#I still have his Christmas present because we haven’t gotten to see eachother since
tiredsadpeach · 1 year
Losing my fp is gonna fucking hurt but I just idk I can’t find a way this is gonna end well so I’m coming to terms with it
#it’s was a fine 4 years#the last year was already hard as fuck lmao#funny we got into a fight exactly a year ago too over him saying if you’re too sensitive don’t be on social media#I still have his Christmas present because we haven’t gotten to see eachother since#October I think is when we last met in person#just a week ago he was offering to hang out because of all the shit my mom said to me#I also have the other friend that’s involved in all of this’s Christmas gift#I was gonna mail it to him#oh well I guess#I just idk I’m so hurt#but this feels like what I’d been worried would happen ever since their obsession with each other got worse and worse#like I get it bpd does that you get obsessed believe me I know but y’all have been feeding into it with these ‘jokes’ lately and well#all the times y’all have said to each other you don’t need friend you only need me as a haha joke is gonna become true if y’all don’t get#some help and soon and like I think one of their psychiatrists said that their relationship was unhealthy and also one sided once#which unhealthy YES one sided?? nah not at all#but they both were like baffled and just didn’t believe the unhealthy part#I commented on it only saying how was it one sided because I knew if I agreed with the unhealthy part they’d both hate me lol#because believe it or not mutual obsession is not healthy lmao idc how romanticized it’s been getting it will never be healthy#I have a bf now and I strive to never be like that to him because i don’t want us to become mutually obsessed like that I don’t want us to#isolate ourselves for eachother whether knowingly or unknowingly just today he apologized because he’s been busy and I always let him know#it’s perfectly okay if he just never has time to message me one day because I know that’s healthy even if my brain is screaming#like yeah I still have intrusive thoughts I get jealous of his friends like way too jealous and I want him all to myself but I stop myself#from acting on any of those thoughts because I know it leads to a controlling abusive realtionship and I don’t want to be that he doesn’t#deserve that so it is so fucking confusing when they ‘joke’ and tell the other to delete a photo or tweet and then the other actually does#idk how they can’t see that that’s fucked#okay sorry lol but hey if y’all read the tags on the I’m so lost post and know what I did wrong please tell me because no one else will!
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sarkyfancypants · 6 years
Some thoughts that come up with every new OW update in regards of the fanbase’s reactions. Under cut cus it’s a lil bit long.
What people don’t take in consideration when it comes to expecting “representation” in Overwatch is that they can’t be pandering around just one side of the fanbase the whole time. They have a huge audience to attend to. A lot of work to do.
Do they want a well written character? Or a moneymaking bad caricature of what they were supposedly asking for? The people at Blizzard already trying (emphasis on “trying”) their best to do something about it yet there’s these lots of entitled people acting like they have authority over the game to order the people at Blizzard what they should or shouldn’t do.
Besides while you're playing, you don’t have time to watch your character or the characters around because everyone is too busy shooting eachother. Tracer being gay does not affect her playability. Doomfist being black doesn’t give him extra points in the game. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are things people keep treating as collectibles. We’re not puppies in a kennel. 
People should let them come instead of pressuring the people working in the game. I see the people behind the art, designs, voices, excitedly sharing what they worked so hard on, just to have angry fans throwing stones so harshly at them because it wasn’t what they expected.
AND YET even when people at Blizzard make an attempt to bring representation, there’s those that spring out to say how racist or how bad it is! 
Have The Chinese New Year events as an example. People said Zenyatta’s skin was racist since people didn’t know he was actually representing a character in the popular Chinese novel Journey to the West. THEN they said McCree’s skin was also racist although it is a real military uniform from the Joseon Dynasty. Of course at first glance one wouldn’t know, but with a bit of research you learn something new. The people at Blizzard do their research better than anyone around here.
Still, everyone is setting the bar way too high up for Blizzard, yet people who had already been customers from the beginning have knowledge and experience that their lore planning and writing isn’t all that good, with things that don’t make sense or plot holes, idk but from what I’ve heard, it’s not the worst, but not the greatest either. 
And a plus, people don’t know how to give feedback without sounding like Dudley Dursley screaming at his parents that they got the wrong number of  Christmas presents as he demanded.
Everyone was super thrilled when we had four new poc heroes in a row, three of which are female, and yet another female character. But then the hamster showed up and all of a sudden it’s all Jeff’s fault that we’re underrepresented. What the hell, man.
Blizzard is not a perfect company, and I admit they got their mess ups (like them using pictures of Italy as reference to create the Mexican city of Dorado, I still haven’t gotten over that lmao). But at least they’re trying, I’ll give them that.
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reminder-to-breathe · 6 years
6/18/18 10:32 pm
I needed to write this for myself and nobody else.
I read an article about how to get over an ex and it said you need to remember all the things their new partner gets to deal with now instead of you. So here’s a list of things that I’m never going to miss about you when I was your girlfriend.
1. The way you never wanted to give up drugs or alcohol for me.
2. The way you made me feel so special but yet still told me you had a habit of attracting the “crazies”
3. The way you made me pay for dates because you weren’t working
4. The way I wasn’t ever allowed at your house.
5. The way I was so scared of your mom disapproving of me, and when she met me - she hated me.
6. When your mom yelled at me in the parking lot and you didn’t defend me.
7. You accusing me of cheating on you when I told you I was pregnant
8. When you told me that you’d never forgive me if I had an abortion and you’d tell everyone what I had done.
9. The fact that I had to pay for raves/concerts and vacations and you never paid me back or even offered to.
10. When you told me you bought me a birthday present and it just “never came in the mail”
11. I took a college class for you so you’d make an “A” and you had the nerve to tell me that you didn’t even ask me to do that for you.
12. I had to threaten that our child would have my last name if you didn’t get a job - and you didn’t until the week she was born.
13. You didn’t tell me where you ever went... and one night you went out and totaled your truck and almost killed yourself and your friend.
14. I always had to ask what you were doing and who you were with - you NEVER volunteered information.
15. If I asked you to talk out a problem with me - you “didn’t want to argue” or “we’ll discuss this later” but there would never be a later.
16. You felt threatened by my family and didn’t even try to get close to them.
17. You insulted my mom and told her that her losing her vision was “karma” for her being rude to you.
18. You pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot yourself in front of me
19. You threw my phone against the wall and shattered it because you had suspicions I was talking to an ex-boyfriend.
20. You dropped me on the side of the road with no phone and all of my luggage.
21. You NEVER said sorry or felt guilty for all of it.
22. You were never going to come back to me and you said I was “stalking” you when I tried so hard to see you on the first day of class.
23. You told me if you hadn’t gotten me pregnant - we’d “probably” still be friends.... but not a couple.
24. The night you were drunk at a friends wedding and we listened to a baby cry (I was pregnant) and you were mad at me and you told me that you hoped I could do this on my own.
25. The way we couldn’t ever go out to eat without you getting sick from eating gluten.
26. You’d always eat gluten anyways and be sick and make us both suffer and not enjoy anything.
27. You never wanted to have sex.
28. You never made me feel beautiful - I felt like I had to force myself on you for any physical affection.
29. You’d never sext me back, you would just say I looked so sexy or that you missed my body - never go further than that.
30. You stopped going to my pregnancy check ups after my mom became involved.
31. You sued me for a paternity test the day after Christmas and didn’t even tell me you had done it.
32. You never helped me with our child past 6 months.
33. You made me come home from work early because you couldn’t take care of her the one night I asked you to babysit.
34. You never pay child support on time and you always complain when you have to do it.
35. You lied to my face and told me that you only recently started dating her but when you posted it on Facebook - you have been together since October.
36. You push me off you if I try to hug you for longer than 5 seconds because I just want to feel close to you again.
37. You stopped wanting to sleepover. When I asked you to sleepover it was always “next time.”
38. You told your whole family I was keeping our daughter from you when I wasn’t.
39. Always wanting me to meet your friends and hang around people I didn’t know
40. You always got mad at me for not introducing you to people.
41. You never wanted to open up to me and talk about anything personal
42. You always were so self conscious and didn’t let me look at you.
43. You cut your hair.......
44. You took out your snakebites and tried to look like more of an adult after our child was born but you didn’t try to actually change yourself and grow up.
45. I bought your sisters kid’s Easter presents and we ended up having a fight so they were never given.
46. We were only happy when we were high together
47. You never really liked my friends
48. You’re allergic to cats
49. You have no motivation to go to college and get an actual career.
50. After we broke up, you ignored message after message of me trying to get you to see your daughter.
51. My first Mother’s Day all you sent me was a “gif” saying happy Mother’s Day, you couldn’t even be bothered to type it out or have a conversation with me?
52. You missed our daughters first birthday party to work. Even though I begged you to take off and be there for it.
53. Anytime I tried to invite your family to things - you told me no even though you admitted later that you had just never asked them.
54. You showed your best friend my nudes.
55. As soon as we broke up, you smoked meth again.
56. Your dad was an alcoholic and you always wanted to follow his footsteps.
57. You never thought you’d live past 30 so you felt like life was pointless.
58. You hung out and prioritized friends more than you did me.
59. You don’t go to any baby appointments anymore or even pretend like you care how she’s doing.
60. You made an excuse and said the reason you couldn’t see our daughter was because of my feelings for you.
61. You made me feel like a horrible person for being in love with you.
62. You got me a pair of socks for Christmas and nothing else.
63. You brag about being “sober for a year” constantly but I know you haven’t been.
64. As soon as you get off probation - you’re going back to doing drugs.
65. Always saying you hate your job but never leaving it and bragging that you work the hardest.
66. We worked in the same building and you never came and saw me, not even once.
67. If I texted you something silly, you just called me weird.
68. I couldn’t tell you about all the things I felt.
69. I wanted you to propose some day and you never even mentioned it or thought about it.
70. You told me you’d follow me to the ends of the earth but you left as soon as things got hard.
71. You couldn’t look me in the eyes in the court room because you knew you had betrayed me.
72. We never wanted to watch the same shows or movies
73. You never wanted to take photos together.
74. You wrote me off as “crazy” rather than trying to fix anything.
75. You never pushed me or motivated me to do anything that was important to me.
76. You texted my parents and demanded to see our child when I was in Galveston because you didn’t want to talk to me (my parents didn’t birth her, I did!)
77. You always complained that 25 minutes was a long drive to come see me.
78. You didn’t like to drive at night so if I really needed you - you weren’t there.
79. You were never there.
80. You stopped telling me I was beautiful.
81. You always said “good morning sunshine” until the day you didn’t love me anymore.
82. You told me you weren’t ever going to date again - but you just meant you weren’t ever going to date me again.
83. You don’t give people second chances
84. You say you cut people out of your life but you still talk to them and still hang out with them (??? Seriously???)
85. You overdosed and blamed it on me stressing you out.
86. Everything always became a fight or an argument that we couldn’t solve
87. Your hard headedness
88. You think I sold our dog to “spite” you but it was really because I couldn’t handle him.
89. You totaled two trucks within a year apart of eachother
90. You’re on probation until August because of a DWI offense.
91. You never wanted to see a doctor to try to get better with your gluten allergy.
92. You always relayed information wrong to your family and made them upset with something I didn’t even say.
93. You dropped out of college because you didn’t feel like taking a remedial math course
94. You were homeschooled and never got to learn how to socialize with people.
95. You’re 26 1/2 and still living with your mom.
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