request :)
Stay healthy!
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