#I see both Ikuko and Kenji being quite young
alevolpe · 20 days
Since I ranked the senshi as parents the other day, I figured I'd rank their parents as well.
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In case you need a guide:
Kino family (Mako's parents) (deceased)
Ikuko Tsukino (Usagi's mother)
Kenji Tsukino (Usagi's father)
Risa Hino (Rei's mother) (deceased)
Saeko Mizuno (Ami's mother) (divorced)
Mr. Aino (Minako's father)
Mrs. Aino (Minako's mother)
Mr. Mizuno (Ami's father) (divorced)
Souichi Tomoe (Hotaru's father) (complicated)
Takashi Hino (Rei's father)
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